Article ST. OSWALD'S LODGE, No. 910, PONTEFRACT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article FALCON LODGE, No. 1416. Page 1 of 1 Article FALCON LODGE, No. 1416. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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St. Oswald's Lodge, No. 910, Pontefract.
chosen Charity Steward . The other business was of an ordinary character , and the Lodge was duly closed in peace and harmony by the new W . M . At a later horn- the brethren sat down to a banquet at the Red Lion Hotel , the W . M . Bro . Quarter-nun iu the chair , he boing supported by Worshipfnl Bros . Tow , J . P ., D . P . G . M ., S . Woolf , M . P ., Slack P . M . Installing Muster , Ac . The health of the Queen
and of the Grand Master of England , with the Grand Officers , wero very warmly received , tho latter beintc greeted with the honours of the Order . To the next toast , that of tho Right Worshipful P . G . M . of West Yorkshire Bro . Sir IT . Edwards , tho Wor . D . P . G . M . Bro . T . W . Tew , and the Prov . Grand Officers , Worshipfnl Bro . Tew responded , congratulating tho new W . M . on bavin" attained
to the honour of the chair after fourteen years careful attention to Masonic duties . Passing on to refer to tho fact that many benevolent works outside Masonry in many cases owed thoir origin to , and were managed by brethren of the Order , ho alluded to the recent opening of tho Dispensary at Pontefract , a work which was designed by Masons , and built throughout by Masons . This showed
that they were not merely Speculative , but were actually Operative Masons . The speech of the Deputy , which proceeded to refer to the principles of Masonry , and the results it had already shown , was listened to with evident appreciation by tho brethren present . To tho toast of the Archbishop and Clergy , Bro . the Rev . J . Needham replied , and to that of tho Borough Members , Bro . S . Woolf , M . P ., responded ,
on behalf of himself and Bro . the Right Hon . H . C E . Childers , M . P . The W . M . then gave the Installing Master , and Bro . Slack P . M . replied in an able speech . To the toast of the Past Masters of St . Oswald's Lodge and the retiring- Officers , which was given from the chair , Past Master Bro . Clark responded in felicitous terms , claiming for the Officers of the past year an intention
to discharge their Masonic duties to the best of their ability . The Visiting Brethren was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Rowlands P . P . G . Registrar South Wales , the W . M . remarking , in proposing it , that he was prond to see such an array of Provincial Officers and other brethren at their installation . The Dep . P . G . M . Bro . Tew gave the W . M . and tho newly appointed Officers , paying a high tribute to the Masonic character of Bro . Qnarterman , who had assisted
him very much in the discharge of his duties as Deputy , and who would be still better able to help him now the Lodge had conferred on him the degree of P . M . The toasts of the Masonic Charities , replied to by Bro . Simpson , and the Ladies , given by Bro . Moxon and responded to by Bro . M . Pearrow , ended the toast list . The proceedings were rendered additionally pleasant through the good offices of a Masonic glee party from Batley , as well as by songs from Bros . Cliffe , Wilson , and others .
Falcon Lodge, No. 1416.
FALCON LODGE , No . 1416 .
THE installation meeting took place in the Masonic Hall , Thirsk , on Thursday , 9 th December , when Bro . W . Coltman W . M . occupied the chair , and many distinguished visiting brethren were present , including Bros . G . Marwood , J . P ., of BtisbyHall P . D . P . G . M . P . M . 543 , R . " XV . Hollon P . G . S . B . England Prov . G . Treasurer , J . S . Cumberland Prov . G . J . W ., C . Palliser Prov . G . S . of Works W . M . 1337 , W . Paley P . S . G . W . West Yorks , M . Knowles P . P . G . J . D . Durham , J .
