Article LODGE HISTORIES. ← Page 2 of 3 Article LODGE HISTORIES. Page 2 of 3 →
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Lodge Histories.
tho names of brethren who held office in the Lodge or , in tho absence of all description , mnst be set down as members . The earliest of these is an account for the period from 9 th March—10 th Jnly 1809 . showing Receipts amounting to £ 17 , and expenditure , including balance from preceding statement of £ 25 10 , £ 71 1 G 9 V ; so that at the end of said period the Lodge waa indebted to its Treasurer—a
Bro . Scarlett—in the snm of £ 21 G 9 _ . The expenditure is of the ordinary character , if wo except ono item £ 1 10 " for 2 Fluiiol Clowns . " From memoranda on tho back wo find that among tlio members of tho Lodge wero Bros . Lewis , Falehard (?) , Cornford , Webb , Raine , and Self , which last may stand foroither Bro . Treasurer himself or a member rejoicing in the name of Self . The next
document is an acconnt to 14 Nov . 1 S 09 , and shows indebtedness to tho Treasurer for tbe increased amount of £ 27 9 1 _ . However , on tho outside are written the names of tho principal Officers , namely , Bros . S . G . Lewis W . M ., J . Beare S . W ., G . Wainwright J . W . Under date 15 November 1809 ia a Receipt by Bro . S . G . Lewis W . M . of Three Guineas from Bro Scarlett " Upon Lodge No . 290 's Account for Bro .
Gorton's use . " We imagine that this may have been a grant by the Lod « e to a member in need of help . Yet another account from 13 Nov . 1809 to 9 April 1810 shows the balance dne to Treasurer reduced from £ 27 9 1 $ to £ 23 12 G . In addition are two accounts wafered together , one showing the amounts due by members in respect of dinners , dues , fines , & c . and in the case of Bro . Cornford
One Guinea for " Arching "him , to 13 th November 1809 , and the other a similar document to September 1810 , the amount of tho former being £ 15 2 , and of tho latter £ 25 9 . The following names wore entered on their lists , those with a * figuring in both , namely , Bros . Cornford * , Barton * , Raine * , Lewis * , Folkard ( probably tho same with Falehard already given ) , Gibson jun ., Rich , Clark * , Wink .
worth , Priest * , Read * Ballnaofc * , Withers * Hughes * Jones * Bastable * , Mutlow * , Rutherford , Fisher , Fowler * , B . Webb , Searle , Withington , Scarlett , R . Sanders , Baldwin , Mart or , Mason , Dunn , G . Sanders , Roberts , Hadley , Harding , Wonnysit (? Wainwright ) , and Otley . The last twelve belong to the year 1810 . We may also mention that the Quarterly dues appear to have been five shillings .
From a minute-book extending over the period from 4 th November 1810 to 20 th October 1811 , at d recording the meetings of the Lodgo of Instruction beld nnder the Lodgo Warrant , wn gather that tho brethren met on Sundays , either fortnightly or weekly , at tho Angel Inn , High-street , St . Giles ' s , and that each member contributed nio-btly towards the expenses of the meeting the sum of uinepence .
