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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH & GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Ijuri . crieon . si on . tlie Ground U'loor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The Cir'H Boom will seat 150 i > e > 'H «> ii » . REID'S TREBLE STOUT . WORTHIHCTON'S ALES , BERLIN TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED TORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY . Bro . P . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , and the Crystal Palace .
SAWYER'S ( late Station ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . BRO . F . J . SAWYER -. ( Late of Pimm ' s , Poultry , and of the Crystal Palace ) bexs to inform his friends and members of the Craft in general , that ho has purchased tho above business , and trusts , by strict attention and by supplying articles of tho best quality only , nt a reasonable figure , to merit a continuance of their past favours .
litopl Satiric $ irstituiimr for (Sirfa , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of this Institution held at Freemasons' Tavern , Groat Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , W . C . on Saturday , 12 th of April 1879 , COL . J . CREATON , TREASURER AND TRUSTEE IN THE CHAIR . After the General Business was disposed of , tho Governors and Subscribers proceeded to tho Election , by Ballot , of Eighteen Girls into the Institution , from a list of 1 ( 5 approved Candidates , when the following wore declared duly Elected : — No . on No . on No . on No . on List Poll List Poll 22 Laybourne , Rosamond E . A . 1 1559 2 Garnctt , Edith Mary ... 10 1181 23 Jones , Florence May 2 HID 31 Wadham , Ellen Amy ... 11 11-19 18 Palmer , Florence KM . 3 1378 5 Mitton , Blanche Adelaide 12 1112 15 Busher , Helen Mary 4 1310 10 Cook , Ada Mary ... 13 1058 7 Peele , KnUicrinc Annio 5 1288 31 Duckett , Florence Lizzie H 1055 27 Hide , Catherine Franco- * R 1256 9 Senior , Ellen ... 15 105-1 13 Veal , Thursa Aim ... 7 1218 37 Good , Ellen Marv ... lfi OKI 1-1 Mott , Marv Eliza ... 8 1211 8 Hebblethwaile , Kate ... 17 916 20 Harboiil , Klixabetli Alice 9 1210 11 Clark , Ileatrice Mary ... 18 899 The votes recorded for unsuccessful candidate ! will bo carried forward to thoir credit at the next Election , if eligible , Lisis showing the votes polled for Successful anil unsuccessful candidates may be obtained at tho Office . V . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . 6 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
$ flpl Ifi & i-urmc liTstitetimt for $ tog 8 , Wood Green , London , N . Office : 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . G . PATRON—HER MAJESTY THE Q UEEN . PRESIDENT : —H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF "WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s- ! inn-fields , London , on Monday , the llth day of April 1879 , V . W . Bro . Lt .-Col . : J . Creaton ( G . Treas . ) V . Patron and Trustee in tho Chair . A Ballot tools place '• for tbo election of sisteen Boys from an approved list o £ Sixty-eight Candidates j when the following were declared to be duly elected . — j 1 Thom , William Richard ... 1592 9 Waud , Fk . Sydney ... 1139 \ 8 Chandler , Arthur J . ... 1572 10 Nicholls , Richard H . ... 1431 ' 3 King * H . II . ... ... 1515 11 Sissons , Ernest William ... 1 U 9 i Ward , James ... ... 1529 12 Allison , Tom ... ... 111 ! 6 Landless , Jno . G .... ... 1528 13 Salter , Arthur ... ... 1-103 6 Walker , James Alexander ... 1501 11 Southam , George William 13 S 7 7 Warner , Richard Jno . ... 15 (« 15 Green , James Baker ... 1326 8 Keighley , George N . Crozier 1193 16 Gibbs , John 1290 Lists , with full particulars , of tho successful and unsuccessful candidates may be had on application to the Secretary at the Office . FREDERICK BINCKES , ( V . P ., P . G . Std . ) Secretary . London , llth April 1879 .
THE 81 st ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will be hold on Wedncsdny , 25 th June 1870 . Brethren willing to rcpt cscnt Provinces or Lodges ns Stewards are earnestly requested to forward their names . Support is urgently needed and will bo most gratefully acknowledged .
Freo by Tost for 12 Stamps . AFTER THE TURTLE . —Thirty-one Years' Ministerial Policy , ns set forth at Loun MAYOR ' S DAY BAXIJUBTS , from ISIS to 1878 . Collected by RICHAKD SEI ' B , F . S . S . London : W . W . MOBCAJT , 07 Barbican , E . G .
