Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE ELIOT, No. 1164, ST. GERMANS. Page 1 of 2 Article LODGE ELIOT, No. 1164, ST. GERMANS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
—• n- — . YORK LODGE , No . 236 .
rpHE installation meeting of this Lodgo was held at the Masonic JL Hall , Duncombe-place , York , on Monday evening , the 20 th inst . Present Bros . XV . H . Gainforth XV . U ., M . Rooko S . W ., J . S . Rymer J . W ., J . Todd P . M . P . P . G . Reg . Treasurer , G . Garbutt S . D ., W . Draper J . D ., W . Powell I . G ., J . G . Hodgson D . C , and W . Smith Steward ; Past Masters—J . E . M . Young P . P . G . C , R . W . Hollon P . G . T . P . G . D . C ,
F . Rawling , A . Buckle , B . A ., P . G . J . D ., XV . Lavvton P . P . G . Reg ., T . B . Whytehead P . P . G . D . C , G . Balmford P . P . G . Organist , Swanu Maltby , A . Haffner , C . G . Padel P . G . O . ; Bros . T . S . Camidge P . P . G . O ., W . Wilson , J . Redfare , A . Hanson , G . Houlden , W . Thompson , J . Stead , A . M . White , F . II . Bland , XV . Nicholson , J . Toes , G . K . Hitchcock , J . G . Turner , Geo . C . Leo , II . Churchill , T . Russell , T . Tuko ; Visiting Brethren—Rov . 0 . E . Camidge Falcon Lodge Thirsk P . P . G . C , A . Wove , W . Flint , R . Graham , and Dr . W . Paley , De Grey and Ripon , 837 , P . S . G . W . XV . Yorkshire . Tho Lodgo having been opened in duo form , ifc was announced thafc tho Very Rov . A . P . Purey-Cust , D . D ., Dean of York , Grand Chaplain of England , requested admittance . A
deputation of Past Masters was appointed by tho Worshipful Master to conduct the Very Worshipful Brother into tho Lodgo , and npon his entrance he was saluted with grand honours . The W . M ., on behalf of the Lodge , expressed his sense of tho honour conferred upon it by the presence of the Grand Chaplain , and tho gratification experienced by its members when the dignity of Dean of the ancient Cathedral
City , in which they were assembled , was conferred upon a brother so eminent and distinguished in the Craft . The Dean , who was most enthusiastically received , after thanking the brethren for the cordial reception given him , said thafc ifc afforded him much pleasure to be present on that occasion , to make the acquaintance of his Masonic brethren in York ; expressed his regret that circumstances had hitherto
prevented his attendance at the Lodge of whioh he had been admitted a member , and assured tho brethren of his deep interest in the wellbeing and prosperity of the Craft . Tho minutes of the two previous Lodges were read and confirmed , after which , at the request of the W . M ., Bro . Todd P . M . took the chair as Installing Master , and opened the Lodge in the second degree . The W . M . elect Bro . Mark Rooko
S . W . was then presented by Bros . Hollon and Lawton , Past Masters ; the ceremony of installation was proceeded with , and Bro . Rooke was duly installed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Todd in his accustomed efficient and impressive manner . The W . M . afterwards appointed and invested the following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year , namely ,
Bros . W . H . Gainforth I . P . M ., J . S . Rymer S . W ., G . Kirbv J . W ., the very Rev . A . P . Purey . Cust , D . D ., Dean of York , V . W . ' Grand Chaplain of England , and P . D . P . G . M . Berks and Bucks , Chaplain ; J . Todd P . M . P . P . G . Reg . Treasurer , A . Buckle , B . A ., P . M . P . J . G . D . Secretary , G . K . Hitchcock Assistant Secretary , G . Garbutt S . D ., W . Draper J . D ., T . G . Hodgson M . C , T . Tuko Organist
W . Powell I . G ., W . Smith S . S ., W . Nicholson J . S ., XV . G . Calvert Tyler . The Lodge was afterwards dnly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquetting room and partook of supper , when the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and honoured . The Dean , in reply to the toast of H . R . H . The Grand Master and the Officers of the Grand Lodge , paid a high compliment to the manner
in which H . R . H . performed the ceremony of laying the foundation stones of Truro Cathedral , and pointed out to the brethren the great value of Masonry as tending to foster audditfuse what was so much needed in these times—a brotherly and charitable spirit . The Festival of St . John the Evangelist ; will be celebrated by a Banquet at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday , the 28 th instant ; .
