Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Bro . Hollands presiding . There were also present Bros . Geo . Pare S . W ., Blackball J . W ., J . K . Pitt Hon . Treasurer , Triggs S . D ., Eudderforth J . D ., Fenner I . G ., Christopher Tyler , E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , and a considerable number of other brethren . The proceedings Avero conducted with accustomed proficiency . Tho ceremony of the third degree was rehearsed by Bro . Hollands in a manner which gave great satisfaction' to all present , Bro . Sayer acting as
candidate . One of the sections of tho degree was worked by Bro . Gottheil , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Geo . Pare was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . It Avas announced that tho fifteen sections will bo worked at the Great City Lodge of Instruction , 111 Cheapside , on Thursday , the 29 th of Juno , Bro . James Stevens P . M . Avill preside , and also that the fifteen sections aro to be worked at this Lodgo on the 5 th July , when Bro . Thomas J . Barnes P . M . 933 will take the chair .
Boyal Clarence Lodge , No . 271 . —The Juno banquet of this Lodgo was held on Friday last , at the Eoyal Pavilion , Brighton , under the presidency of Bro . Gerard Ford W . M ., supported by his Wardens , Officers , and several distinguished brethren , among whom
wero the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . E . J . Turner , General Ford , brother of the W . M ., & o . The regular business of the Lodgo Avas transacted , ancl the brethren , 55 in number , sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Mutton . Tho regular Masonic and Loyal toasts were given and duly responded to .
St . George ' s Lodge , No . 333 . — This Lodge held there regular monthly meeting on Wednesday , 14 th June , at 213 Buchananstreet , Glasgow . Bro . Alex . Thompson E . W . M . opened the Lodge with Bros . James Findley S . M ., Jas . Forsyth S . W ., E . Anderson J . W ., A . Dunn Treasurer , A . Mclntyre Secretary , T . Hill J . D ., W . G . Hickson Tyler . There Avas a large attendance of members and visitors ; a petition was presented on behalf of a gentleman ,
and there being no objection , at the request of the Master , his substitute , Bro . Findley , performed the ceremony in most excellent style . The Lodge was then opened in the 2 nd degree , when Bro . G . W . Wheeler passed three brethren to tho degree of Fellow Craft . Tho E . W . M . announced his intention of calling an emergency meeting for Saturday , 1 st July , that tho brethren might be raised before the summer vacation of the Lodge .
The Supreme Eoyal Arch Chapter of Scotland . — This Chapter held its quarterly meeting on Wednesday , the 21 st June , at Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh . Present—Comps . Carmichel P . Z . acting as 1 st Grand Principal , G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 2 nd Grand Principal , J . MitchellSrd Grand Principal , L . Mackesey G . S . E ., Major H . Eamsay 1 st G . S ., D . Carmichel 2 nd G . S ., H . J .
Shields Z . 143 3 rd G . S ., James Barker Grand Janitor . Business—Communication from tho Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia about the reception of Comp . Alexander Hay as their representative to the Grand Chapter . Comp . Mackesey presented an interesting com . munication from the Grand Chapter o £ Philadelphia ; also communi .
cations from Chapters 35 , 36 and 130 . The bye-laws of 139 and 160 were confirmed . Chapter 35 was ordered to be reported on tho roll . A charter was granted for Agemein , Lima , to stand as No . 167 . An application was received from Gibralter for a charter , which was remitted to the Grand Committee .
Tyne Lodge , No . 991 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on 8 th June , at Freemasons Hall , Willington , Qnay-on-Tyne . Present —Bros . John E . Eobson P . M . 48 acting S . W ., J . Montgomery J . W ., Ellison acting S . D ., G . Eedpath J . D ., George Ridley Steward , Wm . Gladstone I . G ., Geo . Heslop Tyler , W . Morton Secretary , M . Guthrie P . M . Treasurer . The folloAving , Avith many distinguished brethren ,
wero present , viz ., Bros . G . A . Allan P . P . G . J . D . Northumberland , Nicholas Brown , Wm . Hardie 991 . Past Master Bro . Charles Jarvis , occupied tho chair of W . M ., and initiated three candidates into Freemasonry in a highly creditable manner , and also explained the tools . There will probably be a Eoyal Arch Chapter attached to this Lodge shortly , in consequence of tho very rapid progress Freemasonry is making in the district .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its regular mon thly meeting on Wednesday , the 14 th of Juno , at the Masonic Hall , Heading . Present—Bros . James Greenfield I . P . M . acting W . M ., Margvett S . W ., Welch J . W ., Ivey P . M . Sec , Stransom Treas ., Newman ( SteAvard ) acting S . D ., Hnkiris acting J . D ., Danks I . G ., Hemmings Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Chancellor , Hurley , Egginton .
