Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SINCERITY LODGE, No. 174. Page 1 of 1 Article FIDELITY LODGE, No. 230. Page 1 of 1 Article FIDELITY LODGE, No. 230. Page 1 of 1 Article NORTH YORK LODGE, No. 602, MIDDLESBROUGH. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. OSWALD'S LODGE, No. 910, PONTEFRACT. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
had felt himself a little remiss , but tho brethren wonld agree that all mnst be highly gratified with the excellent manner in which lie had discharged tho duties appertaining to his exalted position . Kro . Gladwell was very pleased to have had the felicity of being present on tho occasion when Bro . Patmore was elected to the chair . That
brother was highly respected and esteemed in tho provinces , and it had given him unspeakable pleasure to meet Bro . Patmore under such gratifying auspices . Brethren in tho country had thoir little Lodges , and when they had the pleasure of visiting tho Metropolis and seeing a Lodgo of this kind , thoy returned laden with information which thoy convoyed to tho brethren , who retailed it out for a
considerable timo . The fraternal feeling which appeared in this Lodge , and the way in which the working had been carried out , could not be excelled . It was the first time ho had had tho privilege of meeting the brethren of this Lodge , and ho had learned much that would not bo easily eradicated from his mind . Bro . Phillips also briolly returned thanks . The health of the Past Masters was the next toast
and suitably acknowledged by the I . P . M . Bro . Pearcy . In giving the health of the W . M . elect , Bro . Snaro said it was a toast which fell to the lot of a Master only once dnring his year of office , and the unanimity with which Bro . Patmore had been elected presaged , at any rate , tho cordiality with which that toast would be received . Ho thought ho need not add ono word to the toast , but simply ask them
to receive it as they had received Bro . Patmore iu the Lodge earlier in the evening . Bro . G . H . Patmore , who was received with loud cheering , could not say but that ho was surprised at tho unanimity with which ho had been elected by the Lodgo as their Master for the coining year . It was with some amount of diffidence a mouth or two
back , when he knew the time was coming on when ho must choose cither between accepting or declining tho Mastership ; but the kindness he had received from the P . M . ' s , and their courteous effortsknowing perhaps that he was a country member , and had not those facilities of obtaining that information respecting the ritual that wore to be obtained in town—to afford him that information had
decided him to go on , and he conld only say he felt deeply grateful to many P . M . 's for their most welcome connsel and assistance . He took this opportunity of thanking them personally for having given him their kind assurance that thoy would do all they possibly could to fit him for the office to which he had been elected . He was not so fluent in language as many who had gone before him , but he had been in the Lodge nine years , and had only missed attending on one
occasion , and that was caused by domestic affliction in his own family . Nothing on his part should be spared to carry out the working of this grand old Lodge in befitting manner . He loved the old United Strength , and always should do , and he would endeavour to do his best to support its dignity and not disgrace it . Several other toasts were honoured , and some excellent singing tended to brighten the very harmonious and enjoyable proceedings .
Sincerity Lodge, No. 174.
THE final meeting for the year of the members of this Lodgo was held on Wednesday evening , the loth instant , at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . C . II . Webb . There were also present Bros . G . Jones S . W ., F . Brown J . W ., J . S . Fraser S . D ., A . H . Brown J . D ., T . F . Harvey I . G ., W . Fraser D . C , J . Miller W . S ., S . Rawley P . M . Treas ., J . Newton P . M . Sec , P . M . ' s C . Lacey , J . Bulmer , J . G . Hilliard , E . Moore : G . T . H . Seddon
I . P . M . Visitors—Bros . Geo . Bashford , J . How , G . Brooks P . M ., T . S . Watts P . M ., R . Hopkins , W . J . Mason , J . T . Robey , J . C . Frank . Lodge having been opened , the ballot was clear for three gentlemen , viz ., Mr . XV . Henderson , Mr . T . Huntley , and Mr . J . G . Goll , who , being present , were initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M . Bro . Jay was raised to the third degree . The election of
W . M . resulted in a unanimous vote for Bro . G . Jones S . W ., that of Treasurer unanimously in favour of Bro . Rawley P . M ., and of Tyler in favour of Bro . Very . Two brethren of the Lodge were voted the sum of ten guineas each . The usual Christmas gifts were voted , including one guinea towards the entertainment to the " Old Folks " at Croydon , and one guinea to tho Tyler . The Anditors were
appointed . A P . M . s jewel was unanimously voted to the outgoing W . M ., Bro . C . H . Webb . Business over , the members sat down at the social board , the dinner being well served in every respect . Afterwards the usual Loyal and complimentary toasts were given , and a very happy evening was passed . In the course of the evening , the W . M . alluded to the fact that this was the last time he should have the honour to preside over them as W . M . ; he thanked the brethren ,
particularly the Officers , for their kindness to him throughout his very happy year of office , concluding by wishing all the members , absent and present , a " Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year . " The Visitors bore trnthfnl testimony as to the working in Lodge , and hoped they might have tho pleasure of visiting the Sincerity at some future day .
