Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
The Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will hold their next monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday next , the Sth instant , at 4 p . m . The regular monthly meeting of the Council ( General
Committee ) of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will be held at Freemasons' Hall to-morrow ( Saturday ) afternoon at 3 p . m . On account of failing health , Bro . the Rev . J . Jackson Wray has resigned the pastorate of the Whitfield Tabernacle , Tottenham Court-road .
Bro . the Duke and the Duchess of Abereorn embarked on Friday , the 27 th ult ., at Dartmouth , on board the Roslin Castle for an excursion to Teneriffe . We are glad to hear that Bro . the Archbishop of York , vvho had been suffering from a severe cold , has sufficiently recovered to be able to resume his official work-, which is just now very onerous .
lt has been officially intimated to the Mayor of Derby that her Majesty will visit that town on Thursday , the 21 st May , for the purpose of laying the foundation-stone of the new Derbyshire Infirmary , vvhich is about to be erected at a cost of , £ 74 , 000 . Bro . Fred J . Homiman , of Wormwood-street , has just erected at Shrewsbury , entirely at his own cost , a handsome cabman's shelter . The inaugural ceremony took place on Monday , the 23 rd ult ., when the Mayor of the borough formally opened the shelter .
Saturday last vvas the seventh anniversary of the death of the Duke of Albany , the sad event occurring at Cannes on the 28 th March , 1 SS 4 . The Queen and the Duchess of Albany inspected the various memorials to the late Prince on the day in question .
The funeral of the late Lord Albert Charles Seymour , brother of Bro . the Marquis of Hertford , took place on Saturday last , the remains being interred in the parish churchyard of Arrow , near Alcester . Bro . the Marquis of Hertford vvas one of the mourners .
Bro . ex-Sheriff Harris has loaned to the Corporation , for exhibition in the Guildhall Library , his unique collection of war medals , mostly British . Amongst the number is a very rare medal , viz ., one of those given by George III . in 1814 , to North American Indian Chiefs "for loyalty and military service . "
The preparations for the opening of the Royal Naval Exhibition are making great progress , and it is hoped that all will be in readiness by the 2 nd May , the day appointed for the ceremony to take place . The profits are to be devoted to naval charities , and it is hoped that the Prince of Wales , if not the Queen , will preside at the inauguration .
For the first time for 160 years the distribution of the Royal Maundy took place within the precincts of Westminster Abbey . The distribution was made on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., and vvas carried out in the usual manner under the personal direction of the Lord High Almoner . A detachment of the Yeomen of the Guard was on duty on the occasion .
Bro . William Salmon , of Penllyne Court , Cowbridge , Glamorganshire , vvas 101 years of age last week , having been born in the parish of Wickham Market , Suffolk , on March 16 th , 1790 . Bro . Salmon is a J . P . and D . L . of Glamorganshire , is said to be the oldest Freemason in the kingdom , and is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons .
The Prov . Grand Master of East Lancashire , Bro . Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , has appointed Wednesday , the Oth day of May next , as the day on vvhich he will hold his Provincial Grand Lodge at Bolton . The Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened at 2 . 30 p . m . prompt , in the Baths Assembly Rooms , Lower Bridgman-street . The banquet will be held in the Town Hall .
The new Lyceum Theatre at Ipswich was opened on Saturday last , Mr . A . W . Pinero ' s comedy , "In Chancery , " being performed by Bro . Edward ' Terry and his company before a crowded house , while Mrs . Keeley , vvho was horn in Ipswich in 1 S 06 , and made her first appearance in 1824 , when Miss Goward , in that town , vvas present , and recited some lines composed for the occasion , to the great delight of the audience .
Early this month the Prov . Grand Master of Cheshire , Bro . Lord Egerton of Tatton , will consecrate the Avondale Lodge , No . 23 S 9 , at the Town Hall , Middlewich . This will make the number of lodges in Cheshire 44 . The first W . M . of the new lodge will be Bro . John Plant , Bro . R . S . Cross , S . W ., and Bro . Peter Hancock , J . W . His lordship will be assisted by Bros . Sir Horatio Lloyd , D . P . G . M ., James Salmon , P . S . G . W ., and J . Clayton P . J . G . W ., and other Provincial Grand officers .
