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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hereford.
Gregg , 751 ; J . A . White , P . M . S 02 ; W . S . Boyce , S 92 ; C . J . Sixley , S . W . S 92 ; G . " W . Shackleton , SiS ; T . Butcher , I . P . M . CGi ; R . J . Griffiths , 2 G 0 , J . Phidstone , 1 S 07 ; Thomas Sulser , 241 ; John Morgan , " S . D . 651 ; George Pratt , 651 ; James Jones , 651 ; C . A . Stephens , 33 , ( United States of America ); Joseph Greene , SiS ; John Davies , 120 ; R . Chitson , 120 ; R . Owen , ( 151 ; Tom Oliver HuntJ . D . S 92 ; VV . R . Stafford , S 92 ; J . P .
, Hitchings , S . W . 1752 ; H . W . Davies , G 51 ; C . Weaver , S 92 ; Thomas Philips , 364 ; Charles Frederick Grey , S 92 ; George Preece , P . G . T . 751 ; H . Bond , 120 ; G . James , 120 ; W . Rowe , I . G . 120 ; M . Tennant , D . l . G . M . Eastern Division S . Wales ; John Jones , I . G . Sec . Eastern Division S . Wales ; G . Davies , P . P . G . Supt . or Works pastern Division S . Wales ; R . D . Burnie , P . O . Treasurer Eastern Division S . Wales ; D . Hopkins ,
P . P . J . G . D ., and P . M . Eastern Division S . Wales ; Rowland Thomas , P . M ., and P . G . S . W ., 3 64 Orlando Shellard , P . M . and P . Z . 1201 , and P . P . G . S . W . Herefordshire ; John Morgan , P . M ., P . Z . 109 S , ancl P . G . S . W . Monmouthshire ; John Cheese , P . P . G . O ., 120 ; J . Ierry , Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and I . 1 . G . W . Herts ; W . Williams , P . P . S . G . W . Monmouthshire ; Buckle . P . S . G . W .. and P . G . C , 7 . 11 ; Hartley ^ F _ e _ ather ,
P . M . 1258 , and P . P . G . P . Monmouthshire ; L E- Hewitt , P . M . 33 S , and P . G . J . W . Herefordshire ; H . Griffiths , P . M . 125 S , P . P . G . J . W . Monmouthshire ; W . H . Haskins , P . M . 125 S , P . P . G . O . Monmouthshire ; Joseph Coates , P . M . 457 and P . P . G . S . D . Mon . ; R . H . Price , P . M . 457 ; Charles Rootes , P . M . 33 S and P . G . Steward Hereford F . Binckes , Past Grand Steward ; VV . J . Burville , P . M . 120 and P . G . O . Hereford : Edward J . Scarlet ,
VV . M . S 92 ; H . Moore , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . Herefordshire ; VV . Daggs , P . G . T . and P . W . M . S 92 ; Edwin Gregg , P . P . G . S . ; H . J . Bailey , P . M . 1097 and P . P . G . S . B . Worcestershire ; W . Bristow , P . M . 252 and P . P . S . G . W . and P . G . Secretary Worcestershire ; Hubert C . Ingram Rich , W . M . 1 S 07 ; T . Butcher , Loyal Brecknock Lodge ; I . Jowitt , P . P . D . G . M . Herefordshire ; John Marchant , 120 ; G . Cullis , 120 ; J . Barnes , Sec . Palladian ; A . VV . Bezant , P . G . O . Palladian ; H . Clarkson , P . M . 130 ; J . Bosley ,
G . C . Haddon , and others . , , , , The P . G . Chaplain , Bro . T . B . SMITH , invoked the Divine blessing on the repast , and afterwards offered thanks . The lodge having been duly tiled , the RAV . PROV . GRAND MASTER rose to give the first toast , and said : Brethren , as loyal men , having regard for the welfare of all mankind at heart , we commence our proceedings with a
loyal toast— "The Queen and the Craft . " The toast was drunk with full Masonic honours . The R . W . PROV . GRAND MASTER again rose , and said : Brethren , I rise to give the next toast . Brethren , it is "The Health of the Right Worship ful Grand Master of England , His Royal Highness the Prince of VValcs . ( Applause . ) I may say that excellently well as he does all the work his hirrh station brine's upon him I do not believe
any man ever did the work of Grand Master ot Kngland better than his Royal Highness . ( Applause and Masonic honours . ) , , The R . W . PROV . GRAND MASTER rose for the third time , and said . Brethren , the next toast I have to give you is that of "The Grand Officers of England , thc Earl of Carnarvon , R . W . P . G . M . ; the Earl of Lathom , K . W . D . G . M .: and Officers of the Grand Lodge , Past and
Present . " I am sure I shall heading in accord with the feelings of every brother who hails from this province of Herefordshire in connecting with that toast our worthy brother the Prov . Grand Master of Monmouthshire , Bro . Colonel Lyne . I repeat , brethren , that we are rej oiced to see so many brethren from the sister county of Monmouth with us here to-day . ( Masonic honours . ) Thc R . W . PROVINCIAL GRAND M ASTER FOR
MONMOUTHSHIRE said : Right Worshipful Sir and Brethren , on behalf of thc Grand Officers of England I thank you very much indeed for the cordial manner in which you have responded to the highly complimentary toast so kindly given by your illustrious chief . I hope and trust that the good feeling which exists between the Grand Officers of England and the lodges of this province and the other provinces of this kingdom may long continue as the result of It is
