Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Provincial Meetings.
Stafford , S . D . ; A . Adam Dodds , J . D . ; T . W . Bagnall , I . G . j H . Jackson andT . Chegwidden , Stwds . j Rev . W . Bowker , Chap . ; Robert Ferry , Org . j and Joshua Curry , Tyler . There was a large attendance of members of the lodge , and also brethren from other lodges . Amongst the Past Masters of the lodge vvere Bros . R . S . Reed , R . F . Cook , Michael Corbitt , Robt . Whitfield , David Sinclair , J .
G . Smith , W . Dalrymple , J . Moult , W . M . Pybus , and E . Shavvbrooks . The other members of the lodge vvere Bros . Col . Cowen , John R . Sinton , I . Iveson , B . Grice , W . J . Campbell , T . L . Hall , and W . Douglas j while amongst the visitors were Bros . Dr . Dixon , Dr . A . Wilson , T . Lambert , P . M . m ; A . M . Londes , P . M . 24 ; W . C . Barrow , P . M . in ; W . E . Marker , W . M . 24 ; W .
Mitfoed , P . G . S . B . ; John Smith , 645 ,- T . Spedding , P . M . 1643 ; J . H . Pittick , P . M ., D . C . 1643 ; G . N . Patterson , I . P . M . 424 ; John M . S . Kay , P . M . 4 S 1 ; W . Salmon , 1643 > * G . Salmon , 1119 ; Robert Wilson , I . P . M . 1664 ; J . A . Armstrong , S . W . 1664 ; T . R . Short , W . M . 424 j A . Bell , 1427 ; J . H . Richardson , S . W . 24 j W . H . Nixon , Stwd . 406 ; W . C . Symonds , P . M . 1626 ; J . K . Elliott ,
204 ; W . Harris Saunders , P . M . SS 9 and 1503 , P . P . S . G . D . j Robert Jackson , P . M . 712 j T . R . Jobson , W . M . 1664 ; and George E . Donkin . At the close of the proceedings of the lodge the brethren proceeded to the Town Hall , where they vvere entertained to a banquet , which reflected great credit on the purveyors , Bro . J . S . Tait and Son . The newly-elected W . M . presided , and vvas supported by the Past Masters of the lodge .
About 100 brethren were present . After the usual loyal toasts were duly honoured , Bro . R . B . Reed proposed " The Health of the W . M ., Bro . W . Richardson . " In the course of a deeply interesting address , Bro . Reed referred to the history of the lodge , its formation , progress , and present satisfactory position .
The toast was received vvith great enthusiasm , and the W . M . responded in suitable terms . Several other toasts , including that of " The Masonic Charities , " followed . The Tyler ' s toast brought a most successful gathering to a close .
LINCOLN . St . Hugh Lodge ( No . 1386 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge vvas held on . the iSth ult ., when Bro . A . Ramage vvas duly installed as W . M . in the presence of a large number of brethren and visitors , the lodge
room , vvhich is small , being inconveniently crowded . Bro J . M . Read , P . M ., acted as Installing Master , assisted by Bro . Hardy , I . P . M ., vvho has been acting as W . M . in the absence of the respected W . M ., Bro . Le Sail , through severe illness .
The banquet vvas held at the Saracen ' s Head ( Bro . L . J . Thornton ' s ) , and a very pleasant and harmonious evening vvas spent under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M ., who was supported by Bros . H . Watson , P . G . Reg . j Vickers , P . G . Sec . j Scorer ( W . M . Witham Lodge ) , Read , Hardy , Mortimer , Mansell , Cousans , and several others .
Bro . Vickers , in proposing "The Masonic Charities , " made a very eloquent appeal on behalf of the Central Charities , particularly the Boys ' , that being- the Charity recommended by the province for the year . A collection vvas made , vvhich vvas very satisfactory , the same being handed to Bro . Cousans , the Steward acting for the Witham , St . Hugh , and Crannis Lodges .
MANCHESTER . Integrity Lodge ( No . 163 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge vvas held at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., the Worshipful Master in the chair . The business included four passings . The following brethren vvere present : Bros . J . B . Bedson , W . M . j G . B . Keisham , I . P . M . j T .
G . Sparkes , S . W . ; T . H . Schofield , J . W . j J . M . Sinclair , Treas . j J . Wildgoose , P . M ., Sec ; J . M . H . Blamely , S . D . ; A . J . Youle , J . D . ; T . Studd , l . G . ; J . B . Kirk , Tyler ; H . H . Warburton , P . M . ; VV . Livesey , P . M . ; lohn Studd , P . M . ; T . H . Wanesley , Isaac
Taylor , J . H . Studd , Frank W . Mel , Isaac Bell , Ben East wood , J . E . Meade , F . Nield , Walter Stott , L . Gaskill , H R . Yates , Geo . G . Hilton , J . Thornton , Thos . Carr , G . H Chorlton , C Slee , G . Langley , J . Mitchell , J . Allen , R A . Hepworth , and J . VV . Sparkes . Visitor : Bro . T . H Perkins , Star of the South , 1025 ( Beunos Ayres ) .
