Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodgeof Benevolence S' 3 Earl of Carnarvon Lodge Ball S' 3 Provincial Grand Lodge of Hereford ' . S' 3 Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire JM Freemasonry in Jamaica 5 5 Lady Freemasonry in Spaiu 5 'S
Scotland J' ** RtroRTS or MASONIC MEETINGSCraft Masonry $ * $ Roval Arch S" 3 L EADERS J CoWtlSrONBENCEThe Ancient and Primitive Rite £ " "
Grand Officers J " An Important Question 5 *" Our Charity Returns 5 " Queries 5 " Reviews S " Masonic Notes and Queries S " Obituary S " Ancient and Primitive Rite 5 "
Instruction 5 3 3 Mark Masonry S 3 Ancient and Accepted Rite 5 3 3 South Africa 5 * 3 Literary , Art , and Antiquarian Notes 5 3 3 Masonic and General Tidings S t Lodge Meetings for Next Week I . Advetisements IL , III ., IV .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
Thequarterly meetingof the Boardof Masters and monthly meeting of the Lodgeof Benevolence were held on Wednesday evening atFreemasons' HaU . Bro . Joshua Nunn , Senior Vice President , occupied the chair of President ; Bro . James Brett , Junior Vice President , took the chair of Senior Vice President ; and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., took the
chair of Junior Vice President . There were also present Bros . Henry Garrod , Charles Frederick Hogard , W . H . Perryman , R . F . Gould , Griffiths Smith , John Constable , S . Rawson , W . Mann , William Clarke , G . P . Britten , William Stephens , James Kench , Charles Atkins , Thomas Cubitt , J . D . Collier , George Burt , S . Lindner , R . Atkins , Charles Dairy , John Docker , J . H . Matthews , W . Ingram ,
Robert Harrison , P . McCarthy , W . Kipps , G . Smith . G . Adamson , W . Groome , A . Cooper Bradley , VV . T . Clinton , P . Jagsilski , M . D ., George Boulton , Robert Snare , G . H . Kohler , N . W . Fenner , J . Squire , J . H . jSmith , E . West . T . N . Marshall , J . Lazarus , H . B . Dunn , N . Green , W . Vandy , W . Sutherland , J . R . Stacey , W . Radcliffe , W . M . Kitson , H . Shaw , Albert Fish , VV . H . Dean , John Ledger ,
John Henry Leggott , J . Perkin , s Edmund Mackney , James Weaver , R . S . Wajjlctt , M . Maybrick , James Blyth , H . A . Lovett , Henry Turner , M . D . Loewenstark , M . Rickwood , Thomas Cull , and F . C . Wemyss . Bros . Colonel Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . ; H . G . Buss , A . G . S . ; A . A . Pendlebury ; H . Sadler , G . T . ; and H . Massey ( Freemason ) , also attended .
The agenda paper for next Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was settled by the Board of Masters , and the Lodge of Benevolence was then opened . There were thirty-five cases before the lodge . The brethren first confirmed grants made at the last meeting to the amount of £ 68 o , and then proceeded with the new list . Out of the thirty-five cases three were deferred for completion . The
remaining thirty-two were relieved with a total sum of £ 925 . This sum was composed of onc recommendation for £ 100 ( £ 100 ); two for £ 75 each ( £ 150 ); three for £ 40 ach ( £ 120 ); six for £ 30 each ( £ 180 ); one for £ 23 { £ 23 ); eight for £ 20 each ( £ 160 ) ; one for £ 15 ( £ 15 ); seven grants of £ 10 each ( £ 70 ); and one of £ 5 ( £ 5 ) . Lodge was then closed after sitting four-an ^ -a-half hours .
Earl Of Carnarvon Lodge Ball.
The fourth annual ball of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 16 42 , was held in the Town * Hall , Kensington , on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., a large and brilliant company being present . The programme , whicli was exceedingly " ¦ ¦¦ ell-arranged , consisted of twenty-four dances , all of which
* ere entered into with great spirit to the strains of Bro . Charles Godfrey ' s well trained string band of the Royal ijjorse Guards . Mr . Sheridan Lings was an able M . C . lhe successof the ball was great , and we congratulate " ° s . VV . J . Murlis , P . M ., Hon . Sec , and George Penn , » - ? i i . rreas *< U I " tlle fact * These brethren , doubtless , "HI have thc pleasure of handinn- to Wm . Imnm TW ™ nl
the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , a handsome "" nation as thc financial result of the ball . VVe take this opportunity of wishing every success to the fifth annual assembl y , which will , we understand , be held in February Pi 'he whole of the proceeds in this case being given to "e Koyal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hereford.