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
fTiHE annual meeting of this Lodge was hold on Thursday , lfith inst ., -L at the Ebiington Masonic Hall , Granby-strcet , Devonpovt . After the election of a member , the Worshipfnl Master elect , Bro . Richard Ellis , was installed by the retiring Master , Bro . J . R . II . Harris , assisted by Bro . R . Caw ? ey , in a Hoard of Installed Masters consisting of Bros " . John Lynn l ' . M . P . P . G . S . B ., J . B . Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , E . Murch P . M . 202 P . P . G . O ., R . Cawsey P . M ..
D . B . Lynn P . M ., J . Rogers P . M . P . P . G . Tvler , R . Pengelly P . M . 70 , R . Pike P . M ., Thomas Searle P . M . ] 09 l " , J . Cassell I . P . M . 113 G , Hngh Cameron W . M . 1205 , 0 . Wi . tson P . M . 051 . After the ceremony the following Officers were appointed : —Br .. _ . . 1 . R . II . Harris I . P . M ., R . Pitcher S . W ., J . Whitford J . W ., J . Lynn Tr ., R . Cawsey Sec , T . Border S . D ., W . M . Ridland J . D ., R . Georgo Chaplain , E . Littleton I . G ., W . Rattenbury D . C , It . Pike Org ., T . Boyliug and Towan Ste-
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
wards , and T . Stephens Tyler . The Treasurer's accounts wero satisfactory , and it was resolved that the annual banquet take place on 12 th of January , at the Koyal Hotel , Dovonport . Ladies will be nvited to attend , as on previous occasions .
North York Lodge, No. 602, Middlesbrough.
THURSDAY , 16 th inst ., the brethren met in the Lodge-room for the purpose of installing Bro . S . A . Sadler W . M . for the ensuing year . There was a very large attendance , and amongst the visitors present were Bro . Georgo Marwood Right Worshipful P . D . P . G . M . of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire , who had kindly undertaken to perform tho ceremony , and tho following brethren : —T . C .
Davison P . M . Marwood Lodge , R . W . Holland P . M . York , R . W . Bolsover P . M . Tees , J . Hunton P . M . Philanthropy , W . Bulmer P . M , Zetland , A . C . Knowles P . M . Tees , John Settle P . M . Tees , W . Nelson W . M . Marwood , J . II . Hart Sec . Stockton , A . Dyson P . M . Marwood , J . M . Meek P . M . Marquis of Ripon , F . E . Streoton Ferrnm , J . N .
Malcolmson Ferrnm , J . T . Belk Ferrnm , A . Tanner P . M . Perseverance , II . Tompson P . M ., W . Petchell P . M ., J . A . Manners P . M ., W . H . Cowpor P . M ., R . Davison P . M ., C . Willman P . M ., M . G . Collingwood P . M . —all of North York Lodgo . The Installing Officer having performed the ceremony in a most efficient manner , the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . Sadler appointed tho following Officers for the year : —
I . Fidler I . P . M ., W . Gill S . W ., W . R . Gibbs J . W ., M . G . Collingwood
Treasurer , S . Walker Secretary , A . Hallam S . D ., A . C . Wilson J . D ., II . Sherwood I . G ., XV . J . Watson D . C , J . F . Stewart Organist , J . Rnshford and It . Wilkinson Stewards , James Ingram O . G . In tho evening the brethren sat down to a splendid banquet at the Queen Hotel .
St. Oswald's Lodge, No. 910, Pontefract.
