Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Orphan Boys' School, Dublin.
THE half-yearly meeting of the Governors of this Institution will be held on Thursday , the 11 th November , for the purpose of transacting the ordinary business , the election of tAvo pupils from the list of candidates hereunder , and also for the election of the Honorary
Officers and Committee for the ensuing year . The rules as to the election of pupils are briefly : —That no candidate shall be under nine or over eleven years of ago on the day of election ; all elections shall be by voting papers ; no candidate who has been three times on the voting papers ,
and not , on any occasion , obtained twenty votes , shall be again put forward as a candidate ; vice patrons ( donors of £ 60 ) are entitled to nine votes for each vacancy , and two extra votes for each additional £ 10 ; vice-presidents ( donors of £ 30 ) to three votes for each vacancy and two
extra votes for each £ 1 ; life governors ( £ 10 ) and annual governors ( £ 1 ) to one vote for each vacancy , and one extra for each additional £ 10 or £ 1 respectively . An official governor , who is also a governor in his own right , may vote in both capacities . Voting papers are to be sent in bv the 4 th November .
PARTICULARS AS TO CANDIDATES . Ago No . of Year * sub- v t , No . Name of Applicant next Father ' s Held at scribing f ™™„ wi birthday Lodge to lodge lorward 1 Ballantine Wills 11 88 Belfast 4 G 4 2 Blundell Thomas H . 12 308 Ballymahon 9 . Mo . 29 3 Gill George H . 11 73 Limerick 2 87 4 Harvey Francis W . 11 935 Wexford 7 16 5 Hitchcock George S . 10 6 Dublin 20
—6 Irwin Herbert K . 10 102 Lifford 5 — 7 Leggett John A . 10 197 Dnndrnm 14 — 8 Little William S . 11 158 Hollymonnt * 232 9 Mathews Charles L . 12 431 , 205 Ballymena * 122 10 Robinson Alexander 12 197 Dundrum * 42 11 Welch James M . 13 77 Nowry 3 — •* Not stated .
Masonic Female Orphan School, Dublin.
A GENERAL meeting of the Governors Avill be held at the School House , on Tuesday , 7 th December , for the purpose of transacting the ordinary business , for the election of the Honorary Officers and Committee for 1876 , and for the election of four out of eight candidates . The
rales for the election of pupils are : —That all elections shall be by voting papers ; no candidate shall be under seven or over tAvelve years of age ; only tAvo sisters shall be in the School at the same time , and the second shall not be elected
till one year after the election of the first ; no child Avho has been thrice on the voting papers , and not received more than tAventy votes , on any occasion , shall be again brought forward ; annual Governors ( £ 1 ) and Life Governors ( £ 10 ) ,
shall have one vote for each vacancy , and one extra for each additional pound or ten pounds ; officers of Lodges or Chapters Avho arej both officially and in their own right governors , may exercise their privileges in both capacities . Voting papers are to be sent in by the 30 th November .
PARTICULARS AS TO CANDIDATES . Apo Ko . of Years sub- ~ . No . Name of Applicant next Tnther ' s Held at scribimr , , Birthday Lodge to Lod' -o 'oraara
1 Anketell Ida F . 10 131 Mulliogar * 585 2 Bradburne Lanra 11 12 , 525 Dublin 11 ? .- — 3 Burdge Truella L . 14 14 Galway 5 * 7 G 4 Cullinan Lilla J . 9 GO Ennis U — 5 Hall Mary L . 12 291 Stewartstown * " 383 6 Hendley Florence 9 242 Boyle 31 464 7 Kewley Eliza J . 10 212 Castletown 5 £ 171 8 M'Intyre Margaret 12 G 42 Kilkenny * 407 * Particulars not supplied .
FELTOE AND Soxs' ( 27 Albemarle Street , W ., late of Conduit Street ) " Specialite " Sherry is a very pleasant light Aviuc , with no hoat ; a real vinous flavour , which , unlike that of the majority of sherries at low prices , leaves an impression on the palate of-belonging to a real A \ -ine It is exceedingly pleasant to the eye ; the
taste is soft , round , and not acid ; the flavour is vinous and dry , Avithout any suggestion of artificial bitterness . We have no doubt that as a moderately stimulating accessory to the meal of a patient suffering from atonic dyspepsia it would be valuable . —Medical Times .