the very responsible duties they have to perform . true that those entrusted with the discharge of high offices in Masonry have but few prizes to award , and it is a difficult thing where there are so many worthy , able , and deserving brothers , to know how to distribute them without of necessity creating a feeling of disappointment in the breasts of some ; but I am sure that every brother will give those Grand Officers all the credit they deserve for the in
ability and the conscientiousness they display making those awards . Right Worshipful Sir , I am sure the Giand Officers of England have been very happy in llieirselection of thc distinguished brother whom they deputed to perform the services of to-day . I most heartily congratulate you , sir , upon the position you'have attained : I congratulate you , Sir , upon having so worthyapiovince as that over which you have been selected to preside . May you long be spared lon
to occupy that distinguished position you now ao , ana g may it be that happy family I now see around me . ( Great applause . ) The Grand Secretary of England , Bro . COL . CLERKE , said : Brethren , I am proud to be present on this occasion , and to have the permission of the Rig ht Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master to propose the next toast , for it is "The Health of Your Newly-Installed Provincial Grand Master . " rAnnlause . * ! Brethren , at the opening
proceedings of the Provincial Grand Lodge to-day , I ventured , in the temporary absence of the Worshipful Grand Master , to make some few remarks about him . Although inclined to repeat them , 1 will not do so in his presence , for I know that Sir Joseph Bailey is a modest man . Vou will , however , remember that I said that , in having such a brother to preside over your province , you should consider yourselves very lucky indeed . ( Applause . ) Sir Joseph Bailey is so well
known for his many excellent traits of character in Herefordshire , that I think His Koyal Highness the Grand Master of England could not have been more fortunate than he has been in appointing him to the charge of this province . ( Applause . ) There is , 1 am sorry to say , no doubt that for some years past the Province of Herefordshire has not
made any very great advance in Masonry ; but I sincerely and heartily hope that a new era has now dawned upon it . ( Applause . ) Indeed , I have great confidence that in the next few years great progress will be made in the spread of Masonic feeling , and that many new lodges will consequently be opened in Herefordshire , and that my working
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hereford.
staff will have to be very much augmented in order to fill up the ncw certificates required . ( Laughter . ) Altogether 1 am quite certain that a new state of things has commenced , and that brighter prospects are about to dawn upon the Province of Herefordshire . ( Applause . ) I congratulate thc Provincial Grand Master and the province very sincerely , brethren , upon the events of the day and upon the fraternal feeling which they have evoked . 1 ask
you , brethren , to drink to the health and happiness of your new Provincial Grand Master , and I hope he may live many , many years to rule over the Freemasons of Herefordshire . ( Prolonged and enthusiastic applause and Masonic honours . ) The R . W . THE PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER said : Brethren of the Province of Herefordshire , I have in fact dwelt amongst you so many years that there are not many
old countenances not familiar to me , and for so many years have I had to return thanks in one form or another that it is no new thing to me have my health so cordially given and received . 1 may say that although I do not know what Colonel Clerke said about me in my absence , I think that he has in my presence praised me far more than 1 deserve . ( No , no . ) I , however , admit freely that 1 have not had the experience in Masonic work which you may
reasonably have expected of one about to be presented to so responsible a position as that of Provincial Grand Master of Herefordshire ; but I can assure you this , that in the distinguished position in which I have been placed 1 will do my best ( and no man can say more ) to make matters in this province pleasant , comfortable , and happy , though 1 much regret to say that in this , as in all human affairs , there are constantly some little difficulties cropping up in the way .
