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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
\ V M of this flourishing lodge , which ceremony was Informed in a masterly manner by Bro . S . H . Parkhouse , Pp M Among the brethren present we noticed , in addi-!* *^ the two already named , Bros . E . M . Lander , W . M . ; r Darby Reade , S . VV . ; George Penn , P . M ., Treas . ; VV . I " Murlis , P . M ., Sec ; S . Smout , jun ., S . D . ; F . Frye , J . D . W Buckland and ] . Woodmason , Stewards ; R . Schoheld , r ' lpr Bros . Wm . Stephens , Hon . P . M . ; E . C . } . % J ... —A PM K . Rno-prs . H . Foskett . 1 . S . Adkins .
1 T Wood , John French , H . Taylor , Jos . Pushman , R . " Reid G . A . Williams , L . Lichtwitz , F . J . Crabb , F . Frnest Pocock , Robert King , R . C . Green , James Flood , Thomas W . Heath , M . Rubenstein , C . Manchester , VV . Binns , H . Hart , W . R . Hatton , C Rowlands , and others . The visitors present were Bros . James Kench , Grand Pursuivant , H . C . Levander , P . M . 142 , & c , Grand Secretary Past Middx
Middx . ; John Mason , P . M . 1567 , & c , G . D . ., Collector Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; Lewis Bryett , W . M . 162 S , Past G . S . of W . Berks and Bucks ; Ceorsre VV . Dixon , 1871 , Past G . D . of C . Berks and Bucks ; Edwin Howard , W . M . 1 S 1 ; W . Side , W . M . i 5 o *>; Charles Davey , P . M . 30 ; Wm . Handover , P . M . 144 ; S . Elborn , pM qii ; George Read , P . M . 511 ; George Draper , P . M . ; , ' n < -: H . Dehane , S . W . 1543 ; lames B . Cuff , S . W . 160 S ;
C Thompson , S . W . 1769 ; E . K . Kendall , J . W . 100 , 1635 ; E . Arrowsmith , S . D . 733 ; C . J . Biorn , 733 ; S . J . Humphreys , 733 J R . Jackson , 733 ; , R . F . VVhurr , 001 ; H . Wilkinson , 933 ; E . Monson , jun ., 1194 ; J . Gillingham , , 238 ; VV . VV . Morgan , jun . 1385 ; F . Chandler , 16 5 6 ; John McLaren , 1 S 05 , and F . A . Kelly , 1524 ( Freemason ) . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . C . B . Broad , F . J . Broad , and G .
Wilkinson were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , Mr . Philip H . Hardcastle afterwards being initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The installation business was then proceeded with . The brethren below the degree of Installed Master having retired , Bro . Samuel Smout was duly inducted into the chair in a most able manner by Bro . Parkhouse . On the re-admission of the members , the newly-installed Master was proclaimed and
saluted in the usual manner , the addresses being delivered clearly and impressively by Bro . S . H . Parkhouse . Bro . Smout then appointed the following brethren as his officers : Bros . C . Darby Reade , S . VV . ; S . Smout , jun ., I . W . ; Rev . P . M . Holden , Chap . ; George Penn , P . M ., Treas . ; W . J . Murlis , P . M ., Sec ; F . Frye , S . D . ; J . Bartle , T . D . ; J . Woodmason , I . G . ; S . H . Parkhouse , P . M ., £ ) . of C . j W . W . Buckland , Asst . D . of C ; F . Delevanti , Org . ; J . H . Wood and F . Crabb , Stewards , and
R . Schofield , P . M ., Tyler . These brethren , with the exception of Bro . Holden , who was not present , having been invested with their collar and jewel of office , the Secretary , after mentioning several minor matters , proposed that a vote of condolence be passed to thc S . VV ., the Rev . C . Darby Reade , on the great loss that had occurred to that brother and his family by the death of his son-in-law , who was killed by the terrible landslip in Naini Tal , India , some two
months since . The vote , which was seconded by Bro . J . Pushman and supported by Bro . Parkhouse , it is needless to saj * , was carried unanimously . Bro . Reade having replied in feeling terms , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , which was handsomel y decorated , where they partook of a choice repast , admirably prepared and served by Bro . J . Linscott . At its conclusion the VV . M . gave , in the usual loyal terms , " The Queen and
the Craft , " which was followed b y the " National Anthem , " ably sung by Bro . Pushman . In introducing the next toast , that of "The Most Worshipful Grand Master , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " the VV . M . truly remarked , that the toast needed but few words from him to ensure its being heartil y received . He had had the pleasure upon several occasions of seeing His Royal Highness perform the duties appertaining to his office , and he thought that no officer
