Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE BALA LODGE (No. 1369.) Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE BALA LODGE (No. 1369.) Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OE A NEW LODGE AT JAMAICA. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OE A NEW LODGE AT JAMAICA. Page 1 of 1 Article The TRANQUILITY and CONFIDENCE MA- SONIC CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GRAND LODGE OF HUNGARY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
By so doing all jealousy on the part of the old encampments must be overcome , and we hope wc may sec the day when all the old encampments will have Rose Croix Chapters , under the A . and A . Rite , attached to and working in
concert with them . Masonry in the higher degrees will be benefitted , and the generous concessions which have been made by the Supreme Council , are worthy of imitation elsewhere .
A vote of thanks was passed to the auditors , 111 . Bros . S . Rawson , 32 ; G . Lambert , 30 ; and Chas . Huttoti Gregory , 30 ; for their trouble in going over the accounts ( the property in the hands of the Council amounting now to between M ' ^ ooo and ; £ ' 6 , ooo , in consequence of the careful
husbanding of the fund ) , and III . Bro . Rawson , in replying took occasion to compliment the Supreme Council on the admirable way in which he found the accounts were kept . At the conclusion of the other business , the Grand Chapter was closed , anel the brethren afterwards banquettcd together at the Pall Alall Hotel .
Scotland .
SOCIAL AIEETINI ; or THE "BAIRNS" or Alo-THER KII . WINXING , No . o : —The "Bairns" held their first meeting within the Glasgow St John ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan Street , on Friday evening last . The chair was ably filled by Br . Conn , P . AL , supported on the rig ht by Bros . AVyllie , P .
G . S ., Tweed . . Ve . ; on the left by Brs . Jas . AI . Alillan , R . AV . AL St John ' s 3 bis , and Adams . The croupier ' s chair was occupied bv Br . I . A . Ferguson , supported rig ht and left by Brs . j . Park , P . AL 3 bis ; Dr Andrews , S . AV . No . o ; Granger , 3 bis , fcc . On the cloth being
removed the following toasts were given from the chair and duly resuouded to : —• " The Queen and the craft , " The Army , Navy , and A ' olunteers , " " M . K . H . the Prince of Wales , Patron of Scottish . Freemasonry , " "The Grand Lodges ol" Kngland , Ireland , and Scotland , " "The Provincial Grand
Lodge of Glasgow , and Sueccsslothe St | olm s . 3 bis , acknowledged by R . AV . AI . Alillan ' : " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire , " replied toby Br . Conn , P . AL An eloquent oration was delivered by Bro . Bell on "Masonry : Its antiquity and Present Utility . " The evening was enlivened by
the sinsrintr of Bros . R . B . Thomson , Park , and Granger . It was proposed , as this was the first meeting of the kind , that similar re-unions of the sons of AI other Kilwinning . residing in Glasgow and vicinity should be held annually . The toast ol' " Happy to meet but sorry to part , and happy to meet again , " concluded the proceedings of the evening .
Consecration Of The Bala Lodge (No. 1369.)
On Friday , Alav 3 rd ., the Right NVorship ful Bro . Sir AVatkin Williams Wynn , Bart , Provincial Grand Alaster of North AVales and Shropshire , held a Provincial Grand Lodge at Bala , for
the purpose of consecrating the new Bala Lodge , 1369 , at the Plascoch Hotel . Amongst the brethren who assembled were the following : — Bros . Sir AV . AV . AVynn , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . AL ; the Rev . E . H . Dymock , 1124 , D . Prov .
