Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout tho Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodees .
CA . TUEDAY , 23 rd OCTOBEE . Audit Committee , " oys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . loll—Alexandra 1 .. lace , Alexandra Palace , Muswell-hill . C 5 UNDAY , 24 th OCTOBEE . M—Hope , Spreai I Kagle Inn , Eochdalo . ( Instruction , ) MONDAY , 25 th OCTOBEE .
•15—Strong Man , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Square , Clerkenwcll . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 43—St . Paul ' s , Masonic Hall , Birmingham . 48—Industry , Freemasons * Hall , Gateshead . 68—Royal Clarence . Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . 377—Hope and Charity , Lion Hotel , High-street , Kidderminster . 737—Wentworth , Town Hall , AVellinffborough , Northampton . 999—Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall , Coopers ' -strcet , Manchester .
TUESDAY , 26 th OCTOBEE . Audit Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 02—Moira , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . 1223—Beacontree , Bed Lion , Leytonstone , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 290—Emulation , Bull Hotel , Dartford . 357—Apollo University , Masonic Hall , Oxford . 573—PerseA'erancc , Shenstone House , Hales Owen , Worcester . 1393—Hamer , 92 Everton-road , Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , 27 th OCTOBEE . 193—Confidence , AVhite Hart , Abchurch-lane , E . G ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 117—Salopian of Charity , Haven Hotel , Shrewsbury . 304—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Leeds . 321—Unity , Crewe Arms , Crewe . 503—Belvidere , Star Hotel , Maidstone . ( Instruction . ) 096—Sondes , Assembly Rooms , East Dereham . 1222—St . Kew , Masonic Hall , High-street , Weston-super-Maro . It . A . 236—Zetland , Masonic Hall , York .
THUESDAY , 28 th OCTOBEE . General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-stveet , E . G . ( Instructien ) 34—Mount Moriah , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , AV . C . ' 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , AV . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1260—Hervey , 152 Fulham-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1421—Lauthotne , Swan Hotel , Stratford , E .
30—St . John tho Baptist , Masonic Hall , Exeter . 78—Imperial George , Assheton Arms Hotel . Middleton . 100—Friendship , Crown and Anchor Hotel , Quay , Great Yarmouth . 286—Samaritan , Green Man Hotel , Bacup . 504—JJownshire , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool . 707—St . Mary ' s , Bull Inn , Bridport .
871—Royal Oak , AVhite Swan Tavern , High-strcot , Deptford . 904—Phoenix , Ship Hotel , AVestgate , Rotherham . 966—St . Edward , Literary Institute , Leek , Staffordshire . 1145—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington . Royal Arch Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire , Freemasons' Hall , AVatford , at 3 . 30 . R . A . 706—AVilliam Preston , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street .
FEIDAY , 29 th OCTOBEE . 1278—Burdett Contts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 269 Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . ) 1385—Gladsmuir , Red Lion Hotel , Barnet , Herts .
IEELAND . TUESDAY—124—Seapatrick , MasonicHall , Bridge-street , Banbridgo , Co . Down . „ 105—St . Patricks ' s , Masonic Rooms , Boltast .
EDINBTJEGH DISTEICT . MONDAY—349—St . Clair , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY—151—Defensive Baud , Alexander Hall , Cockbiirn-sfcrecfc . ,, R . A . 40—Naval and Military , Freemasons' Hall . WEDNESDAY—112—St . John , Fisher-row , Roval Hotel , Musselburgh . THURSDAY—302—Caledonian , Freemasons' Hall . FRIDAY—223—Trafalgar , 54 Bernard-street , Leith .
GLASGOW DISTEICT . MONDAY . —102—St . Mark , 213 Buchanan-stveet . 103—Union and Crown , 170 Buchanan-street . „ 219—Star , 12 Troagate . „ 541—Mario Stuart , Prince of AVales ' s-terrace , Crosshill . ^ „ R . A . 122—Thetis , 25 St . James ' s-street TUESDAY—113—Athol , 213 Buchanan-street . „ R . A . H 7—Cathedral , 22 Struthers-strent .