BOYAL POLYTECHNIC . — THE FAIRY DKI . L . THE KLECl'IUf LIGHT . GAS , what it , does and can do . THE ST . ' .- 'AM ENGINE , Ac THE ZULU WAR . VOYAGES IN TUE AM , nnd THK WONDERS OF MODERN SCIENCE . THK ZOOCKPHAWO TROUl'l * of Liviri " Marionettes .. STOKI'JS ON MEMORY . LEOTARD the Automaton , and the AUTOMATIC HEAD . Diver , Diving Bells , 4 c—Admission , Is ; Open at 12 and 7 . Carriages at 5 and 10 .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QTTEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment for ^ CA . S 03 sTI 0 B-A . 3 S"Q , "U-: E ! TS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Kstablishmentiu nil its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonio Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISINE OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER , WINES I » JBR * P \ E € T IX CONDITION ASIt QUALITY . M . B-DIMMERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINS , SMOKING & BETIBING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS . THE RIGHT HON . LORD SKELMERSDALE , M . W . G . M . M . M . ANNUAL FESTIVAL IU AID OP THB MARK GRAND LODGE BENEVOLENT FUND , WEDNESDAY , 2 nd JULY 1879 , ALKXANDKA PALACE , MUSWBLL HILL . W . BROTHER LORD ARTHUR HILL , P . M . 161 , P . G . S . W . SUSSEX , IK TUB CHAIR . Morning Dress . Full Mark Clothing . Tickets—Ladies 15 s , Gentlemen 21 s , inclusive of Wine . The names of brethren who are willing to servo as Stewards at tho above Festival aro earnestly invited . GRAND LODRK OP MARK M » STF . R MASONS , Office—No . 2 Red Lion Square , Holborn , W . C .
UNDER STATE'S GUARANTEE , And within a few months , a sum amounting to MARK 8 , 205 , 600 CASH ( £ 110 , 000 ) WILL BE DRAWN OUT AT HAMBURG . In the most favourable case the largest bonus will bo MARK 400 , 000 ( £ 20 , 000 ); Also smaller ones as hereunder : — Mark 250 , 000 = 250 , 000 ** ,, 150 , 000 = 150 , 000 „ 1 ' 0 , 000 = 100 , 000 The prospectus is-„ 60 , 000 =. 60 , 000 sued by tho Govorn-„ 50 , 000 = 50 , 001 ) ment for this impor-2 of „ 10 , ( ) 0 = 80 , 000 j- taut Cash Drawing 2 of „ 30 , 000 = 60 , 000 will be sent free m 5 of „ 25 , 000 = 125 , 000 application to tho 2 of „ 20 , 000 = -10 , 000 undersigned . 12 of „ 15 , 000 = 180 , 000 21 of „ 10 , 000 = 210 , 000 J 31 of 5 , 000 , 71 of 3 , 000 , 217 of 2 , 000 Marks , & c . The cost , as fixed by tho State , is for a complete ticket 6 s , In order to facilitate every one , the participation to this extensive Cash . Drawing , tho State issued also half tickets for 3 s each . All orders directed to tho undersigned Banking House , and enclosing the amount in P . O . O ., Chorine Bank cheques or bank notes will bo promptly and carefully attended to daily up to tho 6 th May nest . Stamps may be sent in payment for small amounts under ono pound . Original State Tickets only and Prospectus in English are supplied by tho under , signed , also the official lists and the amount of the gains directly after tho drawing . Tho drawings will take place publicly , under Government's control . Applications please direct to Mr . DAVID KAUFMANN , Banker . Central Offices , Welckorstrassc 6 , Hamburg ( Germany ) .
Fourth Revised Edition , 12 mo , 5 s . THE BOOK OF THE LODGE , By Rev . GEO . OLIVER , D . D . Most useful to new-made Masons and to Officers . 'irijeirDED AS A GUIDE TO ALL THE CEREMONIES , WITH RITUALS OF INSTALLATIONS , FUNERALS , WORKINGS , 4 c , 4 c .
Also , price 10 s , THE FOUR OLD LODGES . By Bro . ROBEM FREKE GOULD , Barrister-at-Law . London : SSESCKB & Co ., 23 \ Great Queen Street , W . C .