Hunton P . P . G . J . D . Durham ; J . Richardson P . P . G . Pursuivant West Yorks P . M . 1001 , F . Smith W . M . 837 , P . Donaldson P . M . 837 , T . R . Mountain P . M . 837 , H . C . Pickersgill J . W . 837 , 0 . Waistell P . M . 1337 , R . Pallister S . W . 1337 , R . Sootheran J . W . 1337 , F . Lon ? 1496 , Whitmore York 1611 , & c , supported by Bros . Rev . C E . Camids-e P . M . P . P . G . C . West and N . and E . Yorks " Rev . XV . C Lnkis P . M . P . P . G . C .
West Yorks , G . Ayre P . M . P . P . G . J . D ., T . J . Wilkinson P . M ., XV . Hall , C G . Kipling , II . Mastcrman , G . B . Hall , J . Walton , H . Smith , J . Johnson , R . Atkinson , Z . Wright , H . Longford , L . J . Thompson , & c . Telegrams regretting inability to be present were received from Bros . T . B . Whytehead 1611 236 1338 P . M . P . P . G . D . C , and W . II . Gainforth W . M . 236 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been
read aud confirmed , Bro . XV . Hall S . W . and W . M . elect was presented for installation . A Board of Installed Masters having been formed , the ceremony was most impressively performed by XV . Bro . George Marwood . On the readmission of the brethren , the Worshipful Master was congratulated , and saluted in ancient form . He then proceeded to invest the following brethren as his Officers for the
ensuing year , addressing to each a few appropriate words : —Bros . W . Coltman I . P . M ., C Greetisides S . W ., H . Smith J . W ., T . J . Wilkinson P . M . Treasurer , J . Walton Secretary , Rev . 0 . E . Camidge , M . A ., Chaplain , Rev . W . 0 . Lnkis , M . A ., F . S . A . Preceptor , J . Johnson S . D ., Z . Wright J . D ., C G . L . Kipling Supt . of Works , H . Longford D . C , E . Richardson Organist , R . Long I . G ., J . Johnson and L . J . Thompson
Stewards , G . Ayro P . M . Almoner , J . S . Farmery Tyler . Tho Lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to W . Bro Hull ' s , whore a rccherchi banquet was spread , tho elegance and coin - pletenoss of the arrangements , as well as cuisine of ' the viands and excellence of tho wines even more than sustaining tho ancient reputation of tho Fleece Hotel . At the conclusion of tho repast tho W . M .
fravo tlio loyal toasts , which were received with musical honours . W , Bro . R . W . Hollon responded on behalf of Grand Lodge , and W . Bro . C E . Camidge , M . A ., for Provincial Grand Lodge , our reverend luv . tnor having served the Office of Chaplain for both the Yorkshire Provinces . W . Bro . Marwood then proposed the health of the Worshipful Master , expressing the great personal pleasure it had tiffiu-dcd
him to place in tho chair of K . S . ono whom ho had known for ninny years , and respected ; who was a founder of the Lodge , nnd with whose family he had been acquainted for three generations . He antici pated for him a happy and prosperous year of office . Bro . Hall WM . suitably responded , and in proposing the health of XV . Bro .
Marwood , referred to the many kind services he had rendered to the Lod ge from its formation , and expressed the high and affectionate esteem m which ho was hold by the brethren—a remark which drew forth a most enthusiastic response , aud which he in very feelin" terms acknowled ged . Bro . G . B . Hall , of Oswaldkirk , then iu his most
Falcon Lodge, No. 1416.
