Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3
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Notices Of Meetings.
careful in selecting their W . M . would bo sure to make a wise choice , and that the new W . M . wonld try at all times to preserve tho prestige of the Lodge . Bro . Hearle thanked the D . Prov . G . M . for his kindly notice , and the brethren for their confidence , which he would always endeavour to deserve . W . Bro . Gover proposed the health of the Past Masters , Treasurer and Secretary . The Treasurer and Secretary
were the founders of the Lodge , and had done much in assisting it to attain its present high position . The Past Masters had done their part well ancl efficiently , while their I . P . M . Bro . Godtsehalk had not only done everything which could be expected in the Lodgo , and for the Lodge , bnt had given valuable assistance to the province . He had been instant in season and out of season , and very much of the success
of the Devon candidates was dne to tho zeal , energy and tact displayed by him whilst acting in London as representative for Devonshire . Bro . Charles Godtsehalk on rising stated that if he attempted to reply to the toast as given by Bro . J . B . Gover , he should fail . Ho should leave the P . M . ' s , the Secretary and Treasurer to take care of themselves , they being old and experienced Masons . He had , however ,
undertaken a duty at the request of the Lodge . At tho expiration of a pleasurable year of office , this was one of the most gratifying tasks . This Avas , on behalf of the Lodge , to make a presentation to their esteemed P . M ., Bro . Samuel Harvey . In doing so , ho stated it was a pleasure to him from the fact of their having worked together in Lodge , in having passed through the chairs together , he might say
cordially and almost hand in hand . In making this presentation he should endeavour to give utterance to a few simple words of truth . They might be feeble , and not what the occasion deserved , yet they wonld not be mere praise and flattery , but the outspoken sentiments of one who had had ample opportunity of judging the qualifications of a brother who deserved to have those qualifications spoken of in
terms far moro eloquent than he could hope to use . Ho felt honoured in being tho mouthpiece of the Lodge on this occasion . Bro . Godtsehalk then placed on the breast of Bro . S . Harvey an elegant P . M . ' s jewel , which was suitably acknowledged . V . W . Bro . Metham , in proposing tho last toast , " Our distressed brethren , " said it was a very important one . He was glad to bo able to congratulate the
Lodgo of Dundas on what they had already done in the way of charity , and was sure ho should not appeal in vain to them to continue in the same course . He particularly advocated the claims of our aged brethren and their widows , at the same time saying that whilst we should always take care of our own household , a Mason ' s charity should know no bounds save those of prndence . He was pleased to
learn that the Lodge had recently given liberal sums to what Avas sometimes called outside tho Order , but which was not really so ; notably they had supported the South Devon Hospital and the Female Orphan Asylum . A very enjoyable day was spent , several of the brethren contributing appropriate music . Bro . J . Fly , whose talent is widely known and appreciated , gave some choice selections on the cornet .
Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 . —The regular meeting of this summer Lodgo was held at the Eed Lion Hotel , Hampton , on Saturday 17 th . It being election night , there was a strong muster of tho brethren ; amongst those present whose names we Avere able to obtain wero Bros . H . A . Dubois P . P . G . A . D . C . Middx . W . M ., W . Hammond P . G . J . D . & c . Middx . I . P . M ., E . Gilbert S . W ., C . W . Fox J . W .,
F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middx . P . M . Sec , W . Mitchel acting S . D ., J . B . Shacklcton acting J . D ., J . W . Baldwin I . G ., II . Glostor D . C , H . Potter W . S ., J . C Woodrow P . M ., D . Steinhauer , J . Greenwood , T . Stone , J . Howe , A . Rolingtron , F . Knight , J . Hernaman , G . S . Streeton , C . Lacop , W . Stanton . Visitors—B . Sharp P . M . Mariners 168 , Eev . T . W . Cavo Sec . Acacia 1309 , R . W . Martin Jordan 201 ,
and E . Beckwith 1423 . Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer . Minutes of last regular meeting read and confirmed . Messrs , W . Blackely and W . T . Trehearne , who had been previously ballotted for , were initiated into the Order . The bye-laws of the Lodge were read by tho Secretary and agreed to . The next business being to elect a W . M . for the ensuing year , a ballot was taken , the result
being unanimously in favour of the S . W ., Bro . Gilbert , who in well chosen terms thanked the brethren for tho honour they had conferred on him , assuring them it would bo his earnest endeavour to discharge those duties to their satisfaction . Bros . S . Wickens P . M . was re-elected Treasurer , and Gilbert P . G . T . Tyler . W . Mitchel , W . Stanton , and J . B . Shackleton were appointed Auditors in addition