ON Wednesday evening , the 15 th inst ., the brethren of the above Lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John . There was a large muster of members and Visitors , tho latter including Provincial Officers of high rank , as well as the XV . D . P . G . M . of West Yorkshire , who is a member of tho Lodge . For the first timo in the history of the Lodge tho ceremony of installation was attended by over two dozen P . M . ' s , and the number generally present was so great thafc
the Officers experienced considerable difficulty at times in carrying through the details of tho installation . Iu the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . I . P . M . Mathers took the chair , and opened the Lodgo . He retired to make way for Bro . P . M . Slack , P . G . D . C . of the Province , tho Installing Master . This is not the first time by several that Bro . P . M . Slack has installed tho Master of St . Oswald's , and
on taking the chair he was warmly greeted . The XV . Bro . Tew , J . P , D . P . G . M . was introduced , and greeted with the customary honours . Afc this time there were present in the Lodge—Bros . H . Smith P . G . Secretary , Mason P . G . Treasurer , Simpson P . P . G . S . Works ( Charity Steward ) , MacKay ( Castleford ) P . P . G . Sword Bearer , Mathers I . P . M ., Slack P . G . D . C , Smithers P . G . Steward , Ward
( Goole ) P . P . G . P ., Hall P . P . G . Steward , W . S . Wood P . P . G . Registrar , J . Gill P . P . G . D . C , XV . B . Alderson P . P . G . D ., Rowlands a P . P . Officer of S . Wales ; P . M . ' s Clark , Lord , Phillips , Holmes , Kassel ( Castleford ) , Harling ( Castleford ) , Cliff ( Castleford ) , Hartley ( Wakefield ) , W . M . ' s Hardley ( Castleford ) , Gardiner ( Goole ) . Wor . Bro . Tew , in acknowledgment of the salutation accorded him , spoke at some length . The
condition of the 66 Lodges of West Yorkshire , in which there were now some 3300 Masons , showed the progress the Order was making . It had been his privilege , in discharging the duties of his high officean office he should consent to fill only so long as he had their cordial and fraternal support—to visit many Lodges of late in that Province , and he could bnt inadequately express his sense of the man .
ner in which they were being worked , and of the cordial spirit thafc existed amongst tbe brethren . He had the authority of their Prov . Grand Master Bro . Sir Hy . Edwards , to say that he trusted the Secretaries and Treasurers of every Lodge in the Province would so carry out their duties as to diminish very much , if not extinguish , the list of defaulters . Thafc list of late had seriously increased ; an
increase due he believed in no small measure to the wave of bad trade which was passing over the Province . He congratulated St . Oswald ' s on the very distinguished company that had assembled . The Festival on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in London in February next was to be presided over by Bro . Sir Hy . Edwards . He knew the Province would support their Prov . Grand
Master well and heartily ; but still he mentioned the matter so that Past Masters and members of Lodges that had not lately sent a Steward might take this opportunity of doing so . He hold in his hand the balance sheet of tho Bentley Shaw Fund , from which he learnt that thoy had , after raising £ 1 , 080 , still rather more than £ 20 in hand . It was Sir Hy . Edwards ' s and his own intention to place on
the agenda paper of the Prov . Grand Lodge , to be held on tho 12 th January , a motion for placing this sum at the command of Bro . Henry Smith Prov . Grand Secretary , with the view of ( when some of bis friends had suitably augmented it ) his becoming , what he knew ho had long wished to become—a Vice-Patron of all their Charities . Thus , while they acknowledged in so slight a manner the
valuable services of a brother so widely esteemed and revered , they enabled him to gratify his Masonic wishes by using the gift for the benefit of the Province . In conclusion , W . Bro . Tew congratulated Bro . Quarter-nan nn his approaching installation to the chair . The ceremony proceeded , and was conducted by tho Installing Master in the very able and thoroughly Masonic mariner which is a mark of
all tho work done in St . Oswald ' s Lodge . The following were the Officers invested . —Bro _ Rev . J . Needham S . W ., Scriven J . W ., G . H . Locking Treasurer , I . Kaberay Secretary , W . H . Wilks S . D ., R . Moxonjnn . J . D ., CLongstaff I . G ., [ Tall P . M . D . C , J . Simpson Org ., Blake Tyler , Pearson and Fisher Stewards . Subsequentl y , on the motion of Rro . Lord , seconded by Bro . Harling , and supported amongst others by Worshipful Bro . Tew , Bro . Simpson was again
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
had felt himself a little remiss , but tho brethren wonld agree that all mnst be highly gratified with the excellent manner in which lie had discharged tho duties appertaining to his exalted position . Kro . Gladwell was very pleased to have had the felicity of being present on tho occasion when Bro . Patmore was elected to the chair . That