Albert Victor Lodge No . 1773 ) - — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Town Hall , Pendleton , on Friday , the 20 th ult . The following brethren were present : Bros . E . Holland , W . M . ; F . Townson , I . P . M . j John L . Smith , S . W . j Thos . Threefall , J . VV . ; Sam Statham , P . M ., Chap , j R . H . Berry , Treas . j Thos . T . Sefton , Sec . j Walter H . Barrett , S . D . ; Wm . Mosley , J . D . j j . Clough , I . G . ; Jno . M . Brown and Win . Lambert ,
Stwds . ; B . W . Sefton , P . M . ; J . Harrop , P . M ., P . P . G . G . D . ; Eli Winterbottom , P . M . j Wm . Thos . Blease , Richd . Duxbury , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . j Thos . Ray , P . M . j Harry Carver , W . Bransby , and B . Kirk , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . B . Carr , P . M . 11 C 1 and 145 S j G . Jackson , J . D . 317 J John Marshall , P . M . 61 , and P . P . G . P . West Yorkshire ; N . Ingrain , 152 j F . Hewitt , 2216 j T . Fletcher , P . M . 350 j W . Allen Smith , S 77 , Jersey ; W . H . Hughes , 1730 ; and H . Thornton , S . W . 2324 .
Minnehaha Minstrel Lodge ( No . 2363 ) . — 'The regular meeting of ( his lodge was held at the Victoria Hotel , on Monday , the 23 rd ult . The following brethren were present : Bros . Martin Thomas , W . M . j Wm . Wood , acting I . P . M . j H . Nail , acting S . W . j F . W . Wollaston , J . W . ; F . Hilton , Sec ; W . A . Brabner , S . D . ; C . H . Beever , J . D . ; G . R . Ward , I . G . j E . A . - -mith , Org . ; C
Mercer , Stwd . ; J . B . Kirk , Tyler ; F . Watson , C . Duckworth , C . H . Normanton , W . H . Hayes , O . Gaggs , J . W . Lloyd , and H . Geddes . Visitors : Bros . C . E . Stott , P . M . 999 j A . Baynton , P . M . 1213 ; T . H . Jenkins , Org . 999 , P . P . G . S . B . j lohn Cliffe , P . M ., Sec . 204 ; C Heywood
P . M ., Sec . 13 S 7 j I . D . Hooper , 11 7 0 , P . P . G . Tieas . j F . H . Gaggs , 2156 ; W . Goldthorpe , W . M . 2156 , P . P . G . O . ; C . D . Cheetham , P . M . 993 , P . P . G . D . ; F . Renshaw , S . W . 1387 ; and J . P . Wadsworth , W . M . 145 S . Mr . H . C . Lilly was initiated , and Bro . F . Watson passed , after vvhich the lodge vvas closed .
Provincial Meetings.
PLYMOUTH . Metham Lodge ( No . 1205 ) . —On Thursday , the 19 th ult ., the brethren of this lodge held their annual banquet at the Masonic Hall , Bro . G . Perring , the W . M ., presided , and an attendance of over 60 brethren included many Present and Past Prov . G . Officers . Special interest vvas attached to the proceedings by the presence of Bro . Col .
Elliott , District Grand Master of Barbadoes , P . G . D . of England , and P . P . S . G . W . Devonshire . Bro . Col . Elliott was also the founder and first W . M . of the lodge , and his presence at the banquet was hailed by the brethren vvith great pleasure . There vvere also present Bros . S . Jew , P . P . G . T . j W . Powell , P . G . T . j D . Cross , P . P . G . T . j T . Gibbons , P . P . G . O . ; R . Dickson , P . P . G . D . C ; C .
Cooper , P . P . J . G . D . ; Hiffley , P . P . G . D . C ; Browning , P . P . G . D . C . j Pike , P . P . G . O . j Major Dick , R . M . L . I ., and S . VV . of the Western District Service Lodge j Bros . A . W . King , I . P . M . 1550 J Trout , Wilson , Dunn , Peek , Setters , VV . Allsford , Marchant , Rawlings , Leonard , W . M . j Kennedy , Orchard , and W . H . Lister , of 1 S 55 ; Maunder , Ewens , Williams , and C . Mutten , S . W . of 1550 ;
Rodgman , Menhennick , Smith , Jackson , Hearn , Stevens , and Pengilley . The dinner was well laid and served , and the dining hall presented a very pretty and attractive appearance , thanks to the efforts of Bro , Ewens , vvho had decorated it vvith great taste with flags , Japanese lamps , and other ornamentation .