NOTICE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren who desire to complete their sets of the Fi : ECMASON ' CHUOXICLK , should make early application for Back iN umbers . At present all are in print , but of some we have only a few copies left . Oases for binding the several volumes can he had at the Office , 07 Barbican .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH & GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Ijuri . crieon . si on . tlie Ground U'loor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The Cir'H Boom will seat 150 i > e > 'H «> ii » . REID'S TREBLE STOUT . WORTHIHCTON'S ALES , BERLIN TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED TORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY . Bro . P . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , and the Crystal Palace .
SAWYER'S ( late Station ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . BRO . F . J . SAWYER -. ( Late of Pimm ' s , Poultry , and of the Crystal Palace ) bexs to inform his friends and members of the Craft in general , that ho has purchased tho above business , and trusts , by strict attention and by supplying articles of tho best quality only , nt a reasonable figure , to merit a continuance of their past favours .
litopl Satiric $ irstituiimr for (Sirfa , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of this Institution held at Freemasons' Tavern , Groat Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , W . C . on Saturday , 12 th of April 1879 , COL . J . CREATON , TREASURER AND TRUSTEE IN THE CHAIR . After the General Business was disposed of , tho Governors and Subscribers proceeded to tho Election , by Ballot , of Eighteen Girls into the Institution , from a list of 1 ( 5 approved Candidates , when the following wore declared duly Elected : — No . on No . on No . on No . on List Poll List Poll 22 Laybourne , Rosamond E . A . 1 1559 2 Garnctt , Edith Mary ... 10 1181 23 Jones , Florence May 2 HID 31 Wadham , Ellen Amy ... 11 11-19 18 Palmer , Florence KM . 3 1378 5 Mitton , Blanche Adelaide 12 1112 15 Busher , Helen Mary 4 1310 10 Cook , Ada Mary ... 13 1058 7 Peele , KnUicrinc Annio 5 1288 31 Duckett , Florence Lizzie H 1055 27 Hide , Catherine Franco- * R 1256 9 Senior , Ellen ... 15 105-1 13 Veal , Thursa Aim ... 7 1218 37 Good , Ellen Marv ... lfi OKI 1-1 Mott , Marv Eliza ... 8 1211 8 Hebblethwaile , Kate ... 17 916 20 Harboiil , Klixabetli Alice 9 1210 11 Clark , Ileatrice Mary ... 18 899 The votes recorded for unsuccessful candidate ! will bo carried forward to thoir credit at the next Election , if eligible , Lisis showing the votes polled for Successful anil unsuccessful candidates may be obtained at tho Office . V . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . 6 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
$ flpl Ifi & i-urmc liTstitetimt for $ tog 8 , Wood Green , London , N . Office : 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . G . PATRON—HER MAJESTY THE Q UEEN . PRESIDENT : —H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF "WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s- ! inn-fields , London , on Monday , the llth day of April 1879 , V . W . Bro . Lt .-Col . : J . Creaton ( G . Treas . ) V . Patron and Trustee in tho Chair . A Ballot tools place '• for tbo election of sisteen Boys from an approved list o £ Sixty-eight Candidates j when the following were declared to be duly elected . — j 1 Thom , William Richard ... 1592 9 Waud , Fk . Sydney ... 1139 \ 8 Chandler , Arthur J . ... 1572 10 Nicholls , Richard H . ... 1431 ' 3 King * H . II . ... ... 1515 11 Sissons , Ernest William ... 1 U 9 i Ward , James ... ... 1529 12 Allison , Tom ... ... 111 ! 6 Landless , Jno . G .... ... 1528 13 Salter , Arthur ... ... 1-103 6 Walker , James Alexander ... 1501 11 Southam , George William 13 S 7 7 Warner , Richard Jno . ... 15 (« 15 Green , James Baker ... 1326 8 Keighley , George N . Crozier 1193 16 Gibbs , John 1290 Lists , with full particulars , of tho successful and unsuccessful candidates may be had on application to the Secretary at the Office . FREDERICK BINCKES , ( V . P ., P . G . Std . ) Secretary . London , llth April 1879 .
THE 81 st ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will be hold on Wedncsdny , 25 th June 1870 . Brethren willing to rcpt cscnt Provinces or Lodges ns Stewards are earnestly requested to forward their names . Support is urgently needed and will bo most gratefully acknowledged .
Freo by Tost for 12 Stamps . AFTER THE TURTLE . —Thirty-one Years' Ministerial Policy , ns set forth at Loun MAYOR ' S DAY BAXIJUBTS , from ISIS to 1878 . Collected by RICHAKD SEI ' B , F . S . S . London : W . W . MOBCAJT , 07 Barbican , E . G .
