Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Dyer , who was duly advanced to the degree of Mark Master in a very careful manner . The thanks of the Chapter Avere given to Comps . Wheeler and Johnson for their services .
Macdonald Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 104 . —The autumnal meeting of this prosperous Ledge was held at Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue , Coleman-street , E . G ., on Saturday , the Kith inst . The W . Bro . Robert Berridge W . M . being unavoidably absent , the chair of A . Avas occupied by tho I . P . M ., the W . Bro . William AVorrell P . G . Organist , and amongst others present were
Bros . T . W . White S . W ., North Ritherdon M . O ., E . Moody S . O . ; the V . W . Bros . Thomas Meggy P . G . M . O . P . M . and Treasurer , and James Stevens P . G . J . O ., P . M . ; the W . Bro . Charles Hummerton P . G . D . C . P . M . and Secretary ; Bros . W . P . Collins S . D ., G . Yexley G . S . D . C ., John Close , W . Johnston , J . R . Williams , J . M . Wohlgemuth , J . H . Pitt , H . F . Partridge , G . W . Verry , Truman , Grant , & c , and visitor ,
the W . Bro . Sigismund Rosenthal P . G . D . C . There AA'cre several candidates for advancement , but in each case absence from town prevented attendance , and the opportunity was thereby afforded for perfecting certain arrangements affecting the working of the Lodge , which resulted satisfactorily for the good of the Order in general and of the Lodge in particular . The brethren subsequently adjourned
to a banquet , under the presidency of Bro . Worrell , Avho aftenvards proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts with considerable ability . The evening ' s pleasure was enhanced by the vocal efforts of Bros . Stevens , Meggy , Close , and Truman , and DA' a spirited recitation , by Bro . Moody , of " The Charge of the Six Hundred , " in response to Avhich the brethren " Avhipped round " for a donation to the fund for
the forthcoming banquet of the gallant survivors of the glorious " Balaklava Charge . " For a few brief moments the meeting resolved itself into a gathering of " Craft Masons , " to do honour to the M . W . G . M ., and to wish the royal traveller health , happiness , and " a safe return to his native land . " A most enjoyable evening ,
characterised by that earnest good fellowship and social harmony which has always been conspicuous in the Macdonald Lodge , was brought to a close shortly before eight o'clock , when tho brethren separated , " sorry to part , " but hoping to " meet again" in February next .
Sincerity Lodge , No . 174 . —This Lodge held its first meeting of the season on Wednesday , the 20 th of October , at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . Present—Bros . E . J . Moore W . M ., W . T . Wells S . W ., G . J . Billiard J . W ., J . Newton P . M . Secretary , S . H . Eawley P . M . Treasurer , Appleby S . D ., Seddon J . D ., Webb D . C ., Verry Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . BarloAV , Lacey , Tuck I . P . M ., Balmer , & c , and
a largo attendence of members and visitors , amongst whom we may mention Bros . Harward , Morrison and Adrian from the United States of America , Bro . Self S . G . W . of Essex , Bros . Binckes and Terry , tho Secretaries of our Boys' School and Benevolent Institution , Bros . Berrie , W . W . Morgan , & c . The Lodge was opened and minutes of last Lodge and of the Lodge of Emergency hold on 18 th August
Avere read and confirmed . The business on the summons Avas of an exceptionally heavy character . Messrs . Arthur Harper Bond , William Green Norman , George Gibson Harris and William Taynton Avere duly proposed , seconded and ballotted for . The result being unanimous in their favour . Bro . G . Smith was raised to tho degree of M . M ., Bro . J . Vigor , formerly of the British Oak Lodge , was elected
a joining member . The Lodge Avas resumed to the first degree , and the four candidates named above were severally initiated into the Order . The W . M . conducting tho ceremonies in a very satisfactory manner . Several interesting letters , referring to Lodge business , were then read , and other matters taken into consideration . The most interesting event of the evening Avas then brought