Even to-day , for example , the ceremony was surrounded by difficulties . Our Ross brethren have come here at the greatest possible inconvenience to themselves , this being the only business day of the week . Indeed , every other day except Monday was open to some local objection , and on Monday they could not have the services of the distinguished representative of the Grand Lodge of England , the Installing Officer . Then we hoped to have the one
portion of the service performed in the Cathedral , but we found that our fixture fell foul of certain functions performed by the Dean and Chapter , who had an audit which appears to be held within the walls of the Cathedral . The Dean expressed the deepest regret tl at upon this clay it was impossible for him to set apart the Cathedral for our gathering , and he suggested that we should change the day , but among the difficulties by which we wcresurrounded
I found that the Grand Secretary s time was not at his own disposal . From this dilemma we had to fall back upon All Saints' Church , and 1 regret that in doing so ! wounded the feelings of oneof our brethren , for the vicar of St . John's , the Rev . A . J . Capel , reminded me that the portion of the Cathedral set apart for the worship of the people of that parish was most suitable , and could have been had . However , 1 think 1 ought to express my thanks to thc Vicar of
All Saints for his kindness in lending us his church , while thanks are also due to the Provincial Grand Chaplain for his excellent arrangements , for the capital choir brought together , and for the sermon prepared by him for our edification . ( Applause . ) Jn conclusion , I can only express ( as I did before ) the esteem in which I hold your fraternal regard , and the satisfaction 1 feel that every brother will do his best to promote the welfare of Masonry
in Herefordshire ; and if that is done , who can tell the amount of profit and pleasure that will result therefrom ? ( Loud applause . ) The RIGHT WORSHIPFUL P . G . M . again rose and said : Brethren , there is one other toast which I think should come from the chair , indeed , it is a toast which , under any circumstances , I should desire to propose myself , because it is that of a gentleman who has come a great distance , and at a great deal of trouble to himself , to do honour
to Herefordshire and myself . It is "The Health of Colonel Gierke , the Grand Secretary of England , " who has come down here to assist us to-day . ( Applause . ) I need not tell you , brethren , of the admirable manner in whicli he performed thc installing service , to which I must say I listened with great feelings of pleasure , and which I hope will prove of advantage to tne in the future . I give you "The I lealth of Colonel Clerke . " The toast was received wilh Masonic honours .
lhe GRAND SECRETARY OK ENGLAND , who on rising was enthusiastically welcomed , said : Worshipful Sir and brethren , I thank you all for thc kind way in which , you have received my health . There is only onc word in the VVorsliipful Master ' s speech which I can find fault with , and that is the word " trouble . " I therefore beg you will read the word " pleasure " for it , as it was with a large amount of sincere pleasure that I came down here to take part in
the ceremony of to-day , and I regard it as a great honour to have installed liro . Sir Joseph Bailey as the new Provincial Grand Master of Herefordshire . ( Applause . ) Bro . J OSEPH PULLEY , M . P ., rose and said : Brethren , your Worshipful Provincial Grand Master has asked me to propose the next toast , andit is one that needs no preface . I assure you that I regard it not only as a privilege but as a pleasure , because I am glad to have an opportunity of
recording the gratification I felt myself in witnessing the interesting ceremony of this morning , which was the first of the kind I have ever attended—one , indeed , well fitted to impress upon the mind those sentiments all true Freemasons entertain . The toast 1 have to propose is that of our "Visiting Brethren . " ( Applause . ) i am sure we consider it an honour to have at our table brethren who have come considerable distances to pay a well-deserved
compliment to thc Provincial Grand Master . I ask you to drink their very good health , and I will couple with it the name of Bro . Sir George Elliot . ( Cheers . ) Bro . SIR GEOROE ELLIOT briefly acknowledged the compliment , nnd expressed the pleasure he felt in witnessing the installation of Bro . Sir Joseph Bailey . The R . W . P . G . M . introduced the name of Bro . Captain Homfray , who had rendered good service as acting Director
of the Ceremonies . Bro . CAPTAIN FKRGUSSON , whose name had also been mentioned , said hc antl other visitors were delighted to see the manner in whicli the Freemasons of the Province of Herefordshire rallied around and supported their new Provincial Grand Master . He regarded it as an outburst of
grand Masonic feeling , and as indicative of the existence ofa new era in Freemasonry in Herefordshire . ( Applause . ) Bro . CAPT . HOMFRAY said nothing could have afforded him greater pleasure than to assist in the ceremonies of the day , and he was proud of the manner in which the visitors had been received by thc Freemasons of Herefordshire . If
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hereford.
at any time he could render them assistance hc should be most happy to do so . ( Applause . ) The PROV . GRAND MASTER --ave " The Deputy Prov Grand Master , and thc Prov . Grand Officers . " He said he had done all he could to show care in the selection of those who he thought would assist in carrying on the work of the province . It was a great source of gratification to him to have one so well skilled in Masonry as Bro . Jowitt for his deputy , and the manner in which they had received
the toast assured him that hc had done his best in selecting those who would assist him in his provincial duties . ( Applause and Masonic honours . ) The D . P . G . M ., Bro . J OWITT , tendered his hearty thanks for the kind way he had been spoken of , and the hearty way in which the toast had been received . He would only repeat that he would use his utmost endeavours to do all he could to help the Prov . G . M . in the discharge of his duties .
Bro . J OWITT then gave the toast of "The Masonic Chanties . " They all felt that although they might be at convivial meetings like that they must not forget those important Institutions , thc Masonic Charities . ( Heai , hear . ) They had that day among them Bro . Binckes , the Secretary of the Boys' School , in whose presence he should not presume to say anything upon the subjectfor Bro .