„ R . A . 73—Caledonian of Unity , 170 Buchanan-street . WEDNESDAY—570—Maryhill , 107 Main-street , Mar . yhill . .. 114—Red Cross of Constant ine , Buchanan-street . THURSDAY—Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , 213 Buchanan-street . _ i . R . A . 117—Govan , Portland Hall , Govan . FRIDAY—102-Clyde , 170 Buchanan-street . ,, 153—Royal Arch , Schoolroom , Pollocfahaws .
o . ,. ' , U „ 317—St . John ' s Operative , Freemasons' Hall , Rntheiglen . SA IURDAY-2 S—St . John Kihvig , Black Bull Inn , Kirkintilloch . ,, 305—at . John ' s Wood Hall , Freemasons' Hall , Holytown ,
Notices Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly mooting at Bro . Maid well ' s , the "Hercules , " Leadenhall-street , on Thursday evening last ( 21 st Oct . ) Present—Bros . Webb W . M ., Ellis S . W ., Blackball J . W ., Williams S . D ., Parker J . D ., Maidwell I . G ., C . A . Grammer Hon . Sec , Austin P . M . Preceptor ( pro tern ) , and numerous other brethren . The Lodge Avas opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising lvhearsed ,
Bro . Livermore acting as candidate . The first , second and third sections of tho third lecture wero worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and the first and second sections of the first lecture Avere worked by Bro . Horsley , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was then closed in perfect harmony . The fifteen sections AVIII be worked next Thursday , 28 th October , at 7 p . m . ; the attendance of brethren on that occasion is invited .
Glasgow Chapter , No . 50 . —This Chapter held its Installation meeting on Thursday , the 13 th of October , at 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow . Present—Comps . John Miller ( re-elected ) M . E . Z ., Win . Bell H ., Jas . Louttit J ., A Morrison Scribe E ., W . Eobinson N ., P . Agnew Treasurer , Colin McKenzie 1 st S ., G . Gruile 2 nd S ., John Wright 3 rd S ., Daniel Leitch Superintendent of Works , R . Gardner
Janitor . Visitors—Comps . F . A . Barrow P . G . Superintendent for Lanarkshire , A . McTaggart , M . A ., P . G . S . Scribe E ., T . Halket P . G . T ., Jas . Balfour P . G . 1 st S ., G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 , E . Arthur N . 73 . The Chapter having been duly opened , at the request of the M . E . Z ., Comp . Wheeler proceeded to install the officers for the ensuing year , whose names are recorded above , for Avhich he received the thanks of
the Chapter . The deputation from the Provincial Grand Chapter were then admitted , the P . G . Z . congratulated the Chapter on the progress they were making , but expressed his regret that so few of the members , attended the regular meetings ; the Masonic life of a 11 . A . Mason seemed to be very short . Numbers joined , and then appeared to drop out of sight ; he thought some steps ought to be
taken to remedy this state of things . He was not finding fault Avith Chapter 50 , his remarks applied to the whole of the Province , ho might say to the Avhole of Scotland ; he would bo glad to do all in his power to remedy this state of things . After the Provincial Officers had retired , Comp . Miller opened a Mark Masters' Lodge , and advanced a brother to that degree , thereafter the companions spent a short time in harmony , under the presidency of Comp . Miller .
Thistle and Eose Lodge , No . 73 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 19 th of October , at 170 Buchanan street , Glasgow . Present—Bros . George McDonald R . W . M ., William McGregor S . W ., John Handbridge J . W ., J Ampleford Secretary , T McKay S . D ., R . B . Eichards SteAvard , H Kay Tyler . Past Master G Weston . Visitors—Bros . J Ferguson R . W . M . Dalmuir Lodge , 503
J Johnson jun ., E Arthur , Mother Kilwinning , No . 0 , DReed It . W . M . 465 . Business—Mr . John Wright having been duly proposed , Avas initiated iuto the mysteries of the Order by the R . W . M ., after which a Lodge of M . M . was opened , when Bro . Robert Smith Roos of 73 , Avas raised , along with Bro . Sigismnnd Gentle , for the Union Lodge , No . 332 .
Thetis Chapter , No . 122 . —This Chapter held an Emergency Meeting on the 18 th inst ., at 35 St . James ' s-street , GlasgoAV . Present —Comps . John J . Scott M . E . Z ., J . Johnston H ., J . De Neil J ., J . Qnigley Scribe E ., W . MacAlistcr 1 st S ., Gowan 2 nd S ., C . Baircl 3 rd S ., D . Gilles Tyler , J . 0 . Park P . Z . The M . E . Z . opened a Lodgo
of Most Excellent Masters , P . Z . Park acting as S . W ., J . DeNeil J . W ., when Comp . G . W . Wheeler conferred the degree on Bros . Alex and Love . The Chapter Avas then opened , when Bro . Love Avas exalted to the Royal Arch degree by Comp . Wheeler . The new 1 st Sojourner , Comp . MacAlister , performing his duties in a hi ghly satisfactory manner .
