Article HOW MASONRY SAVED MY LIFE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article HOW MASONRY SAVED MY LIFE. Page 2 of 2
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How Masonry Saved My Life.
troop ships of the Urgent type , which wei-e the best means of transport our Admiralty then possessed . The magnificent Jumna and Scrapis , with their sister consorts , were not then in existence . Some of the regiments were embarked on board of hired transports , and others were
accommodated on board the lino of battle ships , which formed a portion of the fleet which was to attack the forts of Sebastopol . The voyage was an unpleasant one , but we did not mind that . Our fellows were delighted at the thought of active service in the field , and no one dreamed
of the hardships and sufferings which we were fated to endure . Our landing at Eupatoria , and the victory of the Alma , are facts of history too well known to need any reference here . We were in the hottest of the fire at the Alma , and our men behaved splendidly . Wo had many
raw recruits in our ranks , but they bore themselves on this memorable clay like seasoned soldiers , and gallantly upheld the traditional fame of the old th . Some of us were sanguine enough to believe that this victory had decided the fate of the Russians-, but we soon discovered
that our task was only beginning . When the trenches were opened , Ave were among the troops ordered to the front , and from first to last we got more than our share of the fighting . We should not , however , have minded that if Ave had been properly cared for . We Avere a fortnight
Avithout tents , and Avhen wc got them , they Avere a poor defence against the Aveather ; mere rags in fact , Avhich admitted every breadth of Avind . I , and tAVO or three of the officers messed and slept together in a small tent , to the right of our position , and Ave soon found that the mess
Avas a mere fiction . Hard bread and salt junk , with green coffee , Avere indeed served out to us , but Ave had no comforts , and our private stores , upon which Ave had based our hopes , were safe on board our ship in Balaclava harbour , and Ave
had no chance of getting them . Often have I , after spending a night on the damp ground , Avith no other shelter than our flimsy teufc and a blanket , risen to breakfast off biscuits and cold water . The men of course Avere no better off
than ourselves , and as Avinter approached a great many of them Avere obliged to cut up their knapsacks into leggings , to defend their limbs from the Avet and mud of the trenches . What awful nights those Avere Avhich Ave spent on duty at the front ! We did not care about the enemy ; an
occasional sortie from the garrison Avas Avelcomed as a relief from the dreary monotony of our watch . The excitement revived us , and the danger AVIIS as exhilarating as Avine . A brush Avith the enemy , at the point of the bayonet , Avas a trifle , but to stand under arms for hours at a time ,
up to the knees in mud , this was a trial to test the poAvers of the strongest . After a ni ght spent in this manner Ave frequently marched to the rear , to find that there Avas nothing for us to eat . Foraging was out of the question . The troops in the rear managed occasionally to pick up a day ' s
rations m this way , but there Avas no such luck for our fellows . Salt junk , or salt horse , as the sailors call it , Avas beginning to tell upon us , and our mess at least was suffering from that indiscribable longing for fresh meat , Avhich must be felt to be understood . The regiment Avhich Avas
quartered near us Avas French , and the men possessed a brute of a dog , which somehow or other managed to keep a little flesh on his bones , Ave longed to shoot and dine off the rascal , which Avas constantly prowling about our tent , but honour forbade us to attemptsnch an outrage . " Gaston "
Avas known to be a great thief , and Ave strongly suspected that he made free with our scanty-rations ; but we could never catch him in the act , until , one memorable night the rogue , forgetting his usual caution , slipped into our
tent , and snatched a piece of pork before our very eyes . O'Flannigan of ours had been cleaning his revolver , and as the brute rushed passed , with the meat , he struck him a tremendous blow on the head with the but end of the
Aveapon . Poor Gaston rolled over , Avith a cry Avhich Avas a cross between a IIOAVI and a shriek , dropped the meat , turned up the Avhites of his eyes , and gave up the ghost . We were not long in disposing of the body , and I must
confess that roast dog is an excellent dish . I wonder our lively neighbours Avho have added horseflesh to the dietary of niau do not think of the canine race . I might perhaps at the present time prefer a mutton cutlet to a broiled
puppy , but Avhen AVC Avere starving on salt junk and sea bread anything in the Avay of a fresh bite was a luxury . \\ c ! ad to piu for Gaston though through the nose . His comrades iu the regiment soon cleared up the mystery of his disappearance , and O'Flannigan and I had to exchange
How Masonry Saved My Life.
