Article AN ORATION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ST. MUNGO PRECEPTORY OF KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Page 1 of 1 Article CYCLORAMA. OF JERUSALEM ON THE DAY OF THE CRUCIFIXION. Page 1 of 1 Article CRYSTAL PALACE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE THEATRES. Page 1 of 1 Article Death. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Oration.
nd every g leam of comfort from his heart ? et them treat with contempt the conclusions of Mevvton , who esteemed the structure of the universe -o " comp lete a proof of the existence and Providence nf an Almighty , wise , and good Architect of Nature " that he " never pronounced the word God -without a
house : " Dl't be '' OURS to glory in the belief , in the thought , in the hope , in the power , and in the love of our own and our Nature ' s Guardian , God , feeling sure that a p lan must have a planner , a design a designer , and a world fearfully and wonderfully made must have had a maker who must rule that world .
He has made it , and thus vve conclude that as He has formed that world in wisdom , strength , and beautv , it is the truest progress to seek to do His will , and to feel that the true " Brotherhood of man " ( one of the stock phrases of the atheist ) , can only be founded on the Fatherhood- of God . Be it ours , brethren , whether vve
look to our present lot or oar future destiny , whether as Masons or men , to follow the precepts of the insp ired Prophet , " to do justly , to love mercy , and to walk humbly with our God , " and to echo with reverend and grateful hearts those words of the sweet Psalmist of Israel , the father
of our Grand Master Solomon , All Thy works praise Thee , O God , and Thy Saints give thanks unto Thee ; they shew the Glory of Thy kingdom and talk of Thy power ; that Thy power , Thy glory , and the mig htiness of Thy kingdom mi ght be known unto men , Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and Thy
dominion endurest throughout all ages . " And to the preacher's theoretical and empty progress let us say in well-known words on behalf of our united nations and our progressive race , the rulers vve honour are the people ' s choice—the laws vve reverence are our brave
fathers' legacy , the faith we follow teaches us to live in bonds of Charity with all mankind , and die with hope of bliss beyond the grave . Tell your " Progressists" this , and tell them , too , vve seek no change , and least of all such change as they would bring us .
St. Mungo Preceptory Of Knights Of Malta.
This body , which was onl y founded about a year ago bv some fratres of the St . Mungo Priory of Knights Templar , has thus far had a most successful career . On Saturday , the 28 th ult ., a very interesting and enjoyable function vvas held in St . Mark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , when Fratres Carruthers , Marshall ,
Richards , and Ruddock vvere dul y installed by the Venerable Preceptor , Frater Edward Macbean , assisted -b y Fratres D . R . Clark , M . A ., Captain . General ; John Foulds , Lieutenant-General ; W . S . Hunter , Chancellor ; and other officers . The ritual of this reli gious and Chivalric Order vvas rendered with
a precision and completeness that proclaim the energy and ability of those responsible for the rite , far surpassing anything hitherto attempted in Scotland . Five beautiful silk banners enhanced the appearance of the Chapter House , and elicited warm encomiums from the members , who congratulated Bro . James Marshall on
their production . The musical part of the service vvas under the direction of Frater Emile Berger , to whom the fratres , on the motion of the venerable Preceptor , accorded a presentation jewel in recognition of his continued kindness . Apologies for absence from several intending neophytes , and some routine business brought a very pleasant gathering to a conclusion .
Cyclorama. Of Jerusalem On The Day Of The Crucifixion.