Members—Bros . Eolfe , Bailey , Hawkes , Creed , White . Visitor—Bro . A . M . Yetts W . M . 414 . Business—The I . P . M . announced that he had received a letter from the W . M ., stating that owing to a pressure of business he Avas prevented attending tho Lodge , and requesting him to conduct tho ceremonies on this the last Lodge of the season . Tho Lodge was opened in the first degree , the minutes
of the last regular Lodge Avere read and confirmed . Tho Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree . Tho acting W . M . stated that Bros . White and Creed were candidates for admission to tho 3 rd degree , he therefore put the usual questions to them , which Avere most satisfactorily answered , when they retired to be prepared . The Lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , Bros . White and Creed were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ,, the acting W . M . going through the proceedings in a
most complete and satisfactory manner , tho candidates appeared to bo deeply impressed with the ceremony , Avhich only required the musical accompaniment to render it fully impressive . Tho Lodge was resumed in the 2 nd and 1 st degrees , when the election of W . M . for tho ensuing year took place , Bro . Margrett S . W . was declared to be elected . Iu returning thanks the S . W . and W . M . elect expressed the hope that tho members of the Lodgo would not regret the choice
thoy had made ; he hoped , with tho assistance of tho P . M . 's and a good staff of officers , that he should pass through his year of office aa satisfactorily as his predecessors had done . Ho alluded to the singular coincidence that on that very day ten years he Avas initiated into Freemasonry , 14 th June 1866 , he being tho last of tho four first initiates after tho consecration of tho Lodge . Bro . Stransom was
re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Hemmings as Tyler . The notice of motion by Bro . Brown P . M ., seconded by Bro . Egginton , Avas the next business on tho ageuda , " that tho sum of £ 31 10 s be paid to the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys , " which was carried unani . mously . The W . M . elect Avas congratulated on being a Vice President of that Institution , to which ho felicitously replied . Bro .
Chancellor moved , and the W . M . elect seconded , "that a P . M . jewel , of the samo value as that of his predecessors , be presented to the W . M . for his services during his year of office , " this was carried by accla . mation . The Lodge was adjourned till the second Wednesday in October , when the new Master Avill he installed . The following aro the Stewards for the Installation Banquet , Bros . H . W . Eidley , Danks , Ferguson , and Newman .
Upton Lodge , No . 1227 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge took place on Thursday , the 15 th June , at the Spotted Dog , Upton , Essex . Tho chair was occupied by Bro . R . Bolton P . M . as W . M ., and he Avas well supported by Bros . D . Posenor S . W ., G . Brown J . W ., J . Wayland Hon . Treas ., B . Picking P . M . Hon . Sec ., W . Webster as S . D ., W . J . Page J . D ., A . W . Fenner as I . G ., F . C . Kinnear W . S .,
R . W . Goddard P . M ., and a number of brethren , among whom wero the following visitors : —E . Farquharaon 99 , Sam . Carter P . M . 766 , Geo . Parks 157 , Thos . Pofctinger P . M . 77 , Chas . Daniels J . W . 66 . In the course of the evening Bros . Canfield and Vinaoombe wero raised to the third degree , Bro . Legg passed to tho second , and Messrs . Chas . Henry Belsey and Arthur Lund woro permitted to enter upon their novi .
ciate as members of tho ancient craft . Subsequently refreshment , in tho shape of a substantial supper , Avas served , which was partaken of and enjoyed with considerable heartiness . After grace tho toasts wero speedily disposed of . Great regret was expressed at the absence , through illness , of the W . M ., and if sincere wishes for recovery have any influence , his restoration to health cannot bo far distant .
