Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
was initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry , the charge being given by Past Master Bewes . This being all the business , the Lodge Avas closed in due and ancient form at 9 . 30 p . m . The brethren spent a comfortable hour together after with the W . M ., at the Queen ' s Hotel .
Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 . —The usual meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , the 18 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lineoln-Inn-Fields , Bro . Mander W . M ., J . H . Watts S . W ., Pankhnrst J . W ., Joshua Nunn P . G . S . B . P . M . Treasurer , Woods Secretary , E . J . Harty S . D ., Taylor J . D ., Saull as I . G ., and Watts I . P . M . The Lodge Avas opened , and on the confirmation of the
minutes , Bros . Walters , Blackwood and Walker Avere raised to the 3 rd degree , Bros . Dr . Lloyd and Milmore were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and Mr . R . Roby , having been ballotted for and accepted , Avas duly initiated . The resignation of Bro . Joshua Nunn P . G . S . B . and Treasurer Avas accepted with regret , and the W . M .,
Bro . Mander , Avas unanimously elected Treasurer pro tern , until the regular election in January next . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated . There Avas no banquet . Among the visitors were Bros . Smallpiece , Gardner , C . A . Burrell P . M ., Coulton P . M ., and several others .
Gladsmuzr Chapter , No . 1385 . —The regular meeting of this Chapter Avas held at the Red Lion Hotel , Barnot , Herts , on Thursdav , 14 th instant ; among those present were E . Comps . T . S . Carter M . E . Z ., J . Lowthm H ., W . Cutbush J ., J . Verry P . Soj ., J . Terry P . Z ., Comps . Livingston 1 st A . S ., Booth 2 nd A . S ., Cnssans , Crutch , Yolland , Fisher , and Young . Visitors—E . Comps . Neall P . Z . 429 , Berry 524 , Willson 403 . The business of the evening was to
exalt Bro . James Cutbush S . W . 1385 . The ceremony was performed by the M . E . Z ., E . Comp . Terry very ably giving the Lectures . The following were then elected officers of the Chapter for the ensuing year : —E . Comps . Lowthin Z ., W . Cutbush H ., Hayward Edwards J ., J . R . Cocks S . E . ( re-elected ) , Verry S . N ., Livingston P . S ., W . Cutbush Treasurer ( re-elected ) , and Goddard Janitor ( re-elected ) . The companions afterwards adjourned to a capital supper , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . —The first anniversary cf this Lodge Avas held on Thursday , under tho presidency of Bro . Jas . Willing , the first W . M ., and one of the founders , assisted by tho officers of tho Lodge , a large assemblage of tho brethren , and distinguished visitors , among whom Avere several members of Grand Lodge . The "Lodge was opened by Bro . J . Willing , with Bro . Michael '
S . W ., Williams J . W ., G . Tims P . M . Secretary , & c . The minutes of the former Lodge and emergency meetings wero read and confirmed . The Treasurer's account shoAvcd a balance of £ 25 in favour of the Lodge after paying for the furniture , Grand Lodge dues , and incidental expenses , a feature worthy to be recorded in a Lodge so
young in existence . Bro . Sayors and Erwood wero passed to tho second degree , and Messrs . Gilbert and Swaagson Avere initiated . A board of Installed Masters Avas then formed , and Bro . Jas . Willing I . P . M . installed his successor , Bro . Michael S . W . and W . M . elect , into the chair . Tho neAvly installed W . M . having been saluted according to ancient form , invested his officers : —Bro . Jas . Willing
Notices Of Meetings.