Lodge Eliot, No. 1164, St. Germans.
LODGE ELIOT , No . 1164 , ST . GERMANS .
THE installation of the W . M . Elect , Bro . Richard Steed , took place on 16 th instant . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . J . B . Kerswell P . P . G . S . B ., assisted by Bro . P . M . Joseph Rawling , of 1071 . Tho others of the Board of Installed Masters present were : —J . Cardew P . P . G . S . D ., N . Henwood P . P . G . S ., J . P . Creber , XV . F . Creber , W . II . Maynard , H . Pole , F . S . Hawke , all
Past Masters of 1164 , and James Pearce the W . M . of Lodgo Zetland , 1071 , Saltash . The W . M . selected the following for his Officers—F . Johns I . P . M ., J . Basset S . W ., S . Waviack J . W ., R . Q . Betty S . D ., W . M . Foreman J . D ., P . O'Doherty I . G ., P . M . George Barnes Treasurer , P . M . XV . F . Creber Secretary ; John Hawke Tyler , who was re-appointed . The accounts of the Lodge having been examined and
found correct by the auditors , there still l-emained a balance of - £ 5 5 s against the Lodge . Bro . P . M . Henry Pole said that being the only balance of an unpaid debt , he had very great pleasure in handing in a cheque for tho amount . The furniture of Lodge Eliot is very good , and there is this consolation that both the Craft Lodge and the Chap , ter are free from debt . P . M . Pole has been extremely liberal ever since lie has been a member . The annual banquet was afterwards
held at the Eliot Arms , and reflected great credit on Mrs . Jenkins , the hostess . In addition to the above-named , there were present from Lodge Zetland , 1071 , Saltash—Bro . E . C . Vosper J . W ., T . D . Deeble S . D ., J . C . Kinsman Tyler , Captain J . G . Tomlin and J . Dillon Stewards ; and Bro . Bray of Lodge Eliot , The evening was spent very convivially , and ifc was stated that the meeting and banquet was one of the best ever held in connection with Lodge Eliot .
Dunheved Lodge , No . 789—At the regular monthly meeting of the members of Lauuceston Lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , 14 th insfc ., Bro . John Kittow S . W . was unanimousl y re-elected Worshipfnl Master for the ensuing year . Bro . H . M . Harvey was elected Treasurer , and Bro . J . Fidler re-appointed Tyler .
Lodge Eliot, No. 1164, St. Germans.
Ellflold Lodge , No . 1237 . -- The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , tho L * ith inst ., at the Georgo Hotel , Enfield , and there were present—Bros . Oxley W . M ., Tavernor S . W ., Bryant acting J . W ., I ' ooro S . I ) ., A . (! . Fidler I . G ., R . Mathison P . M . Treasurer , J . II . Thompson I'M . Secretary , and a good muster of the brethren . Amongst the Visitors woro Bros . Driscoll P . M . 30 and
P . P . G . P . Middlesex , Stephens P . M . 754 , Goodwin 1023 , Reville 1310 , Everdell S . D . 1579 , Dickorson 177 , Home 1805 , Garrod J . W . 751 , Smith W . S . 754 , Wells P . M . 751 , Rowe D . C . 751 , and Mallet * P . M . 754 . Lodge having been opened and the usual preliminaries observed , Bro . E . F . Day of the Polish National Lodge was unanimously elected a joining Member . Lodge was thon opened up to the third degree , and
Bro . Oxley conferred tho sublime degree of M . M . upon Bro . Watts . Tho W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . J . U . Thompson , who resumed the Lodge to the second degree . Bro . J . A . Taverner was then presented for tho benefit of installation , and was duly installed into the chair of K . S . Tho Board of Installed Masters having been closed , on tho return of tho brethren to the Lodge , tho now
W . M . was proclaimed in tho throe degrees , after which ho proceeded to invest his Officers as follow : —Bro . E . Poore S . W ., A . Bryant J . W ., R . Mathison Treasurer , J . II . Thompson Secretary , A . G . Fidler S . D ., F . C Herbert J . D ., J . M . Collins I . G ., G . Tegg D . C , Very Tyler . Tho nsnal addresses wore thon given , tho whole ceremony being conducted by tho Installing Master Bro . J . LI . Thompson in a most
eifective and able manner . Tho W . M . then initiated into the mysteries of the Craft Messrs . W . Wheelhonso sen ., \\ . Wheelhouso jun ., Taverner and Gritnley ( who had been previously balloted for ) , in a manner which showed to the brethren thoir Lodgo had lost none of its former prestige by electing Bro . J . A . Tavernor as their Master for current year . Other business of a minor character having been disposed of , tho
Lodgo was closed , and tho brethren sat down to a sumptuous banqnet , well and substantially provided by Bro . Mathison , tho host . On the removal of tho cloth , the W . M . gave tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bros . Driscoll and Stephens responded to tho toast of tho Visitors ; Bros . Cecil and Thompson to that of the Past Masters . On behalf of the Initiates , Bro . Wheelhouso sen .