The approaching visit of the Queen to Derby is exciting a great deal of interest in the town and neighbourhood , and preparations are already beingarranged to give her Majesty a right loyal reception . It will be the fourth time she has visited the town , the first occasion being in August , 1 S 32 ,
when as Princess Victoria she passed through it , in company vvith her mother , the late Duchess of Kent , on her way to Chatsworth . Her second . visit was in 18 45 , when she was accompanied by the Prince Consort , and was again bound for the same seat , and her third four years later , when en route for Scotland .
In Monarchical countries , especially , the expulsion of Freemasons for not approving of Republican institutions , is a step vvhich can meet with but a very limited approval , and it characterises the wide difference which separates French Freemasonry from that of other European nations . A product of the Revolution , and coincident vvith the
emancipation of the Jews , the influence of Freemasonry in France has been mainly in the hands of persons whose interests are of a financial character . Power , when wielded by this class , is apt to be wrongly applied . It has been exercised on this occasion in a manner which most Freemasons will repudiate . —Momintr Post .
Masonic And General Tidings
The annual Amateur Art Exhibition in aid of the Parochial Mission Women Fund and the Working Ladies' Guild , will be held towards the end of May at Bath House , Piccadilly , by the kind permission of Bro . and Mrs . Henry Brassey . The annual convocation of the Metropolitan College of the Rosicrucian Society will be held at the Mark Masons ' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C , on Thursday , the 9 th inst ., at 5 p . mT ' W . Fra . Rev . Dr . T . W . Lemon will read a contribution nn " Rosicrucianism . "
The Clothworkcrs' Company have given 1 , and the Salters' Company , £ 5 5 s . to the Day Home Society for the children of the Widowed Poor , and the Leathersellers ' Company £$ 5 s . to the London Commercial Travellers ' Benevolent Society .
We remind our readers that Bro . James Stevens will deliver a lecture on the ritual and ceremonial of Symbolic Freemasonry this ( Friday ) evening , in the Priory Lodge of Instruction , No . 1000 , at the Middleton Hall , Southendon-Sea , at 7 . 30 p . m .
The 21 st annual ball in aid of the Metropolitan and City Police Orphanage will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday next , the gth inst ., under the patronage of Bro . Lord Mayor Savory and the Lady Mayoress , the Sheriffs , and the police authorities .
The Duke of Cambridge , after his prolonged visit to Malta , Egypt , & c , & c , has returned to England , having arrived at Dover on Sunday nig ht . On Monday his Royal Hi g hness witnessed the Volunteer Manoeuvres , and the following day he resumed his official duties at the War Office .
Fully 20 , 000 visitors were present at the Crystal Palace on Good Friday to hear the grand concert provided as usual on that day for the delectation of the public . The programme vvas an admirable one , and the principal members vvere enthusiastically applauded .
Handel ' s " Messiah" was given by the Royal Choral Society in the Royal Albert Hall on Good Friday , a vast audience being present and loudly applauding the efforts of the principal singers , but especially those of Madame Albani , who took the soprano music .
" Mrs . Kean , " writes Miss Terry , in the New Review , " was my principal mistress in the most difficult art of clear articulation . 'A , E , I , O , U , my dear , ' she used to say , ' are five distinct vowels , but don't mix them all up together as if you vvere making a pudding . If you want to say " I am going on the river , " say it plainly , and don ' t tell us you are going on the rivah . ' "
Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein and their daughters have been spending Easter at Cumberland Lodge . The children of Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg will shortly leave England for the Continent . While the Empress Frederick and the Princess Margaret of Prussia , on concluding their visit to this country , will go to Homburg .
Bro . James Terry , P . G . S . B ., and Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , will perform the ceremonies of consecration and installation in the Hornsey Lodge of Instruction , No . 890 , at 7 p . m . on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., at the Lewisham Masonic Rooms , VVhite Hart Hotel , Highstreet , Lewisham , S . E . A large gathering of the Cralt is anticipated . Brethren are to attend in morning dress with Craft clothing .
There has been much comment in Roman Catholic circles in New York , regarding the fact that Father Sherman , a Roman Catholic priest adminstered the Last Sacraments to Lawrence Barrett , notwithstanding the fact that he was a Fret mason , and , therefore , not entitled to receive them . Father Sherman replies that Archbishop Corrigan consented to his administering the Sacraments to the dying actor , on condition that there should be no Masonic rites at the funeral .
The foundation-stone of a new Masonic Hall was laid on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., at Wallsend . The new structure , vvhich when completed will form a distinguishing feature of this growing mid-Tyne town , is a combination of the Elizabethan and Oueen Anne styles of architecture . Bro .