to those provided for in the bye-laws of tho Lodge . A notice of motion by Bro . F . Walters , that the sum of five guineas be spent in purchasing a P . M . ' s jewel , to be presented to Bro . H . A . Dubois , was met by an amendment from Bro . Gilbert , that the amount be increased to seven guineas , seconded by Bro . Stanton , and carried unanimously . Bro . J . C . Woodrow was nominated for office as A . S ., J . Symes as O . S .,
and G . Short as & . Nothing else offering the Lodge was closed in ancient form , and adjourned to the third Saturday in July ( installation ) . The brethren afterwards sat down to one of those capital banquets for which this Lodge is so famous . After grace , the W . M . proposed , in rapid succession , the toasts of the Queen and the Craft , H . R . H . tho Most Worshipful Grand Master , tho Pro and Deputy
Grand Masters , and our R . W . P . G . Master , Col . Francis Burdett , from whom a letter had been received , expressing his regret at not being able to attend , military duties requiring his presence elsewhere , — and the rest of the Grand Officers past and present , the latter being responded to by Bro . Hammond , who also proposed the health of the W . M ., complimenting him on the very able and creditable manner he had discharged his duties as W . M ., and also on the success that had
attended his year of office . In reply , Bro . Dubois said he Avas not going to make a speech , but on this , the last occasion he Avould have to address them in that capacity , he felt bound to return them his sincere and heartfelt thanks for their unvarying kindness and courtesy towards him . His success was in a great measure due to their active co-operation , and he hoped the brethren wonld also support the W . M . elect during his year of office , reminding them that Bro . Gilbert had served nearly every office in tho Lodge , and would , he felt certain ,
prove to them ho was " the right man in the right place ; " he would therefore propose tho health of tho W . M . elect . The toast , we need scarcely say , was received with enthusiasm . Bro . Gilbert hoped ho had not been over praised , but he was one of those who thought , if a thing was Avorth doing at all , it was worth doing well , and as they considered ho had done his duty in the minor offices , ho hoped ho
might bo enabled to uphold , with their assistance , tho dignity of the Lodge , and the prond position they held as ono of , if not the largest Lodge in tho province . The W . M . next proposed the health of tho initiates , which was severally replied to . Tho next , being that of tho Visitors , was very ably responded to , particularly by Bro . Cavo .
" The Officers " brought the veteran Secretary forward again to reply , who also gave tho E . A . song . Bro . Woodrow caused considerable merriment by his excellent rendering of tho " Vagabond . " The Tyler ' s toast terminated another very enjoyable meeting at " Happy Hampton . "
Felix Lodge , No . 1494 . —The Installation meeting of this Lodge was hold at the Clarence Hotel , Teddington , on Saturday , 17 th inst . Present—Bros . F . S . Knyvett , Grand Steward , W . M ., Edward B . Grabham I . P . M ., F . B . Archer S . W . W . M . elect , Hyde Pullen P . G . S . B . acting as J . W ., W . G . Moore P . M . S . D ., T . S . Archer
J . D ., E . A . Wooiloy I . G ., G . Hancock . P . M ., Past Provincial Grand Deacon Somerset , D . C , and tho following Visitors—Bros . Hydo Pullen P . G . S . B ., H . G . Buss , Provincial Grand Treasurer Middlesex , W . R . Pullen , East Medina 175 , J . Whitmore , M . D ., P . M . Royal Athelstan 19 , A . R . Marten , Past Grand Steward , P . M . 58 , J . Keates
Eden Lodge , Limerick , F . Knyvett 160 , H . Thome P . M . 165 , W . W . Aldridgo P . M . 165 , Thos . Yeo . 167 , J . Brockett Sorroll P . M . 176 , J . Brookett Sorrell jun . J . W . 176 , E . H . Smithett 180 , E . G . Fox P . M . 235 , T . D . Boulton , Past Grand Steward , 259 , T . Wilkinson Secretary 271 , H . T . Wrendfordsley 442 , W . Croncher 534 , T . E . Woollard 1293 , P . Dickinson S . W . 1298 , W . F . Taunton 1385 , T . W . Ockenden D . C . 1572 . Tho Lodge was opened in duo form , and the minutes of tho
previous meeting road and confirmed . Several communications from brethren , expressive of regret at not being present , were read . Bro . Sharon Grote Turner ( Lodge of Antiquity , No . 21 ) was elected a joining member . Bros . Getty , Hunter , Twinberrow , and Younghusband wore raised to the third degree , by the W . M ., after which Bro . Francis Bradley Archer was presented by Bro . Grabham P . M .,
Provincial Grand Steward Middlesex , to tho W . M . for Installation , tho ceremony being performed by Bro . Knyvett W . M . in a very able and impressive manner . Bro . Archer being installed into the chair , and saluted according to ancient custom , he invested Bros . Knyvett I . P . M ., Grabham P . M . Secretary , Berridge Grand Steward S . W ., W . G . Mooro P . M . J . W ., T . S . Archer S . D ., E . A . Woolley J . D ., J .
