Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Old Warrants. —No. 4. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN IRELAND. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
of Lord Carington . Messrs . Bertram and Roberts had previously received orders to provide lunch , and this having been discussed , the Club and its royal guests witnessed the parade of horses and their jumping , and then returned to toAvn at half-past four o ' clock , hi g hly gratified -with , their
visit . Sir Edward Lee and Mr . Bertram were presented to the Prince by the Duke of Beaufort . As regards the shoAV itself , AVO have said that as regards quality it was all that could be desired , and as it is held under far more favourable conditions as regards p lace than the Islington
shoAV , Ave doubt not in the course of time it will become tho leading exhibition of its kind . The coaches to the number of four and twenty paid a second visit on Thursday . Tho second Summer exhibition of plants , flowers and fruit at tho Royal Botanic Gardens , Regent's Park , on Wednesday , Avas honoured Avith a visit by the Princess of
Wales and two of her children , and the Duke and Duchess of Teck and their children . About ten thousand people were present . The display Avas very brilliant . The
orchids from the Earl of Londesborough , the pelargoniums from Messrs . Veitch , Bull , and Williams , and the roses of Messrs . Panl and Son of Cheshunt , and Mr . Charles Turner of Slough , Avere magnificent .
Oxford , which has recently been the scene of Masonic doings , has been gay this Aveek after its nsual fashion . This is Commemoration Week , Avhen everybody entertains
everybody , Avhen every clay has its appointed round of fetes , and the famous old University city , in fact , does Avell nigh everything but study . The Freemasons Avere not behind their academic brethren in celebratinsr the
occasion . Their musical fete , Avhich had been entrusted to the management of a committee , Avith Prince Leopold in command , Avas a grand success . The invitations issued exceeded 2 , 000 , ancl among the attractions were the performances of the Coldstream Guards Band , the Orphens Glee Union , and the Hungarian Band .
Against these brilliant displays of festivity , AVO have to record a most deplorable conflagration at Ayr , by Avhich a large factory was burned doAvn , and some twenty-seven persons , with one or two exceptions young girls between
12 and 24 years of age , have lost their lives . The origin of the fire does not appear to be known . The fire at Brook ' s Wharf has broken out again more than once , bnt the brigade are fortunatel y able to prevent its extending to the neighbouring premises .
Among the deaths that have occurred recently , that of Sir Thomas Henry , the respected chief metropolitan magistrate at BoAV-strect , deserves to be recorded , for Sir Thomas Avas not only a magistrate of long standing and great experience , having had a seat on the bench for six and
thirty years , but he Avas a most kindly , genial man , and Avas as dearly loved in private life as he Avas respected in his public capacity . Further distracting news has come from the East . Certain of the Turkish Ministers have been assassinated ,
and the murderer , a captain or major m the army , having been taken red-handed , lias since paid the penalty of his crime . This does not look hopeful for the new Sultan , to have lost two of his leading advisers just Avhen their advice is most needed . We shall not pretend to discuss
the question Avhether the crime Avas political or merel y the act of a madman , or of private and personal revenge . It is enough that it Aveakens public confidence at a very critical time . As to Avhat further steps the three Emperors Avill take , or Avhether they will take any , Ave are not yet
able to say . The Prince of Montenegro has throAvn up , it is said , the task he had undertaken , and that is a good sign . Servia seems iu a more pacific mood , and has not resolved , single-handed , to dispatch the Turk . This is an act ot prudence , if of nothing else , for the Turk is likelv to prove
a tough customer , as those Avho remember the events of 1853-4 know Avell enough . However , every day that is spent in deliberation is a gain , and AVO sincerely trust that peaceful counsels may prevail in the long run . The other foreign news is of no great moment . Our Government
has refused , for certain reasons , to surrender certain persons Avhose extradition Avas demanded by the United States Government , but the question involved AVC do not doubt will form the subject of friendly discussion , and possibly of IIOAV treaty arrangements . A report was Avidely
circulated to the effect that His Holiness the Pope Avas dead . Wc should have been sorry had it been so , bnt AVC rejoice to say that Pio Kono still survives , in health , ancl no doubt with strength enough to hurl a few more harmless maledictions at the heads of us poor harmless Freemasons .
Old Warrants. —No. 4.
Old Warrants . —No . 4 .