accomplished them in a more masterly manner . After " God bless the Prince of Wales" had been sung , the W . M . proposed "The Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro G . M . ; the Earl of Lathom , R . W . D . G . M . ; and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . _ James Kench , Grand Purst ., who , in reply , expressed his regret that the present occasion was his first visit to the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge ,
notwithstanding the many kind invitations he had received . He had been much impressed by the able manner in which Bro . Parkhouse had performed his duties as Installing Master , and whom he considered a credit to the lodge . With regard to the Grand Officers , he could onl y say that they were always anxious to discharge their duties to the best of their power . Bro . Lander , I . P . M .. then in complimentary terms proposed
"The Health of the W . M . " to whom he wished health and strength during his year of office so that he might—as he was quite able to do—fulfil the duties of the chair in a manner second to none . The VV . M . in the course of his reply thanked the brethren for the kind and cordial manner in which the toast had been received , and also for the proud position in which they had placed him . He should always endeavour to carry out the duties of his office to the utmost
of his ability for the interest of Freemasonry in general and this lodge in particular . The next toast , which was loudly cheered . was that of "The I . P . M ., Bro . Lander , " who the W . M . said had proved himself to be a good Mason and fully equal to perform the duties that had devolved upon him during the preceding year . The W . M . then attached a handsome P . AI . jewel to Bro . Lander ' s collar , at the same time observing that it crave him very creat pleasure indeed
to present it , it having been unanimously voted to him by the brethren of the lodge . He sincerely wished him the hestof health and trusted he might be long spared to wear the jewel among them . An illuminated vote of thanks , in a richl y gilt frame , was also presented to Bro . Lander , who in repl y acknowledged that he thought the remarks made by the W . M . were sincere . His year of office had been one of great enjoyment . Much of the success that had
attended his term of office was mainly due to the strong support that he had always received from the Past Masters , to whom he tendered his best thanks . Actions spoke louder man 1 words , and receiving the handsome jewel voted him oy the members , proved to his mind that his efforts for the welfare of the lodge had been successful . The jewel was nandsome
enough for a Prince to wear . He was sure a man receiving a jewel from the Queen herself could hardly VJ Ti ? reater P ride at tlle fnft than he felt that evening . The w . M . next proposed "The Initiate , " to which Bro . Philip ki JI e rc P lied * thanking the members for having so NnH / a 1 pac'ously received him into their midst , "ouimg should be wanting on his part to become a worthy
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
member of the Craft . He had no hesitation in saying that he was a domesticated man , and that his greatest pleasure was derived at home , but he thought he might safely say , that next to home Freemasonry would occupy his mind . The W . M . then gave in happy terms "The Visitors , " wishing them a hearty welcome , and called upon Bro . H . C . Levander , the Prov . Grand Secretary for Middlesex , to
respond on their behalf , which that brother in due course did . He thanked the W . M . first for coupling his name with the toast and next the lodge generally , for himself and the rest of the visitors , for the welcome accorded them that evening . He must also mention with what pleasure he had witnessed the ceremony performed in the other part of the building . He was quite sure there was no other lodsre in
which the ceremony could be performed better . He had visited a great many lodges , and had been present at many installations and consecrations , and of course had noticed the progress of lodges , but he could safely say that he knew of no other lodge that had made a greater name on the roll than the Earl of Carnarvon , No . 1642 . Upwards of , £ 2000 had been contributed to the charities during a
short existence of four years , a fact highly creditable to every one connected with the lodge . If every lodge did this , it would relieve the Secretaries of the three Institutions of a great deal of trouble . "The Past Masters" were next honoured , the W . M . remarking what excellent supporters they had been to the charities , each one havinjjin turn represented the lodge at