The auspicious and imposing ceremony of installing Sir Joseph Russell Bailey , Bart ., of Glanusk Park , Crickhowell , Breconshire , Lord-Lieutenant of the county of Brecon , senior member for the county of Hereford , as Provincial Grand Master of the Herefordshire Province of Ancient and Loyal Freemasons , took place at the Shire Hall ,
Hereford , on I hursday , the nth inst ., and drew together such a body of the Craft as never assembled in the " City of the Wye " within the memory of man ; while the influx of friends " was signified by the crowded state of the city thoroughfares throughout the day . At 12 . 15 the members of Palladian Lodge , No . 120 , assisted the W . M . Bro . Smith , in opening a Craft lodge , and at 12 . 30 a vast body of Freemasons from the several
provinces of Hereford , Worcester , Monmouth , Brecon , Salop , and the Eastern Division of South Wales , entered the hall , wearing their aprons , jewels , and other insignia of the Order , and making a brilliant and imposing sight . Bro . Col . SHADWELL CLERKE . Royal Body Guard , Grand Secretary of England , obeying the command of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , came down to perform the solemnly grand ceremony of installation , and was received
by the brethren with every mark of decorum , pleasure , and true brotherly Masonic feeling . Having robed , he with the other Grand Officers , Past and Present , entered in procession , and then opened the Provincial Grand Lodge , the Installing Master being saluted according to ancient form . The members of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire and South Wales , E . D ., were announced and entered , each headed by its P . G . Master , and were duly saluted . The
Installing Master then addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge and stated the object of the gathering . The Right Worshi p ful Grand Master designate of Herefordshire , having arrived in the interval , was announced and was requested to send in the patent of appointment , which having been examined by the Installing Master , he directed a deputation of seven Past Masters to retire with the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and introduce the R . W . Prov .
Grand Master ( designate ) and place him before the pedestal . The P . G . Secretary then read the patent aloud , after which a prayer to the Great Architect of the Universe was devoutly offered by the Prov . Grand Chaplain . The Installing Master then addressed the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master as to thc high and important duties of his oflice , and asked him if hc could conscientiously undertake their due and faithful performance .
Hereupon the Provincial Grand Master knelt and took the O . B . He was then invested with the apron , chain , and jewels of office , and placed in the P . G . chair , and _ the ceremony of installation having thus been performed in a most impressive manner , Bro . Col . Shadwell Clerke was conducted to the chair on the left of the R . W . P . G . M ., who was thereupon proclaimed , upon which the R . W . P . G . M . was saluted by the Craft . The
D . P . G . M . ( uro . Jowett ) was then conducted between the Deacons tothefrontof the pedestal , where he was obligated , invested , proclaimed , and saluted . The R . W . P . G . M . then appointed and invested the P . G . Officers , who were also duly saluted . The usual votes of thanks having been made , and a Committee to revise the bye-laws appointed , P . G . Lodge was closed in solemn and ancient form .
lhe K . W . P . u . M . made the following appointments : Bro . T . Jowitt ... ... ... Prov . D . G . M . „ Rev . J . Buckle Prov . G . S . W . „ J . E . S . Hewett Prov . G . J . W . „ Rev . T . T . Smith Prov . G . Chap . „ W . Daggs ... ... ... Brov . G . Treas . „ F . R . Dillon "Prov . G . -leg . „ J . Hampden ... ... ... Prov . G . S . D . „ I . Hurst Prov . G . I . D .