Ihe subject of this Cyclorama , after the celebrated picture of Herr Bruno Piglhein , is closely associated with the present season , and the large number of visitors attracted by the splendid representation of the great event we are now about to commemorate clearl y TI ? h ° W the P llbl ' appreciate a genuine work of art . uetdiis
»> - 01 the picture have been carefully studied , < ncl ln the most vivid and realistic manner Oriental i'e and character are brought before the spectator . cr . H " Wlsh Hi - Priests , the Roman soldiers , the <> wds of common people , the group of women and fiples beneath the cross , the malefactors on either
¦ e ot the grand central figure of our Lord , must all seen to be fully apprec ' uted , as no description can ' justice to the marvellous reality with which the ms and surroundings of the first Good Friday are inter ' 1 T' riunter Bo > d S ives hlcid and _ _ v . tSUng - ectures at regular intervals during the day , ' ng evidentl y made himself thoroughly acouainted
m anv _ d . topo _ ra P hy OI ancient Jerusalem and the of ' cil 6 nt ° P lnioris of writers upon the actual site alont t ^' v " 6 exact route of the mourntul procession . ivef n Vla Crucls . other disputed points , he 1 ho ... " ^ " -considered reasons why the sites selected bv
inf 0 ' f - are P robab ' y correct . The lecture is full of event . t M a " d not the least interesting feature , at all Temnl , asons - is the description of King Solomon ' s "Pon its ' > th < J buildin g of Herod that now stands p * y a vi •' . We stron _ 1 y recommend the brethren to selv t 0 Y ork-street and see and hear for
them-Prtss Frer ) ? ? Wa , es > ' » o came to London vvith the Em-0 n VVedn . f _ nd J " _ l'ttr , returned to Sandringham hr : d . e ar . ; , / T- ' - ' * he same day the Duke of Cam-M . H ., is aU Ha " ' Where Bro ' Chr'stopher Sykes ,
Crystal Palace.
The Great Triennial Handel Festival will be held at the Crystal Palace in June next . The " Messiah " and " Israel in Egypt" will , as on former occasions , be performed on the first and third days , while the middle day will be devoted to a selection from other sacred and secular works of the great composer . Some old
favourites will be given , such , for instance , as choruses and airs from " Acis and Galatea , " " Jep hthah , " "Samson , " "Solomon , " Ac . Among the numbers given for the first time will be a sonata for orchestra , air for tenor , and two choruses from the 95 th Psalm , overtures to " Semele " and " Giustino , " a charming minuet from " Berenice , " and a graceful bourree from the celebrated
Water Music . Mr . W . T . Best , of Liverpool , will play the Fourth Organ Concerto in F . The chorus and orchestra will number 4000 , while the solo music will be entrusted to such eminent artists as Mesdames Albani , Nordica , Macintyre , Marian McKenzie , Belle Cole , Messrs . Edward Lloyd , Barton McGuckin , Brereton , Bridson , and Santley , the great musical army being under the generalship of Mr . August Manns .
The Theatres.
If at first you don t succeed try again has been practically carried out by Mr . H . Lee , who , after two failures at the Avenue , has a promise in Mr . Bronson Howard's comedy— "The Henrietta "—of some luck . On Saturday the audience received this play with warm approval on all sides . In this the author exposes the vice of gambling on the Stock Exchange . The scenes
are laid in New York . In America the comed y vvas received very favourably a few years ago . Whether the technicalities of Wall-street about " bulls and bears , " and the mysteries ot the telephone and the tape will be understood by a general audience is a question , but on Saturday everyone seemed to relish the vocabulary of stock operators . We take it that Mr . Howard had in his mind a well-known New York
millionaire financier when he wrote "The Henrietta , as the names of the chief character is good evidence to go by . The play , while it points a moral in its serious side , is well supplied with a number of comedy
scenes . Mr . Vanalstyne his two sons , the eldest is a partner in the stock broker ' s business and has his father ' s confidence , whilst the younger is looked upon by his parent as an idle scamp . But before the play ends the true character of each comes out and the
reverse is the case . 1 he elder son is proved to be a traitor to not onl y his father but a woman as well , and is so mean that he lays upon his younger brother his own delinquencies of honour . The revelation of his treachery is made known when he seeks to ruin his father by secretly " bearing " the market regarding
a mine called the Henrietta , ot vvhich his father is the possessor , in order that he may oust old Vanalstyne from his place as head of the Stock Exchange . ' The father having gone on a yachting trip , the son seizes the opportunity to bring his father ' s firm to bankruptcy . Here is the great scene of the play . The shares of
the Henrietta are steadily going down and a panic seems unavoidable , at the moment old Vanalstyne returns unexpectedly and discovers the traitor to be his own son , in whom he had trusted . Vanalstyne , jun ., having staked all is desperate , and whilst tbe tape instrument is clicking the rise in the shares owing
to the younger son having saved the firm , he falls out of his chair lifeless . This gruesome scene of the tick , tick of the telegraph in the presence of the corpse brings down the curtain upon a situation which caused deep applause amongst all sections of those in the auditorium . The play might well end at this—the third
act—for it is virtually over . A bye-play runs through the piece about Henrietta being a ballet girl , and the name of a filly , and thus causing unpleasantness between a pair of lovers . The acting is fairly good all round . standing out from the rest is the excellent representation of Mr . W . H . Vernon and Mr . Lewis Waller as Messrs . Vanalstyne , father and son . Messrs .