brother was highly respected and esteemed in tho provinces , and it had given him unspeakable pleasure to meet Bro . Patmore under such gratifying auspices . Brethren in tho country had thoir little Lodges , and when they had the pleasure of visiting tho Metropolis and seeing a Lodgo of this kind , thoy returned laden with information which thoy convoyed to tho brethren , who retailed it out for a
considerable timo . The fraternal feeling which appeared in this Lodge , and the way in which the working had been carried out , could not be excelled . It was the first time ho had had tho privilege of meeting the brethren of this Lodge , and ho had learned much that would not bo easily eradicated from his mind . Bro . Phillips also briolly returned thanks . The health of the Past Masters was the next toast
and suitably acknowledged by the I . P . M . Bro . Pearcy . In giving the health of the W . M . elect , Bro . Snaro said it was a toast which fell to the lot of a Master only once dnring his year of office , and the unanimity with which Bro . Patmore had been elected presaged , at any rate , tho cordiality with which that toast would be received . Ho thought ho need not add ono word to the toast , but simply ask them
to receive it as they had received Bro . Patmore iu the Lodge earlier in the evening . Bro . G . H . Patmore , who was received with loud cheering , could not say but that ho was surprised at tho unanimity with which ho had been elected by the Lodgo as their Master for the coining year . It was with some amount of diffidence a mouth or two
back , when he knew the time was coming on when ho must choose cither between accepting or declining tho Mastership ; but the kindness he had received from the P . M . ' s , and their courteous effortsknowing perhaps that he was a country member , and had not those facilities of obtaining that information respecting the ritual that wore to be obtained in town—to afford him that information had
decided him to go on , and he conld only say he felt deeply grateful to many P . M . 's for their most welcome connsel and assistance . He took this opportunity of thanking them personally for having given him their kind assurance that thoy would do all they possibly could to fit him for the office to which he had been elected . He was not so fluent in language as many who had gone before him , but he had been in the Lodge nine years , and had only missed attending on one
occasion , and that was caused by domestic affliction in his own family . Nothing on his part should be spared to carry out the working of this grand old Lodge in befitting manner . He loved the old United Strength , and always should do , and he would endeavour to do his best to support its dignity and not disgrace it . Several other toasts were honoured , and some excellent singing tended to brighten the very harmonious and enjoyable proceedings .
Sincerity Lodge, No. 174.
THE final meeting for the year of the members of this Lodgo was held on Wednesday evening , the loth instant , at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . C . II . Webb . There were also present Bros . G . Jones S . W ., F . Brown J . W ., J . S . Fraser S . D ., A . H . Brown J . D ., T . F . Harvey I . G ., W . Fraser D . C , J . Miller W . S ., S . Rawley P . M . Treas ., J . Newton P . M . Sec , P . M . ' s C . Lacey , J . Bulmer , J . G . Hilliard , E . Moore : G . T . H . Seddon
I . P . M . Visitors—Bros . Geo . Bashford , J . How , G . Brooks P . M ., T . S . Watts P . M ., R . Hopkins , W . J . Mason , J . T . Robey , J . C . Frank . Lodge having been opened , the ballot was clear for three gentlemen , viz ., Mr . XV . Henderson , Mr . T . Huntley , and Mr . J . G . Goll , who , being present , were initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M . Bro . Jay was raised to the third degree . The election of
W . M . resulted in a unanimous vote for Bro . G . Jones S . W ., that of Treasurer unanimously in favour of Bro . Rawley P . M ., and of Tyler in favour of Bro . Very . Two brethren of the Lodge were voted the sum of ten guineas each . The usual Christmas gifts were voted , including one guinea towards the entertainment to the " Old Folks " at Croydon , and one guinea to tho Tyler . The Anditors were
appointed . A P . M . s jewel was unanimously voted to the outgoing W . M ., Bro . C . H . Webb . Business over , the members sat down at the social board , the dinner being well served in every respect . Afterwards the usual Loyal and complimentary toasts were given , and a very happy evening was passed . In the course of the evening , the W . M . alluded to the fact that this was the last time he should have the honour to preside over them as W . M . ; he thanked the brethren ,
particularly the Officers , for their kindness to him throughout his very happy year of office , concluding by wishing all the members , absent and present , a " Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year . " The Visitors bore trnthfnl testimony as to the working in Lodge , and hoped they might have tho pleasure of visiting the Sincerity at some future day .