„ J . B . Lewis and VV . Earle ... Prov . G . D . C . 's . „ Hayes Prov . G . S . ofW , „ A . VV . Bezant Prov . G . Org . „ T . Smith Prov . G . P . at A . It was originally intended that one portion of thc ceremony ( the offering of thanks to the Great Architect of the Universe for all His blessings to mankind ) should have taken place in that venerable and fitting memorial to the
labours of th * Craft , the Cathedral , but , unfortunately , the Dean and Chapter having what is termed an " audit " and an installation of their own—of a new prebend—on hand on Thursday , it was found impracticable to hold both ceremonies in the same building on the same day . Somehow or other the fact that the beautiful Ladye Chapel in the Cathedral is set apart for the worship of the parishioners of St . John ' s seems to have been overlooked , and also that the
vicar , the Rev . A . J . Capel , is a member of the Craft , and from his otherwise kindly disposed nature would probably have been too happy to have seen the brethren within his church . Theconsequence was that at 3 . 15 the brethren walked in grand procession from the Shirehall to All Saints' Church , and the pageant was such a one as is rarely seen in this country , to witness which the streets were thronged by hundreds of well-dressed citizens and persons who had come from distant towns and cities . The sacred building ,
capacious as it was , was densely crowded . An admirable choir had been composed by drafts from several musical sources , and Bro . W . Mason , Organist of the Palladian Lodge , who presided at the organ , rendered a voluntary ( " Bencdictus , " Haydn ) before the commencement of the service , which included Psalms civ . ( Robinson ) , the Magnificat ( Goss ) , and Nunc Dimittis ( Jones ) . After the third collect came the anthem , by Bro . the Rev . Sir Frederick Ouseley , Bart ., " From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same , My name shall be great among the Gentiles ; and in
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hereford.
every place incense shall be offered up unto My name , for My name shall be great among the heathen . Thus saith the Lord , " which was beautifully rendered . The hymn before the sermon was 166 , "All people that on earth do dwell , " tune 100 th . During the collection another voluntary ( "Ave Maria , " Cherubini ) was placed , and after the collection hymn 273 , " O ! Lord , how joyful 'tis to see , " tune
Melcombe , was sung . The sermon was preached by the Rev . T . T . Smith , rector of Thruxton , and Prov . Grand Chaplain , who took as the basis of his discourse the words "The eyes of the Lord are in every place , beholding the evil and the good " ( Proverbs xv ., 3 ) . The preacher , of course , adapted his subject to the circumstances of the gathering , and his sermon , couched in impressive
language , was listened to throughout with marked attention . He did not speak from the pulpit , which stands almost in the middle of the congregation , but from the lectern in front of thc communion table . In concluding his discourse , he referred to the fact that a collection was to be made at the close of the services , and that the offertory was to be given to the Hereford Infirmary , and he made an appeal on
behalf of that institution , remarking that the offerings of the congregation could be dedicated to no more worthy object . By the collection the sum of £ 11 was received . The voluntary after the benediction was Mendelssohn ' s " War march of the priests . " On leaving the church the Masonic body returned to the Shirehall , where they divested themselves of their aprons , emblems , & c , and then walked to the Palladian Chambers
at the Green Dragon Hotel , to the banquet , which took place at 4 . 30 , in thc Assembly Room , in which the Palladian gatherings are generally held . The tables were decorated with consummate taste , and , bearing as they did , a superb collection of fancy-leaved and exquisite flowering plants in full bloom , solitaires , and a miniature bouquet for every brother , had a most charming appearance , and realising in a most eminent degree the conception embodied in a diner
a la Russe . Covers were laid for nearly one hundred and fifty , and there was not " a vacant chair . " A few Masonic emblems decorated the walls , and conspicuous amongst the portraits of the distinguished Most Worshi pful Grand Master of England were those of the Duke of Cumberland and the Earl of Zetland , while local Masonic work was well represented by those of the late Rev . Richard Underwood , M . A .., and the late Ven . Archdeacon Lane Freer , M . A ., two deservedly popular Deputy Provincial Grand Masters of Herefordshire .