effective style opportunely sang " The Fine Old English Gentleman , " the company testify ing to the appropriateness of tho words by tho hearty spontaneity with which they weighted and swelled the chorus . Bro . Knowles , J . P ., of Stockton-on-Tees , in proposing tho toast of tho I . P . M ., remarked that there is no body of mon so loyal to their chiefs as are the members of the Craft , nor whoso mutual intercourse tends
moro to the maintenance , of tho principles of law and order . Such gatherings as these aro not only enjoyable , but beneficial , especially when they bring brethren for a season away from tho fierce democratic spirit of our large manufacturing towns to tho quiet and soothing influences of a more retired and contemplative existence , from which thoy retnrn better fitted for tho battle of life and its
many conflicting cares . Bro . Coltman , in response , congratulated tho W . M . on his excellent selection of Officers , and promised him his best support during his term of office . Bro . Donaldson , of Ripon , in proposing tho Officers of the Falcon Lodge , said it had been a peculiar pleasure to him to-day to meet Bro . Marwood , whoso name had been a " household word " with him from his boyhood , and whose character
commanded an individual admiration and reverence . He had also a strong personal attachment to the Falcon Lodgo ; ifc was one of tho first Lodges ho visited , and his fraternisation with tho brethren always proved a source of enjoyment . The Rev . W . C . Lnkis , M . A ., F . S . A ., in replying , spoke of the esprit de eoips which animated the brethren who had been selected for official duties , aud humorously
referred to somo of tho distinguishing qualities of " Falcons as encouraging tho assurance that tlio interests of tho Craft wero safe with them . The Rev . C E . Camidge , M . A ., the Vicar , in well-chosen terms proposed " The Visitors , " and after referring to the many advantages of Masonry , -noticed specially its hospitality and its tendency to promote friendly feeling , smoothing away differences , and
affording opportunity for better acquaintance with each other over the social board . Dr . Paley , of Ripon , responding , expressed the interest he felt in the welfare of the Falcon Lodge , congratulated Bro . Hall on his election to the chair , and recognised him as " tho right man in the right place . " Bro . 0 . Waistell , of Northampton , added a
few words to the same effect , and then tho toast-list was brought to a close . The case of "Poor and Distresssd Masons" was remembered by a liberal contribution to the Almoner's fund , and one of the pleasantesfc and most successful meetings of tho Lodge happily terminated .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 198 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , " on Saturday , the 18 th inst . Present—Bros . G . Ferrar W . M ., Gilham S . W ., Storr J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Sec , A . Ferrar S . D ., Tuck J . D ., Cattlin I . G . ; also Bros . S . E . Moss , D . Moss , C . Lorkin , F . XV . Jones , W . Williams , Birch , Brasted , Weeden , Fysh , & c . After preliminaries , Bro . W . Williams proved himself an efficient F . C ., was entrusted , and the ceremony of
raising was rehearsed by the W . M . Bro . D . Moss worked tho second and third sections of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed to tho first degree . Lodgo was called off and on . Bro . Gilham was elected to preside at the next meeting , which was unanimously fixed for 8 th January 1881 . A voto of thanks was accorded the W . M . The sum of £ 1 ls was voted for tho inmates of tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution at Croydon for Christmas cheer , after which Lodge was closed .
Mount Sinai Lodge , No . _ 21 , Penzance . —At the last meeting of this Lodge Mr . Peter Davies was duly initiated as a member , and Bros . Wellington Dale and Senuett wei * e advanced to tho second degree . Bro . James Lovell S . W . was elected W . M ., and Bro . C Read Treasurer , for the ensuing year . The celebration of the Festival of St . John was fixed for Wednesday , 29 th December .
