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Old Warrants.
Glenlyon , Baron Murray of Tnllibardine , Lord Belvenio and Gaak , in the Peerage of Scotland ; Earl Strange , Baron Strange , and Baron Murray of Stanley , co . Gloucester in tho Peerage of England ; Baron Glenlyon , of Glenlyon , in that of the United Kingdom ; hereditary Sheriff of Perthshire . John Murray , 3 rd Duke , succeeded his uncle , the 2 nd , in 1764 ( being
eldest son of the Pretender ' s Lord George Murray , who died in 1766 , and was fifth son of first Duke ); m . only surviving daughter and heiress of James 2 nd Duke in 1765 , disposed of sovereignty of Isle of Man to British Government for £ 70 , 000 , reserving , however , their landed interest , on payment of £ 101 15 s lid annually , and rendering tAvo falcons to tho Kings and Queens of England on days of thoir
coronation—died 5 Nov . 1774 . John Murray 4 th Duke s . 5 Nov . 1774—m . ( 1 st ) 26 Dec . 1774 , Jane ol . dau . of George 9 th Earl of Cathcart , ( 2 ) 11 March 1794 , Marjory el . dau . of James 16 th Lord Forbes and widow of John , Lord Macleod , ( sho died 3 Oct . 1842 ) . Created a peer of United Kingdom in dignities of Baron Murray of Stanley and Earl Strange—18
Aug . 1786 and inherited Old English Barony of Strange on death of his mother inl 805 . A K . T . and F . E . S .: disposed of rest of property aud privileges in Isle of Man for £ 409 , 000 : died 1830 . Creations : Baron Murray 25 April 1604 . Earl of Tnllibardine 10 July 1606 . Earldom of Athole , granted to Sir John Stewart , eldest son of Sir James Stewart , called tho Black Knight of Lorn , and his
wife , Jane , dau . of John , Duke of Lancaster , ancl Queen Dowager of James I . of Scotland , 1457 , and confirmed to John Murray , oldest son of Lady Dorothea Stewart , eldest dau . of John , 5 th , and last Earl of Athole of that lino , by William , 2 nd Earl of Tnllibardine , by patent , dated 16 Feb . 1622 . Marquess of Athole , 7 Feb . 1676 .
Duke of Athole , & c . 30 Juno 1703—all in Scotland . Baron Strange , by writ 1628 , in peerage of England . Earl Strange , & c . in peerage of Great Britain 18 Aug . 1786 . Baron Glenlyon in peerage of United Kingdom , 9 July 1821 . Fraternally yours , "Q . "
Freemasonry In North Wales. Llanidloes And Newtown.
THE province of North Wales and Shropshire has of late years , under the rule of so popular and genial a chief as Sir Wafckin Williams Wynn , increased in strength at a very rapid rate . During last week two more Lodges Avere added to the roll , making a total of 21 , tho S . W . P . G . M . having been present at tho consecration of 17 of them . Wo may add that next year ho Avill have completed his
quarter of a century as a ruler in the Craft , and afc the present time there are only IAVO Provincial Grand Masters who havo ruled over a province for a longer period than Sir Watkin , namely , Dr . Bowles , tho E . W . P . G . M . of Hereford , and John Fawcett , Esq ., tho E . W . P . G . M . of Durham .