forward , this was the presentation to Brother J . Newton , P . M . and Secretary , of a beautifully illustrated address on vellum , elegantly framed , together with a handsome gold Avatch and chain . Brother E . J . Moore W . M ., in a feAV pertinent remarks , expressed the gratification it afforded him to be the medium through which the members of the Lodge desired to express their high appreciation of
the valuable services P . M . J . NeAvton had rendered to the Lodge of Sincerity during the many years he had held the arduous post of Secretary to their Lodge . It was no light task to carry out the ATork that the office entailed , and he , as well as tho brethren around him , Avere well aAvare that Bro . Newton must have heavily encroached upon tho hours that should have been devoted to domestic comfort
aud enjoyment . Under these circumstances he had great pleasure in announcing that the brethren had determined to supplement their gift to Bro . NeAvton by offering for the acceptance of Mrs . NeAvton a gold locket and chain . Brother Newton returned thanks ; he had ahvays had great pleasure in fulfilling his duties in connection Avith the Lodge of Sincerity , aud these handsome gifts AA-onld be a still
greater incentive , if any were needed , to merit a continuance of the goodwill and esteem of the Lodge . The brethren next proceeded to banquet , where Bro . Moore pr << --i- ' "d in a most genial manner . The usual toasts Avere given and reci-i i ded to . Bro . F . Binckes , in replying to that of the Grand Officers , said , that the brethren Avould insist on placing him in a position of embarrassment by coupling his name
with this toast . He certainly Avas not a Past Grand Officer , as the post of Grand SteAvaid , Avhich he had had the honour to fill , did not carry that rank . He , however , was not entirely out of order , as it had been ruled that , in the absence of a Past or Present Grand Officer , a Past Grand SteAvaid might reply to the toast . To the toasts of the Initiates , the new brethren each responded , Bro . Bond , in a few brief Avords giving evidence of being able to express in pithy
sentences feelings natural on such an occasion . Bro . P . M . luck proposed the health of the W . M ., he referred to the arduous duties the W . M had had to perform during the evening , and to the excellent manner in Avhich he had performed those duties . Bro . Berrie here sang , in good style , " Happy we will on together . " Bro . Moore replied : It Avas his duty to try and do his utmost to keep up the prosperity of HIP Lodge . He referred to the pleasure it had afforded him to present
Notices Of Meetings.
tho testimonial to Bro . Newton , and called attention to the Installation Jewel he was Avearing , which had been presented to him by tho Lodge . The Toast of the Visitors was replied to by the American guests . Bro . Harward expressing a hope that many English Masons would visit the States during the period appointed for the approaching Exhibition , and assuring them they would receive a cordial and
fraternal greeting . " The Past Masters , " was coupled with the name of Bro . Newton , Avho again thanked the brethren for the gifts they had honoured him with . " The Charities" was ably responded to by Bro . Ten-y , and tho Tyler's toast brought this most interesting gathering to a close , not until great anxiety Avas manifested by those assembled as to whether they would be able to catch tho inevitable last train . Subjoined wo give the text of the address : —
SINCBBITY LODGE , NO . 174 . This testimonial , together with a gold watch , chain , & c . was presented to BKO . JOHN NEAYTON P . M . in open Lodge , 20 th October 1875 , in accordance with a resolution passed at a Lodge meeting , held 19 th May 1875 , by the brethren , in recognition of the valuable services rendered to the Lodge , and
especially in acknowledgment of the zeal and efficiency with which he has for a number of years carried out the arduous and important duties of Secretary , and also as a mark of personal esteem and friendship for the truly Masonic spirit ahvays manifested by him towards his brethren of the Lodge . Signed on behalf of the Lodge by the Members of the Testimonial Committee . Chas . Lacey P . M ., Chairman and Treasurer .
E . J . Moore W . M . Jno . Bnlmer P . M . W . T . Wells S . W . Jno . Adkins P . M . G . J . Hilliard J . W . E . Tuck P . M . Jno . Appleby S . D . Jas . Thomas C . H . Webb D . C . W . T . Roberts Jno . Miller W . S . Jno . Burchill S . H . RaAvley P . M . FDK . BROAVJT , Hon . Sec .