After the toast of " Her Majesty the Queen had been given , the W . M . proposed " The Most Worshipful H . R . H . the Prince of VVales , Grand Master of England , and the Grand Lodge of England . " The toast vvas acknowledged by Bro . Col . Elliott , the District Grand Master of Barbadoes , and Past Grand Deacon of England . Bro . Elliott , vvho vvas received vvith
great cordiality , said their Grand Master , the Prince of Wales , who had descended from a long line of Royal Masons , vvas loved and honoured by all classes of the community . His princely position and conduct specially qualified him to preside over the Masonic body . Under his patronage , and under his superintendence and guidance , the Order had achieved marvellous successes , and had made
prodigious strides . Annually it was distributing thousands of pounds through its Charities , whose hands vvere always open to assist brethren vvho , by age or misfortune , vvere reduced to indigence and want . The Grand Lodge vvas no institution of yesterday ; it vvas nearly a thousand years old . It vvas an Institution of which he believed the first Grand Lodge vvas established in the year 926 , and the first
Grand Master , Edwin , had the warrant conferred upon him by his brother , King Athelstan . From the oldest times kings , princes , and other eminent persons had paid homage to that grand assembly . Masonry had declined and risen as the times had varied and fluctuated , and now as then , in proportion as Masonry had received encouragement its influence for good was felt throughout the length and
breadth of the world . They vvere now living in an age when Masonry received every encouragement . Her Majesty the Queen vvas Patron of the Order , the Prince of Wales vvas Grand Master of the Order , aud other members of the Royal Family occupied prominent positions in the Order . It vvas due to the interest taken in Masonry by the Prince of Wales and other members of the Royal Family , coupled
vvith the fact that the Grand Lodge itself put forth its powerful energies for the good of the Order , through the Board of General Purposes , that Masonry owed its prosperity , and that its members vvere able to congratulate themselves on belonging to a Society that did so much for the good of their fellow creatures . Bro . Kennedy proposed , and Bro . S . Jew acknowledged
the toast of "The R . VV . the Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., P . G . M ., and the Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Past . " Both brethren spoke in sympathetic terms of the illness of Bro . Viscount Ebrington , whose services as Prov . Grand Master they warmly eulogised , and their expressions of hope that his lordship might soon be restored to perfect health , vvere warmly applauded .
Bro . Setters gave the toast of " The R . W . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , Prov . Grand Master , and the Grand Lodge of Cornwall , " and Bro . Marchant responded . "The Health of the Worshipful Master" vvas proposed by Bro . A . W . King , and received with great heartiness . Bro . Perring , in reply , said he hoped to fully realise the responsibility attaching to the position he held , and that
during his year of office the harmony and good feeling that had always existed in Metham Lodge would be continued and maintained without interruption . Bro . VV . Powell , P . G . T ., in proposing "The Health of the I . P . M . ( Bro . King ) , " reminded the brethren that Bro . King had recently been the recipient of a handsome Past Master's jewel in recognition of the excellent manner in
vvhich he had filled the W . M . ' s chair during the past year . No Past Master had more richly deserved the honour than Bro . King had , for whatever office he had occupied he had discharged his duties vvith care , courtesy , and ability . Bro . King briefly replied , cordially thanking the brethren for the valuable assistance they had given him during his year of office .
The toastof The Past Masters of Lodge Metham " was proposed by Bro . G . Perkins , and responded to by Bro . Colonel Elliott , vvho reminded the brethren that Lodge Metham vvas originated by himself . His reasons for doing so vvere these . He had been Master for two successive years of a lodge abroad , and vvas then ordered home from a place where he found it absolutel y impossible to find
a Past Master in the whole community to whom he could entrust the warrant of that lodge . There was nothing for it but for him to bring home that warrant , and the Ascension Lodge ceased to work from that time . He regretted very much the action he vvas called upon to take , but he did it in the conviction that he was acting rightly , and his action was approved by the Grand Lodge . He came to
the three towns , and bis first idea was that they wanted brethren in the services vvho would go through the chairs and become Past Masters , so that in the event of their going abroad any difficulties , such as he had mentioned , might be obviated . Hence it vvas that the Metham Lodge vvas started , and he vvas glad to know that during all the years that had since gone by it had worked in perfect harmony , and vvith continued success .
Bro . Dunn , vvho proposed "The Health of the Treasurer and the Secretary , Bros . D . Cross and VV . Powell , " highly eulogised the services vvhich they had for many years rendered to the lodge . The brethren vvere , he said , largely indebted to Bros . Cross and Powell for the splendid services
Provincial Meetings.