Faith Chapter , No . 141 . —A convocation of this Chapter was hold on Wednesday , the 20 th instant , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , E . G . There were present Comps . C . C . Taylor Z ., N . Gluckstein H ., F . Hogard J ., M . Bamberger Hon . Treasurer , Gompertz S . E ., John Constable S . N ., J . H . Ross P . S ., Pinder 1 st Ass ., Longstaff Janitor , T . Mortlock I . P . Z ., E . Gottheil P . Z ., and a number of
Companions . Bro . Adolph Gluckstein , of the Lodge of Faith 141 , presented himself for exaltation . The ceremony being very impressively rendered by the M . E . Z . The election of officers for the ensuing year Avas then proceeded Avith . Comp . Nardus Gluckstein was elected Z ., aud the remaining officers will follow in rotation , each one
step higher . A Avell served repast followed , superintended by Comp . W . Smith . The usual toasts Avere proposed and responded to , and the evening enlivened with songs by Comps . D . Barnett , Pinder , Frankford , and a new song , by J . Constable , in which that Companion especially distinguished himself .
Robert Burns Chapter , No . 143 . —This Chapter held its regular meeting on Saturday , tho 16 th of October , at tho Chapter Rooms , Halytown . Present—Comps . H . J . Shields M . E . Z ., D . Baker H ., W . McMurdo P . Z . as J ., J . McMurdo Scribe E ., N . G . Caldow Treas ., A . Lills 1 st Sojourner , C . Meek 2 nd S ., A . Smith 3 rd S ., A . Reid Tyler . P . Z . Comp . W . McMurdo . Visitors — Comps . G .
W . Wheeler Z . 73 , J . Johnson H . 122 . Business : —The installation of the officers ; the board of Installed Principals consisted of Compj . Wheeler Z . 73 , Johnson H . 122 , Win . McMurdo P . Z . 113 , and H . , F . Shields Z . 113 . Comp . Shields then installed the remainder of the office bearers present . A Mark Masters' Lodge Avas then opened , with H . J . . Shield M . M . M ., H . Baker S . W ., J . Johnson H . 122 as J . W ., G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 as S . D . A petition was presented from Bro ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout tho Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodees .
CA . TUEDAY , 23 rd OCTOBEE . Audit Committee , " oys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . loll—Alexandra 1 .. lace , Alexandra Palace , Muswell-hill . C 5 UNDAY , 24 th OCTOBEE . M—Hope , Spreai I Kagle Inn , Eochdalo . ( Instruction , ) MONDAY , 25 th OCTOBEE .
•15—Strong Man , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Square , Clerkenwcll . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 43—St . Paul ' s , Masonic Hall , Birmingham . 48—Industry , Freemasons * Hall , Gateshead . 68—Royal Clarence . Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . 377—Hope and Charity , Lion Hotel , High-street , Kidderminster . 737—Wentworth , Town Hall , AVellinffborough , Northampton . 999—Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall , Coopers ' -strcet , Manchester .
TUESDAY , 26 th OCTOBEE . Audit Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 02—Moira , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . 1223—Beacontree , Bed Lion , Leytonstone , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 290—Emulation , Bull Hotel , Dartford . 357—Apollo University , Masonic Hall , Oxford . 573—PerseA'erancc , Shenstone House , Hales Owen , Worcester . 1393—Hamer , 92 Everton-road , Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , 27 th OCTOBEE . 193—Confidence , AVhite Hart , Abchurch-lane , E . G ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 117—Salopian of Charity , Haven Hotel , Shrewsbury . 304—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Leeds . 321—Unity , Crewe Arms , Crewe . 503—Belvidere , Star Hotel , Maidstone . ( Instruction . ) 096—Sondes , Assembly Rooms , East Dereham . 1222—St . Kew , Masonic Hall , High-street , Weston-super-Maro . It . A . 236—Zetland , Masonic Hall , York .
THUESDAY , 28 th OCTOBEE . General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-stveet , E . G . ( Instructien ) 34—Mount Moriah , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , AV . C . ' 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , AV . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1260—Hervey , 152 Fulham-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1421—Lauthotne , Swan Hotel , Stratford , E .
30—St . John tho Baptist , Masonic Hall , Exeter . 78—Imperial George , Assheton Arms Hotel . Middleton . 100—Friendship , Crown and Anchor Hotel , Quay , Great Yarmouth . 286—Samaritan , Green Man Hotel , Bacup . 504—JJownshire , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool . 707—St . Mary ' s , Bull Inn , Bridport .