, Binckes could tell the brethren much more about them than he could . He was , however , of opinion that they had not quite done their duty in this province . It was true there had been some sort of an organisation amonga few brethren to afford assistance to the Schools , but he hoped that the effort would be renewed , and with greater success next time . ( Applause . )
Bro . BINCKES said he was admonished to be brief on this occasion . He fully appreciated the kindness which had invited linn and Bro . 'Ferry to the proceedings of that day , and he should he guilty of a . gross injustice if he did not acknowledge his cordial reception here , and their kindness in the past . He was glad to hear the brethren felt an interest in the success of the Masonic Charities , which he felt sure would not be forgotten . ( Applause . )
The PROV . GRAND MASTER then gave "The Lodges of the Province , " and coupled with the toast the name of Bro Smith , the W . M . of the Palladian Lodge . Bro . SMITH , W . M . of the Palladian Lodge , in response , said : Provincial Grand Master and brethren , I thank you most sincerely , Right Worshipful Sir , for the great honour conferred upon the lodge , of which it is my good fortune to be VV . M . upon this auspicious occasion , for electing to be
installed and to hold your lirst Provincial Grand Lodge under its ancient banner ; and also for having so kindly coupled my name with the toast . In the name of the Past Masters , officers , and members of the Palladian Lodge , and in my own , permit mc to offer you our most hearty congratulations upon your appointment by His Roya ! Highness the Prince of Wales , thc Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , to thc high office of Provincial Grand
Master of Herefordshire , and to assure you that jve shall always deem it a great privilege to co-operate with you in carrying on the great w-ork of Freemasonry in this ancient province . In conclusion , allow me , in the name of the Worshipful Masters of other lodges of the province and my own , to tender you our hearty tlianks for the kind manner in which you proposed the toast , and to you , brethrenfor
, the very cordial way in which you received it . ( Applause . ) The PROV . GRAND MASTER then bade the Tyler , Bro . Emmanuel Jones , leave his post and give the last toast" To all poor and distressed Masons , wherever they maybe dispersed over land and water , wc wish a speedy relief out of al ! their afflictions , and a safe return to their native countries , should they so desire it . "
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Oxfordshire.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of the Province of Oxford was held in the Apollo ( University ) Lod ge Room , at Oxford , on Wednesday afternoon , the 10 th inst . Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold , the Provincial Grand Master , was unable
to be present , and 111 his absence Bro . Reginald Bird , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , presided . He was supported b }* Bros , the Rev . H . A . Pickard , Past Grand Chaplain of England ; F . P . Morrell , Past Grand Deacon of England ; the Chaplains of the Provincial Grand Lodge ; and many Past Masters and Past Provincial Grand Officers .
The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge having been read and confirmed , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master read the report upon thc various lodges of the province , and expressed himself satisfied at the progress that Freemasonry was making therein . The Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s report was read , and showed the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge to be in an excellent state . Bro . !•' . P . Morrell , P . G . D ., proposed thc re-election of Bro . Randall as Provincial Grand Treasurer , which was carried
unanimously . Bro . Randall has held this appointment for upwards of a quarter of a century . Bro . H . A . Pickard , P . G . C , read the report of the Charity Committee , and Charity jewels were presented to Bros . I " . E . Withington , No . 357 ; J . M . Dormer , 340 ; andS . P . Spiers , 340 . Bars of the jewels were presented to Bros . R . Bird , D . P . G . M ., 357 ; the Rev . H . A . Pickard , P . G . C , 357 ; F . P . Morrell , P . G . D ., 357 ; F . Hedges , 47 S ; J . Potts , 599 ; H . R . Cooper Smith , 357 ; Rev . H . Deane , 357 ; T . E . Withington , 357 ; and C . Park , 340 .
I he Deputy Provincial Grand Master then invested thc appointetl officers as follows : — Bro . VV . Parrntt Prov . G . S . W . „ C . A . Galpin Prov . G . J . W . „ Rev . J . II . Jukes and *) ., « - ~ , „ . " S . CF . Angel Smith ... j Prov . G . Chaps . ,, T . Randall Prov . G . Treas .
„ E . L . Hawkins Prov . G . Reg . „ A . Winkfield Prov . G . Sec . „ W . N . Glencross Prov . G . S . D . „ J . M . Dormar Prov . G . J . D . „ L . If . P . Symonds Prov . G . S . of VV .
„ J . J . Collciitt and *) n r n „ t r „ j . Calcutt ) Prov . G . D . of C . „ VV . Whatcoat Prov . G . Swd . Br . „ W . R . Bowden Prov . G . Org . „ S . Salter Prov . G . Purs . „ Thomas Eley Prov . G . A . Purs .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hereford.
