Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article WITHDRAWAL OF VISITORS. Page 1 of 1 Article AN APPEAL. Page 1 of 1 Article AN APPEAL. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDER OF THE TEMPLE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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We do not hold , on . rsrhv .-t responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents . We cannot undertake to return rejectel communications . All Letters must bear the name an > address of the Writer , not necessarili / for puhlication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAK . SIR AND BUOTJIEV ., —In quoting from Henry Price's letter of Aug . ( 5 , 1755 , 1 havo omitted ono passage , which with your permission I will now introduce , by re-stating the terms of tho said letter , so far , as in my judgment , these bear npon tho topic under discussion in your columns .
[ Copy of Letter from Henry Trice , dated August R , 1755 . *] " I would inform yon thafc ... I Rec < l my Deputation from the Right HonWo Lord Montague in April 1733 . . . We are the oldest ( or first Constituted ) Regular Ladge in America . . . Masonry has had as great Success in America Since my settling here as in any part of tho World ( except England ) . Hero is not less than
Forty Lodges Sprung from my first Lodgo in Boston ... I have some remote thoughts of onco more seeing London with all Brethren in tho Grand Lodge after Twenty Two years absence . " " Boston , New England , August 6 , 1755 . "
I am desirous of drawing attention to the passage distinguished by italics . According to my view , it is not a little singular , that Bro . H . Bell in 1751 , and Henry Price in 1755 , should each have employed the term " Regular Lodge , " in evident contra-distinction to some other Masonic organisation , with which thoy were familiar . Yours fraternally , R . F . GOULD . 18 th Dec . 1880 .
Withdrawal Of Visitors.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAK SIE AN-D BROTHER , —For the information of "THE IRREPRESSIBLE TOMKINS , " I beg to refer him to the report of the proceedings of the Goodwill Lodge , Port Elizabeth , contained in your
issue of the . 21 st September 1878 , and to your leader of same date , headed , "Visitors : their Rights and Privileges . " How you , Sir , can reconcile your reasoning of 1878 with that contained in the CHRONICLE of last week is a matter which does not further concern ,
Yours fraternally , JOHN CONSTABLE . 328 Mansion House Chambers , 20 fch December 1880 . [ With all due respect to Bro . Constable , wc mnst point
out to him that our article of 1878 and onr editorial note of last week are reconcilable . The former was based on certain " ifs , " the latter on more precise information contained in our reporter ' s footnote to his notice of Tranquillity , No . 185 , and as yefc uncontradicted by Bro . Constable
himself . Tho difference between our position in 1878 and 1880 is , that in the latter year we are in possession of the reason why the W . M . of tho Goodwill Lodge requested Bro . Constable to retire , namely , because the business did not concern a strano-er . We did not know this in 1878 . Wc will
further take the liberty of pointing out thafc in the report which appeared iu our columns of this particular meeting of the Goodwill Lodge , it was mentioned that the W . M . expressed willingness to retract his wish for Bro . Constable ' s withdrawal if the latier insisted on his rights and
privileges , which , be it remarked , only extend to presence during ordinary business ; hot the offer was declined . Thus Bro . Constable , i ¦ the first place objected to the W . M . ' s invitation to withdraw , and , in the next place , declined his
invitation to remain . Probably , when onr brother considers the facts of the case more seriously he will admit either that he should not have objected to withdraw , or fcliafc he should have accepted the W . M . ' s invitation to remain . — ¥ , i ) . l- ' . C ]
An Appeal.
To tlie Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . Sin , —As I was requested , by a resolution passed at a public meeting , io act as honorary secretary to a Bazaar in aid of St . John ' s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin , t may be pardoned for asking yon to accord me space in your columns to appeal to the public foi help . Charles Keado , the eminent author , says with reference to it , " The
An Appeal.
fatal scurvy , the foul leprosy , the maddening eczema , are all skindiseases , and all far more common than supposed , causing the sufferers to be despised or shunned , whereas internal maladies invite Hie boon of sympathy . Tako tho fato of domestic servants so afflicted . Their employers dismiss them , however meritorious , and their friends shnn them : mental despair too often follows , and they
say with the Patriarch Job , whoso bodily affliction , selected by knowledge and malignity in person , was a disease of tho skin , ' my misery is greater than I can bear . ' " Against such a weight of suffering , shame and sorrow , what is the special provision in our enormous city ? I am acquainted only with one small hospital—that ought to bo a great ono , and will be in
a year if the public pleases . " This is St . John ' s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin in Leicestersquare , whore the medical officers prescribe ou an average for nearly four hundred patients every week . Ifc has already admitted 25 , 175 new patients .