1 MOTJE 3 JIUG-. I 1 I- ; ssi ; s . JAY'S experienced Assistants travel to any part of I tho kingdom , freo of expense to purchaser- ; Thoy take with tliciu drosses and millinery , besides materials , all marked in B plain figures , and at the ' same price as if purchased at tho A Warehouse in Regent Street . Funerals at stated charges . I j- _ A _ - _ r s , ' l TI-K IiOIV »»> : V « F , SIK ] t » _ . l -0- lt _ IIV « WAI 5 E-§ HOUSE . Rcseu- Street , W . " - _ g- _ 8 Ef 5 J _ g * _ 3 _ B- ____^^
FREEMAN'S OHLOHODYNE . Tlio Orij- ; i >«« l J- iirt onl . r true . . ^ ff ^ teaa TTUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to . . ^ i ; jiw *^' ' ^_^ m i-1 its marvellous cfHeacv in immediately relieving and j ' ' 4 ^* Mt , i ' 'I ' r ^ lraa * rapidly curing Coughs , Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , Noural'K- jS-l /^ jf ^ fl gin . Spasms , Colic . Whooping Cough , and a ' . ' Nervn Pains . ' ¦ ' i " _ _ 1 , / . ' ff \ h '" - ' ft acts liko n . charm in Diarrliica ,, anil is the only specific in . : ' , ? - ? - " £$ : *¦' . *§&•*¦ Cho ' cra and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what"" ; 7 f / i ' r-- " Mivp 4 . eve- cause , s-othes and strengthens the system under ox-: < J - tilt- hsiiistiug diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Ijoril Chancellor Sell-nnic . Lord Justice . tames , T , ird Justice Hellish dneiiled in favour of FR . I'IKMAK'S OltlCtl-VAfj Cflf . ORODYiYF , and against . I' . rowu and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in tho suits . See Tune * of July 2 1 th , 1873 . Bottles Is I Ul , 2 s "Id , Is lid , 11 s , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TKS-1-. IO-U . U .:-. —Head Quarter Staff , Cabal , May " 1 st , 1 SS 0 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —ft is with mil h pleasure I am able to state that your Chlorodyno lias 1 ) 0 : n of special service to me in alleviating tho wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is liei-u existent in au aggravated form , . Many of my patients now come aud beg me to givo then that medicine which always relieves them , anil which I need ' hardly ' say is vout- CUlovodvne . Voiu-s faithfully , Cu \ i * w . s W . OWES , L . R . O . P . Lon ' ., M . ' R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Cabul . The ' Times , August K 3 t . li . 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Ai-. nv . Okoiun , ' July 2-Jta , 1 S 77 . The want of sanitary arrangements in tho Buss ' iuu Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks longer , dv - uiitery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acpured au unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOftODYNE , with which I effected miraculous cures .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St. Oswald's Lodge, No. 910, Pontefract.
chosen Charity Steward . The other business was of an ordinary character , and the Lodge was duly closed in peace and harmony by the new W . M . At a later horn- the brethren sat down to a banquet at the Red Lion Hotel , the W . M . Bro . Quarter-nun iu the chair , he boing supported by Worshipfnl Bros . Tow , J . P ., D . P . G . M ., S . Woolf , M . P ., Slack P . M . Installing Muster , Ac . The health of the Queen
and of the Grand Master of England , with the Grand Officers , wero very warmly received , tho latter beintc greeted with the honours of the Order . To the next toast , that of tho Right Worshipful P . G . M . of West Yorkshire Bro . Sir IT . Edwards , tho Wor . D . P . G . M . Bro . T . W . Tew , and the Prov . Grand Officers , Worshipfnl Bro . Tew responded , congratulating tho new W . M . on bavin" attained
to the honour of the chair after fourteen years careful attention to Masonic duties . Passing on to refer to tho fact that many benevolent works outside Masonry in many cases owed thoir origin to , and were managed by brethren of the Order , ho alluded to the recent opening of tho Dispensary at Pontefract , a work which was designed by Masons , and built throughout by Masons . This showed
that they were not merely Speculative , but were actually Operative Masons . The speech of the Deputy , which proceeded to refer to the principles of Masonry , and the results it had already shown , was listened to with evident appreciation by tho brethren present . To tho toast of the Archbishop and Clergy , Bro . the Rev . J . Needham replied , and to that of tho Borough Members , Bro . S . Woolf , M . P ., responded ,
on behalf of himself and Bro . the Right Hon . H . C E . Childers , M . P . The W . M . then gave the Installing Master , and Bro . Slack P . M . replied in an able speech . To the toast of the Past Masters of St . Oswald's Lodge and the retiring- Officers , which was given from the chair , Past Master Bro . Clark responded in felicitous terms , claiming for the Officers of the past year an intention
to discharge their Masonic duties to the best of their ability . The Visiting Brethren was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Rowlands P . P . G . Registrar South Wales , the W . M . remarking , in proposing it , that he was prond to see such an array of Provincial Officers and other brethren at their installation . The Dep . P . G . M . Bro . Tew gave the W . M . and tho newly appointed Officers , paying a high tribute to the Masonic character of Bro . Qnarterman , who had assisted
him very much in the discharge of his duties as Deputy , and who would be still better able to help him now the Lodge had conferred on him the degree of P . M . The toasts of the Masonic Charities , replied to by Bro . Simpson , and the Ladies , given by Bro . Moxon and responded to by Bro . M . Pearrow , ended the toast list . The proceedings were rendered additionally pleasant through the good offices of a Masonic glee party from Batley , as well as by songs from Bros . Cliffe , Wilson , and others .