Melville Curtis I . G ., G . Hancock P . M . D . C . There being no further business before tho Lodge , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , presided over by Bro . Archer W . M . On the removal of tho cloth , grace was beautifully sung by Bros . Scaly , Hunter , and Taunton , and the usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Hyde Pullen P . G . S . B ., in returning thanks for the Grand officers ,
congratulated tho W . M . upon his present position . It ivas with sincere pleasure he had witnessed the prosperity of the Lodge under the Masterships of Bros . Grabham and Knyvett , and he had little doubt that it would continue unabated under the rule of the present W . M ., who had shewn considerable ability and tact even tho short time ho had occupied the chair . Bro . H . G . Buss , in responding for the Prov .
Grand Officers , expressed his regret that the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , was not able to be present on this occasion . He AVUS exceedingly gratified on his last visit to find the Lodge in its present state of efficiency , and felt assured that it would still con . tinue to prosper . The health of the W . M . was proposed in eulogistic terms by Bro . Knyvett I . P . M ., who spoke of the valued services which
Bro . Archer had rendered , and the pleasure it had afforded him to instal into tho chair of the Felix Lodge a brother who Avould continue to maintain the dignity and high . position which the Lodge held in the Province of Middlesex . The toast was very enthusiasticall y received , and Bro . Archer in responding said that he Avould clo his utmost to keep tho Lodge in its present state of prosperity , and thanked the brethren for the hearty manner in which his health had been
drank . Bro . A . R . Marten , Past Grand Steward , P . M . 58 , responded for the visitors . The toast of the Past Masters , Bros . Grabham and Knyvett , Avas duly acknowledged by tho latter , and that of tho Officers by Bro . W . G . Moore P . M . J . W . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought tho meeting to a close . It is due to tho musical brethren of tho Lodgo to say their efforts to please were highly appreciated , aud contributed very much to the success of the evening .
City of "Westminster Lodge , No . 1563 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held ou Monday , the 19 th inst ., at tho Masonic Hall , Air-street , Regent-street . Tho W . M ., Bro . B . Swallow , occupied the chair , Rev . P . M . Holden S . AV ., — Morrell J . W ., C . A . Cottebrune P . M . P . G . P . Treas ., E . J . Scott P . M . Sec , Phillips S . D ., Turner J . D ., Shand D . C , Hutchinson Steward , W . C . Parsons
P . M . I . G ., Potter P . M . Tyler , and Bros . Swaagman , Gardner , Waugh , Bishop , Willis , Handcock , < Ssc . The Lodge Avas opened ; the business consisted in raising Bros . W . Bonham , Pike , T . C . Bouham , and Eiley ; Passing Bros . Docker and C T . Green of Elliot Lodge , No . 1564 , and initiating Mr . H . E . Bonham . The various ceremonies were perfectly and impressively delivered by the W . M ., who was ably assisted by the Wardens and Officers . It is in contemplation to
limit the number of brethren ; with this view , to raise the initiation fee to £ 12 12 s . Tho Lodge Avas then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Nicoll . The W . M , presided in his accustomed genial manner , and proposed the usual toasts , Avhich wore duly and eloquently responded to . The proceedings were enlivened by some capital songs and recitations , thus contributing to tho enjoyment'of the evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
careful in selecting their W . M . would bo sure to make a wise choice , and that the new W . M . wonld try at all times to preserve tho prestige of the Lodge . Bro . Hearle thanked the D . Prov . G . M . for his kindly notice , and the brethren for their confidence , which he would always endeavour to deserve . W . Bro . Gover proposed the health of the Past Masters , Treasurer and Secretary . The Treasurer and Secretary
were the founders of the Lodge , and had done much in assisting it to attain its present high position . The Past Masters had done their part well ancl efficiently , while their I . P . M . Bro . Godtsehalk had not only done everything which could be expected in the Lodgo , and for the Lodge , bnt had given valuable assistance to the province . He had been instant in season and out of season , and very much of the success