On Thursday , 8 th Juno , an especial Provincial Grand Lodgo was held at Llanidloes by the E . W . P . G . M ., Sir W . W . Wynu , Bart ., M . P ., for tho purpose of consecrating tho Llanidloes Lodge , No . 1582 , AAahich ivas attended by a goodly array of officers and brethren . Tho Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form . At tho roll call of Lodges it Avas found 9 only were represented . The Bye
Laws of the North Wales and Shropshire Masonic Charitable Association Avero confirmed . This Association is formed of subscribers to two fnnds ; ono by subscribing ono guinea per annum enables the brother to become a life member of one of the London Charities in the course of five years , or sooner , if he is successful at the yearly ballot . The other fund is for the purpose of educating the children
Avho are candidates for the London Charities until they are elected . Bro . W . BlakeAvay , the S . P . G . W ., brought up a communication by unanimous request from the Aberystwyth Lodge , No . 1072 . Bro . W . Haraor W . M . congratulating the Provincial Grand Lodgo of North Wales and Shropshire on tho safe return of their E . W . P . G . M . to them in restored health . Bro . Salmon P . G . S . B . moved that this
be entered ou the minutes , and that tho P . G . Sec . bo requested to write thanking the W . M . of 1072 for the communication . This was seconded by Bro . A . Walker P . G . S . of W ., and carried unanimously . Tho Llanidloes Lodge , No . 1582 , was then consecrated in due form by the veteran of consecrations , Bro . Dr . T . W . J . Goldsbro ' P . P . S . G . W ., the Consecrating Officer appointed by tho E . W . P . G . M .,
after Avhich he duly installed Bro . W . Collender P . M . 998 P . G . S ., the W . M . designate , Avho then invested the following officers : — Bros . Dr . W . A . Davies S . W ., J . Kitto J . W ., E . Hairier Treasurer , J . Kitto Secretary , W . W . Williams S . D ., J . Hughes J . D ., J . Russel I . G . Tho brethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , aud
partook of a banquet provided in tho Market Hall by Mr . Enssoll , of tho TreAvytheu Arms Hotel , after which tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts Avero drunk , interspersed with music , under the direction of Bro . J . B . Boucher , of Shrewsbury , P . G . Org ., assisted by Bros . Dumville P . M . 152 , S . Hazlitt S . W . 1432 , Eoscoo 268 , Miller 1357 .
On the following day , Friday , 9 th Juno , another especial Provincial Grand Lodge Avas held iu tho Public Eooms , NeAvtoAvn , by tho E . W . P . G . M ., Sir W . W . Wynn , for tho purpose of consecrating tho Cydowain Lodge , No . 1594 . . Tho proceedings commenced afc ono o ' clock , in the Public Eooms . About seventy brethren attended the consecration , many of Avhom
came from long distances expressly for the purpose . Bro . Frederick Brittou , the Worshipful Master designate , was formally presented to the Eight Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J . Danily S . W . designate , Bro . H . N . Gilbank J . W . designate , and tho other petitioning brethren taking their places . After the Lodgo had been opened ,
Bro . Dr . Goldsbro' W . I . P . M . 998 Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden , the Consecrating Officer , having addressed the assemblage upon the nature of the meeting , called upon Bro . W . H . Spaull , P . G . Secretary , to road tho petition and warrant . Tho Lodgo Avas then consecrated according to ancient form .
Freemasonry In North Wales. Llanidloes And Newtown.
About half-past three , the order of procession having been arranged by Bros . Salmon and G . Owen P . P . G . D . of C , tho Order started from the Lodge-room at the Public Eooms , and proceeded along Broadstreet , High-street , LoAver Park-street , New Church-street , to St . David ' s Church , where a service was held . The brethren appeared
in full Craft Masonic clothing and jewels . The route was lined Avith spectators , and tho windows Avero also used extensively by the wives and friends of the brethren . As tho brethren marched np the church Bro . J . B . Boucher , P . G . Organist , played a march composed by him for the occasion , and
dedicated by permission to tho E . W . P . G . M . There Avas a croivded congregation present during the service . The musical portion of the service was ably given by the choir of tho church , assisted by Bros . Miller , Dumville P . M . 152 , Hazlitt S . W . 1432 and Eoscoo , who sang the solo parts of the anthem excellently .
Tho prayers were intoned by tho Eev . J ' . Williams , rector of Newtown , and the lessons woro read by tho Eev . Wynne Jones , formerly of Oswestry , and now Vicar of Llanlhvchaiarn . The rector preached an excellent sermon from 12 th Matthew 49 and 50 . Thoro was an offertory at tho closo in aid of local and Masonic Charities , and £ 9 9 s Id was realised .
After divino service tho brethren re-formed in procession and marched back to the Elephant Hotel , where upwards of fifty sat down to a banquet , under tho presidency of Bro . F . Brittou P . M . 850 aud 998 , P . P . G . J . W . Derbyshire , and W . M . of 1594 (« CydoAvain " Lodgo ) , who occupied tho chair . He Avas ably supported on his right by Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . ; on his loft by Bro . T . W . J . Goldsbro' M . D ., P . M . 998 , P . P . G . S . W . Tho Avholo of the proceedings passed off Avithoufc a hitch of any kind , and tho consecration of " CydoAvain" Lodgo , No . 1594 , AY ill long bo a red-letter day among tho Craft in Newtown .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Oxfordshire.