871—Royal Oak , AVhite Swan Tavern , High-strcot , Deptford . 904—Phoenix , Ship Hotel , AVestgate , Rotherham . 966—St . Edward , Literary Institute , Leek , Staffordshire . 1145—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington . Royal Arch Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire , Freemasons' Hall , AVatford , at 3 . 30 . R . A . 706—AVilliam Preston , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street .
FEIDAY , 29 th OCTOBEE . 1278—Burdett Contts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 269 Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . ) 1385—Gladsmuir , Red Lion Hotel , Barnet , Herts .
IEELAND . TUESDAY—124—Seapatrick , MasonicHall , Bridge-street , Banbridgo , Co . Down . „ 105—St . Patricks ' s , Masonic Rooms , Boltast .
EDINBTJEGH DISTEICT . MONDAY—349—St . Clair , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY—151—Defensive Baud , Alexander Hall , Cockbiirn-sfcrecfc . ,, R . A . 40—Naval and Military , Freemasons' Hall . WEDNESDAY—112—St . John , Fisher-row , Roval Hotel , Musselburgh . THURSDAY—302—Caledonian , Freemasons' Hall . FRIDAY—223—Trafalgar , 54 Bernard-street , Leith .
GLASGOW DISTEICT . MONDAY . —102—St . Mark , 213 Buchanan-stveet . 103—Union and Crown , 170 Buchanan-street . „ 219—Star , 12 Troagate . „ 541—Mario Stuart , Prince of AVales ' s-terrace , Crosshill . ^ „ R . A . 122—Thetis , 25 St . James ' s-street TUESDAY—113—Athol , 213 Buchanan-street . „ R . A . H 7—Cathedral , 22 Struthers-strent .
„ R . A . 73—Caledonian of Unity , 170 Buchanan-street . WEDNESDAY—570—Maryhill , 107 Main-street , Mar . yhill . .. 114—Red Cross of Constant ine , Buchanan-street . THURSDAY—Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , 213 Buchanan-street . _ i . R . A . 117—Govan , Portland Hall , Govan . FRIDAY—102-Clyde , 170 Buchanan-street . ,, 153—Royal Arch , Schoolroom , Pollocfahaws .
o . ,. ' , U „ 317—St . John ' s Operative , Freemasons' Hall , Rntheiglen . SA IURDAY-2 S—St . John Kihvig , Black Bull Inn , Kirkintilloch . ,, 305—at . John ' s Wood Hall , Freemasons' Hall , Holytown ,
Notices Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly mooting at Bro . Maid well ' s , the "Hercules , " Leadenhall-street , on Thursday evening last ( 21 st Oct . ) Present—Bros . Webb W . M ., Ellis S . W ., Blackball J . W ., Williams S . D ., Parker J . D ., Maidwell I . G ., C . A . Grammer Hon . Sec , Austin P . M . Preceptor ( pro tern ) , and numerous other brethren . The Lodge Avas opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising lvhearsed ,
Bro . Livermore acting as candidate . The first , second and third sections of tho third lecture wero worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and the first and second sections of the first lecture Avere worked by Bro . Horsley , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was then closed in perfect harmony . The fifteen sections AVIII be worked next Thursday , 28 th October , at 7 p . m . ; the attendance of brethren on that occasion is invited .
Glasgow Chapter , No . 50 . —This Chapter held its Installation meeting on Thursday , the 13 th of October , at 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow . Present—Comps . John Miller ( re-elected ) M . E . Z ., Win . Bell H ., Jas . Louttit J ., A Morrison Scribe E ., W . Eobinson N ., P . Agnew Treasurer , Colin McKenzie 1 st S ., G . Gruile 2 nd S ., John Wright 3 rd S ., Daniel Leitch Superintendent of Works , R . Gardner
Janitor . Visitors—Comps . F . A . Barrow P . G . Superintendent for Lanarkshire , A . McTaggart , M . A ., P . G . S . Scribe E ., T . Halket P . G . T ., Jas . Balfour P . G . 1 st S ., G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 , E . Arthur N . 73 . The Chapter having been duly opened , at the request of the M . E . Z ., Comp . Wheeler proceeded to install the officers for the ensuing year , whose names are recorded above , for Avhich he received the thanks of
the Chapter . The deputation from the Provincial Grand Chapter were then admitted , the P . G . Z . congratulated the Chapter on the progress they were making , but expressed his regret that so few of the members , attended the regular meetings ; the Masonic life of a 11 . A . Mason seemed to be very short . Numbers joined , and then appeared to drop out of sight ; he thought some steps ought to be
taken to remedy this state of things . He was not finding fault Avith Chapter 50 , his remarks applied to the whole of the Province , ho might say to the Avhole of Scotland ; he would bo glad to do all in his power to remedy this state of things . After the Provincial Officers had retired , Comp . Miller opened a Mark Masters' Lodge , and advanced a brother to that degree , thereafter the companions spent a short time in harmony , under the presidency of Comp . Miller .