shots Avith a couple of fire eaters , who felt bound in honour to burn powder over the affair . But this little incident keeps me from the pith of my story . I have to tell how Masonry saved my life , and I hasten at once to the denouement . Our lines
had been steadily pushed forward towards the Russian batteries , and Ave Avere almost eveiy day expecting a sortie , Avhen , one evening , as I Avas looking over the earthern parapet in the direction of the battery , which had been playing upon us all day , I thought I saAv a dark and
moving mass advancing upon our left . I hinted my suspicions to Major L , and Ave both Avatched carefully . Presently Ave saw the glitter of steel . "That was the sword of an officer , " said L , " the fool has been using
the flat of it upon the back of a laggard . I am satisfied now that a large force is advancing upon us . " A few minutes sufficed to make our few preparations to receive the enemy , and Ave awaited the attack in sullen silence . The moment
the head of the attacking column was plainly visible , Ave commenced playing upon it Avith grape and canister . The Russians rushed fonvard Avith a loud shout , and Ave replied Avith a volley of musketry . The enemy was trul y in great force , and had soon reached the parapet of our Avorks ,
Avhen a desperate attack , on our part , yvith the bayonet , drove him back in great confusion . We rushed out of the trenches , and a hand-to-hand conflict took place in the darkness the like of which I have never seen since , and hope I shall never see again . The Russians Avere ably
supported by reinforcements from the rear , and we Avere assisted by a brigade of French Infantry Avhich came up as soon as the firing was heard . We had driven the enemy to the counter scarp of his byvn Avorks , when he rallied , and made a desperate charge , under which our men reeled and
retreated for a moment . In the struggle I received a bayonet Avound in the side , and fell . A fresh column of Russians had come out to relieve their comrades , and these fellows covered the retreat in a most masterly style . I expected every moment to receive the coup de grace , for the
retreating Russians cruelly bayoneted our > vounded as they lay helpless on the ground . A brute of a fellow had , indeed , brought his bayonet to the charge , Avith the intention of finishing one , Avhen , Avith a sudden inspiration , I sprang to my feet , seized the hand of an officer Avho stood near ,
and gave him the sign . Fortunately he Avas a Mason , he of course instantly returned it , Avhile , Avith his sabre , he thrust back the deadly point which Avas levelled at my breast . My brotherly foe immediately gave an order for my removal , and I Avas carried into the shelter of the
battery by the very men yvho , but for my happy thought , Avould have given me a happy despatch to the other Avorld My Avound Avas instantly attended to , and the next morning I received a visit from my preserver , Avho brought Avith him a surgeon , Avho soon made me as comfortable as
circumstances would admit . The story of my miraculous escape soon spread through the division , and I received many kind visits from Masons , Avho proved themselves to be brothers in Avord and deed . Many little comforts were contributed by these good felloAvs , Avith the vieAv of making
my captivity as pleasant as possible . I Avas of course Jiors de combat for the remainder of the campaign . I Avas taken into the interior as soon as I could be moved , but my story Avent Avith me , and I everywhere received the kindest treatment from the Russian officers . M y captivity Avas
not ot very long duration , and I need not dwell upon the subsequent events of the Avar . Tne death of the Czar hastened the peace , and I Avas among the first of the prisoners Avho returned to England . I need scarcely add that I have ever since been a most zealous Mason , and shall
cherish the principles of the Order as long as I live . When I hear people railing against Masonry , or Avhen captious critics demand to know Avhat practical good the Order has achieved , I usually tell my story , and I am tempted to
relate it once again in the enduring form of letter-press , in the hope that the moral of the incident may compel conviction iu the minds of those Avho ai'e too ready to believe that Masonry is merely humbug in disguise . D . A . G .