jun . I . P . M ., Williams S . W ., Kingham J . W ., Rose ^ Treasurer , Tims P . M . Secretary , John Douglas S . D ., Scales J . D ., Side I . G ., Stiles D . C . and Assistant Secretary , Colls W . S . and Daly Tyler . The appointment of those brethren gave great satisfaction . The W . M . then rose and said , ho had a pleasing task to perform ; a duty incumbent on him ; that Avas to testify to the brethren the merits
of one who was one of the founders of the Lodge . A committee had been formed to carry out the presentation of an excellent portrait of Bro . Jas . Willing jun ., who had , as the first Master of the Metropolitan Lodge , so successfully conducted the affairs of the Lodge during his year of office . Bro . Michael said ho hoped that , in years to come , Bro . Willing would live in their hearts , and that they might
see him , iu health and prosperity , for many years to come . Bro . Jas . Willing , amid the applause of the brethren , said he never expected so great a compliment to be paid him , but he accepted it as a token of the approbation of the brethren for his services , which always were at the disposal , not only of this Lodge , but of theCraft in general . The Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren , G 9 in number , sat
down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Cox . Tho W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bros . J . Smith P-G . P ., T . Cubitt P . G . P ., and T . A . Adams P . G . P . responded for the toast of the Grand Officers . Bro . J . Willing I . P . M . then proposed the health of the W . M ., one whom the Lodge may he proud of ; he Avould bo a credit to it , not only for his working ,
but also for his Masonic qualifications . The W . M ., in reply , said he should indeed be satisfied if ho could bo as successful as his predecessor , aud , with the co-operation of tho brethren , he AA'ould do all he conld for the prosperity of the Lodge . ( Cheers . ) A pleasing task now devolved upon him , that Avas , to supplement the portrait that had been presented to the Lodge , by requesting Brother
Willing" s acceptance of a P . M . ' s jewel ; he hoped he might livejlong to Avear it , and that it would be handed downas a heir-loom to his family . Bro . Willing returned thanks ; their kindness would never be effaced from his memory . The toasts of tho newly initiated brethren and the visitors followed , the latter responded to by Bro . G . Everett W . M .
177 . Several brethren from America Avere pleased to express their opinion of the admirable manner in which the duties had been carried out , and thanks for the hospitality they had received . Several other toasts Avere given and responded to , and the brethren separated after spending a most pleasant evening .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —The usual weekly meeting AA-US held on the 15 th instant , at tho Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonville-road . Bros . Side as W . M ., Berrie S . W ., J Carter J . W ., Kingham S . D ., Williams J . D ., Scales I . G ., James Willing jun . Treasurer , and Brothers Smith , Ormiston , Walters , Fowler , Michael , Child , Read , Shave , Little , H Stiles , and T . A . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor . The Lodge Avas opened , and the
minutes were confirmed . The ceremony of the second degree was rehearsed , Bro . Fowler acting as candidate . The ceremony of the third degree was then given , Bro . Ormiston acting as candidate . The working of the W . M . and officers was commendable . Bro . James Willing then rehearsed the ceremony of Installation , the Candidate being Bro . Michael S . W . and W . M . elect of the parent Lodge . Bro . Berrie was elected W . M . for the ensuing Aveek , and the meeting Avas adjourned .
_ jj * - DYER'S WATCHES . j ^ jllll Yk Best and Cheapest in j |^ 2 ^ s | jL the World . J ^^^^^^^^ K . T . OAVEST AVhole-$ / , ' ^^ "VfT * ^ t ^ t ^ Stf . side cash prices : Jr / , ' . ^ - \\ All / N \ < OT' Aluminium , ICH ikl ; ff / i , / >\ llu - / N \\ Sk Silver , Bis ; Silver iff i . 7 is ^ •«¦¦ J > k \ W- levers , i > Js ; Gold , ttlJ / l *^/ IMII S ^^\\ VftS . 55 s ; Levers , IBs . AU Bbl h ' J » \ W . kinds of AV ' utches , IS . tl ff iu \ i Clocks , and Gold fji DK »< d <* £ _ . HH m Jewellery . Every )\ Qf- —\ yr ^ m ^^ r I ( J Kjlj watch timed , tested AilA P . A A ^^ -I } /// P anti warranted for * Att \) , 'S ? Pi > cS & 7 / r * m y >' : »' s ' Orders SnW > Sy i * sa ! a per post . Trice > 3 K \ NxT jfo V / Vffl & l ' & s mid illustru-WKXs . 114 Tl VV JV v l timisi ' ree .-DYEK & " •®&^ 5 <* IA Ktp f jlffl Sows , Watch > I ; um-^^^^ c ^^ -i ^ K ^ S ^ fucturcrs . noiiugent ^^ T ^ - * - ^^^/ ^ Street , London , W ., ^ 2 || if 33 jigQrasjg § igj ^ i-. ivd Civ . iux - uu - "* 5 *~* 'i * £ 22 s & zB-iU ^ Fonds .