one or other of the festivals . Bros . Lander , Murlis , Penn , and Parkhouse acknowledged the toast , the last mentioned brother urging the brethren to support Bro Lander , who represents ttus lodge as Steward at the Girls' Festival in May next , in the same liberal way as they had him ( Bro . Parkhouse ) . Bros . George Penn and W . J . Murlis acknowledged the toast of the Treasurer and the Secretary ;
the former expressing the great pleasure the duties of Treasurer had always been to him , the latter , Bro . Murlis , the pleasure in replying to the toast of the Secretary , but who felt far greater gratification in seeing his dear old friend Bro . Smout in the chair , who he was sure would prove a good Master . He had had the pleasure of initiating Bro . Smout , a fact perhaps not generally known . He sincerely
hoped the same feeling of friendship that had existed so long between them would always continue . The VV . M . in proposing "The Masonic Charities , " said that he in union with the rest of the brethren felt much pride at what had already been done for the Institutions by the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge . The toast was coupled with the names of Bros . Lander and Mason . Bro . Lander
in reply said he intended to act as Steward for the Girls' School , as he thought it was their duty to help the girls first , as they could not so well help themselves . His own immediate predecessor ( Bro . Parkhouse ) took up the enormous sum of four hundred guineas , the Steward of the preceding year ( Bro . Penn ) having secured a stilllarger amount , five hundred and thirty guineas .
He ( Bro . Lander ) would be satisfied if he took up four hundred pounds . He had commenced his list at the summer festival of the lodge in July last , since when he had collected the sum of £ 75 ios . and he hoped that evening to secure a similar amount . Bro . John Mason , who also replied , said he should be very sorry indeed to stop the flow
of money or the pleasing rivalry between the members as to who should give the largest sum for thc Girls' School . He thought he might safely prophecy that the sum of Bro . Lander's list would exceed those previously taken up . Several other toasts were proposed , and duly responded to . The amount of _ thirty-seven _ guineas was added to Bro . Lander ' s list during the evening .
WOLSEY LODGE ( No . 1656 ) . — The first meeting of the season of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday , the Sth inst ., at the White Hart Hotel , Hampton Wick , when there were present Bros . John Bond , P . P . G . P . Surrey , W . M . ; Ashton , S . W . ; John " Hurst , P . G . P . Middx ., 1512 , J . W . ; the Rev . C . DeCrespigny , P . P . G . C . Middx ., I . P . M . ; T . O . Ockenden , W . M . 1512 ,
Secretary ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . Middx ., S . D . ; Featherstone , J . D . ; J . Filler , D . C ; R . Forge , W . M . 1793 , I . G . ; Duffel ! , W . S . ; VV . Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; F . Honeywell , P . P . G . O . Middx . ( Hon . Organist ); J . Gilbert , Provincial Grand Tyler Middx ., Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Belbin and Perkins were passed to the
Degree of F . C , and Mr . T . J . Lamb initiated into Craft mysteries . In consequence of the indisposition of the VV . M . the ceremonies were ably performed by W . Bro . W . Hammond , P . M . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The customary preliminary toasts having been duly honoured "The Health of the R . W . P . G . M . Middx ., and the rest of the P . G .
Officers" was enthusiastically drank . The toast was coupled with the nameof W . Bro . thc Rev . C . DeCrespigny who replied in an able speech , and subsequently he gave " The VV . M . " Bro . Bond having briefly responded then proposed in fitting terms the health of "The Initiate . " This pledge having been warmly received Bro . Lamb in a neat speech expressed his acknowledgments . In giving
the health of " I he Officers" the W . M . expatiated upon the services of Bros . VV . Hammond , the founder and first W . M . of the Wolsey , and T . O . Ockenden , the indefatigable and amiable Secretary . He felt sorry that both those brethren had been compelled to leave earlv in thc evening .
but their health in their absence would be drank none the less warmly . In concluding his remarks he touched upon the services of the other members composing the working staff . The toast was acknowledged very briefly by the S . VV . upon behalf of himself and colleagues . The proceedings were agreeabl y diversified by the musical abilities of W . Bro . Frank Honeywell and others .