Royal Arch Masonry At Whitehaven.
THE annual Convocation of the Snn , Square and Compasses Chapter , No . 119 , Whitehaven , was held at Freemasons' Hall , College-street , on Wednesday , 13 th October . The Chapter AV . IS opened by M . E . Z . Comp . John Bavr , E . Fearon H . and John Bowes P . Z ., & c , as J ., assisted by Comps . W . B . Gibson P . Z ., Kenworthy P . Z ., and James Porter P . Z ., No . 327 , Wiirton , after which the remaindor
¦> f the Comps ., an unusually largo number , wero admitted . Several candidates were balloted for and afterwards exalted by the M . E . Z ., the Historic Lecture being delivered by Comp . E . Fearon . After some routine business hiid been disposed of , Comp . W . B . Gibson P . Z ., in tho name of the Chapter , presented to the M . E . Z . a handsome gold P . Z . ' s jewel , which bore the following inscription : " Presented to M . E .
Comp . Barr in recognition of his invaluable service as M . E . Z . of tho Sun , Square and Compasses Chapter , No . 119 . October 13 th 1875 . " The M . E . Z . then called upon E . Comp . John Bowes P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B ., West Lancashire , to take the chair as Installing Principal , who Installed the Principals , and invested the officers as follow : —Comps . John Barr re-elected Z ., E . Fearon H ., W . Sandwith J ., John Tickle
S . E ., W . Armstrong S . N ., E . Tyson P . S ., J . M'Kolne Trea ., John Rothery and W . F . Lamonby Asst . Sojs ., and W . Corrio Janitor . On tho conclusion of tho ceremony , E . Comp . W . B . Gibson P . Z ., said they were in the habit of according to thoir kind Comp . Bowes annually a vote of thanks , but he had an addition to propose on that occasion ; it was that , in consideration of the great assistance afforded
by E . Comp . Bowes to the Chapter for a long time past , he be elected an honorary member for life . This proposition was seconded by Comp . Fearon , supported by Comp . Tickle S . E ., and unanimously agreed to . The Chapter then voted ten guineas to the Boys' School . Tho business of the Chapter being concluded , the Comps . adjourned to the banqneting-room , Avhere an elegant repast awaited them . The
chair Avas occupied by the M . E . Z . Comp . Ban-, supported on the right and left by Comps . W . B . Gibbon P . Z ., Jas . Porter P . Z ., E . Tyson P . S ., John Bowes P . Z ., & c , Kenworthy P . Z ., M'Kelrie Trea . Tho cross tables were presided over by Comps . Tickle and Armstrong . The chairman proposed the usual loyal toasts . Comp . Bowes then proposed " Tho three Grand Principals of tho
Supremo Grand Chapter of England , " and in doing so referred to each individually , and said that with such chiefs they had every reason to be proud of that , the highest order of recognised Freemasonry . Comp . W . B . Gibson P . Z ., proposed " the M . E . Z . Comp . John Barr . " Ho said they were all deeply indebted to their M . E . Z for the zeal and ability with Avhich ho had managed to work the
Chapter , and therefore it was tho nnanimons desire of tho members that'he should retain the position another year . Tho M . E . Z ., in responding , said tiiat he was deeply indebted to tho Companions for their kindness . Ho assured them that it was no easy task to master the ceremonial part of his labour ; that he had succeeded was owing in no small degree to the untiring exertions of
their Preceptor , Comp . Bowes . Comp . Pnsren proposed "Tho Second and Third Principals and Officers of Chapter No . 119 . " Ho said ho conld not but echo tho feelings of regret expressed by the M . E . Z ., in Chapter , at the enforced absence of their Avorthy and E . Comp . Dr . Henry , H . elect . Ho had written from London to say how sorry he was that ho could not bo with them to i-eceivo tho , benefit of installation at tho hands of his
friend , Comp . Bowes , and they shared his sorrow , and sincerely hoped that his health , ere long , would bo completely restored . Ho had great pleasure in proposing the toast , because he felt confident that the Chapter would be efficiently worked by their present staff . Comps . E . Fearon , W . Sandwith , McKelrie , Tickle , Armstrong , Tyson and Rothery severally responded