they had rendered to the lodge as its executive officers , and the position vvhich the lodge occupied in the province vvalargely due to the care and attention they had always paid to their duties . Bros . Cross and Powell briefly responded . The toast of " The Wardens and Assistant Officers " was proposed by Bro . Dixon , and acknowledged by Bros . G
Perkins , S . W ., and E . Hughes , J . W . Bro . D . Cross proposed "Our Sister Lodges and Visiting Brethren . " He remarked that he knew of no other society in existence , except that of Freemasonry , the members of vvhich could go to any part of the world and claim admission into a lodge . Such a privilege vvas , he believed , uni que and it was a privilege vvhich all Masons ought to fully and value
appreciate . The toast vvas acknowledged by Bro . Major Dick , S . VV . who , in the course of some excellent practical remarks ' strongly recomended the Ma'onic Hall to the support of the lodges in the three towns . He believed that if the position of the hall vvas placed before the brethren of the lodges of the three towns they would come to its support , and add to its influence for good by subscribing the capital that yet
remained to be taken up . There vvere , he believed nearl y 20 lodges in the three towns , and if each lodge would do its part there ought to be no difficulty in subscribing all the money that vvas required , and thus adding to the usefulness of the Institution . There vvas a club in connection vvith the hall , and in his opinion every member of the club should be a shareholder in the hall . It that were done the shares
would soon be subscribed , and the company would be placed in a sound financial position . Bro . Jew , in very appropriate terms , proposed " Masons ' Wives and Sweethearts , " and the last toast vvas that of " Our Poor and Distressed Brethren , " given by Bro . Gidley . Before the proceedings terminated , Bro . Cross proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Ewens for the trouble he had taken
in so handsomely decorating the dining hall . Bro . Ewens had done this at great inconvenience to himself , and had decorated the hall in a manner that did him the greatest possible credit . Bro . Perkins seconded the motion , vvhich was carried unanimously .
During the evening the toasts vvere interspersed with songs and recitations by Bros . Rawlings , Mutten , Kennedy , Hughes , Peek , _ Jew , Setters , and Menhennick , and a specially attractive and enjoyable contribution vvas a clever whistling solo by Bro . Col . Elliott , vvho accompanied himself on the piano . TEDDINGTON .
Sir Charles Bright Lodge ( No . 1793 ) . — This lodge met at the Clarence Hotel on the 25 th ult . Among those present vvere Bros . J . R . Barns , W . M . ; VV . Middleweek , S . W . j W . H . Windeatt , J . W . j J . Filler , P . M ., Treas . ; E . W . Warren , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C , Sec ; J . E . Ruffle , J . D . ; F . Chandler , I . G . ; J . Hall , Org . ; W .
R . Plaford , D . Cj Capt . T . C Walls , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., and W . Smith , Stwds . j A . J . R . Simmonds , I . P . M . j and W . J . Porter , P . M . The visitors vvere Bros . C . Hopwood , P . P . G . S . B . ; Prince , and Webb . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Mr . D . E . D . Morris vvas duly initiated b y the I . P . M ., the ceremony being admirably performed . A
proposition for initiation having been handed in the lodge vvas closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The usual toasts followed , Bro . Hopwood , P . M ., acknowledged the toast of " The Provincial Grand Officers . " "The Health of the VV . M . " vvas given in kindly terms
by Bro . Forge , P . M . Bros . Prince and Webb responded on behalf of " Thc Visitors . " During the evening an excellent programme of music was furnished by Bros . E . J . Hall , J . E . Ruffle , W . J . Porter , T . Middleweek , VV . Middleweek , and others , vvhich gave unqualified satisfaction .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
SHIPLEY . Moravian Chapter ( No . 387 ) . —A regular meeting of this chapter vvas held at the Masonic Rooms , Saltaire Institute , recently . The chapter vvas opened by Comp . Wm . Oddy , Z ., assisted by Comps . Thos . Denby ,
P . Z ., as H ., and John Tillotson , J . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , and a candidate proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , and nothing further having been advanced for thc good of Royal Arch Masonry the chapter vvas closed , and the companions adjourned for refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Borough of Greenwich Lodge ( No . ___)• —The installation meeting of the above lodge took place on Tuesday , the 24 th ult ., at the King William the Fourth , East Greenwich , Bro . George Burney's famous hostelry , when Bro . James G . Thomas , J . W . and VV . M . elect , was duly installed in the chair of A ., the S . W ., Bro . W . Burney , not having passed through the chair of a Craft lodge not being eligible .
Bro . W . T . Hunt , W . M ., opened the lodge , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , Bro . Dr . Ralph Gooding . 'M . D ., P . J . G . O . England , Hon . P . M . of the lodge , at the invitation of the W . M ., assumed the chair as Installing Officer and installed Bro . Thomas . The new W . M . appointed and invested those present as
his officers : Bros . W . T . Hunt , I . P . M . j W . H . Burney , S . W . ( reinstated ) j S . J . Gore , J . W . j G . P . Carter , M . O . and Sec . ; E . W . Carpenter , S . O . j T . P . Newton , J . O . ; F . Couldrey , P . M ., Treas . ; H . T . Fryer , R . ol M .. G . Burney , I . G . ; and E . Spinks , Tyler . Bro . Gooding
then delivered tne several addresses splendidly , anu yu » eluded a most impressive ceremony , for vvhich he recelv f the thanks of the brethren , the same to be inscribed on tne minutes of the lodge . The I . P . M ,, Bro . Hunt , was then presented with a Past Master's jewel as a token 01 tn ^ esteem of the brethren , and for valuable services renclere the lodge during his year of office , for which he feeling y returned thanks .