No . 320 ( Ancients ); 405 , A . D . 1814 ( at tho Union ); 280 , A . D . 1832 j and 230 from 1863 . ( NOAV held at Devonporfc . )
ATHOLL , GKAND MASTER . EOBERT GILL , S . G . W . WILLIAM DICKEY , D . G . M . THOMAS HANSCOMB , J . G . W . ® a all fobom it man concern , Wt , the GKAND LODGE of tho most ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free ancl Accepted Masons , according to the Old Constitutions granted by His Eoyal Highness
Princo Edwin at York , Anno Domini Nine Hundred Twenty and Six , and in the Year of Masonry Four Thousand and Nine Hundred twenty and six , in ample Form assembled , viz . The Right Worshipful The most Noble and Puissant Prince John Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tnllibardine , Earl of Strathsay and Strathardale , Viscount Balquidder , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord
Murray JBelvony and Gask , Heritable Constable of tho Castlo of Kinclaven , Lord of Man , and the Isles , Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley , in the County of Gloucester , & c . & o . & c . ( No . 320 . )—Grand Master of Masons . The Eight Worship ful William Dickey Esq . Depnty Grand Master , the Eight Worshipful Eobert Gill Esq . Senior Grand Warden , and tho Eight Worshipful Thomas
Hanscomb Esq . Junior Grand Warden , ( with the approbation and consent of tho Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster , ) Do hereby authorise and empower our Trusty and well beloved Brethren , viz . The Worshipful Georgo Bowen , Esq . ono of our Master Masons . Tho Worshipful Richard Baker , his Senior Warden , and The Worshipful Georgo Davis , his
Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , aforesaid , afc the House of the said George Davis , known by the sign of the Acorn in Eotherhitho , and elsewhere , in or near the Cities of London or Westminster , upon the First and Third Tuesday in every Month , and on all seasonable times and lawful Occasions , and in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make
Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Eoyal Craft , in all Ages and Nations throughout tho known World . . And we do hereby further authorise and empower our said Trusty and Well Beloved Brethren George Bowen , Richard Baker , and George Davis , ( with the Consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , choose , and instal their Snecessors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them Avith their Powers and Dignities
as Freo Masons & c . And such Successors shall in like manner nominate , choose , and instal their Successors & c . & c . & c . Such Installations to bo upon ( or near ) every St . John ' s Day , during the continuance of this Lodge for ever , Providing the above named Brethren and all thoir Successors always pay clue Respect to this Eight Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to bo of no Force or Value .
Given under onr Hands and Seal of our tho Grand Lodge in London , this Second clay of May , in tho Year of our Lord Ono Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and Nine , and in the Year of Masonry Five Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and Nino . ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary . This Warrant is registered in the Grand Lodge , Vol . II . Letter L . Page 106 . No . 320 .
Let tho within Warrant and Lodge No . 320 , be transferred to onr trusty and well beloved Brother Thomas Barry , ono of onr Master Masons , John Mc'Langhlin his Senior Warden , and John Morgan his Jnnior Warden , to form and hold a Lodgo at the house known by the name of the Hotel at Kingsand near Plymouth Dock or elsewhere in tho County of Devon , upon the lirst and third Wednesday in every month , and on all other times and lawful occasions , acccrdiug
to the most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Craft , Onr said Brothers and their Successors always and at all times during tho continuance of this Warrant , paying due respect to the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , by whom these presents are granted , otherwise the within Warrant and these presents to be of no force or effect . Provided also that all , and every , tho Members of the said Lodgo bo first , and at all times duly registered , pursuant to the statute in thab case made and provided . THOS : HARPER , D . G . M . Entd . Let . K . Vol . 10 . ROBT : LESLIE , G . S .
The present title and number , & c , are " Tho Lodge of Fidelity , No . 230 , Devonport . "
Freemasonry In Ireland.
