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Royal Arch Masonry At Whitehaven.
came forward . What they had Avitnessed that day Avas a proof that they were both sincere . No one could have listened to the ceremony of exaltation without feeling that they were deeply indebted to the M . E . Z . for the labour he had bestowed upon the requirements of this office . He ( Comp . Bowes ) never remembered having a move apt pupil . Ho Avould only add that his best offices should always be
at the disposal of tho province . He was rejoiced to seo that due care and oversig ht of Royal Arch Masonry was about to be inaugurated . A new Chapter was shortly to be consecrated at Kirby Lonsdale , with Lord Bective at its head , and then they might soon hope to see a Provincial Grand Chapter constituted . He thanked them very heartily .
Comp . Alsop proposed " The Principals , Officers and Members of Chapters in the Province , " and coupled with it the name of Comp . James Porter P . Z ., of Wigton , Avho responded . Comp . Kenworthy , in proposing " The Visiting Companions , " said he had much pleasure in discharging that duty , as he should conplo Avith it the names of two Cumberland men now resident in far distant climes , but who
happened to be on a visit to the land of their birth . Comps . George Glasse , of Victoria , Hong Kong , and JohnR . Smith , of Chicago , N . S . America , responded , and wero warmly received . Comp . McKelrio proposed "The newly exalted Companions , " and Comp . CoAvman responded . Comp . Gibson proposed " The Masonic Charities , " and in doing so alluded in gratifying terms to the
recent election to the Boys' School of Robert Duff , of Silloth , due in a great measure to the active personal exertions on the spot of Comp . James Porter , Avith whose name the toast was coupled . Comp . Porter responded in a most interesting and instructive speech . Comp . Bowes asked permission to propose a toast not on the list . The officers had all been considered , but there Avas an unofficial
member who , if they would excuse the paradox , Avas always in office , and one to Avhom the Chapter Avas deeply indebted , he referred to Comp . White . The toast was heartily received . Comp . White briefly responded . The Janitor ' s toast completed tho list . During the evening a number of companions kindly favoured the company with songs , & c , under tho able direction of Comp . Cooper Organist .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
A PROVINCIAL Grand Lodge Avas held on Wednesday last , under the banner of tho Wentworth Lodge , No . 1239 , and presided over by the R . W . Bro . Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., J . P ., D . L ., R . W . P . G . M . of West Yorkshire , in tho Cutlers' Hall , Sheffield . Tho officers of tho Wentworth Lodge opened the Lodge shortly before one o ' clock , and soon afterwards the R . W . P . G . M ., the W . Deputy Provincial G . M ., and Provincial Grand Officers entered ,
and Avere received in due form . Tho meeting AA'as a very large one , representatives being present from almost every Lodge in the Province , including the Mayors of several toAvns . The R . W . Provincial Grand Master , after opening the Provincial Grand Lodge , said : Brethren , —In tho first place , allow me to compliment the WentAvorth Lodge for their preparations for the reception
of the Provincial Grand Lodge , Avhich has been held under tho banner of the Wentworth Lodge for the first time . And I take the earliest opportunity of congratulating the brethren on tho magnificent reception they gave to our M . W . G . M . of England in August last , and the remarkable manifestation of loyalty exhibited during the visit of our most illustrious Grand Master , his Roval Highness the Prince of
Wales , and his amiable consort . Whilst I deeply regret the worship , ltd Mayor of Sheffield was not a member of our Craft , and that etiquette prevented an official recognition of Freemasonry , ' I am glad to bo assured that the Craft is prospering to such an extent in Sheffield that it is proposed to enlarge and greatly improve tho present Masonic Hall , and however much AVC feel grateful for tho loan of the
present building for this great gathering I trust we may soon meet in premises dedicated solely to Freemasonry in this most important centre of industry . Brethren , I thank you for your salutation . The great gathering I see before me on this occasion shows the interest manifested by you all in the Masonic affairs of the province , and trust that under my leadership the principles of Freemasonry may
be upheld Avith the same consistency Avith Avhich they Avere advocated by my distinguished predecessor , tho Marquis of Ripon , and his able deputy , Bro . Bcntley Shaw . It must be a matter of congratulation to this province that it hasjbecn enabled to command , this year , considerable accession of voting poAver at the Charity elections . Notwithstanding the numerous losses it has sustained through death , West
Yorkshire alone has made the munificent contribution to our three great Charities of £ 2 , 000 . This amount has been subscribed by 174 brethren only , so that there are something like 2 , 600 brethren in the province Avho have not directly helped our Charity Committee . Brethren , I must still say , what the Marquis of Ripon repeatedly told you , viz ., that ho always saw the old names on the subscription