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Provincial Meetings.
Stafford , S . D . ; A . Adam Dodds , J . D . ; T . W . Bagnall , I . G . j H . Jackson andT . Chegwidden , Stwds . j Rev . W . Bowker , Chap . ; Robert Ferry , Org . j and Joshua Curry , Tyler . There was a large attendance of members of the lodge , and also brethren from other lodges . Amongst the Past Masters of the lodge vvere Bros . R . S . Reed , R . F . Cook , Michael Corbitt , Robt . Whitfield , David Sinclair , J .
G . Smith , W . Dalrymple , J . Moult , W . M . Pybus , and E . Shavvbrooks . The other members of the lodge vvere Bros . Col . Cowen , John R . Sinton , I . Iveson , B . Grice , W . J . Campbell , T . L . Hall , and W . Douglas j while amongst the visitors were Bros . Dr . Dixon , Dr . A . Wilson , T . Lambert , P . M . m ; A . M . Londes , P . M . 24 ; W . C . Barrow , P . M . in ; W . E . Marker , W . M . 24 ; W .
Mitfoed , P . G . S . B . ; John Smith , 645 ,- T . Spedding , P . M . 1643 ; J . H . Pittick , P . M ., D . C . 1643 ; G . N . Patterson , I . P . M . 424 ; John M . S . Kay , P . M . 4 S 1 ; W . Salmon , 1643 > * G . Salmon , 1119 ; Robert Wilson , I . P . M . 1664 ; J . A . Armstrong , S . W . 1664 ; T . R . Short , W . M . 424 j A . Bell , 1427 ; J . H . Richardson , S . W . 24 j W . H . Nixon , Stwd . 406 ; W . C . Symonds , P . M . 1626 ; J . K . Elliott ,
204 ; W . Harris Saunders , P . M . SS 9 and 1503 , P . P . S . G . D . j Robert Jackson , P . M . 712 j T . R . Jobson , W . M . 1664 ; and George E . Donkin . At the close of the proceedings of the lodge the brethren proceeded to the Town Hall , where they vvere entertained to a banquet , which reflected great credit on the purveyors , Bro . J . S . Tait and Son . The newly-elected W . M . presided , and vvas supported by the Past Masters of the lodge .
About 100 brethren were present . After the usual loyal toasts were duly honoured , Bro . R . B . Reed proposed " The Health of the W . M ., Bro . W . Richardson . " In the course of a deeply interesting address , Bro . Reed referred to the history of the lodge , its formation , progress , and present satisfactory position .
The toast was received vvith great enthusiasm , and the W . M . responded in suitable terms . Several other toasts , including that of " The Masonic Charities , " followed . The Tyler ' s toast brought a most successful gathering to a close .
LINCOLN . St . Hugh Lodge ( No . 1386 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge vvas held on . the iSth ult ., when Bro . A . Ramage vvas duly installed as W . M . in the presence of a large number of brethren and visitors , the lodge
room , vvhich is small , being inconveniently crowded . Bro J . M . Read , P . M ., acted as Installing Master , assisted by Bro . Hardy , I . P . M ., vvho has been acting as W . M . in the absence of the respected W . M ., Bro . Le Sail , through severe illness .
The banquet vvas held at the Saracen ' s Head ( Bro . L . J . Thornton ' s ) , and a very pleasant and harmonious evening vvas spent under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M ., who was supported by Bros . H . Watson , P . G . Reg . j Vickers , P . G . Sec . j Scorer ( W . M . Witham Lodge ) , Read , Hardy , Mortimer , Mansell , Cousans , and several others .
Bro . Vickers , in proposing "The Masonic Charities , " made a very eloquent appeal on behalf of the Central Charities , particularly the Boys ' , that being- the Charity recommended by the province for the year . A collection vvas made , vvhich vvas very satisfactory , the same being handed to Bro . Cousans , the Steward acting for the Witham , St . Hugh , and Crannis Lodges .
MANCHESTER . Integrity Lodge ( No . 163 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge vvas held at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., the Worshipful Master in the chair . The business included four passings . The following brethren vvere present : Bros . J . B . Bedson , W . M . j G . B . Keisham , I . P . M . j T .
G . Sparkes , S . W . ; T . H . Schofield , J . W . j J . M . Sinclair , Treas . j J . Wildgoose , P . M ., Sec ; J . M . H . Blamely , S . D . ; A . J . Youle , J . D . ; T . Studd , l . G . ; J . B . Kirk , Tyler ; H . H . Warburton , P . M . ; VV . Livesey , P . M . ; lohn Studd , P . M . ; T . H . Wanesley , Isaac
Taylor , J . H . Studd , Frank W . Mel , Isaac Bell , Ben East wood , J . E . Meade , F . Nield , Walter Stott , L . Gaskill , H R . Yates , Geo . G . Hilton , J . Thornton , Thos . Carr , G . H Chorlton , C Slee , G . Langley , J . Mitchell , J . Allen , R A . Hepworth , and J . VV . Sparkes . Visitor : Bro . T . H Perkins , Star of the South , 1025 ( Beunos Ayres ) .
