Article ST. JOHN OF WAPPING, No. 1306. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE FRIARS LODGE, No. 1349 Page 1 of 1 Article THE FRIARS LODGE, No. 1349 Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 4 →
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St. John Of Wapping, No. 1306.
the W . M . had placed him . He thanked him for the appointment , and promised his utmost support towards making tho year a prosperous ono . Bro . Magrath J . W . aaid he felt very big in his position . He would work hard , and hoped he would not be found wanting in his efforts to support the W . M . Bro . Hayward reviewed tho rise of the Locige , and alluded to tho opportunity now afforded the young
members to work np . He hoped tho Lodge would bo prosperous . Bro Wooding S . D . thanked tho W . M . for placing him in the position , which he would endeavour properly to fill . The other Officers having replied , the Tyler ' s toast soon brought the meeting to a close . The Lodgo may be congratulated upon having such pleasant quarters , and
especially a master of the house who not ably provides in first-rate style for the creatnre comforts , but is at all times willing to fulfil any duty the Lodge may require . The after dinner speeches were enlivened by some good singing by Bros . Pooro , Henly , Stephens , Beck , and a quaint duet by Bros . Henly and Mortlock . Bro . Coleman , as usual , lent hia valuable aid in accompanying , and added to tho
pleaaurea of the evening . The Visitors were—Bros . G . Kendall 141 , G , V . Henley 186 , E . Frost 511 , H . Harbert 901 , C . H . Stephens , and W . Hixon 1744 .
The Friars Lodge, No. 1349
THE Installation Meeting of this Lodge was held on the 16 th ult . at the "Cheshire Cheese" Tavern , Crntched Friars , E . C . Bro . T . Foxall W . M . opened tho Lodge at 4 p . m ., well supported by tho brethren . The minutea of the election meeting were read and confirmed , and the Lodge waa opened up . Bro . Friedeberg waa tested as to hia efficiency , and having acquitted himself satisfactorily he was entrusted . The W . M . next raised him to the degree of Master Mason ,
in a very impressive manner : the ceremony being rendered more effective by the excellent playing of Bro . Burr upon the harmonium . The report of tho Audit Committee was received and adopted , showing a fair balance in hand . Bro . W . Musto P . M ., proceeded to present Bro . John Shepherd W . M . elect to Bro . Foxall for the benefit of Installation . Having complied with the usual ceremony ho waa duly
obligated , and a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and he was inducted into the Chair of K . S . The brethren having saluted him according to rank , Bro . W . M . Shepherd proceeded to invest his Officers as follows : —Bros . H . R . Hallam S . W ., R . Dnrell J . W ., W . Muato P . M . Treasurer , W . Hogg P . G . Secretary , T . Foxall I . P . M ., A . Peterken S . D ., H . L . Godolphin J . D ., E . B . Burr I . G .,
J . Sponcer A . W . S ., Steedman Tyler . Bro . T . Foxall then delivered tho beautiful charges , which wore listened to with the utmost attention , eliciting a hearty response at the conclusion . Bro . VV . Musto acted as D . C . in his usually able manner , while Bro . VV . H . Myers P . M . and Bro . J . Wright P . M . P . G . respectively filled the S . and J . W . 's chairs . On the motion of Bro . Musto the
sum of five guineas was voted from the Lodge funds towards a suitable testimonial to Bro . Foxall in recognition of his able conduct in the chair for the past twelve months . Bro . Musto explained that as Bro . Foxall had already received a P . M . ' s jewel from the Lodge , it would be well to present him with a testimonial on vellum instead of tho usual jewel . Later in the evening tho brethren supplemented
handsomely the amount voted in Lodgo . There were present—P . M . a J . Calverley I . l' . fcl ., T . Foxall , J . Wright P . G . P ., W . H . Myers , VY . Musto Treasurer , W . Hogg Secretary ; alio Bros . J . Allison , A . Wright , E . B . Burr , J . Durell , . 1 . K . Revell , It . S . Sadd , E . Friedeberg , S . J . Shayer , H . Kingston , J . Quincey , D . Durell , J . Spencer , F . Ward , J . Wright , H . S . Wharton , Allcock , Steedman Tyler , < tc . Lodgo waa then closed , and the brethren sat down to banquet , Bro