lists year after year ; and I , like him , am naturally anxious that out subscriptions should be collected from those in the province formin " the majority , and not left to the feAV . With 58 candidates for the Boy ' s School and only ten vacancies , Avith 30 applications for the Girls ' School and only six vacancies , West Yorkshire should do more in the future than Avhat has been done in the past , if it means to be successful Avith its own orphans . West Yorkshire AATIS never in snch difficulty
as it has been in this October election . Had not the greatest efforts been made among the brethren , there was little hope of carrying oven one g-irl . Those efforts , however , has resulted in the election of the two i > irls , and one boy also has got in . For this we have to thank our Bro . Thomas William Tew D . F . U . M . ; Bro . Thomas Hill , Chairman of our Charity Committee ; Bro . H Smith , our Provincial Grand Secretary ; and Bro . Simpson , of St . Oswald ' s Lodge , Avho acted as a scrutineer . With respect to the collection , of voting papers , there is
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
still great room for improvement . On the 5 th October Provincial Grand Secretary Bro . Smith wrote to my deputy , Bro . Tew , that 1 , 800 boys' and girls' votes had still to come in , and on Saturday , the 9 th October , and Monday , the 11 th , the fate of our candidates Avas sealed . Henceforth , I beg and entreat all the brethren Avhen they receive these voting papers to sign and send them back to
our Provincial Grand Secretary without the loss of a single post . It has never been the object of Freemasonry to degenerate into a mere benefit society , or become a club in the popular acceptation of the term ; and as admissions into Freemasonry are greatly on tho increase I do earnestly impress on the Masters of Lodges Bye-laws 47 and 48 of this Provincial Grand Lodge with reference to joining
brethren , and to the initiation of now candidates . This Province cannot be to particular who it initiates and Avho it receives . There are Lodges in the provinces which are Clubs and Lodges . I need hardly tell you it is necessary for tho interests of Freemasonry that these Masonic Clubs should conform strictly to the law of the land , and whatever the hour of closing be in populous towns , these clubs and
Lodges should close at that hour too . By extending Lodge gatherings to nnstatntory hours , Freemasonry is liable to be brought into disrespect and disrepute . Lodges should be colleges for the purpose of operative and speculative Freemasonry , and for the inculcation of morality and philosophy , and not clnba for recreation alone . Since I last had the honour of addressing this Piwincial Grand Lodge my
indefatigable Deputy , Brother Tew , has consecrated two now Lodges . One of them has set a good examp le of charity by endowing two of its chairs for the Girls' School ; and the other regrets , for the present , it has not a private room aAvay from the public-house at which to hold its meetings , and in which the furniture could remain in its place with , out beinjr taken away after every meeting . This is a sentiment in
the right direction , and I and my deputy earnestly desire that every Lodge in West Yorkshire should soon have private rooms of its own . I cannot conclude my remarks , brethren , without referring with deep sorrow to the loss Ave have sustained by the death of Bro . Freeman , of Huddersfield , Avho rendered most valuable assistance in the revision of our P . G . Bye-laws . Bro . Jonas Hill has also been taken away
from us . You will regret to hear that Bro . Thomas Hill contemplates resigning his chairmanship of our Charity Committee next April . We hope , however , he will reconsider his determination . We sincerely hope so ; AVC really cannot spare him . I have only to add that I trust the discussions which may arise from tho business before us Avill receive that impartial attention Avhich is justly due to a Congress of
this kind . ( The R . W . P . G . M . was repeatedly cheered during the delivery of his address , and resumed his seat amidst loud applause . ) The rolls having been called , and the minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , holden at Dewsbury in July last , confirmed , An important discussion arose on a motion , of which notice had been given , by Bro . J . Cawthorn P . M . 458 , P . P . G . A . P ., " That this
Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire take info consideration tho necessity of thoroughly investigating the management and expenditure of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , to the end that a more economic system of collecting and dispensing the funds of this Institution may be arrived at , so that candidates who from time to time are excluded from its benefits by reason of the present s \ utem
may , by a more judicious and less expensive management , be enabled to participate in the benefits of the Charity . " Tko motion was carried after an animated discussion , as it Avas generally considered that the cost ;> nr head for tho education and maintenance of the children did not in figures compare advantageously with the twt in other educational establishments of a similar kind . At the same time the idea
of imputing anything irregular to tho House Committee or Managers of tho institution Avas distinctly disclaimed . Indeed , such an investigation , it was believed , would be for the good of the Institution itself , Avould tend to secure its stability , aud would ensure to it tho brethren ' s confidence aud support , Avhich were at the present time to some extent shaken b y the statements in circulation . It was resolved , on motions by Bro . the Rev . E . B . Chalmer P . P . G . C . and Bro . J .