Gregg , 751 ; J . A . White , P . M . S 02 ; W . S . Boyce , S 92 ; C . J . Sixley , S . W . S 92 ; G . " W . Shackleton , SiS ; T . Butcher , I . P . M . CGi ; R . J . Griffiths , 2 G 0 , J . Phidstone , 1 S 07 ; Thomas Sulser , 241 ; John Morgan , " S . D . 651 ; George Pratt , 651 ; James Jones , 651 ; C . A . Stephens , 33 , ( United States of America ); Joseph Greene , SiS ; John Davies , 120 ; R . Chitson , 120 ; R . Owen , ( 151 ; Tom Oliver HuntJ . D . S 92 ; VV . R . Stafford , S 92 ; J . P .
, Hitchings , S . W . 1752 ; H . W . Davies , G 51 ; C . Weaver , S 92 ; Thomas Philips , 364 ; Charles Frederick Grey , S 92 ; George Preece , P . G . T . 751 ; H . Bond , 120 ; G . James , 120 ; W . Rowe , I . G . 120 ; M . Tennant , D . l . G . M . Eastern Division S . Wales ; John Jones , I . G . Sec . Eastern Division S . Wales ; G . Davies , P . P . G . Supt . or Works pastern Division S . Wales ; R . D . Burnie , P . O . Treasurer Eastern Division S . Wales ; D . Hopkins ,
P . P . J . G . D ., and P . M . Eastern Division S . Wales ; Rowland Thomas , P . M ., and P . G . S . W ., 3 64 Orlando Shellard , P . M . and P . Z . 1201 , and P . P . G . S . W . Herefordshire ; John Morgan , P . M ., P . Z . 109 S , ancl P . G . S . W . Monmouthshire ; John Cheese , P . P . G . O ., 120 ; J . Ierry , Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and I . 1 . G . W . Herts ; W . Williams , P . P . S . G . W . Monmouthshire ; Buckle . P . S . G . W .. and P . G . C , 7 . 11 ; Hartley ^ F _ e _ ather ,
P . M . 1258 , and P . P . G . P . Monmouthshire ; L E- Hewitt , P . M . 33 S , and P . G . J . W . Herefordshire ; H . Griffiths , P . M . 125 S , P . P . G . J . W . Monmouthshire ; W . H . Haskins , P . M . 125 S , P . P . G . O . Monmouthshire ; Joseph Coates , P . M . 457 and P . P . G . S . D . Mon . ; R . H . Price , P . M . 457 ; Charles Rootes , P . M . 33 S and P . G . Steward Hereford F . Binckes , Past Grand Steward ; VV . J . Burville , P . M . 120 and P . G . O . Hereford : Edward J . Scarlet ,
VV . M . S 92 ; H . Moore , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . Herefordshire ; VV . Daggs , P . G . T . and P . W . M . S 92 ; Edwin Gregg , P . P . G . S . ; H . J . Bailey , P . M . 1097 and P . P . G . S . B . Worcestershire ; W . Bristow , P . M . 252 and P . P . S . G . W . and P . G . Secretary Worcestershire ; Hubert C . Ingram Rich , W . M . 1 S 07 ; T . Butcher , Loyal Brecknock Lodge ; I . Jowitt , P . P . D . G . M . Herefordshire ; John Marchant , 120 ; G . Cullis , 120 ; J . Barnes , Sec . Palladian ; A . VV . Bezant , P . G . O . Palladian ; H . Clarkson , P . M . 130 ; J . Bosley ,
G . C . Haddon , and others . , , , , The P . G . Chaplain , Bro . T . B . SMITH , invoked the Divine blessing on the repast , and afterwards offered thanks . The lodge having been duly tiled , the RAV . PROV . GRAND MASTER rose to give the first toast , and said : Brethren , as loyal men , having regard for the welfare of all mankind at heart , we commence our proceedings with a
loyal toast— "The Queen and the Craft . " The toast was drunk with full Masonic honours . The R . W . PROV . GRAND MASTER again rose , and said : Brethren , I rise to give the next toast . Brethren , it is "The Health of the Right Worship ful Grand Master of England , His Royal Highness the Prince of VValcs . ( Applause . ) I may say that excellently well as he does all the work his hirrh station brine's upon him I do not believe
any man ever did the work of Grand Master ot Kngland better than his Royal Highness . ( Applause and Masonic honours . ) , , The R . W . PROV . GRAND MASTER rose for the third time , and said . Brethren , the next toast I have to give you is that of "The Grand Officers of England , thc Earl of Carnarvon , R . W . P . G . M . ; the Earl of Lathom , K . W . D . G . M .: and Officers of the Grand Lodge , Past and
Present . " I am sure I shall heading in accord with the feelings of every brother who hails from this province of Herefordshire in connecting with that toast our worthy brother the Prov . Grand Master of Monmouthshire , Bro . Colonel Lyne . I repeat , brethren , that we are rej oiced to see so many brethren from the sister county of Monmouth with us here to-day . ( Masonic honours . ) Thc R . W . PROVINCIAL GRAND M ASTER FOR
MONMOUTHSHIRE said : Right Worshipful Sir and Brethren , on behalf of thc Grand Officers of England I thank you very much indeed for the cordial manner in which you have responded to the highly complimentary toast so kindly given by your illustrious chief . I hope and trust that the good feeling which exists between the Grand Officers of England and the lodges of this province and the other provinces of this kingdom may long continue as the result of It is