J . Wright a catering again giving every one present satisiaction . Tho grace having been said , the W . Master gavo the usual Loyal aud Masonio toasts , which received a hearty response . In proposing the health of the Queen , he said no words of his would bo requisite to obtain a hearty response . Her Majesty had a place in all hearts , particularly in the hearts of Freemasons . Of the M . VV . G . M . the W . M . said those who witnessed the manner in which the Prince of
Wales performed hia dutiea in Graud Lodge must be struck with the perfect rendering , which it was a pleasure to witness . Of the G . O . present and past , the W . M . could not say much from actual experience ; but the excellent discharge of their respective duties had gained for the Grand Officers the warmest respect of the Craft . He called upon Bro . J . Wright P . G . P . to respond , who , in the name
of the Grand Officers , thanked them for their mark of appreciation . All , no doubt , were stimulated in their prominent positions by the marks of approval the brethren were pleased to bestow , nnd would strive to do all they could to promote the welfare of the Craft . The Visitors was next given , in reply to which Bro . Maples P . M . 13 G 4 responded , as did Bro . Stephens , thanking their brethren for the marks of
goodwill . Bro . Foxall I . P . M . having assumed tho gavel , gave the health of the Worshipful Master . Bro . Shepherd had not that day had any work to do j but wo know that when wo meet he is fully capable to render the ceremonies in a creditable manner . For some years he has been steadily building np a mass of knowledge , ancl we may confidently expect very good working at his hands . The
toast was most heartily received , and Bro . Shepherd , in thanking the brethren for this mark of esteem , said he fully appreciated tho good feeling of the members towards him . The VV . M . next gavo the P . M . ' s He had many times heard the toast proposed , but had not mastered its significance until that evening . Sitting as he did in the chair for the first time , he could testify to the great need of P . M . ' s and of the valuable services rendered by thom to tho Worshipful
Master in thechair . Brother T . Foxall Immediate Past Master was pleased to hear the value tho Worshipful Master placed on their services . They knew their value , and were always pleased tu do all to further tho interests of the Lodge that might be in thoit power . The Treasurer and Secretary were next toasted . The VV . M . said tho Secretary and Trca & urer have a great deal of wotk to do , aud what is more , they have pe form it to the satisfaction of tho Lod"e and with credit to themselves . Bro . W . Musto P . M . in reply for him-
The Friars Lodge, No. 1349
self and Bro . Secretary said he was exceedingly thankful for the manner the W . M . had proposed , aud the brethren had received , the toast . It was always a pleasure to serve the Lodge , and while he folt his labours were appreciated he would continue to seek the suffrages of the members . The W . M . next gave the Officers , of whom he said all would be found able to give a good account of themselves .
Bro . H . R . Hallam S . W . suitably responded ; ho aaid he was proud of tho honour of being one of the leaders of the Lodge . If the other Officers entered into their duties in Freemasonry as ho did , he waa sure the year would be a prosperous ono . The Visitors wero Bros . E . T . Worsley S . W . 860 , W . J . Smith S . D . 860 , A . Colver 933 , J . H .
Maples P . M . 1364 , G . II . Stephens , & c . Between the toasts and speeches , Bro . Burr favoured the brethren with many musical pieces , the Lodgo being fortunate in having a really good harmonium in its room . Bros . Durell , Friedeberg , Stephens , and others favoured the company with songs , and the evening waa most enjoyable throughout . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a close .
Pens , and especially those generally used at Lodge meetings , will splutter . Thus , in our report last week of the installnticn meeting of the Amherst Lodge the title waa inadvertently spelt Amhurst , and the initials of Bro . Banks , the newly-installed W . M ., shcnld havo beeu "W . C . " instead of " 0 . "
Royal Arch.