On the front half of the cover is entered a memorandum as follows " 2 Porter 10 J , 2 Ale Is 8 d , 2 Pints Gin 3 s 4 d , Ingredients ls , Tobacco ls , " together with 2 s 6 d and 4 _ , bnt for what is not stated . Thus , tho study of onr lectures then , as it does now , entailed a certain consumption of fluids . Under date of " Sunday , Febry . 24 th 1811 , " is a letter conehed in
the most indignant terms , from Bro . G . Ballisat to the"W . Master and Brothers of Lodge 290 . " Bro . Ballisat complains of having received from Bro . Roberts a letter requiring him to attend the Lodge nnder the penalty of being reported to tho Stewards of Grand Lodge . He states that he has been dangerously ill , that he is prepared to pay bis Lodge dues , but that he does not much care if he is reported , as
ho claims to be quite as independent in spirit as any of his fellow members . Witb a view to prevent any misunderstanding , he adds that if his health permits , he intends spending a fortnight at the seaside . Poor Bro . Ballisat ! Wo wonder if your indignant letter had the effect of calming " the W . Master and the Brothers of Lodge 290 . " and inducing them to appreciate vour worth . We imagine it
did . A single sheet has written on one side of it certain minutes of the Holy Royal Arch Chapter , dated 10 th March ( no year is given , but it is evidently 1811 ) . The following are the names entered , namely : The Right Worshipfnl Bro . R . Humphreys G . C ., Bro . Wainwright and Bro . Gorton H . and J . ; Bro . Lewington and Bro . Jacobs Scribes ; Bros . Winter , Dormer (?) , Dart , Gregson , Warner ( exalted ) , and
Mason ( exalted ) . The fees paid by the exaltees wero one guinea each , the amount otherwise collected was six shillings , nnd the Bill reached 15 s 9 d , leaving a balance of £ 112 s 3 d , to which , however , had to be added the Balance of seven shillings and sixpence for 31 st March . It is added " This Chapter adjourned durinsr Pleasure at 6 o'clock in Perfect Harmony . " On the other side tho minutes relate
to the meeting on 31 st March 1811 . The names entered are Bro . R . Humphreys Grand Chief , Bro . Wainwright H ., Bro . Withington Soribe , Bro . Gorton Scribe , and Bros . Cathrcs (?) 314 , Warner , Dart , Kolley , and Suthard ( exalted ) . The cash collected , including Bro Snthard ' s exaltation fee of one guinea , was £ 1 7 s . The expenditure , consisting of House Bill 8 s , Tyler ls , and Registering Fee 10 s Gd , reached 19 s 6 d .
There are two documents rotating to 1814 and 1815 . One is a receipt , dated 13 th May 1811 , by J . Allen for the sum of £ 10 14 s , being tho balnnce due to lis brother by " Lodge 3 G 7 late No . 290 . " The other , dated 10 th July IS 15 , is " from Bro . Bagshaw to Mr . Roberts ( No . 3 ( 57 ) , caro of Mr . Hopper , Coach and Horses , Compton - street , Soho , stating his inability to attend that evening , and as he
ha * been unable to find a missing bill , that he ( Bro . Roberts ) had better state it as amounting to £ 4 15 s , namely , " 13 dining at 5 s , " £ 3 5 s , and liquor £ 1 10 s , bnt subject to future correction if found erroneous either in favour of or a-rainst tho Lodge . Bro . Bairshaw adds that from this must be deducted the "present apparent balance " against him of £ 1 f- ' s , and also certain fees or dues which he savs are
due by him to the Lodge . Wo next have a letter dated " Brydges Street . Covent Garden , 14 Jan . 1818 , from Bro . G . Bagshaw Secretary , No . 307 , to Bro . Dn id Hughes , Apothecary , Northwich , Cheshire , in w ! ii-h ho explains the delay in answering the latter ' s letter of 12 th November 1817 , as it
had only reached the W . M . the previous evening , and promising to remit certificate , receiving amount of fees at withdrawal ( 12 s ) , eo-tt 0 ? G . Secretary ' s Certificate ( 12 a ) , and tbe postage lid . Bro . Bagshaw requests the remittance may be made free of expense or otherwise it will fall upon him to pay the charges .
Lodge Histories.