the very responsible duties they have to perform . true that those entrusted with the discharge of high offices in Masonry have but few prizes to award , and it is a difficult thing where there are so many worthy , able , and deserving brothers , to know how to distribute them without of necessity creating a feeling of disappointment in the breasts of some ; but I am sure that every brother will give those Grand Officers all the credit they deserve for the in
ability and the conscientiousness they display making those awards . Right Worshipful Sir , I am sure the Giand Officers of England have been very happy in llieirselection of thc distinguished brother whom they deputed to perform the services of to-day . I most heartily congratulate you , sir , upon the position you'have attained : I congratulate you , Sir , upon having so worthyapiovince as that over which you have been selected to preside . May you long be spared lon
to occupy that distinguished position you now ao , ana g may it be that happy family I now see around me . ( Great applause . ) The Grand Secretary of England , Bro . COL . CLERKE , said : Brethren , I am proud to be present on this occasion , and to have the permission of the Rig ht Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master to propose the next toast , for it is "The Health of Your Newly-Installed Provincial Grand Master . " rAnnlause . * ! Brethren , at the opening
proceedings of the Provincial Grand Lodge to-day , I ventured , in the temporary absence of the Worshipful Grand Master , to make some few remarks about him . Although inclined to repeat them , 1 will not do so in his presence , for I know that Sir Joseph Bailey is a modest man . Vou will , however , remember that I said that , in having such a brother to preside over your province , you should consider yourselves very lucky indeed . ( Applause . ) Sir Joseph Bailey is so well
known for his many excellent traits of character in Herefordshire , that I think His Koyal Highness the Grand Master of England could not have been more fortunate than he has been in appointing him to the charge of this province . ( Applause . ) There is , 1 am sorry to say , no doubt that for some years past the Province of Herefordshire has not
made any very great advance in Masonry ; but I sincerely and heartily hope that a new era has now dawned upon it . ( Applause . ) Indeed , I have great confidence that in the next few years great progress will be made in the spread of Masonic feeling , and that many new lodges will consequently be opened in Herefordshire , and that my working
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hereford.
staff will have to be very much augmented in order to fill up the ncw certificates required . ( Laughter . ) Altogether 1 am quite certain that a new state of things has commenced , and that brighter prospects are about to dawn upon the Province of Herefordshire . ( Applause . ) I congratulate thc Provincial Grand Master and the province very sincerely , brethren , upon the events of the day and upon the fraternal feeling which they have evoked . 1 ask
you , brethren , to drink to the health and happiness of your new Provincial Grand Master , and I hope he may live many , many years to rule over the Freemasons of Herefordshire . ( Prolonged and enthusiastic applause and Masonic honours . ) The R . W . THE PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER said : Brethren of the Province of Herefordshire , I have in fact dwelt amongst you so many years that there are not many
old countenances not familiar to me , and for so many years have I had to return thanks in one form or another that it is no new thing to me have my health so cordially given and received . 1 may say that although I do not know what Colonel Clerke said about me in my absence , I think that he has in my presence praised me far more than 1 deserve . ( No , no . ) I , however , admit freely that 1 have not had the experience in Masonic work which you may
reasonably have expected of one about to be presented to so responsible a position as that of Provincial Grand Master of Herefordshire ; but I can assure you this , that in the distinguished position in which I have been placed 1 will do my best ( and no man can say more ) to make matters in this province pleasant , comfortable , and happy , though 1 much regret to say that in this , as in all human affairs , there are constantly some little difficulties cropping up in the way .