The presiding W . M ., in speaking to the toast of tho officers , took occasion to remark npou the excellent working and general Masonio abilities of Bro . D . Posenor tho S . W ., who , he trusted , will be unaniously chosen as the future WM ., when theolection takes place on their meeting in July . Arrangements aro being made npon rather an extensive scale for tho summer festival of this Lodge , Broxbourno
having been selected as the favourite spot for the occasion , tho W . M . hoped to have tho pleasure of thoir society , and he also hoped nothing would intervene to mar anticipated enjoyments . Bros . Carter , Daniels ancl Farqnharson returned thanks for the visitors . Tho latter brother intimated that ho Avas a member of numerous Lodges ; tho special favourites , however , wero situated at Melbourne and Ceylon . Some excellent songs were sung , one especially , by Bro . Lund , Avhoso
magnificent vocal powers wero displayed to great advantage , being sustained by the skilful performance on the pianoforte of Bro , Far . quharson , one of the visitors , who courteously offered to play tho accompaniment , A veiy agreeable evening came , at length , to a close , tho brethren being highly gratified , and tho visitors loud in their expressions of hearty thanks for tho cordial and hospitable manner in which they had been received .
Dundas Lodge , No . 1255 . —The annual meeting of this Lodgo took placo on Monday , the 19 th inst ., at the Huyshe Masonio Temple , Plymouth . Amongst the members present wero Bros . Charles Godtsehalk W . M ., P . M . 's W . Boll , T . W . Triplett and S . B . Harvey ; Samuel J . Hearle S . W ., John Pearco J . W ., T . Willis , H . Crimp , Thos . Smith , Pearce , Duggan , Hammond , T . Smith , and a large number of visitors , including E . W . Bro . Metham P . G . D . England , D . Prov . G . M . Devon , J . B . Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , L . D . Westcott P . M . 70 P . P . G . S . Wks ., R . G . Bird W . M . 1550 , J . Fly
W . M . 1247 , J . P . Rogers J . W . 1550 . Tho ceremony of installing his successor , Bro . S . J . Hearle S . W ., Avas admirably performed by tho retiring Master , Bro . Charles Godtsehalk , and was a fitting completion to a year ' s work which has earned for him tho honour aud esteem of tho Lodge over which he has so ably presided . The following officers were appointed : —W . Bro . Godtsehalk I . P . M ., Bro .
John Pearco S . W ., Henry J . Ham J . W ., W . Bro . W . Bell P . M . Treas ., W . Bro . T . B . Harvey P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Sec . and Representative on Committee of Petitions , — Smith S . D ., W . H . Crimp J . D ., Bro . Temple Willis I . G ., Bro . Hammond D . C , Bro . Caun A . D . C ., T . Smith Tyler . The Lodge decided upon increasing the initiation fee to seven guineas , and having received and adopted tho Treasurer ' s
accounts , adjourned to the Globe Hotel , where a banquet was provided by Bro . J . Watts . The usual loyal toasts having been duly honoured , W . Bro . Godtsehalk proposed the health of tho R . W . Bro . Huyshe , Prov . G . M ., and V . W . Bro . Metham , D . Prov . G . M . In doing so ho stated it Avould be a difficult matter to find a word in the English tongue that had not been over and over again used , and justly used ,
in praise of our Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Huyshe . The wellknown characteristics of that eminent brother , his kindliness of heart and benevolent disposition , his zeal and true Masonic spirit , were ever bubbling forth to administer charity of heart in its most substantial form . In this good work he Avas aided by our worthy D . G . M ., Bro . L . P . Metham , who Avas famed fur his quiet yet active benevolence . The active part taken bv him iu the work of the
province , his close connection with its charities , has earned for him the esteem and respect of the entire province . He therefore asked them to join with him in wishing to each of thoso brethren long life and happiness . Y . W . Bro . Metham thanked the brethren for the manner in which their names were always received , and concluded by proposing tho health of the W . Master . He had no personal knowledge of him , but was certain that a Lodge always so
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Notices Of Meetings.