TRINITY COLLEGE LODGE ( No . 1765 ) . — The installation meeting of this lod ge , which was originally founded for the _ members of the Trinity Colleg e , London and consists principally of brethren connected with music and arts , was held on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., at Trinity College , Mandeville-place , W . The brethren present included Bros , the Rev . I . Robbins , D . D ., P . M . 1635 ,
Grand Chap . Middx ., W . M . ; J . A . Hammond , I . W ., W . M . elect . ; Rev . G . T . Handford , M . A ., Chap . ; * E . M . Lott , I . P . M ., P . M . 245 , P . G . W . Jersey , P . G . O . Surrey ; John Stedman , Sec ; Humphrey J . Stark , S . D . ; Rev . H . G . Bonavia-Hunt , J . D . ; A . W . Sebastian Hoare , Org . ; E . J . Hoare and Bradbury Turner , Stewards ; G . F , Hammond , D . of C . ; G . Harrison , Tyler ; James Keene , P . M . 1635 ( hon . mem . ); M . Robson , W . 1 . "lennines
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Arthur Thwaites , F . Clark , G . Temple , F . W . Plant Martin , A . F . Howard , E . Burritt Lane , J . S . Gabriel , and H . Evill . Among the visitors were Bros . W . T . Morphew , W . M . 1585 ; E . Farwig , P . M . 1 S 0 ; H . M . Levy , P . M . 188 ; H . Reed , P . M . 733 ; E . J . Scott , P . M . 749 ; W . Henry Thomas , I . P . M . 1491 ; B . H . Swallow , P . M . 15 * 53 * Henry Cross , P . I . W . 5 S 6 ; A . C . Tanqueray , . •***;
Thomas Lormg , 171 ; T . C . Venables , 263 ; T . H . Tate , 1563 ;! A . J . Mucklow , 165 S , and F . A . Kelly , 1524 ( Freemason ) . The only business before the lodge previous to the installation was the confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting , the passing of the Auditor ' s report , and the raising of Bro . Thwaites . After the despatch of this
business , Bro . J . A . Hammond , J . W ., W . M . elect , was presented in proper order to the Installing Master , Bro . the Rev . Dr . J . Robbins , and on the retirement of the brethren below the chair , was installed into the chair of K . S . On the re-admission of the brethren , the newly-installed Master was duly proclaimed and saluted in the various degrees . Bro . J . A . Hammond then appointed and invested the
following brethren as his officers : Bros , the Rev . Dr . Robbins , I . P . M . ; H . J . Stark , S . W . ; Rev . H . G . Bonavia-Hunt , J . VV . ; Joseph S . Gabriel , Treas . ; John Stedman , Sec ; E . J . Hoare , S . D . ; Bradbury Turner , J . D . ; G . F . Hammond , I . G . ; Dr . E . M . Lott , P . M ., Org . ; A . W . S . Hoare , W . S . ; F . Clark , D . of C . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler .
The lodge was then closed , and the brethren subsequently sat down to an excellent banquet , to which full justice was done . At its conclusion , and after grace , the W . M . proposed , in creditably brief terms , owing to the lateness of the hour , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Dr . Robbins replied to the toast of " The
Installing Master , " which was proposed in eulogistic terms by Bro . J . A . Hammond , W . M ., and Bro . E . Farwig , P . M . 180 , on behalf of "The Visitors . " Between the toasts some excellent vocal and instrumental music was given , the whole programme being performed , almost without exception , by members of the lodge , a fact we deem worthy of special mention .