THE Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire Avas hold on Friday , 16 th inst ., at the Apollo University Masonic Hall , Oxford . Thoro was a very largo assembly of brethren from tho different Lodges in tho Province . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Ecginald Bird , M . A ., opened the Lodge , tho Rev . H . Adair Picard , M . A ., taking tho Senior Warden ' s chair , Avhile the Junior Warden ' s Avas occupied by tho Provincial Grand Junior Warden , Bro . Cooper Smith . The Grand
Jnnior Warden of England , the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , Avas present . Several important items of Masonic business Avoro transacted . Among these Avero tho report on tho state of Freemasonry in tho Province , which shoAved that the Order Avas making strong headAvay in the different districts , and the report of tho charity committee , Avhich , by centralising tho votes that tho different brethren in tho
Province had for tho Masonic Charitable Institutions , enabled them to carry their candidates afc each election . After this business had been concluded his Eoyal Highness Princo Leopold , K . G ., Provincial Grand Master , Avas announced , and ho entered the Lodge , attended by Bro . the Hon . E . H . Collins , C . B ., and Bro . Walter J . D . Campbell , of Blythswood , his equerry . His Eoyal Highness then ascended tho
traditional chair of the Eoyal Solomon , and was received Avith a round of applause . The customary Ma- 'onic salute Avas given , and tho Lodgo again settled CIOAVII to perform its business . Bro . Thomas Randall Avas re-elected Grand Treasurer for tho Province for the 23 rd year successively , and Prince Leopold then said that ho had appointed Bro . Eeginald Bird Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Oxford , an
announcement Avhich Avas received with general applause . Tho following brethren were appointed to office : —Bro . Jules Bue , M . A ., Worshipful Master of the Alfred Lodge , 340 , Provincial Grand Senior Warden ; Bro . H . Offley Wakeman , B . A ., Fellow of All Souls' College , Worshipful Master of the Churchill Lodgo , 478 , Grand Junior Warden ; Bro . tho Rev . E . W . M . Pope , M . A ., AVorcester College , Worshipful
Deputy Master of the Apollo University Lodge , 357 , and Bro . tho Rev . J . Spittal , M . A ., Worshipful Master of the Cherwell Lodge , 599 , Grand Chaplains ; Bro . Alderman' T . Randall , Alfred Lodge , Grand Treasurer ; Bro . W . Peppercorn , Churchill Lodge , Grand Registrar ; Bro . J . E . C . Bodloy , Balliol College , Apollo Lodge , Grand Secretary ; Bro . T . B . Brown , Marlborough Lodge , 1399 , Senior Grand Deacon ;
Bro . J . Eeade , Bowyer Lodge , 1036 , Junior Grand Deacon ; Bro . F . W . Ansell , Alfred Lodge , 340 , Grand Superintendent of Works ; Bro C . G . Paget , Christ Church Apollo Lodge , and Bro . Gordon Campbell , B . A ., Exeter College , Apollo Lodge , Grand directors of Ceremonies ; Bro . J . Jenkin , Bertio Lodge , 1515 , Grand Sword Bearer ; Bro . W . Parrat , B . Mus ., Magdalen College , Apollo Lodgo , Grand Organist ;
Bro . F . Dolley , Bertie Lodge , Grand Pursuivant ; Bio . J . Chapman , Alfred Lodge , Assistant Grand Pursuivant ; Bros . W . J . Douglas Campbell , St . Alban Hall , Apollo Lodgo ; W . N . Gloncross , Exoter College , Churchill Lodge ; F . Hodges , B . A ., Exeter College , Churchill Lodge ; H . II . Parry , T . F . Plowman , Churchill Lodgo ; and II . Harris , Bertie Lodge , Grand Stewards ; and Bros . W . Stephens and G . Norwood , Grand Tylers . Ten guineas were voted to tho Masonic
Institutions , and ten guineas to tho Oxford local charities , thrco guineas of the latter to the Radcliffe Infirmary . On the motion of Prince Leopold , seconded by Bro . Bird , Deputy Provincial Graud Master , a vote of congratulation to the Prince of Wales on his safo return to England Avas unanimously adopted . The Graud Lodgo was then closed , tho customary banquet was afterwards held afc tho Clarendon Hotel , Princo Leopold presiding .
CIVB HOUSE TLATING CARDS . —Mogul Quality , picked Is 3 d per pack , HA per dozen packs . Do . seconds Is per pack , lis per dozan pack . i . If by post lid per pack extra . Cards for Piquet , Bezique , Ecarte , & c , Hoy d Quality lod per pack , Bs per dozen packa . —Loncloa ; W . W , Morgan , a ? Barbican , B . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants.
