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Royal Masonic Institution Foe Boys.
duties had been appreciated . He xvould not detain them longer than to thank them for the kind reception xvhich they had given them , and for the excellent manner in which they had responded to their efforts ( cheers ) . Bro . E . G . ALSTON begged to remind them that xvhile they were assembled here to-day to aid this great object , there xvas in another large town an equally numerous party assembled for the same purpose ; for at Huddersfield 200 of the Brethren xvere meeting at the same time to promote the building of the Boys ' School . It xx-as a matter of exceeding interest that 200 Brethren should be
assembled there aud 200 here at the same moment for the self-same purpose ( cheers ) . The M . AV . G . M . then quitted the Chair ; and tlie Brethren having partaken of tea and coffee , joined the ladies in the glee-room , where Miss Eansford , Miss M . AVilliams , and Miss Bassano gave a crowning finish to one of tbe mosfc successful festivals thafc xvas ever held within the walls ofthe Freemasons' Hall .
It is xvith no ordinary satislaction that we are enabled to announce the receipt of 501 from fche Eoyal Sussex Lodge , No . 735 , CANTON , China , in aid of the building fund of the " Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys . " The announcement , conx'eyed to Bro . E . G . Alston , P . J . G . AV ., and Chairman of tlie Committee , in answer to his appeal , by a letter from the Sec . of the Eoyal Sussex Lodge , dated Jan . 24 th , 1853 , unfortunately did not arrive in sufficient time to be announced at the Festival . AVe therefore ax * ail ourselves of this opportunity to make known to the Craft one of the most splendid and liberal instances of Masonic charity and feeling on record .
Artists' Benevolent Fund.
IK reporting the Anniversary Dinner of tlie Artists' Benevolent Fund , it affords us much pleasure to notice the support given to this excellent Institution by several of our distinguished Masonic Brethren , as the undermentioned list xvill show . The Anniversary Festival of the Artists' Benevolent Fund xvas held on Saturday , 19 fch March , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street . It was announced that the Chair xvould be taken hy the Earl of
Yarborough , bufc his lordsliip xvas obliged fco leave town on business of importance , and at the last moment Mr . Eoxxland G . Alston undertook the duties of Chairman . Tiie Artists' Benevolent Fund was established in 1 S 10 , and obtained a royal charter of incorporation in 1827 . It consists of two separate and distinct branches , —the Artists' Annuity Fund , and the Ajrtists' Benevolent Fund , —the
latter of xvhich extends relief to the widoxvs and orphans of Artists . During the past year a sum of £ 723 los . has been paid to forty-nine widoxx's of artists , and a further sum of £ 147 10 s . to thirty-one orphans . The total receipts of the past year arising from subscriptions , donations , and the dividend upon £ 21 , 000 stock , amounted to £ 1 , 438 17 s . 3 d ., and after all disbursements a balance of about £ 250 remained in the hands of the bankers . In consequence of the early
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution Foe Boys.
duties had been appreciated . He xvould not detain them longer than to thank them for the kind reception xvhich they had given them , and for the excellent manner in which they had responded to their efforts ( cheers ) . Bro . E . G . ALSTON begged to remind them that xvhile they were assembled here to-day to aid this great object , there xvas in another large town an equally numerous party assembled for the same purpose ; for at Huddersfield 200 of the Brethren xvere meeting at the same time to promote the building of the Boys ' School . It xx-as a matter of exceeding interest that 200 Brethren should be
assembled there aud 200 here at the same moment for the self-same purpose ( cheers ) . The M . AV . G . M . then quitted the Chair ; and tlie Brethren having partaken of tea and coffee , joined the ladies in the glee-room , where Miss Eansford , Miss M . AVilliams , and Miss Bassano gave a crowning finish to one of tbe mosfc successful festivals thafc xvas ever held within the walls ofthe Freemasons' Hall .
It is xvith no ordinary satislaction that we are enabled to announce the receipt of 501 from fche Eoyal Sussex Lodge , No . 735 , CANTON , China , in aid of the building fund of the " Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys . " The announcement , conx'eyed to Bro . E . G . Alston , P . J . G . AV ., and Chairman of tlie Committee , in answer to his appeal , by a letter from the Sec . of the Eoyal Sussex Lodge , dated Jan . 24 th , 1853 , unfortunately did not arrive in sufficient time to be announced at the Festival . AVe therefore ax * ail ourselves of this opportunity to make known to the Craft one of the most splendid and liberal instances of Masonic charity and feeling on record .
Artists' Benevolent Fund.
IK reporting the Anniversary Dinner of tlie Artists' Benevolent Fund , it affords us much pleasure to notice the support given to this excellent Institution by several of our distinguished Masonic Brethren , as the undermentioned list xvill show . The Anniversary Festival of the Artists' Benevolent Fund xvas held on Saturday , 19 fch March , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street . It was announced that the Chair xvould be taken hy the Earl of
Yarborough , bufc his lordsliip xvas obliged fco leave town on business of importance , and at the last moment Mr . Eoxxland G . Alston undertook the duties of Chairman . Tiie Artists' Benevolent Fund was established in 1 S 10 , and obtained a royal charter of incorporation in 1827 . It consists of two separate and distinct branches , —the Artists' Annuity Fund , and the Ajrtists' Benevolent Fund , —the
latter of xvhich extends relief to the widoxvs and orphans of Artists . During the past year a sum of £ 723 los . has been paid to forty-nine widoxx's of artists , and a further sum of £ 147 10 s . to thirty-one orphans . The total receipts of the past year arising from subscriptions , donations , and the dividend upon £ 21 , 000 stock , amounted to £ 1 , 438 17 s . 3 d ., and after all disbursements a balance of about £ 250 remained in the hands of the bankers . In consequence of the early