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Royal Masonic Institution Foe Boys.
three boys presented themselves for examination in this most useful branch of education , ten did so on the present occasion . Freemasons' Hall , EOXYLAND GARDINER ALSTON , P . J . G . AV . March ith , 1 S 53 . JOHN EDMUND COX , G . C . The M . AV . GRAJTD MASTEB then presented Hemy James Timbs with the sih'er medal for writing , aud afterxvards handed the other prizes , consisting of books elegantly houndto the other successful
com-, petitors , addressing each in suitable and encouraging terms . Tho boys then passed round the Hall once more , aud on retiring were loaded with fruit , the remains of the dessert . The M . AV . G . M . said , that hi g hly gratified as they must have been xvith what they had seen of the boys , there xvere two other Charities xvhich they must not lose sight ofnamelytho Eoyal Freemasons' Girls' Schooland
, , , the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Fund , for Aged Freemasons and their AVidoxvs , prosperity to which lie noxv begged to pilose ( cheers ) . The subscription-lists having been handed in , the Secretary , Bro . Thiselton , read them to fche company . Among the subscriptions and donations xvere , —¦
£ s . d . Her Majesty the Queen , aim . 10 10 0 The Earl of Zetland , M . W . Grand Master .. .. 10 10 0 Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart , S . G . W 10 10 0 Bro . William Henry White 5 5 0 Bro . Edward Gillman .. 10 11 0
Bro . Eev . Octavius Ogle .. 5 5 0 A free gift from a Prov . G . L . 3 3 0 Bro . J . A . L . Barnard .. 10 10 0 Bro . John Symonds .. .. 10 10 0 Bro . Harrison Chilton . . 10 10 0 Bro . L . Sterne .. .. 10 10 0 Bro . J . C . K . Purnell .. 10 10 0 Bro . Eobert J . Clarke .. 550
Bro . P . E . Dart . . .. 10 10 0 Bro . Henry Earle . . . . 42 0 0 Bro . Francis Crew .. .. 10 10 0 Bro . Captain Simmons .. 10 10 0 Bro . G . W . K . Potter .. 550 TheGrandMastersLodge , arm . 5 5 0 Mrs . George Leach .. .. 550 Bro . J . H . Dart .. .. 550
Bro . Daniel Gooch . . .. 10 10 0 Bro . W . Broxvn . . .. 550 The Middlesex Lodge , ami . 5 5 0 Bro . Joseph A . Joseph .. 10 10 0 Bro . B . Bond Cabbell , M . P . 10 10 0 Bro . Samuel Tomkius .. 10 10 0 Bro . Edward Warwick . . 10 10 0
£ s . d . Bro . Bichard Martin , .. 10 10 0 Bro . J . Eeetum .. .. 550 Bro . Thomas S . Howell .. 10 10 0 Bro . T . E . White .. .. 550 Bro . Frederick Adlard .. 5 5 0 The Eoyal York Lodge , No . 7 5 5 0
Bro . W . F . Beadon .. .. 52 10 0 Bro . John Hervey , . .. 10 10 0 Bro . Thomas Lucas .. .. 5 5 0 Bro . George Barrett . . 21 0 0 The Jerusalem Lodge .. 5 5 0 Bro . George H . Saunders .. 5 5 0 Bro . Alexander Brogden . . 5 5 0 Bro . Herbert Lloyd .. 10 10 0
The Tuscan Lodge .. .. 10 10 0 Bro . George Cox .. .. 10 10 0 The Stability Lodge of Instruction .. .. .. 500 Bro . Andrew Holman .. 10 10 0 Bro . Richard Banks .. 10 10 0 Bro . John Ingram Travers .. 10 10 0 The Lodge of Friendship .. 10 10 0
Bro . Eobert Gibson . . . . 10 10 0 Bro . James Harmor .. 550 A free gift from the Lodge of Fidelity , No . 361 , Leeds S 8 0 Bro . Charles Lee . .. 550 Bro . J . W . H . Richardson .. 10 10 0 Bro . W . Perkin . . .. 550
evince for further improvement . The result of tlie examination according to my list of good marks , shows the following order of merit : —Holt , 1 st prize ; Speight , 2 nd prize ; honourable mentions—Gray and O'Brien . With sincere good xvishes for the prosperity of the Masonic Institution . I am , Sir , your very obedient servant , A . U . Thiselton , Esq . C . DliULLK .