"To gild refined gold , to paint the lily , or throw a perfume o'er the rose , Is wasteful and ridiculous excess . " The dinner was admirable and the dessert magnificent . The venison and game were presented by Bro . Sir Joseph Bailey , the R . W . P . G . M . The wines were of the finest bouquet . The R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . Sir Joseph Bailey , was supported by Bros . Colonel Lyne , R . W . P . G . M . for Monmouthshire ;
Sir George Elliot , R . W . P . G . M . for the Eastern Division of South Vvales ( Swansea ) ; Colonel Shadwell Clerke , Grand Sec ; Captain J . M . P . Montague , P . G . D . ; Joseph Pulley , M . P . ; Thomas Duckham , M . P . ; Captain Ferguson ; Captain Homfray ; Smith , W . M . 120 and P . P . G . P . ; Theo . Lane , I . P . M . 120 , P . P . G . P . ; W . Earle , P . M . 120
, P . P . G . D . C ; Kerbey , P . M . 892 , P . P . GJ . D . ; T . Millersliip , 1333 ; James Williams , P . M . 120 , P . M ., P . P . G . T . ; William Davies , S . W . 120 ; A . F . Godson , P . M . 1097 , P . P . G . S . W . ( Worcester ); E . Shaw , J . W . 120 ; Rev 7 j . Buckle , P . M . 7 Si , P . Z ., P . G . S . W . ; J . Cheese , 120 , P . P . G . O . ; M . J . Scobie , 120 ; J . C . Russell , 120 ; W . Edward Groom , 120 ; W . Clarke Whitfield , 120 ; Charles
Rootes , P . M . 338 ; H . Horton , J . VV . 189 ; Watson Morrison , 49 ; John Morgan , P . M ., P . G . S . D ., 1098 ; T . Maund , 120 ; James Pembridgc , 120 ; William Thomas , 120 ; E . J . Raker , 120 ; Thomas Harrhy , P . M . 810 , P . P . G . P ., Mon . ; A . VV . Townsend , 117 ; G . T . Howan , P . M . 818 , P . P . G . A . D . C ; Grenville Myer , P . M . 120 ; John W . Hallam , P . M . 237 , P . P . G . S . W . R . ; F . R . Dillon ,
P . M . 120 , P . G . R . ; A . Shipton , P . J . W . ( Light of the North ); J . R . Smith , VV . M . 751 ; G . E . H . Piper , P . M . 751 , P . P . G . R . ; J . J . Roberts , S . D . 751 ; Henry Morgan , Secretary 751 ; G . Cole , 120 ; H . Fragg , 120 ; A . J . Whittle , S . VV . 6 51 , and Sec . 1807 ; G . J . Caldwall , 751 ; Lawrence Lewis , Organist 651 ; W . Knill , 862 , VV . M . 1471 ; H . S . Marchant , 120 ; VV . H . Oswin , 120 ;
VV . H . Caldwall , 751 ; Henry James Smith , I . G . 737 ; VV . Barber , 120 ; Henry Gurney , P . M . 120 J William Prosser , 120 ; J . J . Kerr , S . W . 751 ; J . G . Davies , I . P . M . 457 ; Thomas Cadle , I . P . M ., P . G . P ; , 1067 ; T . J . A . Williams , W . M . 457 ; VV . Sandbrook , P . M ., P . P . S . P ., 125 S ; John South , 751 ; A . A . Hancocks , 377 , Faith , Hope , and Charity j C . Morgan , 457 ; T . Hyam ,
P . M . 4575 J- R- Oakley , S . VV . 457 ; T . Blinkhorn , 120 ; I . O . Marsh , P . M . 818 ; D . Hopkins , P . M . 060 , 1754 , and P . P . G . I . D . ; R . Rice , VV . M . 3 6 ; Colonel Jones Thomas , 552 , Morning Star , I . E . I . ; T . Walters , J . W . 1573 , P . G . Chap . Eastern Division of S , outh Wales ; J . H . Berkley , J . 0 . 751 ; T . H . Perkins , J . D . 457 ; Rev . J . VV . Sawyer , P . P . G . Chap . 335 ; J- Cox , P . M . 751 ; H . C . Rich ,
• un ., 651 ; E . H . Teale , O . and S . f . 51 ; J . Lane , J . W . 751 ; J . Pugh , 10 S 9 ; S . J . Facev , P . M . 8 iS ; R . N . Thomas , P . M . and Prov . Grand S . W ., 344 ; R . W . Fames , 81 S ; I . Jones , S 18 ; T . Morgan , S 18 ; C . Rowe , Prov . Grand J . VV ., 491 ; j . L . Stone , P . P . G . R . ; W . Hitchcox , 471 ; C . F . Gooch , J . W ., P . G . S ., GS 3 ; J . P . Swier , J . VV . 475 ; E . George , 120 ; J . Horner , P . M . 1429 ; H . R . Barrett , P . M . 81 S , P . J ., G . D . Mon . ; W . J . Hands , 818 ; S . A . R y der , 818 j C Howells , P . G . O ., 818 ; J . Thomas , 241 ; Thomas Handford , S . O . 338 ; Bro . J . Hards , Sec . 33 S ; Octavius Wm . ' Hoffman , 522 ; Thomas Jones , 687 ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodgeof Benevolence S' 3 Earl of Carnarvon Lodge Ball S' 3 Provincial Grand Lodge of Hereford ' . S' 3 Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire JM Freemasonry in Jamaica 5 5 Lady Freemasonry in Spaiu 5 'S