Mr M . YV . Ridley , dart ., M . P ., performed the foundationstone laying ceremony . Bro . W . Hope , of North Shields and Newcastle , is the architect , and Bro . VV . T . Wear , of Howdon , has been entrusted with the contract for the erection of the edifice .
M . W . Bro . J . Ross Robeitson , Grand Master of Masons in Canada , has just added another gem to his Masonic crown by the magnificent gift of * io , ooo to the Lakeside Home , Toronto . This gift will be a perennial source of beneficence to the little children for whom the home is provided . Bro . Robertson is a personal sun in our Masonic
system , and we pray that the brilliancy of his virtues and noble deeds may bring warmth and life to the hearts of many brethren blessed with abundance of wealth , and ttut we shall live to see the precious fruits of such revivification in numerous homes for neglected children . —American Tyler .
I he annual meeting ot the shareholders of the Portsmouth Freemasons' Hall and Club Company was held on Tuesday , the 24 th ult . Bro . H . Croucncr , I . C , presided , and mo . ed the adoption of the report and balance-sheet , whicli were regarded in a satisfactory light , a dividend of live per cent , being declared . Bro . VV . Allies seconded , and the resolution was passed unanimously . The retiring
directors ( Bros . George Farney Brown , I . C , James VV . Willmott , and George Frampton ) and the retiring Auditors ( Bros . T . Pratt Wills and T . H . Casey ) vvere unanimousl y re-elected . A vote of thanks to the Chairman and directors for their services to the Committee was submitted by Bro . Beale , T . C ., seconded by Bro . Johnson , and passed , and on the motion of Bro . Miles , seconded by Bro . Willmott
a similar compliment was paid the Secretary for the admirable manner in which he discharged the duties of his office . HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS—Abscesses , Erysipelas , Piles . —Unvarying success attends all who treat tluse' diseases according to the simple printed di-cctions wrapped round each pot and box . Tney are invalua le to the young and timid , whose bashfiilness sometimes endangers life . Though apparently local , diseases of this nature essentiall
are y blood eiseases , but a litt e attention moderate perseverance , and trilling expense will enable the most didident to conduct any eise ton happy issue without exposing secret iulirmities to any one . I he Ointment checks the local in-( lamination and alleviates the throbbing pains . These directions also clearly point out when and how Holloway's Pills are to be taken , that tlieir purifying and regulating powers may assist by adjusting and strengthening the constitution .
Masonic And General Tidings
Second-class fares were abolished on the Manchester Sheffield , and Lincoln Railway from Tuesday last , excenf locally between Manchester and the neighbouring towns The first-class fares have been reduced to a uniform rate of 1 Vd . per mile .
The Duke of Cambridge , the Princess Mary Duchess and the Duke of Teck , and the Princess Victoria of Teck , have signified their intention of being present at the Mili ' Tableaux which will be given at the Royal Military 1 Academy on the 16 th and 17 th instant . j
Bro . Earl of Amherst , Provincial Grand Master of l < who vvas formerly an officer of the Coldstream Guards , ani ) wears the Crimean medal and clasps for his services at Ralaclava , Inkerman ( severely wounded ) , and Sebastopol vvas 55 years of age on Thursday , the 26 th ult . '
The Grand Master of Maine has recommended that ths 1 Grand Lodge of that jurisdiction purchase a sufficient 1 number of phonographs to supply each lodge vvith one •' These are to be filled by the Grand Lecturer , and thus nni _ formity of work assured throughout the jurisdiction ? So j says the Freemason ' s Journal . Can it be true : ~ Key . 1 stone . .
Bro . C . Edgar Towell , S . W . Doric Lodge , No . 2359 , pre . sided at a meeting of the Conservative Club at Moss Side > on the 25 th ult ., when Mr . VV . J . P . Benson delivered an 1 interesting lecture , entitled " At Home and Abroad , " illus- trated by limelight views . The lecture gave great pleasure 5 to all vvho had the privilege of being present . )
We regret to have to announce the death of Bro . Hubert ' , Joseph Leeuw , P . M . and Treasurer for many years of the Beadon Lodge , No . 619 . The melancholy event occurred i on Monday last at the worthy brother ' s residence , 28 , \ Winslade-road , Brixton . He vvas 5 6 years of age . The j funeral will take place to-morrow ( Saturday ) , at the \ Roman Catholic Cemetery , Leytonstone , at 12 . 30 .