J . L . Shine and Yorke Stephens are not so well suited to their parts . Miss Fanny Brough , as usual , made quite a hit in a low comedy part , but Miss Florence West , Miss Marion Lea , and Miss M . Jocelyn scarcely helped the play . Mr . Bronson Howard received a vociferous call , vvhich he wisely responded to by merely coming forward and making a grateful bow without the inevitable speech .
* * * Bro . Edward Terry on Easter Monday revived one of his great successes , " The Rocket , " which Mr . Pinero wrote for him some eight years since , and became very popular at the Gaiety . As the Chevalier , Bro . Terry seems even better than before . As long as this
talented comedian is on the stage the fuu of the play never flags . The lessee is ably supported by the pretty Miss Eleanore Leyshon , Misses Sophie Larkin , Rose Dearing , and Adrienne Dairolles , and Messrs . R . Soutar , Ian Robertson , and H . V . Esmond . Many
will be glad to go to Terry s to refresh their memories vvith the humours of " The Rocket , " and there are numbers to whom Mr . Pinero ' s farcical comedy will be quite new . Another successful run may be expected , for " The Rocket . "
Death .
BARFIELD . —March 30 th , Sarah , the beloved wife of Asher Barfield , of 26 , Clarges-street , London , W ., and Maylings House , Fareham , Hants .
ASTHMA CURED , No matter of how long standing or how severe , by DR . SPENCER'S ASTHMA CURE . The beautifully illustrated book , fourth edition , entitled "ASTHMA : Its Treatment and Cure , " by that eminent authority , E . Edwin Spencer , M . A ., M . D ., & c , & c , gives plain , intelligent , and comprehensive information , vvhich meets every phase of Asthma , Catarrh , and Bronchiti-. It presents a course of treatment vvhich is instant in relieving , permanent in curing , safe , economical , and never-failing Sent post free on receipt of 3 d . by THE GEDDES MANUFACTURING COMPANY , 249 , High Holborn , London .
PILES . — " PILANTRA , " Pile Cure . Immediate relief and a permanent cure guaranteed . Sample Free . Postage 3 d . Address — THK GEDDES MANUFACTURING COMPANY , 149 , High Holborn . London .
NOW READY . PRICE 10 s . THOMAS DUNCKERLEY , HIS LIFE , LABOURS , AND LETTERS , INCLUDING SOME MASONIC AND NAVAL MEMORIALS Oh' THE ISTII CENTURY . By HENRY SADLER , AUTHOR OF "MASONIC FACTS AND FICTIONS , " With a Preface by WILLIAM HARRY RYLANDS , ESQ ., F . S . A . This Work contains numerous Letters , Extracts , & c , relating to Masonry in BRISTOL , DORSETSHIRE , ESSEX , GLOUCESTERSHIRE , HAMPSHIRE , HEREFORDSHIRE , THE ISLE OF WIGHT , SOMERSET , and WILTSIIIRK , of which Counties DUNCKERLEY was Prov . Grand Master ; also Portraits , reproduced by the autotype process , from rare mezzotint engravings in the British Museum of : — His Majesty King George II . of England ; Dunckerley ' s reputed father . H . R . H . Frederick Lewis , Prince of Wales , son of the above ; the First of the Royal Family vvho vvas made a Freemason . Thomas Dunckerley in Masonic regalia , vvith facsimile of his Autograph , Book-plate , Seals , & c . 340 Pages Demy Octavo , handsomely bound in cloth gilt , bevelled boards , red edges . London : GEORGE KENNING , 16 & IGAGL Queen-st ., W . C .