made a most eloquent and effective speech , expressing tho great pleasure and pride he felt afc being admitted that evening a member of tho honourable and ancient Order of Freemasons . During the evening the W . M . invested , on behalf of tho members , Bro . Oxley , tho retiring W . M ., with a handsome jewel , as a token of thoir
esteem and regard , and of their appreciation of tho efficient and admirable manner in which he had performed the duties of tho chair during the past year . Other toasts followed , and the brethren separated afc an early hour , after spending a most enjoyable and happy evening .
Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 . — A meeting was held on Wednesday , 22 nd inst ., at the Lamb Tavern , opposite Bethnal Green Junction . Bros . Brittain W . M ., Chitson S . W ., Ward J . W ., Hand Secretary , Clark S . D ., Abrahams J . D ., Sturtevant I . G . ; also Broa . Christian , Qnigby , S . Clark , Moss ,
Clement , McDonald , How , & c . Lodgo was opened by the W . M . ; minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed ; the W . M . worked the ceremony of initiation , Bro . How acting as candidate . Bro McDonald worked the fifth , sixth and seventh sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 . — Held afc Bro . Stevenson ' s , The Mitford Tavern , near Hackney Downs Junction , Bro . XV . H . Myers Preceptor . On Monday last Bro . T . E . Goddard presided as W . M ., there being also present Bros . Robson S . W ., Franckel J . XV ., McDonald , Partridge , Brevetor , Kimbell , Seymour-Clarke Sec , and others . After the usual formalities Lodge was
opened in the second degree , when Bro . Partridge was questioned and entrusted . Lodge being opened in the third degree , the ceremony of raising was ably rehearsed by the W . M ., and Bro . McDonald worked the three sections of the lecture . Lodge was then closed clown , and Bro . J . Robson S . W . was elected W . M . for Monday 3 rd January . Tho Lodge was then closed in due form .
Cfcrigwell Lodge of Instruction , No . 1457 . —This well . appointed Lodge held its usual weekly meeting on Friday , tho 17 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Buckhurst Hill , when there were present Bros . J . Doyley W . M ., Taylor S . W ., Sewell J . W ., Austen S . D ., Day J . D ., J . W . Davies I . G ., Christian P . M . Preceptor ; Bros . Holloway , Clarkson sen ., Clarkson jnn . Lodge opened in due form , with
solemn prayer , after which tho minutes of the last meeting wero read and confirmed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Christian as candidate . Bro . Taylor worked the first and second sections of the lecture , in a manner alike creditable to himself and pleasing to the brethren . Bro . Taylor was unanimously elected
to occupy tho chair on the 31 st inst . He returned thanks in suitable terms , and the Lodge was closed in due form , according to ancient custom . The next meeting falls on New Year ' s Eve ; a rich treat is anticipated from the working of the XV . M ., who is most popular amongst members of the Craft . Visiting brethren are cordially invited to attend . Lodgo opens afc 7 . 30 p . m .
Hemming Lodge , No . 1512 , Hampton . —An emergency meeting , for work only , was summoned on Saturday , 18 th inst ., afc six o ' clock . Bro . T . W . Ockenden W . M . presided . The Wardens , Deacons and Inner Guard were absent , but each Officer sent an apology for non-attendance . Their respective positions were occupied
by Bros . J . C . Jessetfc I . P . M . as S . W ., A . Tozer as J . W ., XV . Hammond P . P . G . D . of the Province Sec . as Deacon , Messenger as I . G . ; and there were also present—Bros . Knowles M . C , Carpenter , F . W . Smith 1 G 5 G , Henry Tozer 1326 , Lano , Tyler , & c . Lodge was opened in the first degree , and the W . M , afc once proceeded to initiate Mr .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
—• n- — . YORK LODGE , No . 236 .