Cawthorn P . P . G . A . P ., that , for tho purpose of making the d csircd investigation a committee of twelve be appointed , to consist ; of s ' members of the Charity Committee , and six independent members to be named by the R . W . P . G . M ., and that they report the result o £ their inquiries at the next Provincial Grand Lodge . It was resolved , on the motion of Bro . W . H . Gill P . M . 1019 P . P . G .
Reg ., that tho sum of one hundred pounds be given to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , and that the sum of one hundred guineas be given to tho Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , at tho respective Festivals in 1870 " . After the transaction of some other business , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed .
A banquet was then held in the Cutlers' Hall , tho R . W . P . G . M . presiding . There was a large attendance , and tho proceedings were of a most enjoyable character . The toasts Avere as follow : —The Queen , M . W . G . M . E . H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales K . G . & c . & c , R . W . P . G . M . E . the Right Hon . tho Earl of Carnarvon , and the Officers
and Past Officers of Grand Lodge , R . W . P . G . M . W . Y . Lieut-Col . Sir Henry Edwards Bart , J . P . D . L ., W . D . P . G . M ., Bro . T . W . Tew J . P ., aud tho Officers and Past Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , P . G . C ., and oar Clerical Brethren , the Masonic Charities , W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s of Lodges , and the Visiting Brethren . —Sheffield Daily Telegraph .
A crowded meeting of residents of Nine-elms and the nei ghbourhood was held yesterday evening , for tho purpose of taking measures to free Vauxhall and other metropolitan bridges from toll . It Avas stated that the sum necessary to make Vanxhall-bridge open to tho public would be £ 12 , 000 , which ought to be granted by the Government , and its future maintenance should be divided between the counties of Middlesex and Surrey . A petition to this effect to the Chief Commissioner of Works was ' adopted .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch Masonry At Whitehaven.
came forward . What they had Avitnessed that day Avas a proof that they were both sincere . No one could have listened to the ceremony of exaltation without feeling that they were deeply indebted to the M . E . Z . for the labour he had bestowed upon the requirements of this office . He ( Comp . Bowes ) never remembered having a move apt pupil . Ho Avould only add that his best offices should always be
at the disposal of tho province . He was rejoiced to seo that due care and oversig ht of Royal Arch Masonry was about to be inaugurated . A new Chapter was shortly to be consecrated at Kirby Lonsdale , with Lord Bective at its head , and then they might soon hope to see a Provincial Grand Chapter constituted . He thanked them very heartily .
Comp . Alsop proposed " The Principals , Officers and Members of Chapters in the Province , " and coupled with it the name of Comp . James Porter P . Z ., of Wigton , Avho responded . Comp . Kenworthy , in proposing " The Visiting Companions , " said he had much pleasure in discharging that duty , as he should conplo Avith it the names of two Cumberland men now resident in far distant climes , but who
happened to be on a visit to the land of their birth . Comps . George Glasse , of Victoria , Hong Kong , and JohnR . Smith , of Chicago , N . S . America , responded , and wero warmly received . Comp . McKelrio proposed "The newly exalted Companions , " and Comp . CoAvman responded . Comp . Gibson proposed " The Masonic Charities , " and in doing so alluded in gratifying terms to the
recent election to the Boys' School of Robert Duff , of Silloth , due in a great measure to the active personal exertions on the spot of Comp . James Porter , Avith whose name the toast was coupled . Comp . Porter responded in a most interesting and instructive speech . Comp . Bowes asked permission to propose a toast not on the list . The officers had all been considered , but there Avas an unofficial
member who , if they would excuse the paradox , Avas always in office , and one to Avhom the Chapter Avas deeply indebted , he referred to Comp . White . The toast was heartily received . Comp . White briefly responded . The Janitor ' s toast completed tho list . During the evening a number of companions kindly favoured the company with songs , & c , under tho able direction of Comp . Cooper Organist .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
A PROVINCIAL Grand Lodge Avas held on Wednesday last , under the banner of tho Wentworth Lodge , No . 1239 , and presided over by the R . W . Bro . Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., J . P ., D . L ., R . W . P . G . M . of West Yorkshire , in tho Cutlers' Hall , Sheffield . Tho officers of tho Wentworth Lodge opened the Lodge shortly before one o ' clock , and soon afterwards the R . W . P . G . M ., the W . Deputy Provincial G . M ., and Provincial Grand Officers entered ,