Price 7 s 6 d . A HANDY BOOK to the Study of the ENGRAVED , PRINTED , and MANUSCRIPT LISTS OF LODGES of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England ( "Moderns" and "Ancients" ) from 1723 to 1 S 14 , vvith an Appendix and Valuable Statistical Tables . By Bro . JOHN LANE , F . C . A ., P . M . 1402 , Past Senior Grand Warden of Iowa , Past Prov . Grand Registrar of Devonshire , 81 c , & c ., & c , Author of " Masonic Records , 1717-1886 , " "Masters' Lodges , " & c , & c , and dedicated to Bro . WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN , P . S . G . D . England . London : GEORGE KENNING , 16 , Great Queen-st ., W . C .
Price Ss . MASONIC ORATIONS , by Bro . L . P . METHAM , P . G . D . Eng ., P . D . Prov . G . M Devon , __ c , delivered in Devon and Cornwall , from A . D . 1 S 66 , at the dedication of Masonic Halls , Consecration of Lodges and Chapters , Installations , & c . With an Introduction by Bro . WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN , P . G . D . Eng ., P . Prov . S . G . W . and G . Sec . Cornwall , & c , on Freemasonry in Devon and Cornwall , from A . D . 1732 to 18 S 9 . Edited by Bro . J CHAPMAN , P . M . 1402 , & c , P . Prov . G . D . Devon , Author of "The Great Pyramid and Freemasonry . " LonJjn : GSOAGE KENNING , I 6 , Great Queen-st ., W . C .
Price $ s . HISTORY OF THE APOLLO LODGE , YORK , in relation to Craft and Royal Arch Masonry ; vvith Brief Sketches of its Local Predecessors and Contemporaries ; the "Grand Lodge of All England" ( York Masons ); the Provincial Grand Lodge ; and various Lodges from 1705 to 1805 . By WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN , Author of " Origin of the English Rite of Freemasonry , " & c . With valuable Appendices . 1 ondon : GEORGE KENNING , 16 , Great Queen-st ., W . C .
Novo Ready . Price Is . Post Free , is . id . THE MASTER MASON'S HANDBOOK , by Bro . FRED . J . VV . CROWE , with an Introduction by _ ro . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D ., & c . The Master Mason's Handbook is a compendium of all information necessary to a knowledge of English Masonry , comprising—An Historical Sketch of Freemasonry—The Grand Lodge : Its Origin and Constitution—Private Lodges , Metropolitan and Provincial—Visiting Private Lodges-Titles , their uses and abbreviations—The Great Masonic Institutions—The " Higher " or additional Degrees , and how to obtain them . London : GEORGE _ KENNING , 16 , Great Queen-street , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Oration.
nd every g leam of comfort from his heart ? et them treat with contempt the conclusions of Mevvton , who esteemed the structure of the universe -o " comp lete a proof of the existence and Providence nf an Almighty , wise , and good Architect of Nature " that he " never pronounced the word God -without a
house : " Dl't be '' OURS to glory in the belief , in the thought , in the hope , in the power , and in the love of our own and our Nature ' s Guardian , God , feeling sure that a p lan must have a planner , a design a designer , and a world fearfully and wonderfully made must have had a maker who must rule that world .
He has made it , and thus vve conclude that as He has formed that world in wisdom , strength , and beautv , it is the truest progress to seek to do His will , and to feel that the true " Brotherhood of man " ( one of the stock phrases of the atheist ) , can only be founded on the Fatherhood- of God . Be it ours , brethren , whether vve
look to our present lot or oar future destiny , whether as Masons or men , to follow the precepts of the insp ired Prophet , " to do justly , to love mercy , and to walk humbly with our God , " and to echo with reverend and grateful hearts those words of the sweet Psalmist of Israel , the father
of our Grand Master Solomon , All Thy works praise Thee , O God , and Thy Saints give thanks unto Thee ; they shew the Glory of Thy kingdom and talk of Thy power ; that Thy power , Thy glory , and the mig htiness of Thy kingdom mi ght be known unto men , Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and Thy
dominion endurest throughout all ages . " And to the preacher's theoretical and empty progress let us say in well-known words on behalf of our united nations and our progressive race , the rulers vve honour are the people ' s choice—the laws vve reverence are our brave
fathers' legacy , the faith we follow teaches us to live in bonds of Charity with all mankind , and die with hope of bliss beyond the grave . Tell your " Progressists" this , and tell them , too , vve seek no change , and least of all such change as they would bring us .