St . James ' s Union Lodge No . 180 . —The first autumnal meeting of this influential Lodge was held on Tuesday , 19 th inst . at Freemasons' Hall , Gt . Queen-street , W . C . Bro . W . C . Parsons W . M . in tho chair , Bros . Stonor P . M . as S . W ., F . Annett J . W ., Robinson P . M . Treasurer , IT . A . Stacy P . M . Secretary , Pillin S . D ., S . Smith J . D ., Harrison I . G ., and Past Masters L . Herf , Smithett , Cameron , J . R . Stacey , and a numerous assemblage of the brethren . The
Lodge having been opened , and tho minntes confirmed , Bros . Baker , Atkin and Wright Avere raised to the 3 rd degree , and Mr . Green Avas initiated . Great credit is due to the W . M . and the officers for their perfect working of the various ceremonies . A notice of motion Avas unanimously carried " That any brother offering himself as a Steward for either of the Masonic Charities , the Lodge should place a Life Governorship on his list until the Lodge became a Vice-President . " A sum of £ 30 was voted to a distressed
brother , and the brethren , inaddition to that amount , liberally subscribed the sum of £ 38 . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat doAvn to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Francatelli , and superintended by Bro . KniYl . The W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Smithett , in proposing the toast of tho W . M ., adverted to the excellent manner in which
he had performed the various ceremonies during his year of office , his courteous demeanour in presiding over them , and the high estimation he is hold in by every brother in tho Lodge . The W . M ., in reply , said he had to thank Bro . Smithett and the brethren for their kind expressions . Ho had been placed in the chair by the kindness of the brethren , and his aim was the welfare of tho
Lodge ; he trusted , at the expiration of his year of office , that he would have the same good feeling manifested by the brethren . The toasts of the Visitors , Past Masters , Wardens and Officers folloAved , Bro . F . Annett very appropriately responding . Tho Tyler ' s toast was given , and a very enjoyable evening terminated .
Bros . Cantle , Pillin , Stollard and Herf sang some very excellent songs . Several visitors wero present . The Lodge of Instruction attached to this Lodge is held at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , and meets every Monday evening at 8 o ' clock , under the able Preccptorship of Bro . J . R . Stacy P . M .
Lodge of Tranquillity , No . 185 . —This Lodge held its first meeting of the season on Monday , the 18 th of October , at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street . Present— Bros . J . H . Ross W . M ., Barnett S . W ., D . Poseucr J . W ., P . Levy Secretary , J . Peartree Treasurer , Pare S . D ., Bailey J . D ., Croaker I . G ., RaAvles Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . Constable , Bloomfield , N . Moss , S . E . Moss , Harfield ,
Holbrook , Solomon , Sydney , M . Harris . Visitors—Bros . Lean P . M . 1087 , Plnmmer 177 , Field 1321 , Browne 142 ( 5 , Terry P . M . ( Secretary of the Royal Benevolent Institution ) 228 , Reed 765 , Atkins 55 , Frost 1347 , Hcrold 1050 . Morgan 1385 , Baker 192 , & c . The business of the evening consisted in passing Bro . Rowley , and in ballotting for Messrs . Digby Sadloir , Thomas William Casburn Bush , Lionel Cohen ,
and Philip Felix Renaud Saillard . The ballot Avas clear , and tho gentlemen were duly initiated by the W . M ., Avho performed the ceremonies in a most perfect and satisfactory manner . Some routine business was then transacted , aud the Lodge was closed . A banquet followed , at , which Bro . Ross presided , and conducted the proceedings of tho evening most ably . On the removal of the cloth he said : —•
Brethren , previously to submitting the toasts of the evening , allow mc to congratulate you upon the resumption of Masonic duty , and the health yon appear to enjoy . I hope that no circumstance has transpired during our vacation to mar your happiness . The first toast I shall offer for your reception is one of loyalty , and it always takes precedence iu our assemblies , whether of Masonic or public regulation . An alhvise Providence has hitherto spared her
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Dyer , who was duly advanced to the degree of Mark Master in a very careful manner . The thanks of the Chapter Avere given to Comps . Wheeler and Johnson for their services .