Bro . Lord Mayor Savory received the Christ ' s Hospital boys at the Mansion House on Tuesday , and distributed among them the usual Easter gift of a guinea to each ' grecian , half a guinea to each probationer , half a crown to each monitor , and a shilling to each of the rank and file . His lordship afterwards attended divine service at Christ Church , Newgate-street , when the annual ' •Spital " sermon was preached by the Bishop of Ripon .
On Thursday , the 26 th ult ., the members of the Craigellachie Lodge ( No . 241 , S . C ) , had the honour of receiving a visit of Bros . Major Johnston of Newmill , Grand Master , and of Colonel Culbard , Depute-Master of the Province of Moray . A special meeting to receive these representatives of the Provincial Grand Lodge vvas held , when Bro . Alexander Macphcrson , R . W . M ., presided , and there was a large attendance of brethren .
Bro . Joseph Greenway , of the Harrow Lodge , No . 1310 , vvas unanimously elected Preceptor of the Manchester Lodgeof Instruction , No . 179 , last week . The Zealand energy of Bro . Greenway for the welfare of the Craftis shown by the fact that he is also Preceptor of the Covent Garden and Emblematic Lodges of Instruction , meeting at the Criterion and bt . James ' s Hall Restaurant , Piccadilly , and member of the Board of Preceptors of the Queen's Westminster Lodge .
I he Grand Master of Alabama has very properly decided that ihe Alasonic ceremonies should not be pertormed in the laying of the corner-stone of a factory , storehouse , warehouse , office building , depot building , hotel , mill house , dwelling house , storage house , market house , machine
shop , or other building of any and every description owned by private individuals , corporations , companies , societies , or other organisations , and intended for private uses and purposes , or for gain and profit to such private individuals , corporations , companies , societies , or other organisations . — Kcvstone .
I hough the weather vvas bitterly cold there was plenty of sunshine , ancl the holiday folk were not slow to avail themselves of the opportunity afforded them on Easter Monday of visiting the principal holiday resorts in and around the A'letropulis . It is estimated that Hampstead Heath was visited during the day by fully 100 , 000 people , while Epping Forest and the other open spaces were
thronged in . similar tashion . The Zoological Gardens were visited by close on 2 S , ooo , and the Natural History Museum , South Kensington , by over 10 , 700 ; while Madams Tu-siud ' s attracted 31 , 000 to inspect its treasures , and thi Crystal Palace over 75 , 000 . The railways also did a large excursion traffic , so that Bank Holidxy appears to have been a great success all round .
We regret to announce the death of Bro . Earl Granville , who expired on Monday , at 14 , South Audley-street , the town icsidence ot his brother , iiro . the Hon . F . Leveson-Gower . His lordship was born on the 1 ith May , 1 S 15 , and was , therefore , on the point of completing his 7 6 th yeaf-He had been a prominent figure in the political world for more than half a century , and had thrice occupied the
important post ot Secretary ot State for Foreign Affairs . He was initiated into Freemasonry in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 , Oxford , in the year 1 S 33 , when he was a student at Liirist i _ hurch , but he never seems to have taken an active part in its doings . Indeed , his life was too busy a one to admit of his having time to devote to lig hter pursuits .
The death on Monday is announced of Bro . Ed . vin l ' - xi founder of the firm ot Edwin Fox and Bousfield . fj r 0 : Fox vvas born in the year 1820 , educated at the Philolog lca School , and , after having been articled to an estate agent at the West-End , commenced business as an auctioneer and surveyor in Coleman-street , being soon afterwards joined by Mr . Bousfield , and the firm was further augeldest
mented 15 years ago by the accession of Bro . Fox ' s son as a partner . Outside the extensive business his hrm carried on , Bro . Fox paid considerable attention in y past to military pursuits , interesting himself deeply m tn Volunteer movement in its early days , and receiving '" Queen ' s commission as Captain of the Honourable Arnl ' j Company . He retired from active service some i 5 >' f *
ago . He was chairman of the Grand Junction J ™ a works Company , and a director of the Accident and ow assurance and water companies . Bro . Fox died at residence , Heatham House , Twickenham , of inflamma"' ^ of the lungs , after less than a week ' s illness , and k ^^ iy widow and four sons to mourn his loss , vvhich will be _ e felt by a large circle of friends .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
The Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will hold their next monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday next , the Sth instant , at 4 p . m . The regular monthly meeting of the Council ( General
Committee ) of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will be held at Freemasons' Hall to-morrow ( Saturday ) afternoon at 3 p . m . On account of failing health , Bro . the Rev . J . Jackson Wray has resigned the pastorate of the Whitfield Tabernacle , Tottenham Court-road .