The Frederick Chapter of Unity , No . 452 . —A Convocation of the above was held at tho Greyhound Tavern , Croydon , on Tuesday , 8 th April . Present : Comps . Frances P . G . D . C P . Z ., Ohren P . Z . S . E ., J . W . Sugg H . P . G . S . B ., C . H . Edmonds J ., Evans P . Z ., Pawley N ., and Comps . Dickenson , Mount , Manning . The business of the evening was to exalt Bro . Steele , Keusington Lxlgo , and to
elect Officers . In tho absence of Comp . W . Sug ^ the M . E . Z ., tho chair was taken by Comp . Frances , and the ceremony of this exalted degree was impressively rendered , ho being well supported in the work by Comps . J . W . Sugg aud C H . Edmonds as H . and J . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the election of Officers for the ensuing year took place . The Comps . expressed great regret that owing to
illness Comp . Robins , who bid hold tho post of Treasurer for many years , would not offer himself for re-olectioa . On ballots being severally taken , tho following were declared elected : —Comps . J . W . Sugg M . E . Z ., C . H . Edmonds H ., Pawley J ., Evans Treasurer , Magnus Ohren S . E ., Mount N ., Jeffreys O . S . The Comps . then adjourned to banquet , where , after the toasts of
the Queen , the G . Z ., ancl Officers had received due honour , the M . E . Z . gave the toast of the Grand Superintendent of tho Province , General Brownrigg , with the Provincial Graud Officers , eulogising tho fair and impartial manner in which tho duties of tho Prov . G . M . and G . S . were carried out , especially with regard to tin ap ;> lintmant of his Officers . Comp . Sugg , as P . G . S . B ., replied on I' -iaif of tho I' . G
Officers in au excellent speech . In giving the health of th . 3 newly , exalted Comp . Steele , the M . E . Z . took occasion to remark ou tho sad circumstance that since Bro . Steele had been proposed for exaltation , his proposer , Comp . Masterman P . Z . of the Chapter , had died , aud ho ( Comp . Francos ) aa an old friend , took the opportunity of paying a tribute of respect to the memory of a moat worthy
Mason , ancl much respected member of the Chapter . Comp . Ohren , in replying to tho toast of the S . E ., remarked that the M . E . Z . had praised him for the admirable and business-like manner in which the duties of his office wero performed , and he knew the M . E . Z . would not make tho remark unless he felt it was a truth . He also quite
agreed with the comments that had been made on the G . S ., as he knew General Brownrigg took every paius to ascertain , by personal knowledge , or reliable information , that tho Provincial honours he bestowed found worthy recipients . Other toasts were duly honoured , and the Janitor ' s brought to an end a most agreeable evening .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —The usual Convocation was held on Tuesday evening , 16 th April , at the Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michael ' s-aliey , Cornhill . Comp . Frederick Brown presided as M . E . Z ., John Wyer H ., H . Thompson J ., Thomas W . White S . E ., Thomas Cull P . S ., R . A . Bianchi S . N ., and others . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Thomas Charles
Edwards candidate . All who have witnessed the working of Comp . Brown need not bo told that the ceremony was ably and accurately performed . Comp . Brown was well sustained by his Principals ; nor should a word of commendation be withheld from Comp . Cull , who ably carried out the duties of P . S . —a duty he haa to perform in his mother Chapter . If Comp . Cull goes on as he haa begun , there can be no doubt that when he arrives at the summit of this
supreme degree he will acquit himself with great credit , and reflect honour on the Chapter to which he belongs . Comp . Wyer , the acting U . of tho evening , also showed his proficiency in working . Ho occupies a similar position in the Beadon Chapter , to which ho is attached , and wheu the timo comes that ho will be still further advanced , there is little fear but that the prestige of this Chapter will ho fully maintained . At the conclusion of tho ceremony , Comp .