Comp . McKelrie proposed " Tho P . Z . 's of Chapter No . 119 . " Ho said the age of their Chapter precluded them from having many P . Z . ' s ; but out of the small number , two wero present , Comps . Gibson and Kemvorthy , and two more worthy brethren and trusty Companions conld not be found . Their zeal in the Masonic cause Avas AVCII known and appreciated in the province . They were both Past Senior
Wardens of the Province , and as they all knew , Comp . Gibson was at present Prov . G . Secretary , their interest in Masonry Avas unabated , and they , therefore , might congratulate themselves that they had their names on their muster roll . Comp . Gibson thanked them heartily for the kind manner in Avhich . the toast had been proposed and received , and said Comp . McKelrie
waa not far -wrong when he said his friend , Comp . Kenworthy , and himself took a warm interest in Masonry . Their engagements wero frequent , and it afforded them great pleasure to undertake the duties Avhich they were invited to discharge . Comp . Kenworthy also responded , and expressed the great delight he experienced in witnessing the efficient manner in which their
Chapter was Avorked . When they lost their friend and Comp ., Capt . Mott , it occurred to him , Avhen M . E . Z ., that Comp . Bowes Avould take the Chapter under his care , and pnt it iu working order . This desirable object had been achieved , and they rejoiced on all sides . Comp . Fearon proposed " Tho Installing Principal , E . Comp . John Bowes , P . Z . P . Prov . G . S . B . West Lancashire , complimenting him
upon the admirab ' e manner in Avhich he had performed the ceremony of the day . He said Comp . Bowes was always both ready and willing to impart instruction to those who required it . On reaching the town , the night before , he at onco expressed a wish to meet the officers in the Chapter Room to talk about the work they had successfully completed that day . He had very great pleasure in proposing the toast .
Comp . Bowes , in responding , said that , having lived in the eonntj-, and some of his oldest friends still living in it , he was naturally attached to Cumberland . With respect to Freemasonry , he had been a " Avorking " brother for many years ; but he was one of those who did not Avish to keep the work in his own hands . When he first visited their Chapter , Avhich he did on the invitation of his old friend , Comp . Kenworthy , they could do little of themselves . lie offered his services to any Comp . who desired instruction , and Comp . Barr
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Orphan Boys' School, Dublin.
THE half-yearly meeting of the Governors of this Institution will be held on Thursday , the 11 th November , for the purpose of transacting the ordinary business , the election of tAvo pupils from the list of candidates hereunder , and also for the election of the Honorary
Officers and Committee for the ensuing year . The rules as to the election of pupils are briefly : —That no candidate shall be under nine or over eleven years of ago on the day of election ; all elections shall be by voting papers ; no candidate who has been three times on the voting papers ,
and not , on any occasion , obtained twenty votes , shall be again put forward as a candidate ; vice patrons ( donors of £ 60 ) are entitled to nine votes for each vacancy , and two extra votes for each additional £ 10 ; vice-presidents ( donors of £ 30 ) to three votes for each vacancy and two
extra votes for each £ 1 ; life governors ( £ 10 ) and annual governors ( £ 1 ) to one vote for each vacancy , and one extra for each additional £ 10 or £ 1 respectively . An official governor , who is also a governor in his own right , may vote in both capacities . Voting papers are to be sent in bv the 4 th November .
PARTICULARS AS TO CANDIDATES . Ago No . of Year * sub- v t , No . Name of Applicant next Father ' s Held at scribing f ™™„ wi birthday Lodge to lodge lorward 1 Ballantine Wills 11 88 Belfast 4 G 4 2 Blundell Thomas H . 12 308 Ballymahon 9 . Mo . 29 3 Gill George H . 11 73 Limerick 2 87 4 Harvey Francis W . 11 935 Wexford 7 16 5 Hitchcock George S . 10 6 Dublin 20
—6 Irwin Herbert K . 10 102 Lifford 5 — 7 Leggett John A . 10 197 Dnndrnm 14 — 8 Little William S . 11 158 Hollymonnt * 232 9 Mathews Charles L . 12 431 , 205 Ballymena * 122 10 Robinson Alexander 12 197 Dundrum * 42 11 Welch James M . 13 77 Nowry 3 — •* Not stated .
Masonic Female Orphan School, Dublin.