and Avere received in due form . Tho meeting AA'as a very large one , representatives being present from almost every Lodge in the Province , including the Mayors of several toAvns . The R . W . Provincial Grand Master , after opening the Provincial Grand Lodge , said : Brethren , —In tho first place , allow me to compliment the WentAvorth Lodge for their preparations for the reception
of the Provincial Grand Lodge , Avhich has been held under tho banner of the Wentworth Lodge for the first time . And I take the earliest opportunity of congratulating the brethren on tho magnificent reception they gave to our M . W . G . M . of England in August last , and the remarkable manifestation of loyalty exhibited during the visit of our most illustrious Grand Master , his Roval Highness the Prince of
Wales , and his amiable consort . Whilst I deeply regret the worship , ltd Mayor of Sheffield was not a member of our Craft , and that etiquette prevented an official recognition of Freemasonry , ' I am glad to bo assured that the Craft is prospering to such an extent in Sheffield that it is proposed to enlarge and greatly improve tho present Masonic Hall , and however much AVC feel grateful for tho loan of the
present building for this great gathering I trust we may soon meet in premises dedicated solely to Freemasonry in this most important centre of industry . Brethren , I thank you for your salutation . The great gathering I see before me on this occasion shows the interest manifested by you all in the Masonic affairs of the province , and trust that under my leadership the principles of Freemasonry may
be upheld Avith the same consistency Avith Avhich they Avere advocated by my distinguished predecessor , tho Marquis of Ripon , and his able deputy , Bro . Bcntley Shaw . It must be a matter of congratulation to this province that it hasjbecn enabled to command , this year , considerable accession of voting poAver at the Charity elections . Notwithstanding the numerous losses it has sustained through death , West
Yorkshire alone has made the munificent contribution to our three great Charities of £ 2 , 000 . This amount has been subscribed by 174 brethren only , so that there are something like 2 , 600 brethren in the province Avho have not directly helped our Charity Committee . Brethren , I must still say , what the Marquis of Ripon repeatedly told you , viz ., that ho always saw the old names on the subscription
lists year after year ; and I , like him , am naturally anxious that out subscriptions should be collected from those in the province formin " the majority , and not left to the feAV . With 58 candidates for the Boy ' s School and only ten vacancies , Avith 30 applications for the Girls ' School and only six vacancies , West Yorkshire should do more in the future than Avhat has been done in the past , if it means to be successful Avith its own orphans . West Yorkshire AATIS never in snch difficulty
as it has been in this October election . Had not the greatest efforts been made among the brethren , there was little hope of carrying oven one g-irl . Those efforts , however , has resulted in the election of the two i > irls , and one boy also has got in . For this we have to thank our Bro . Thomas William Tew D . F . U . M . ; Bro . Thomas Hill , Chairman of our Charity Committee ; Bro . H Smith , our Provincial Grand Secretary ; and Bro . Simpson , of St . Oswald ' s Lodge , Avho acted as a scrutineer . With respect to the collection , of voting papers , there is
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
still great room for improvement . On the 5 th October Provincial Grand Secretary Bro . Smith wrote to my deputy , Bro . Tew , that 1 , 800 boys' and girls' votes had still to come in , and on Saturday , the 9 th October , and Monday , the 11 th , the fate of our candidates Avas sealed . Henceforth , I beg and entreat all the brethren Avhen they receive these voting papers to sign and send them back to
our Provincial Grand Secretary without the loss of a single post . It has never been the object of Freemasonry to degenerate into a mere benefit society , or become a club in the popular acceptation of the term ; and as admissions into Freemasonry are greatly on tho increase I do earnestly impress on the Masters of Lodges Bye-laws 47 and 48 of this Provincial Grand Lodge with reference to joining
brethren , and to the initiation of now candidates . This Province cannot be to particular who it initiates and Avho it receives . There are Lodges in the provinces which are Clubs and Lodges . I need hardly tell you it is necessary for tho interests of Freemasonry that these Masonic Clubs should conform strictly to the law of the land , and whatever the hour of closing be in populous towns , these clubs and
Lodges should close at that hour too . By extending Lodge gatherings to nnstatntory hours , Freemasonry is liable to be brought into disrespect and disrepute . Lodges should be colleges for the purpose of operative and speculative Freemasonry , and for the inculcation of morality and philosophy , and not clnba for recreation alone . Since I last had the honour of addressing this Piwincial Grand Lodge my