Passing on to the middle of the year 1819 , wo have a series of me . moranda , made up in book form , and extending from 13 th July 1819 to 13 th March 1821 . These relate chiefly to sums due and payable or paid by tho members , the amount charged p . n * night being mostly oighteenpenco , aud occasionally half-a-crown . They aro valuable chiefly on acconnt of the names they contain , boing , with ono or two
exceptions , where those of Visitors aro entered , tho names of tho members of tho Lodge . On page 1 are the names of tho following Visitors , namely , Bros . Wilson , Johnson , Willis , and Summers , of tho 1 ' orcy , No . 355 ; Bros . Coalman , Mann , and Shopheard , of Royal Athelstano , No . 19 , and Bros . L . E . Thornton , G . Stewards' Lodge ; Grayson , Burlington , 152 ; G . Fraser , Caledonian ; Stallard , Temple ;
Wittington , Unions , IS 1 , and Sanderson , Saddlers' Arms , 399 . After these aro tho minutes : " Lodge opened in duo form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last Lodgo wero read and confirmed . Opened in the 2 nd and 3 rd degree , and a Rasing was gone through pro forma in ample form . AU Masonic business being over , tho Lo . was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . " Page 2 contains
only the following : " Board and Working Tools of Arch M , " and "Speight , 99 , Dairy Lane . " We shall content ourselves with adding the names of the members—presumably they are snch—the majority of whom aro entered at each meeting . They are Bros . Warner , Bagshaw , W . Smith , Southard , Charles Smith , BaidenoH , Humphreys ( latterly written as Humphries ) , Russell , Boothby , Lomax , Dignam ,
Durley , Fletcher ( J . XV . 13 Mar . 1821 ) , Gilkes , and Rapden (?) with Murphy and Young , in pencil , in July 1820 , and Shopheard , Hodges , and Morris in January of the same year . Tho following is an " Inventory of Property belonging to tho St . Michael ' s Lodge , No . 3 G 7 , " apparently in tho year 1820 . "Tho Warrant of Constitution in a Tin Box "—written against which in
another hand are tho words " delivered to Bro . Russell , Aug . Sth 1820 "" a Throne ; two Chair Boxes for Warden ' s Chairs ; Royal Arch Board and Making Cloth ; Banner , Polo and Ball ; four Wands ; Furniture Chest and two Koys containing—Pedestal , Desk , Cushion , 2 Branches Lock and Key ( containing 1 Square , 1 Level , 1 Plumb , rule , 3 Past Master ' s Jewels , 1 Treasurer ' s , 1 Secretary , 2 Deacons
10 Collars—1 silk ) , Portable Writing Desk , Lock and Key , two Columns , three Gavels , three Candlesticks , a Bible , Square and Compasses , Square , Level , Rule , and two Foot Rule , two Constitution Books , Book of Rules and Orders , two Swords , three Flannels , Green Baize and Table cover and ( Royal Arch ) , two Crow Bars , two Pick , axes , one Shovel , thirteen Shields , six Paintings ; an eight-foot
carpeted Form , one Large Rummer Glass , fifteen Masonic Glasses . On this inventory are given these names— "Wm . Boothby W . M ., W . 0 . Smith S . W " and J . Brndenell J . W . " Belonging to tho period we havo sketched in onr former articles is a summons to the Master and Wardens to attend an especial Grand Lodge on the 14 th December 1825 , at Twelve o ' clock at noon , to confirm the vote passed at the Quarterly Communication on the 7 th
instant , for a Grant of £ 50 outof the Fund of Benevolence for the Relief of the widow of tho late Bro . Geo . Belzoni . Undoubtedly , one of tho most interesting among these loose pages is a letter without date of year , month , or day , written by Bro . Gilkes to " the W . M . of 3 G 7 , Mr . Knight . " The mention of the latter Brother ' s name , however , helps to fix the year as 1828 , when Bro . Knight filled tho chair of the Lodge . The letter is as follows : —
Carnaby-street , Monday , Noon . DRAR Snt AND BROTHER , —My leaving town for Lynn to-morrow morning will prevent me from taking a personal leave of the St , Michael ' s Lodge , which I much regret after the favours and honours
I have received in it , which I shall ever gratefully remember : as you are in full possession of my reasons for the step , I have taken have the kindness to explain them to the brethren . Yonrs fraternally , ( Signed ) P . GILKES .
