Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 3 Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. Page 2 of 3 →
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Our Weekly Budget.
In commercial circles the great event of the last few clays has been Avhat is knoAvn as the repudiation by Turkey of sundry of its pecuniary obligations . We are not , as Masons , much concerned about matters of this kind , but it occurs to us that Turkey must be singularly blind not to
see that in natters financial " honesty is the best policy . " She has vast undeveloped resources , Avhich even a small amount of en < : rgy Avould enable the Government to turn to
good account , tnd then if she should Avant money again , she would experw nee no difficulty in obtaining it ; now we fancy she Avill find ifc no light matter to raise the Avind if occasion demand it .
There have been several speeches lately by members of Parliament . Mr . Russell Gurney , the Recorder of London , made the Admiralty Circular about fugitive slaves , noAV , hoAvever , AvithdraAvn , the text of his address to a Working Man ' s Association at Southampton , and Sir Stirling
Maxwell , after commenting on the work done during the past session , received a vote of confidence from his constituents . On Friday last the chief secretary for Ireland , Sir M . H . Beach , delivered a speech on Irish Education , on the occasion of the degrees being conferred bv the Queen ' s
University of London . Considering the strange manner in which the mob have been treating the Rev . Mr . O'Keeffe , ifc strikes us a little more education , with a view to a little more enli ghtenment , is imperatively necessary . But possibly the Roman Catholic hierarchy are not of the same mind .
The Home Secretary , Mr . Cross , also addressed a Working Man ' s Association in Edinburgh , returning thanks for the address they had presented to him , and expressing his belief that the labour laws passed last session would prove veiy beneficial .
This week the Alexandra Palace has been the scene of a Poultry and Pigeon SIIOAV on an unprecedently large scale . The entries exceeded 2 , 500 , and were ranged in 147 classes , of Avhich 84 were poultry , and the rest devoted to pigeons . The shoAv took place in the Great Central Hall , along
Avhich were placed raws innumerable of pens . The music was not what usually greets the visitors to this magnificent place of recreation . There was more of discord than harmony about it , but after all it Avas an agreeable kind of discord , and one Avith which most of us are familial * , only not
to such an extent . The crowing , the cooing , the cackling of a feAv thousand poultry for a few hours Avas very exhilarating , but not as melodious as tho symphonies and sonatas more generally heard within the Avails of the Palace . But , this apart , the show Avas a grand success , most of the best
knoAvn breeders contributed of their stock , and had the weather been other than it Avas , the exhibition must have been as financially successful as it Avasin all other respects . There were splendid specimens of Dorkings , coloured , silvergrey , white , & c , of Cochins , buff , partridge , white and
black , of Brahmas both dark and light , of Houdans , Crevecceurs , Polish , Hamburg's , Game , Bantams , with some representatives of geese , clucks and turkeys . To enumerate the many varieties of pigeons Avere almost impossible , but those who delight in these pretty birds must have been
pleased with Avhat they saw . We hope the attendance on Thursday , Avhich , if not a brilliant , AVRS at all events not Avholly a rainy day , may have made some amends for the dulnessof Tuesdayand the extreme moisture of Wednesday . On Monday takes place the Balaklava Banquet Avhen as many
of the gallant " six hundred " as are yet alive and able to be present are invited to celebrate their gallant deed of arms . The directors , Avith their usual liberality ,
came forward when there seemed a chance of the project falling through , and placed the Palace at the disposal of the gallant felloAvs , Avho moreover are invited to bring their wives and sisters Avith them . Several of the officers
who were present at the battle Avill also be present . Subscriptions are flowing in , and there seems every prospect of the celebration passing off most successfully . There is one point that strikes AAS as a little out of character . The artist , Miss Thompson , Avhose picture the Roll-Call
chanced to be praised by the Prince of Wales , Avill honour the occasion with her presence . We look for modest retirement in ladies far more than Ave do in men , and AVC do not see bow having painted one or tAvo battle pieces raises her to the dignity of a public Institution . This kind
of way in Avhich a person ' s fame is dinned into the cars of the public , smacks a good deal of trade advertisement . However , it matters not , if the veterans enjoy themselves . As Jupiter Phwi-us is no respecter of persons , wo imagine the Great Harvest Festival that was fixed for Wednesday must have been a failure as regards attend-
Our Weekly Budget.