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
fTiHE annual meeting of this Lodge was hold on Thursday , lfith inst ., -L at the Ebiington Masonic Hall , Granby-strcet , Devonpovt . After the election of a member , the Worshipfnl Master elect , Bro . Richard Ellis , was installed by the retiring Master , Bro . J . R . II . Harris , assisted by Bro . R . Caw ? ey , in a Hoard of Installed Masters consisting of Bros " . John Lynn l ' . M . P . P . G . S . B ., J . B . Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , E . Murch P . M . 202 P . P . G . O ., R . Cawsey P . M ..
D . B . Lynn P . M ., J . Rogers P . M . P . P . G . Tvler , R . Pengelly P . M . 70 , R . Pike P . M ., Thomas Searle P . M . ] 09 l " , J . Cassell I . P . M . 113 G , Hngh Cameron W . M . 1205 , 0 . Wi . tson P . M . 051 . After the ceremony the following Officers were appointed : —Br .. _ . . 1 . R . II . Harris I . P . M ., R . Pitcher S . W ., J . Whitford J . W ., J . Lynn Tr ., R . Cawsey Sec , T . Border S . D ., W . M . Ridland J . D ., R . Georgo Chaplain , E . Littleton I . G ., W . Rattenbury D . C , It . Pike Org ., T . Boyliug and Towan Ste-
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
wards , and T . Stephens Tyler . The Treasurer's accounts wero satisfactory , and it was resolved that the annual banquet take place on 12 th of January , at the Koyal Hotel , Dovonport . Ladies will be nvited to attend , as on previous occasions .
North York Lodge, No. 602, Middlesbrough.
THURSDAY , 16 th inst ., the brethren met in the Lodge-room for the purpose of installing Bro . S . A . Sadler W . M . for the ensuing year . There was a very large attendance , and amongst the visitors present were Bro . Georgo Marwood Right Worshipful P . D . P . G . M . of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire , who had kindly undertaken to perform tho ceremony , and tho following brethren : —T . C .
Davison P . M . Marwood Lodge , R . W . Holland P . M . York , R . W . Bolsover P . M . Tees , J . Hunton P . M . Philanthropy , W . Bulmer P . M , Zetland , A . C . Knowles P . M . Tees , John Settle P . M . Tees , W . Nelson W . M . Marwood , J . II . Hart Sec . Stockton , A . Dyson P . M . Marwood , J . M . Meek P . M . Marquis of Ripon , F . E . Streoton Ferrnm , J . N .
Malcolmson Ferrnm , J . T . Belk Ferrnm , A . Tanner P . M . Perseverance , II . Tompson P . M ., W . Petchell P . M ., J . A . Manners P . M ., W . H . Cowpor P . M ., R . Davison P . M ., C . Willman P . M ., M . G . Collingwood P . M . —all of North York Lodgo . The Installing Officer having performed the ceremony in a most efficient manner , the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . Sadler appointed tho following Officers for the year : —
I . Fidler I . P . M ., W . Gill S . W ., W . R . Gibbs J . W ., M . G . Collingwood
Treasurer , S . Walker Secretary , A . Hallam S . D ., A . C . Wilson J . D ., II . Sherwood I . G ., XV . J . Watson D . C , J . F . Stewart Organist , J . Rnshford and It . Wilkinson Stewards , James Ingram O . G . In tho evening the brethren sat down to a splendid banquet at the Queen Hotel .
St. Oswald's Lodge, No. 910, Pontefract.