Glenlyon , Baron Murray of Tnllibardine , Lord Belvenio and Gaak , in the Peerage of Scotland ; Earl Strange , Baron Strange , and Baron Murray of Stanley , co . Gloucester in tho Peerage of England ; Baron Glenlyon , of Glenlyon , in that of the United Kingdom ; hereditary Sheriff of Perthshire . John Murray , 3 rd Duke , succeeded his uncle , the 2 nd , in 1764 ( being
eldest son of the Pretender ' s Lord George Murray , who died in 1766 , and was fifth son of first Duke ); m . only surviving daughter and heiress of James 2 nd Duke in 1765 , disposed of sovereignty of Isle of Man to British Government for £ 70 , 000 , reserving , however , their landed interest , on payment of £ 101 15 s lid annually , and rendering tAvo falcons to tho Kings and Queens of England on days of thoir
coronation—died 5 Nov . 1774 . John Murray 4 th Duke s . 5 Nov . 1774—m . ( 1 st ) 26 Dec . 1774 , Jane ol . dau . of George 9 th Earl of Cathcart , ( 2 ) 11 March 1794 , Marjory el . dau . of James 16 th Lord Forbes and widow of John , Lord Macleod , ( sho died 3 Oct . 1842 ) . Created a peer of United Kingdom in dignities of Baron Murray of Stanley and Earl Strange—18
Aug . 1786 and inherited Old English Barony of Strange on death of his mother inl 805 . A K . T . and F . E . S .: disposed of rest of property aud privileges in Isle of Man for £ 409 , 000 : died 1830 . Creations : Baron Murray 25 April 1604 . Earl of Tnllibardine 10 July 1606 . Earldom of Athole , granted to Sir John Stewart , eldest son of Sir James Stewart , called tho Black Knight of Lorn , and his
wife , Jane , dau . of John , Duke of Lancaster , ancl Queen Dowager of James I . of Scotland , 1457 , and confirmed to John Murray , oldest son of Lady Dorothea Stewart , eldest dau . of John , 5 th , and last Earl of Athole of that lino , by William , 2 nd Earl of Tnllibardine , by patent , dated 16 Feb . 1622 . Marquess of Athole , 7 Feb . 1676 .
Duke of Athole , & c . 30 Juno 1703—all in Scotland . Baron Strange , by writ 1628 , in peerage of England . Earl Strange , & c . in peerage of Great Britain 18 Aug . 1786 . Baron Glenlyon in peerage of United Kingdom , 9 July 1821 . Fraternally yours , "Q . "
Freemasonry In North Wales. Llanidloes And Newtown.
THE province of North Wales and Shropshire has of late years , under the rule of so popular and genial a chief as Sir Wafckin Williams Wynn , increased in strength at a very rapid rate . During last week two more Lodges Avere added to the roll , making a total of 21 , tho S . W . P . G . M . having been present at tho consecration of 17 of them . Wo may add that next year ho Avill have completed his
quarter of a century as a ruler in the Craft , and afc the present time there are only IAVO Provincial Grand Masters who havo ruled over a province for a longer period than Sir Watkin , namely , Dr . Bowles , tho E . W . P . G . M . of Hereford , and John Fawcett , Esq ., tho E . W . P . G . M . of Durham .