ance , AA'hatever it may have been in other respects . Let us hope to-day will be bright and sunshiny , so that admirers of the winter promenade concerts may not be kept away . Floods in various parts of the country appear to have become current news for every-day of the wjeek .. If the
rains come down like this much longer we shall require a few immense sheds to be erected on the higher ground , so that when Ave swim to our friends in different neighbourhoods , we may be able to dress and undress with some degree of comfort . Or as the season is , just now , not
particularly warm , we might take to paddling our own canoes to the doors of our friends , or of the theatres , concert rooms , or other temples of pleasure . NOAV is the time , when the country is partially under water , to think of erecting
a National school for swimming . Let the gallant Captain Webb be installed Professor , with a Avell qualified staff of assistants . Teachers might be found , too , for the ladies , who would , doubtless , soon acquire the art under the able tuition of Miss Emily Parker and Miss Beckwith .
It seems as though our difficulty with China were likely to be settled—taut mieux . But the Chinese are a treacherous lot—tant pis . We shall consider the affair is settled , when the satisfaction is granted , but not till then . Prom Berlin we learn that the appeal of Count Arnim against the decision
of the Court below has been affirmed by the Court above , Avith costs against the Count . While at home we have just lost an eminent and zealous Churchman , as well as great scholar , in the person of Dr . Hook , Dean of Chichester , we hear from Paris of the death of another
eminent man , and one whose loss , as his reputation was more widely spread , will be more generally felt . We are referring to Professor Wheatstone , Avhose name in association with electric telegraphy has for years past been a household world . When men of this calibre die , their places are
not easily or quickly refilled . The report of Professor Wheatstone ' s illness came upon us very suddenly , and caused general SOITOAV and anxiety Avhen it was knoAvn in how critical a condition he was . On Tuesday the Avorsfc fears of his numerous friends were realised , and he died ,
as Ave have said , in Paris . The most fitting tribute of respect the country can render to his memory is to let him lie among our statesmen and poets , and men of science in the grand old Abbey at Westminster . Prom Copenhagen is announced
the approaching visit of the King and Queen of Denmark , Avho will be accompanied by their daughter , the Princess Thyra . The visit will last , ifc is said , some four Aveeks , and Avill , doubtless , help to dissipate the comparative loneliness of the Princess of Wales during the absence of her
husband in India . But perhaps the most noteAvorthy event Ave have to record from foreign parts is the visit of the Emperor of Germany to the King of Italy . This had long been talked of , but the illness of his Imperial Majesty proved more than once an obstacle in the Avay of
its accomplishment . At last , hoAvever , the fates have been propitious , and Milan is , or rather till to day was , en fete . The reception of the Imperial guest was a grand success , and it appears to have produced a great impression on the visitor . We can hardly realise the emotions that must
have passed through Victor Emmanuel s mmd Avhen he contrasted , as no doubt he must have done , the difference between Italy as ifc was in 1858 and as it is now—then a number of petty states — a mere " geographical expression " — EOAV a well-knit political body ,
increasing in strength and influence every year . To the late minister , Count Cavour , to his OAvn firmness and loyalty , to the late Emperor of the French , and lastly to the King of Prussia , noAv his guest as Emperor of a consolidated Germany , is Italy indebted for its present
condition of prosperity . All this no doubtoccurred to the Milanese likewise , and those AA-1 IO flocked into their city from other parts of Italy , thus we readily understand how the reception accorded the German Emperor must have been more
than usually demonstrative . Of the occurrences winch signalised this auspicious event Ave need not speak , but incidentally AVC may remark that the Archbishop of Milan contrived to he absent from the grand banquet , OAving to
illhealth . The Carlist Avar is not yet . ended ; the insurrection against Turkish rule still slumbers on a feeble existcace , and Princo Milan of ScrA'ia has been married . This is about enough in the way of budget as regards foreign matters ,
while at homo there can be but little that , is very exhilarating so long as this " demnition" moist weather prerails . While this lasts Ave are enjoying a perpetual web blanket , not only round our necks but enveloping us entirely .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
In commercial circles the great event of the last few clays has been Avhat is knoAvn as the repudiation by Turkey of sundry of its pecuniary obligations . We are not , as Masons , much concerned about matters of this kind , but it occurs to us that Turkey must be singularly blind not to
see that in natters financial " honesty is the best policy . " She has vast undeveloped resources , Avhich even a small amount of en < : rgy Avould enable the Government to turn to
good account , tnd then if she should Avant money again , she would experw nee no difficulty in obtaining it ; now we fancy she Avill find ifc no light matter to raise the Avind if occasion demand it .
