Article Literary, Art, and Antiquarian Notes. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article LONDON LAND COMPANY. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Literary, Art, And Antiquarian Notes.
The Atlienmim says that Messrs . Puttick and Simpson will sell by auction on the 17 th inst . a copy of the first edition of Shelley's "Queen Mab , " with copious manuscript emendations in thc autograph of Mrs . Shelley , altering the poem to the " Demon of the World . " Mr . Buxton Forman in his edition of Shelley ' s works , Vol . III ., pp . 459-6 S , doubts the existence of a second annotated copy ; we have not examined thc copy announced for sale , but may it not bethat seen by Medwin , whose statement is looked upon with so much doubt ?
The Afhenaum states that the Armenian inscriptions , which have long defied the skill of decipherers , have , it is said , been read by Professor Sayce . He has for some considerable time been engaged on the work of decipherment , and has , we believe , succeeded in translating the greater portion of them . The languages have but scant
affinities to any existing dialect , but in some few points resembles the Georgian . The translation of these inscriptions will fill up an important gap in Western Asiatic history , and will possibly lead to the decipherment of the Hittite texts , which , there seems reason to suppose , are in a degree akin to the the language of tribes of Western Armenia .
The New York Nation mentions a recent issue of the Royal Library at Stockholm giving an account of the epistolary collection in the library . Each correspondence is described in a general way in from half a page to a couple of pages , and a list of the correspondents' names is given , with the years covered and the number of the letters . At the end of thc volume an index refers to every writer ' s name . Of course many belong to persons known
only in Sweden . We see , however , the names of Axel Oxenstierna , Hugo Grotius , Charles XII ., and several other of the kings , and among the writers of one or two letters Beaumarchais , Frederick the Great , A . W . von Schlegel , TegneY , Voltaire , and Oehlenschlager . It will be an excellent thing if libraries which have valuable collections of manuscript letters get into the way of pullishing such lists as this .
The " Dizionano degli Scntton viventi , which has been edited by Professor Angelo Gubernatis , is on the eve of completion . It is the first time that there has been subh a publication in Italy , and whilst the editor's familirrity and sympathy with other literatures is well known , there can be no doubt that the work will posses exceptional value as an index of the literary activity of Italy at the present time , ft contains 4315 biographical notices
of living authors . Of these 1 S 42 are Italians , 523 Germans , 487 French , 264 English , 243 Russians , 241 Poles , 161 Americans , j 19 Spaniards , 91 Bohemians , 85 Hungarians , 71 Swiss , 41 Norwegians , 40 Roumanians , 39 Portuguese , 36 Belgians , 33 Danes , 19 Southern Slavs , 14 Finns , g Servians , 4 Hindoos , 3 Armenians , 3 Bulgarians , 2 Albanians , 1 Icelander , and one Turk , lt will be seen that the editor has cast his net widely , though doubtless some
will have escaped the meshes . As the first serious attempt at an international literary biography the work of Professor de Gubernatis deserves a warm welcome . According to the Intermedia ! re des Chcrcheurs ct Curieux , the air of "Ca ira " was borrowed from one of Marie-Antoinette ' s favourite romances . A new edition of Victor Hugo's "Toilers of the Sea" is in preparation , in which all the vigorous sketches with which the author illustrated the margins of his MS . will be reproduced in facsimile .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
We are informed b y a correspondent that the late Bro . McCalmont , whose obituary appeared in our last , never occupied the chair of the Apollo University Lodge , No . 257 . Bro . Clement Stretton , J . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., who was for two years in succession Mayor of Leicester , and who last year kindly acted as Deputy Mayor to his
successor , Alderman Bennett , has again consented to accept the post , Mr . Bennett having been re-elected Mayor . The Prov . Grand Lodge for Leicestershire and Rutland was to meet yesterday ( Friday ) , at the Howe and Charnwood Lodge , No . 1007 , which is held at the Bull's Head Hotel , Loughborough , Leicestershire . The
proceedings of the Craft lodge were to include the installation of Bro . Major-General Burnaby , the W . M . elect , and the popular and much-esteemed colleague of the Right Hon . Lord John Manners , in thc representation of Leicester . In addition to holding office in the Howe and Charnwood Lodge , the gallant general is a member of 279 and 1560 , held at Leicester , and there was expected to be a very
large gathering of the brethren in his honour . We shall give a report of the interesting proceedings in our next . PRESENTATION TO AN ESTEEMED LIVERPOOL BROTHER . —The usual monthly mcetixg of thc Merchant ' s Lodge , No . 241 , which took p lace at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , on Tuesday , the 9 th inst ., was specially interesting , as the brethren then took the opportunity of presenting
Bro . Thomas Salter , the genial , popular , _ and talented I . P . M ., with an evidence of the high esteem in which he is held and of the value which is placed on his Masonic services so willingly and effectively rendered for several years . During the evening a valuable tea and coffee service was presented to Bro . Salter , along with a handsome suite of jewellery for Mrs . Salter , the gifts being subscribed
for by the brethren . The presentation was made by Bro . R . Brown , Prov . G . Treas ., who spoke of Bro . Salter's many excellent Masonic qualities , and the deep interest he had always shown in the Craft , especially with regard to its leading Charitable Institutions . The presentation was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Salter . Bro . Dr . J . D . Moore , of Lancaster , P . G . S . B . England , is we regret to learn still in a very critical state .