Scotland J' ** RtroRTS or MASONIC MEETINGSCraft Masonry $ * $ Roval Arch S" 3 L EADERS J CoWtlSrONBENCEThe Ancient and Primitive Rite £ " "
Grand Officers J " An Important Question 5 *" Our Charity Returns 5 " Queries 5 " Reviews S " Masonic Notes and Queries S " Obituary S " Ancient and Primitive Rite 5 "
Instruction 5 3 3 Mark Masonry S 3 Ancient and Accepted Rite 5 3 3 South Africa 5 * 3 Literary , Art , and Antiquarian Notes 5 3 3 Masonic and General Tidings S t Lodge Meetings for Next Week I . Advetisements IL , III ., IV .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
Thequarterly meetingof the Boardof Masters and monthly meeting of the Lodgeof Benevolence were held on Wednesday evening atFreemasons' HaU . Bro . Joshua Nunn , Senior Vice President , occupied the chair of President ; Bro . James Brett , Junior Vice President , took the chair of Senior Vice President ; and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., took the
chair of Junior Vice President . There were also present Bros . Henry Garrod , Charles Frederick Hogard , W . H . Perryman , R . F . Gould , Griffiths Smith , John Constable , S . Rawson , W . Mann , William Clarke , G . P . Britten , William Stephens , James Kench , Charles Atkins , Thomas Cubitt , J . D . Collier , George Burt , S . Lindner , R . Atkins , Charles Dairy , John Docker , J . H . Matthews , W . Ingram ,
Robert Harrison , P . McCarthy , W . Kipps , G . Smith . G . Adamson , W . Groome , A . Cooper Bradley , VV . T . Clinton , P . Jagsilski , M . D ., George Boulton , Robert Snare , G . H . Kohler , N . W . Fenner , J . Squire , J . H . jSmith , E . West . T . N . Marshall , J . Lazarus , H . B . Dunn , N . Green , W . Vandy , W . Sutherland , J . R . Stacey , W . Radcliffe , W . M . Kitson , H . Shaw , Albert Fish , VV . H . Dean , John Ledger ,
John Henry Leggott , J . Perkin , s Edmund Mackney , James Weaver , R . S . Wajjlctt , M . Maybrick , James Blyth , H . A . Lovett , Henry Turner , M . D . Loewenstark , M . Rickwood , Thomas Cull , and F . C . Wemyss . Bros . Colonel Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . ; H . G . Buss , A . G . S . ; A . A . Pendlebury ; H . Sadler , G . T . ; and H . Massey ( Freemason ) , also attended .
The agenda paper for next Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was settled by the Board of Masters , and the Lodge of Benevolence was then opened . There were thirty-five cases before the lodge . The brethren first confirmed grants made at the last meeting to the amount of £ 68 o , and then proceeded with the new list . Out of the thirty-five cases three were deferred for completion . The
remaining thirty-two were relieved with a total sum of £ 925 . This sum was composed of onc recommendation for £ 100 ( £ 100 ); two for £ 75 each ( £ 150 ); three for £ 40 ach ( £ 120 ); six for £ 30 each ( £ 180 ); one for £ 23 { £ 23 ); eight for £ 20 each ( £ 160 ) ; one for £ 15 ( £ 15 ); seven grants of £ 10 each ( £ 70 ); and one of £ 5 ( £ 5 ) . Lodge was then closed after sitting four-an ^ -a-half hours .
Earl Of Carnarvon Lodge Ball.
The fourth annual ball of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 16 42 , was held in the Town * Hall , Kensington , on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., a large and brilliant company being present . The programme , whicli was exceedingly " ¦ ¦¦ ell-arranged , consisted of twenty-four dances , all of which
* ere entered into with great spirit to the strains of Bro . Charles Godfrey ' s well trained string band of the Royal ijjorse Guards . Mr . Sheridan Lings was an able M . C . lhe successof the ball was great , and we congratulate " ° s . VV . J . Murlis , P . M ., Hon . Sec , and George Penn , » - ? i i . rreas *< U I " tlle fact * These brethren , doubtless , "HI have thc pleasure of handinn- to Wm . Imnm TW ™ nl
the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , a handsome "" nation as thc financial result of the ball . VVe take this opportunity of wishing every success to the fifth annual assembl y , which will , we understand , be held in February Pi 'he whole of the proceeds in this case being given to "e Koyal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hereford.