Ldwards was elected a member of this Chapter of Improvement , and in a fow well chosen words returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . The election of Officers for tho next fortnight was then taken , and resulted as follows : —Comps . Wyer M . E . Z ., White H ., Lee J ., Bianchi S . N , and Catterson P . S . In addition to the above , there were present Comps . G . L . Walter and Thomas Maasa . The Chapter was closed in due form , and the Comps , adjourned .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St. John Of Wapping, No. 1306.
the W . M . had placed him . He thanked him for the appointment , and promised his utmost support towards making tho year a prosperous ono . Bro . Magrath J . W . aaid he felt very big in his position . He would work hard , and hoped he would not be found wanting in his efforts to support the W . M . Bro . Hayward reviewed tho rise of the Locige , and alluded to tho opportunity now afforded the young
members to work np . He hoped tho Lodge would bo prosperous . Bro Wooding S . D . thanked tho W . M . for placing him in the position , which he would endeavour properly to fill . The other Officers having replied , the Tyler ' s toast soon brought the meeting to a close . The Lodgo may be congratulated upon having such pleasant quarters , and
especially a master of the house who not ably provides in first-rate style for the creatnre comforts , but is at all times willing to fulfil any duty the Lodge may require . The after dinner speeches were enlivened by some good singing by Bros . Pooro , Henly , Stephens , Beck , and a quaint duet by Bros . Henly and Mortlock . Bro . Coleman , as usual , lent hia valuable aid in accompanying , and added to tho
pleaaurea of the evening . The Visitors were—Bros . G . Kendall 141 , G , V . Henley 186 , E . Frost 511 , H . Harbert 901 , C . H . Stephens , and W . Hixon 1744 .
The Friars Lodge, No. 1349
THE Installation Meeting of this Lodge was held on the 16 th ult . at the "Cheshire Cheese" Tavern , Crntched Friars , E . C . Bro . T . Foxall W . M . opened tho Lodge at 4 p . m ., well supported by tho brethren . The minutea of the election meeting were read and confirmed , and the Lodge waa opened up . Bro . Friedeberg waa tested as to hia efficiency , and having acquitted himself satisfactorily he was entrusted . The W . M . next raised him to the degree of Master Mason ,
in a very impressive manner : the ceremony being rendered more effective by the excellent playing of Bro . Burr upon the harmonium . The report of tho Audit Committee was received and adopted , showing a fair balance in hand . Bro . W . Musto P . M ., proceeded to present Bro . John Shepherd W . M . elect to Bro . Foxall for the benefit of Installation . Having complied with the usual ceremony ho waa duly
obligated , and a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and he was inducted into the Chair of K . S . The brethren having saluted him according to rank , Bro . W . M . Shepherd proceeded to invest his Officers as follows : —Bros . H . R . Hallam S . W ., R . Dnrell J . W ., W . Muato P . M . Treasurer , W . Hogg P . G . Secretary , T . Foxall I . P . M ., A . Peterken S . D ., H . L . Godolphin J . D ., E . B . Burr I . G .,
J . Sponcer A . W . S ., Steedman Tyler . Bro . T . Foxall then delivered tho beautiful charges , which wore listened to with the utmost attention , eliciting a hearty response at the conclusion . Bro . VV . Musto acted as D . C . in his usually able manner , while Bro . VV . H . Myers P . M . and Bro . J . Wright P . M . P . G . respectively filled the S . and J . W . 's chairs . On the motion of Bro . Musto the
sum of five guineas was voted from the Lodge funds towards a suitable testimonial to Bro . Foxall in recognition of his able conduct in the chair for the past twelve months . Bro . Musto explained that as Bro . Foxall had already received a P . M . ' s jewel from the Lodge , it would be well to present him with a testimonial on vellum instead of tho usual jewel . Later in the evening tho brethren supplemented
handsomely the amount voted in Lodgo . There were present—P . M . a J . Calverley I . l' . fcl ., T . Foxall , J . Wright P . G . P ., W . H . Myers , VY . Musto Treasurer , W . Hogg Secretary ; alio Bros . J . Allison , A . Wright , E . B . Burr , J . Durell , . 1 . K . Revell , It . S . Sadd , E . Friedeberg , S . J . Shayer , H . Kingston , J . Quincey , D . Durell , J . Spencer , F . Ward , J . Wright , H . S . Wharton , Allcock , Steedman Tyler , < tc . Lodgo waa then closed , and the brethren sat down to banquet , Bro