rpHE installation meeting of this Lodgo was held at the Masonic JL Hall , Duncombe-place , York , on Monday evening , the 20 th inst . Present Bros . XV . H . Gainforth XV . U ., M . Rooko S . W ., J . S . Rymer J . W ., J . Todd P . M . P . P . G . Reg . Treasurer , G . Garbutt S . D ., W . Draper J . D ., W . Powell I . G ., J . G . Hodgson D . C , and W . Smith Steward ; Past Masters—J . E . M . Young P . P . G . C , R . W . Hollon P . G . T . P . G . D . C ,
F . Rawling , A . Buckle , B . A ., P . G . J . D ., XV . Lavvton P . P . G . Reg ., T . B . Whytehead P . P . G . D . C , G . Balmford P . P . G . Organist , Swanu Maltby , A . Haffner , C . G . Padel P . G . O . ; Bros . T . S . Camidge P . P . G . O ., W . Wilson , J . Redfare , A . Hanson , G . Houlden , W . Thompson , J . Stead , A . M . White , F . II . Bland , XV . Nicholson , J . Toes , G . K . Hitchcock , J . G . Turner , Geo . C . Leo , II . Churchill , T . Russell , T . Tuko ; Visiting Brethren—Rov . 0 . E . Camidge Falcon Lodge Thirsk P . P . G . C , A . Wove , W . Flint , R . Graham , and Dr . W . Paley , De Grey and Ripon , 837 , P . S . G . W . XV . Yorkshire . Tho Lodgo having been opened in duo form , ifc was announced thafc tho Very Rov . A . P . Purey-Cust , D . D ., Dean of York , Grand Chaplain of England , requested admittance . A
deputation of Past Masters was appointed by tho Worshipful Master to conduct the Very Worshipful Brother into tho Lodgo , and npon his entrance he was saluted with grand honours . The W . M ., on behalf of the Lodge , expressed his sense of tho honour conferred upon it by the presence of the Grand Chaplain , and tho gratification experienced by its members when the dignity of Dean of the ancient Cathedral
City , in which they were assembled , was conferred upon a brother so eminent and distinguished in the Craft . The Dean , who was most enthusiastically received , after thanking the brethren for the cordial reception given him , said thafc ifc afforded him much pleasure to be present on that occasion , to make the acquaintance of his Masonic brethren in York ; expressed his regret that circumstances had hitherto
prevented his attendance at the Lodge of whioh he had been admitted a member , and assured tho brethren of his deep interest in the wellbeing and prosperity of the Craft . Tho minutes of the two previous Lodges were read and confirmed , after which , at the request of the W . M ., Bro . Todd P . M . took the chair as Installing Master , and opened the Lodge in the second degree . The W . M . elect Bro . Mark Rooko
S . W . was then presented by Bros . Hollon and Lawton , Past Masters ; the ceremony of installation was proceeded with , and Bro . Rooke was duly installed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Todd in his accustomed efficient and impressive manner . The W . M . afterwards appointed and invested the following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year , namely ,
Bros . W . H . Gainforth I . P . M ., J . S . Rymer S . W ., G . Kirbv J . W ., the very Rev . A . P . Purey . Cust , D . D ., Dean of York , V . W . ' Grand Chaplain of England , and P . D . P . G . M . Berks and Bucks , Chaplain ; J . Todd P . M . P . P . G . Reg . Treasurer , A . Buckle , B . A ., P . M . P . J . G . D . Secretary , G . K . Hitchcock Assistant Secretary , G . Garbutt S . D ., W . Draper J . D ., T . G . Hodgson M . C , T . Tuko Organist
W . Powell I . G ., W . Smith S . S ., W . Nicholson J . S ., XV . G . Calvert Tyler . The Lodge was afterwards dnly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquetting room and partook of supper , when the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and honoured . The Dean , in reply to the toast of H . R . H . The Grand Master and the Officers of the Grand Lodge , paid a high compliment to the manner
in which H . R . H . performed the ceremony of laying the foundation stones of Truro Cathedral , and pointed out to the brethren the great value of Masonry as tending to foster audditfuse what was so much needed in these times—a brotherly and charitable spirit . The Festival of St . John the Evangelist ; will be celebrated by a Banquet at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday , the 28 th instant ; .