Macdonald Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 104 . —The autumnal meeting of this prosperous Ledge was held at Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue , Coleman-street , E . G ., on Saturday , the Kith inst . The W . Bro . Robert Berridge W . M . being unavoidably absent , the chair of A . Avas occupied by tho I . P . M ., the W . Bro . William AVorrell P . G . Organist , and amongst others present were
Bros . T . W . White S . W ., North Ritherdon M . O ., E . Moody S . O . ; the V . W . Bros . Thomas Meggy P . G . M . O . P . M . and Treasurer , and James Stevens P . G . J . O ., P . M . ; the W . Bro . Charles Hummerton P . G . D . C . P . M . and Secretary ; Bros . W . P . Collins S . D ., G . Yexley G . S . D . C ., John Close , W . Johnston , J . R . Williams , J . M . Wohlgemuth , J . H . Pitt , H . F . Partridge , G . W . Verry , Truman , Grant , & c , and visitor ,
the W . Bro . Sigismund Rosenthal P . G . D . C . There AA'cre several candidates for advancement , but in each case absence from town prevented attendance , and the opportunity was thereby afforded for perfecting certain arrangements affecting the working of the Lodge , which resulted satisfactorily for the good of the Order in general and of the Lodge in particular . The brethren subsequently adjourned
to a banquet , under the presidency of Bro . Worrell , Avho aftenvards proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts with considerable ability . The evening ' s pleasure was enhanced by the vocal efforts of Bros . Stevens , Meggy , Close , and Truman , and DA' a spirited recitation , by Bro . Moody , of " The Charge of the Six Hundred , " in response to Avhich the brethren " Avhipped round " for a donation to the fund for
the forthcoming banquet of the gallant survivors of the glorious " Balaklava Charge . " For a few brief moments the meeting resolved itself into a gathering of " Craft Masons , " to do honour to the M . W . G . M ., and to wish the royal traveller health , happiness , and " a safe return to his native land . " A most enjoyable evening ,
characterised by that earnest good fellowship and social harmony which has always been conspicuous in the Macdonald Lodge , was brought to a close shortly before eight o'clock , when tho brethren separated , " sorry to part , " but hoping to " meet again" in February next .
Sincerity Lodge , No . 174 . —This Lodge held its first meeting of the season on Wednesday , the 20 th of October , at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . Present—Bros . E . J . Moore W . M ., W . T . Wells S . W ., G . J . Billiard J . W ., J . Newton P . M . Secretary , S . H . Eawley P . M . Treasurer , Appleby S . D ., Seddon J . D ., Webb D . C ., Verry Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . BarloAV , Lacey , Tuck I . P . M ., Balmer , & c , and
a largo attendence of members and visitors , amongst whom we may mention Bros . Harward , Morrison and Adrian from the United States of America , Bro . Self S . G . W . of Essex , Bros . Binckes and Terry , tho Secretaries of our Boys' School and Benevolent Institution , Bros . Berrie , W . W . Morgan , & c . The Lodge was opened and minutes of last Lodge and of the Lodge of Emergency hold on 18 th August
Avere read and confirmed . The business on the summons Avas of an exceptionally heavy character . Messrs . Arthur Harper Bond , William Green Norman , George Gibson Harris and William Taynton Avere duly proposed , seconded and ballotted for . The result being unanimous in their favour . Bro . G . Smith was raised to tho degree of M . M ., Bro . J . Vigor , formerly of the British Oak Lodge , was elected
a joining member . The Lodge Avas resumed to the first degree , and the four candidates named above were severally initiated into the Order . The W . M . conducting tho ceremonies in a very satisfactory manner . Several interesting letters , referring to Lodge business , were then read , and other matters taken into consideration . The most interesting event of the evening Avas then brought
forward , this was the presentation to Brother J . Newton , P . M . and Secretary , of a beautifully illustrated address on vellum , elegantly framed , together with a handsome gold Avatch and chain . Brother E . J . Moore W . M ., in a feAV pertinent remarks , expressed the gratification it afforded him to be the medium through which the members of the Lodge desired to express their high appreciation of