rpiEE WESTMINSTER PAL'EKS , Vol . 8 . J . So . 00 , for O CIOBKH , now ready . Sixpence , CHESS , AVUIST , GAMKS OI ? SKILL AND THE DRAIM . W . AV . MOUQAK , 67 Barbican , Loudon , E . G .
BOOKS ON FREEMASONRY . CAT ALOGUE of a Yalnablo Collection , chiefly of the utmost rarity , may bo had on application , also of recent Masonic Works published , or on sale , by JOHN HOGG , 15 A Paternoster Row , London , E . G .
HOW TO WRITE EASILY . CIRCULAR POINTED PENS . —The Press Series , 12 different ; sorts , are strongly recommended , 6 d per box ; by post , One Penny extra . AV . AV . MOUGAN , Stationer , 67 Barbican , E . G .
Demy Svo , Price 7 s 6 d . POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . I Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . Lo . vo . H . A ., T . C . D ., Being : i . supplement to tho "Key to the Chess Openings , " by the same author . LONDON : W . \ V . MOKOAIT , 67 BABBICAN E . O .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Kamp » hire ., I . of IVight , and Surnsex County Journal , Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most iuMuiiiiti . il circulation . " 1 'Lie N ' aval Paper oftho Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief OIHces : —151 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOLBHOOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in tho district . Advertisements should he forwarded to reach the Office not later thau Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
REQUIRED , by a pensioned Sergeant-Major , ( late Royal Artillery ) some EMPLOYMENT where an intelligent , trustworthy man is required . Age 40 years . Highest testimonials . J . H ., 36 Horleyford Road , Yauxhall .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
was initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry , the charge being given by Past Master Bewes . This being all the business , the Lodge Avas closed in due and ancient form at 9 . 30 p . m . The brethren spent a comfortable hour together after with the W . M ., at the Queen ' s Hotel .
Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 . —The usual meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , the 18 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lineoln-Inn-Fields , Bro . Mander W . M ., J . H . Watts S . W ., Pankhnrst J . W ., Joshua Nunn P . G . S . B . P . M . Treasurer , Woods Secretary , E . J . Harty S . D ., Taylor J . D ., Saull as I . G ., and Watts I . P . M . The Lodge Avas opened , and on the confirmation of the
minutes , Bros . Walters , Blackwood and Walker Avere raised to the 3 rd degree , Bros . Dr . Lloyd and Milmore were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and Mr . R . Roby , having been ballotted for and accepted , Avas duly initiated . The resignation of Bro . Joshua Nunn P . G . S . B . and Treasurer Avas accepted with regret , and the W . M .,
Bro . Mander , Avas unanimously elected Treasurer pro tern , until the regular election in January next . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated . There Avas no banquet . Among the visitors were Bros . Smallpiece , Gardner , C . A . Burrell P . M ., Coulton P . M ., and several others .