Lodge Eliot, No. 1164, St. Germans.
LODGE ELIOT , No . 1164 , ST . GERMANS .
THE installation of the W . M . Elect , Bro . Richard Steed , took place on 16 th instant . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . J . B . Kerswell P . P . G . S . B ., assisted by Bro . P . M . Joseph Rawling , of 1071 . Tho others of the Board of Installed Masters present were : —J . Cardew P . P . G . S . D ., N . Henwood P . P . G . S ., J . P . Creber , XV . F . Creber , W . II . Maynard , H . Pole , F . S . Hawke , all
Past Masters of 1164 , and James Pearce the W . M . of Lodgo Zetland , 1071 , Saltash . The W . M . selected the following for his Officers—F . Johns I . P . M ., J . Basset S . W ., S . Waviack J . W ., R . Q . Betty S . D ., W . M . Foreman J . D ., P . O'Doherty I . G ., P . M . George Barnes Treasurer , P . M . XV . F . Creber Secretary ; John Hawke Tyler , who was re-appointed . The accounts of the Lodge having been examined and
found correct by the auditors , there still l-emained a balance of - £ 5 5 s against the Lodge . Bro . P . M . Henry Pole said that being the only balance of an unpaid debt , he had very great pleasure in handing in a cheque for tho amount . The furniture of Lodge Eliot is very good , and there is this consolation that both the Craft Lodge and the Chap , ter are free from debt . P . M . Pole has been extremely liberal ever since lie has been a member . The annual banquet was afterwards
held at the Eliot Arms , and reflected great credit on Mrs . Jenkins , the hostess . In addition to the above-named , there were present from Lodge Zetland , 1071 , Saltash—Bro . E . C . Vosper J . W ., T . D . Deeble S . D ., J . C . Kinsman Tyler , Captain J . G . Tomlin and J . Dillon Stewards ; and Bro . Bray of Lodge Eliot , The evening was spent very convivially , and ifc was stated that the meeting and banquet was one of the best ever held in connection with Lodge Eliot .
Dunheved Lodge , No . 789—At the regular monthly meeting of the members of Lauuceston Lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , 14 th insfc ., Bro . John Kittow S . W . was unanimousl y re-elected Worshipfnl Master for the ensuing year . Bro . H . M . Harvey was elected Treasurer , and Bro . J . Fidler re-appointed Tyler .
Lodge Eliot, No. 1164, St. Germans.
Ellflold Lodge , No . 1237 . -- The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , tho L * ith inst ., at the Georgo Hotel , Enfield , and there were present—Bros . Oxley W . M ., Tavernor S . W ., Bryant acting J . W ., I ' ooro S . I ) ., A . (! . Fidler I . G ., R . Mathison P . M . Treasurer , J . II . Thompson I'M . Secretary , and a good muster of the brethren . Amongst the Visitors woro Bros . Driscoll P . M . 30 and
P . P . G . P . Middlesex , Stephens P . M . 754 , Goodwin 1023 , Reville 1310 , Everdell S . D . 1579 , Dickorson 177 , Home 1805 , Garrod J . W . 751 , Smith W . S . 754 , Wells P . M . 751 , Rowe D . C . 751 , and Mallet * P . M . 754 . Lodge having been opened and the usual preliminaries observed , Bro . E . F . Day of the Polish National Lodge was unanimously elected a joining Member . Lodge was thon opened up to the third degree , and
Bro . Oxley conferred tho sublime degree of M . M . upon Bro . Watts . Tho W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . J . U . Thompson , who resumed the Lodge to the second degree . Bro . J . A . Taverner was then presented for tho benefit of installation , and was duly installed into the chair of K . S . Tho Board of Installed Masters having been closed , on tho return of tho brethren to the Lodge , tho now
W . M . was proclaimed in tho throe degrees , after which ho proceeded to invest his Officers as follow : —Bro . E . Poore S . W ., A . Bryant J . W ., R . Mathison Treasurer , J . II . Thompson Secretary , A . G . Fidler S . D ., F . C Herbert J . D ., J . M . Collins I . G ., G . Tegg D . C , Very Tyler . Tho nsnal addresses wore thon given , tho whole ceremony being conducted by tho Installing Master Bro . J . LI . Thompson in a most
eifective and able manner . Tho W . M . then initiated into the mysteries of the Craft Messrs . W . Wheelhonso sen ., \\ . Wheelhouso jun ., Taverner and Gritnley ( who had been previously balloted for ) , in a manner which showed to the brethren thoir Lodgo had lost none of its former prestige by electing Bro . J . A . Tavernor as their Master for current year . Other business of a minor character having been disposed of , tho
Lodgo was closed , and tho brethren sat down to a sumptuous banqnet , well and substantially provided by Bro . Mathison , tho host . On the removal of tho cloth , the W . M . gave tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bros . Driscoll and Stephens responded to tho toast of tho Visitors ; Bros . Cecil and Thompson to that of the Past Masters . On behalf of the Initiates , Bro . Wheelhouso sen .