As showing the respect in which Bro . Gilkes was held by the members of the Lodge , a passage in Bro . Hindmarsh ' s letter of resignation of the lGth December 1834 is worth quoting . It reads thus : "May the shade of our departed Brother Peter preside over the destinies of the Lodge , and incite the Brethren to an emulation of the great Mason who died its Master . " There is also another document which bears
the distinguished brother s signature affixed only a few months before his death . This is a copy of a return of the members to June 1833 as furnished to Grand Lodge in respect of dues , & c , when the Lodo-e met at the King ' s Head , Old Compton-street . It is not a strong one in point of numbers , and contains only the following names : —Peter
Gilkes , Joseph Knight , Georgo Simons , Benjamin Edgar , Charles Marks , Edward Pitt—whose signature as Secretary is also attached—XV . C . Smith . Samuel Norris , Edward Wynn , Richard Tozer , Thomas Sheldon , — Mott , Richard T . Jacobs , Henry Davis , Edward Owen , Samuel H .-irdin _ .
There are several circulars addressed to different Masters of the Lodge , requesting support at the Anniversary Festivals of our different Institutions . One of these , on behalf of the Boys' School , mentions that the Festival of that Institution was fixed for 11 th of March 1835 . In another , relating to the Girls' School , then in West , minster Road , and announcing the Festival for 11 th May 1836 , the
Board of Stewards " beg to observe that several Lodges whose usual meetings fall on or near tho clay of the Festival , have resolved to forego their private banquets and repair to the Hall on that day , an example which the Board suggest for tho consideration of the Lodge . " This Board was constituted as follows : —Bro . Rowland Mitchell , Nn . 6 , President ; Colonel W . Douglass Clieland , Prince of Wales , 32 I , Vice President ; Bro . James Savage , S . W . Grand Master ' s ,
No . 1 , Treasurer - Bro . J . It . Btilmer , P . M . Royal Naval , No . 70 , Hon . Secretary ; Bro . Bonghey Burgess P . S . G . D ., and Bros . Charles Han . eock , Antiquity , No . 2 , then meeting at St . James ' s Palace ; John Grey P . M . 4 ; John Lee Stevens , 8 ; D . Watts and Joshua Gray , 11 ; S . WsiMwyu Darke P . M . Tuscan , 14 ; Samnel TJnwin P . M . Emulation , 21 ; Samuel Odell P . M . Old King ' s Arms , 30 ; J . Anthony Tielans , St . Albans , 32 ; H . Brayno W . M . Corner Stone , 37 ; W . Thodey
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Histories.
tho names of brethren who held office in the Lodge or , in tho absence of all description , mnst be set down as members . The earliest of these is an account for the period from 9 th March—10 th Jnly 1809 . showing Receipts amounting to £ 17 , and expenditure , including balance from preceding statement of £ 25 10 , £ 71 1 G 9 V ; so that at the end of said period the Lodge waa indebted to its Treasurer—a
Bro . Scarlett—in the snm of £ 21 G 9 _ . The expenditure is of the ordinary character , if wo except ono item £ 1 10 " for 2 Fluiiol Clowns . " From memoranda on tho back wo find that among tlio members of tho Lodge wero Bros . Lewis , Falehard (?) , Cornford , Webb , Raine , and Self , which last may stand foroither Bro . Treasurer himself or a member rejoicing in the name of Self . The next
document is an acconnt to 14 Nov . 1 S 09 , and shows indebtedness to tho Treasurer for tbe increased amount of £ 27 9 1 _ . However , on tho outside are written the names of tho principal Officers , namely , Bros . S . G . Lewis W . M ., J . Beare S . W ., G . Wainwright J . W . Under date 15 November 1809 ia a Receipt by Bro . S . G . Lewis W . M . of Three Guineas from Bro Scarlett " Upon Lodge No . 290 's Account for Bro .
Gorton's use . " We imagine that this may have been a grant by the Lod « e to a member in need of help . Yet another account from 13 Nov . 1809 to 9 April 1810 shows the balance dne to Treasurer reduced from £ 27 9 1 $ to £ 23 12 G . In addition are two accounts wafered together , one showing the amounts due by members in respect of dinners , dues , fines , & c . and in the case of Bro . Cornford
One Guinea for " Arching "him , to 13 th November 1809 , and the other a similar document to September 1810 , the amount of tho former being £ 15 2 , and of tho latter £ 25 9 . The following names wore entered on their lists , those with a * figuring in both , namely , Bros . Cornford * , Barton * , Raine * , Lewis * , Folkard ( probably tho same with Falehard already given ) , Gibson jun ., Rich , Clark * , Wink .