G . M . ; R . A ' aughan AVilliams , St . Asaph , Prov . G . S . AV . ; J . C . Wynn Edwards , Prov . G . J . AV . ; George Owen , P . AL , 1124 , Prov . G . D . C , ; Robert Humphreys , AV . AI . 606 " , Prov . G . S . B . ; D . P . Owen , AVelchpool , P . M . 99 8 , Prov . G . P . ;
Askew Roberts , Croeswylan Oswestry , 11 34 , Prov . G . S . A'isitors . — Bros . Charles Dutton , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., Cheshire ; Edward Breese , 206 , Prov . G . R ., Herefordshire ; AValter Theobalds , AV . AI .
fjoj ; Edward Jones , Sec . 607 ; Hugh Roberts , 605 ; Radclilfe , JAV . 605 ; Charles Stuley , S . D . 601 ; ; Sharpe , Sec . 823 ; Chapman , 823 ; Cottrell , S . D . 823 : Holland , S . AV . 823 ; W . AVithy ,
AV . AI . 99 8 ; ( AA ' clchpool ) : Edward Davies , 477 ; Charles Leedham , P . M . 220 : Bewley , 220 ; T . J . Hughes , 216 ; Joel Buxton , 1013 ; Welch , 1013 ; Busfield , 1299 ; J . C . Baker , 241 ; James
Consecration Of The Bala Lodge (No. 1369.)
AVilliams , 292 ; Martin , P . M . 477 ; Edward Jones , 1072 ; and Alorrow , 606 " . From the Lodge of St . Oswald , Oswestry , 1124 , ( in addition to three of the Provincial Grand Officers previously mentioned , there were present
Bros . AV . IL Spaull , P . AL and Hon . Sec . ; Alexandra AValker , S . D . ; John Thomas , J . D . John Morris , I . G . ; Dr . Burton , Steward ; H . G . Weaver , AA . Fletcher Rogers , AV . Owen , J . Phillips , Walter Eddy , J , C . Edwards , and Robert Gressier .
The members of the new Bala Lodge included ! : —Bros . A . J . LI . Price , 1167 5 ^ - Owen , 292 ; A . A . Passingham , R . O . Anwyl , C . R . AV . Tottenham , AV . Owen , John Jackson , P . AL 823 ; R . AVoodcoek , J . Harwood , Joseph T , Taylor , Charles J ohn AValker , T . Jones , & c .
The Provincial Grantl Alaster only arrived in London from the Continent on Thursday , but with his usual heartiness in the cause of Alasomy , and good nature to his nei ghbours , the popular baronet at once maele arrangements , for a special train from Bala toRuabon on Friday evening , after
the proceedings . Doubtless had this been more generally known , and had the opening of the Bala Lodge been more extensively advertised , there would have been a larger attendance of brethren of the Province . As it was , with the
exception 01 the Lodge 01 St . Oswald , which was largely represented , there was a very scanty attendance , indeed , of North AVales and Shropshire Alasons , the preponderance being from Cheshire and Lancashiae .
Before the proceedings commenced the R . W . P . Grand Alaster , Sir AVatkin , in thanking the brethren for their attendance , observed that the Bala was not a maritime or mercantile p lace ; it contained no large manufactories ; and they could never expect to see lodges there to the extent of
other parts of the province : and he congratulated them on being so well represented at their consecration . He had fixed the day as late as he could , without seriousl y inconveniencing themnot out of any disrespect to their wishes , but because the chance of fine weather would be
greater , anil he was anxious to have a day when brethren from lite busy centres of trade could the better enjoy their beautiful Welsh scenery , lie was glad to sec so many paesent , and trusted that Alasomy would flourish in Bala—which was almost the very centre of North AVales—and
extend , as it had done in other parts of the province . The ceremony of consecration was then most impressively performed by Bro . Dr . Goldsbro ' , of London , who is a P . AL of the AVelshpool Lodge , 99 8 , and P . Prov . G . S . AV . of the Province of North AVales and Shropshire .
I he musical portion of the ceremony was under the direction of Bro , J . C . Baker , of 341 ; Bro . T . AVelsh , 241 , and 1013 , presided at the harmonium . At the close of the consecration the AV . AI . ( Bro . John Jackson , P . M . 8231 was installed
first Master ol the new lodge ; and the following officers were installed : —Bros . John Moulding , S . AV . ; Capt . C . R . AV . Tottenham , JAV . ; AVilliam Owen , Treasurer , and J . D . : Henry Harwood , Secretary ; Francis Parmeler , S . D . ; Thomas Seaton , I . G . : Samuel Alaccawley , Tyler .
Consecration Oe A New Lodge At Jamaica.