of the Devon candidates was dne to tho zeal , energy and tact displayed by him whilst acting in London as representative for Devonshire . Bro . Charles Godtsehalk on rising stated that if he attempted to reply to the toast as given by Bro . J . B . Gover , he should fail . Ho should leave the P . M . ' s , the Secretary and Treasurer to take care of themselves , they being old and experienced Masons . He had , however ,
undertaken a duty at the request of the Lodge . At tho expiration of a pleasurable year of office , this was one of the most gratifying tasks . This Avas , on behalf of the Lodge , to make a presentation to their esteemed P . M ., Bro . Samuel Harvey . In doing so , ho stated it was a pleasure to him from the fact of their having worked together in Lodge , in having passed through the chairs together , he might say
cordially and almost hand in hand . In making this presentation he should endeavour to give utterance to a few simple words of truth . They might be feeble , and not what the occasion deserved , yet they wonld not be mere praise and flattery , but the outspoken sentiments of one who had had ample opportunity of judging the qualifications of a brother who deserved to have those qualifications spoken of in
terms far moro eloquent than he could hope to use . Ho felt honoured in being tho mouthpiece of the Lodge on this occasion . Bro . Godtsehalk then placed on the breast of Bro . S . Harvey an elegant P . M . ' s jewel , which was suitably acknowledged . V . W . Bro . Metham , in proposing tho last toast , " Our distressed brethren , " said it was a very important one . He was glad to bo able to congratulate the
Lodgo of Dundas on what they had already done in the way of charity , and was sure ho should not appeal in vain to them to continue in the same course . He particularly advocated the claims of our aged brethren and their widows , at the same time saying that whilst we should always take care of our own household , a Mason ' s charity should know no bounds save those of prndence . He was pleased to
learn that the Lodge had recently given liberal sums to what Avas sometimes called outside tho Order , but which was not really so ; notably they had supported the South Devon Hospital and the Female Orphan Asylum . A very enjoyable day was spent , several of the brethren contributing appropriate music . Bro . J . Fly , whose talent is widely known and appreciated , gave some choice selections on the cornet .
Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 . —The regular meeting of this summer Lodgo was held at the Eed Lion Hotel , Hampton , on Saturday 17 th . It being election night , there was a strong muster of tho brethren ; amongst those present whose names we Avere able to obtain wero Bros . H . A . Dubois P . P . G . A . D . C . Middx . W . M ., W . Hammond P . G . J . D . & c . Middx . I . P . M ., E . Gilbert S . W ., C . W . Fox J . W .,
F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middx . P . M . Sec , W . Mitchel acting S . D ., J . B . Shacklcton acting J . D ., J . W . Baldwin I . G ., II . Glostor D . C , H . Potter W . S ., J . C Woodrow P . M ., D . Steinhauer , J . Greenwood , T . Stone , J . Howe , A . Rolingtron , F . Knight , J . Hernaman , G . S . Streeton , C . Lacop , W . Stanton . Visitors—B . Sharp P . M . Mariners 168 , Eev . T . W . Cavo Sec . Acacia 1309 , R . W . Martin Jordan 201 ,
and E . Beckwith 1423 . Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer . Minutes of last regular meeting read and confirmed . Messrs , W . Blackely and W . T . Trehearne , who had been previously ballotted for , were initiated into the Order . The bye-laws of the Lodge were read by tho Secretary and agreed to . The next business being to elect a W . M . for the ensuing year , a ballot was taken , the result
being unanimously in favour of the S . W ., Bro . Gilbert , who in well chosen terms thanked the brethren for tho honour they had conferred on him , assuring them it would bo his earnest endeavour to discharge those duties to their satisfaction . Bros . S . Wickens P . M . was re-elected Treasurer , and Gilbert P . G . T . Tyler . W . Mitchel , W . Stanton , and J . B . Shackleton were appointed Auditors in addition
to those provided for in the bye-laws of tho Lodge . A notice of motion by Bro . F . Walters , that the sum of five guineas be spent in purchasing a P . M . ' s jewel , to be presented to Bro . H . A . Dubois , was met by an amendment from Bro . Gilbert , that the amount be increased to seven guineas , seconded by Bro . Stanton , and carried unanimously . Bro . J . C . Woodrow was nominated for office as A . S ., J . Symes as O . S .,