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , DEAR SIR \ XD BROTHER , —I am really very much obliged to Bros . Richard Spencer aud James Homer Neilsou for their replica to my query aa to tho whereabouts of tho Grand Lodge of Minister records . Bro . Neilsou ' s communication is very valuable and interesting , and I trust ho will succeed iu inducing our illustrious Bro . Cimi fccrrou to publish these important records ' . , about which nothing absolutely
correct as to their contents is known . If Bro . Chatterl-on cannot find time to do so , doubtless Bro . Ncilson , or his friends , Hughan or Lynn , would oblige us by editing all these records . I have sent my card to Bro . Nciison to satisfy his private curiosity as to my name aud locality , and I hope soon to see him personally in our city of cities ( Dublin ) . MASON- ic I . IYESTIGAXOK .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
of Lord Carington . Messrs . Bertram and Roberts had previously received orders to provide lunch , and this having been discussed , the Club and its royal guests witnessed the parade of horses and their jumping , and then returned to toAvn at half-past four o ' clock , hi g hly gratified -with , their
visit . Sir Edward Lee and Mr . Bertram were presented to the Prince by the Duke of Beaufort . As regards the shoAV itself , AVO have said that as regards quality it was all that could be desired , and as it is held under far more favourable conditions as regards p lace than the Islington
shoAV , Ave doubt not in the course of time it will become tho leading exhibition of its kind . The coaches to the number of four and twenty paid a second visit on Thursday . Tho second Summer exhibition of plants , flowers and fruit at tho Royal Botanic Gardens , Regent's Park , on Wednesday , Avas honoured Avith a visit by the Princess of
Wales and two of her children , and the Duke and Duchess of Teck and their children . About ten thousand people were present . The display Avas very brilliant . The
orchids from the Earl of Londesborough , the pelargoniums from Messrs . Veitch , Bull , and Williams , and the roses of Messrs . Panl and Son of Cheshunt , and Mr . Charles Turner of Slough , Avere magnificent .
Oxford , which has recently been the scene of Masonic doings , has been gay this Aveek after its nsual fashion . This is Commemoration Week , Avhen everybody entertains
everybody , Avhen every clay has its appointed round of fetes , and the famous old University city , in fact , does Avell nigh everything but study . The Freemasons Avere not behind their academic brethren in celebratinsr the
occasion . Their musical fete , Avhich had been entrusted to the management of a committee , Avith Prince Leopold in command , Avas a grand success . The invitations issued exceeded 2 , 000 , ancl among the attractions were the performances of the Coldstream Guards Band , the Orphens Glee Union , and the Hungarian Band .
Against these brilliant displays of festivity , AVO have to record a most deplorable conflagration at Ayr , by Avhich a large factory was burned doAvn , and some twenty-seven persons , with one or two exceptions young girls between
12 and 24 years of age , have lost their lives . The origin of the fire does not appear to be known . The fire at Brook ' s Wharf has broken out again more than once , bnt the brigade are fortunatel y able to prevent its extending to the neighbouring premises .
Among the deaths that have occurred recently , that of Sir Thomas Henry , the respected chief metropolitan magistrate at BoAV-strect , deserves to be recorded , for Sir Thomas Avas not only a magistrate of long standing and great experience , having had a seat on the bench for six and
thirty years , but he Avas a most kindly , genial man , and Avas as dearly loved in private life as he Avas respected in his public capacity . Further distracting news has come from the East . Certain of the Turkish Ministers have been assassinated ,
and the murderer , a captain or major m the army , having been taken red-handed , lias since paid the penalty of his crime . This does not look hopeful for the new Sultan , to have lost two of his leading advisers just Avhen their advice is most needed . We shall not pretend to discuss
the question Avhether the crime Avas political or merel y the act of a madman , or of private and personal revenge . It is enough that it Aveakens public confidence at a very critical time . As to Avhat further steps the three Emperors Avill take , or Avhether they will take any , Ave are not yet
able to say . The Prince of Montenegro has throAvn up , it is said , the task he had undertaken , and that is a good sign . Servia seems iu a more pacific mood , and has not resolved , single-handed , to dispatch the Turk . This is an act ot prudence , if of nothing else , for the Turk is likelv to prove
a tough customer , as those Avho remember the events of 1853-4 know Avell enough . However , every day that is spent in deliberation is a gain , and AVO sincerely trust that peaceful counsels may prevail in the long run . The other foreign news is of no great moment . Our Government
has refused , for certain reasons , to surrender certain persons Avhose extradition Avas demanded by the United States Government , but the question involved AVC do not doubt will form the subject of friendly discussion , and possibly of IIOAV treaty arrangements . A report was Avidely
circulated to the effect that His Holiness the Pope Avas dead . Wc should have been sorry had it been so , bnt AVC rejoice to say that Pio Kono still survives , in health , ancl no doubt with strength enough to hurl a few more harmless maledictions at the heads of us poor harmless Freemasons .
Old Warrants. —No. 4.
Old Warrants . —No . 4 .