On Monthly , 1 st April , the Westmoreland Lodge , Xu . i . ; 77 , was duly consecrated and dedicated .
The petitioners assembled at Alorgan ' s Brielge , at the residence of Bro . Edmund Goodin , where they received the AV . Alaster and Officers of the Friendl y Lodge of Alontego Bay , No . 383 . They moved in procession to Lincoln Penn ,
the new Lodge Room , where the usual ceremonial services were performed . The Cousecretion Prayer was delivered by the Rev . Bro N . Lechmere Fdlis , Chaplain . The warrant of
Constitution was read by Bro . AN . G . AIcLellan , Secretary . The elements of Consecration were severally strewed over the building , with the usual invocations , bv the AN ' or . Bro . S . S . O . Jacobs . Suitable anthems were sung , and an
Consecration Oe A New Lodge At Jamaica.
oration closed this portion of the day ' s proceedings . Soon after , the Lodge being duly tyled , the business of Installing the W . Bro . Z . Mennell , M . D ., in the Oriental Chair followed , and the Lodge was closeel in ample form at 3 o ' clock . The Brethren then returned to Bro . Goodin ' s
where , at 5 p . m . they sat down ( in number twoscore-and-one ) to a splendid Banquet , which was presided ox'er by the AV . Master of the New Lodge . On his right , the Alaster , and on his left ; the Chaplain of the sister Lodge . The Vice-Chair was abl y rilled by Bro . Geo . Ffrench . Sen .
AVarilen elect . Bro . Bovill ' s truncheon being in proper position , pointed him out as pro . tern "Junior . " The Stewards were unremitting in their attention to visitors , the Brethren of the AVest coming up in every particular to their Seniors of 383 .
The usual toasts were duly proposed and responded to . On the whole the day ' s proceedings passed off very pleasantly—harmony prevailed throughout . The Brethren separated about 9 p . m . and closed the memorable . 1 st April , 1872 .
The Tranquility And Confidence Ma- Sonic Charitable Association.
A ctesire of becoming Life Subscribers to one or more of the Alasonic Charities has of late manifested itself amongst brethren , whose hearts are in the ri ght place , but whose circumstances in life will not permit them to disburse the necessary amount in bulk , which would qualify them to
become entitled to that enviable distinction . To meet this want , associations have sprung up in various directions , with the object of assisting in the attainment of these laudable aspirations . By the payment of a trifling weekly subscription , each member must in the course of a
comparatively short space of time become Life Subscribers of any of the Institutions he may select . Under the above name , a new society for a similar purpose is now in the course of formation by brethren of the Tranquility Lodge of Instruction , No . 18-3 , and Confidence Lodge of
Instruction , No . 193 , under the able and energetic guidance of Bro . John Constable , the J . D . of the first named lodge . A meeting will take place at the Railway Tavern , London-street , E . C , on the 22 nd inst ., atS p . m ., at which brethern who may wish to
become members will do well to attend . It is proposed to limit the number , so that each member should obtain his appropriation in rather less than five years . A movement of this kinel cannot be too widely spreatl , and is well deserving encouragement and co-operation from every member of the Craft .
The Grand Lodge Of Hungary.
The Grand Lodge of France has seven lodges in Hungary , namely , Lodge Fratcrnitas , held at Arad ; Lo . Haladas , or Progress , held at Kassa ; Lo . Kosmos , held at Oravieza ; Lo . Hnnyady , held at Temesvar ; and three lodges , Humboldt , Alathias , Corvinus , and zur Abeit , held at Pesth .
. these lodges , haying expressed their desire to be formed aiulconstituted an independent Masonic national power , the Grand Lodge of France , more regardful of the general interests of the Craft , than of those of its own peculiar jurisdiction , has taken a favourable view of this desire , which has resulted
in the definite constitution of ihe Grand Lodge of Hungary . On the lolii of October last , the executive committee of the Hungarian lodges , addressed to the Grand Lodge ol France a letter , from which we quote the following lines : — ' •A ' ery Dear anil Venerable Brethren ,
" AN ' e h . 'ix e much pleasure in announcing to you that , having obtained from the Government the authorisation and recognition of the Grand Lodge of Hungary , we have summoned our lodges to meet in a constituent assembly on the 25 th of November . " In strict accordance with the instructions with which you have favoured us , we shall take
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
By so doing all jealousy on the part of the old encampments must be overcome , and we hope wc may sec the day when all the old encampments will have Rose Croix Chapters , under the A . and A . Rite , attached to and working in
concert with them . Masonry in the higher degrees will be benefitted , and the generous concessions which have been made by the Supreme Council , are worthy of imitation elsewhere .