Falcon Lodge, No. 1416.
FALCON LODGE , No . 1416 .
THE installation meeting took place in the Masonic Hall , Thirsk , on Thursday , 9 th December , when Bro . W . Coltman W . M . occupied the chair , and many distinguished visiting brethren were present , including Bros . G . Marwood , J . P ., of BtisbyHall P . D . P . G . M . P . M . 543 , R . " XV . Hollon P . G . S . B . England Prov . G . Treasurer , J . S . Cumberland Prov . G . J . W ., C . Palliser Prov . G . S . of Works W . M . 1337 , W . Paley P . S . G . W . West Yorks , M . Knowles P . P . G . J . D . Durham , J .
Hunton P . P . G . J . D . Durham ; J . Richardson P . P . G . Pursuivant West Yorks P . M . 1001 , F . Smith W . M . 837 , P . Donaldson P . M . 837 , T . R . Mountain P . M . 837 , H . C . Pickersgill J . W . 837 , 0 . Waistell P . M . 1337 , R . Pallister S . W . 1337 , R . Sootheran J . W . 1337 , F . Lon ? 1496 , Whitmore York 1611 , & c , supported by Bros . Rev . C E . Camids-e P . M . P . P . G . C . West and N . and E . Yorks " Rev . XV . C Lnkis P . M . P . P . G . C .
West Yorks , G . Ayre P . M . P . P . G . J . D ., T . J . Wilkinson P . M ., XV . Hall , C G . Kipling , II . Mastcrman , G . B . Hall , J . Walton , H . Smith , J . Johnson , R . Atkinson , Z . Wright , H . Longford , L . J . Thompson , & c . Telegrams regretting inability to be present were received from Bros . T . B . Whytehead 1611 236 1338 P . M . P . P . G . D . C , and W . II . Gainforth W . M . 236 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been
read aud confirmed , Bro . XV . Hall S . W . and W . M . elect was presented for installation . A Board of Installed Masters having been formed , the ceremony was most impressively performed by XV . Bro . George Marwood . On the readmission of the brethren , the Worshipful Master was congratulated , and saluted in ancient form . He then proceeded to invest the following brethren as his Officers for the
ensuing year , addressing to each a few appropriate words : —Bros . W . Coltman I . P . M ., C Greetisides S . W ., H . Smith J . W ., T . J . Wilkinson P . M . Treasurer , J . Walton Secretary , Rev . 0 . E . Camidge , M . A ., Chaplain , Rev . W . 0 . Lnkis , M . A ., F . S . A . Preceptor , J . Johnson S . D ., Z . Wright J . D ., C G . L . Kipling Supt . of Works , H . Longford D . C , E . Richardson Organist , R . Long I . G ., J . Johnson and L . J . Thompson
Stewards , G . Ayro P . M . Almoner , J . S . Farmery Tyler . Tho Lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to W . Bro Hull ' s , whore a rccherchi banquet was spread , tho elegance and coin - pletenoss of the arrangements , as well as cuisine of ' the viands and excellence of tho wines even more than sustaining tho ancient reputation of tho Fleece Hotel . At the conclusion of tho repast tho W . M .