On Thursday , 8 th Juno , an especial Provincial Grand Lodgo was held at Llanidloes by the E . W . P . G . M ., Sir W . W . Wynu , Bart ., M . P ., for tho purpose of consecrating tho Llanidloes Lodge , No . 1582 , AAahich ivas attended by a goodly array of officers and brethren . Tho Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form . At tho roll call of Lodges it Avas found 9 only were represented . The Bye
Laws of the North Wales and Shropshire Masonic Charitable Association Avero confirmed . This Association is formed of subscribers to two fnnds ; ono by subscribing ono guinea per annum enables the brother to become a life member of one of the London Charities in the course of five years , or sooner , if he is successful at the yearly ballot . The other fund is for the purpose of educating the children
Avho are candidates for the London Charities until they are elected . Bro . W . BlakeAvay , the S . P . G . W ., brought up a communication by unanimous request from the Aberystwyth Lodge , No . 1072 . Bro . W . Haraor W . M . congratulating the Provincial Grand Lodgo of North Wales and Shropshire on tho safe return of their E . W . P . G . M . to them in restored health . Bro . Salmon P . G . S . B . moved that this
be entered ou the minutes , and that tho P . G . Sec . bo requested to write thanking the W . M . of 1072 for the communication . This was seconded by Bro . A . Walker P . G . S . of W ., and carried unanimously . Tho Llanidloes Lodge , No . 1582 , was then consecrated in due form by the veteran of consecrations , Bro . Dr . T . W . J . Goldsbro ' P . P . S . G . W ., the Consecrating Officer appointed by tho E . W . P . G . M .,
after Avhich he duly installed Bro . W . Collender P . M . 998 P . G . S ., the W . M . designate , Avho then invested the following officers : — Bros . Dr . W . A . Davies S . W ., J . Kitto J . W ., E . Hairier Treasurer , J . Kitto Secretary , W . W . Williams S . D ., J . Hughes J . D ., J . Russel I . G . Tho brethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , aud
partook of a banquet provided in tho Market Hall by Mr . Enssoll , of tho TreAvytheu Arms Hotel , after which tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts Avero drunk , interspersed with music , under the direction of Bro . J . B . Boucher , of Shrewsbury , P . G . Org ., assisted by Bros . Dumville P . M . 152 , S . Hazlitt S . W . 1432 , Eoscoo 268 , Miller 1357 .
On the following day , Friday , 9 th Juno , another especial Provincial Grand Lodge Avas held iu tho Public Eooms , NeAvtoAvn , by tho E . W . P . G . M ., Sir W . W . Wynn , for tho purpose of consecrating tho Cydowain Lodge , No . 1594 . . Tho proceedings commenced afc ono o ' clock , in the Public Eooms . About seventy brethren attended the consecration , many of Avhom
came from long distances expressly for the purpose . Bro . Frederick Brittou , the Worshipful Master designate , was formally presented to the Eight Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J . Danily S . W . designate , Bro . H . N . Gilbank J . W . designate , and tho other petitioning brethren taking their places . After the Lodgo had been opened ,
Bro . Dr . Goldsbro' W . I . P . M . 998 Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden , the Consecrating Officer , having addressed the assemblage upon the nature of the meeting , called upon Bro . W . H . Spaull , P . G . Secretary , to road tho petition and warrant . Tho Lodgo Avas then consecrated according to ancient form .
Freemasonry In North Wales. Llanidloes And Newtown.
About half-past three , the order of procession having been arranged by Bros . Salmon and G . Owen P . P . G . D . of C , tho Order started from the Lodge-room at the Public Eooms , and proceeded along Broadstreet , High-street , LoAver Park-street , New Church-street , to St . David ' s Church , where a service was held . The brethren appeared
in full Craft Masonic clothing and jewels . The route was lined Avith spectators , and tho windows Avero also used extensively by the wives and friends of the brethren . As tho brethren marched np the church Bro . J . B . Boucher , P . G . Organist , played a march composed by him for the occasion , and
dedicated by permission to tho E . W . P . G . M . There Avas a croivded congregation present during the service . The musical portion of the service was ably given by the choir of tho church , assisted by Bros . Miller , Dumville P . M . 152 , Hazlitt S . W . 1432 and Eoscoo , who sang the solo parts of the anthem excellently .
Tho prayers were intoned by tho Eev . J ' . Williams , rector of Newtown , and the lessons woro read by tho Eev . Wynne Jones , formerly of Oswestry , and now Vicar of Llanlhvchaiarn . The rector preached an excellent sermon from 12 th Matthew 49 and 50 . Thoro was an offertory at tho closo in aid of local and Masonic Charities , and £ 9 9 s Id was realised .
After divino service tho brethren re-formed in procession and marched back to the Elephant Hotel , where upwards of fifty sat down to a banquet , under tho presidency of Bro . F . Brittou P . M . 850 aud 998 , P . P . G . J . W . Derbyshire , and W . M . of 1594 (« CydoAvain " Lodgo ) , who occupied tho chair . He Avas ably supported on his right by Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . ; on his loft by Bro . T . W . J . Goldsbro' M . D ., P . M . 998 , P . P . G . S . W . Tho Avholo of the proceedings passed off Avithoufc a hitch of any kind , and tho consecration of " CydoAvain" Lodgo , No . 1594 , AY ill long bo a red-letter day among tho Craft in Newtown .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Oxfordshire.