J . Wright a catering again giving every one present satisiaction . Tho grace having been said , the W . Master gavo the usual Loyal aud Masonio toasts , which received a hearty response . In proposing the health of the Queen , he said no words of his would bo requisite to obtain a hearty response . Her Majesty had a place in all hearts , particularly in the hearts of Freemasons . Of the M . VV . G . M . the W . M . said those who witnessed the manner in which the Prince of
Wales performed hia dutiea in Graud Lodge must be struck with the perfect rendering , which it was a pleasure to witness . Of the G . O . present and past , the W . M . could not say much from actual experience ; but the excellent discharge of their respective duties had gained for the Grand Officers the warmest respect of the Craft . He called upon Bro . J . Wright P . G . P . to respond , who , in the name
of the Grand Officers , thanked them for their mark of appreciation . All , no doubt , were stimulated in their prominent positions by the marks of approval the brethren were pleased to bestow , nnd would strive to do all they could to promote the welfare of the Craft . The Visitors was next given , in reply to which Bro . Maples P . M . 13 G 4 responded , as did Bro . Stephens , thanking their brethren for the marks of
goodwill . Bro . Foxall I . P . M . having assumed tho gavel , gave the health of the Worshipful Master . Bro . Shepherd had not that day had any work to do j but wo know that when wo meet he is fully capable to render the ceremonies in a creditable manner . For some years he has been steadily building np a mass of knowledge , ancl we may confidently expect very good working at his hands . The
toast was most heartily received , and Bro . Shepherd , in thanking the brethren for this mark of esteem , said he fully appreciated tho good feeling of the members towards him . The VV . M . next gavo the P . M . ' s He had many times heard the toast proposed , but had not mastered its significance until that evening . Sitting as he did in the chair for the first time , he could testify to the great need of P . M . ' s and of the valuable services rendered by thom to tho Worshipful
Master in thechair . Brother T . Foxall Immediate Past Master was pleased to hear the value tho Worshipful Master placed on their services . They knew their value , and were always pleased tu do all to further tho interests of the Lodge that might be in thoit power . The Treasurer and Secretary were next toasted . The VV . M . said tho Secretary and Trca & urer have a great deal of wotk to do , aud what is more , they have pe form it to the satisfaction of tho Lod"e and with credit to themselves . Bro . W . Musto P . M . in reply for him-
The Friars Lodge, No. 1349
self and Bro . Secretary said he was exceedingly thankful for the manner the W . M . had proposed , aud the brethren had received , the toast . It was always a pleasure to serve the Lodge , and while he folt his labours were appreciated he would continue to seek the suffrages of the members . The W . M . next gave the Officers , of whom he said all would be found able to give a good account of themselves .
Bro . H . R . Hallam S . W . suitably responded ; ho aaid he was proud of tho honour of being one of the leaders of the Lodge . If the other Officers entered into their duties in Freemasonry as ho did , he waa sure the year would be a prosperous ono . The Visitors wero Bros . E . T . Worsley S . W . 860 , W . J . Smith S . D . 860 , A . Colver 933 , J . H .
Maples P . M . 1364 , G . II . Stephens , & c . Between the toasts and speeches , Bro . Burr favoured the brethren with many musical pieces , the Lodgo being fortunate in having a really good harmonium in its room . Bros . Durell , Friedeberg , Stephens , and others favoured the company with songs , and the evening waa most enjoyable throughout . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a close .
Pens , and especially those generally used at Lodge meetings , will splutter . Thus , in our report last week of the installnticn meeting of the Amherst Lodge the title waa inadvertently spelt Amhurst , and the initials of Bro . Banks , the newly-installed W . M ., shcnld havo beeu "W . C . " instead of " 0 . "
Royal Arch.