fravo tlio loyal toasts , which were received with musical honours . W , Bro . R . W . Hollon responded on behalf of Grand Lodge , and W . Bro . C E . Camidge , M . A ., for Provincial Grand Lodge , our reverend luv . tnor having served the Office of Chaplain for both the Yorkshire Provinces . W . Bro . Marwood then proposed the health of the Worshipful Master , expressing the great personal pleasure it had tiffiu-dcd
him to place in tho chair of K . S . ono whom ho had known for ninny years , and respected ; who was a founder of the Lodge , nnd with whose family he had been acquainted for three generations . He antici pated for him a happy and prosperous year of office . Bro . Hall WM . suitably responded , and in proposing the health of XV . Bro .
Marwood , referred to the many kind services he had rendered to the Lod ge from its formation , and expressed the high and affectionate esteem m which ho was hold by the brethren—a remark which drew forth a most enthusiastic response , aud which he in very feelin" terms acknowled ged . Bro . G . B . Hall , of Oswaldkirk , then iu his most
Falcon Lodge, No. 1416.
effective style opportunely sang " The Fine Old English Gentleman , " the company testify ing to the appropriateness of tho words by tho hearty spontaneity with which they weighted and swelled the chorus . Bro . Knowles , J . P ., of Stockton-on-Tees , in proposing tho toast of tho I . P . M ., remarked that there is no body of mon so loyal to their chiefs as are the members of the Craft , nor whoso mutual intercourse tends
moro to the maintenance , of tho principles of law and order . Such gatherings as these aro not only enjoyable , but beneficial , especially when they bring brethren for a season away from tho fierce democratic spirit of our large manufacturing towns to tho quiet and soothing influences of a more retired and contemplative existence , from which thoy retnrn better fitted for tho battle of life and its
many conflicting cares . Bro . Coltman , in response , congratulated tho W . M . on his excellent selection of Officers , and promised him his best support during his term of office . Bro . Donaldson , of Ripon , in proposing tho Officers of the Falcon Lodge , said it had been a peculiar pleasure to him to-day to meet Bro . Marwood , whoso name had been a " household word " with him from his boyhood , and whose character
commanded an individual admiration and reverence . He had also a strong personal attachment to the Falcon Lodgo ; ifc was one of tho first Lodges ho visited , and his fraternisation with tho brethren always proved a source of enjoyment . The Rev . W . C . Lnkis , M . A ., F . S . A ., in replying , spoke of the esprit de eoips which animated the brethren who had been selected for official duties , aud humorously
referred to somo of tho distinguishing qualities of " Falcons as encouraging tho assurance that tlio interests of tho Craft wero safe with them . The Rev . C E . Camidge , M . A ., the Vicar , in well-chosen terms proposed " The Visitors , " and after referring to the many advantages of Masonry , -noticed specially its hospitality and its tendency to promote friendly feeling , smoothing away differences , and
affording opportunity for better acquaintance with each other over the social board . Dr . Paley , of Ripon , responding , expressed the interest he felt in the welfare of the Falcon Lodge , congratulated Bro . Hall on his election to the chair , and recognised him as " tho right man in the right place . " Bro . 0 . Waistell , of Northampton , added a
few words to the same effect , and then tho toast-list was brought to a close . The case of "Poor and Distresssd Masons" was remembered by a liberal contribution to the Almoner's fund , and one of the pleasantesfc and most successful meetings of tho Lodge happily terminated .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 198 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , " on Saturday , the 18 th inst . Present—Bros . G . Ferrar W . M ., Gilham S . W ., Storr J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Sec , A . Ferrar S . D ., Tuck J . D ., Cattlin I . G . ; also Bros . S . E . Moss , D . Moss , C . Lorkin , F . XV . Jones , W . Williams , Birch , Brasted , Weeden , Fysh , & c . After preliminaries , Bro . W . Williams proved himself an efficient F . C ., was entrusted , and the ceremony of
raising was rehearsed by the W . M . Bro . D . Moss worked tho second and third sections of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed to tho first degree . Lodgo was called off and on . Bro . Gilham was elected to preside at the next meeting , which was unanimously fixed for 8 th January 1881 . A voto of thanks was accorded the W . M . The sum of £ 1 ls was voted for tho inmates of tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution at Croydon for Christmas cheer , after which Lodge was closed .