The serious symptoms we understand have not abated , and h is condition is causing considerable anxiety to his friends . Bro . Dr . B . W . Richardson _ delivered a lecture on Monday evening last , at the Free Trade Hall , Manchester , on " The Physical Action of Alcohol , as Tested by Scientific and Every-day Experience . " Bro . Alderman Knight , chairman of the Police Committee , has , we learn , issued invitations for a dinner at the Albion , on Tuesday ,. December 7 th .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . the Rev . A . McAuslane , D . D ., delivereda lecture on "Oliver Goldsmith" at the City of London College , Leadenhall-street , on Thursday last . Bro . Sir B . S . Phillips has been elected chairman of the Gaols Committee of the City of London . Bro . Frederick Binckes , as announced in last week ' s Freemason , presided on Monday last , at the dinner of the United Waiters
eighteenth anniversary Benevolent Association . During the evening Bro . Binckes presented a medal to the chairman of the club , and a golden star ( the gift of his brother officers ) to theSecretary . Bro . Thos . Poore , P . M . 720 , will preside at the Fifteen Sections which will be worked by the brethren of the Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 , at Masons ' Hall Tavern , E . C , on Thursday , the 25 th inst .,
commencing at 6 . jop . rn . First Lecture : Bros . J . Rush , S . D . 1 S 51 ; H . Wright , 1827 ; W . Shaw , 1426 ; R . Boby , 1201 ; T , W . Ockenden , W . M . 1512 * C . F . Goodcnough , 1745 ; and J . King , 1622 . Second Lecture : Bros . J . W . Powell , S 40 ; A . Marvin , 176 S ; G . W . Blackie , J . W . 1426 ; H . J . Lardner , S . W . 174 T ; and G . W . Saul , P . M . 1201 . Third Lecture : Bros . H . K . Harris , 172 S ; E . A . Taylor , W . M . sSsi ; and H . Sibley , 1851 . Bro . Ferdinand De Rothschild ' s health has so
far improved as to enable him to return to town . Bro . Harcourt's widow we are pleased to learn will receive an annuity of £ 90 from the Drury Lane Fund , of which our late lamented brother was Secretary . Bro . Thomas Meekham , P . M . 1288 , has been elected Chairman of the Licensed Victuallers' Asylum for
the ensuing year . Bro . Sir Hedworth Williamson , Bart ., Deputy Grand Master Durham , had the honour of entertaining the Duke of Edinburgh at his seat , Whitburn Hall , during his Royal Highness ' s visit to Sunderland and other towns in the north .
The whole of the printing , together with the supply of the paper for next year ' s census for England and Wales , has been undertaken by Messrs . M'Corquodaleand Co . ( Limited ) . There will be 7 , 527 . 500 householders' schedules , 69 , 350 numerating books , and 110 , 000 forms for vessels , the amount of paper that will be required being 57 tons 13 cwt .