The auspicious and imposing ceremony of installing Sir Joseph Russell Bailey , Bart ., of Glanusk Park , Crickhowell , Breconshire , Lord-Lieutenant of the county of Brecon , senior member for the county of Hereford , as Provincial Grand Master of the Herefordshire Province of Ancient and Loyal Freemasons , took place at the Shire Hall ,
Hereford , on I hursday , the nth inst ., and drew together such a body of the Craft as never assembled in the " City of the Wye " within the memory of man ; while the influx of friends " was signified by the crowded state of the city thoroughfares throughout the day . At 12 . 15 the members of Palladian Lodge , No . 120 , assisted the W . M . Bro . Smith , in opening a Craft lodge , and at 12 . 30 a vast body of Freemasons from the several
provinces of Hereford , Worcester , Monmouth , Brecon , Salop , and the Eastern Division of South Wales , entered the hall , wearing their aprons , jewels , and other insignia of the Order , and making a brilliant and imposing sight . Bro . Col . SHADWELL CLERKE . Royal Body Guard , Grand Secretary of England , obeying the command of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , came down to perform the solemnly grand ceremony of installation , and was received
by the brethren with every mark of decorum , pleasure , and true brotherly Masonic feeling . Having robed , he with the other Grand Officers , Past and Present , entered in procession , and then opened the Provincial Grand Lodge , the Installing Master being saluted according to ancient form . The members of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire and South Wales , E . D ., were announced and entered , each headed by its P . G . Master , and were duly saluted . The
Installing Master then addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge and stated the object of the gathering . The Right Worshi p ful Grand Master designate of Herefordshire , having arrived in the interval , was announced and was requested to send in the patent of appointment , which having been examined by the Installing Master , he directed a deputation of seven Past Masters to retire with the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and introduce the R . W . Prov .
Grand Master ( designate ) and place him before the pedestal . The P . G . Secretary then read the patent aloud , after which a prayer to the Great Architect of the Universe was devoutly offered by the Prov . Grand Chaplain . The Installing Master then addressed the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master as to thc high and important duties of his oflice , and asked him if hc could conscientiously undertake their due and faithful performance .
Hereupon the Provincial Grand Master knelt and took the O . B . He was then invested with the apron , chain , and jewels of office , and placed in the P . G . chair , and _ the ceremony of installation having thus been performed in a most impressive manner , Bro . Col . Shadwell Clerke was conducted to the chair on the left of the R . W . P . G . M ., who was thereupon proclaimed , upon which the R . W . P . G . M . was saluted by the Craft . The
D . P . G . M . ( uro . Jowett ) was then conducted between the Deacons tothefrontof the pedestal , where he was obligated , invested , proclaimed , and saluted . The R . W . P . G . M . then appointed and invested the P . G . Officers , who were also duly saluted . The usual votes of thanks having been made , and a Committee to revise the bye-laws appointed , P . G . Lodge was closed in solemn and ancient form .
lhe K . W . P . u . M . made the following appointments : Bro . T . Jowitt ... ... ... Prov . D . G . M . „ Rev . J . Buckle Prov . G . S . W . „ J . E . S . Hewett Prov . G . J . W . „ Rev . T . T . Smith Prov . G . Chap . „ W . Daggs ... ... ... Brov . G . Treas . „ F . R . Dillon "Prov . G . -leg . „ J . Hampden ... ... ... Prov . G . S . D . „ I . Hurst Prov . G . I . D .