No . 320 ( Ancients ); 405 , A . D . 1814 ( at tho Union ); 280 , A . D . 1832 j and 230 from 1863 . ( NOAV held at Devonporfc . )
ATHOLL , GKAND MASTER . EOBERT GILL , S . G . W . WILLIAM DICKEY , D . G . M . THOMAS HANSCOMB , J . G . W . ® a all fobom it man concern , Wt , the GKAND LODGE of tho most ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free ancl Accepted Masons , according to the Old Constitutions granted by His Eoyal Highness
Princo Edwin at York , Anno Domini Nine Hundred Twenty and Six , and in the Year of Masonry Four Thousand and Nine Hundred twenty and six , in ample Form assembled , viz . The Right Worshipful The most Noble and Puissant Prince John Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tnllibardine , Earl of Strathsay and Strathardale , Viscount Balquidder , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord
Murray JBelvony and Gask , Heritable Constable of tho Castlo of Kinclaven , Lord of Man , and the Isles , Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley , in the County of Gloucester , & c . & o . & c . ( No . 320 . )—Grand Master of Masons . The Eight Worship ful William Dickey Esq . Depnty Grand Master , the Eight Worshipful Eobert Gill Esq . Senior Grand Warden , and tho Eight Worshipful Thomas
Hanscomb Esq . Junior Grand Warden , ( with the approbation and consent of tho Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster , ) Do hereby authorise and empower our Trusty and well beloved Brethren , viz . The Worshipful Georgo Bowen , Esq . ono of our Master Masons . Tho Worshipful Richard Baker , his Senior Warden , and The Worshipful Georgo Davis , his
Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , aforesaid , afc the House of the said George Davis , known by the sign of the Acorn in Eotherhitho , and elsewhere , in or near the Cities of London or Westminster , upon the First and Third Tuesday in every Month , and on all seasonable times and lawful Occasions , and in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make
Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Eoyal Craft , in all Ages and Nations throughout tho known World . . And we do hereby further authorise and empower our said Trusty and Well Beloved Brethren George Bowen , Richard Baker , and George Davis , ( with the Consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , choose , and instal their Snecessors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them Avith their Powers and Dignities
as Freo Masons & c . And such Successors shall in like manner nominate , choose , and instal their Successors & c . & c . & c . Such Installations to bo upon ( or near ) every St . John ' s Day , during the continuance of this Lodge for ever , Providing the above named Brethren and all thoir Successors always pay clue Respect to this Eight Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to bo of no Force or Value .
Given under onr Hands and Seal of our tho Grand Lodge in London , this Second clay of May , in tho Year of our Lord Ono Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and Nine , and in the Year of Masonry Five Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and Nino . ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary . This Warrant is registered in the Grand Lodge , Vol . II . Letter L . Page 106 . No . 320 .
Let tho within Warrant and Lodge No . 320 , be transferred to onr trusty and well beloved Brother Thomas Barry , ono of onr Master Masons , John Mc'Langhlin his Senior Warden , and John Morgan his Jnnior Warden , to form and hold a Lodgo at the house known by the name of the Hotel at Kingsand near Plymouth Dock or elsewhere in tho County of Devon , upon the lirst and third Wednesday in every month , and on all other times and lawful occasions , acccrdiug
to the most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Craft , Onr said Brothers and their Successors always and at all times during tho continuance of this Warrant , paying due respect to the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , by whom these presents are granted , otherwise the within Warrant and these presents to be of no force or effect . Provided also that all , and every , tho Members of the said Lodgo bo first , and at all times duly registered , pursuant to the statute in thab case made and provided . THOS : HARPER , D . G . M . Entd . Let . K . Vol . 10 . ROBT : LESLIE , G . S .
The present title and number , & c , are " Tho Lodge of Fidelity , No . 230 , Devonport . "
Freemasonry In Ireland.
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , DEAR SIR \ XD BROTHER , —I am really very much obliged to Bros . Richard Spencer aud James Homer Neilsou for their replica to my query aa to tho whereabouts of tho Grand Lodge of Minister records . Bro . Neilsou ' s communication is very valuable and interesting , and I trust ho will succeed iu inducing our illustrious Bro . Cimi fccrrou to publish these important records ' . , about which nothing absolutely
correct as to their contents is known . If Bro . Chatterl-on cannot find time to do so , doubtless Bro . Ncilson , or his friends , Hughan or Lynn , would oblige us by editing all these records . I have sent my card to Bro . Nciison to satisfy his private curiosity as to my name aud locality , and I hope soon to see him personally in our city of cities ( Dublin ) . MASON- ic I . IYESTIGAXOK .