* At Holloway Hall , in aid of the Barnabas Church Restoration and Mi ' ssior House , Bros . Alderman and Sheriff Fowler , M . P ., and Sheriff Waterlow , will attend in state for the purpose of opening a bazaar on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., and the borough and county members have been invited to witness the ceremony . Bro . Judd C . C . at a meeting of the United
Wards Club on Wednesday last , moved . " That the proposed alteration in the constitution and government of Christ's Hospital is an infringement of the ri g hts of the citizens , and an unjustifiable interference with the intention of the founders and traditions of the past . " Royal Savoy Lodge , No . 1744 . The anniversary meeting of this lodge takes place on Tuesday next ,
the 23 rd inst ., at Ashley ' s Hotel , Covent Garden . 1 he business includes , in addition to the Installation ceremony , the raising of three candidates , the passing of four and the initiation of three . The W . M . elect is Bro . F . H , Clemow of Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . Bancroft and Mrs . Bancroft announce their re-appearance at the Haymarket on Saturday next .
" School " and " The Vicarage " are the pieces chosen for the opening programme . Bro . H . J . Byron's new sketch "The Light Fantastic , " written expressly for Bro . J . L . Toole , willbe produced this ( Saturday ) afternoon . Bro . Anthony Trollope ' s new story , " Ayala ' s Angel , has been purchased by the National Press Agency ( Limited ) .
Bro . Alderman Knight's wedding with Mrs . Cottrell , widow of Mr . Cottrell , of Plymouth , was solemnised at St . George ' s , Hanover-square , on Saturday last . Bro . Charles Horsley ' s collection of porcelain was sold on Thursday last , b y Messrs . Christie , Manson and Woods . His collection of pictures will be sold by the same firm , this day ( Saturday ) .
Bro . R . Brown , at a meeting of the committee entrusted with the management of the recent highly successful Masonic re-union in Liverpool , as one of the joint Secretaries , reported that the net profits would probably amount to £ 150 . Bro . the Earl of Fife will preside at the
Anniversary Festival of the Scottish Corporation on Tuesday week , St . Andrew's Day . Bro . Lieutenant-Colonel Shadwell Clerke , G . S ., has been promoted specially to the rank of colonel . Henceforth all communications should be addressed "Colonel Shadwell Clerke , G . S . "
We learn with p leasure that Bro . Albert E . Fradelle , the eminent art photographer , of 246 , Regentstreet , whose name has for so many years been long and favourably connected with the National Photo . Mezzo-Tint Gallery ( a collection of portraits , 1000 in number , which includes the most distinguished in the Lords and Commons , the Ecclesiasticalbody , the Naval and Military
services , the most eminent in the Lega / , Medicat , and Artistic professions , the leading men engaged in education , together with a section composed almost entirely of the greatest names in the Civil and Military service of India : this series of portraits has been the sole and entire work of Bro . Fradelle ) , is now adding a section of portraits of the officers of Grand Lodge , Provincial Grand Masters ,
officers , and distinguished Masons generall y to the above gallery . Such a pictorial record of the leading men of the Craft will naturally prove as interesting as valuable to the brotherhood , and from our personal knowledge of Bro . Fradelle ' s work , which is art photography in its brightest
devclopement , we would cordially call on the officers of Grand Lodge , Provincial Grand Masters , officers , and distinguised Masons generally to acquiesce in the invitation for sittings which will shortly be extended to them , and thus enable Bro . Fradelle to carry to a successful conclusion a work that cannot but coromeno itself to the Masonic world at large ,
Masonic And General Tidings.
TORRIDGE LODGE , No . 1 S 85 . —A warrant has recently been granted for this lodge , which will be consecrated early in December , at Great Torrington , Devon . Bro . W . Sproat ( Org . 1327 ) will J work the Fifteen Sections at the King Harold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1327 , meeting at the Britannia ' Hotel , adjoining Waltham Station G . E . R ., on Tuesday evening next , at seven o ' clock .
Bro . Sir Walter Wyndham Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Grand Master o ! Sussex , will preside at the annual festival of the . Emulation Lodge of Improvement , on Friday next , at Freemasons' Hall . The lodge will bo opened at six o'clock precisely . Miss Helen Mather , the brilliant novelist , announces for publication , on the 14 th of Decembera high
, class monthly magazine , under the title of "The Burlington . " The list of contributors , which is before us , include many names famous in the literary world , with whose assistance , in addition to her own clever pen , Miss Mather's ne , v periodical is . wc can safely predict , certain of success . The first ; number will contain Part 1 . of "The Story of a Sin , " a new novel by the editress .