and G . Short as & . Nothing else offering the Lodge was closed in ancient form , and adjourned to the third Saturday in July ( installation ) . The brethren afterwards sat down to one of those capital banquets for which this Lodge is so famous . After grace , the W . M . proposed , in rapid succession , the toasts of the Queen and the Craft , H . R . H . tho Most Worshipful Grand Master , tho Pro and Deputy
Grand Masters , and our R . W . P . G . Master , Col . Francis Burdett , from whom a letter had been received , expressing his regret at not being able to attend , military duties requiring his presence elsewhere , — and the rest of the Grand Officers past and present , the latter being responded to by Bro . Hammond , who also proposed the health of the W . M ., complimenting him on the very able and creditable manner he had discharged his duties as W . M ., and also on the success that had
attended his year of office . In reply , Bro . Dubois said he Avas not going to make a speech , but on this , the last occasion he Avould have to address them in that capacity , he felt bound to return them his sincere and heartfelt thanks for their unvarying kindness and courtesy towards him . His success was in a great measure due to their active co-operation , and he hoped the brethren wonld also support the W . M . elect during his year of office , reminding them that Bro . Gilbert had served nearly every office in tho Lodge , and would , he felt certain ,
prove to them ho was " the right man in the right place ; " he would therefore propose tho health of tho W . M . elect . The toast , we need scarcely say , was received with enthusiasm . Bro . Gilbert hoped ho had not been over praised , but he was one of those who thought , if a thing was Avorth doing at all , it was worth doing well , and as they considered ho had done his duty in the minor offices , ho hoped ho
might bo enabled to uphold , with their assistance , tho dignity of the Lodge , and the prond position they held as ono of , if not the largest Lodge in tho province . The W . M . next proposed the health of tho initiates , which was severally replied to . Tho next , being that of tho Visitors , was very ably responded to , particularly by Bro . Cavo .
" The Officers " brought the veteran Secretary forward again to reply , who also gave tho E . A . song . Bro . Woodrow caused considerable merriment by his excellent rendering of tho " Vagabond . " The Tyler ' s toast terminated another very enjoyable meeting at " Happy Hampton . "
Felix Lodge , No . 1494 . —The Installation meeting of this Lodge was hold at the Clarence Hotel , Teddington , on Saturday , 17 th inst . Present—Bros . F . S . Knyvett , Grand Steward , W . M ., Edward B . Grabham I . P . M ., F . B . Archer S . W . W . M . elect , Hyde Pullen P . G . S . B . acting as J . W ., W . G . Moore P . M . S . D ., T . S . Archer
J . D ., E . A . Wooiloy I . G ., G . Hancock . P . M ., Past Provincial Grand Deacon Somerset , D . C , and tho following Visitors—Bros . Hydo Pullen P . G . S . B ., H . G . Buss , Provincial Grand Treasurer Middlesex , W . R . Pullen , East Medina 175 , J . Whitmore , M . D ., P . M . Royal Athelstan 19 , A . R . Marten , Past Grand Steward , P . M . 58 , J . Keates
Eden Lodge , Limerick , F . Knyvett 160 , H . Thome P . M . 165 , W . W . Aldridgo P . M . 165 , Thos . Yeo . 167 , J . Brockett Sorroll P . M . 176 , J . Brookett Sorrell jun . J . W . 176 , E . H . Smithett 180 , E . G . Fox P . M . 235 , T . D . Boulton , Past Grand Steward , 259 , T . Wilkinson Secretary 271 , H . T . Wrendfordsley 442 , W . Croncher 534 , T . E . Woollard 1293 , P . Dickinson S . W . 1298 , W . F . Taunton 1385 , T . W . Ockenden D . C . 1572 . Tho Lodge was opened in duo form , and the minutes of tho
previous meeting road and confirmed . Several communications from brethren , expressive of regret at not being present , were read . Bro . Sharon Grote Turner ( Lodge of Antiquity , No . 21 ) was elected a joining member . Bros . Getty , Hunter , Twinberrow , and Younghusband wore raised to the third degree , by the W . M ., after which Bro . Francis Bradley Archer was presented by Bro . Grabham P . M .,
Provincial Grand Steward Middlesex , to tho W . M . for Installation , tho ceremony being performed by Bro . Knyvett W . M . in a very able and impressive manner . Bro . Archer being installed into the chair , and saluted according to ancient custom , he invested Bros . Knyvett I . P . M ., Grabham P . M . Secretary , Berridge Grand Steward S . W ., W . G . Mooro P . M . J . W ., T . S . Archer S . D ., E . A . Woolley J . D ., J .
