Article MASONIC PORTRAITS (No. 33). A SOLDIER OP FORTUNE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND LODGE OF INDIANA. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Portraits (No. 33). A Soldier Op Fortune.
when Lord Mayor Stone and many other Masonif celebrities paid it a visit . Ho is an honorary member of Lodges 70 , 105 , 421 and 771 , and has served the Stewardships of tho Charities ; is Life Governor of the Boys ' School , ami of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
Ho is an eminent Mark Mason , and acknowledges Kent as his Mother Lodge . He is Founder and P . M . of the Macdonald ( 104 ) , ancl likewise of the Panmnre ( 139 ) . He is an Honorary Member of 8 , 50 , 118 , 12 D , 104 and 176 , Past Grand Overseer , and Past Prov . Grand Mai-k Secretary
of Middlesex and Surrey . As a Royal Arch Mason ho is equally conspicuous . He was a member of Robert Burns ( 25 ) ; Founder , P . Z . and Scribe E . of thePanmure ( 720 ) , and was M . E . Z . for three successive years of Windsor Castle Chapter ( 771 ) . He is a Royal Ark Mariner , P . N . ;
and of the Cryptic Degrees he is Royal ancl Select Master . He is , further , the originator and Past Sovereign of No . 14 Red Cross Rome and Constantine , and M . W . S . of St . George ' s Chapter of Rose Croix . Ho was one of tho promoters ancl directors of the Surrey Masonic Hall , which
is likely to prove a great success , since it affords to the Craft of the locality , tho members of which gladly avail themselves of it , tho accommodation which was so greatly needed for Masonic business . His pen has been ably employed in the advocacy of a scheme for making the
ritual of the Craft uniform . His able papers on this subject may still be read with pleasure ancl profit , ancl although he has not carried his point , he has indicated the form and direction which any reforms of the ritual should take . His suggested Lodge of Preceptors , which would
practically be a College , or perhaps , a University , having for its object the scientific instruction of members , is a brilliant idea , but huge difficulties lie in the way of its realisation . Uniformity is certainly desirable , but some experts , whose opinions are worthy of all respect , declare it to be impossible of achievement .
Grand Lodge Of Indiana.
WE learn , from the Masonic Advocate , that the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge was held in the new Grand Lodge Hall , Indianapolis , on Tuesday and Wednesday , the 23 rd and 24 th ultimo . The Hall -will accommodate about eight hundred , and was nearly filled at the opening ,
there being a full representation of subordinate Lodges and a large number of visiting brethren . Grand Lodge was opened in ample form by M . W . Daniel McDonald , Grand Master . The standing Committees having been announced , the G . M . then road his address , which was
generally interesting . He reported having arrested the charters of four Lodges , having granted fifteen dispensations for organizing new Lodges , dedicated eleven Masonic halls , and laid four corner stones with Masonic ceremonies . A mass of valuable statistical information had resulted from
a circular letter sent out to all the Lodges , and a series of important decisions were reported . The Grand Treasurer ' s financial statement showed—Receipts , Dols . 34 , 589-93 , including an opening balance of Dols . 13 , 249 . 38 , and Expenditure , Dols . 19 , 189 . 08 , leaving a balance on hand at
the end of tho year of Dols . 15 , 400 . 85 . The Building Committee for the erection of the Masonic Temple ancl Grand Lodge Hall reported those buildings completed and accepted . To accomplish this a hundred thousand dollars had been borrowed , ancl fifteen thousand more were required
to meet the remaining liabilities . On Wednesday , after a Ifirge amount of business , locally interesting , had been transacted , the election of Officers for the ensuing year was announced . Of these the principal are , Frank S . Devol , flew Albany , G . M ., Andrew J . Hay , Charleston , D . G . M .,
Robert Van Valzah , Terre Haute , S . G . W ., B . S . Sutton , Shelb yville , J . G . W ., Charles Fisher , Indianapolis , Grand Tres ., and John M . Bramwell , Indianapolis , Grand Sec . The Officers havin g been installed , and the usual standing Committees appointed , Grand Lodge was closed in ample form at 4 p . m .
The swimming races at the Crystal Palace , on Monday last , under the management of Bro . Hadley Prestage , were a gigantic success . The programme was , if anything , too
' ° ng . Our worth y Bro . Sir John Bennett presented the nrst prize , a very handsome watch . Bro . R . L . Sturtevant ( bee . Temple Mark , & c . ) in the absence of " Father Time , " Presented the prizes to the successful competitors .