Thistle and Eose Lodge , No . 73 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 19 th of October , at 170 Buchanan street , Glasgow . Present—Bros . George McDonald R . W . M ., William McGregor S . W ., John Handbridge J . W ., J Ampleford Secretary , T McKay S . D ., R . B . Eichards SteAvard , H Kay Tyler . Past Master G Weston . Visitors—Bros . J Ferguson R . W . M . Dalmuir Lodge , 503
J Johnson jun ., E Arthur , Mother Kilwinning , No . 0 , DReed It . W . M . 465 . Business—Mr . John Wright having been duly proposed , Avas initiated iuto the mysteries of the Order by the R . W . M ., after which a Lodge of M . M . was opened , when Bro . Robert Smith Roos of 73 , Avas raised , along with Bro . Sigismnnd Gentle , for the Union Lodge , No . 332 .
Thetis Chapter , No . 122 . —This Chapter held an Emergency Meeting on the 18 th inst ., at 35 St . James ' s-street , GlasgoAV . Present —Comps . John J . Scott M . E . Z ., J . Johnston H ., J . De Neil J ., J . Qnigley Scribe E ., W . MacAlistcr 1 st S ., Gowan 2 nd S ., C . Baircl 3 rd S ., D . Gilles Tyler , J . 0 . Park P . Z . The M . E . Z . opened a Lodgo
of Most Excellent Masters , P . Z . Park acting as S . W ., J . DeNeil J . W ., when Comp . G . W . Wheeler conferred the degree on Bros . Alex and Love . The Chapter Avas then opened , when Bro . Love Avas exalted to the Royal Arch degree by Comp . Wheeler . The new 1 st Sojourner , Comp . MacAlister , performing his duties in a hi ghly satisfactory manner .
Faith Chapter , No . 141 . —A convocation of this Chapter was hold on Wednesday , the 20 th instant , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , E . G . There were present Comps . C . C . Taylor Z ., N . Gluckstein H ., F . Hogard J ., M . Bamberger Hon . Treasurer , Gompertz S . E ., John Constable S . N ., J . H . Ross P . S ., Pinder 1 st Ass ., Longstaff Janitor , T . Mortlock I . P . Z ., E . Gottheil P . Z ., and a number of
Companions . Bro . Adolph Gluckstein , of the Lodge of Faith 141 , presented himself for exaltation . The ceremony being very impressively rendered by the M . E . Z . The election of officers for the ensuing year Avas then proceeded Avith . Comp . Nardus Gluckstein was elected Z ., aud the remaining officers will follow in rotation , each one
step higher . A Avell served repast followed , superintended by Comp . W . Smith . The usual toasts Avere proposed and responded to , and the evening enlivened with songs by Comps . D . Barnett , Pinder , Frankford , and a new song , by J . Constable , in which that Companion especially distinguished himself .
Robert Burns Chapter , No . 143 . —This Chapter held its regular meeting on Saturday , tho 16 th of October , at tho Chapter Rooms , Halytown . Present—Comps . H . J . Shields M . E . Z ., D . Baker H ., W . McMurdo P . Z . as J ., J . McMurdo Scribe E ., N . G . Caldow Treas ., A . Lills 1 st Sojourner , C . Meek 2 nd S ., A . Smith 3 rd S ., A . Reid Tyler . P . Z . Comp . W . McMurdo . Visitors — Comps . G .
W . Wheeler Z . 73 , J . Johnson H . 122 . Business : —The installation of the officers ; the board of Installed Principals consisted of Compj . Wheeler Z . 73 , Johnson H . 122 , Win . McMurdo P . Z . 113 , and H . , F . Shields Z . 113 . Comp . Shields then installed the remainder of the office bearers present . A Mark Masters' Lodge Avas then opened , with H . J . . Shield M . M . M ., H . Baker S . W ., J . Johnson H . 122 as J . W ., G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 as S . D . A petition was presented from Bro ,