There have been several speeches lately by members of Parliament . Mr . Russell Gurney , the Recorder of London , made the Admiralty Circular about fugitive slaves , noAV , hoAvever , AvithdraAvn , the text of his address to a Working Man ' s Association at Southampton , and Sir Stirling
Maxwell , after commenting on the work done during the past session , received a vote of confidence from his constituents . On Friday last the chief secretary for Ireland , Sir M . H . Beach , delivered a speech on Irish Education , on the occasion of the degrees being conferred bv the Queen ' s
University of London . Considering the strange manner in which the mob have been treating the Rev . Mr . O'Keeffe , ifc strikes us a little more education , with a view to a little more enli ghtenment , is imperatively necessary . But possibly the Roman Catholic hierarchy are not of the same mind .
The Home Secretary , Mr . Cross , also addressed a Working Man ' s Association in Edinburgh , returning thanks for the address they had presented to him , and expressing his belief that the labour laws passed last session would prove veiy beneficial .
This week the Alexandra Palace has been the scene of a Poultry and Pigeon SIIOAV on an unprecedently large scale . The entries exceeded 2 , 500 , and were ranged in 147 classes , of Avhich 84 were poultry , and the rest devoted to pigeons . The shoAv took place in the Great Central Hall , along
Avhich were placed raws innumerable of pens . The music was not what usually greets the visitors to this magnificent place of recreation . There was more of discord than harmony about it , but after all it Avas an agreeable kind of discord , and one Avith which most of us are familial * , only not
to such an extent . The crowing , the cooing , the cackling of a feAv thousand poultry for a few hours Avas very exhilarating , but not as melodious as tho symphonies and sonatas more generally heard within the Avails of the Palace . But , this apart , the show Avas a grand success , most of the best
knoAvn breeders contributed of their stock , and had the weather been other than it Avas , the exhibition must have been as financially successful as it Avasin all other respects . There were splendid specimens of Dorkings , coloured , silvergrey , white , & c , of Cochins , buff , partridge , white and
black , of Brahmas both dark and light , of Houdans , Crevecceurs , Polish , Hamburg's , Game , Bantams , with some representatives of geese , clucks and turkeys . To enumerate the many varieties of pigeons Avere almost impossible , but those who delight in these pretty birds must have been
pleased with Avhat they saw . We hope the attendance on Thursday , Avhich , if not a brilliant , AVRS at all events not Avholly a rainy day , may have made some amends for the dulnessof Tuesdayand the extreme moisture of Wednesday . On Monday takes place the Balaklava Banquet Avhen as many
of the gallant " six hundred " as are yet alive and able to be present are invited to celebrate their gallant deed of arms . The directors , Avith their usual liberality ,
came forward when there seemed a chance of the project falling through , and placed the Palace at the disposal of the gallant felloAvs , Avho moreover are invited to bring their wives and sisters Avith them . Several of the officers
who were present at the battle Avill also be present . Subscriptions are flowing in , and there seems every prospect of the celebration passing off most successfully . There is one point that strikes AAS as a little out of character . The artist , Miss Thompson , Avhose picture the Roll-Call
chanced to be praised by the Prince of Wales , Avill honour the occasion with her presence . We look for modest retirement in ladies far more than Ave do in men , and AVC do not see bow having painted one or tAvo battle pieces raises her to the dignity of a public Institution . This kind
of way in Avhich a person ' s fame is dinned into the cars of the public , smacks a good deal of trade advertisement . However , it matters not , if the veterans enjoy themselves . As Jupiter Phwi-us is no respecter of persons , wo imagine the Great Harvest Festival that was fixed for Wednesday must have been a failure as regards attend-
Our Weekly Budget.
