Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATIONOFH.R.H.THEPRINCEOFWALES. HIS KOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G . > 8 Most Worshipful Grand Master , & c , & c , having been graciously fflyffl pleased to accept the special Dedication , mrwi HISTORICALSTEELENGRAVINGfek WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED , #£ | 0 |* ilL ROYAL INSTALLATION OH THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , /^^\ IN THE BOYAL ALBERT HALL , ^ Bfc 5 . dJ ^ lK 9 fift By BRO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . D . No . 1201 . ^^ HBB ^^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to be made to the ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W .
THE THEATBES , & c . THEATRE ROYAL , COVENT GARDEN . - PROMENADE CONCERTS , at 8 . 0 , ciich evening . DRTJRY LATTE . —At 7 , THE WHITE HAT . At 7 . 15 , SHAUGHRAUN , and A NABOB FOR AN HOUR . HAYMARKET . - At 7 . 30 , SPRING GARDENS , and MARRIED IN HASTE . IiYCEUM .-At 7 . 0 , A HAPPY PAIR . At 8 . 0 , MACBETH . ADELPHI .-At 6 . 45 . TURN HIM OUT , NICHOLAS NICKLEBY , and THE GOOSE AVITH THE GOLDEN EGGS . PRINCESS'S . - At 8 each evening , CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY . OLYMPIC .-At 7 . 30 , FAMILY JARS . At 8 , THE TICKET OF LEAVE MAN . STRAND . —At 7 . 0 , THE DOCTOR'S BROUGHAM , KIND TO A FAULT , and FLAMINGO . VAUDEVILLE . ~ At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG , OUR BOYS , and A FEARFUL FOG . GAIETY .-MY AWFUL DAD , and Mr . GATHERAVOOL . MIRROR .-At 7 . 0 , A CONJUGAL LESSON . At 7 . 15 , ALL FOR HER , and THE HALF CROAVN DIAMONDS . GLOBE . —At 7 . 0 , EAST LYNNE , and THE BRIGANDS . PRINCE OP "WALES'S .-MONEY . ROYALTY . —At 7 . 30 , MY AVIFE'S OUT , at 8 . 15 , LA PERICHOLE and TRIAL BY JURY . OPERA COMIQUE .-At 7 . 0 , A TEMPTING BAIT , at 8 . 15 , PROOF POSITIVE . CRITERION .-.-US , A PHENOMENON IN A SMOCK FROCK . At S . 30 , FLKUR DE THE . ALHAMBK A .-At 7 . 15 , NEAV FARCE . At 8 . 0 , SPECTRESHEIM . At 10 . 0 , BALLET . PHILHARMONIC—LES GEOP . GIKNNES , THE ZOO , & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE .-This tiny . OPERA , BICYCLE CONTEST , etc . On Monday , BANQUET and FETK , in commemoration of the Balaklnva Charge , CONCERT , FIREWORKS , & c . On Tuesday , OI'EIiA . Open daily . CRYSTAL PALACE .-This day , CONCERT . On Tuesday , "PLOT AND PASSION . " On Wednesday , HARVEST CELEBRATION , FIREAVORKS , & c . AQUARIUM , SKATING RINK , & c . Open daily . AGRICULTURAL HALL . —PROMENADE CONCERTS at 7 . 30 . POLYTECHNIC—The ISEAUTY , the BEAST and tho BARGAIN ' , with Ghost Scenes , & c—AUSTRALIAN MEATS sind How to Cook them — NEW ZEALAND , OR THE SOUTHERN WONDERLAND . AVONDERS OF ACOUSTICS . New Lecture . SEA SIDE SKI-ITCHES . Many other Entertainments . Open twice daily , at 12 . 0 and 7 . 0 . Admission , Is . EGYPTIAN ( LARGE ) HALL . —MASKELYNE AND COOKE , daily at 3 . 0 and 8 . 0 . ( Last day . ) ST . GEORGE'S HALL , Langliam Place , "W . — Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN REED . NEWSOME'S CIRCUS . —Daily at 7 . 30 . "Wednesday and Saturday at 3 and 7 . 30 .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be experienced , it Avill be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers shonld forward their fnll Addresses to preA'enfc mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FJIEEMASON ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 0 To the United States and France , 4 s 3 d per quarter , and to Germany , 4 s 9 d per quarter . 8 CALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FBEEJIASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Scrips of insertions on aj > pliVvit , ion . Rirtlis , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line .
MASONIC ORPHAN BOYS' SCHOOL , DUBLIN . NOTICE is hereby given , that the Half-yearl y Meeting of the ,, ~™?^ , mors J . i 0 ll 0 ld at Freemasons' Hall , DnMin , on THURSDAY MORNING , the ELEVENTH of NOVEMBER 1875 , to transact the ordinary business , to receive tho Report of the Scrutineers of the Ballot for the Election of 1 WO PUPILS from the approved list of Candidates , aud to elect the Honorary Officers and Committee for 1370 . Breakfast on the table at half-past eight o ' clock precisely . Brethren becoming Governors on or before Thursday , the ltU of November , Avill be entitled to vote . By Order , SAMUEL B . OLDHAM , Axsutaiit Secretary .
MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL , DUBLIN . NOTICE is hereb y given that a General Meeting of the Board of Governors will be held at tho School House , on TUESDAY MORNING , the SEVENTH day of DECEMBER 1875 , to transact tho ordinary business , to elect the Honorary Officers and Committees of the School for 1876 , and to receive the Report of the Scrutineers of tho Ballot for the Election of FOUR PUPILS trom the List of approved Candidates , Breakfast on the table at half-past eight o ' clock precisely . Brethren becoming Governors on or before Tuesday , tho 30 th day of November , will be entitled to vote . By Order , SAMUEL B . OLDHAM , Asthtant Sec .
G 7 BARBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE voyage of the Prince of Wales continues , amid the Avavxnest demonstrations of good wishes for a successful journey out and home . Quitting Brindisi on Saturday , he reached the Piraeus on Monday , Avhen King George of Greece Avent on board tlie yacht to received him , and conducted him to Athens . The Prince landed at a feAV minutes
after noon , amid the salutes of various men of Avar in harbour . On disembarking the Prince entered a royal carriage Avith the King , and drove to the station , the people lining the route shewing great enthusiasm . This was also tho case when the party reached Athens and drove to the Palace ;
in the afternoon the Boyal guest visited the Acropolis , and aftenvards there was a state dinner . On Tuesday the event was the grand display of fireworks , and on Wednesday the King and Queen of Greece lunched Aviththe Prince on board of the Scrapis , his departure from harbour taking
place in the evening . By this time doubtless he is well on his way to the Keel Sea . A single contretemps has marked tho journey thus far . The Serapis broke both cables in taking up her moorings , carrying aAvay the boAvsprit of the King of Greece ' s yacht , and nearly running foul of
the Osborne . Happily tho Hercules and Svviftsurc brought her up in time and further damage Avas prevented . What in tha name of fortune has befallen oar navy that the vessel , on board Avhich is the Prince of Wh ales ,
cannot take up its moorings AVithout running a muck among the other vessels in harbour ? There musb be something rotten in the state of the navy Avhen our ships of war and Soratiises are so dauqeimis to each other .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATIONOFH.R.H.THEPRINCEOFWALES. HIS KOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G . > 8 Most Worshipful Grand Master , & c , & c , having been graciously fflyffl pleased to accept the special Dedication , mrwi HISTORICALSTEELENGRAVINGfek WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED , #£ | 0 |* ilL ROYAL INSTALLATION OH THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , /^^\ IN THE BOYAL ALBERT HALL , ^ Bfc 5 . dJ ^ lK 9 fift By BRO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . D . No . 1201 . ^^ HBB ^^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to be made to the ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W .
THE THEATBES , & c . THEATRE ROYAL , COVENT GARDEN . - PROMENADE CONCERTS , at 8 . 0 , ciich evening . DRTJRY LATTE . —At 7 , THE WHITE HAT . At 7 . 15 , SHAUGHRAUN , and A NABOB FOR AN HOUR . HAYMARKET . - At 7 . 30 , SPRING GARDENS , and MARRIED IN HASTE . IiYCEUM .-At 7 . 0 , A HAPPY PAIR . At 8 . 0 , MACBETH . ADELPHI .-At 6 . 45 . TURN HIM OUT , NICHOLAS NICKLEBY , and THE GOOSE AVITH THE GOLDEN EGGS . PRINCESS'S . - At 8 each evening , CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY . OLYMPIC .-At 7 . 30 , FAMILY JARS . At 8 , THE TICKET OF LEAVE MAN . STRAND . —At 7 . 0 , THE DOCTOR'S BROUGHAM , KIND TO A FAULT , and FLAMINGO . VAUDEVILLE . ~ At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG , OUR BOYS , and A FEARFUL FOG . GAIETY .-MY AWFUL DAD , and Mr . GATHERAVOOL . MIRROR .-At 7 . 0 , A CONJUGAL LESSON . At 7 . 15 , ALL FOR HER , and THE HALF CROAVN DIAMONDS . GLOBE . —At 7 . 0 , EAST LYNNE , and THE BRIGANDS . PRINCE OP "WALES'S .-MONEY . ROYALTY . —At 7 . 30 , MY AVIFE'S OUT , at 8 . 15 , LA PERICHOLE and TRIAL BY JURY . OPERA COMIQUE .-At 7 . 0 , A TEMPTING BAIT , at 8 . 15 , PROOF POSITIVE . CRITERION .-.-US , A PHENOMENON IN A SMOCK FROCK . At S . 30 , FLKUR DE THE . ALHAMBK A .-At 7 . 15 , NEAV FARCE . At 8 . 0 , SPECTRESHEIM . At 10 . 0 , BALLET . PHILHARMONIC—LES GEOP . GIKNNES , THE ZOO , & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE .-This tiny . OPERA , BICYCLE CONTEST , etc . On Monday , BANQUET and FETK , in commemoration of the Balaklnva Charge , CONCERT , FIREWORKS , & c . On Tuesday , OI'EIiA . Open daily . CRYSTAL PALACE .-This day , CONCERT . On Tuesday , "PLOT AND PASSION . " On Wednesday , HARVEST CELEBRATION , FIREAVORKS , & c . AQUARIUM , SKATING RINK , & c . Open daily . AGRICULTURAL HALL . —PROMENADE CONCERTS at 7 . 30 . POLYTECHNIC—The ISEAUTY , the BEAST and tho BARGAIN ' , with Ghost Scenes , & c—AUSTRALIAN MEATS sind How to Cook them — NEW ZEALAND , OR THE SOUTHERN WONDERLAND . AVONDERS OF ACOUSTICS . New Lecture . SEA SIDE SKI-ITCHES . Many other Entertainments . Open twice daily , at 12 . 0 and 7 . 0 . Admission , Is . EGYPTIAN ( LARGE ) HALL . —MASKELYNE AND COOKE , daily at 3 . 0 and 8 . 0 . ( Last day . ) ST . GEORGE'S HALL , Langliam Place , "W . — Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN REED . NEWSOME'S CIRCUS . —Daily at 7 . 30 . "Wednesday and Saturday at 3 and 7 . 30 .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be experienced , it Avill be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers shonld forward their fnll Addresses to preA'enfc mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FJIEEMASON ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 0 To the United States and France , 4 s 3 d per quarter , and to Germany , 4 s 9 d per quarter . 8 CALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FBEEJIASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Scrips of insertions on aj > pliVvit , ion . Rirtlis , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line .
MASONIC ORPHAN BOYS' SCHOOL , DUBLIN . NOTICE is hereby given , that the Half-yearl y Meeting of the ,, ~™?^ , mors J . i 0 ll 0 ld at Freemasons' Hall , DnMin , on THURSDAY MORNING , the ELEVENTH of NOVEMBER 1875 , to transact the ordinary business , to receive tho Report of the Scrutineers of the Ballot for the Election of 1 WO PUPILS from the approved list of Candidates , aud to elect the Honorary Officers and Committee for 1370 . Breakfast on the table at half-past eight o ' clock precisely . Brethren becoming Governors on or before Thursday , the ltU of November , Avill be entitled to vote . By Order , SAMUEL B . OLDHAM , Axsutaiit Secretary .
MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL , DUBLIN . NOTICE is hereb y given that a General Meeting of the Board of Governors will be held at tho School House , on TUESDAY MORNING , the SEVENTH day of DECEMBER 1875 , to transact tho ordinary business , to elect the Honorary Officers and Committees of the School for 1876 , and to receive the Report of the Scrutineers of tho Ballot for the Election of FOUR PUPILS trom the List of approved Candidates , Breakfast on the table at half-past eight o ' clock precisely . Brethren becoming Governors on or before Tuesday , tho 30 th day of November , will be entitled to vote . By Order , SAMUEL B . OLDHAM , Asthtant Sec .
G 7 BARBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE voyage of the Prince of Wales continues , amid the Avavxnest demonstrations of good wishes for a successful journey out and home . Quitting Brindisi on Saturday , he reached the Piraeus on Monday , Avhen King George of Greece Avent on board tlie yacht to received him , and conducted him to Athens . The Prince landed at a feAV minutes
after noon , amid the salutes of various men of Avar in harbour . On disembarking the Prince entered a royal carriage Avith the King , and drove to the station , the people lining the route shewing great enthusiasm . This was also tho case when the party reached Athens and drove to the Palace ;
in the afternoon the Boyal guest visited the Acropolis , and aftenvards there was a state dinner . On Tuesday the event was the grand display of fireworks , and on Wednesday the King and Queen of Greece lunched Aviththe Prince on board of the Scrapis , his departure from harbour taking
place in the evening . By this time doubtless he is well on his way to the Keel Sea . A single contretemps has marked tho journey thus far . The Serapis broke both cables in taking up her moorings , carrying aAvay the boAvsprit of the King of Greece ' s yacht , and nearly running foul of
the Osborne . Happily tho Hercules and Svviftsurc brought her up in time and further damage Avas prevented . What in tha name of fortune has befallen oar navy that the vessel , on board Avhich is the Prince of Wh ales ,
cannot take up its moorings AVithout running a muck among the other vessels in harbour ? There musb be something rotten in the state of the navy Avhen our ships of war and Soratiises are so dauqeimis to each other .