„ J . B . Lewis and VV . Earle ... Prov . G . D . C . 's . „ Hayes Prov . G . S . ofW , „ A . VV . Bezant Prov . G . Org . „ T . Smith Prov . G . P . at A . It was originally intended that one portion of thc ceremony ( the offering of thanks to the Great Architect of the Universe for all His blessings to mankind ) should have taken place in that venerable and fitting memorial to the
labours of th * Craft , the Cathedral , but , unfortunately , the Dean and Chapter having what is termed an " audit " and an installation of their own—of a new prebend—on hand on Thursday , it was found impracticable to hold both ceremonies in the same building on the same day . Somehow or other the fact that the beautiful Ladye Chapel in the Cathedral is set apart for the worship of the parishioners of St . John ' s seems to have been overlooked , and also that the
vicar , the Rev . A . J . Capel , is a member of the Craft , and from his otherwise kindly disposed nature would probably have been too happy to have seen the brethren within his church . Theconsequence was that at 3 . 15 the brethren walked in grand procession from the Shirehall to All Saints' Church , and the pageant was such a one as is rarely seen in this country , to witness which the streets were thronged by hundreds of well-dressed citizens and persons who had come from distant towns and cities . The sacred building ,
capacious as it was , was densely crowded . An admirable choir had been composed by drafts from several musical sources , and Bro . W . Mason , Organist of the Palladian Lodge , who presided at the organ , rendered a voluntary ( " Bencdictus , " Haydn ) before the commencement of the service , which included Psalms civ . ( Robinson ) , the Magnificat ( Goss ) , and Nunc Dimittis ( Jones ) . After the third collect came the anthem , by Bro . the Rev . Sir Frederick Ouseley , Bart ., " From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same , My name shall be great among the Gentiles ; and in
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hereford.
every place incense shall be offered up unto My name , for My name shall be great among the heathen . Thus saith the Lord , " which was beautifully rendered . The hymn before the sermon was 166 , "All people that on earth do dwell , " tune 100 th . During the collection another voluntary ( "Ave Maria , " Cherubini ) was placed , and after the collection hymn 273 , " O ! Lord , how joyful 'tis to see , " tune
Melcombe , was sung . The sermon was preached by the Rev . T . T . Smith , rector of Thruxton , and Prov . Grand Chaplain , who took as the basis of his discourse the words "The eyes of the Lord are in every place , beholding the evil and the good " ( Proverbs xv ., 3 ) . The preacher , of course , adapted his subject to the circumstances of the gathering , and his sermon , couched in impressive
language , was listened to throughout with marked attention . He did not speak from the pulpit , which stands almost in the middle of the congregation , but from the lectern in front of thc communion table . In concluding his discourse , he referred to the fact that a collection was to be made at the close of the services , and that the offertory was to be given to the Hereford Infirmary , and he made an appeal on
behalf of that institution , remarking that the offerings of the congregation could be dedicated to no more worthy object . By the collection the sum of £ 11 was received . The voluntary after the benediction was Mendelssohn ' s " War march of the priests . " On leaving the church the Masonic body returned to the Shirehall , where they divested themselves of their aprons , emblems , & c , and then walked to the Palladian Chambers
at the Green Dragon Hotel , to the banquet , which took place at 4 . 30 , in thc Assembly Room , in which the Palladian gatherings are generally held . The tables were decorated with consummate taste , and , bearing as they did , a superb collection of fancy-leaved and exquisite flowering plants in full bloom , solitaires , and a miniature bouquet for every brother , had a most charming appearance , and realising in a most eminent degree the conception embodied in a diner
a la Russe . Covers were laid for nearly one hundred and fifty , and there was not " a vacant chair . " A few Masonic emblems decorated the walls , and conspicuous amongst the portraits of the distinguished Most Worshi pful Grand Master of England were those of the Duke of Cumberland and the Earl of Zetland , while local Masonic work was well represented by those of the late Rev . Richard Underwood , M . A .., and the late Ven . Archdeacon Lane Freer , M . A ., two deservedly popular Deputy Provincial Grand Masters of Herefordshire .