HOUOWAT ' S TILIS AND OIXTMJ-T . —Each quarter of the year tests the constitution , imd discovers its weakest link . By the variable temperatures of the prc .-ent season , thehuman system is severely tried ; cheotcomplaints , disordered li ^ estion , and biliousness are generally more or less frequent . The wisest will -avc both pain and hazard by the early use of these infallible remedies . Uollowny ' s Ointment , well rubbed upon the Bl ; in nearest the seat of disease , jxerts most wonderfully purifying powers , never fails in expelling all noxious matters and removing nil temporary obstructions , thus restoring healthy action to the organ . While the Ointment gently re-arranges disordered action , Holloway ' s Pills should be taken to remove all contaminations from the blood .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
How Masonry Saved My Life.
troop ships of the Urgent type , which wei-e the best means of transport our Admiralty then possessed . The magnificent Jumna and Scrapis , with their sister consorts , were not then in existence . Some of the regiments were embarked on board of hired transports , and others were
accommodated on board the lino of battle ships , which formed a portion of the fleet which was to attack the forts of Sebastopol . The voyage was an unpleasant one , but we did not mind that . Our fellows were delighted at the thought of active service in the field , and no one dreamed
of the hardships and sufferings which we were fated to endure . Our landing at Eupatoria , and the victory of the Alma , are facts of history too well known to need any reference here . We were in the hottest of the fire at the Alma , and our men behaved splendidly . Wo had many
raw recruits in our ranks , but they bore themselves on this memorable clay like seasoned soldiers , and gallantly upheld the traditional fame of the old th . Some of us were sanguine enough to believe that this victory had decided the fate of the Russians-, but we soon discovered
that our task was only beginning . When the trenches were opened , Ave were among the troops ordered to the front , and from first to last we got more than our share of the fighting . We should not , however , have minded that if Ave had been properly cared for . We Avere a fortnight
Avithout tents , and Avhen wc got them , they Avere a poor defence against the Aveather ; mere rags in fact , Avhich admitted every breadth of Avind . I , and tAVO or three of the officers messed and slept together in a small tent , to the right of our position , and Ave soon found that the mess
Avas a mere fiction . Hard bread and salt junk , with green coffee , Avere indeed served out to us , but Ave had no comforts , and our private stores , upon which Ave had based our hopes , were safe on board our ship in Balaclava harbour , and Ave
had no chance of getting them . Often have I , after spending a night on the damp ground , Avith no other shelter than our flimsy teufc and a blanket , risen to breakfast off biscuits and cold water . The men of course Avere no better off
than ourselves , and as Avinter approached a great many of them Avere obliged to cut up their knapsacks into leggings , to defend their limbs from the Avet and mud of the trenches . What awful nights those Avere Avhich Ave spent on duty at the front ! We did not care about the enemy ; an
occasional sortie from the garrison Avas Avelcomed as a relief from the dreary monotony of our watch . The excitement revived us , and the danger AVIIS as exhilarating as Avine . A brush Avith the enemy , at the point of the bayonet , Avas a trifle , but to stand under arms for hours at a time ,
up to the knees in mud , this was a trial to test the poAvers of the strongest . After a ni ght spent in this manner Ave frequently marched to the rear , to find that there Avas nothing for us to eat . Foraging was out of the question . The troops in the rear managed occasionally to pick up a day ' s
rations m this way , but there Avas no such luck for our fellows . Salt junk , or salt horse , as the sailors call it , Avas beginning to tell upon us , and our mess at least was suffering from that indiscribable longing for fresh meat , Avhich must be felt to be understood . The regiment Avhich Avas
quartered near us Avas French , and the men possessed a brute of a dog , which somehow or other managed to keep a little flesh on his bones , Ave longed to shoot and dine off the rascal , which Avas constantly prowling about our tent , but honour forbade us to attemptsnch an outrage . " Gaston "
Avas known to be a great thief , and Ave strongly suspected that he made free with our scanty-rations ; but we could never catch him in the act , until , one memorable night the rogue , forgetting his usual caution , slipped into our
tent , and snatched a piece of pork before our very eyes . O'Flannigan of ours had been cleaning his revolver , and as the brute rushed passed , with the meat , he struck him a tremendous blow on the head with the but end of the
Aveapon . Poor Gaston rolled over , Avith a cry Avhich Avas a cross between a IIOAVI and a shriek , dropped the meat , turned up the Avhites of his eyes , and gave up the ghost . We were not long in disposing of the body , and I must
confess that roast dog is an excellent dish . I wonder our lively neighbours Avho have added horseflesh to the dietary of niau do not think of the canine race . I might perhaps at the present time prefer a mutton cutlet to a broiled
puppy , but Avhen AVC Avere starving on salt junk and sea bread anything in the Avay of a fresh bite was a luxury . \\ c ! ad to piu for Gaston though through the nose . His comrades iu the regiment soon cleared up the mystery of his disappearance , and O'Flannigan and I had to exchange
How Masonry Saved My Life.