St. Mungo Preceptory Of Knights Of Malta.
This body , which was onl y founded about a year ago bv some fratres of the St . Mungo Priory of Knights Templar , has thus far had a most successful career . On Saturday , the 28 th ult ., a very interesting and enjoyable function vvas held in St . Mark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , when Fratres Carruthers , Marshall ,
Richards , and Ruddock vvere dul y installed by the Venerable Preceptor , Frater Edward Macbean , assisted -b y Fratres D . R . Clark , M . A ., Captain . General ; John Foulds , Lieutenant-General ; W . S . Hunter , Chancellor ; and other officers . The ritual of this reli gious and Chivalric Order vvas rendered with
a precision and completeness that proclaim the energy and ability of those responsible for the rite , far surpassing anything hitherto attempted in Scotland . Five beautiful silk banners enhanced the appearance of the Chapter House , and elicited warm encomiums from the members , who congratulated Bro . James Marshall on
their production . The musical part of the service vvas under the direction of Frater Emile Berger , to whom the fratres , on the motion of the venerable Preceptor , accorded a presentation jewel in recognition of his continued kindness . Apologies for absence from several intending neophytes , and some routine business brought a very pleasant gathering to a conclusion .
Cyclorama. Of Jerusalem On The Day Of The Crucifixion.
Ihe subject of this Cyclorama , after the celebrated picture of Herr Bruno Piglhein , is closely associated with the present season , and the large number of visitors attracted by the splendid representation of the great event we are now about to commemorate clearl y TI ? h ° W the P llbl ' appreciate a genuine work of art . uetdiis
»> - 01 the picture have been carefully studied , < ncl ln the most vivid and realistic manner Oriental i'e and character are brought before the spectator . cr . H " Wlsh Hi - Priests , the Roman soldiers , the <> wds of common people , the group of women and fiples beneath the cross , the malefactors on either
¦ e ot the grand central figure of our Lord , must all seen to be fully apprec ' uted , as no description can ' justice to the marvellous reality with which the ms and surroundings of the first Good Friday are inter ' 1 T' riunter Bo > d S ives hlcid and _ _ v . tSUng - ectures at regular intervals during the day , ' ng evidentl y made himself thoroughly acouainted
m anv _ d . topo _ ra P hy OI ancient Jerusalem and the of ' cil 6 nt ° P lnioris of writers upon the actual site alont t ^' v " 6 exact route of the mourntul procession . ivef n Vla Crucls . other disputed points , he 1 ho ... " ^ " -considered reasons why the sites selected bv
inf 0 ' f - are P robab ' y correct . The lecture is full of event . t M a " d not the least interesting feature , at all Temnl , asons - is the description of King Solomon ' s "Pon its ' > th < J buildin g of Herod that now stands p * y a vi •' . We stron _ 1 y recommend the brethren to selv t 0 Y ork-street and see and hear for
them-Prtss Frer ) ? ? Wa , es > ' » o came to London vvith the Em-0 n VVedn . f _ nd J " _ l'ttr , returned to Sandringham hr : d . e ar . ; , / T- ' - ' * he same day the Duke of Cam-M . H ., is aU Ha " ' Where Bro ' Chr'stopher Sykes ,
Crystal Palace.
The Great Triennial Handel Festival will be held at the Crystal Palace in June next . The " Messiah " and " Israel in Egypt" will , as on former occasions , be performed on the first and third days , while the middle day will be devoted to a selection from other sacred and secular works of the great composer . Some old
favourites will be given , such , for instance , as choruses and airs from " Acis and Galatea , " " Jep hthah , " "Samson , " "Solomon , " Ac . Among the numbers given for the first time will be a sonata for orchestra , air for tenor , and two choruses from the 95 th Psalm , overtures to " Semele " and " Giustino , " a charming minuet from " Berenice , " and a graceful bourree from the celebrated
Water Music . Mr . W . T . Best , of Liverpool , will play the Fourth Organ Concerto in F . The chorus and orchestra will number 4000 , while the solo music will be entrusted to such eminent artists as Mesdames Albani , Nordica , Macintyre , Marian McKenzie , Belle Cole , Messrs . Edward Lloyd , Barton McGuckin , Brereton , Bridson , and Santley , the great musical army being under the generalship of Mr . August Manns .