A vote of thanks was passed to the auditors , 111 . Bros . S . Rawson , 32 ; G . Lambert , 30 ; and Chas . Huttoti Gregory , 30 ; for their trouble in going over the accounts ( the property in the hands of the Council amounting now to between M ' ^ ooo and ; £ ' 6 , ooo , in consequence of the careful
husbanding of the fund ) , and III . Bro . Rawson , in replying took occasion to compliment the Supreme Council on the admirable way in which he found the accounts were kept . At the conclusion of the other business , the Grand Chapter was closed , anel the brethren afterwards banquettcd together at the Pall Alall Hotel .
Scotland .
SOCIAL AIEETINI ; or THE "BAIRNS" or Alo-THER KII . WINXING , No . o : —The "Bairns" held their first meeting within the Glasgow St John ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan Street , on Friday evening last . The chair was ably filled by Br . Conn , P . AL , supported on the rig ht by Bros . AVyllie , P .
G . S ., Tweed . . Ve . ; on the left by Brs . Jas . AI . Alillan , R . AV . AL St John ' s 3 bis , and Adams . The croupier ' s chair was occupied bv Br . I . A . Ferguson , supported rig ht and left by Brs . j . Park , P . AL 3 bis ; Dr Andrews , S . AV . No . o ; Granger , 3 bis , fcc . On the cloth being
removed the following toasts were given from the chair and duly resuouded to : —• " The Queen and the craft , " The Army , Navy , and A ' olunteers , " " M . K . H . the Prince of Wales , Patron of Scottish . Freemasonry , " "The Grand Lodges ol" Kngland , Ireland , and Scotland , " "The Provincial Grand
Lodge of Glasgow , and Sueccsslothe St | olm s . 3 bis , acknowledged by R . AV . AI . Alillan ' : " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire , " replied toby Br . Conn , P . AL An eloquent oration was delivered by Bro . Bell on "Masonry : Its antiquity and Present Utility . " The evening was enlivened by
the sinsrintr of Bros . R . B . Thomson , Park , and Granger . It was proposed , as this was the first meeting of the kind , that similar re-unions of the sons of AI other Kilwinning . residing in Glasgow and vicinity should be held annually . The toast ol' " Happy to meet but sorry to part , and happy to meet again , " concluded the proceedings of the evening .
Consecration Of The Bala Lodge (No. 1369.)
On Friday , Alav 3 rd ., the Right NVorship ful Bro . Sir AVatkin Williams Wynn , Bart , Provincial Grand Alaster of North AVales and Shropshire , held a Provincial Grand Lodge at Bala , for
the purpose of consecrating the new Bala Lodge , 1369 , at the Plascoch Hotel . Amongst the brethren who assembled were the following : — Bros . Sir AV . AV . AVynn , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . AL ; the Rev . E . H . Dymock , 1124 , D . Prov .
G . M . ; R . A ' aughan AVilliams , St . Asaph , Prov . G . S . AV . ; J . C . Wynn Edwards , Prov . G . J . AV . ; George Owen , P . AL , 1124 , Prov . G . D . C , ; Robert Humphreys , AV . AI . 606 " , Prov . G . S . B . ; D . P . Owen , AVelchpool , P . M . 99 8 , Prov . G . P . ;
Askew Roberts , Croeswylan Oswestry , 11 34 , Prov . G . S . A'isitors . — Bros . Charles Dutton , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., Cheshire ; Edward Breese , 206 , Prov . G . R ., Herefordshire ; AValter Theobalds , AV . AI .