ance , AA'hatever it may have been in other respects . Let us hope to-day will be bright and sunshiny , so that admirers of the winter promenade concerts may not be kept away . Floods in various parts of the country appear to have become current news for every-day of the wjeek .. If the
rains come down like this much longer we shall require a few immense sheds to be erected on the higher ground , so that when Ave swim to our friends in different neighbourhoods , we may be able to dress and undress with some degree of comfort . Or as the season is , just now , not
particularly warm , we might take to paddling our own canoes to the doors of our friends , or of the theatres , concert rooms , or other temples of pleasure . NOAV is the time , when the country is partially under water , to think of erecting
a National school for swimming . Let the gallant Captain Webb be installed Professor , with a Avell qualified staff of assistants . Teachers might be found , too , for the ladies , who would , doubtless , soon acquire the art under the able tuition of Miss Emily Parker and Miss Beckwith .
It seems as though our difficulty with China were likely to be settled—taut mieux . But the Chinese are a treacherous lot—tant pis . We shall consider the affair is settled , when the satisfaction is granted , but not till then . Prom Berlin we learn that the appeal of Count Arnim against the decision
of the Court below has been affirmed by the Court above , Avith costs against the Count . While at home we have just lost an eminent and zealous Churchman , as well as great scholar , in the person of Dr . Hook , Dean of Chichester , we hear from Paris of the death of another
eminent man , and one whose loss , as his reputation was more widely spread , will be more generally felt . We are referring to Professor Wheatstone , Avhose name in association with electric telegraphy has for years past been a household world . When men of this calibre die , their places are
not easily or quickly refilled . The report of Professor Wheatstone ' s illness came upon us very suddenly , and caused general SOITOAV and anxiety Avhen it was knoAvn in how critical a condition he was . On Tuesday the Avorsfc fears of his numerous friends were realised , and he died ,
as Ave have said , in Paris . The most fitting tribute of respect the country can render to his memory is to let him lie among our statesmen and poets , and men of science in the grand old Abbey at Westminster . Prom Copenhagen is announced
the approaching visit of the King and Queen of Denmark , Avho will be accompanied by their daughter , the Princess Thyra . The visit will last , ifc is said , some four Aveeks , and Avill , doubtless , help to dissipate the comparative loneliness of the Princess of Wales during the absence of her
husband in India . But perhaps the most noteAvorthy event Ave have to record from foreign parts is the visit of the Emperor of Germany to the King of Italy . This had long been talked of , but the illness of his Imperial Majesty proved more than once an obstacle in the Avay of
its accomplishment . At last , hoAvever , the fates have been propitious , and Milan is , or rather till to day was , en fete . The reception of the Imperial guest was a grand success , and it appears to have produced a great impression on the visitor . We can hardly realise the emotions that must
have passed through Victor Emmanuel s mmd Avhen he contrasted , as no doubt he must have done , the difference between Italy as ifc was in 1858 and as it is now—then a number of petty states — a mere " geographical expression " — EOAV a well-knit political body ,
increasing in strength and influence every year . To the late minister , Count Cavour , to his OAvn firmness and loyalty , to the late Emperor of the French , and lastly to the King of Prussia , noAv his guest as Emperor of a consolidated Germany , is Italy indebted for its present
condition of prosperity . All this no doubtoccurred to the Milanese likewise , and those AA-1 IO flocked into their city from other parts of Italy , thus we readily understand how the reception accorded the German Emperor must have been more
than usually demonstrative . Of the occurrences winch signalised this auspicious event Ave need not speak , but incidentally AVC may remark that the Archbishop of Milan contrived to he absent from the grand banquet , OAving to
illhealth . The Carlist Avar is not yet . ended ; the insurrection against Turkish rule still slumbers on a feeble existcace , and Princo Milan of ScrA'ia has been married . This is about enough in the way of budget as regards foreign matters ,
while at homo there can be but little that , is very exhilarating so long as this " demnition" moist weather prerails . While this lasts Ave are enjoying a perpetual web blanket , not only round our necks but enveloping us entirely .