CLARENDON LODGE ( No . 1769 ) . —The installation of Bro . Thomas Grove , C . C , as VV . M . of this lodge took place at the Guildhall Tavern , on Tuesday , the gth inst . The ceremony was admirably performed by Bro . J . Cooper , the outgoing VV . M ., in the presence of a large assembly of brethren , amongst whom were Bros . Stephens , P . G . D . C . Middx . ; E . C Mather , P . M . 23 ; J . Farmaner ,
P . M . 28 ; D . Crombie , P . M . 28 ; J . C Dwarber , P . M . 55 ; J . T . Robertson , P . M . 55 ; H . C . Soper , P . M . 704 : J . F . Stone , P . M . 1033 ; O . S . Oxley , W . M . 1237 ; S . J . Cook , 95 ; E . Bumpus , 28 ; VV . J . Heath , 7 6 G ; R . H . Johnson , 1348 ; W . Green , I . G . 13114 ; H . G . Gush , J . W 1541 ; H . Dehane , S . VV . 1 543 ; M . S . Rubenstein , 1642 ;
and A . J . Archer , 1801 . Bros . C . W . Thompson was invested at S . VV . ; H . VV . Mayes , J . VV . ; J . Stanley was invested Treasurer and re-appointed and invested as Secretary . The assistant officers appointed were Bros . Soper , S . D . ; G . Croxton , J . D . ; T . Linscott , I . G . j Thomson , D . C ; and Thomas , re-instated Tyler .
In consequence of its being Lord Mayor's Day , the installation banquet was deferred until the 16 th inst ., at the Guildhall Tavern . LIVERPOOL . —Harmonic Lodge ; ( No . 216 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Thursday , the nth inst ., at the Adelphi Hotel , where there was an excellent attendance of brethren . Bro .
Dr . D . D . Costine , VV . M ., presided , and , ably seconded by his officers , he performed the ceremony of the Third Degree in a remarkabl y effective manner . In the course of the evening , Bro . D . S . Davies , P . M ., proposed "That votes of condolence should be sent to the widows of the late Bros . John Jones , P . M ., and T . J . Hughes , both connected with the Harmonic Lodge , who had died since the previous
meeting of the lodge . " I he motion was seconded by Bro . Costine , W . M ., and unanimously agreed to . Ten guineas were voted for the relief of a deceased brother's widow and family , and , on the motion of Bro . Gill , I . P . M ., it was unanimously resolved to vote the sum of thirty guineas out of the lodge funds to complete the amount required to constitute the Treasurer and Secretary Vice-Presidents of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution .
LIVERPOOL . —Mariners Lodge ( No . 249 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this old and prosperous lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., at six o'clock p . m . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . John Whalley , supported bv the following officers : Bros . Dr . I . Kellett Smith , P . M .,
P . P . G . Reg ., Treas . ; John Hayes , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; J . C . Robinson , P . M . ; F . Barrett , P . M . ; W . H . Vernon ( acting ) S . W . ; J . J eanaway , J . VV . ; M . Davis , S . D . ; B . Parry , J . D . ; R . Collings , Sec ; D . Canglcy , I . G . ; and VV . H . Ball , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . John Pemberton , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of VV . and R . H . Evans , P . M . 1393 , P . P .
G . J . D . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Mr . James Speke , who had been balloted for at the last meeting , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M ., thc working tools were presented and explained by the J . W ., the ancient charges beina * delivered bv the S . W . ; the whole of the impressive
ceremony being well rendered by the W . M . and his officers . After the sum of five pounds had been granted towards a fund for the relief of a widow , the W . M ., in feeling terms , referred to the recent bereavement of Bro . Dr . Smith—he having lost two of his children within a month—and concluded b y moving a vote of sympathy , which was seconded and carried . The Secretary was dul y instructed to write a letter of condolence to the niece of the late Bro . Huerh
Edwards , P . M . Three gentlemen having been proposed for initiation at the next meeting , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the new banquet room for refreshment . After the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed ; Bro . Pemberton responding for "The P . G . Officers . " Bro . Ewart , Org ., then played the "Dead March" upon the piano , and the brethren drank to the memory of Bro . Edwards , P . M ., in solemn silence , and after the Tyler ' s toast the brethren separated .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
\ V M of this flourishing lodge , which ceremony was Informed in a masterly manner by Bro . S . H . Parkhouse , Pp M Among the brethren present we noticed , in addi-!* *^ the two already named , Bros . E . M . Lander , W . M . ; r Darby Reade , S . VV . ; George Penn , P . M ., Treas . ; VV . I " Murlis , P . M ., Sec ; S . Smout , jun ., S . D . ; F . Frye , J . D . W Buckland and ] . Woodmason , Stewards ; R . Schoheld , r ' lpr Bros . Wm . Stephens , Hon . P . M . ; E . C . } . % J ... —A PM K . Rno-prs . H . Foskett . 1 . S . Adkins .