worth , Priest * , Read * Ballnaofc * , Withers * Hughes * Jones * Bastable * , Mutlow * , Rutherford , Fisher , Fowler * , B . Webb , Searle , Withington , Scarlett , R . Sanders , Baldwin , Mart or , Mason , Dunn , G . Sanders , Roberts , Hadley , Harding , Wonnysit (? Wainwright ) , and Otley . The last twelve belong to the year 1810 . We may also mention that the Quarterly dues appear to have been five shillings .
From a minute-book extending over the period from 4 th November 1810 to 20 th October 1811 , at d recording the meetings of the Lodgo of Instruction beld nnder the Lodgo Warrant , wn gather that tho brethren met on Sundays , either fortnightly or weekly , at tho Angel Inn , High-street , St . Giles ' s , and that each member contributed nio-btly towards the expenses of the meeting the sum of uinepence .
On the front half of the cover is entered a memorandum as follows " 2 Porter 10 J , 2 Ale Is 8 d , 2 Pints Gin 3 s 4 d , Ingredients ls , Tobacco ls , " together with 2 s 6 d and 4 _ , bnt for what is not stated . Thus , tho study of onr lectures then , as it does now , entailed a certain consumption of fluids . Under date of " Sunday , Febry . 24 th 1811 , " is a letter conehed in
the most indignant terms , from Bro . G . Ballisat to the"W . Master and Brothers of Lodge 290 . " Bro . Ballisat complains of having received from Bro . Roberts a letter requiring him to attend the Lodge nnder the penalty of being reported to tho Stewards of Grand Lodge . He states that he has been dangerously ill , that he is prepared to pay bis Lodge dues , but that he does not much care if he is reported , as
ho claims to be quite as independent in spirit as any of his fellow members . Witb a view to prevent any misunderstanding , he adds that if his health permits , he intends spending a fortnight at the seaside . Poor Bro . Ballisat ! Wo wonder if your indignant letter had the effect of calming " the W . Master and the Brothers of Lodge 290 . " and inducing them to appreciate vour worth . We imagine it
did . A single sheet has written on one side of it certain minutes of the Holy Royal Arch Chapter , dated 10 th March ( no year is given , but it is evidently 1811 ) . The following are the names entered , namely : The Right Worshipfnl Bro . R . Humphreys G . C ., Bro . Wainwright and Bro . Gorton H . and J . ; Bro . Lewington and Bro . Jacobs Scribes ; Bros . Winter , Dormer (?) , Dart , Gregson , Warner ( exalted ) , and
Mason ( exalted ) . The fees paid by the exaltees wero one guinea each , the amount otherwise collected was six shillings , nnd the Bill reached 15 s 9 d , leaving a balance of £ 112 s 3 d , to which , however , had to be added the Balance of seven shillings and sixpence for 31 st March . It is added " This Chapter adjourned durinsr Pleasure at 6 o'clock in Perfect Harmony . " On the other side tho minutes relate
to the meeting on 31 st March 1811 . The names entered are Bro . R . Humphreys Grand Chief , Bro . Wainwright H ., Bro . Withington Soribe , Bro . Gorton Scribe , and Bros . Cathrcs (?) 314 , Warner , Dart , Kolley , and Suthard ( exalted ) . The cash collected , including Bro Snthard ' s exaltation fee of one guinea , was £ 1 7 s . The expenditure , consisting of House Bill 8 s , Tyler ls , and Registering Fee 10 s Gd , reached 19 s 6 d .