Albert Victor Lodge No . 1773 ) - — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Town Hall , Pendleton , on Friday , the 20 th ult . The following brethren were present : Bros . E . Holland , W . M . ; F . Townson , I . P . M . j John L . Smith , S . W . j Thos . Threefall , J . VV . ; Sam Statham , P . M ., Chap , j R . H . Berry , Treas . j Thos . T . Sefton , Sec . j Walter H . Barrett , S . D . ; Wm . Mosley , J . D . j j . Clough , I . G . ; Jno . M . Brown and Win . Lambert ,
Stwds . ; B . W . Sefton , P . M . ; J . Harrop , P . M ., P . P . G . G . D . ; Eli Winterbottom , P . M . j Wm . Thos . Blease , Richd . Duxbury , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . j Thos . Ray , P . M . j Harry Carver , W . Bransby , and B . Kirk , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . B . Carr , P . M . 11 C 1 and 145 S j G . Jackson , J . D . 317 J John Marshall , P . M . 61 , and P . P . G . P . West Yorkshire ; N . Ingrain , 152 j F . Hewitt , 2216 j T . Fletcher , P . M . 350 j W . Allen Smith , S 77 , Jersey ; W . H . Hughes , 1730 ; and H . Thornton , S . W . 2324 .
Minnehaha Minstrel Lodge ( No . 2363 ) . — 'The regular meeting of ( his lodge was held at the Victoria Hotel , on Monday , the 23 rd ult . The following brethren were present : Bros . Martin Thomas , W . M . j Wm . Wood , acting I . P . M . j H . Nail , acting S . W . j F . W . Wollaston , J . W . ; F . Hilton , Sec ; W . A . Brabner , S . D . ; C . H . Beever , J . D . ; G . R . Ward , I . G . j E . A . - -mith , Org . ; C
Mercer , Stwd . ; J . B . Kirk , Tyler ; F . Watson , C . Duckworth , C . H . Normanton , W . H . Hayes , O . Gaggs , J . W . Lloyd , and H . Geddes . Visitors : Bros . C . E . Stott , P . M . 999 j A . Baynton , P . M . 1213 ; T . H . Jenkins , Org . 999 , P . P . G . S . B . j lohn Cliffe , P . M ., Sec . 204 ; C Heywood
P . M ., Sec . 13 S 7 j I . D . Hooper , 11 7 0 , P . P . G . Tieas . j F . H . Gaggs , 2156 ; W . Goldthorpe , W . M . 2156 , P . P . G . O . ; C . D . Cheetham , P . M . 993 , P . P . G . D . ; F . Renshaw , S . W . 1387 ; and J . P . Wadsworth , W . M . 145 S . Mr . H . C . Lilly was initiated , and Bro . F . Watson passed , after vvhich the lodge vvas closed .
Provincial Meetings.
PLYMOUTH . Metham Lodge ( No . 1205 ) . —On Thursday , the 19 th ult ., the brethren of this lodge held their annual banquet at the Masonic Hall , Bro . G . Perring , the W . M ., presided , and an attendance of over 60 brethren included many Present and Past Prov . G . Officers . Special interest vvas attached to the proceedings by the presence of Bro . Col .
Elliott , District Grand Master of Barbadoes , P . G . D . of England , and P . P . S . G . W . Devonshire . Bro . Col . Elliott was also the founder and first W . M . of the lodge , and his presence at the banquet was hailed by the brethren vvith great pleasure . There vvere also present Bros . S . Jew , P . P . G . T . j W . Powell , P . G . T . j D . Cross , P . P . G . T . j T . Gibbons , P . P . G . O . ; R . Dickson , P . P . G . D . C ; C .
Cooper , P . P . J . G . D . ; Hiffley , P . P . G . D . C ; Browning , P . P . G . D . C . j Pike , P . P . G . O . j Major Dick , R . M . L . I ., and S . VV . of the Western District Service Lodge j Bros . A . W . King , I . P . M . 1550 J Trout , Wilson , Dunn , Peek , Setters , VV . Allsford , Marchant , Rawlings , Leonard , W . M . j Kennedy , Orchard , and W . H . Lister , of 1 S 55 ; Maunder , Ewens , Williams , and C . Mutten , S . W . of 1550 ;
Rodgman , Menhennick , Smith , Jackson , Hearn , Stevens , and Pengilley . The dinner was well laid and served , and the dining hall presented a very pretty and attractive appearance , thanks to the efforts of Bro , Ewens , vvho had decorated it vvith great taste with flags , Japanese lamps , and other ornamentation .