1 T Wood , John French , H . Taylor , Jos . Pushman , R . " Reid G . A . Williams , L . Lichtwitz , F . J . Crabb , F . Frnest Pocock , Robert King , R . C . Green , James Flood , Thomas W . Heath , M . Rubenstein , C . Manchester , VV . Binns , H . Hart , W . R . Hatton , C Rowlands , and others . The visitors present were Bros . James Kench , Grand Pursuivant , H . C . Levander , P . M . 142 , & c , Grand Secretary Past Middx
Middx . ; John Mason , P . M . 1567 , & c , G . D . ., Collector Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; Lewis Bryett , W . M . 162 S , Past G . S . of W . Berks and Bucks ; Ceorsre VV . Dixon , 1871 , Past G . D . of C . Berks and Bucks ; Edwin Howard , W . M . 1 S 1 ; W . Side , W . M . i 5 o *>; Charles Davey , P . M . 30 ; Wm . Handover , P . M . 144 ; S . Elborn , pM qii ; George Read , P . M . 511 ; George Draper , P . M . ; , ' n < -: H . Dehane , S . W . 1543 ; lames B . Cuff , S . W . 160 S ;
C Thompson , S . W . 1769 ; E . K . Kendall , J . W . 100 , 1635 ; E . Arrowsmith , S . D . 733 ; C . J . Biorn , 733 ; S . J . Humphreys , 733 J R . Jackson , 733 ; , R . F . VVhurr , 001 ; H . Wilkinson , 933 ; E . Monson , jun ., 1194 ; J . Gillingham , , 238 ; VV . VV . Morgan , jun . 1385 ; F . Chandler , 16 5 6 ; John McLaren , 1 S 05 , and F . A . Kelly , 1524 ( Freemason ) . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . C . B . Broad , F . J . Broad , and G .
Wilkinson were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , Mr . Philip H . Hardcastle afterwards being initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The installation business was then proceeded with . The brethren below the degree of Installed Master having retired , Bro . Samuel Smout was duly inducted into the chair in a most able manner by Bro . Parkhouse . On the re-admission of the members , the newly-installed Master was proclaimed and
saluted in the usual manner , the addresses being delivered clearly and impressively by Bro . S . H . Parkhouse . Bro . Smout then appointed the following brethren as his officers : Bros . C . Darby Reade , S . VV . ; S . Smout , jun ., I . W . ; Rev . P . M . Holden , Chap . ; George Penn , P . M ., Treas . ; W . J . Murlis , P . M ., Sec ; F . Frye , S . D . ; J . Bartle , T . D . ; J . Woodmason , I . G . ; S . H . Parkhouse , P . M ., £ ) . of C . j W . W . Buckland , Asst . D . of C ; F . Delevanti , Org . ; J . H . Wood and F . Crabb , Stewards , and
R . Schofield , P . M ., Tyler . These brethren , with the exception of Bro . Holden , who was not present , having been invested with their collar and jewel of office , the Secretary , after mentioning several minor matters , proposed that a vote of condolence be passed to thc S . VV ., the Rev . C . Darby Reade , on the great loss that had occurred to that brother and his family by the death of his son-in-law , who was killed by the terrible landslip in Naini Tal , India , some two
months since . The vote , which was seconded by Bro . J . Pushman and supported by Bro . Parkhouse , it is needless to saj * , was carried unanimously . Bro . Reade having replied in feeling terms , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , which was handsomel y decorated , where they partook of a choice repast , admirably prepared and served by Bro . J . Linscott . At its conclusion the VV . M . gave , in the usual loyal terms , " The Queen and
the Craft , " which was followed b y the " National Anthem , " ably sung by Bro . Pushman . In introducing the next toast , that of "The Most Worshipful Grand Master , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " the VV . M . truly remarked , that the toast needed but few words from him to ensure its being heartil y received . He had had the pleasure upon several occasions of seeing His Royal Highness perform the duties appertaining to his office , and he thought that no officer
accomplished them in a more masterly manner . After " God bless the Prince of Wales" had been sung , the W . M . proposed "The Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro G . M . ; the Earl of Lathom , R . W . D . G . M . ; and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . _ James Kench , Grand Purst ., who , in reply , expressed his regret that the present occasion was his first visit to the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge ,