A fund has been started on behalf of the onl y child of the late Bro . Charles Harcourt , the actor . Bro . E . Ledger , the Era office , and Bro . C . W . Thompson , Guildhall , are the honorary treasurers , and Mr . A . Stirling and Mr . G . Loveday , of 26 , King William-street , Strand , are
the honorary secretaries . Bro . J . L . Toole , Folly Theatre , is the chairman of the committee of the fund . The offer by Mr . W . Gooch of a benefit performance at the Princess's Theatre has been accepted , and we understand it has been resolved , on or about " . the 6 th proximo , to hold a matinde at Drury Lane Theatre in aid of the fund .
THE CRYSTAL PALACE REFRESHMENT CONTRACT . —Judgment was given on Monday last , in the Exchequer Division in the case of " Sawyer v . the Crystal Palace Company , " which was an action to recover the amount of alleged overpaid rent and other items in connection with a refreshment contiact at the Crystal Palace . The case was heard before Baron Pollock and a suecial iurv .
and after certain findings had been given by the jury , his lordship reserved it for further consideration , and now gave judgment . His lordship said he considered the plaintiff failed in his claim against the defendants for £ 3018 overpaid rent out of the annual sum of £ 22 , 500 for £ 312 alleged overcharge for ice , and for £ 245 in respect of refreshment tickets used by the company , and save verdict
and judgment for the defendants , with costs . A meeting of the City Commission of Sewers was held on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., at which the Court adopted a report of the Streets Committee , recommendingthat tenders should be accepted for the electric lighting of the City , and that the area to be lighted should be divided into three districts .
It is stated that the departure of the Court from Balmoral , which was fixed for Friday , has been postponed to Monday , the 22 nd inst . The Lord Mayor , on taking his seat in the Justice Room of the Mansion House on Wednesday , drew attention to the great want and suffering that resulted from the succession of earthquakes at ^ Agram , and announced that he had opened a fund at the Mansion House for the relief of the suffeiers .
Bro . Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , the late Lord Mayor , removed from the Mansion House on Monday Ja ** t , Lad y Truscott having sufficiently recovered from her indisposition .- We understand it to be the intention of Sir Francis to visit the South of France , where he will remain some time , having given up altogether the projected voyage to Australia .
The "City Press" contradicts the statement that the present Lord Mayor of London is a total abstainer . MEETING OF PARLIAMENT . —It is understood that at the Council to be held by the Queen at Balmoral to-day ( Saturday ) Parliament will be further prorogued till Thursday , the 6 th of January , when it will meet for the despatch of business .
The installation gathering of the members of the Lodge of Israel , No . 1502 , was held last Monday afternoon at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , where Bro . S . J . Henochsberg , was dul y installed W . M . in the presence of a most influential and numerous gathering of the leaders of the Craft , and universal " Hearty goed wishes" were expressed for his success . A report of the proceedings will appear next week .
THE LIVERPOOL MASOMIC BALL FOR 1881 . — A preliminary meeting of brethren , having the interests of true charity at heart , was held at the Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , Liverpool , on Friday , the 12 th inst ., for the purpose of making arrangements for the annual Grand Masonic Ball in Liverpool , in aid of the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . Bro . J . S . Beaufort
Prov . G . S . W ., was elected Chairman of the Ball Committee j Bro . R . Martin , jun ., P . M . 1182 , Vice-Chairman ; Bro . H . A . Tobias , W . M . 1502 , Secretary ; and Bro . A . C . Wylie , W . M . 1264 , Treasurer . Committees were formed , and it was resolved to have the ball on the second Tuesday in January , 1881 , in the event of the Town Hall being procurable for that day .
London Land Company.
The dry bones of financial enterprise would seem about to revive . There can be no doubt that during the past five years of depression and distrust many most necessary and useful public works in many parts of the world to which our commerce extends have been kept in suspense until capitalists should be prepared to look with an intelligent and hopeful spirit into the merit of productive undertakings .
To know where to invest capital safel y and atgood interest is not one of the easiest things to find out . There are so many private and public companies which fluctuate in their prosperity that it is difficult to know when to make a judicious investment . In fact , during the long depression or trade , thoroughly good payingconccrns have been the excep tion ; mostundertakings have either paid no dividends whatever , or paid small dividends . The onlyl ' course of sat * investment , in such times as these , when . unc «* t * inty »
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Literary, Art, And Antiquarian Notes.