The Frederick Chapter of Unity , No . 452 . —A Convocation of the above was held at tho Greyhound Tavern , Croydon , on Tuesday , 8 th April . Present : Comps . Frances P . G . D . C P . Z ., Ohren P . Z . S . E ., J . W . Sugg H . P . G . S . B ., C . H . Edmonds J ., Evans P . Z ., Pawley N ., and Comps . Dickenson , Mount , Manning . The business of the evening was to exalt Bro . Steele , Keusington Lxlgo , and to
elect Officers . In tho absence of Comp . W . Sug ^ the M . E . Z ., tho chair was taken by Comp . Frances , and the ceremony of this exalted degree was impressively rendered , ho being well supported in the work by Comps . J . W . Sugg aud C H . Edmonds as H . and J . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the election of Officers for the ensuing year took place . The Comps . expressed great regret that owing to
illness Comp . Robins , who bid hold tho post of Treasurer for many years , would not offer himself for re-olectioa . On ballots being severally taken , tho following were declared elected : —Comps . J . W . Sugg M . E . Z ., C . H . Edmonds H ., Pawley J ., Evans Treasurer , Magnus Ohren S . E ., Mount N ., Jeffreys O . S . The Comps . then adjourned to banquet , where , after the toasts of
the Queen , the G . Z ., ancl Officers had received due honour , the M . E . Z . gave the toast of the Grand Superintendent of tho Province , General Brownrigg , with the Provincial Graud Officers , eulogising tho fair and impartial manner in which tho duties of tho Prov . G . M . and G . S . were carried out , especially with regard to tin ap ;> lintmant of his Officers . Comp . Sugg , as P . G . S . B ., replied on I' -iaif of tho I' . G
Officers in au excellent speech . In giving the health of th . 3 newly , exalted Comp . Steele , the M . E . Z . took occasion to remark ou tho sad circumstance that since Bro . Steele had been proposed for exaltation , his proposer , Comp . Masterman P . Z . of the Chapter , had died , aud ho ( Comp . Francos ) aa an old friend , took the opportunity of paying a tribute of respect to the memory of a moat worthy
Mason , ancl much respected member of the Chapter . Comp . Ohren , in replying to tho toast of the S . E ., remarked that the M . E . Z . had praised him for the admirable and business-like manner in which the duties of his office wero performed , and he knew the M . E . Z . would not make tho remark unless he felt it was a truth . He also quite
agreed with the comments that had been made on the G . S ., as he knew General Brownrigg took every paius to ascertain , by personal knowledge , or reliable information , that tho Provincial honours he bestowed found worthy recipients . Other toasts were duly honoured , and the Janitor ' s brought to an end a most agreeable evening .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —The usual Convocation was held on Tuesday evening , 16 th April , at the Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michael ' s-aliey , Cornhill . Comp . Frederick Brown presided as M . E . Z ., John Wyer H ., H . Thompson J ., Thomas W . White S . E ., Thomas Cull P . S ., R . A . Bianchi S . N ., and others . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Thomas Charles
Edwards candidate . All who have witnessed the working of Comp . Brown need not bo told that the ceremony was ably and accurately performed . Comp . Brown was well sustained by his Principals ; nor should a word of commendation be withheld from Comp . Cull , who ably carried out the duties of P . S . —a duty he haa to perform in his mother Chapter . If Comp . Cull goes on as he haa begun , there can be no doubt that when he arrives at the summit of this
supreme degree he will acquit himself with great credit , and reflect honour on the Chapter to which he belongs . Comp . Wyer , the acting U . of tho evening , also showed his proficiency in working . Ho occupies a similar position in the Beadon Chapter , to which ho is attached , and wheu the timo comes that ho will be still further advanced , there is little fear but that the prestige of this Chapter will ho fully maintained . At the conclusion of tho ceremony , Comp .
Ldwards was elected a member of this Chapter of Improvement , and in a fow well chosen words returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . The election of Officers for tho next fortnight was then taken , and resulted as follows : —Comps . Wyer M . E . Z ., White H ., Lee J ., Bianchi S . N , and Catterson P . S . In addition to the above , there were present Comps . G . L . Walter and Thomas Maasa . The Chapter was closed in due form , and the Comps , adjourned .