Bro . the Duke and the Duchess of Abereorn embarked on Friday , the 27 th ult ., at Dartmouth , on board the Roslin Castle for an excursion to Teneriffe . We are glad to hear that Bro . the Archbishop of York , vvho had been suffering from a severe cold , has sufficiently recovered to be able to resume his official work-, which is just now very onerous .
lt has been officially intimated to the Mayor of Derby that her Majesty will visit that town on Thursday , the 21 st May , for the purpose of laying the foundation-stone of the new Derbyshire Infirmary , vvhich is about to be erected at a cost of , £ 74 , 000 . Bro . Fred J . Homiman , of Wormwood-street , has just erected at Shrewsbury , entirely at his own cost , a handsome cabman's shelter . The inaugural ceremony took place on Monday , the 23 rd ult ., when the Mayor of the borough formally opened the shelter .
Saturday last vvas the seventh anniversary of the death of the Duke of Albany , the sad event occurring at Cannes on the 28 th March , 1 SS 4 . The Queen and the Duchess of Albany inspected the various memorials to the late Prince on the day in question .
The funeral of the late Lord Albert Charles Seymour , brother of Bro . the Marquis of Hertford , took place on Saturday last , the remains being interred in the parish churchyard of Arrow , near Alcester . Bro . the Marquis of Hertford vvas one of the mourners .
Bro . ex-Sheriff Harris has loaned to the Corporation , for exhibition in the Guildhall Library , his unique collection of war medals , mostly British . Amongst the number is a very rare medal , viz ., one of those given by George III . in 1814 , to North American Indian Chiefs "for loyalty and military service . "
The preparations for the opening of the Royal Naval Exhibition are making great progress , and it is hoped that all will be in readiness by the 2 nd May , the day appointed for the ceremony to take place . The profits are to be devoted to naval charities , and it is hoped that the Prince of Wales , if not the Queen , will preside at the inauguration .
For the first time for 160 years the distribution of the Royal Maundy took place within the precincts of Westminster Abbey . The distribution was made on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., and vvas carried out in the usual manner under the personal direction of the Lord High Almoner . A detachment of the Yeomen of the Guard was on duty on the occasion .
Bro . William Salmon , of Penllyne Court , Cowbridge , Glamorganshire , vvas 101 years of age last week , having been born in the parish of Wickham Market , Suffolk , on March 16 th , 1790 . Bro . Salmon is a J . P . and D . L . of Glamorganshire , is said to be the oldest Freemason in the kingdom , and is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons .
The Prov . Grand Master of East Lancashire , Bro . Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , has appointed Wednesday , the Oth day of May next , as the day on vvhich he will hold his Provincial Grand Lodge at Bolton . The Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened at 2 . 30 p . m . prompt , in the Baths Assembly Rooms , Lower Bridgman-street . The banquet will be held in the Town Hall .
The new Lyceum Theatre at Ipswich was opened on Saturday last , Mr . A . W . Pinero ' s comedy , "In Chancery , " being performed by Bro . Edward ' Terry and his company before a crowded house , while Mrs . Keeley , vvho was horn in Ipswich in 1 S 06 , and made her first appearance in 1824 , when Miss Goward , in that town , vvas present , and recited some lines composed for the occasion , to the great delight of the audience .
Early this month the Prov . Grand Master of Cheshire , Bro . Lord Egerton of Tatton , will consecrate the Avondale Lodge , No . 23 S 9 , at the Town Hall , Middlewich . This will make the number of lodges in Cheshire 44 . The first W . M . of the new lodge will be Bro . John Plant , Bro . R . S . Cross , S . W ., and Bro . Peter Hancock , J . W . His lordship will be assisted by Bros . Sir Horatio Lloyd , D . P . G . M ., James Salmon , P . S . G . W ., and J . Clayton P . J . G . W ., and other Provincial Grand officers .