The Atlienmim says that Messrs . Puttick and Simpson will sell by auction on the 17 th inst . a copy of the first edition of Shelley's "Queen Mab , " with copious manuscript emendations in thc autograph of Mrs . Shelley , altering the poem to the " Demon of the World . " Mr . Buxton Forman in his edition of Shelley ' s works , Vol . III ., pp . 459-6 S , doubts the existence of a second annotated copy ; we have not examined thc copy announced for sale , but may it not bethat seen by Medwin , whose statement is looked upon with so much doubt ?
The Afhenaum states that the Armenian inscriptions , which have long defied the skill of decipherers , have , it is said , been read by Professor Sayce . He has for some considerable time been engaged on the work of decipherment , and has , we believe , succeeded in translating the greater portion of them . The languages have but scant
affinities to any existing dialect , but in some few points resembles the Georgian . The translation of these inscriptions will fill up an important gap in Western Asiatic history , and will possibly lead to the decipherment of the Hittite texts , which , there seems reason to suppose , are in a degree akin to the the language of tribes of Western Armenia .
The New York Nation mentions a recent issue of the Royal Library at Stockholm giving an account of the epistolary collection in the library . Each correspondence is described in a general way in from half a page to a couple of pages , and a list of the correspondents' names is given , with the years covered and the number of the letters . At the end of thc volume an index refers to every writer ' s name . Of course many belong to persons known
only in Sweden . We see , however , the names of Axel Oxenstierna , Hugo Grotius , Charles XII ., and several other of the kings , and among the writers of one or two letters Beaumarchais , Frederick the Great , A . W . von Schlegel , TegneY , Voltaire , and Oehlenschlager . It will be an excellent thing if libraries which have valuable collections of manuscript letters get into the way of pullishing such lists as this .
The " Dizionano degli Scntton viventi , which has been edited by Professor Angelo Gubernatis , is on the eve of completion . It is the first time that there has been subh a publication in Italy , and whilst the editor's familirrity and sympathy with other literatures is well known , there can be no doubt that the work will posses exceptional value as an index of the literary activity of Italy at the present time , ft contains 4315 biographical notices
of living authors . Of these 1 S 42 are Italians , 523 Germans , 487 French , 264 English , 243 Russians , 241 Poles , 161 Americans , j 19 Spaniards , 91 Bohemians , 85 Hungarians , 71 Swiss , 41 Norwegians , 40 Roumanians , 39 Portuguese , 36 Belgians , 33 Danes , 19 Southern Slavs , 14 Finns , g Servians , 4 Hindoos , 3 Armenians , 3 Bulgarians , 2 Albanians , 1 Icelander , and one Turk , lt will be seen that the editor has cast his net widely , though doubtless some
will have escaped the meshes . As the first serious attempt at an international literary biography the work of Professor de Gubernatis deserves a warm welcome . According to the Intermedia ! re des Chcrcheurs ct Curieux , the air of "Ca ira " was borrowed from one of Marie-Antoinette ' s favourite romances . A new edition of Victor Hugo's "Toilers of the Sea" is in preparation , in which all the vigorous sketches with which the author illustrated the margins of his MS . will be reproduced in facsimile .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
We are informed b y a correspondent that the late Bro . McCalmont , whose obituary appeared in our last , never occupied the chair of the Apollo University Lodge , No . 257 . Bro . Clement Stretton , J . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., who was for two years in succession Mayor of Leicester , and who last year kindly acted as Deputy Mayor to his
successor , Alderman Bennett , has again consented to accept the post , Mr . Bennett having been re-elected Mayor . The Prov . Grand Lodge for Leicestershire and Rutland was to meet yesterday ( Friday ) , at the Howe and Charnwood Lodge , No . 1007 , which is held at the Bull's Head Hotel , Loughborough , Leicestershire . The
proceedings of the Craft lodge were to include the installation of Bro . Major-General Burnaby , the W . M . elect , and the popular and much-esteemed colleague of the Right Hon . Lord John Manners , in thc representation of Leicester . In addition to holding office in the Howe and Charnwood Lodge , the gallant general is a member of 279 and 1560 , held at Leicester , and there was expected to be a very
large gathering of the brethren in his honour . We shall give a report of the interesting proceedings in our next . PRESENTATION TO AN ESTEEMED LIVERPOOL BROTHER . —The usual monthly mcetixg of thc Merchant ' s Lodge , No . 241 , which took p lace at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , on Tuesday , the 9 th inst ., was specially interesting , as the brethren then took the opportunity of presenting
Bro . Thomas Salter , the genial , popular , _ and talented I . P . M ., with an evidence of the high esteem in which he is held and of the value which is placed on his Masonic services so willingly and effectively rendered for several years . During the evening a valuable tea and coffee service was presented to Bro . Salter , along with a handsome suite of jewellery for Mrs . Salter , the gifts being subscribed
for by the brethren . The presentation was made by Bro . R . Brown , Prov . G . Treas ., who spoke of Bro . Salter's many excellent Masonic qualities , and the deep interest he had always shown in the Craft , especially with regard to its leading Charitable Institutions . The presentation was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Salter . Bro . Dr . J . D . Moore , of Lancaster , P . G . S . B . England , is we regret to learn still in a very critical state .