The Boys' School.
SPEECH day , and the distribution of prizes , will be held under the presidency of the members of tho Supremo Council " ¦ V' of England , on Monday . This body has ever been a most liberal supporter of our Masonic Institutions , and we trust its appearance this year will bo effectively and numerously supported by the Craft . The programme of
the day ' s proceedings will open with " God Bless the Princo of Wales , " which will bo rendered by tho choir , and tho overture to RalF ' s " Les Peclieuses do Procida , " arranged as a duet . After these will be presented the prizes to tho first , second , and third classes , and then , after a song ,
"Speed on , my bark , " by G . L . Lyon , and " The Men of Harlech , " by the choir , will be performed Mr . Thomas J . Williams ' s Farco of " Ici on Parle ' . Franco-is , " the several characters being enacted by W . Beaumont , W . R . Jones , R . Bryant , W . R . Parker , E . E . Gates , Jl . T . Sage , and
W . S . Sparkes . After another song , Mendelssohn ' s " O forest , deep ancl gloomy , " and a duett , " Broken Spells , " the prizes to the fourth , fifth , ancl sixth classes , as well as the Special Prizes presented by private donors , will be given away . A selection from Moliere ' s Le Bourgeois Genlilhoinme ,
in which C . D . Green , E . T . Sage , H . Bowler E . E . Gates , W . R . Jones , ancl W . S . Sparkes will take part , will follow , after which further Special Prizes , comprising Bro . Captain Wordsworth ' s for elocution ( to be awarded on the day itself ) , and Dr . Morris ' s series , will be distributed . A piano solo , by
Daniel G . Doswell , and another duett of Mendelssohn s , " I would that my love , " will come next , ancl then the series of Special Prizes presented by the House Committee will be given . Scenes from a German play , Der alte Leidkutsclier Peter des Qritten will bo played by F . E . Ladd
and C . D . Green , and then follow more part songs , including the familiar " Hardy Norseman , " ancl tho " National Anthem . " The Silver Medal for good conduct , presented by the Institution , has been adjudged to Henry Giles Shaw , and the Canonbnry Gold Medal , presented by Bro .
Edward Cox , Vice-Patron , P . M . Canonbnry Lodge , No . 657 , to William Harbottle Packwood . Prizes have also been given to the fourteen pupils—out of eighteen who entered—who passed the Cambridge Local Examination in December of last year . These prizes are awarded from tho
fund founded by Bro . W . Winn , Vice-Patron , and tho recipients ai'e the following : William Beaumont , distinguished in Eng-lish ; Robert Bryant , distinguished in Mathematics ; ancl Henry Giles Shaw , who took First Class Honours ; William Ramsay Parkes , Second Class , and
William Hillier Sutton , Third Class ditto ; and Charles David Green , Frank Harvey , Frederick Edwin Ladd , Francis Dalrymple Lane , Frank Lond , Edmund Ernest Gates , William Harbottle Packwood , Edward George Leigh
Sweet , and Charles Martin Howard Uwins , who satisfied the examiners . The Band of the Institution will play a selection of music throughout the afternoon . We trust the Aveather Avill be as brilliant as it is at the moment of
writing . As to the programme , Ave have no doubt it will be efficiently carried out ; indeed , Ave havo already expressed our belief that the occasion will be a great success , of Avhich the managerial and educational staffs , and the boys , as Avell
as the Festival Stewards and other visitors , AVUI have every reason to be proud . Especially gratifying will ifc be to fcbo very able head-master , Dr . Morris , and the energetic Secretary , Bro . Binckes .
The Provincial Grand Lodgo of Hertford will hold its Annual Meeting on Saturday , the 8 th of July , at Cheshunt Great House , Cheshunt Park . The Rt . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ,, Provincial Grand Master , will preside .
Obituary .