the valuable services P . M . J . NeAvton had rendered to the Lodge of Sincerity during the many years he had held the arduous post of Secretary to their Lodge . It was no light task to carry out the ATork that the office entailed , and he , as well as tho brethren around him , Avere well aAvare that Bro . Newton must have heavily encroached upon tho hours that should have been devoted to domestic comfort
aud enjoyment . Under these circumstances he had great pleasure in announcing that the brethren had determined to supplement their gift to Bro . NeAvton by offering for the acceptance of Mrs . NeAvton a gold locket and chain . Brother Newton returned thanks ; he had ahvays had great pleasure in fulfilling his duties in connection Avith the Lodge of Sincerity , aud these handsome gifts AA-onld be a still
greater incentive , if any were needed , to merit a continuance of the goodwill and esteem of the Lodge . The brethren next proceeded to banquet , where Bro . Moore pr << --i- ' "d in a most genial manner . The usual toasts Avere given and reci-i i ded to . Bro . F . Binckes , in replying to that of the Grand Officers , said , that the brethren Avould insist on placing him in a position of embarrassment by coupling his name
with this toast . He certainly Avas not a Past Grand Officer , as the post of Grand SteAvaid , Avhich he had had the honour to fill , did not carry that rank . He , however , was not entirely out of order , as it had been ruled that , in the absence of a Past or Present Grand Officer , a Past Grand SteAvaid might reply to the toast . To the toasts of the Initiates , the new brethren each responded , Bro . Bond , in a few brief Avords giving evidence of being able to express in pithy
sentences feelings natural on such an occasion . Bro . P . M . luck proposed the health of the W . M ., he referred to the arduous duties the W . M had had to perform during the evening , and to the excellent manner in Avhich he had performed those duties . Bro . Berrie here sang , in good style , " Happy we will on together . " Bro . Moore replied : It Avas his duty to try and do his utmost to keep up the prosperity of HIP Lodge . He referred to the pleasure it had afforded him to present
Notices Of Meetings.
tho testimonial to Bro . Newton , and called attention to the Installation Jewel he was Avearing , which had been presented to him by tho Lodge . The Toast of the Visitors was replied to by the American guests . Bro . Harward expressing a hope that many English Masons would visit the States during the period appointed for the approaching Exhibition , and assuring them they would receive a cordial and
fraternal greeting . " The Past Masters , " was coupled with the name of Bro . Newton , Avho again thanked the brethren for the gifts they had honoured him with . " The Charities" was ably responded to by Bro . Ten-y , and tho Tyler's toast brought this most interesting gathering to a close , not until great anxiety Avas manifested by those assembled as to whether they would be able to catch tho inevitable last train . Subjoined wo give the text of the address : —
SINCBBITY LODGE , NO . 174 . This testimonial , together with a gold watch , chain , & c . was presented to BKO . JOHN NEAYTON P . M . in open Lodge , 20 th October 1875 , in accordance with a resolution passed at a Lodge meeting , held 19 th May 1875 , by the brethren , in recognition of the valuable services rendered to the Lodge , and
especially in acknowledgment of the zeal and efficiency with which he has for a number of years carried out the arduous and important duties of Secretary , and also as a mark of personal esteem and friendship for the truly Masonic spirit ahvays manifested by him towards his brethren of the Lodge . Signed on behalf of the Lodge by the Members of the Testimonial Committee . Chas . Lacey P . M ., Chairman and Treasurer .
E . J . Moore W . M . Jno . Bnlmer P . M . W . T . Wells S . W . Jno . Adkins P . M . G . J . Hilliard J . W . E . Tuck P . M . Jno . Appleby S . D . Jas . Thomas C . H . Webb D . C . W . T . Roberts Jno . Miller W . S . Jno . Burchill S . H . RaAvley P . M . FDK . BROAVJT , Hon . Sec .