The serious symptoms we understand have not abated , and h is condition is causing considerable anxiety to his friends . Bro . Dr . B . W . Richardson _ delivered a lecture on Monday evening last , at the Free Trade Hall , Manchester , on " The Physical Action of Alcohol , as Tested by Scientific and Every-day Experience . " Bro . Alderman Knight , chairman of the Police Committee , has , we learn , issued invitations for a dinner at the Albion , on Tuesday ,. December 7 th .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . the Rev . A . McAuslane , D . D ., delivereda lecture on "Oliver Goldsmith" at the City of London College , Leadenhall-street , on Thursday last . Bro . Sir B . S . Phillips has been elected chairman of the Gaols Committee of the City of London . Bro . Frederick Binckes , as announced in last week ' s Freemason , presided on Monday last , at the dinner of the United Waiters
eighteenth anniversary Benevolent Association . During the evening Bro . Binckes presented a medal to the chairman of the club , and a golden star ( the gift of his brother officers ) to theSecretary . Bro . Thos . Poore , P . M . 720 , will preside at the Fifteen Sections which will be worked by the brethren of the Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 , at Masons ' Hall Tavern , E . C , on Thursday , the 25 th inst .,
commencing at 6 . jop . rn . First Lecture : Bros . J . Rush , S . D . 1 S 51 ; H . Wright , 1827 ; W . Shaw , 1426 ; R . Boby , 1201 ; T , W . Ockenden , W . M . 1512 * C . F . Goodcnough , 1745 ; and J . King , 1622 . Second Lecture : Bros . J . W . Powell , S 40 ; A . Marvin , 176 S ; G . W . Blackie , J . W . 1426 ; H . J . Lardner , S . W . 174 T ; and G . W . Saul , P . M . 1201 . Third Lecture : Bros . H . K . Harris , 172 S ; E . A . Taylor , W . M . sSsi ; and H . Sibley , 1851 . Bro . Ferdinand De Rothschild ' s health has so
far improved as to enable him to return to town . Bro . Harcourt's widow we are pleased to learn will receive an annuity of £ 90 from the Drury Lane Fund , of which our late lamented brother was Secretary . Bro . Thomas Meekham , P . M . 1288 , has been elected Chairman of the Licensed Victuallers' Asylum for
the ensuing year . Bro . Sir Hedworth Williamson , Bart ., Deputy Grand Master Durham , had the honour of entertaining the Duke of Edinburgh at his seat , Whitburn Hall , during his Royal Highness ' s visit to Sunderland and other towns in the north .
The whole of the printing , together with the supply of the paper for next year ' s census for England and Wales , has been undertaken by Messrs . M'Corquodaleand Co . ( Limited ) . There will be 7 , 527 . 500 householders' schedules , 69 , 350 numerating books , and 110 , 000 forms for vessels , the amount of paper that will be required being 57 tons 13 cwt .