A GENERAL meeting of the Governors Avill be held at the School House , on Tuesday , 7 th December , for the purpose of transacting the ordinary business , for the election of the Honorary Officers and Committee for 1876 , and for the election of four out of eight candidates . The
rales for the election of pupils are : —That all elections shall be by voting papers ; no candidate shall be under seven or over tAvelve years of age ; only tAvo sisters shall be in the School at the same time , and the second shall not be elected
till one year after the election of the first ; no child Avho has been thrice on the voting papers , and not received more than tAventy votes , on any occasion , shall be again brought forward ; annual Governors ( £ 1 ) and Life Governors ( £ 10 ) ,
shall have one vote for each vacancy , and one extra for each additional pound or ten pounds ; officers of Lodges or Chapters Avho arej both officially and in their own right governors , may exercise their privileges in both capacities . Voting papers are to be sent in by the 30 th November .
PARTICULARS AS TO CANDIDATES . Apo Ko . of Years sub- ~ . No . Name of Applicant next Tnther ' s Held at scribimr , , Birthday Lodge to Lod' -o 'oraara
1 Anketell Ida F . 10 131 Mulliogar * 585 2 Bradburne Lanra 11 12 , 525 Dublin 11 ? .- — 3 Burdge Truella L . 14 14 Galway 5 * 7 G 4 Cullinan Lilla J . 9 GO Ennis U — 5 Hall Mary L . 12 291 Stewartstown * " 383 6 Hendley Florence 9 242 Boyle 31 464 7 Kewley Eliza J . 10 212 Castletown 5 £ 171 8 M'Intyre Margaret 12 G 42 Kilkenny * 407 * Particulars not supplied .
FELTOE AND Soxs' ( 27 Albemarle Street , W ., late of Conduit Street ) " Specialite " Sherry is a very pleasant light Aviuc , with no hoat ; a real vinous flavour , which , unlike that of the majority of sherries at low prices , leaves an impression on the palate of-belonging to a real A \ -ine It is exceedingly pleasant to the eye ; the
taste is soft , round , and not acid ; the flavour is vinous and dry , Avithout any suggestion of artificial bitterness . We have no doubt that as a moderately stimulating accessory to the meal of a patient suffering from atonic dyspepsia it would be valuable . —Medical Times .
Royal Arch Masonry At Whitehaven.
THE annual Convocation of the Snn , Square and Compasses Chapter , No . 119 , Whitehaven , was held at Freemasons' Hall , College-street , on Wednesday , 13 th October . The Chapter AV . IS opened by M . E . Z . Comp . John Bavr , E . Fearon H . and John Bowes P . Z ., & c , as J ., assisted by Comps . W . B . Gibson P . Z ., Kenworthy P . Z ., and James Porter P . Z ., No . 327 , Wiirton , after which the remaindor
¦> f the Comps ., an unusually largo number , wero admitted . Several candidates were balloted for and afterwards exalted by the M . E . Z ., the Historic Lecture being delivered by Comp . E . Fearon . After some routine business hiid been disposed of , Comp . W . B . Gibson P . Z ., in tho name of the Chapter , presented to the M . E . Z . a handsome gold P . Z . ' s jewel , which bore the following inscription : " Presented to M . E .