Even to-day , for example , the ceremony was surrounded by difficulties . Our Ross brethren have come here at the greatest possible inconvenience to themselves , this being the only business day of the week . Indeed , every other day except Monday was open to some local objection , and on Monday they could not have the services of the distinguished representative of the Grand Lodge of England , the Installing Officer . Then we hoped to have the one
portion of the service performed in the Cathedral , but we found that our fixture fell foul of certain functions performed by the Dean and Chapter , who had an audit which appears to be held within the walls of the Cathedral . The Dean expressed the deepest regret tl at upon this clay it was impossible for him to set apart the Cathedral for our gathering , and he suggested that we should change the day , but among the difficulties by which we wcresurrounded
I found that the Grand Secretary s time was not at his own disposal . From this dilemma we had to fall back upon All Saints' Church , and 1 regret that in doing so ! wounded the feelings of oneof our brethren , for the vicar of St . John's , the Rev . A . J . Capel , reminded me that the portion of the Cathedral set apart for the worship of the people of that parish was most suitable , and could have been had . However , 1 think 1 ought to express my thanks to thc Vicar of
All Saints for his kindness in lending us his church , while thanks are also due to the Provincial Grand Chaplain for his excellent arrangements , for the capital choir brought together , and for the sermon prepared by him for our edification . ( Applause . ) Jn conclusion , I can only express ( as I did before ) the esteem in which I hold your fraternal regard , and the satisfaction 1 feel that every brother will do his best to promote the welfare of Masonry
in Herefordshire ; and if that is done , who can tell the amount of profit and pleasure that will result therefrom ? ( Loud applause . ) The RIGHT WORSHIPFUL P . G . M . again rose and said : Brethren , there is one other toast which I think should come from the chair , indeed , it is a toast which , under any circumstances , I should desire to propose myself , because it is that of a gentleman who has come a great distance , and at a great deal of trouble to himself , to do honour
to Herefordshire and myself . It is "The Health of Colonel Gierke , the Grand Secretary of England , " who has come down here to assist us to-day . ( Applause . ) I need not tell you , brethren , of the admirable manner in whicli he performed thc installing service , to which I must say I listened with great feelings of pleasure , and which I hope will prove of advantage to tne in the future . I give you "The I lealth of Colonel Clerke . " The toast was received wilh Masonic honours .
lhe GRAND SECRETARY OK ENGLAND , who on rising was enthusiastically welcomed , said : Worshipful Sir and brethren , I thank you all for thc kind way in which , you have received my health . There is only onc word in the VVorsliipful Master ' s speech which I can find fault with , and that is the word " trouble . " I therefore beg you will read the word " pleasure " for it , as it was with a large amount of sincere pleasure that I came down here to take part in
the ceremony of to-day , and I regard it as a great honour to have installed liro . Sir Joseph Bailey as the new Provincial Grand Master of Herefordshire . ( Applause . ) Bro . J OSEPH PULLEY , M . P ., rose and said : Brethren , your Worshipful Provincial Grand Master has asked me to propose the next toast , andit is one that needs no preface . I assure you that I regard it not only as a privilege but as a pleasure , because I am glad to have an opportunity of
recording the gratification I felt myself in witnessing the interesting ceremony of this morning , which was the first of the kind I have ever attended—one , indeed , well fitted to impress upon the mind those sentiments all true Freemasons entertain . The toast 1 have to propose is that of our "Visiting Brethren . " ( Applause . ) i am sure we consider it an honour to have at our table brethren who have come considerable distances to pay a well-deserved
compliment to thc Provincial Grand Master . I ask you to drink their very good health , and I will couple with it the name of Bro . Sir George Elliot . ( Cheers . ) Bro . SIR GEOROE ELLIOT briefly acknowledged the compliment , nnd expressed the pleasure he felt in witnessing the installation of Bro . Sir Joseph Bailey . The R . W . P . G . M . introduced the name of Bro . Captain Homfray , who had rendered good service as acting Director
of the Ceremonies . Bro . CAPTAIN FKRGUSSON , whose name had also been mentioned , said hc antl other visitors were delighted to see the manner in whicli the Freemasons of the Province of Herefordshire rallied around and supported their new Provincial Grand Master . He regarded it as an outburst of
grand Masonic feeling , and as indicative of the existence ofa new era in Freemasonry in Herefordshire . ( Applause . ) Bro . CAPT . HOMFRAY said nothing could have afforded him greater pleasure than to assist in the ceremonies of the day , and he was proud of the manner in which the visitors had been received by thc Freemasons of Herefordshire . If
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hereford.
at any time he could render them assistance hc should be most happy to do so . ( Applause . ) The PROV . GRAND MASTER --ave " The Deputy Prov Grand Master , and thc Prov . Grand Officers . " He said he had done all he could to show care in the selection of those who he thought would assist in carrying on the work of the province . It was a great source of gratification to him to have one so well skilled in Masonry as Bro . Jowitt for his deputy , and the manner in which they had received
the toast assured him that hc had done his best in selecting those who would assist him in his provincial duties . ( Applause and Masonic honours . ) The D . P . G . M ., Bro . J OWITT , tendered his hearty thanks for the kind way he had been spoken of , and the hearty way in which the toast had been received . He would only repeat that he would use his utmost endeavours to do all he could to help the Prov . G . M . in the discharge of his duties .
Bro . J OWITT then gave the toast of "The Masonic Chanties . " They all felt that although they might be at convivial meetings like that they must not forget those important Institutions , thc Masonic Charities . ( Heai , hear . ) They had that day among them Bro . Binckes , the Secretary of the Boys' School , in whose presence he should not presume to say anything upon the subjectfor Bro .