* At Holloway Hall , in aid of the Barnabas Church Restoration and Mi ' ssior House , Bros . Alderman and Sheriff Fowler , M . P ., and Sheriff Waterlow , will attend in state for the purpose of opening a bazaar on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., and the borough and county members have been invited to witness the ceremony . Bro . Judd C . C . at a meeting of the United
Wards Club on Wednesday last , moved . " That the proposed alteration in the constitution and government of Christ's Hospital is an infringement of the ri g hts of the citizens , and an unjustifiable interference with the intention of the founders and traditions of the past . " Royal Savoy Lodge , No . 1744 . The anniversary meeting of this lodge takes place on Tuesday next ,
the 23 rd inst ., at Ashley ' s Hotel , Covent Garden . 1 he business includes , in addition to the Installation ceremony , the raising of three candidates , the passing of four and the initiation of three . The W . M . elect is Bro . F . H , Clemow of Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . Bancroft and Mrs . Bancroft announce their re-appearance at the Haymarket on Saturday next .
" School " and " The Vicarage " are the pieces chosen for the opening programme . Bro . H . J . Byron's new sketch "The Light Fantastic , " written expressly for Bro . J . L . Toole , willbe produced this ( Saturday ) afternoon . Bro . Anthony Trollope ' s new story , " Ayala ' s Angel , has been purchased by the National Press Agency ( Limited ) .
Bro . Alderman Knight's wedding with Mrs . Cottrell , widow of Mr . Cottrell , of Plymouth , was solemnised at St . George ' s , Hanover-square , on Saturday last . Bro . Charles Horsley ' s collection of porcelain was sold on Thursday last , b y Messrs . Christie , Manson and Woods . His collection of pictures will be sold by the same firm , this day ( Saturday ) .
Bro . R . Brown , at a meeting of the committee entrusted with the management of the recent highly successful Masonic re-union in Liverpool , as one of the joint Secretaries , reported that the net profits would probably amount to £ 150 . Bro . the Earl of Fife will preside at the
Anniversary Festival of the Scottish Corporation on Tuesday week , St . Andrew's Day . Bro . Lieutenant-Colonel Shadwell Clerke , G . S ., has been promoted specially to the rank of colonel . Henceforth all communications should be addressed "Colonel Shadwell Clerke , G . S . "
We learn with p leasure that Bro . Albert E . Fradelle , the eminent art photographer , of 246 , Regentstreet , whose name has for so many years been long and favourably connected with the National Photo . Mezzo-Tint Gallery ( a collection of portraits , 1000 in number , which includes the most distinguished in the Lords and Commons , the Ecclesiasticalbody , the Naval and Military
services , the most eminent in the Lega / , Medicat , and Artistic professions , the leading men engaged in education , together with a section composed almost entirely of the greatest names in the Civil and Military service of India : this series of portraits has been the sole and entire work of Bro . Fradelle ) , is now adding a section of portraits of the officers of Grand Lodge , Provincial Grand Masters ,
officers , and distinguished Masons generall y to the above gallery . Such a pictorial record of the leading men of the Craft will naturally prove as interesting as valuable to the brotherhood , and from our personal knowledge of Bro . Fradelle ' s work , which is art photography in its brightest
devclopement , we would cordially call on the officers of Grand Lodge , Provincial Grand Masters , officers , and distinguised Masons generally to acquiesce in the invitation for sittings which will shortly be extended to them , and thus enable Bro . Fradelle to carry to a successful conclusion a work that cannot but coromeno itself to the Masonic world at large ,
Masonic And General Tidings.
TORRIDGE LODGE , No . 1 S 85 . —A warrant has recently been granted for this lodge , which will be consecrated early in December , at Great Torrington , Devon . Bro . W . Sproat ( Org . 1327 ) will J work the Fifteen Sections at the King Harold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1327 , meeting at the Britannia ' Hotel , adjoining Waltham Station G . E . R ., on Tuesday evening next , at seven o ' clock .
Bro . Sir Walter Wyndham Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Grand Master o ! Sussex , will preside at the annual festival of the . Emulation Lodge of Improvement , on Friday next , at Freemasons' Hall . The lodge will bo opened at six o'clock precisely . Miss Helen Mather , the brilliant novelist , announces for publication , on the 14 th of Decembera high
, class monthly magazine , under the title of "The Burlington . " The list of contributors , which is before us , include many names famous in the literary world , with whose assistance , in addition to her own clever pen , Miss Mather's ne , v periodical is . wc can safely predict , certain of success . The first ; number will contain Part 1 . of "The Story of a Sin , " a new novel by the editress .