There are two documents rotating to 1814 and 1815 . One is a receipt , dated 13 th May 1811 , by J . Allen for the sum of £ 10 14 s , being tho balnnce due to lis brother by " Lodge 3 G 7 late No . 290 . " The other , dated 10 th July IS 15 , is " from Bro . Bagshaw to Mr . Roberts ( No . 3 ( 57 ) , caro of Mr . Hopper , Coach and Horses , Compton - street , Soho , stating his inability to attend that evening , and as he
ha * been unable to find a missing bill , that he ( Bro . Roberts ) had better state it as amounting to £ 4 15 s , namely , " 13 dining at 5 s , " £ 3 5 s , and liquor £ 1 10 s , bnt subject to future correction if found erroneous either in favour of or a-rainst tho Lodge . Bro . Bairshaw adds that from this must be deducted the "present apparent balance " against him of £ 1 f- ' s , and also certain fees or dues which he savs are
due by him to the Lodge . Wo next have a letter dated " Brydges Street . Covent Garden , 14 Jan . 1818 , from Bro . G . Bagshaw Secretary , No . 307 , to Bro . Dn id Hughes , Apothecary , Northwich , Cheshire , in w ! ii-h ho explains the delay in answering the latter ' s letter of 12 th November 1817 , as it
had only reached the W . M . the previous evening , and promising to remit certificate , receiving amount of fees at withdrawal ( 12 s ) , eo-tt 0 ? G . Secretary ' s Certificate ( 12 a ) , and tbe postage lid . Bro . Bagshaw requests the remittance may be made free of expense or otherwise it will fall upon him to pay the charges .
Lodge Histories.
Passing on to the middle of the year 1819 , wo have a series of me . moranda , made up in book form , and extending from 13 th July 1819 to 13 th March 1821 . These relate chiefly to sums due and payable or paid by tho members , the amount charged p . n * night being mostly oighteenpenco , aud occasionally half-a-crown . They aro valuable chiefly on acconnt of the names they contain , boing , with ono or two
exceptions , where those of Visitors aro entered , tho names of tho members of tho Lodge . On page 1 are the names of tho following Visitors , namely , Bros . Wilson , Johnson , Willis , and Summers , of tho 1 ' orcy , No . 355 ; Bros . Coalman , Mann , and Shopheard , of Royal Athelstano , No . 19 , and Bros . L . E . Thornton , G . Stewards' Lodge ; Grayson , Burlington , 152 ; G . Fraser , Caledonian ; Stallard , Temple ;
Wittington , Unions , IS 1 , and Sanderson , Saddlers' Arms , 399 . After these aro tho minutes : " Lodge opened in duo form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last Lodgo wero read and confirmed . Opened in the 2 nd and 3 rd degree , and a Rasing was gone through pro forma in ample form . AU Masonic business being over , tho Lo . was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . " Page 2 contains
only the following : " Board and Working Tools of Arch M , " and "Speight , 99 , Dairy Lane . " We shall content ourselves with adding the names of the members—presumably they are snch—the majority of whom aro entered at each meeting . They are Bros . Warner , Bagshaw , W . Smith , Southard , Charles Smith , BaidenoH , Humphreys ( latterly written as Humphries ) , Russell , Boothby , Lomax , Dignam ,
Durley , Fletcher ( J . XV . 13 Mar . 1821 ) , Gilkes , and Rapden (?) with Murphy and Young , in pencil , in July 1820 , and Shopheard , Hodges , and Morris in January of the same year . Tho following is an " Inventory of Property belonging to tho St . Michael ' s Lodge , No . 3 G 7 , " apparently in tho year 1820 . "Tho Warrant of Constitution in a Tin Box "—written against which in
another hand are tho words " delivered to Bro . Russell , Aug . Sth 1820 "" a Throne ; two Chair Boxes for Warden ' s Chairs ; Royal Arch Board and Making Cloth ; Banner , Polo and Ball ; four Wands ; Furniture Chest and two Koys containing—Pedestal , Desk , Cushion , 2 Branches Lock and Key ( containing 1 Square , 1 Level , 1 Plumb , rule , 3 Past Master ' s Jewels , 1 Treasurer ' s , 1 Secretary , 2 Deacons