notwithstanding the many kind invitations he had received . He had been much impressed by the able manner in which Bro . Parkhouse had performed his duties as Installing Master , and whom he considered a credit to the lodge . With regard to the Grand Officers , he could onl y say that they were always anxious to discharge their duties to the best of their power . Bro . Lander , I . P . M .. then in complimentary terms proposed
"The Health of the W . M . " to whom he wished health and strength during his year of office so that he might—as he was quite able to do—fulfil the duties of the chair in a manner second to none . The VV . M . in the course of his reply thanked the brethren for the kind and cordial manner in which the toast had been received , and also for the proud position in which they had placed him . He should always endeavour to carry out the duties of his office to the utmost
of his ability for the interest of Freemasonry in general and this lodge in particular . The next toast , which was loudly cheered . was that of "The I . P . M ., Bro . Lander , " who the W . M . said had proved himself to be a good Mason and fully equal to perform the duties that had devolved upon him during the preceding year . The W . M . then attached a handsome P . AI . jewel to Bro . Lander ' s collar , at the same time observing that it crave him very creat pleasure indeed
to present it , it having been unanimously voted to him by the brethren of the lodge . He sincerely wished him the hestof health and trusted he might be long spared to wear the jewel among them . An illuminated vote of thanks , in a richl y gilt frame , was also presented to Bro . Lander , who in repl y acknowledged that he thought the remarks made by the W . M . were sincere . His year of office had been one of great enjoyment . Much of the success that had
attended his term of office was mainly due to the strong support that he had always received from the Past Masters , to whom he tendered his best thanks . Actions spoke louder man 1 words , and receiving the handsome jewel voted him oy the members , proved to his mind that his efforts for the welfare of the lodge had been successful . The jewel was nandsome
enough for a Prince to wear . He was sure a man receiving a jewel from the Queen herself could hardly VJ Ti ? reater P ride at tlle fnft than he felt that evening . The w . M . next proposed "The Initiate , " to which Bro . Philip ki JI e rc P lied * thanking the members for having so NnH / a 1 pac'ously received him into their midst , "ouimg should be wanting on his part to become a worthy
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
member of the Craft . He had no hesitation in saying that he was a domesticated man , and that his greatest pleasure was derived at home , but he thought he might safely say , that next to home Freemasonry would occupy his mind . The W . M . then gave in happy terms "The Visitors , " wishing them a hearty welcome , and called upon Bro . H . C . Levander , the Prov . Grand Secretary for Middlesex , to
respond on their behalf , which that brother in due course did . He thanked the W . M . first for coupling his name with the toast and next the lodge generally , for himself and the rest of the visitors , for the welcome accorded them that evening . He must also mention with what pleasure he had witnessed the ceremony performed in the other part of the building . He was quite sure there was no other lodsre in
which the ceremony could be performed better . He had visited a great many lodges , and had been present at many installations and consecrations , and of course had noticed the progress of lodges , but he could safely say that he knew of no other lodge that had made a greater name on the roll than the Earl of Carnarvon , No . 1642 . Upwards of , £ 2000 had been contributed to the charities during a
short existence of four years , a fact highly creditable to every one connected with the lodge . If every lodge did this , it would relieve the Secretaries of the three Institutions of a great deal of trouble . "The Past Masters" were next honoured , the W . M . remarking what excellent supporters they had been to the charities , each one havinjjin turn represented the lodge at
one or other of the festivals . Bros . Lander , Murlis , Penn , and Parkhouse acknowledged the toast , the last mentioned brother urging the brethren to support Bro Lander , who represents ttus lodge as Steward at the Girls' Festival in May next , in the same liberal way as they had him ( Bro . Parkhouse ) . Bros . George Penn and W . J . Murlis acknowledged the toast of the Treasurer and the Secretary ;
