Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
nOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION j ^ FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . OKI- ICE—6 , FREEMASONS' HALL , W . C . GRAND PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF VVALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors nd Subscribers will be held in the LARGE HALL , FREEMASONS' TAA'ERN , Great Queen-street , Lincoln's Inn Fields London , on FRIDAY , the ioth day of APRIL , 1 S 91 , for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Institution . To receive the final report of the Provisional Management Committee . _ To consider notices of motion . To elect a Treasurer for the ensuing 12 months . To elect a Trustee of the Sustentation Fund in accordance with Law VII . To elect as members of the Council representing the Life and Annual Subscribers , 12 brethren not being Life Governors . To elect 30 Life Governors from a list of 35 candidates nominated at the Council held 7 th March , to act as a Board of Management . To elect 2 S Boys from an approved list of 45 Candidates . The Chair will be taken at Twelve o ' clock at noon precisely . The Ballot for the Election of Boys will be open at One o ' clock , or so soon as the general business of the Court shall have terminated , and will close at Three o'clock precisely . By order , J . MORRISON McLEOD , Secretary . London , March 25 th , 1891 . N . B . —Copy of the Agenda may be had on application to the Secretary , and will be handed to each qualified voter attending the Court . - The Ninety-Third Anniversary Festival will be held on the 24 th June , 1 S 91 , under the distinguished Presidency of the Right Hon . the EARL OK LATHOM , R . W . Deputy Grand Master and Prov . G . M . West Lancashire . The services of brethren as Stewards representing Lodges or Provinces are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged , the present exceptional requirements demanding exceptional support .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . INSTITUTED 1788 . CHIEF PATRONESS : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . ENTIRELY SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS . THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . C , ON TUESDAY , THE 12 th of MAY , UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PRESIDENCY OF THE RIGHT HON . LORD CARRINGTON , G . C . M . G ., M . W . Past Grand Master New South Wales , and R . W . Prov . Grand Master Bucks . Biethren willing to act as Stewards on the above important occasion , are urgently needed , and will greatly oblige by endln _ m their names as early as convenient . F . R . W . HEDGES , Office—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Secretary . Great Queen-street , W . C . , S ' ~ S the Cnail " man of the Festival is Past Grand Master of New South Wales , the Committee will ui 1 ^ 'S ^ ted to welcome all subscribing New South Wales Brethren , not only at the Institution on the 1 rue Day , Monday , nth May , but also at the 1 ' estival .
gRlTlSH ORPHAN ASYLUM , MACKENZIE PARK , SLOUGH . le 1 - ' lrectors have the pleasure to announce that MR . ALDERMAN DAVIS , J . P ., "as kindl y consented to preside at the ANNIVERSAR Y FESTIVAL , ... To take place at 1112 WHITEHALL ROOMS , HOTKI . METROPOLE , ON THURSDAY , 14 th MAY , 1 S 91 . '" timatl ' ^ " j ! to act as Stewards are requested to The r - deSlre t 0 the Secretary . committee earnestl y appeal for funds . ALFR . / M HEMING , B . D ., > Hon . CHAR ^ MACKENZIE , Esq ., \ Secretaries . Oflic ARLES T HOSKINS , Secretary . , Banbfr V 3 ish 0 Psgate-street Within , London , lane . crs ~ M essrs . Williams , Deacon & Co ., 20 , Birchin-
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . JOHNS' HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . INSTITUTED 17 SS . -- CHIEF PATRONESS .-HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . GRAND PATRON AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF VVALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . GRAND PATRONESS : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held in the Hall of FREEMASONS' TAVERN , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , on THURSDAY , gth April , 1 S 91 , at Twelve o'clock precisely , on the General Business of the Institution , and to elect 19 Girls into the School , from a list of 25 approved Candidates . The Election will commence at One o'clock , or after the usual business is over . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . 5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C ., April 2 nd , 1891 .