After the toast of " Her Majesty the Queen had been given , the W . M . proposed " The Most Worshipful H . R . H . the Prince of VVales , Grand Master of England , and the Grand Lodge of England . " The toast vvas acknowledged by Bro . Col . Elliott , the District Grand Master of Barbadoes , and Past Grand Deacon of England . Bro . Elliott , vvho vvas received vvith
great cordiality , said their Grand Master , the Prince of Wales , who had descended from a long line of Royal Masons , vvas loved and honoured by all classes of the community . His princely position and conduct specially qualified him to preside over the Masonic body . Under his patronage , and under his superintendence and guidance , the Order had achieved marvellous successes , and had made
prodigious strides . Annually it was distributing thousands of pounds through its Charities , whose hands vvere always open to assist brethren vvho , by age or misfortune , vvere reduced to indigence and want . The Grand Lodge vvas no institution of yesterday ; it vvas nearly a thousand years old . It vvas an Institution of which he believed the first Grand Lodge vvas established in the year 926 , and the first
Grand Master , Edwin , had the warrant conferred upon him by his brother , King Athelstan . From the oldest times kings , princes , and other eminent persons had paid homage to that grand assembly . Masonry had declined and risen as the times had varied and fluctuated , and now as then , in proportion as Masonry had received encouragement its influence for good was felt throughout the length and
breadth of the world . They vvere now living in an age when Masonry received every encouragement . Her Majesty the Queen vvas Patron of the Order , the Prince of Wales vvas Grand Master of the Order , aud other members of the Royal Family occupied prominent positions in the Order . It vvas due to the interest taken in Masonry by the Prince of Wales and other members of the Royal Family , coupled
vvith the fact that the Grand Lodge itself put forth its powerful energies for the good of the Order , through the Board of General Purposes , that Masonry owed its prosperity , and that its members vvere able to congratulate themselves on belonging to a Society that did so much for the good of their fellow creatures . Bro . Kennedy proposed , and Bro . S . Jew acknowledged
the toast of "The R . VV . the Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., P . G . M ., and the Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Past . " Both brethren spoke in sympathetic terms of the illness of Bro . Viscount Ebrington , whose services as Prov . Grand Master they warmly eulogised , and their expressions of hope that his lordship might soon be restored to perfect health , vvere warmly applauded .
Bro . Setters gave the toast of " The R . W . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , Prov . Grand Master , and the Grand Lodge of Cornwall , " and Bro . Marchant responded . "The Health of the Worshipful Master" vvas proposed by Bro . A . W . King , and received with great heartiness . Bro . Perring , in reply , said he hoped to fully realise the responsibility attaching to the position he held , and that
during his year of office the harmony and good feeling that had always existed in Metham Lodge would be continued and maintained without interruption . Bro . VV . Powell , P . G . T ., in proposing "The Health of the I . P . M . ( Bro . King ) , " reminded the brethren that Bro . King had recently been the recipient of a handsome Past Master's jewel in recognition of the excellent manner in
vvhich he had filled the W . M . ' s chair during the past year . No Past Master had more richly deserved the honour than Bro . King had , for whatever office he had occupied he had discharged his duties vvith care , courtesy , and ability . Bro . King briefly replied , cordially thanking the brethren for the valuable assistance they had given him during his year of office .
The toastof The Past Masters of Lodge Metham " was proposed by Bro . G . Perkins , and responded to by Bro . Colonel Elliott , vvho reminded the brethren that Lodge Metham vvas originated by himself . His reasons for doing so vvere these . He had been Master for two successive years of a lodge abroad , and vvas then ordered home from a place where he found it absolutel y impossible to find
a Past Master in the whole community to whom he could entrust the warrant of that lodge . There was nothing for it but for him to bring home that warrant , and the Ascension Lodge ceased to work from that time . He regretted very much the action he vvas called upon to take , but he did it in the conviction that he was acting rightly , and his action was approved by the Grand Lodge . He came to
the three towns , and bis first idea was that they wanted brethren in the services vvho would go through the chairs and become Past Masters , so that in the event of their going abroad any difficulties , such as he had mentioned , might be obviated . Hence it vvas that the Metham Lodge vvas started , and he vvas glad to know that during all the years that had since gone by it had worked in perfect harmony , and vvith continued success .
Bro . Dunn , vvho proposed "The Health of the Treasurer and the Secretary , Bros . D . Cross and VV . Powell , " highly eulogised the services vvhich they had for many years rendered to the lodge . The brethren vvere , he said , largely indebted to Bros . Cross and Powell for the splendid services
Provincial Meetings.