fjoj ; Edward Jones , Sec . 607 ; Hugh Roberts , 605 ; Radclilfe , JAV . 605 ; Charles Stuley , S . D . 601 ; ; Sharpe , Sec . 823 ; Chapman , 823 ; Cottrell , S . D . 823 : Holland , S . AV . 823 ; W . AVithy ,
AV . AI . 99 8 ; ( AA ' clchpool ) : Edward Davies , 477 ; Charles Leedham , P . M . 220 : Bewley , 220 ; T . J . Hughes , 216 ; Joel Buxton , 1013 ; Welch , 1013 ; Busfield , 1299 ; J . C . Baker , 241 ; James
Consecration Of The Bala Lodge (No. 1369.)
AVilliams , 292 ; Martin , P . M . 477 ; Edward Jones , 1072 ; and Alorrow , 606 " . From the Lodge of St . Oswald , Oswestry , 1124 , ( in addition to three of the Provincial Grand Officers previously mentioned , there were present
Bros . AV . IL Spaull , P . AL and Hon . Sec . ; Alexandra AValker , S . D . ; John Thomas , J . D . John Morris , I . G . ; Dr . Burton , Steward ; H . G . Weaver , AA . Fletcher Rogers , AV . Owen , J . Phillips , Walter Eddy , J , C . Edwards , and Robert Gressier .
The members of the new Bala Lodge included ! : —Bros . A . J . LI . Price , 1167 5 ^ - Owen , 292 ; A . A . Passingham , R . O . Anwyl , C . R . AV . Tottenham , AV . Owen , John Jackson , P . AL 823 ; R . AVoodcoek , J . Harwood , Joseph T , Taylor , Charles J ohn AValker , T . Jones , & c .
The Provincial Grantl Alaster only arrived in London from the Continent on Thursday , but with his usual heartiness in the cause of Alasomy , and good nature to his nei ghbours , the popular baronet at once maele arrangements , for a special train from Bala toRuabon on Friday evening , after
the proceedings . Doubtless had this been more generally known , and had the opening of the Bala Lodge been more extensively advertised , there would have been a larger attendance of brethren of the Province . As it was , with the
exception 01 the Lodge 01 St . Oswald , which was largely represented , there was a very scanty attendance , indeed , of North AVales and Shropshire Alasons , the preponderance being from Cheshire and Lancashiae .
Before the proceedings commenced the R . W . P . Grand Alaster , Sir AVatkin , in thanking the brethren for their attendance , observed that the Bala was not a maritime or mercantile p lace ; it contained no large manufactories ; and they could never expect to see lodges there to the extent of
other parts of the province : and he congratulated them on being so well represented at their consecration . He had fixed the day as late as he could , without seriousl y inconveniencing themnot out of any disrespect to their wishes , but because the chance of fine weather would be
greater , anil he was anxious to have a day when brethren from lite busy centres of trade could the better enjoy their beautiful Welsh scenery , lie was glad to sec so many paesent , and trusted that Alasomy would flourish in Bala—which was almost the very centre of North AVales—and
extend , as it had done in other parts of the province . The ceremony of consecration was then most impressively performed by Bro . Dr . Goldsbro ' , of London , who is a P . AL of the AVelshpool Lodge , 99 8 , and P . Prov . G . S . AV . of the Province of North AVales and Shropshire .
I he musical portion of the ceremony was under the direction of Bro , J . C . Baker , of 341 ; Bro . T . AVelsh , 241 , and 1013 , presided at the harmonium . At the close of the consecration the AV . AI . ( Bro . John Jackson , P . M . 8231 was installed
first Master ol the new lodge ; and the following officers were installed : —Bros . John Moulding , S . AV . ; Capt . C . R . AV . Tottenham , JAV . ; AVilliam Owen , Treasurer , and J . D . : Henry Harwood , Secretary ; Francis Parmeler , S . D . ; Thomas Seaton , I . G . : Samuel Alaccawley , Tyler .
Consecration Oe A New Lodge At Jamaica.
On Monthly , 1 st April , the Westmoreland Lodge , Xu . i . ; 77 , was duly consecrated and dedicated .