Melville Curtis I . G ., G . Hancock P . M . D . C . There being no further business before tho Lodge , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , presided over by Bro . Archer W . M . On the removal of tho cloth , grace was beautifully sung by Bros . Scaly , Hunter , and Taunton , and the usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Hyde Pullen P . G . S . B ., in returning thanks for the Grand officers ,
congratulated tho W . M . upon his present position . It ivas with sincere pleasure he had witnessed the prosperity of the Lodge under the Masterships of Bros . Grabham and Knyvett , and he had little doubt that it would continue unabated under the rule of the present W . M ., who had shewn considerable ability and tact even tho short time ho had occupied the chair . Bro . H . G . Buss , in responding for the Prov .
Grand Officers , expressed his regret that the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , was not able to be present on this occasion . He AVUS exceedingly gratified on his last visit to find the Lodge in its present state of efficiency , and felt assured that it would still con . tinue to prosper . The health of the W . M . was proposed in eulogistic terms by Bro . Knyvett I . P . M ., who spoke of the valued services which
Bro . Archer had rendered , and the pleasure it had afforded him to instal into tho chair of the Felix Lodge a brother who Avould continue to maintain the dignity and high . position which the Lodge held in the Province of Middlesex . The toast was very enthusiasticall y received , and Bro . Archer in responding said that he Avould clo his utmost to keep tho Lodge in its present state of prosperity , and thanked the brethren for the hearty manner in which his health had been
drank . Bro . A . R . Marten , Past Grand Steward , P . M . 58 , responded for the visitors . The toast of the Past Masters , Bros . Grabham and Knyvett , Avas duly acknowledged by tho latter , and that of tho Officers by Bro . W . G . Moore P . M . J . W . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought tho meeting to a close . It is due to tho musical brethren of tho Lodgo to say their efforts to please were highly appreciated , aud contributed very much to the success of the evening .
City of "Westminster Lodge , No . 1563 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held ou Monday , the 19 th inst ., at tho Masonic Hall , Air-street , Regent-street . Tho W . M ., Bro . B . Swallow , occupied the chair , Rev . P . M . Holden S . AV ., — Morrell J . W ., C . A . Cottebrune P . M . P . G . P . Treas ., E . J . Scott P . M . Sec , Phillips S . D ., Turner J . D ., Shand D . C , Hutchinson Steward , W . C . Parsons
P . M . I . G ., Potter P . M . Tyler , and Bros . Swaagman , Gardner , Waugh , Bishop , Willis , Handcock , < Ssc . The Lodge Avas opened ; the business consisted in raising Bros . W . Bonham , Pike , T . C . Bouham , and Eiley ; Passing Bros . Docker and C T . Green of Elliot Lodge , No . 1564 , and initiating Mr . H . E . Bonham . The various ceremonies were perfectly and impressively delivered by the W . M ., who was ably assisted by the Wardens and Officers . It is in contemplation to
limit the number of brethren ; with this view , to raise the initiation fee to £ 12 12 s . Tho Lodge Avas then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Nicoll . The W . M , presided in his accustomed genial manner , and proposed the usual toasts , Avhich wore duly and eloquently responded to . The proceedings were enlivened by some capital songs and recitations , thus contributing to tho enjoyment'of the evening .