The approaching visit of the Queen to Derby is exciting a great deal of interest in the town and neighbourhood , and preparations are already beingarranged to give her Majesty a right loyal reception . It will be the fourth time she has visited the town , the first occasion being in August , 1 S 32 ,
when as Princess Victoria she passed through it , in company vvith her mother , the late Duchess of Kent , on her way to Chatsworth . Her second . visit was in 18 45 , when she was accompanied by the Prince Consort , and was again bound for the same seat , and her third four years later , when en route for Scotland .
In Monarchical countries , especially , the expulsion of Freemasons for not approving of Republican institutions , is a step vvhich can meet with but a very limited approval , and it characterises the wide difference which separates French Freemasonry from that of other European nations . A product of the Revolution , and coincident vvith the
emancipation of the Jews , the influence of Freemasonry in France has been mainly in the hands of persons whose interests are of a financial character . Power , when wielded by this class , is apt to be wrongly applied . It has been exercised on this occasion in a manner which most Freemasons will repudiate . —Momintr Post .
Masonic And General Tidings
The annual Amateur Art Exhibition in aid of the Parochial Mission Women Fund and the Working Ladies' Guild , will be held towards the end of May at Bath House , Piccadilly , by the kind permission of Bro . and Mrs . Henry Brassey . The annual convocation of the Metropolitan College of the Rosicrucian Society will be held at the Mark Masons ' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C , on Thursday , the 9 th inst ., at 5 p . mT ' W . Fra . Rev . Dr . T . W . Lemon will read a contribution nn " Rosicrucianism . "
The Clothworkcrs' Company have given 1 , and the Salters' Company , £ 5 5 s . to the Day Home Society for the children of the Widowed Poor , and the Leathersellers ' Company £$ 5 s . to the London Commercial Travellers ' Benevolent Society .
We remind our readers that Bro . James Stevens will deliver a lecture on the ritual and ceremonial of Symbolic Freemasonry this ( Friday ) evening , in the Priory Lodge of Instruction , No . 1000 , at the Middleton Hall , Southendon-Sea , at 7 . 30 p . m .
The 21 st annual ball in aid of the Metropolitan and City Police Orphanage will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday next , the gth inst ., under the patronage of Bro . Lord Mayor Savory and the Lady Mayoress , the Sheriffs , and the police authorities .
The Duke of Cambridge , after his prolonged visit to Malta , Egypt , & c , & c , has returned to England , having arrived at Dover on Sunday nig ht . On Monday his Royal Hi g hness witnessed the Volunteer Manoeuvres , and the following day he resumed his official duties at the War Office .
Fully 20 , 000 visitors were present at the Crystal Palace on Good Friday to hear the grand concert provided as usual on that day for the delectation of the public . The programme vvas an admirable one , and the principal members vvere enthusiastically applauded .
Handel ' s " Messiah" was given by the Royal Choral Society in the Royal Albert Hall on Good Friday , a vast audience being present and loudly applauding the efforts of the principal singers , but especially those of Madame Albani , who took the soprano music .
" Mrs . Kean , " writes Miss Terry , in the New Review , " was my principal mistress in the most difficult art of clear articulation . 'A , E , I , O , U , my dear , ' she used to say , ' are five distinct vowels , but don't mix them all up together as if you vvere making a pudding . If you want to say " I am going on the river , " say it plainly , and don ' t tell us you are going on the rivah . ' "
Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein and their daughters have been spending Easter at Cumberland Lodge . The children of Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg will shortly leave England for the Continent . While the Empress Frederick and the Princess Margaret of Prussia , on concluding their visit to this country , will go to Homburg .
Bro . James Terry , P . G . S . B ., and Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , will perform the ceremonies of consecration and installation in the Hornsey Lodge of Instruction , No . 890 , at 7 p . m . on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., at the Lewisham Masonic Rooms , VVhite Hart Hotel , Highstreet , Lewisham , S . E . A large gathering of the Cralt is anticipated . Brethren are to attend in morning dress with Craft clothing .
There has been much comment in Roman Catholic circles in New York , regarding the fact that Father Sherman , a Roman Catholic priest adminstered the Last Sacraments to Lawrence Barrett , notwithstanding the fact that he was a Fret mason , and , therefore , not entitled to receive them . Father Sherman replies that Archbishop Corrigan consented to his administering the Sacraments to the dying actor , on condition that there should be no Masonic rites at the funeral .
The foundation-stone of a new Masonic Hall was laid on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., at Wallsend . The new structure , vvhich when completed will form a distinguishing feature of this growing mid-Tyne town , is a combination of the Elizabethan and Oueen Anne styles of architecture . Bro .