NEW VOLUME OF THE "FREEMASO N . " NOW READY , bound in cloth , lettered , price 9 s ., Vol . XXV . of "The Freemason . " London : GEORGE KENNING , 16 & i 6 A , Gt . Queen-st ., W . C .
SATURDAY , APRIL 4 , 1891 *— - —
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
It is officially announced that the Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held on Tuesday , the 12 th May , when Bro . Lord Carrington , Past M . W . G . M . of New South Wales , Prov . Grand Master nominate of Buckinghamshire , will preside as
Chairman . I he distribution of prizes will be made at the Institution , Battersea-rise , the day previous by Lady Carrington . It is also announced that out of compliment to the noble Chairman as Past M . W . G . M .
of the United Grand Lodge , all subscribing members of New South Wales lodges will be heartily welcomed by the Committee both to the Festival and on the day the prizes are distributed .
We call attention to the final report of the Provisional Management Committee , which vve publish in another column , and vvhich will be presented to the Governors and Subscribers at the Quarterly General Court , on Friday , the ioth inst . We think
our readers will come to the conclusion that it is about as satisfactory a report of its kind as could have been expected , though it is probable that the critics
who have made up their minds to be pleased with nothing that emanates from the Provisional Committee will find it too satisfactory to be quite agreeable . * * *
We also call attention to a letter from Bro . E . V . Greatbatch in our Correspondence columns . This deals summarily vvith the alarmists , and proves , but by a different line of argument from ours , that the Provisional Committee has laboured manfully at its task , and is not very far from having accomplished it successfully .
Seeing that the recent changes in the dates of the School elections will come into operation for the first time this spring , it will be as well if we remind our readers that the Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held at
Freemasons' Tavern on Thursday next , the 9 th inst ., when 19 girls will be elected into the School from an approved list of 25 . We have so recentl y drawn attention to the
more prominent circumstances connected with the several candidates that we need not reiterate them , but there are one or two matters of general policy to which we shall take the opportunity of referring .
* * * In the first place , among the 25 girl candidates there are no less than ei ght whose names will be removed Irom the list if they fail on this occasion to obtain places among the successful . These eight figure on the list as Nos . 1 , 4 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 13 , 15 , and 22 , and we
Masonic Notes.
appeal to all Governors and Subscribers , who are not already committed to the support of any particular candidate or candidates , to use all the influence in their power , and all the votes they are themselves entitled to , in securing the election of these children .
We are not personally interested in any one of them , but vve think that as this is their only chance of obtaining the benefits of the School of which they have been adjudged worthy , we are fully justified in making this special appeal in their behalf . Others
can wait , but these cannot ; and as , since the institution of a Petitions Committee , the number of candidates is certainly diminished , there is no reason whatever why , so long as this restriction of numbers continues , every child vvho is approved as a candidate should not be admitted into the Institution .
_ * v There is another point to vvhich we are desirous of calling attention . The number of candidates ( 25 ) and the number of vacancies to be filled ( 19 ) is so nearly on a level that it may possibly occur to some
Governor or Subscriber to propose that a ballot be dispensed vvith , and that the whole of the children be placed on the establishment . If such a resolution is proposed we hope it will be rejected . The School is already large enough for its means and the difficulties
in the way of raising the necessary funds . The Institution has just expended over . £ 30 , 000 in the enlargement of its premises and the erection of the Alexandra Hall . Moreover , it is only two years since that an addition of 20 girls vvas made to the School , and as
there is by no means an excess of candidates just now , there is absolutely no reason why a motion of the character we have indicated should be agreed to . There will , as matters stand now , be only six unsuccessful ,
and if the new cases placed on the list between now and July are not more numerous than the new cases on the present list , there is a likelihood that the vacancies and the candidates will be as nearly as possible equal in point of number .
The Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonid Institution for Boys will be held at Freemasons ' Tavern on Friday next , the 10 th inst ., when 28 vacancies will be filled from an approved list of 45 can . didates . Here the number of last cases is smaller , and
only five of the children will have , their names struck from the list in the event of their being unsuccessful . These are Nos . 2 , 4 , 19 , 28 , and 33 , and , as in the case of the girl candidates who are similarly situated , we trust that every effort will be made in order to secure
their election . In this Institution , also , since a Petitions Committee has been established , the number of candidates has been appreciably diminished , and though it is impossible to affirm that the diminution will be maintained , there is a chance that
something like an equality between the number of vacancies to be filled and the number of candidates competing for them will be arrived at . But be this as it may , other boys can wait a further six months , but the five we have enumerated cannot , and we therefore
appeal to all who have votes unpromised to spare to poll them on behalf of one or other of these five , so that not a single one of the number may be disappointed of benefits of vvhich , when his name vvas entered on the list , he has been adjudged to be worthy .
We are very gratified to inform our readers of the election , by ballot , of Bro . John Lane , F . C . A ., the welL known Masonic statistician , of Torquay , as one of the few honorary members of the Lodge of St . Jqhn the Baptist , No . 3 g , Exeter , on Thursday , the 26 th ult .
The members of this old lodge have honoured themselves in so doing , and we are glad to have such an opportunity of testifying our appreciation of Bro . Lane ' s services to the Craft , particularl y in relation to points , else but little known or understood concerning the history of Freemasonry .
On these grounds , the brethren at Exeter decided unanimously and heartily thus to compliment our worthy brother and valued correspondent , and coming
as it does just now , when he is laid aside by a serious illness , we hope it will cheer him to know how hi ghly his devotion to the Fraternity is valued by thc senior lodge in the West of England .
* * * Weare thankful to report that Bro . Lane is not onl y out of danger , but the serious symptoms having passed ,
he is now on a fair way to recovery , and we are but expressing the hope of thousands of the Brotherhood in saying how sincerely we shall rejoice when he can again resume his active duties .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
nOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION j ^ FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . OKI- ICE—6 , FREEMASONS' HALL , W . C . GRAND PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF VVALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors nd Subscribers will be held in the LARGE HALL , FREEMASONS' TAA'ERN , Great Queen-street , Lincoln's Inn Fields London , on FRIDAY , the ioth day of APRIL , 1 S 91 , for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Institution . To receive the final report of the Provisional Management Committee . _ To consider notices of motion . To elect a Treasurer for the ensuing 12 months . To elect a Trustee of the Sustentation Fund in accordance with Law VII . To elect as members of the Council representing the Life and Annual Subscribers , 12 brethren not being Life Governors . To elect 30 Life Governors from a list of 35 candidates nominated at the Council held 7 th March , to act as a Board of Management . To elect 2 S Boys from an approved list of 45 Candidates . The Chair will be taken at Twelve o ' clock at noon precisely . The Ballot for the Election of Boys will be open at One o ' clock , or so soon as the general business of the Court shall have terminated , and will close at Three o'clock precisely . By order , J . MORRISON McLEOD , Secretary . London , March 25 th , 1891 . N . B . —Copy of the Agenda may be had on application to the Secretary , and will be handed to each qualified voter attending the Court . - The Ninety-Third Anniversary Festival will be held on the 24 th June , 1 S 91 , under the distinguished Presidency of the Right Hon . the EARL OK LATHOM , R . W . Deputy Grand Master and Prov . G . M . West Lancashire . The services of brethren as Stewards representing Lodges or Provinces are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged , the present exceptional requirements demanding exceptional support .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . INSTITUTED 1788 . CHIEF PATRONESS : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . ENTIRELY SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS . THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . C , ON TUESDAY , THE 12 th of MAY , UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PRESIDENCY OF THE RIGHT HON . LORD CARRINGTON , G . C . M . G ., M . W . Past Grand Master New South Wales , and R . W . Prov . Grand Master Bucks . Biethren willing to act as Stewards on the above important occasion , are urgently needed , and will greatly oblige by endln _ m their names as early as convenient . F . R . W . HEDGES , Office—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Secretary . Great Queen-street , W . C . , S ' ~ S the Cnail " man of the Festival is Past Grand Master of New South Wales , the Committee will ui 1 ^ 'S ^ ted to welcome all subscribing New South Wales Brethren , not only at the Institution on the 1 rue Day , Monday , nth May , but also at the 1 ' estival .