THE Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire Avas hold on Friday , 16 th inst ., at the Apollo University Masonic Hall , Oxford . Thoro was a very largo assembly of brethren from tho different Lodges in tho Province . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Ecginald Bird , M . A ., opened the Lodge , tho Rev . H . Adair Picard , M . A ., taking tho Senior Warden ' s chair , Avhile the Junior Warden ' s Avas occupied by tho Provincial Grand Junior Warden , Bro . Cooper Smith . The Grand
Jnnior Warden of England , the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , Avas present . Several important items of Masonic business Avoro transacted . Among these Avero tho report on tho state of Freemasonry in tho Province , which shoAved that the Order Avas making strong headAvay in the different districts , and the report of tho charity committee , Avhich , by centralising tho votes that tho different brethren in tho
Province had for tho Masonic Charitable Institutions , enabled them to carry their candidates afc each election . After this business had been concluded his Eoyal Highness Princo Leopold , K . G ., Provincial Grand Master , Avas announced , and ho entered the Lodge , attended by Bro . the Hon . E . H . Collins , C . B ., and Bro . Walter J . D . Campbell , of Blythswood , his equerry . His Eoyal Highness then ascended tho
traditional chair of the Eoyal Solomon , and was received Avith a round of applause . The customary Ma- 'onic salute Avas given , and tho Lodgo again settled CIOAVII to perform its business . Bro . Thomas Randall Avas re-elected Grand Treasurer for tho Province for the 23 rd year successively , and Prince Leopold then said that ho had appointed Bro . Eeginald Bird Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Oxford , an
announcement Avhich Avas received with general applause . Tho following brethren were appointed to office : —Bro . Jules Bue , M . A ., Worshipful Master of the Alfred Lodge , 340 , Provincial Grand Senior Warden ; Bro . H . Offley Wakeman , B . A ., Fellow of All Souls' College , Worshipful Master of the Churchill Lodgo , 478 , Grand Junior Warden ; Bro . tho Rev . E . W . M . Pope , M . A ., AVorcester College , Worshipful
Deputy Master of the Apollo University Lodge , 357 , and Bro . tho Rev . J . Spittal , M . A ., Worshipful Master of the Cherwell Lodge , 599 , Grand Chaplains ; Bro . Alderman' T . Randall , Alfred Lodge , Grand Treasurer ; Bro . W . Peppercorn , Churchill Lodge , Grand Registrar ; Bro . J . E . C . Bodloy , Balliol College , Apollo Lodge , Grand Secretary ; Bro . T . B . Brown , Marlborough Lodge , 1399 , Senior Grand Deacon ;
Bro . J . Eeade , Bowyer Lodge , 1036 , Junior Grand Deacon ; Bro . F . W . Ansell , Alfred Lodge , 340 , Grand Superintendent of Works ; Bro C . G . Paget , Christ Church Apollo Lodge , and Bro . Gordon Campbell , B . A ., Exeter College , Apollo Lodge , Grand directors of Ceremonies ; Bro . J . Jenkin , Bertio Lodge , 1515 , Grand Sword Bearer ; Bro . W . Parrat , B . Mus ., Magdalen College , Apollo Lodgo , Grand Organist ;
Bro . F . Dolley , Bertie Lodge , Grand Pursuivant ; Bio . J . Chapman , Alfred Lodge , Assistant Grand Pursuivant ; Bros . W . J . Douglas Campbell , St . Alban Hall , Apollo Lodgo ; W . N . Gloncross , Exoter College , Churchill Lodge ; F . Hodges , B . A ., Exeter College , Churchill Lodge ; H . II . Parry , T . F . Plowman , Churchill Lodgo ; and II . Harris , Bertie Lodge , Grand Stewards ; and Bros . W . Stephens and G . Norwood , Grand Tylers . Ten guineas were voted to tho Masonic
Institutions , and ten guineas to tho Oxford local charities , thrco guineas of the latter to the Radcliffe Infirmary . On the motion of Prince Leopold , seconded by Bro . Bird , Deputy Provincial Graud Master , a vote of congratulation to the Prince of Wales on his safo return to England Avas unanimously adopted . The Graud Lodgo was then closed , tho customary banquet was afterwards held afc tho Clarendon Hotel , Princo Leopold presiding .
CIVB HOUSE TLATING CARDS . —Mogul Quality , picked Is 3 d per pack , HA per dozen packs . Do . seconds Is per pack , lis per dozan pack . i . If by post lid per pack extra . Cards for Piquet , Bezique , Ecarte , & c , Hoy d Quality lod per pack , Bs per dozen packa . —Loncloa ; W . W , Morgan , a ? Barbican , B . C .