indefatigable Deputy , Brother Tew , has consecrated two now Lodges . One of them has set a good examp le of charity by endowing two of its chairs for the Girls' School ; and the other regrets , for the present , it has not a private room aAvay from the public-house at which to hold its meetings , and in which the furniture could remain in its place with , out beinjr taken away after every meeting . This is a sentiment in
the right direction , and I and my deputy earnestly desire that every Lodge in West Yorkshire should soon have private rooms of its own . I cannot conclude my remarks , brethren , without referring with deep sorrow to the loss Ave have sustained by the death of Bro . Freeman , of Huddersfield , Avho rendered most valuable assistance in the revision of our P . G . Bye-laws . Bro . Jonas Hill has also been taken away
from us . You will regret to hear that Bro . Thomas Hill contemplates resigning his chairmanship of our Charity Committee next April . We hope , however , he will reconsider his determination . We sincerely hope so ; AVC really cannot spare him . I have only to add that I trust the discussions which may arise from tho business before us Avill receive that impartial attention Avhich is justly due to a Congress of
this kind . ( The R . W . P . G . M . was repeatedly cheered during the delivery of his address , and resumed his seat amidst loud applause . ) The rolls having been called , and the minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , holden at Dewsbury in July last , confirmed , An important discussion arose on a motion , of which notice had been given , by Bro . J . Cawthorn P . M . 458 , P . P . G . A . P ., " That this
Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire take info consideration tho necessity of thoroughly investigating the management and expenditure of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , to the end that a more economic system of collecting and dispensing the funds of this Institution may be arrived at , so that candidates who from time to time are excluded from its benefits by reason of the present s \ utem
may , by a more judicious and less expensive management , be enabled to participate in the benefits of the Charity . " Tko motion was carried after an animated discussion , as it Avas generally considered that the cost ;> nr head for tho education and maintenance of the children did not in figures compare advantageously with the twt in other educational establishments of a similar kind . At the same time the idea
of imputing anything irregular to tho House Committee or Managers of tho institution Avas distinctly disclaimed . Indeed , such an investigation , it was believed , would be for the good of the Institution itself , Avould tend to secure its stability , aud would ensure to it tho brethren ' s confidence aud support , Avhich were at the present time to some extent shaken b y the statements in circulation . It was resolved , on motions by Bro . the Rev . E . B . Chalmer P . P . G . C . and Bro . J .
Cawthorn P . P . G . A . P ., that , for tho purpose of making the d csircd investigation a committee of twelve be appointed , to consist ; of s ' members of the Charity Committee , and six independent members to be named by the R . W . P . G . M ., and that they report the result o £ their inquiries at the next Provincial Grand Lodge . It was resolved , on the motion of Bro . W . H . Gill P . M . 1019 P . P . G .
Reg ., that tho sum of one hundred pounds be given to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , and that the sum of one hundred guineas be given to tho Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , at tho respective Festivals in 1870 " . After the transaction of some other business , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed .
A banquet was then held in the Cutlers' Hall , tho R . W . P . G . M . presiding . There was a large attendance , and tho proceedings were of a most enjoyable character . The toasts Avere as follow : —The Queen , M . W . G . M . E . H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales K . G . & c . & c , R . W . P . G . M . E . the Right Hon . tho Earl of Carnarvon , and the Officers
and Past Officers of Grand Lodge , R . W . P . G . M . W . Y . Lieut-Col . Sir Henry Edwards Bart , J . P . D . L ., W . D . P . G . M ., Bro . T . W . Tew J . P ., aud tho Officers and Past Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , P . G . C ., and oar Clerical Brethren , the Masonic Charities , W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s of Lodges , and the Visiting Brethren . —Sheffield Daily Telegraph .
A crowded meeting of residents of Nine-elms and the nei ghbourhood was held yesterday evening , for tho purpose of taking measures to free Vauxhall and other metropolitan bridges from toll . It Avas stated that the sum necessary to make Vanxhall-bridge open to tho public would be £ 12 , 000 , which ought to be granted by the Government , and its future maintenance should be divided between the counties of Middlesex and Surrey . A petition to this effect to the Chief Commissioner of Works was ' adopted .