made a most eloquent and effective speech , expressing tho great pleasure and pride he felt afc being admitted that evening a member of tho honourable and ancient Order of Freemasons . During the evening the W . M . invested , on behalf of tho members , Bro . Oxley , tho retiring W . M ., with a handsome jewel , as a token of thoir
esteem and regard , and of their appreciation of tho efficient and admirable manner in which he had performed the duties of tho chair during the past year . Other toasts followed , and the brethren separated afc an early hour , after spending a most enjoyable and happy evening .
Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 . — A meeting was held on Wednesday , 22 nd inst ., at the Lamb Tavern , opposite Bethnal Green Junction . Bros . Brittain W . M ., Chitson S . W ., Ward J . W ., Hand Secretary , Clark S . D ., Abrahams J . D ., Sturtevant I . G . ; also Broa . Christian , Qnigby , S . Clark , Moss ,
Clement , McDonald , How , & c . Lodgo was opened by the W . M . ; minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed ; the W . M . worked the ceremony of initiation , Bro . How acting as candidate . Bro McDonald worked the fifth , sixth and seventh sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 . — Held afc Bro . Stevenson ' s , The Mitford Tavern , near Hackney Downs Junction , Bro . XV . H . Myers Preceptor . On Monday last Bro . T . E . Goddard presided as W . M ., there being also present Bros . Robson S . W ., Franckel J . XV ., McDonald , Partridge , Brevetor , Kimbell , Seymour-Clarke Sec , and others . After the usual formalities Lodge was
opened in the second degree , when Bro . Partridge was questioned and entrusted . Lodge being opened in the third degree , the ceremony of raising was ably rehearsed by the W . M ., and Bro . McDonald worked the three sections of the lecture . Lodge was then closed clown , and Bro . J . Robson S . W . was elected W . M . for Monday 3 rd January . Tho Lodge was then closed in due form .
Cfcrigwell Lodge of Instruction , No . 1457 . —This well . appointed Lodge held its usual weekly meeting on Friday , tho 17 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Buckhurst Hill , when there were present Bros . J . Doyley W . M ., Taylor S . W ., Sewell J . W ., Austen S . D ., Day J . D ., J . W . Davies I . G ., Christian P . M . Preceptor ; Bros . Holloway , Clarkson sen ., Clarkson jnn . Lodge opened in due form , with
solemn prayer , after which tho minutes of the last meeting wero read and confirmed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Christian as candidate . Bro . Taylor worked the first and second sections of the lecture , in a manner alike creditable to himself and pleasing to the brethren . Bro . Taylor was unanimously elected
to occupy tho chair on the 31 st inst . He returned thanks in suitable terms , and the Lodge was closed in due form , according to ancient custom . The next meeting falls on New Year ' s Eve ; a rich treat is anticipated from the working of the XV . M ., who is most popular amongst members of the Craft . Visiting brethren are cordially invited to attend . Lodgo opens afc 7 . 30 p . m .
Hemming Lodge , No . 1512 , Hampton . —An emergency meeting , for work only , was summoned on Saturday , 18 th inst ., afc six o ' clock . Bro . T . W . Ockenden W . M . presided . The Wardens , Deacons and Inner Guard were absent , but each Officer sent an apology for non-attendance . Their respective positions were occupied
by Bros . J . C . Jessetfc I . P . M . as S . W ., A . Tozer as J . W ., XV . Hammond P . P . G . D . of the Province Sec . as Deacon , Messenger as I . G . ; and there were also present—Bros . Knowles M . C , Carpenter , F . W . Smith 1 G 5 G , Henry Tozer 1326 , Lano , Tyler , & c . Lodge was opened in the first degree , and the W . M , afc once proceeded to initiate Mr .