The Theatres.
If at first you don t succeed try again has been practically carried out by Mr . H . Lee , who , after two failures at the Avenue , has a promise in Mr . Bronson Howard's comedy— "The Henrietta "—of some luck . On Saturday the audience received this play with warm approval on all sides . In this the author exposes the vice of gambling on the Stock Exchange . The scenes
are laid in New York . In America the comed y vvas received very favourably a few years ago . Whether the technicalities of Wall-street about " bulls and bears , " and the mysteries ot the telephone and the tape will be understood by a general audience is a question , but on Saturday everyone seemed to relish the vocabulary of stock operators . We take it that Mr . Howard had in his mind a well-known New York
millionaire financier when he wrote "The Henrietta , as the names of the chief character is good evidence to go by . The play , while it points a moral in its serious side , is well supplied with a number of comedy
scenes . Mr . Vanalstyne his two sons , the eldest is a partner in the stock broker ' s business and has his father ' s confidence , whilst the younger is looked upon by his parent as an idle scamp . But before the play ends the true character of each comes out and the
reverse is the case . 1 he elder son is proved to be a traitor to not onl y his father but a woman as well , and is so mean that he lays upon his younger brother his own delinquencies of honour . The revelation of his treachery is made known when he seeks to ruin his father by secretly " bearing " the market regarding
a mine called the Henrietta , ot vvhich his father is the possessor , in order that he may oust old Vanalstyne from his place as head of the Stock Exchange . ' The father having gone on a yachting trip , the son seizes the opportunity to bring his father ' s firm to bankruptcy . Here is the great scene of the play . The shares of
the Henrietta are steadily going down and a panic seems unavoidable , at the moment old Vanalstyne returns unexpectedly and discovers the traitor to be his own son , in whom he had trusted . Vanalstyne , jun ., having staked all is desperate , and whilst tbe tape instrument is clicking the rise in the shares owing
to the younger son having saved the firm , he falls out of his chair lifeless . This gruesome scene of the tick , tick of the telegraph in the presence of the corpse brings down the curtain upon a situation which caused deep applause amongst all sections of those in the auditorium . The play might well end at this—the third
act—for it is virtually over . A bye-play runs through the piece about Henrietta being a ballet girl , and the name of a filly , and thus causing unpleasantness between a pair of lovers . The acting is fairly good all round . standing out from the rest is the excellent representation of Mr . W . H . Vernon and Mr . Lewis Waller as Messrs . Vanalstyne , father and son . Messrs .
J . L . Shine and Yorke Stephens are not so well suited to their parts . Miss Fanny Brough , as usual , made quite a hit in a low comedy part , but Miss Florence West , Miss Marion Lea , and Miss M . Jocelyn scarcely helped the play . Mr . Bronson Howard received a vociferous call , vvhich he wisely responded to by merely coming forward and making a grateful bow without the inevitable speech .
* * * Bro . Edward Terry on Easter Monday revived one of his great successes , " The Rocket , " which Mr . Pinero wrote for him some eight years since , and became very popular at the Gaiety . As the Chevalier , Bro . Terry seems even better than before . As long as this
talented comedian is on the stage the fuu of the play never flags . The lessee is ably supported by the pretty Miss Eleanore Leyshon , Misses Sophie Larkin , Rose Dearing , and Adrienne Dairolles , and Messrs . R . Soutar , Ian Robertson , and H . V . Esmond . Many
will be glad to go to Terry s to refresh their memories vvith the humours of " The Rocket , " and there are numbers to whom Mr . Pinero ' s farcical comedy will be quite new . Another successful run may be expected , for " The Rocket . "
Death .
BARFIELD . —March 30 th , Sarah , the beloved wife of Asher Barfield , of 26 , Clarges-street , London , W ., and Maylings House , Fareham , Hants .