they had rendered to the lodge as its executive officers , and the position vvhich the lodge occupied in the province vvalargely due to the care and attention they had always paid to their duties . Bros . Cross and Powell briefly responded . The toast of " The Wardens and Assistant Officers " was proposed by Bro . Dixon , and acknowledged by Bros . G
Perkins , S . W ., and E . Hughes , J . W . Bro . D . Cross proposed "Our Sister Lodges and Visiting Brethren . " He remarked that he knew of no other society in existence , except that of Freemasonry , the members of vvhich could go to any part of the world and claim admission into a lodge . Such a privilege vvas , he believed , uni que and it was a privilege vvhich all Masons ought to fully and value
appreciate . The toast vvas acknowledged by Bro . Major Dick , S . VV . who , in the course of some excellent practical remarks ' strongly recomended the Ma'onic Hall to the support of the lodges in the three towns . He believed that if the position of the hall vvas placed before the brethren of the lodges of the three towns they would come to its support , and add to its influence for good by subscribing the capital that yet
remained to be taken up . There vvere , he believed nearl y 20 lodges in the three towns , and if each lodge would do its part there ought to be no difficulty in subscribing all the money that vvas required , and thus adding to the usefulness of the Institution . There vvas a club in connection vvith the hall , and in his opinion every member of the club should be a shareholder in the hall . It that were done the shares
would soon be subscribed , and the company would be placed in a sound financial position . Bro . Jew , in very appropriate terms , proposed " Masons ' Wives and Sweethearts , " and the last toast vvas that of " Our Poor and Distressed Brethren , " given by Bro . Gidley . Before the proceedings terminated , Bro . Cross proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Ewens for the trouble he had taken
in so handsomely decorating the dining hall . Bro . Ewens had done this at great inconvenience to himself , and had decorated the hall in a manner that did him the greatest possible credit . Bro . Perkins seconded the motion , vvhich was carried unanimously .
During the evening the toasts vvere interspersed with songs and recitations by Bros . Rawlings , Mutten , Kennedy , Hughes , Peek , _ Jew , Setters , and Menhennick , and a specially attractive and enjoyable contribution vvas a clever whistling solo by Bro . Col . Elliott , vvho accompanied himself on the piano . TEDDINGTON .
Sir Charles Bright Lodge ( No . 1793 ) . — This lodge met at the Clarence Hotel on the 25 th ult . Among those present vvere Bros . J . R . Barns , W . M . ; VV . Middleweek , S . W . j W . H . Windeatt , J . W . j J . Filler , P . M ., Treas . ; E . W . Warren , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C , Sec ; J . E . Ruffle , J . D . ; F . Chandler , I . G . ; J . Hall , Org . ; W .
R . Plaford , D . Cj Capt . T . C Walls , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., and W . Smith , Stwds . j A . J . R . Simmonds , I . P . M . j and W . J . Porter , P . M . The visitors vvere Bros . C . Hopwood , P . P . G . S . B . ; Prince , and Webb . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Mr . D . E . D . Morris vvas duly initiated b y the I . P . M ., the ceremony being admirably performed . A
proposition for initiation having been handed in the lodge vvas closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The usual toasts followed , Bro . Hopwood , P . M ., acknowledged the toast of " The Provincial Grand Officers . " "The Health of the VV . M . " vvas given in kindly terms
by Bro . Forge , P . M . Bros . Prince and Webb responded on behalf of " Thc Visitors . " During the evening an excellent programme of music was furnished by Bros . E . J . Hall , J . E . Ruffle , W . J . Porter , T . Middleweek , VV . Middleweek , and others , vvhich gave unqualified satisfaction .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
SHIPLEY . Moravian Chapter ( No . 387 ) . —A regular meeting of this chapter vvas held at the Masonic Rooms , Saltaire Institute , recently . The chapter vvas opened by Comp . Wm . Oddy , Z ., assisted by Comps . Thos . Denby ,
P . Z ., as H ., and John Tillotson , J . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , and a candidate proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , and nothing further having been advanced for thc good of Royal Arch Masonry the chapter vvas closed , and the companions adjourned for refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Borough of Greenwich Lodge ( No . ___)• —The installation meeting of the above lodge took place on Tuesday , the 24 th ult ., at the King William the Fourth , East Greenwich , Bro . George Burney's famous hostelry , when Bro . James G . Thomas , J . W . and VV . M . elect , was duly installed in the chair of A ., the S . W ., Bro . W . Burney , not having passed through the chair of a Craft lodge not being eligible .
Bro . W . T . Hunt , W . M ., opened the lodge , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , Bro . Dr . Ralph Gooding . 'M . D ., P . J . G . O . England , Hon . P . M . of the lodge , at the invitation of the W . M ., assumed the chair as Installing Officer and installed Bro . Thomas . The new W . M . appointed and invested those present as
his officers : Bros . W . T . Hunt , I . P . M . j W . H . Burney , S . W . ( reinstated ) j S . J . Gore , J . W . j G . P . Carter , M . O . and Sec . ; E . W . Carpenter , S . O . j T . P . Newton , J . O . ; F . Couldrey , P . M ., Treas . ; H . T . Fryer , R . ol M .. G . Burney , I . G . ; and E . Spinks , Tyler . Bro . Gooding
then delivered tne several addresses splendidly , anu yu » eluded a most impressive ceremony , for vvhich he recelv f the thanks of the brethren , the same to be inscribed on tne minutes of the lodge . The I . P . M ,, Bro . Hunt , was then presented with a Past Master's jewel as a token 01 tn ^ esteem of the brethren , and for valuable services renclere the lodge during his year of office , for which he feeling y returned thanks .