"It is open withont payment to all creeds and all races , the sole credentials for admission being disease and poverty . A leper from India , a Jew from New York , a labourer from New Zealand , mariners from Germany , a clerk from France , have been some of its inmates . "
Tho Bazaar will tako place in June next . In the meantime St . John ' s Hospital labours under a heavy load of debt . I beg you , therefore , to let mo urge your readers to subscribe now to the Bazaar Fund , and these amounts shall bo at once handed over to the Hospital . A more deserving charity does not exist . I shall also be very glad to receive the names of ladies who will work for the Bazaar . Contributions may bo sent to the Chairman of the Hospital , the Right
Hon . W . N . Massey , M . P ., 71 Chester-square , S . W . ; to its Treasurer , Major Mercior , 13 High-road , Knightsbridge , S . W . ; to tho following members of the Board of Management : the Marquis Towaishond , Balls Park , Herts ; Sir Charles Palmer , Bart ., Dorney Court , near Windsor ; or Col . Gourley , M . P ., Sunderland - also to the London and Connty Bank , Albert Gate , London , S . W ., and tho London Joint Stock Bank , Pall Mall , S . W ., and to
Your obedient servant , 12 Ovington-gardens , S . W . ROSA FREELAND , 20 th Dec . 1880 . Hon . Secretary .
Order Of The Temple.
Ancient Ebor Preceptory , No . 101 . —A regular Chapter of this Preceptory was held at York , on Tuesday , The E . P . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett presided , and there were present—E . Fratres Sir James Meek , Wm . Lawton , Eev . XV . Valentine , T . B . Whytehead , and J . S . Cumberland ; and Fratres Geo . Simpson , T . W . Wilson , E . Houlden and others . Tho Registrar Fra . T . B .
Whytehead reported thafc the address to the members of Mary Commandery , Philadelphia , decided to be prepared afc the last Chapter , had been executed , forwarded , and duly received , and had been presented by E . Fratro C . E . Meyer to the E . Commander and members of that Commaudery , and proceeded to read letters acknowledging the gift and thanking the members of Ebor Preceptory for their fraternal remembrance . The election of E . Preceptor then took place , the
choice of the members falling upon Fratre Geo . Simpson ( Const . ) who is one of the oldest members of the Preceptory . E . Fratre T . B . Whytehead was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . Two Auditors were appointed . Some other matters relative to the welfare of the Order in the Province were discussed , the alms wero collected , and the Chapter was closed . The installation will tako place in the month of March .
Mount Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Wo . 19 . —The weekly meeting of this Royal Arch Chapter of Instruction was held on Saturday evening , 18 th December , afc tho Union Tavern , Airstreet , Piccadilly . Comps . J . H . Watts M . E . Z ., J . B . Docker H ., James Long J ., C . A . Cottobrrino P . Z . Preceptor as S . E ., VV . Sitch
S . N ., Haslett P . S ., Thompson M . E . Z . elect 619 , Edmonds , J . Palmer , Sec . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . J . Palmer being the candidate . After some matters had been disposed of , the Chapter was closed , and adjourned until the firsfc Saturday in January , the next
regular meeting day being Christmas Day . This Chapter of Instruction is attended by some of tho most talented Royal Arch Masons , and any one seeking proficiency in tho exalted science will here always find those who aro able and willing to give the best instruction .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —This oldestablished Chapter met , as usual , afc the Jamaica Coffee House , on Tuesday , 2 lst inst . Comps . Lardner Z ., 11 . Payne H ., Lovegrovo J ., IVimcfatlier S . W ., Dottridge P . S . Tho minutes of the last Convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was
rehearsed in a mosfc perfect manner , Comp . Edmonds candidate . Tho following were elected to olfico for tho next two meetings—Comps . Blnomliekl ' / ., 11 . Payne H ., Dottridge J ., Lardner S . N ., Swain P . S . A guinea was voted towards tho Christmas Entertainment of tho Old Folks at Croydon . It was announced that the ceremony of instal
lation of Principals would be rehearsed by Comp . XV . Stephens P . Z . 8 G 2 874 3365 1189 , Prov . Grand Assist . Soj . of Kent , on the third Tuesday in January , to commence afc 0 o ' clock punctually . The Chapter was then closed , and the Convocation adjourned until Tuesday , 4 th January .