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Royal Masonic Institution Foe Boys.
three boys presented themselves for examination in this most useful branch of education , ten did so on the present occasion . Freemasons' Hall , EOXYLAND GARDINER ALSTON , P . J . G . AV . March ith , 1 S 53 . JOHN EDMUND COX , G . C . The M . AV . GRAJTD MASTEB then presented Hemy James Timbs with the sih'er medal for writing , aud afterxvards handed the other prizes , consisting of books elegantly houndto the other successful
com-, petitors , addressing each in suitable and encouraging terms . Tho boys then passed round the Hall once more , aud on retiring were loaded with fruit , the remains of the dessert . The M . AV . G . M . said , that hi g hly gratified as they must have been xvith what they had seen of the boys , there xvere two other Charities xvhich they must not lose sight ofnamelytho Eoyal Freemasons' Girls' Schooland
, , , the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Fund , for Aged Freemasons and their AVidoxvs , prosperity to which lie noxv begged to pilose ( cheers ) . The subscription-lists having been handed in , the Secretary , Bro . Thiselton , read them to fche company . Among the subscriptions and donations xvere , —¦
£ s . d . Her Majesty the Queen , aim . 10 10 0 The Earl of Zetland , M . W . Grand Master .. .. 10 10 0 Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart , S . G . W 10 10 0 Bro . William Henry White 5 5 0 Bro . Edward Gillman .. 10 11 0
Bro . Eev . Octavius Ogle .. 5 5 0 A free gift from a Prov . G . L . 3 3 0 Bro . J . A . L . Barnard .. 10 10 0 Bro . John Symonds .. .. 10 10 0 Bro . Harrison Chilton . . 10 10 0 Bro . L . Sterne .. .. 10 10 0 Bro . J . C . K . Purnell .. 10 10 0 Bro . Eobert J . Clarke .. 550
Bro . P . E . Dart . . .. 10 10 0 Bro . Henry Earle . . . . 42 0 0 Bro . Francis Crew .. .. 10 10 0 Bro . Captain Simmons .. 10 10 0 Bro . G . W . K . Potter .. 550 TheGrandMastersLodge , arm . 5 5 0 Mrs . George Leach .. .. 550 Bro . J . H . Dart .. .. 550
Bro . Daniel Gooch . . .. 10 10 0 Bro . W . Broxvn . . .. 550 The Middlesex Lodge , ami . 5 5 0 Bro . Joseph A . Joseph .. 10 10 0 Bro . B . Bond Cabbell , M . P . 10 10 0 Bro . Samuel Tomkius .. 10 10 0 Bro . Edward Warwick . . 10 10 0
£ s . d . Bro . Bichard Martin , .. 10 10 0 Bro . J . Eeetum .. .. 550 Bro . Thomas S . Howell .. 10 10 0 Bro . T . E . White .. .. 550 Bro . Frederick Adlard .. 5 5 0 The Eoyal York Lodge , No . 7 5 5 0
Bro . W . F . Beadon .. .. 52 10 0 Bro . John Hervey , . .. 10 10 0 Bro . Thomas Lucas .. .. 5 5 0 Bro . George Barrett . . 21 0 0 The Jerusalem Lodge .. 5 5 0 Bro . George H . Saunders .. 5 5 0 Bro . Alexander Brogden . . 5 5 0 Bro . Herbert Lloyd .. 10 10 0
The Tuscan Lodge .. .. 10 10 0 Bro . George Cox .. .. 10 10 0 The Stability Lodge of Instruction .. .. .. 500 Bro . Andrew Holman .. 10 10 0 Bro . Richard Banks .. 10 10 0 Bro . John Ingram Travers .. 10 10 0 The Lodge of Friendship .. 10 10 0
Bro . Eobert Gibson . . . . 10 10 0 Bro . James Harmor .. 550 A free gift from the Lodge of Fidelity , No . 361 , Leeds S 8 0 Bro . Charles Lee . .. 550 Bro . J . W . H . Richardson .. 10 10 0 Bro . W . Perkin . . .. 550
evince for further improvement . The result of tlie examination according to my list of good marks , shows the following order of merit : —Holt , 1 st prize ; Speight , 2 nd prize ; honourable mentions—Gray and O'Brien . With sincere good xvishes for the prosperity of the Masonic Institution . I am , Sir , your very obedient servant , A . U . Thiselton , Esq . C . DliULLK .