Comp . Barr in recognition of his invaluable service as M . E . Z . of tho Sun , Square and Compasses Chapter , No . 119 . October 13 th 1875 . " The M . E . Z . then called upon E . Comp . John Bowes P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B ., West Lancashire , to take the chair as Installing Principal , who Installed the Principals , and invested the officers as follow : —Comps . John Barr re-elected Z ., E . Fearon H ., W . Sandwith J ., John Tickle
S . E ., W . Armstrong S . N ., E . Tyson P . S ., J . M'Kolne Trea ., John Rothery and W . F . Lamonby Asst . Sojs ., and W . Corrio Janitor . On tho conclusion of tho ceremony , E . Comp . W . B . Gibson P . Z ., said they were in the habit of according to thoir kind Comp . Bowes annually a vote of thanks , but he had an addition to propose on that occasion ; it was that , in consideration of the great assistance afforded
by E . Comp . Bowes to the Chapter for a long time past , he be elected an honorary member for life . This proposition was seconded by Comp . Fearon , supported by Comp . Tickle S . E ., and unanimously agreed to . The Chapter then voted ten guineas to the Boys' School . Tho business of the Chapter being concluded , the Comps . adjourned to the banqneting-room , Avhere an elegant repast awaited them . The
chair Avas occupied by the M . E . Z . Comp . Ban-, supported on the right and left by Comps . W . B . Gibbon P . Z ., Jas . Porter P . Z ., E . Tyson P . S ., John Bowes P . Z ., & c , Kenworthy P . Z ., M'Kelrie Trea . Tho cross tables were presided over by Comps . Tickle and Armstrong . The chairman proposed the usual loyal toasts . Comp . Bowes then proposed " Tho three Grand Principals of tho
Supremo Grand Chapter of England , " and in doing so referred to each individually , and said that with such chiefs they had every reason to be proud of that , the highest order of recognised Freemasonry . Comp . W . B . Gibson P . Z ., proposed " the M . E . Z . Comp . John Barr . " Ho said they were all deeply indebted to their M . E . Z for the zeal and ability with Avhich ho had managed to work the
Chapter , and therefore it was tho nnanimons desire of tho members that'he should retain the position another year . Tho M . E . Z ., in responding , said tiiat he was deeply indebted to tho Companions for their kindness . Ho assured them that it was no easy task to master the ceremonial part of his labour ; that he had succeeded was owing in no small degree to the untiring exertions of
their Preceptor , Comp . Bowes . Comp . Pnsren proposed "Tho Second and Third Principals and Officers of Chapter No . 119 . " Ho said ho conld not but echo tho feelings of regret expressed by the M . E . Z ., in Chapter , at the enforced absence of their Avorthy and E . Comp . Dr . Henry , H . elect . Ho had written from London to say how sorry he was that ho could not bo with them to i-eceivo tho , benefit of installation at tho hands of his
friend , Comp . Bowes , and they shared his sorrow , and sincerely hoped that his health , ere long , would bo completely restored . Ho had great pleasure in proposing the toast , because he felt confident that the Chapter would be efficiently worked by their present staff . Comps . E . Fearon , W . Sandwith , McKelrie , Tickle , Armstrong , Tyson and Rothery severally responded
Comp . McKelrie proposed " Tho P . Z . 's of Chapter No . 119 . " Ho said the age of their Chapter precluded them from having many P . Z . ' s ; but out of the small number , two wero present , Comps . Gibson and Kemvorthy , and two more worthy brethren and trusty Companions conld not be found . Their zeal in the Masonic cause Avas AVCII known and appreciated in the province . They were both Past Senior
Wardens of the Province , and as they all knew , Comp . Gibson was at present Prov . G . Secretary , their interest in Masonry Avas unabated , and they , therefore , might congratulate themselves that they had their names on their muster roll . Comp . Gibson thanked them heartily for the kind manner in Avhich . the toast had been proposed and received , and said Comp . McKelrie
waa not far -wrong when he said his friend , Comp . Kenworthy , and himself took a warm interest in Masonry . Their engagements wero frequent , and it afforded them great pleasure to undertake the duties Avhich they were invited to discharge . Comp . Kenworthy also responded , and expressed the great delight he experienced in witnessing the efficient manner in which their
Chapter was Avorked . When they lost their friend and Comp ., Capt . Mott , it occurred to him , Avhen M . E . Z ., that Comp . Bowes Avould take the Chapter under his care , and pnt it iu working order . This desirable object had been achieved , and they rejoiced on all sides . Comp . Fearon proposed " Tho Installing Principal , E . Comp . John Bowes , P . Z . P . Prov . G . S . B . West Lancashire , complimenting him
upon the admirab ' e manner in Avhich he had performed the ceremony of the day . He said Comp . Bowes was always both ready and willing to impart instruction to those who required it . On reaching the town , the night before , he at onco expressed a wish to meet the officers in the Chapter Room to talk about the work they had successfully completed that day . He had very great pleasure in proposing the toast .
Comp . Bowes , in responding , said that , having lived in the eonntj-, and some of his oldest friends still living in it , he was naturally attached to Cumberland . With respect to Freemasonry , he had been a " Avorking " brother for many years ; but he was one of those who did not Avish to keep the work in his own hands . When he first visited their Chapter , Avhich he did on the invitation of his old friend , Comp . Kenworthy , they could do little of themselves . lie offered his services to any Comp . who desired instruction , and Comp . Barr