BOYAL POLYTECHNIC . — THE FAIRY DKI . L . THE KLECl'IUf LIGHT . GAS , what it , does and can do . THE ST . ' .- 'AM ENGINE , Ac THE ZULU WAR . VOYAGES IN TUE AM , nnd THK WONDERS OF MODERN SCIENCE . THK ZOOCKPHAWO TROUl'l * of Liviri " Marionettes .. STOKI'JS ON MEMORY . LEOTARD the Automaton , and the AUTOMATIC HEAD . Diver , Diving Bells , 4 c—Admission , Is ; Open at 12 and 7 . Carriages at 5 and 10 .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QTTEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment for ^ CA . S 03 sTI 0 B-A . 3 S"Q , "U-: E ! TS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Kstablishmentiu nil its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonio Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISINE OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER , WINES I » JBR * P \ E € T IX CONDITION ASIt QUALITY . M . B-DIMMERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINS , SMOKING & BETIBING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS . THE RIGHT HON . LORD SKELMERSDALE , M . W . G . M . M . M . ANNUAL FESTIVAL IU AID OP THB MARK GRAND LODGE BENEVOLENT FUND , WEDNESDAY , 2 nd JULY 1879 , ALKXANDKA PALACE , MUSWBLL HILL . W . BROTHER LORD ARTHUR HILL , P . M . 161 , P . G . S . W . SUSSEX , IK TUB CHAIR . Morning Dress . Full Mark Clothing . Tickets—Ladies 15 s , Gentlemen 21 s , inclusive of Wine . The names of brethren who are willing to servo as Stewards at tho above Festival aro earnestly invited . GRAND LODRK OP MARK M » STF . R MASONS , Office—No . 2 Red Lion Square , Holborn , W . C .
UNDER STATE'S GUARANTEE , And within a few months , a sum amounting to MARK 8 , 205 , 600 CASH ( £ 110 , 000 ) WILL BE DRAWN OUT AT HAMBURG . In the most favourable case the largest bonus will bo MARK 400 , 000 ( £ 20 , 000 ); Also smaller ones as hereunder : — Mark 250 , 000 = 250 , 000 ** ,, 150 , 000 = 150 , 000 „ 1 ' 0 , 000 = 100 , 000 The prospectus is-„ 60 , 000 =. 60 , 000 sued by tho Govorn-„ 50 , 000 = 50 , 001 ) ment for this impor-2 of „ 10 , ( ) 0 = 80 , 000 j- taut Cash Drawing 2 of „ 30 , 000 = 60 , 000 will be sent free m 5 of „ 25 , 000 = 125 , 000 application to tho 2 of „ 20 , 000 = -10 , 000 undersigned . 12 of „ 15 , 000 = 180 , 000 21 of „ 10 , 000 = 210 , 000 J 31 of 5 , 000 , 71 of 3 , 000 , 217 of 2 , 000 Marks , & c . The cost , as fixed by tho State , is for a complete ticket 6 s , In order to facilitate every one , the participation to this extensive Cash . Drawing , tho State issued also half tickets for 3 s each . All orders directed to tho undersigned Banking House , and enclosing the amount in P . O . O ., Chorine Bank cheques or bank notes will bo promptly and carefully attended to daily up to tho 6 th May nest . Stamps may be sent in payment for small amounts under ono pound . Original State Tickets only and Prospectus in English are supplied by tho under , signed , also the official lists and the amount of the gains directly after tho drawing . Tho drawings will take place publicly , under Government's control . Applications please direct to Mr . DAVID KAUFMANN , Banker . Central Offices , Welckorstrassc 6 , Hamburg ( Germany ) .
Fourth Revised Edition , 12 mo , 5 s . THE BOOK OF THE LODGE , By Rev . GEO . OLIVER , D . D . Most useful to new-made Masons and to Officers . 'irijeirDED AS A GUIDE TO ALL THE CEREMONIES , WITH RITUALS OF INSTALLATIONS , FUNERALS , WORKINGS , 4 c , 4 c .
Also , price 10 s , THE FOUR OLD LODGES . By Bro . ROBEM FREKE GOULD , Barrister-at-Law . London : SSESCKB & Co ., 23 \ Great Queen Street , W . C .
NOTICE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren who desire to complete their sets of the Fi : ECMASON ' CHUOXICLK , should make early application for Back iN umbers . At present all are in print , but of some we have only a few copies left . Oases for binding the several volumes can he had at the Office , 07 Barbican .