St . James ' s Union Lodge No . 180 . —The first autumnal meeting of this influential Lodge was held on Tuesday , 19 th inst . at Freemasons' Hall , Gt . Queen-street , W . C . Bro . W . C . Parsons W . M . in tho chair , Bros . Stonor P . M . as S . W ., F . Annett J . W ., Robinson P . M . Treasurer , IT . A . Stacy P . M . Secretary , Pillin S . D ., S . Smith J . D ., Harrison I . G ., and Past Masters L . Herf , Smithett , Cameron , J . R . Stacey , and a numerous assemblage of the brethren . The
Lodge having been opened , and tho minntes confirmed , Bros . Baker , Atkin and Wright Avere raised to the 3 rd degree , and Mr . Green Avas initiated . Great credit is due to the W . M . and the officers for their perfect working of the various ceremonies . A notice of motion Avas unanimously carried " That any brother offering himself as a Steward for either of the Masonic Charities , the Lodge should place a Life Governorship on his list until the Lodge became a Vice-President . " A sum of £ 30 was voted to a distressed
brother , and the brethren , inaddition to that amount , liberally subscribed the sum of £ 38 . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat doAvn to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Francatelli , and superintended by Bro . KniYl . The W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Smithett , in proposing the toast of tho W . M ., adverted to the excellent manner in which
he had performed the various ceremonies during his year of office , his courteous demeanour in presiding over them , and the high estimation he is hold in by every brother in tho Lodge . The W . M ., in reply , said he had to thank Bro . Smithett and the brethren for their kind expressions . Ho had been placed in the chair by the kindness of the brethren , and his aim was the welfare of tho
Lodge ; he trusted , at the expiration of his year of office , that he would have the same good feeling manifested by the brethren . The toasts of the Visitors , Past Masters , Wardens and Officers folloAved , Bro . F . Annett very appropriately responding . Tho Tyler ' s toast was given , and a very enjoyable evening terminated .
Bros . Cantle , Pillin , Stollard and Herf sang some very excellent songs . Several visitors wero present . The Lodge of Instruction attached to this Lodge is held at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , and meets every Monday evening at 8 o ' clock , under the able Preccptorship of Bro . J . R . Stacy P . M .
Lodge of Tranquillity , No . 185 . —This Lodge held its first meeting of the season on Monday , the 18 th of October , at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street . Present— Bros . J . H . Ross W . M ., Barnett S . W ., D . Poseucr J . W ., P . Levy Secretary , J . Peartree Treasurer , Pare S . D ., Bailey J . D ., Croaker I . G ., RaAvles Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . Constable , Bloomfield , N . Moss , S . E . Moss , Harfield ,
Holbrook , Solomon , Sydney , M . Harris . Visitors—Bros . Lean P . M . 1087 , Plnmmer 177 , Field 1321 , Browne 142 ( 5 , Terry P . M . ( Secretary of the Royal Benevolent Institution ) 228 , Reed 765 , Atkins 55 , Frost 1347 , Hcrold 1050 . Morgan 1385 , Baker 192 , & c . The business of the evening consisted in passing Bro . Rowley , and in ballotting for Messrs . Digby Sadloir , Thomas William Casburn Bush , Lionel Cohen ,
and Philip Felix Renaud Saillard . The ballot Avas clear , and tho gentlemen were duly initiated by the W . M ., Avho performed the ceremonies in a most perfect and satisfactory manner . Some routine business was then transacted , aud the Lodge was closed . A banquet followed , at , which Bro . Ross presided , and conducted the proceedings of tho evening most ably . On the removal of the cloth he said : —•
Brethren , previously to submitting the toasts of the evening , allow mc to congratulate you upon the resumption of Masonic duty , and the health yon appear to enjoy . I hope that no circumstance has transpired during our vacation to mar your happiness . The first toast I shall offer for your reception is one of loyalty , and it always takes precedence iu our assemblies , whether of Masonic or public regulation . An alhvise Providence has hitherto spared her