TH * OY / AL POLYTECHNIC . —Utopia , a Grand Fairy Romance — ! \ i The Kleilncal Kiiilw-iy , —fJreat Lightning Iriductorium , —a Lecture on . S : ¦;(¦»; ilic ! Wonders , —Musical Sketches , —Christmas ami its Customs , —Hulr . 'innis Recitals by Madame Hickson , —Hlondin , Leotard , —Diving Hell , & c . Admission to the whole , Is . Open , from 11 till 5 , and from 0 till 10 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold , on . rsrhv .-t responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents . We cannot undertake to return rejectel communications . All Letters must bear the name an > address of the Writer , not necessarili / for puhlication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAK . SIR AND BUOTJIEV ., —In quoting from Henry Price's letter of Aug . ( 5 , 1755 , 1 havo omitted ono passage , which with your permission I will now introduce , by re-stating the terms of tho said letter , so far , as in my judgment , these bear npon tho topic under discussion in your columns .
[ Copy of Letter from Henry Trice , dated August R , 1755 . *] " I would inform yon thafc ... I Rec < l my Deputation from the Right HonWo Lord Montague in April 1733 . . . We are the oldest ( or first Constituted ) Regular Ladge in America . . . Masonry has had as great Success in America Since my settling here as in any part of tho World ( except England ) . Hero is not less than
Forty Lodges Sprung from my first Lodgo in Boston ... I have some remote thoughts of onco more seeing London with all Brethren in tho Grand Lodge after Twenty Two years absence . " " Boston , New England , August 6 , 1755 . "
I am desirous of drawing attention to the passage distinguished by italics . According to my view , it is not a little singular , that Bro . H . Bell in 1751 , and Henry Price in 1755 , should each have employed the term " Regular Lodge , " in evident contra-distinction to some other Masonic organisation , with which thoy were familiar . Yours fraternally , R . F . GOULD . 18 th Dec . 1880 .
Withdrawal Of Visitors.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAK SIE AN-D BROTHER , —For the information of "THE IRREPRESSIBLE TOMKINS , " I beg to refer him to the report of the proceedings of the Goodwill Lodge , Port Elizabeth , contained in your
issue of the . 21 st September 1878 , and to your leader of same date , headed , "Visitors : their Rights and Privileges . " How you , Sir , can reconcile your reasoning of 1878 with that contained in the CHRONICLE of last week is a matter which does not further concern ,
Yours fraternally , JOHN CONSTABLE . 328 Mansion House Chambers , 20 fch December 1880 . [ With all due respect to Bro . Constable , wc mnst point
out to him that our article of 1878 and onr editorial note of last week are reconcilable . The former was based on certain " ifs , " the latter on more precise information contained in our reporter ' s footnote to his notice of Tranquillity , No . 185 , and as yefc uncontradicted by Bro . Constable
himself . Tho difference between our position in 1878 and 1880 is , that in the latter year we are in possession of the reason why the W . M . of tho Goodwill Lodge requested Bro . Constable to retire , namely , because the business did not concern a strano-er . We did not know this in 1878 . Wc will
further take the liberty of pointing out thafc in the report which appeared iu our columns of this particular meeting of the Goodwill Lodge , it was mentioned that the W . M . expressed willingness to retract his wish for Bro . Constable ' s withdrawal if the latier insisted on his rights and
privileges , which , be it remarked , only extend to presence during ordinary business ; hot the offer was declined . Thus Bro . Constable , i ¦ the first place objected to the W . M . ' s invitation to withdraw , and , in the next place , declined his
invitation to remain . Probably , when onr brother considers the facts of the case more seriously he will admit either that he should not have objected to withdraw , or fcliafc he should have accepted the W . M . ' s invitation to remain . — ¥ , i ) . l- ' . C ]
An Appeal.
To tlie Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . Sin , —As I was requested , by a resolution passed at a public meeting , io act as honorary secretary to a Bazaar in aid of St . John ' s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin , t may be pardoned for asking yon to accord me space in your columns to appeal to the public foi help . Charles Keado , the eminent author , says with reference to it , " The
An Appeal.
fatal scurvy , the foul leprosy , the maddening eczema , are all skindiseases , and all far more common than supposed , causing the sufferers to be despised or shunned , whereas internal maladies invite Hie boon of sympathy . Tako tho fato of domestic servants so afflicted . Their employers dismiss them , however meritorious , and their friends shnn them : mental despair too often follows , and they
say with the Patriarch Job , whoso bodily affliction , selected by knowledge and malignity in person , was a disease of tho skin , ' my misery is greater than I can bear . ' " Against such a weight of suffering , shame and sorrow , what is the special provision in our enormous city ? I am acquainted only with one small hospital—that ought to bo a great ono , and will be in
a year if the public pleases . " This is St . John ' s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin in Leicestersquare , whore the medical officers prescribe ou an average for nearly four hundred patients every week . Ifc has already admitted 25 , 175 new patients .