Bro . Hollands presiding . There were also present Bros . Geo . Pare S . W ., Blackball J . W ., J . K . Pitt Hon . Treasurer , Triggs S . D ., Eudderforth J . D ., Fenner I . G ., Christopher Tyler , E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , and a considerable number of other brethren . The proceedings Avero conducted with accustomed proficiency . Tho ceremony of the third degree was rehearsed by Bro . Hollands in a manner which gave great satisfaction' to all present , Bro . Sayer acting as
candidate . One of the sections of tho degree was worked by Bro . Gottheil , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Geo . Pare was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . It Avas announced that tho fifteen sections will bo worked at the Great City Lodge of Instruction , 111 Cheapside , on Thursday , the 29 th of Juno , Bro . James Stevens P . M . Avill preside , and also that the fifteen sections aro to be worked at this Lodgo on the 5 th July , when Bro . Thomas J . Barnes P . M . 933 will take the chair .
Boyal Clarence Lodge , No . 271 . —The Juno banquet of this Lodgo was held on Friday last , at the Eoyal Pavilion , Brighton , under the presidency of Bro . Gerard Ford W . M ., supported by his Wardens , Officers , and several distinguished brethren , among whom
wero the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . E . J . Turner , General Ford , brother of the W . M ., & o . The regular business of the Lodgo Avas transacted , ancl the brethren , 55 in number , sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Mutton . Tho regular Masonic and Loyal toasts were given and duly responded to .
St . George ' s Lodge , No . 333 . — This Lodge held there regular monthly meeting on Wednesday , 14 th June , at 213 Buchananstreet , Glasgow . Bro . Alex . Thompson E . W . M . opened the Lodge with Bros . James Findley S . M ., Jas . Forsyth S . W ., E . Anderson J . W ., A . Dunn Treasurer , A . Mclntyre Secretary , T . Hill J . D ., W . G . Hickson Tyler . There Avas a large attendance of members and visitors ; a petition was presented on behalf of a gentleman ,
and there being no objection , at the request of the Master , his substitute , Bro . Findley , performed the ceremony in most excellent style . The Lodge was then opened in the 2 nd degree , when Bro . G . W . Wheeler passed three brethren to tho degree of Fellow Craft . Tho E . W . M . announced his intention of calling an emergency meeting for Saturday , 1 st July , that tho brethren might be raised before the summer vacation of the Lodge .
The Supreme Eoyal Arch Chapter of Scotland . — This Chapter held its quarterly meeting on Wednesday , the 21 st June , at Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh . Present—Comps . Carmichel P . Z . acting as 1 st Grand Principal , G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 2 nd Grand Principal , J . MitchellSrd Grand Principal , L . Mackesey G . S . E ., Major H . Eamsay 1 st G . S ., D . Carmichel 2 nd G . S ., H . J .
Shields Z . 143 3 rd G . S ., James Barker Grand Janitor . Business—Communication from tho Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia about the reception of Comp . Alexander Hay as their representative to the Grand Chapter . Comp . Mackesey presented an interesting com . munication from the Grand Chapter o £ Philadelphia ; also communi .
cations from Chapters 35 , 36 and 130 . The bye-laws of 139 and 160 were confirmed . Chapter 35 was ordered to be reported on tho roll . A charter was granted for Agemein , Lima , to stand as No . 167 . An application was received from Gibralter for a charter , which was remitted to the Grand Committee .
Tyne Lodge , No . 991 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on 8 th June , at Freemasons Hall , Willington , Qnay-on-Tyne . Present —Bros . John E . Eobson P . M . 48 acting S . W ., J . Montgomery J . W ., Ellison acting S . D ., G . Eedpath J . D ., George Ridley Steward , Wm . Gladstone I . G ., Geo . Heslop Tyler , W . Morton Secretary , M . Guthrie P . M . Treasurer . The folloAving , Avith many distinguished brethren ,
wero present , viz ., Bros . G . A . Allan P . P . G . J . D . Northumberland , Nicholas Brown , Wm . Hardie 991 . Past Master Bro . Charles Jarvis , occupied tho chair of W . M ., and initiated three candidates into Freemasonry in a highly creditable manner , and also explained the tools . There will probably be a Eoyal Arch Chapter attached to this Lodge shortly , in consequence of tho very rapid progress Freemasonry is making in the district .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its regular mon thly meeting on Wednesday , the 14 th of Juno , at the Masonic Hall , Heading . Present—Bros . James Greenfield I . P . M . acting W . M ., Margvett S . W ., Welch J . W ., Ivey P . M . Sec , Stransom Treas ., Newman ( SteAvard ) acting S . D ., Hnkiris acting J . D ., Danks I . G ., Hemmings Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Chancellor , Hurley , Egginton .