shots Avith a couple of fire eaters , who felt bound in honour to burn powder over the affair . But this little incident keeps me from the pith of my story . I have to tell how Masonry saved my life , and I hasten at once to the denouement . Our lines
had been steadily pushed forward towards the Russian batteries , and Ave Avere almost eveiy day expecting a sortie , Avhen , one evening , as I Avas looking over the earthern parapet in the direction of the battery , which had been playing upon us all day , I thought I saAv a dark and
moving mass advancing upon our left . I hinted my suspicions to Major L , and Ave both Avatched carefully . Presently Ave saw the glitter of steel . "That was the sword of an officer , " said L , " the fool has been using
the flat of it upon the back of a laggard . I am satisfied now that a large force is advancing upon us . " A few minutes sufficed to make our few preparations to receive the enemy , and Ave awaited the attack in sullen silence . The moment
the head of the attacking column was plainly visible , Ave commenced playing upon it Avith grape and canister . The Russians rushed fonvard Avith a loud shout , and Ave replied Avith a volley of musketry . The enemy was trul y in great force , and had soon reached the parapet of our Avorks ,
Avhen a desperate attack , on our part , yvith the bayonet , drove him back in great confusion . We rushed out of the trenches , and a hand-to-hand conflict took place in the darkness the like of which I have never seen since , and hope I shall never see again . The Russians Avere ably
supported by reinforcements from the rear , and we Avere assisted by a brigade of French Infantry Avhich came up as soon as the firing was heard . We had driven the enemy to the counter scarp of his byvn Avorks , when he rallied , and made a desperate charge , under which our men reeled and
retreated for a moment . In the struggle I received a bayonet Avound in the side , and fell . A fresh column of Russians had come out to relieve their comrades , and these fellows covered the retreat in a most masterly style . I expected every moment to receive the coup de grace , for the
retreating Russians cruelly bayoneted our > vounded as they lay helpless on the ground . A brute of a fellow had , indeed , brought his bayonet to the charge , Avith the intention of finishing one , Avhen , Avith a sudden inspiration , I sprang to my feet , seized the hand of an officer Avho stood near ,
and gave him the sign . Fortunately he Avas a Mason , he of course instantly returned it , Avhile , Avith his sabre , he thrust back the deadly point which Avas levelled at my breast . My brotherly foe immediately gave an order for my removal , and I Avas carried into the shelter of the
battery by the very men yvho , but for my happy thought , Avould have given me a happy despatch to the other Avorld My Avound Avas instantly attended to , and the next morning I received a visit from my preserver , Avho brought Avith him a surgeon , Avho soon made me as comfortable as
circumstances would admit . The story of my miraculous escape soon spread through the division , and I received many kind visits from Masons , Avho proved themselves to be brothers in Avord and deed . Many little comforts were contributed by these good felloAvs , Avith the vieAv of making
my captivity as pleasant as possible . I Avas of course Jiors de combat for the remainder of the campaign . I Avas taken into the interior as soon as I could be moved , but my story Avent Avith me , and I everywhere received the kindest treatment from the Russian officers . M y captivity Avas
not ot very long duration , and I need not dwell upon the subsequent events of the Avar . Tne death of the Czar hastened the peace , and I Avas among the first of the prisoners Avho returned to England . I need scarcely add that I have ever since been a most zealous Mason , and shall
cherish the principles of the Order as long as I live . When I hear people railing against Masonry , or Avhen captious critics demand to know Avhat practical good the Order has achieved , I usually tell my story , and I am tempted to
relate it once again in the enduring form of letter-press , in the hope that the moral of the incident may compel conviction iu the minds of those Avho ai'e too ready to believe that Masonry is merely humbug in disguise . D . A . G .
HOUOWAT ' S TILIS AND OIXTMJ-T . —Each quarter of the year tests the constitution , imd discovers its weakest link . By the variable temperatures of the prc .-ent season , thehuman system is severely tried ; cheotcomplaints , disordered li ^ estion , and biliousness are generally more or less frequent . The wisest will -avc both pain and hazard by the early use of these infallible remedies . Uollowny ' s Ointment , well rubbed upon the Bl ; in nearest the seat of disease , jxerts most wonderfully purifying powers , never fails in expelling all noxious matters and removing nil temporary obstructions , thus restoring healthy action to the organ . While the Ointment gently re-arranges disordered action , Holloway ' s Pills should be taken to remove all contaminations from the blood .