ASTHMA CURED , No matter of how long standing or how severe , by DR . SPENCER'S ASTHMA CURE . The beautifully illustrated book , fourth edition , entitled "ASTHMA : Its Treatment and Cure , " by that eminent authority , E . Edwin Spencer , M . A ., M . D ., & c , & c , gives plain , intelligent , and comprehensive information , vvhich meets every phase of Asthma , Catarrh , and Bronchiti-. It presents a course of treatment vvhich is instant in relieving , permanent in curing , safe , economical , and never-failing Sent post free on receipt of 3 d . by THE GEDDES MANUFACTURING COMPANY , 249 , High Holborn , London .
PILES . — " PILANTRA , " Pile Cure . Immediate relief and a permanent cure guaranteed . Sample Free . Postage 3 d . Address — THK GEDDES MANUFACTURING COMPANY , 149 , High Holborn . London .
NOW READY . PRICE 10 s . THOMAS DUNCKERLEY , HIS LIFE , LABOURS , AND LETTERS , INCLUDING SOME MASONIC AND NAVAL MEMORIALS Oh' THE ISTII CENTURY . By HENRY SADLER , AUTHOR OF "MASONIC FACTS AND FICTIONS , " With a Preface by WILLIAM HARRY RYLANDS , ESQ ., F . S . A . This Work contains numerous Letters , Extracts , & c , relating to Masonry in BRISTOL , DORSETSHIRE , ESSEX , GLOUCESTERSHIRE , HAMPSHIRE , HEREFORDSHIRE , THE ISLE OF WIGHT , SOMERSET , and WILTSIIIRK , of which Counties DUNCKERLEY was Prov . Grand Master ; also Portraits , reproduced by the autotype process , from rare mezzotint engravings in the British Museum of : — His Majesty King George II . of England ; Dunckerley ' s reputed father . H . R . H . Frederick Lewis , Prince of Wales , son of the above ; the First of the Royal Family vvho vvas made a Freemason . Thomas Dunckerley in Masonic regalia , vvith facsimile of his Autograph , Book-plate , Seals , & c . 340 Pages Demy Octavo , handsomely bound in cloth gilt , bevelled boards , red edges . London : GEORGE KENNING , 16 & IGAGL Queen-st ., W . C .
Price 7 s 6 d . A HANDY BOOK to the Study of the ENGRAVED , PRINTED , and MANUSCRIPT LISTS OF LODGES of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England ( "Moderns" and "Ancients" ) from 1723 to 1 S 14 , vvith an Appendix and Valuable Statistical Tables . By Bro . JOHN LANE , F . C . A ., P . M . 1402 , Past Senior Grand Warden of Iowa , Past Prov . Grand Registrar of Devonshire , 81 c , & c ., & c , Author of " Masonic Records , 1717-1886 , " "Masters' Lodges , " & c , & c , and dedicated to Bro . WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN , P . S . G . D . England . London : GEORGE KENNING , 16 , Great Queen-st ., W . C .
Price Ss . MASONIC ORATIONS , by Bro . L . P . METHAM , P . G . D . Eng ., P . D . Prov . G . M Devon , __ c , delivered in Devon and Cornwall , from A . D . 1 S 66 , at the dedication of Masonic Halls , Consecration of Lodges and Chapters , Installations , & c . With an Introduction by Bro . WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN , P . G . D . Eng ., P . Prov . S . G . W . and G . Sec . Cornwall , & c , on Freemasonry in Devon and Cornwall , from A . D . 1732 to 18 S 9 . Edited by Bro . J CHAPMAN , P . M . 1402 , & c , P . Prov . G . D . Devon , Author of "The Great Pyramid and Freemasonry . " LonJjn : GSOAGE KENNING , I 6 , Great Queen-st ., W . C .
Price $ s . HISTORY OF THE APOLLO LODGE , YORK , in relation to Craft and Royal Arch Masonry ; vvith Brief Sketches of its Local Predecessors and Contemporaries ; the "Grand Lodge of All England" ( York Masons ); the Provincial Grand Lodge ; and various Lodges from 1705 to 1805 . By WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN , Author of " Origin of the English Rite of Freemasonry , " & c . With valuable Appendices . 1 ondon : GEORGE KENNING , 16 , Great Queen-st ., W . C .
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