Members—Bros . Eolfe , Bailey , Hawkes , Creed , White . Visitor—Bro . A . M . Yetts W . M . 414 . Business—The I . P . M . announced that he had received a letter from the W . M ., stating that owing to a pressure of business he Avas prevented attending tho Lodge , and requesting him to conduct tho ceremonies on this the last Lodge of the season . Tho Lodge was opened in the first degree , the minutes
of the last regular Lodge Avere read and confirmed . Tho Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree . Tho acting W . M . stated that Bros . White and Creed were candidates for admission to tho 3 rd degree , he therefore put the usual questions to them , which Avere most satisfactorily answered , when they retired to be prepared . The Lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , Bros . White and Creed were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ,, the acting W . M . going through the proceedings in a
most complete and satisfactory manner , tho candidates appeared to bo deeply impressed with the ceremony , Avhich only required the musical accompaniment to render it fully impressive . Tho Lodge was resumed in the 2 nd and 1 st degrees , when the election of W . M . for tho ensuing year took place , Bro . Margrett S . W . was declared to be elected . Iu returning thanks the S . W . and W . M . elect expressed the hope that tho members of the Lodgo would not regret the choice
thoy had made ; he hoped , with tho assistance of tho P . M . 's and a good staff of officers , that he should pass through his year of office aa satisfactorily as his predecessors had done . Ho alluded to the singular coincidence that on that very day ten years he Avas initiated into Freemasonry , 14 th June 1866 , he being tho last of tho four first initiates after tho consecration of tho Lodge . Bro . Stransom was
re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Hemmings as Tyler . The notice of motion by Bro . Brown P . M ., seconded by Bro . Egginton , Avas the next business on tho ageuda , " that tho sum of £ 31 10 s be paid to the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys , " which was carried unani . mously . The W . M . elect Avas congratulated on being a Vice President of that Institution , to which ho felicitously replied . Bro .
Chancellor moved , and the W . M . elect seconded , "that a P . M . jewel , of the samo value as that of his predecessors , be presented to the W . M . for his services during his year of office , " this was carried by accla . mation . The Lodge was adjourned till the second Wednesday in October , when the new Master Avill he installed . The following aro the Stewards for the Installation Banquet , Bros . H . W . Eidley , Danks , Ferguson , and Newman .
Upton Lodge , No . 1227 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge took place on Thursday , the 15 th June , at the Spotted Dog , Upton , Essex . Tho chair was occupied by Bro . R . Bolton P . M . as W . M ., and he Avas well supported by Bros . D . Posenor S . W ., G . Brown J . W ., J . Wayland Hon . Treas ., B . Picking P . M . Hon . Sec ., W . Webster as S . D ., W . J . Page J . D ., A . W . Fenner as I . G ., F . C . Kinnear W . S .,
R . W . Goddard P . M ., and a number of brethren , among whom wero the following visitors : —E . Farquharaon 99 , Sam . Carter P . M . 766 , Geo . Parks 157 , Thos . Pofctinger P . M . 77 , Chas . Daniels J . W . 66 . In the course of the evening Bros . Canfield and Vinaoombe wero raised to the third degree , Bro . Legg passed to tho second , and Messrs . Chas . Henry Belsey and Arthur Lund woro permitted to enter upon their novi .
ciate as members of tho ancient craft . Subsequently refreshment , in tho shape of a substantial supper , Avas served , which was partaken of and enjoyed with considerable heartiness . After grace tho toasts wero speedily disposed of . Great regret was expressed at the absence , through illness , of the W . M ., and if sincere wishes for recovery have any influence , his restoration to health cannot bo far distant .