It is our painful duty to announce , this week , the decease of Bro . H . Nye Chart , Avho has been so well known as Manager of the Brighton Theatre for almost the last twenty years . Brother Chart , who Avas deservedly respected , had
been in failing health for some time , and expired on Sunday last . His funeral Avill take place this clay ( Saturday ) , at the Parochial Cemeteiy , Avhere , by his express Avish , he will be laid b y the side of his brother , the late Mr . Tom Chart .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Portraits (No. 33). A Soldier Op Fortune.
when Lord Mayor Stone and many other Masonif celebrities paid it a visit . Ho is an honorary member of Lodges 70 , 105 , 421 and 771 , and has served the Stewardships of tho Charities ; is Life Governor of the Boys ' School , ami of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
Ho is an eminent Mark Mason , and acknowledges Kent as his Mother Lodge . He is Founder and P . M . of the Macdonald ( 104 ) , ancl likewise of the Panmnre ( 139 ) . He is an Honorary Member of 8 , 50 , 118 , 12 D , 104 and 176 , Past Grand Overseer , and Past Prov . Grand Mai-k Secretary
of Middlesex and Surrey . As a Royal Arch Mason ho is equally conspicuous . He was a member of Robert Burns ( 25 ) ; Founder , P . Z . and Scribe E . of thePanmure ( 720 ) , and was M . E . Z . for three successive years of Windsor Castle Chapter ( 771 ) . He is a Royal Ark Mariner , P . N . ;
and of the Cryptic Degrees he is Royal ancl Select Master . He is , further , the originator and Past Sovereign of No . 14 Red Cross Rome and Constantine , and M . W . S . of St . George ' s Chapter of Rose Croix . Ho was one of tho promoters ancl directors of the Surrey Masonic Hall , which
is likely to prove a great success , since it affords to the Craft of the locality , tho members of which gladly avail themselves of it , tho accommodation which was so greatly needed for Masonic business . His pen has been ably employed in the advocacy of a scheme for making the
ritual of the Craft uniform . His able papers on this subject may still be read with pleasure ancl profit , ancl although he has not carried his point , he has indicated the form and direction which any reforms of the ritual should take . His suggested Lodge of Preceptors , which would
practically be a College , or perhaps , a University , having for its object the scientific instruction of members , is a brilliant idea , but huge difficulties lie in the way of its realisation . Uniformity is certainly desirable , but some experts , whose opinions are worthy of all respect , declare it to be impossible of achievement .
Grand Lodge Of Indiana.
WE learn , from the Masonic Advocate , that the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge was held in the new Grand Lodge Hall , Indianapolis , on Tuesday and Wednesday , the 23 rd and 24 th ultimo . The Hall -will accommodate about eight hundred , and was nearly filled at the opening ,
there being a full representation of subordinate Lodges and a large number of visiting brethren . Grand Lodge was opened in ample form by M . W . Daniel McDonald , Grand Master . The standing Committees having been announced , the G . M . then road his address , which was
generally interesting . He reported having arrested the charters of four Lodges , having granted fifteen dispensations for organizing new Lodges , dedicated eleven Masonic halls , and laid four corner stones with Masonic ceremonies . A mass of valuable statistical information had resulted from
a circular letter sent out to all the Lodges , and a series of important decisions were reported . The Grand Treasurer ' s financial statement showed—Receipts , Dols . 34 , 589-93 , including an opening balance of Dols . 13 , 249 . 38 , and Expenditure , Dols . 19 , 189 . 08 , leaving a balance on hand at
the end of tho year of Dols . 15 , 400 . 85 . The Building Committee for the erection of the Masonic Temple ancl Grand Lodge Hall reported those buildings completed and accepted . To accomplish this a hundred thousand dollars had been borrowed , ancl fifteen thousand more were required
to meet the remaining liabilities . On Wednesday , after a Ifirge amount of business , locally interesting , had been transacted , the election of Officers for the ensuing year was announced . Of these the principal are , Frank S . Devol , flew Albany , G . M ., Andrew J . Hay , Charleston , D . G . M .,
Robert Van Valzah , Terre Haute , S . G . W ., B . S . Sutton , Shelb yville , J . G . W ., Charles Fisher , Indianapolis , Grand Tres ., and John M . Bramwell , Indianapolis , Grand Sec . The Officers havin g been installed , and the usual standing Committees appointed , Grand Lodge was closed in ample form at 4 p . m .
The swimming races at the Crystal Palace , on Monday last , under the management of Bro . Hadley Prestage , were a gigantic success . The programme was , if anything , too
' ° ng . Our worth y Bro . Sir John Bennett presented the nrst prize , a very handsome watch . Bro . R . L . Sturtevant ( bee . Temple Mark , & c . ) in the absence of " Father Time , " Presented the prizes to the successful competitors .