Gladsmuzr Chapter , No . 1385 . —The regular meeting of this Chapter Avas held at the Red Lion Hotel , Barnot , Herts , on Thursdav , 14 th instant ; among those present were E . Comps . T . S . Carter M . E . Z ., J . Lowthm H ., W . Cutbush J ., J . Verry P . Soj ., J . Terry P . Z ., Comps . Livingston 1 st A . S ., Booth 2 nd A . S ., Cnssans , Crutch , Yolland , Fisher , and Young . Visitors—E . Comps . Neall P . Z . 429 , Berry 524 , Willson 403 . The business of the evening was to
exalt Bro . James Cutbush S . W . 1385 . The ceremony was performed by the M . E . Z ., E . Comp . Terry very ably giving the Lectures . The following were then elected officers of the Chapter for the ensuing year : —E . Comps . Lowthin Z ., W . Cutbush H ., Hayward Edwards J ., J . R . Cocks S . E . ( re-elected ) , Verry S . N ., Livingston P . S ., W . Cutbush Treasurer ( re-elected ) , and Goddard Janitor ( re-elected ) . The companions afterwards adjourned to a capital supper , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . —The first anniversary cf this Lodge Avas held on Thursday , under tho presidency of Bro . Jas . Willing , the first W . M ., and one of the founders , assisted by tho officers of tho Lodge , a large assemblage of tho brethren , and distinguished visitors , among whom Avere several members of Grand Lodge . The "Lodge was opened by Bro . J . Willing , with Bro . Michael '
S . W ., Williams J . W ., G . Tims P . M . Secretary , & c . The minutes of the former Lodge and emergency meetings wero read and confirmed . The Treasurer's account shoAvcd a balance of £ 25 in favour of the Lodge after paying for the furniture , Grand Lodge dues , and incidental expenses , a feature worthy to be recorded in a Lodge so
young in existence . Bro . Sayors and Erwood wero passed to tho second degree , and Messrs . Gilbert and Swaagson Avere initiated . A board of Installed Masters Avas then formed , and Bro . Jas . Willing I . P . M . installed his successor , Bro . Michael S . W . and W . M . elect , into the chair . Tho neAvly installed W . M . having been saluted according to ancient form , invested his officers : —Bro . Jas . Willing
Notices Of Meetings.
jun . I . P . M ., Williams S . W ., Kingham J . W ., Rose ^ Treasurer , Tims P . M . Secretary , John Douglas S . D ., Scales J . D ., Side I . G ., Stiles D . C . and Assistant Secretary , Colls W . S . and Daly Tyler . The appointment of those brethren gave great satisfaction . The W . M . then rose and said , ho had a pleasing task to perform ; a duty incumbent on him ; that Avas to testify to the brethren the merits
of one who was one of the founders of the Lodge . A committee had been formed to carry out the presentation of an excellent portrait of Bro . Jas . Willing jun ., who had , as the first Master of the Metropolitan Lodge , so successfully conducted the affairs of the Lodge during his year of office . Bro . Michael said ho hoped that , in years to come , Bro . Willing would live in their hearts , and that they might
see him , iu health and prosperity , for many years to come . Bro . Jas . Willing , amid the applause of the brethren , said he never expected so great a compliment to be paid him , but he accepted it as a token of the approbation of the brethren for his services , which always were at the disposal , not only of this Lodge , but of theCraft in general . The Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren , G 9 in number , sat
down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Cox . Tho W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bros . J . Smith P-G . P ., T . Cubitt P . G . P ., and T . A . Adams P . G . P . responded for the toast of the Grand Officers . Bro . J . Willing I . P . M . then proposed the health of the W . M ., one whom the Lodge may he proud of ; he Avould bo a credit to it , not only for his working ,
but also for his Masonic qualifications . The W . M ., in reply , said he should indeed be satisfied if ho could bo as successful as his predecessor , aud , with the co-operation of tho brethren , he AA'ould do all he conld for the prosperity of the Lodge . ( Cheers . ) A pleasing task now devolved upon him , that Avas , to supplement the portrait that had been presented to the Lodge , by requesting Brother
Willing" s acceptance of a P . M . ' s jewel ; he hoped he might livejlong to Avear it , and that it would be handed downas a heir-loom to his family . Bro . Willing returned thanks ; their kindness would never be effaced from his memory . The toasts of tho newly initiated brethren and the visitors followed , the latter responded to by Bro . G . Everett W . M .