, Binckes could tell the brethren much more about them than he could . He was , however , of opinion that they had not quite done their duty in this province . It was true there had been some sort of an organisation amonga few brethren to afford assistance to the Schools , but he hoped that the effort would be renewed , and with greater success next time . ( Applause . )
Bro . BINCKES said he was admonished to be brief on this occasion . He fully appreciated the kindness which had invited linn and Bro . 'Ferry to the proceedings of that day , and he should he guilty of a . gross injustice if he did not acknowledge his cordial reception here , and their kindness in the past . He was glad to hear the brethren felt an interest in the success of the Masonic Charities , which he felt sure would not be forgotten . ( Applause . )
The PROV . GRAND MASTER then gave "The Lodges of the Province , " and coupled with the toast the name of Bro Smith , the W . M . of the Palladian Lodge . Bro . SMITH , W . M . of the Palladian Lodge , in response , said : Provincial Grand Master and brethren , I thank you most sincerely , Right Worshipful Sir , for the great honour conferred upon the lodge , of which it is my good fortune to be VV . M . upon this auspicious occasion , for electing to be
installed and to hold your lirst Provincial Grand Lodge under its ancient banner ; and also for having so kindly coupled my name with the toast . In the name of the Past Masters , officers , and members of the Palladian Lodge , and in my own , permit mc to offer you our most hearty congratulations upon your appointment by His Roya ! Highness the Prince of Wales , thc Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , to thc high office of Provincial Grand
Master of Herefordshire , and to assure you that jve shall always deem it a great privilege to co-operate with you in carrying on the great w-ork of Freemasonry in this ancient province . In conclusion , allow me , in the name of the Worshipful Masters of other lodges of the province and my own , to tender you our hearty tlianks for the kind manner in which you proposed the toast , and to you , brethrenfor
, the very cordial way in which you received it . ( Applause . ) The PROV . GRAND MASTER then bade the Tyler , Bro . Emmanuel Jones , leave his post and give the last toast" To all poor and distressed Masons , wherever they maybe dispersed over land and water , wc wish a speedy relief out of al ! their afflictions , and a safe return to their native countries , should they so desire it . "
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Oxfordshire.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of the Province of Oxford was held in the Apollo ( University ) Lod ge Room , at Oxford , on Wednesday afternoon , the 10 th inst . Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold , the Provincial Grand Master , was unable
to be present , and 111 his absence Bro . Reginald Bird , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , presided . He was supported b }* Bros , the Rev . H . A . Pickard , Past Grand Chaplain of England ; F . P . Morrell , Past Grand Deacon of England ; the Chaplains of the Provincial Grand Lodge ; and many Past Masters and Past Provincial Grand Officers .
The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge having been read and confirmed , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master read the report upon thc various lodges of the province , and expressed himself satisfied at the progress that Freemasonry was making therein . The Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s report was read , and showed the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge to be in an excellent state . Bro . !•' . P . Morrell , P . G . D ., proposed thc re-election of Bro . Randall as Provincial Grand Treasurer , which was carried
unanimously . Bro . Randall has held this appointment for upwards of a quarter of a century . Bro . H . A . Pickard , P . G . C , read the report of the Charity Committee , and Charity jewels were presented to Bros . I " . E . Withington , No . 357 ; J . M . Dormer , 340 ; andS . P . Spiers , 340 . Bars of the jewels were presented to Bros . R . Bird , D . P . G . M ., 357 ; the Rev . H . A . Pickard , P . G . C , 357 ; F . P . Morrell , P . G . D ., 357 ; F . Hedges , 47 S ; J . Potts , 599 ; H . R . Cooper Smith , 357 ; Rev . H . Deane , 357 ; T . E . Withington , 357 ; and C . Park , 340 .
I he Deputy Provincial Grand Master then invested thc appointetl officers as follows : — Bro . VV . Parrntt Prov . G . S . W . „ C . A . Galpin Prov . G . J . W . „ Rev . J . II . Jukes and *) ., « - ~ , „ . " S . CF . Angel Smith ... j Prov . G . Chaps . ,, T . Randall Prov . G . Treas .
„ E . L . Hawkins Prov . G . Reg . „ A . Winkfield Prov . G . Sec . „ W . N . Glencross Prov . G . S . D . „ J . M . Dormar Prov . G . J . D . „ L . If . P . Symonds Prov . G . S . of VV .
„ J . J . Collciitt and *) n r n „ t r „ j . Calcutt ) Prov . G . D . of C . „ VV . Whatcoat Prov . G . Swd . Br . „ W . R . Bowden Prov . G . Org . „ S . Salter Prov . G . Purs . „ Thomas Eley Prov . G . A . Purs .