The presiding W . M ., in speaking to the toast of tho officers , took occasion to remark npou the excellent working and general Masonio abilities of Bro . D . Posenor tho S . W ., who , he trusted , will be unaniously chosen as the future WM ., when theolection takes place on their meeting in July . Arrangements aro being made npon rather an extensive scale for tho summer festival of this Lodge , Broxbourno
having been selected as the favourite spot for the occasion , tho W . M . hoped to have tho pleasure of thoir society , and he also hoped nothing would intervene to mar anticipated enjoyments . Bros . Carter , Daniels ancl Farqnharson returned thanks for the visitors . Tho latter brother intimated that ho Avas a member of numerous Lodges ; tho special favourites , however , wero situated at Melbourne and Ceylon . Some excellent songs were sung , one especially , by Bro . Lund , Avhoso
magnificent vocal powers wero displayed to great advantage , being sustained by the skilful performance on the pianoforte of Bro , Far . quharson , one of the visitors , who courteously offered to play tho accompaniment , A veiy agreeable evening came , at length , to a close , tho brethren being highly gratified , and tho visitors loud in their expressions of hearty thanks for tho cordial and hospitable manner in which they had been received .
Dundas Lodge , No . 1255 . —The annual meeting of this Lodgo took placo on Monday , the 19 th inst ., at the Huyshe Masonio Temple , Plymouth . Amongst the members present wero Bros . Charles Godtsehalk W . M ., P . M . 's W . Boll , T . W . Triplett and S . B . Harvey ; Samuel J . Hearle S . W ., John Pearco J . W ., T . Willis , H . Crimp , Thos . Smith , Pearce , Duggan , Hammond , T . Smith , and a large number of visitors , including E . W . Bro . Metham P . G . D . England , D . Prov . G . M . Devon , J . B . Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , L . D . Westcott P . M . 70 P . P . G . S . Wks ., R . G . Bird W . M . 1550 , J . Fly
W . M . 1247 , J . P . Rogers J . W . 1550 . Tho ceremony of installing his successor , Bro . S . J . Hearle S . W ., Avas admirably performed by tho retiring Master , Bro . Charles Godtsehalk , and was a fitting completion to a year ' s work which has earned for him tho honour aud esteem of tho Lodge over which he has so ably presided . The following officers were appointed : —W . Bro . Godtsehalk I . P . M ., Bro .
John Pearco S . W ., Henry J . Ham J . W ., W . Bro . W . Bell P . M . Treas ., W . Bro . T . B . Harvey P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Sec . and Representative on Committee of Petitions , — Smith S . D ., W . H . Crimp J . D ., Bro . Temple Willis I . G ., Bro . Hammond D . C , Bro . Caun A . D . C ., T . Smith Tyler . The Lodge decided upon increasing the initiation fee to seven guineas , and having received and adopted tho Treasurer ' s
accounts , adjourned to the Globe Hotel , where a banquet was provided by Bro . J . Watts . The usual loyal toasts having been duly honoured , W . Bro . Godtsehalk proposed the health of tho R . W . Bro . Huyshe , Prov . G . M ., and V . W . Bro . Metham , D . Prov . G . M . In doing so ho stated it Avould be a difficult matter to find a word in the English tongue that had not been over and over again used , and justly used ,
in praise of our Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Huyshe . The wellknown characteristics of that eminent brother , his kindliness of heart and benevolent disposition , his zeal and true Masonic spirit , were ever bubbling forth to administer charity of heart in its most substantial form . In this good work he Avas aided by our worthy D . G . M ., Bro . L . P . Metham , who Avas famed fur his quiet yet active benevolence . The active part taken bv him iu the work of the
province , his close connection with its charities , has earned for him the esteem and respect of the entire province . He therefore asked them to join with him in wishing to each of thoso brethren long life and happiness . Y . W . Bro . Metham thanked the brethren for the manner in which their names were always received , and concluded by proposing tho health of the W . Master . He had no personal knowledge of him , but was certain that a Lodge always so