177 . Several brethren from America Avere pleased to express their opinion of the admirable manner in which the duties had been carried out , and thanks for the hospitality they had received . Several other toasts Avere given and responded to , and the brethren separated after spending a most pleasant evening .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —The usual weekly meeting AA-US held on the 15 th instant , at tho Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonville-road . Bros . Side as W . M ., Berrie S . W ., J Carter J . W ., Kingham S . D ., Williams J . D ., Scales I . G ., James Willing jun . Treasurer , and Brothers Smith , Ormiston , Walters , Fowler , Michael , Child , Read , Shave , Little , H Stiles , and T . A . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor . The Lodge Avas opened , and the
minutes were confirmed . The ceremony of the second degree was rehearsed , Bro . Fowler acting as candidate . The ceremony of the third degree was then given , Bro . Ormiston acting as candidate . The working of the W . M . and officers was commendable . Bro . James Willing then rehearsed the ceremony of Installation , the Candidate being Bro . Michael S . W . and W . M . elect of the parent Lodge . Bro . Berrie was elected W . M . for the ensuing Aveek , and the meeting Avas adjourned .
_ jj * - DYER'S WATCHES . j ^ jllll Yk Best and Cheapest in j |^ 2 ^ s | jL the World . J ^^^^^^^^ K . T . OAVEST AVhole-$ / , ' ^^ "VfT * ^ t ^ t ^ Stf . side cash prices : Jr / , ' . ^ - \\ All / N \ < OT' Aluminium , ICH ikl ; ff / i , / >\ llu - / N \\ Sk Silver , Bis ; Silver iff i . 7 is ^ •«¦¦ J > k \ W- levers , i > Js ; Gold , ttlJ / l *^/ IMII S ^^\\ VftS . 55 s ; Levers , IBs . AU Bbl h ' J » \ W . kinds of AV ' utches , IS . tl ff iu \ i Clocks , and Gold fji DK »< d <* £ _ . HH m Jewellery . Every )\ Qf- —\ yr ^ m ^^ r I ( J Kjlj watch timed , tested AilA P . A A ^^ -I } /// P anti warranted for * Att \) , 'S ? Pi > cS & 7 / r * m y >' : »' s ' Orders SnW > Sy i * sa ! a per post . Trice > 3 K \ NxT jfo V / Vffl & l ' & s mid illustru-WKXs . 114 Tl VV JV v l timisi ' ree .-DYEK & " •®&^ 5 <* IA Ktp f jlffl Sows , Watch > I ; um-^^^^ c ^^ -i ^ K ^ S ^ fucturcrs . noiiugent ^^ T ^ - * - ^^^/ ^ Street , London , W ., ^ 2 || if 33 jigQrasjg § igj ^ i-. ivd Civ . iux - uu - "* 5 *~* 'i * £ 22 s & zB-iU ^ Fonds .
rpiEE WESTMINSTER PAL'EKS , Vol . 8 . J . So . 00 , for O CIOBKH , now ready . Sixpence , CHESS , AVUIST , GAMKS OI ? SKILL AND THE DRAIM . W . AV . MOUQAK , 67 Barbican , Loudon , E . G .
BOOKS ON FREEMASONRY . CAT ALOGUE of a Yalnablo Collection , chiefly of the utmost rarity , may bo had on application , also of recent Masonic Works published , or on sale , by JOHN HOGG , 15 A Paternoster Row , London , E . G .
HOW TO WRITE EASILY . CIRCULAR POINTED PENS . —The Press Series , 12 different ; sorts , are strongly recommended , 6 d per box ; by post , One Penny extra . AV . AV . MOUGAN , Stationer , 67 Barbican , E . G .
Demy Svo , Price 7 s 6 d . POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . I Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . Lo . vo . H . A ., T . C . D ., Being : i . supplement to tho "Key to the Chess Openings , " by the same author . LONDON : W . \ V . MOKOAIT , 67 BABBICAN E . O .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Kamp » hire ., I . of IVight , and Surnsex County Journal , Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most iuMuiiiiti . il circulation . " 1 'Lie N ' aval Paper oftho Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief OIHces : —151 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOLBHOOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in tho district . Advertisements should he forwarded to reach the Office not later thau Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
REQUIRED , by a pensioned Sergeant-Major , ( late Royal Artillery ) some EMPLOYMENT where an intelligent , trustworthy man is required . Age 40 years . Highest testimonials . J . H ., 36 Horleyford Road , Yauxhall .