Mr M . YV . Ridley , dart ., M . P ., performed the foundationstone laying ceremony . Bro . W . Hope , of North Shields and Newcastle , is the architect , and Bro . VV . T . Wear , of Howdon , has been entrusted with the contract for the erection of the edifice .
M . W . Bro . J . Ross Robeitson , Grand Master of Masons in Canada , has just added another gem to his Masonic crown by the magnificent gift of * io , ooo to the Lakeside Home , Toronto . This gift will be a perennial source of beneficence to the little children for whom the home is provided . Bro . Robertson is a personal sun in our Masonic
system , and we pray that the brilliancy of his virtues and noble deeds may bring warmth and life to the hearts of many brethren blessed with abundance of wealth , and ttut we shall live to see the precious fruits of such revivification in numerous homes for neglected children . —American Tyler .
I he annual meeting ot the shareholders of the Portsmouth Freemasons' Hall and Club Company was held on Tuesday , the 24 th ult . Bro . H . Croucncr , I . C , presided , and mo . ed the adoption of the report and balance-sheet , whicli were regarded in a satisfactory light , a dividend of live per cent , being declared . Bro . VV . Allies seconded , and the resolution was passed unanimously . The retiring
directors ( Bros . George Farney Brown , I . C , James VV . Willmott , and George Frampton ) and the retiring Auditors ( Bros . T . Pratt Wills and T . H . Casey ) vvere unanimousl y re-elected . A vote of thanks to the Chairman and directors for their services to the Committee was submitted by Bro . Beale , T . C ., seconded by Bro . Johnson , and passed , and on the motion of Bro . Miles , seconded by Bro . Willmott
a similar compliment was paid the Secretary for the admirable manner in which he discharged the duties of his office . HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS—Abscesses , Erysipelas , Piles . —Unvarying success attends all who treat tluse' diseases according to the simple printed di-cctions wrapped round each pot and box . Tney are invalua le to the young and timid , whose bashfiilness sometimes endangers life . Though apparently local , diseases of this nature essentiall
are y blood eiseases , but a litt e attention moderate perseverance , and trilling expense will enable the most didident to conduct any eise ton happy issue without exposing secret iulirmities to any one . I he Ointment checks the local in-( lamination and alleviates the throbbing pains . These directions also clearly point out when and how Holloway's Pills are to be taken , that tlieir purifying and regulating powers may assist by adjusting and strengthening the constitution .
Masonic And General Tidings
Second-class fares were abolished on the Manchester Sheffield , and Lincoln Railway from Tuesday last , excenf locally between Manchester and the neighbouring towns The first-class fares have been reduced to a uniform rate of 1 Vd . per mile .
The Duke of Cambridge , the Princess Mary Duchess and the Duke of Teck , and the Princess Victoria of Teck , have signified their intention of being present at the Mili ' Tableaux which will be given at the Royal Military 1 Academy on the 16 th and 17 th instant . j
Bro . Earl of Amherst , Provincial Grand Master of l < who vvas formerly an officer of the Coldstream Guards , ani ) wears the Crimean medal and clasps for his services at Ralaclava , Inkerman ( severely wounded ) , and Sebastopol vvas 55 years of age on Thursday , the 26 th ult . '
The Grand Master of Maine has recommended that ths 1 Grand Lodge of that jurisdiction purchase a sufficient 1 number of phonographs to supply each lodge vvith one •' These are to be filled by the Grand Lecturer , and thus nni _ formity of work assured throughout the jurisdiction ? So j says the Freemason ' s Journal . Can it be true : ~ Key . 1 stone . .
Bro . C . Edgar Towell , S . W . Doric Lodge , No . 2359 , pre . sided at a meeting of the Conservative Club at Moss Side > on the 25 th ult ., when Mr . VV . J . P . Benson delivered an 1 interesting lecture , entitled " At Home and Abroad , " illus- trated by limelight views . The lecture gave great pleasure 5 to all vvho had the privilege of being present . )
We regret to have to announce the death of Bro . Hubert ' , Joseph Leeuw , P . M . and Treasurer for many years of the Beadon Lodge , No . 619 . The melancholy event occurred i on Monday last at the worthy brother ' s residence , 28 , \ Winslade-road , Brixton . He vvas 5 6 years of age . The j funeral will take place to-morrow ( Saturday ) , at the \ Roman Catholic Cemetery , Leytonstone , at 12 . 30 .