"It is open withont payment to all creeds and all races , the sole credentials for admission being disease and poverty . A leper from India , a Jew from New York , a labourer from New Zealand , mariners from Germany , a clerk from France , have been some of its inmates . "
Tho Bazaar will tako place in June next . In the meantime St . John ' s Hospital labours under a heavy load of debt . I beg you , therefore , to let mo urge your readers to subscribe now to the Bazaar Fund , and these amounts shall bo at once handed over to the Hospital . A more deserving charity does not exist . I shall also be very glad to receive the names of ladies who will work for the Bazaar . Contributions may bo sent to the Chairman of the Hospital , the Right
Hon . W . N . Massey , M . P ., 71 Chester-square , S . W . ; to its Treasurer , Major Mercior , 13 High-road , Knightsbridge , S . W . ; to tho following members of the Board of Management : the Marquis Towaishond , Balls Park , Herts ; Sir Charles Palmer , Bart ., Dorney Court , near Windsor ; or Col . Gourley , M . P ., Sunderland - also to the London and Connty Bank , Albert Gate , London , S . W ., and tho London Joint Stock Bank , Pall Mall , S . W ., and to
Your obedient servant , 12 Ovington-gardens , S . W . ROSA FREELAND , 20 th Dec . 1880 . Hon . Secretary .
Order Of The Temple.
Ancient Ebor Preceptory , No . 101 . —A regular Chapter of this Preceptory was held at York , on Tuesday , The E . P . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett presided , and there were present—E . Fratres Sir James Meek , Wm . Lawton , Eev . XV . Valentine , T . B . Whytehead , and J . S . Cumberland ; and Fratres Geo . Simpson , T . W . Wilson , E . Houlden and others . Tho Registrar Fra . T . B .
Whytehead reported thafc the address to the members of Mary Commandery , Philadelphia , decided to be prepared afc the last Chapter , had been executed , forwarded , and duly received , and had been presented by E . Fratro C . E . Meyer to the E . Commander and members of that Commaudery , and proceeded to read letters acknowledging the gift and thanking the members of Ebor Preceptory for their fraternal remembrance . The election of E . Preceptor then took place , the
choice of the members falling upon Fratre Geo . Simpson ( Const . ) who is one of the oldest members of the Preceptory . E . Fratre T . B . Whytehead was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . Two Auditors were appointed . Some other matters relative to the welfare of the Order in the Province were discussed , the alms wero collected , and the Chapter was closed . The installation will tako place in the month of March .
Mount Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Wo . 19 . —The weekly meeting of this Royal Arch Chapter of Instruction was held on Saturday evening , 18 th December , afc tho Union Tavern , Airstreet , Piccadilly . Comps . J . H . Watts M . E . Z ., J . B . Docker H ., James Long J ., C . A . Cottobrrino P . Z . Preceptor as S . E ., VV . Sitch
S . N ., Haslett P . S ., Thompson M . E . Z . elect 619 , Edmonds , J . Palmer , Sec . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . J . Palmer being the candidate . After some matters had been disposed of , the Chapter was closed , and adjourned until the firsfc Saturday in January , the next
regular meeting day being Christmas Day . This Chapter of Instruction is attended by some of tho most talented Royal Arch Masons , and any one seeking proficiency in tho exalted science will here always find those who aro able and willing to give the best instruction .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —This oldestablished Chapter met , as usual , afc the Jamaica Coffee House , on Tuesday , 2 lst inst . Comps . Lardner Z ., 11 . Payne H ., Lovegrovo J ., IVimcfatlier S . W ., Dottridge P . S . Tho minutes of the last Convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was
rehearsed in a mosfc perfect manner , Comp . Edmonds candidate . Tho following were elected to olfico for tho next two meetings—Comps . Blnomliekl ' / ., 11 . Payne H ., Dottridge J ., Lardner S . N ., Swain P . S . A guinea was voted towards tho Christmas Entertainment of tho Old Folks at Croydon . It was announced that the ceremony of instal
lation of Principals would be rehearsed by Comp . XV . Stephens P . Z . 8 G 2 874 3365 1189 , Prov . Grand Assist . Soj . of Kent , on the third Tuesday in January , to commence afc 0 o ' clock punctually . The Chapter was then closed , and the Convocation adjourned until Tuesday , 4 th January .
TH * OY / AL POLYTECHNIC . —Utopia , a Grand Fairy Romance — ! \ i The Kleilncal Kiiilw-iy , —fJreat Lightning Iriductorium , —a Lecture on . S : ¦;(¦»; ilic ! Wonders , —Musical Sketches , —Christmas ami its Customs , —Hulr . 'innis Recitals by Madame Hickson , —Hlondin , Leotard , —Diving Hell , & c . Admission to the whole , Is . Open , from 11 till 5 , and from 0 till 10 .