ON Wednesday evening , the 15 th inst ., the brethren of the above Lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John . There was a large muster of members and Visitors , tho latter including Provincial Officers of high rank , as well as the XV . D . P . G . M . of West Yorkshire , who is a member of tho Lodge . For the first timo in the history of the Lodge tho ceremony of installation was attended by over two dozen P . M . ' s , and the number generally present was so great thafc
the Officers experienced considerable difficulty at times in carrying through the details of tho installation . Iu the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . I . P . M . Mathers took the chair , and opened the Lodgo . He retired to make way for Bro . P . M . Slack , P . G . D . C . of the Province , tho Installing Master . This is not the first time by several that Bro . P . M . Slack has installed tho Master of St . Oswald's , and
on taking the chair he was warmly greeted . The XV . Bro . Tew , J . P , D . P . G . M . was introduced , and greeted with the customary honours . Afc this time there were present in the Lodge—Bros . H . Smith P . G . Secretary , Mason P . G . Treasurer , Simpson P . P . G . S . Works ( Charity Steward ) , MacKay ( Castleford ) P . P . G . Sword Bearer , Mathers I . P . M ., Slack P . G . D . C , Smithers P . G . Steward , Ward
( Goole ) P . P . G . P ., Hall P . P . G . Steward , W . S . Wood P . P . G . Registrar , J . Gill P . P . G . D . C , XV . B . Alderson P . P . G . D ., Rowlands a P . P . Officer of S . Wales ; P . M . ' s Clark , Lord , Phillips , Holmes , Kassel ( Castleford ) , Harling ( Castleford ) , Cliff ( Castleford ) , Hartley ( Wakefield ) , W . M . ' s Hardley ( Castleford ) , Gardiner ( Goole ) . Wor . Bro . Tew , in acknowledgment of the salutation accorded him , spoke at some length . The
condition of the 66 Lodges of West Yorkshire , in which there were now some 3300 Masons , showed the progress the Order was making . It had been his privilege , in discharging the duties of his high officean office he should consent to fill only so long as he had their cordial and fraternal support—to visit many Lodges of late in that Province , and he could bnt inadequately express his sense of the man .
ner in which they were being worked , and of the cordial spirit thafc existed amongst tbe brethren . He had the authority of their Prov . Grand Master Bro . Sir Hy . Edwards , to say that he trusted the Secretaries and Treasurers of every Lodge in the Province would so carry out their duties as to diminish very much , if not extinguish , the list of defaulters . Thafc list of late had seriously increased ; an
increase due he believed in no small measure to the wave of bad trade which was passing over the Province . He congratulated St . Oswald ' s on the very distinguished company that had assembled . The Festival on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in London in February next was to be presided over by Bro . Sir Hy . Edwards . He knew the Province would support their Prov . Grand
Master well and heartily ; but still he mentioned the matter so that Past Masters and members of Lodges that had not lately sent a Steward might take this opportunity of doing so . He hold in his hand the balance sheet of tho Bentley Shaw Fund , from which he learnt that thoy had , after raising £ 1 , 080 , still rather more than £ 20 in hand . It was Sir Hy . Edwards ' s and his own intention to place on
the agenda paper of the Prov . Grand Lodge , to be held on tho 12 th January , a motion for placing this sum at the command of Bro . Henry Smith Prov . Grand Secretary , with the view of ( when some of bis friends had suitably augmented it ) his becoming , what he knew ho had long wished to become—a Vice-Patron of all their Charities . Thus , while they acknowledged in so slight a manner the
valuable services of a brother so widely esteemed and revered , they enabled him to gratify his Masonic wishes by using the gift for the benefit of the Province . In conclusion , W . Bro . Tew congratulated Bro . Quarter-nan nn his approaching installation to the chair . The ceremony proceeded , and was conducted by tho Installing Master in the very able and thoroughly Masonic mariner which is a mark of
all tho work done in St . Oswald ' s Lodge . The following were the Officers invested . —Bro _ Rev . J . Needham S . W ., Scriven J . W ., G . H . Locking Treasurer , I . Kaberay Secretary , W . H . Wilks S . D ., R . Moxonjnn . J . D ., CLongstaff I . G ., [ Tall P . M . D . C , J . Simpson Org ., Blake Tyler , Pearson and Fisher Stewards . Subsequentl y , on the motion of Rro . Lord , seconded by Bro . Harling , and supported amongst others by Worshipful Bro . Tew , Bro . Simpson was again