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Royal Masonic Institution Foe Boys.
£ s . d . Bro . William Johnson .. 10 10 0 Bro . Levy .. .. .. 550 Bro . Andrew M'Callan .. 550 The Committee Dinner Club of the Masonic Institution for Boys .. .. .. 550 Bro . George Howard .. 21 0 0
The Eoyal Jubilee Lodge .. 5 5 0 The Lodge of United Pilgrims , Lodge of Instruction 10 10 0 Bro . John Francis White .. 42 0 0 The Jordan Lodge .. .. 550 The Jerusalem Chapter .. 5 5 0 Bro . William Foster White 52 10 0 The St . Paul ' s Lodge .. 10 10 0 Bro . John Hodg kinson .. 42 0 0 An old friend of the Charity 5 5 0
£ s . d . Bro . William Harvey .. 5 5 0 Bro . H . Barringer . .. 550 Bro . Charles AVilson .. 5 5 0 Bro . Eobert Harry Sparks .. 5 5 0 Bro . J . Watson .. .. 550 Bro . John S . Hobbs .. 550 Bro . J . E . Green .. .. 550
Bro . E . Eandell .. .. 550 Bro . Golding Bird .. .. 550 Bro . M . Costa .. .. 550 The Bank of England Lodge 5 5 0 £ 825 11 0 Other Subscriptions .. 225 0 0 Making a total of £ 1 , 050 11 0
The M . AV . GEAND MASTEE said , he had great gratification in announcing that the sum total of fche subscriptions already put down fco-nig hfc ( one list being xx'anting ) xvas 1 , 040 / . lis . ( much cheering ) . The ladies in the gallery , who had been watching the proceedings xvith great interest , then left , and proceeded to the glee-room . The M . AV . GEAN - MASTEE then proposed , " The Auditors and the Members of the Committee of the Institution" ( cheers ) .
Br . BAUEAT briefly responded to the toast , assuring fche Brethren that the Committee were most anxious to promote the interests of the Order , and their services might at aU times be relied on ( cheers ) .
The M . W . GRAND MASTER said they xx-ere deprived ofthe pleasure of drinking one toast , because their proceedings had been so unusually long that they had driven away the ladies , to whom they sincerely wished health and happiness ( cheers ) . He would , therefore , noxv call their attention to a most important toast , and to join with him in drinking most cordially to the Board of Stewards ( cheers ) . They xvere especially bound to do honour to that toast , for among the many Festivals over which he had presided , he had never been present at one which bad passed off so satisfactorily ( cheers ) . It had been eminently successful in their great
object , the charity , and the amount of subscription exceeded by lOOt . that of any former occasion ( cheers ) . In the next place , he thanked the Stewards for providing so excellent a dinner , the enjoyment of xvhich xvas increased by their good management , xvhereby perfect order was maintained ; the music xx » as excellent , and enjoyed by every one present , and no interruption of any sort or kind had occurred to mar the festivities of the evening . It xvas xvith no ordinary satisfaction that he stated these things , because he thought they were eminently calculated to forward the interests of Masonry , and it was at aU times desirable that good
order should be maintained , because it tended to promote that good feeling and those social enjoyments xvhich had been strikingly exhibited on the present occasion . For all this they xvere mainly indebted to the Board of Stexvards , and he begged that the Brethren would cordially join xx'ith him in paying due honour to the toast ( loud cheers ) .
Bro . H . L . LOYD responded to the toast , and said that theirs had been a very pleasing duty this evening , because the M . W . G . M . had filled the chair , and the Brethren had supported him in a xvay that had never been surpassed . It xvas alxvays a source of satisfaction to knoxv that any efforts xvere successful , and it xvas particularly gratifying to them on the present occasion ; they had succeeded in obtaining that order which sometimes had been xvanting on former occasions , and it xvas satisfactory to them to know that they had done their duty , and that those M 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution Foe Boys.
£ s . d . Bro . William Johnson .. 10 10 0 Bro . Levy .. .. .. 550 Bro . Andrew M'Callan .. 550 The Committee Dinner Club of the Masonic Institution for Boys .. .. .. 550 Bro . George Howard .. 21 0 0
The Eoyal Jubilee Lodge .. 5 5 0 The Lodge of United Pilgrims , Lodge of Instruction 10 10 0 Bro . John Francis White .. 42 0 0 The Jordan Lodge .. .. 550 The Jerusalem Chapter .. 5 5 0 Bro . William Foster White 52 10 0 The St . Paul ' s Lodge .. 10 10 0 Bro . John Hodg kinson .. 42 0 0 An old friend of the Charity 5 5 0
£ s . d . Bro . William Harvey .. 5 5 0 Bro . H . Barringer . .. 550 Bro . Charles AVilson .. 5 5 0 Bro . Eobert Harry Sparks .. 5 5 0 Bro . J . Watson .. .. 550 Bro . John S . Hobbs .. 550 Bro . J . E . Green .. .. 550
Bro . E . Eandell .. .. 550 Bro . Golding Bird .. .. 550 Bro . M . Costa .. .. 550 The Bank of England Lodge 5 5 0 £ 825 11 0 Other Subscriptions .. 225 0 0 Making a total of £ 1 , 050 11 0
The M . AV . GEAND MASTEE said , he had great gratification in announcing that the sum total of fche subscriptions already put down fco-nig hfc ( one list being xx'anting ) xvas 1 , 040 / . lis . ( much cheering ) . The ladies in the gallery , who had been watching the proceedings xvith great interest , then left , and proceeded to the glee-room . The M . AV . GEAN - MASTEE then proposed , " The Auditors and the Members of the Committee of the Institution" ( cheers ) .
Br . BAUEAT briefly responded to the toast , assuring fche Brethren that the Committee were most anxious to promote the interests of the Order , and their services might at aU times be relied on ( cheers ) .
The M . W . GRAND MASTER said they xx-ere deprived ofthe pleasure of drinking one toast , because their proceedings had been so unusually long that they had driven away the ladies , to whom they sincerely wished health and happiness ( cheers ) . He would , therefore , noxv call their attention to a most important toast , and to join with him in drinking most cordially to the Board of Stewards ( cheers ) . They xvere especially bound to do honour to that toast , for among the many Festivals over which he had presided , he had never been present at one which bad passed off so satisfactorily ( cheers ) . It had been eminently successful in their great
object , the charity , and the amount of subscription exceeded by lOOt . that of any former occasion ( cheers ) . In the next place , he thanked the Stewards for providing so excellent a dinner , the enjoyment of xvhich xvas increased by their good management , xvhereby perfect order was maintained ; the music xx » as excellent , and enjoyed by every one present , and no interruption of any sort or kind had occurred to mar the festivities of the evening . It xvas xvith no ordinary satisfaction that he stated these things , because he thought they were eminently calculated to forward the interests of Masonry , and it was at aU times desirable that good
order should be maintained , because it tended to promote that good feeling and those social enjoyments xvhich had been strikingly exhibited on the present occasion . For all this they xvere mainly indebted to the Board of Stexvards , and he begged that the Brethren would cordially join xx'ith him in paying due honour to the toast ( loud cheers ) .
Bro . H . L . LOYD responded to the toast , and said that theirs had been a very pleasing duty this evening , because the M . W . G . M . had filled the chair , and the Brethren had supported him in a xvay that had never been surpassed . It xvas alxvays a source of satisfaction to knoxv that any efforts xvere successful , and it xvas particularly gratifying to them on the present occasion ; they had succeeded in obtaining that order which sometimes had been xvanting on former occasions , and it xvas satisfactory to them to know that they had done their duty , and that those M 2