Bro . Lord Mayor Savory received the Christ ' s Hospital boys at the Mansion House on Tuesday , and distributed among them the usual Easter gift of a guinea to each ' grecian , half a guinea to each probationer , half a crown to each monitor , and a shilling to each of the rank and file . His lordship afterwards attended divine service at Christ Church , Newgate-street , when the annual ' •Spital " sermon was preached by the Bishop of Ripon .
On Thursday , the 26 th ult ., the members of the Craigellachie Lodge ( No . 241 , S . C ) , had the honour of receiving a visit of Bros . Major Johnston of Newmill , Grand Master , and of Colonel Culbard , Depute-Master of the Province of Moray . A special meeting to receive these representatives of the Provincial Grand Lodge vvas held , when Bro . Alexander Macphcrson , R . W . M ., presided , and there was a large attendance of brethren .
Bro . Joseph Greenway , of the Harrow Lodge , No . 1310 , vvas unanimously elected Preceptor of the Manchester Lodgeof Instruction , No . 179 , last week . The Zealand energy of Bro . Greenway for the welfare of the Craftis shown by the fact that he is also Preceptor of the Covent Garden and Emblematic Lodges of Instruction , meeting at the Criterion and bt . James ' s Hall Restaurant , Piccadilly , and member of the Board of Preceptors of the Queen's Westminster Lodge .
I he Grand Master of Alabama has very properly decided that ihe Alasonic ceremonies should not be pertormed in the laying of the corner-stone of a factory , storehouse , warehouse , office building , depot building , hotel , mill house , dwelling house , storage house , market house , machine
shop , or other building of any and every description owned by private individuals , corporations , companies , societies , or other organisations , and intended for private uses and purposes , or for gain and profit to such private individuals , corporations , companies , societies , or other organisations . — Kcvstone .
I hough the weather vvas bitterly cold there was plenty of sunshine , ancl the holiday folk were not slow to avail themselves of the opportunity afforded them on Easter Monday of visiting the principal holiday resorts in and around the A'letropulis . It is estimated that Hampstead Heath was visited during the day by fully 100 , 000 people , while Epping Forest and the other open spaces were
thronged in . similar tashion . The Zoological Gardens were visited by close on 2 S , ooo , and the Natural History Museum , South Kensington , by over 10 , 700 ; while Madams Tu-siud ' s attracted 31 , 000 to inspect its treasures , and thi Crystal Palace over 75 , 000 . The railways also did a large excursion traffic , so that Bank Holidxy appears to have been a great success all round .
We regret to announce the death of Bro . Earl Granville , who expired on Monday , at 14 , South Audley-street , the town icsidence ot his brother , iiro . the Hon . F . Leveson-Gower . His lordship was born on the 1 ith May , 1 S 15 , and was , therefore , on the point of completing his 7 6 th yeaf-He had been a prominent figure in the political world for more than half a century , and had thrice occupied the
important post ot Secretary ot State for Foreign Affairs . He was initiated into Freemasonry in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 , Oxford , in the year 1 S 33 , when he was a student at Liirist i _ hurch , but he never seems to have taken an active part in its doings . Indeed , his life was too busy a one to admit of his having time to devote to lig hter pursuits .
The death on Monday is announced of Bro . Ed . vin l ' - xi founder of the firm ot Edwin Fox and Bousfield . fj r 0 : Fox vvas born in the year 1820 , educated at the Philolog lca School , and , after having been articled to an estate agent at the West-End , commenced business as an auctioneer and surveyor in Coleman-street , being soon afterwards joined by Mr . Bousfield , and the firm was further augeldest
mented 15 years ago by the accession of Bro . Fox ' s son as a partner . Outside the extensive business his hrm carried on , Bro . Fox paid considerable attention in y past to military pursuits , interesting himself deeply m tn Volunteer movement in its early days , and receiving '" Queen ' s commission as Captain of the Honourable Arnl ' j Company . He retired from active service some i 5 >' f *
ago . He was chairman of the Grand Junction J ™ a works Company , and a director of the Accident and ow assurance and water companies . Bro . Fox died at residence , Heatham House , Twickenham , of inflamma"' ^ of the lungs , after less than a week ' s illness , and k ^^ iy widow and four sons to mourn his loss , vvhich will be _ e felt by a large circle of friends .