A fund has been started on behalf of the onl y child of the late Bro . Charles Harcourt , the actor . Bro . E . Ledger , the Era office , and Bro . C . W . Thompson , Guildhall , are the honorary treasurers , and Mr . A . Stirling and Mr . G . Loveday , of 26 , King William-street , Strand , are
the honorary secretaries . Bro . J . L . Toole , Folly Theatre , is the chairman of the committee of the fund . The offer by Mr . W . Gooch of a benefit performance at the Princess's Theatre has been accepted , and we understand it has been resolved , on or about " . the 6 th proximo , to hold a matinde at Drury Lane Theatre in aid of the fund .
THE CRYSTAL PALACE REFRESHMENT CONTRACT . —Judgment was given on Monday last , in the Exchequer Division in the case of " Sawyer v . the Crystal Palace Company , " which was an action to recover the amount of alleged overpaid rent and other items in connection with a refreshment contiact at the Crystal Palace . The case was heard before Baron Pollock and a suecial iurv .
and after certain findings had been given by the jury , his lordship reserved it for further consideration , and now gave judgment . His lordship said he considered the plaintiff failed in his claim against the defendants for £ 3018 overpaid rent out of the annual sum of £ 22 , 500 for £ 312 alleged overcharge for ice , and for £ 245 in respect of refreshment tickets used by the company , and save verdict
and judgment for the defendants , with costs . A meeting of the City Commission of Sewers was held on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., at which the Court adopted a report of the Streets Committee , recommendingthat tenders should be accepted for the electric lighting of the City , and that the area to be lighted should be divided into three districts .
It is stated that the departure of the Court from Balmoral , which was fixed for Friday , has been postponed to Monday , the 22 nd inst . The Lord Mayor , on taking his seat in the Justice Room of the Mansion House on Wednesday , drew attention to the great want and suffering that resulted from the succession of earthquakes at ^ Agram , and announced that he had opened a fund at the Mansion House for the relief of the suffeiers .
Bro . Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , the late Lord Mayor , removed from the Mansion House on Monday Ja ** t , Lad y Truscott having sufficiently recovered from her indisposition .- We understand it to be the intention of Sir Francis to visit the South of France , where he will remain some time , having given up altogether the projected voyage to Australia .
The "City Press" contradicts the statement that the present Lord Mayor of London is a total abstainer . MEETING OF PARLIAMENT . —It is understood that at the Council to be held by the Queen at Balmoral to-day ( Saturday ) Parliament will be further prorogued till Thursday , the 6 th of January , when it will meet for the despatch of business .
The installation gathering of the members of the Lodge of Israel , No . 1502 , was held last Monday afternoon at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , where Bro . S . J . Henochsberg , was dul y installed W . M . in the presence of a most influential and numerous gathering of the leaders of the Craft , and universal " Hearty goed wishes" were expressed for his success . A report of the proceedings will appear next week .
THE LIVERPOOL MASOMIC BALL FOR 1881 . — A preliminary meeting of brethren , having the interests of true charity at heart , was held at the Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , Liverpool , on Friday , the 12 th inst ., for the purpose of making arrangements for the annual Grand Masonic Ball in Liverpool , in aid of the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . Bro . J . S . Beaufort
Prov . G . S . W ., was elected Chairman of the Ball Committee j Bro . R . Martin , jun ., P . M . 1182 , Vice-Chairman ; Bro . H . A . Tobias , W . M . 1502 , Secretary ; and Bro . A . C . Wylie , W . M . 1264 , Treasurer . Committees were formed , and it was resolved to have the ball on the second Tuesday in January , 1881 , in the event of the Town Hall being procurable for that day .
London Land Company.
The dry bones of financial enterprise would seem about to revive . There can be no doubt that during the past five years of depression and distrust many most necessary and useful public works in many parts of the world to which our commerce extends have been kept in suspense until capitalists should be prepared to look with an intelligent and hopeful spirit into the merit of productive undertakings .
To know where to invest capital safel y and atgood interest is not one of the easiest things to find out . There are so many private and public companies which fluctuate in their prosperity that it is difficult to know when to make a judicious investment . In fact , during the long depression or trade , thoroughly good payingconccrns have been the excep tion ; mostundertakings have either paid no dividends whatever , or paid small dividends . The onlyl ' course of sat * investment , in such times as these , when . unc «* t * inty »