The petitioners assembled at Alorgan ' s Brielge , at the residence of Bro . Edmund Goodin , where they received the AV . Alaster and Officers of the Friendl y Lodge of Alontego Bay , No . 383 . They moved in procession to Lincoln Penn ,
the new Lodge Room , where the usual ceremonial services were performed . The Cousecretion Prayer was delivered by the Rev . Bro N . Lechmere Fdlis , Chaplain . The warrant of
Constitution was read by Bro . AN . G . AIcLellan , Secretary . The elements of Consecration were severally strewed over the building , with the usual invocations , bv the AN ' or . Bro . S . S . O . Jacobs . Suitable anthems were sung , and an
Consecration Oe A New Lodge At Jamaica.
oration closed this portion of the day ' s proceedings . Soon after , the Lodge being duly tyled , the business of Installing the W . Bro . Z . Mennell , M . D ., in the Oriental Chair followed , and the Lodge was closeel in ample form at 3 o ' clock . The Brethren then returned to Bro . Goodin ' s
where , at 5 p . m . they sat down ( in number twoscore-and-one ) to a splendid Banquet , which was presided ox'er by the AV . Master of the New Lodge . On his right , the Alaster , and on his left ; the Chaplain of the sister Lodge . The Vice-Chair was abl y rilled by Bro . Geo . Ffrench . Sen .
AVarilen elect . Bro . Bovill ' s truncheon being in proper position , pointed him out as pro . tern "Junior . " The Stewards were unremitting in their attention to visitors , the Brethren of the AVest coming up in every particular to their Seniors of 383 .
The usual toasts were duly proposed and responded to . On the whole the day ' s proceedings passed off very pleasantly—harmony prevailed throughout . The Brethren separated about 9 p . m . and closed the memorable . 1 st April , 1872 .
The Tranquility And Confidence Ma- Sonic Charitable Association.
A ctesire of becoming Life Subscribers to one or more of the Alasonic Charities has of late manifested itself amongst brethren , whose hearts are in the ri ght place , but whose circumstances in life will not permit them to disburse the necessary amount in bulk , which would qualify them to
become entitled to that enviable distinction . To meet this want , associations have sprung up in various directions , with the object of assisting in the attainment of these laudable aspirations . By the payment of a trifling weekly subscription , each member must in the course of a
comparatively short space of time become Life Subscribers of any of the Institutions he may select . Under the above name , a new society for a similar purpose is now in the course of formation by brethren of the Tranquility Lodge of Instruction , No . 18-3 , and Confidence Lodge of
Instruction , No . 193 , under the able and energetic guidance of Bro . John Constable , the J . D . of the first named lodge . A meeting will take place at the Railway Tavern , London-street , E . C , on the 22 nd inst ., atS p . m ., at which brethern who may wish to
become members will do well to attend . It is proposed to limit the number , so that each member should obtain his appropriation in rather less than five years . A movement of this kinel cannot be too widely spreatl , and is well deserving encouragement and co-operation from every member of the Craft .
The Grand Lodge Of Hungary.
The Grand Lodge of France has seven lodges in Hungary , namely , Lodge Fratcrnitas , held at Arad ; Lo . Haladas , or Progress , held at Kassa ; Lo . Kosmos , held at Oravieza ; Lo . Hnnyady , held at Temesvar ; and three lodges , Humboldt , Alathias , Corvinus , and zur Abeit , held at Pesth .
. these lodges , haying expressed their desire to be formed aiulconstituted an independent Masonic national power , the Grand Lodge of France , more regardful of the general interests of the Craft , than of those of its own peculiar jurisdiction , has taken a favourable view of this desire , which has resulted
in the definite constitution of ihe Grand Lodge of Hungary . On the lolii of October last , the executive committee of the Hungarian lodges , addressed to the Grand Lodge ol France a letter , from which we quote the following lines : — ' •A ' ery Dear anil Venerable Brethren ,
" AN ' e h . 'ix e much pleasure in announcing to you that , having obtained from the Government the authorisation and recognition of the Grand Lodge of Hungary , we have summoned our lodges to meet in a constituent assembly on the 25 th of November . " In strict accordance with the instructions with which you have favoured us , we shall take