Mount Sinai Lodge , No . _ 21 , Penzance . —At the last meeting of this Lodge Mr . Peter Davies was duly initiated as a member , and Bros . Wellington Dale and Senuett wei * e advanced to tho second degree . Bro . James Lovell S . W . was elected W . M ., and Bro . C Read Treasurer , for the ensuing year . The celebration of the Festival of St . John was fixed for Wednesday , 29 th December .
1 MOTJE 3 JIUG-. I 1 I- ; ssi ; s . JAY'S experienced Assistants travel to any part of I tho kingdom , freo of expense to purchaser- ; Thoy take with tliciu drosses and millinery , besides materials , all marked in B plain figures , and at the ' same price as if purchased at tho A Warehouse in Regent Street . Funerals at stated charges . I j- _ A _ - _ r s , ' l TI-K IiOIV »»> : V « F , SIK ] t » _ . l -0- lt _ IIV « WAI 5 E-§ HOUSE . Rcseu- Street , W . " - _ g- _ 8 Ef 5 J _ g * _ 3 _ B- ____^^
FREEMAN'S OHLOHODYNE . Tlio Orij- ; i >«« l J- iirt onl . r true . . ^ ff ^ teaa TTUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to . . ^ i ; jiw *^' ' ^_^ m i-1 its marvellous cfHeacv in immediately relieving and j ' ' 4 ^* Mt , i ' 'I ' r ^ lraa * rapidly curing Coughs , Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , Noural'K- jS-l /^ jf ^ fl gin . Spasms , Colic . Whooping Cough , and a ' . ' Nervn Pains . ' ¦ ' i " _ _ 1 , / . ' ff \ h '" - ' ft acts liko n . charm in Diarrliica ,, anil is the only specific in . : ' , ? - ? - " £$ : *¦' . *§&•*¦ Cho ' cra and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what"" ; 7 f / i ' r-- " Mivp 4 . eve- cause , s-othes and strengthens the system under ox-: < J - tilt- hsiiistiug diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Ijoril Chancellor Sell-nnic . Lord Justice . tames , T , ird Justice Hellish dneiiled in favour of FR . I'IKMAK'S OltlCtl-VAfj Cflf . ORODYiYF , and against . I' . rowu and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in tho suits . See Tune * of July 2 1 th , 1873 . Bottles Is I Ul , 2 s "Id , Is lid , 11 s , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TKS-1-. IO-U . U .:-. —Head Quarter Staff , Cabal , May " 1 st , 1 SS 0 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —ft is with mil h pleasure I am able to state that your Chlorodyno lias 1 ) 0 : n of special service to me in alleviating tho wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is liei-u existent in au aggravated form , . Many of my patients now come aud beg me to givo then that medicine which always relieves them , anil which I need ' hardly ' say is vout- CUlovodvne . Voiu-s faithfully , Cu \ i * w . s W . OWES , L . R . O . P . Lon ' ., M . ' R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Cabul . The ' Times , August K 3 t . li . 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Ai-. nv . Okoiun , ' July 2-Jta , 1 S 77 . The want of sanitary arrangements in tho Buss ' iuu Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks longer , dv - uiitery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acpured au unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOftODYNE , with which I effected miraculous cures .