gRlTlSH ORPHAN ASYLUM , MACKENZIE PARK , SLOUGH . le 1 - ' lrectors have the pleasure to announce that MR . ALDERMAN DAVIS , J . P ., "as kindl y consented to preside at the ANNIVERSAR Y FESTIVAL , ... To take place at 1112 WHITEHALL ROOMS , HOTKI . METROPOLE , ON THURSDAY , 14 th MAY , 1 S 91 . '" timatl ' ^ " j ! to act as Stewards are requested to The r - deSlre t 0 the Secretary . committee earnestl y appeal for funds . ALFR . / M HEMING , B . D ., > Hon . CHAR ^ MACKENZIE , Esq ., \ Secretaries . Oflic ARLES T HOSKINS , Secretary . , Banbfr V 3 ish 0 Psgate-street Within , London , lane . crs ~ M essrs . Williams , Deacon & Co ., 20 , Birchin-
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . JOHNS' HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . INSTITUTED 17 SS . -- CHIEF PATRONESS .-HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . GRAND PATRON AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF VVALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . GRAND PATRONESS : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held in the Hall of FREEMASONS' TAVERN , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , on THURSDAY , gth April , 1 S 91 , at Twelve o'clock precisely , on the General Business of the Institution , and to elect 19 Girls into the School , from a list of 25 approved Candidates . The Election will commence at One o'clock , or after the usual business is over . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . 5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C ., April 2 nd , 1891 .
NEW VOLUME OF THE "FREEMASO N . " NOW READY , bound in cloth , lettered , price 9 s ., Vol . XXV . of "The Freemason . " London : GEORGE KENNING , 16 & i 6 A , Gt . Queen-st ., W . C .
SATURDAY , APRIL 4 , 1891 *— - —
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
It is officially announced that the Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held on Tuesday , the 12 th May , when Bro . Lord Carrington , Past M . W . G . M . of New South Wales , Prov . Grand Master nominate of Buckinghamshire , will preside as
Chairman . I he distribution of prizes will be made at the Institution , Battersea-rise , the day previous by Lady Carrington . It is also announced that out of compliment to the noble Chairman as Past M . W . G . M .
of the United Grand Lodge , all subscribing members of New South Wales lodges will be heartily welcomed by the Committee both to the Festival and on the day the prizes are distributed .
We call attention to the final report of the Provisional Management Committee , which vve publish in another column , and vvhich will be presented to the Governors and Subscribers at the Quarterly General Court , on Friday , the ioth inst . We think
our readers will come to the conclusion that it is about as satisfactory a report of its kind as could have been expected , though it is probable that the critics
who have made up their minds to be pleased with nothing that emanates from the Provisional Committee will find it too satisfactory to be quite agreeable . * * *
We also call attention to a letter from Bro . E . V . Greatbatch in our Correspondence columns . This deals summarily vvith the alarmists , and proves , but by a different line of argument from ours , that the Provisional Committee has laboured manfully at its task , and is not very far from having accomplished it successfully .
Seeing that the recent changes in the dates of the School elections will come into operation for the first time this spring , it will be as well if we remind our readers that the Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held at
Freemasons' Tavern on Thursday next , the 9 th inst ., when 19 girls will be elected into the School from an approved list of 25 . We have so recentl y drawn attention to the
more prominent circumstances connected with the several candidates that we need not reiterate them , but there are one or two matters of general policy to which we shall take the opportunity of referring .
