Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS . Page 1 of 5 →
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Review Of New Publications .
Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole , Earl of Orford , 3 wis . 6 yW . Cox , M . A . C-fc . 410 . 3 / . y . Cadell and Davies . MR . COXE , the well-known author of Travels into Russia , & c . & c . hat undertaken and completed a work both important and entertaining That work is the subject of our present consideration . The life and political conduct of Sir Robert Walpole have not before been illustrated b y able writersThe which he
or impartial . opposition long endured , and by which lie was at length overthrown ; the virulence of those who were his avowed adversaries ; and that spirit of disingenuous partiality , which sought after with seeming anxiety , and produced writings and speeches eminent for violence and want of discretion , have all combined to represent his Administration in a very unfavourable light . But this has been the effeft of" the grossest ' misrepresentation j in the cloud of which his real merits , and the actual
services he rendered his country , have suffered an eclipse . They have been lost to view , and entirely forgotten . From this obscurity Mr . Coxe has deservedly rescued the merits of this great minister ; and although he betrays , in the general features that he has drawn of his character , a weakness attached to humanity , yet a little discrimination will enable the judicious reader to discover the real character of this statesman . The length of time which Mr . Coxe has spent in his laborious research
, his unwearied diligence , and the authenticity of his documents , of which he piesents a catalogue subjoined in the preface , evince a meritorious attention to that period of history which involves a series of events no less important than interesting .
Mr . Coxe sets out with printed information , and appositely adverts to Smollett and Belsham , of whom he speaks in terms by no means favourable , but at thc same time with the greatest justice . Mr . Belsham has thought proper to vindicate himself in an answer to Mr . Coxe . How far he has done it with credit and success will afford a subject for our future consideration . Among the printed authorities are mentioned Chandler ' s Parliamentary
proceedings , of which frequent mention is made in the notes . Mr . Coxe gives next a copious account of his ori ginal and manuscript information ; the whole undoubtedl y making a very extensive and valuable collection of original authorities .
The Memoirs are divided into eight periods , and comprehend a term of 6 9 years ; from the birth of Sir Robert Walpole in 1676 , to his death in 1745 . The style of these Memoiis is , in general , clear and unaffected : if it seldom rises to peculiar elegance , it is not often that it deviates into impropriety . The woik exhibits a mind enured to sound reflection , which appears jn tlie judicious remarks and great discernment of character scattered through the whole . One of its greatest excellencies , one that should always appear
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Review Of New Publications .
Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole , Earl of Orford , 3 wis . 6 yW . Cox , M . A . C-fc . 410 . 3 / . y . Cadell and Davies . MR . COXE , the well-known author of Travels into Russia , & c . & c . hat undertaken and completed a work both important and entertaining That work is the subject of our present consideration . The life and political conduct of Sir Robert Walpole have not before been illustrated b y able writersThe which he
or impartial . opposition long endured , and by which lie was at length overthrown ; the virulence of those who were his avowed adversaries ; and that spirit of disingenuous partiality , which sought after with seeming anxiety , and produced writings and speeches eminent for violence and want of discretion , have all combined to represent his Administration in a very unfavourable light . But this has been the effeft of" the grossest ' misrepresentation j in the cloud of which his real merits , and the actual
services he rendered his country , have suffered an eclipse . They have been lost to view , and entirely forgotten . From this obscurity Mr . Coxe has deservedly rescued the merits of this great minister ; and although he betrays , in the general features that he has drawn of his character , a weakness attached to humanity , yet a little discrimination will enable the judicious reader to discover the real character of this statesman . The length of time which Mr . Coxe has spent in his laborious research
, his unwearied diligence , and the authenticity of his documents , of which he piesents a catalogue subjoined in the preface , evince a meritorious attention to that period of history which involves a series of events no less important than interesting .
Mr . Coxe sets out with printed information , and appositely adverts to Smollett and Belsham , of whom he speaks in terms by no means favourable , but at thc same time with the greatest justice . Mr . Belsham has thought proper to vindicate himself in an answer to Mr . Coxe . How far he has done it with credit and success will afford a subject for our future consideration . Among the printed authorities are mentioned Chandler ' s Parliamentary
proceedings , of which frequent mention is made in the notes . Mr . Coxe gives next a copious account of his ori ginal and manuscript information ; the whole undoubtedl y making a very extensive and valuable collection of original authorities .
The Memoirs are divided into eight periods , and comprehend a term of 6 9 years ; from the birth of Sir Robert Walpole in 1676 , to his death in 1745 . The style of these Memoiis is , in general , clear and unaffected : if it seldom rises to peculiar elegance , it is not often that it deviates into impropriety . The woik exhibits a mind enured to sound reflection , which appears jn tlie judicious remarks and great discernment of character scattered through the whole . One of its greatest excellencies , one that should always appear