The Boys' School.
SPEECH day , and the distribution of prizes , will be held under the presidency of the members of tho Supremo Council " ¦ V' of England , on Monday . This body has ever been a most liberal supporter of our Masonic Institutions , and we trust its appearance this year will bo effectively and numerously supported by the Craft . The programme of
the day ' s proceedings will open with " God Bless the Princo of Wales , " which will bo rendered by tho choir , and tho overture to RalF ' s " Les Peclieuses do Procida , " arranged as a duet . After these will be presented the prizes to tho first , second , and third classes , and then , after a song ,
"Speed on , my bark , " by G . L . Lyon , and " The Men of Harlech , " by the choir , will be performed Mr . Thomas J . Williams ' s Farco of " Ici on Parle ' . Franco-is , " the several characters being enacted by W . Beaumont , W . R . Jones , R . Bryant , W . R . Parker , E . E . Gates , Jl . T . Sage , and
W . S . Sparkes . After another song , Mendelssohn ' s " O forest , deep ancl gloomy , " and a duett , " Broken Spells , " the prizes to the fourth , fifth , ancl sixth classes , as well as the Special Prizes presented by private donors , will be given away . A selection from Moliere ' s Le Bourgeois Genlilhoinme ,
in which C . D . Green , E . T . Sage , H . Bowler E . E . Gates , W . R . Jones , ancl W . S . Sparkes will take part , will follow , after which further Special Prizes , comprising Bro . Captain Wordsworth ' s for elocution ( to be awarded on the day itself ) , and Dr . Morris ' s series , will be distributed . A piano solo , by
Daniel G . Doswell , and another duett of Mendelssohn s , " I would that my love , " will come next , ancl then the series of Special Prizes presented by the House Committee will be given . Scenes from a German play , Der alte Leidkutsclier Peter des Qritten will bo played by F . E . Ladd
and C . D . Green , and then follow more part songs , including the familiar " Hardy Norseman , " ancl tho " National Anthem . " The Silver Medal for good conduct , presented by the Institution , has been adjudged to Henry Giles Shaw , and the Canonbnry Gold Medal , presented by Bro .
Edward Cox , Vice-Patron , P . M . Canonbnry Lodge , No . 657 , to William Harbottle Packwood . Prizes have also been given to the fourteen pupils—out of eighteen who entered—who passed the Cambridge Local Examination in December of last year . These prizes are awarded from tho
fund founded by Bro . W . Winn , Vice-Patron , and tho recipients ai'e the following : William Beaumont , distinguished in Eng-lish ; Robert Bryant , distinguished in Mathematics ; ancl Henry Giles Shaw , who took First Class Honours ; William Ramsay Parkes , Second Class , and
William Hillier Sutton , Third Class ditto ; and Charles David Green , Frank Harvey , Frederick Edwin Ladd , Francis Dalrymple Lane , Frank Lond , Edmund Ernest Gates , William Harbottle Packwood , Edward George Leigh
Sweet , and Charles Martin Howard Uwins , who satisfied the examiners . The Band of the Institution will play a selection of music throughout the afternoon . We trust the Aveather Avill be as brilliant as it is at the moment of
writing . As to the programme , Ave have no doubt it will be efficiently carried out ; indeed , Ave havo already expressed our belief that the occasion will be a great success , of Avhich the managerial and educational staffs , and the boys , as Avell
as the Festival Stewards and other visitors , AVUI have every reason to be proud . Especially gratifying will ifc be to fcbo very able head-master , Dr . Morris , and the energetic Secretary , Bro . Binckes .
The Provincial Grand Lodgo of Hertford will hold its Annual Meeting on Saturday , the 8 th of July , at Cheshunt Great House , Cheshunt Park . The Rt . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ,, Provincial Grand Master , will preside .
Obituary .
It is our painful duty to announce , this week , the decease of Bro . H . Nye Chart , Avho has been so well known as Manager of the Brighton Theatre for almost the last twenty years . Brother Chart , who Avas deservedly respected , had
been in failing health for some time , and expired on Sunday last . His funeral Avill take place this clay ( Saturday ) , at the Parochial Cemeteiy , Avhere , by his express Avish , he will be laid b y the side of his brother , the late Mr . Tom Chart .