* * * In the first place , among the 25 girl candidates there are no less than ei ght whose names will be removed Irom the list if they fail on this occasion to obtain places among the successful . These eight figure on the list as Nos . 1 , 4 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 13 , 15 , and 22 , and we
Masonic Notes.
appeal to all Governors and Subscribers , who are not already committed to the support of any particular candidate or candidates , to use all the influence in their power , and all the votes they are themselves entitled to , in securing the election of these children .
We are not personally interested in any one of them , but vve think that as this is their only chance of obtaining the benefits of the School of which they have been adjudged worthy , we are fully justified in making this special appeal in their behalf . Others
can wait , but these cannot ; and as , since the institution of a Petitions Committee , the number of candidates is certainly diminished , there is no reason whatever why , so long as this restriction of numbers continues , every child vvho is approved as a candidate should not be admitted into the Institution .
_ * v There is another point to vvhich we are desirous of calling attention . The number of candidates ( 25 ) and the number of vacancies to be filled ( 19 ) is so nearly on a level that it may possibly occur to some
Governor or Subscriber to propose that a ballot be dispensed vvith , and that the whole of the children be placed on the establishment . If such a resolution is proposed we hope it will be rejected . The School is already large enough for its means and the difficulties
in the way of raising the necessary funds . The Institution has just expended over . £ 30 , 000 in the enlargement of its premises and the erection of the Alexandra Hall . Moreover , it is only two years since that an addition of 20 girls vvas made to the School , and as
there is by no means an excess of candidates just now , there is absolutely no reason why a motion of the character we have indicated should be agreed to . There will , as matters stand now , be only six unsuccessful ,
and if the new cases placed on the list between now and July are not more numerous than the new cases on the present list , there is a likelihood that the vacancies and the candidates will be as nearly as possible equal in point of number .
The Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonid Institution for Boys will be held at Freemasons ' Tavern on Friday next , the 10 th inst ., when 28 vacancies will be filled from an approved list of 45 can . didates . Here the number of last cases is smaller , and
only five of the children will have , their names struck from the list in the event of their being unsuccessful . These are Nos . 2 , 4 , 19 , 28 , and 33 , and , as in the case of the girl candidates who are similarly situated , we trust that every effort will be made in order to secure
their election . In this Institution , also , since a Petitions Committee has been established , the number of candidates has been appreciably diminished , and though it is impossible to affirm that the diminution will be maintained , there is a chance that
something like an equality between the number of vacancies to be filled and the number of candidates competing for them will be arrived at . But be this as it may , other boys can wait a further six months , but the five we have enumerated cannot , and we therefore
appeal to all who have votes unpromised to spare to poll them on behalf of one or other of these five , so that not a single one of the number may be disappointed of benefits of vvhich , when his name vvas entered on the list , he has been adjudged to be worthy .
We are very gratified to inform our readers of the election , by ballot , of Bro . John Lane , F . C . A ., the welL known Masonic statistician , of Torquay , as one of the few honorary members of the Lodge of St . Jqhn the Baptist , No . 3 g , Exeter , on Thursday , the 26 th ult .
The members of this old lodge have honoured themselves in so doing , and we are glad to have such an opportunity of testifying our appreciation of Bro . Lane ' s services to the Craft , particularl y in relation to points , else but little known or understood concerning the history of Freemasonry .
On these grounds , the brethren at Exeter decided unanimously and heartily thus to compliment our worthy brother and valued correspondent , and coming
as it does just now , when he is laid aside by a serious illness , we hope it will cheer him to know how hi ghly his devotion to the Fraternity is valued by thc senior lodge in the West of England .
* * * Weare thankful to report that Bro . Lane is not onl y out of danger , but the serious symptoms having passed ,
he is now on a fair way to recovery , and we are but expressing the hope of thousands of the Brotherhood in saying how sincerely we shall rejoice when he can again resume his active duties .