10 Collars—1 silk ) , Portable Writing Desk , Lock and Key , two Columns , three Gavels , three Candlesticks , a Bible , Square and Compasses , Square , Level , Rule , and two Foot Rule , two Constitution Books , Book of Rules and Orders , two Swords , three Flannels , Green Baize and Table cover and ( Royal Arch ) , two Crow Bars , two Pick , axes , one Shovel , thirteen Shields , six Paintings ; an eight-foot
carpeted Form , one Large Rummer Glass , fifteen Masonic Glasses . On this inventory are given these names— "Wm . Boothby W . M ., W . 0 . Smith S . W " and J . Brndenell J . W . " Belonging to tho period we havo sketched in onr former articles is a summons to the Master and Wardens to attend an especial Grand Lodge on the 14 th December 1825 , at Twelve o ' clock at noon , to confirm the vote passed at the Quarterly Communication on the 7 th
instant , for a Grant of £ 50 outof the Fund of Benevolence for the Relief of the widow of tho late Bro . Geo . Belzoni . Undoubtedly , one of tho most interesting among these loose pages is a letter without date of year , month , or day , written by Bro . Gilkes to " the W . M . of 3 G 7 , Mr . Knight . " The mention of the latter Brother ' s name , however , helps to fix the year as 1828 , when Bro . Knight filled tho chair of the Lodge . The letter is as follows : —
Carnaby-street , Monday , Noon . DRAR Snt AND BROTHER , —My leaving town for Lynn to-morrow morning will prevent me from taking a personal leave of the St , Michael ' s Lodge , which I much regret after the favours and honours
I have received in it , which I shall ever gratefully remember : as you are in full possession of my reasons for the step , I have taken have the kindness to explain them to the brethren . Yonrs fraternally , ( Signed ) P . GILKES .
As showing the respect in which Bro . Gilkes was held by the members of the Lodge , a passage in Bro . Hindmarsh ' s letter of resignation of the lGth December 1834 is worth quoting . It reads thus : "May the shade of our departed Brother Peter preside over the destinies of the Lodge , and incite the Brethren to an emulation of the great Mason who died its Master . " There is also another document which bears
the distinguished brother s signature affixed only a few months before his death . This is a copy of a return of the members to June 1833 as furnished to Grand Lodge in respect of dues , & c , when the Lodo-e met at the King ' s Head , Old Compton-street . It is not a strong one in point of numbers , and contains only the following names : —Peter
Gilkes , Joseph Knight , Georgo Simons , Benjamin Edgar , Charles Marks , Edward Pitt—whose signature as Secretary is also attached—XV . C . Smith . Samuel Norris , Edward Wynn , Richard Tozer , Thomas Sheldon , — Mott , Richard T . Jacobs , Henry Davis , Edward Owen , Samuel H .-irdin _ .
There are several circulars addressed to different Masters of the Lodge , requesting support at the Anniversary Festivals of our different Institutions . One of these , on behalf of the Boys' School , mentions that the Festival of that Institution was fixed for 11 th of March 1835 . In another , relating to the Girls' School , then in West , minster Road , and announcing the Festival for 11 th May 1836 , the
Board of Stewards " beg to observe that several Lodges whose usual meetings fall on or near tho clay of the Festival , have resolved to forego their private banquets and repair to the Hall on that day , an example which the Board suggest for tho consideration of the Lodge . " This Board was constituted as follows : —Bro . Rowland Mitchell , Nn . 6 , President ; Colonel W . Douglass Clieland , Prince of Wales , 32 I , Vice President ; Bro . James Savage , S . W . Grand Master ' s ,
No . 1 , Treasurer - Bro . J . It . Btilmer , P . M . Royal Naval , No . 70 , Hon . Secretary ; Bro . Bonghey Burgess P . S . G . D ., and Bros . Charles Han . eock , Antiquity , No . 2 , then meeting at St . James ' s Palace ; John Grey P . M . 4 ; John Lee Stevens , 8 ; D . Watts and Joshua Gray , 11 ; S . WsiMwyu Darke P . M . Tuscan , 14 ; Samnel TJnwin P . M . Emulation , 21 ; Samuel Odell P . M . Old King ' s Arms , 30 ; J . Anthony Tielans , St . Albans , 32 ; H . Brayno W . M . Corner Stone , 37 ; W . Thodey