"To gild refined gold , to paint the lily , or throw a perfume o'er the rose , Is wasteful and ridiculous excess . " The dinner was admirable and the dessert magnificent . The venison and game were presented by Bro . Sir Joseph Bailey , the R . W . P . G . M . The wines were of the finest bouquet . The R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . Sir Joseph Bailey , was supported by Bros . Colonel Lyne , R . W . P . G . M . for Monmouthshire ;
Sir George Elliot , R . W . P . G . M . for the Eastern Division of South Vvales ( Swansea ) ; Colonel Shadwell Clerke , Grand Sec ; Captain J . M . P . Montague , P . G . D . ; Joseph Pulley , M . P . ; Thomas Duckham , M . P . ; Captain Ferguson ; Captain Homfray ; Smith , W . M . 120 and P . P . G . P . ; Theo . Lane , I . P . M . 120 , P . P . G . P . ; W . Earle , P . M . 120
, P . P . G . D . C ; Kerbey , P . M . 892 , P . P . GJ . D . ; T . Millersliip , 1333 ; James Williams , P . M . 120 , P . M ., P . P . G . T . ; William Davies , S . W . 120 ; A . F . Godson , P . M . 1097 , P . P . G . S . W . ( Worcester ); E . Shaw , J . W . 120 ; Rev 7 j . Buckle , P . M . 7 Si , P . Z ., P . G . S . W . ; J . Cheese , 120 , P . P . G . O . ; M . J . Scobie , 120 ; J . C . Russell , 120 ; W . Edward Groom , 120 ; W . Clarke Whitfield , 120 ; Charles
Rootes , P . M . 338 ; H . Horton , J . VV . 189 ; Watson Morrison , 49 ; John Morgan , P . M ., P . G . S . D ., 1098 ; T . Maund , 120 ; James Pembridgc , 120 ; William Thomas , 120 ; E . J . Raker , 120 ; Thomas Harrhy , P . M . 810 , P . P . G . P ., Mon . ; A . VV . Townsend , 117 ; G . T . Howan , P . M . 818 , P . P . G . A . D . C ; Grenville Myer , P . M . 120 ; John W . Hallam , P . M . 237 , P . P . G . S . W . R . ; F . R . Dillon ,
P . M . 120 , P . G . R . ; A . Shipton , P . J . W . ( Light of the North ); J . R . Smith , VV . M . 751 ; G . E . H . Piper , P . M . 751 , P . P . G . R . ; J . J . Roberts , S . D . 751 ; Henry Morgan , Secretary 751 ; G . Cole , 120 ; H . Fragg , 120 ; A . J . Whittle , S . VV . 6 51 , and Sec . 1807 ; G . J . Caldwall , 751 ; Lawrence Lewis , Organist 651 ; W . Knill , 862 , VV . M . 1471 ; H . S . Marchant , 120 ; VV . H . Oswin , 120 ;
VV . H . Caldwall , 751 ; Henry James Smith , I . G . 737 ; VV . Barber , 120 ; Henry Gurney , P . M . 120 J William Prosser , 120 ; J . J . Kerr , S . W . 751 ; J . G . Davies , I . P . M . 457 ; Thomas Cadle , I . P . M ., P . G . P ; , 1067 ; T . J . A . Williams , W . M . 457 ; VV . Sandbrook , P . M ., P . P . S . P ., 125 S ; John South , 751 ; A . A . Hancocks , 377 , Faith , Hope , and Charity j C . Morgan , 457 ; T . Hyam ,
P . M . 4575 J- R- Oakley , S . VV . 457 ; T . Blinkhorn , 120 ; I . O . Marsh , P . M . 818 ; D . Hopkins , P . M . 060 , 1754 , and P . P . G . I . D . ; R . Rice , VV . M . 3 6 ; Colonel Jones Thomas , 552 , Morning Star , I . E . I . ; T . Walters , J . W . 1573 , P . G . Chap . Eastern Division of S , outh Wales ; J . H . Berkley , J . 0 . 751 ; T . H . Perkins , J . D . 457 ; Rev . J . VV . Sawyer , P . P . G . Chap . 335 ; J- Cox , P . M . 751 ; H . C . Rich ,
• un ., 651 ; E . H . Teale , O . and S . f . 51 ; J . Lane , J . W . 751 ; J . Pugh , 10 S 9 ; S . J . Facev , P . M . 8 iS ; R . N . Thomas , P . M . and Prov . Grand S . W ., 344 ; R . W . Fames , 81 S ; I . Jones , S 18 ; T . Morgan , S 18 ; C . Rowe , Prov . Grand J . VV ., 491 ; j . L . Stone , P . P . G . R . ; W . Hitchcox , 471 ; C . F . Gooch , J . W ., P . G . S ., GS 3 ; J . P . Swier , J . VV . 475 ; E . George , 120 ; J . Horner , P . M . 1429 ; H . R . Barrett , P . M . 81 S , P . J ., G . D . Mon . ; W . J . Hands , 818 ; S . A . R y der , 818 j C Howells , P . G . O ., 818 ; J . Thomas , 241 ; Thomas Handford , S . O . 338 ; Bro . J . Hards , Sec . 33 S ; Octavius Wm . ' Hoffman , 522 ; Thomas Jones , 687 ;