the former expressing the great pleasure the duties of Treasurer had always been to him , the latter , Bro . Murlis , the pleasure in replying to the toast of the Secretary , but who felt far greater gratification in seeing his dear old friend Bro . Smout in the chair , who he was sure would prove a good Master . He had had the pleasure of initiating Bro . Smout , a fact perhaps not generally known . He sincerely
hoped the same feeling of friendship that had existed so long between them would always continue . The VV . M . in proposing "The Masonic Charities , " said that he in union with the rest of the brethren felt much pride at what had already been done for the Institutions by the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge . The toast was coupled with the names of Bros . Lander and Mason . Bro . Lander
in reply said he intended to act as Steward for the Girls' School , as he thought it was their duty to help the girls first , as they could not so well help themselves . His own immediate predecessor ( Bro . Parkhouse ) took up the enormous sum of four hundred guineas , the Steward of the preceding year ( Bro . Penn ) having secured a stilllarger amount , five hundred and thirty guineas .
He ( Bro . Lander ) would be satisfied if he took up four hundred pounds . He had commenced his list at the summer festival of the lodge in July last , since when he had collected the sum of £ 75 ios . and he hoped that evening to secure a similar amount . Bro . John Mason , who also replied , said he should be very sorry indeed to stop the flow
of money or the pleasing rivalry between the members as to who should give the largest sum for thc Girls' School . He thought he might safely prophecy that the sum of Bro . Lander's list would exceed those previously taken up . Several other toasts were proposed , and duly responded to . The amount of _ thirty-seven _ guineas was added to Bro . Lander ' s list during the evening .
WOLSEY LODGE ( No . 1656 ) . — The first meeting of the season of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday , the Sth inst ., at the White Hart Hotel , Hampton Wick , when there were present Bros . John Bond , P . P . G . P . Surrey , W . M . ; Ashton , S . W . ; John " Hurst , P . G . P . Middx ., 1512 , J . W . ; the Rev . C . DeCrespigny , P . P . G . C . Middx ., I . P . M . ; T . O . Ockenden , W . M . 1512 ,
Secretary ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . Middx ., S . D . ; Featherstone , J . D . ; J . Filler , D . C ; R . Forge , W . M . 1793 , I . G . ; Duffel ! , W . S . ; VV . Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; F . Honeywell , P . P . G . O . Middx . ( Hon . Organist ); J . Gilbert , Provincial Grand Tyler Middx ., Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Belbin and Perkins were passed to the
Degree of F . C , and Mr . T . J . Lamb initiated into Craft mysteries . In consequence of the indisposition of the VV . M . the ceremonies were ably performed by W . Bro . W . Hammond , P . M . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The customary preliminary toasts having been duly honoured "The Health of the R . W . P . G . M . Middx ., and the rest of the P . G .
Officers" was enthusiastically drank . The toast was coupled with the nameof W . Bro . thc Rev . C . DeCrespigny who replied in an able speech , and subsequently he gave " The VV . M . " Bro . Bond having briefly responded then proposed in fitting terms the health of "The Initiate . " This pledge having been warmly received Bro . Lamb in a neat speech expressed his acknowledgments . In giving
the health of " I he Officers" the W . M . expatiated upon the services of Bros . VV . Hammond , the founder and first W . M . of the Wolsey , and T . O . Ockenden , the indefatigable and amiable Secretary . He felt sorry that both those brethren had been compelled to leave earlv in thc evening .
but their health in their absence would be drank none the less warmly . In concluding his remarks he touched upon the services of the other members composing the working staff . The toast was acknowledged very briefly by the S . VV . upon behalf of himself and colleagues . The proceedings were agreeabl y diversified by the musical abilities of W . Bro . Frank Honeywell and others .
TRINITY COLLEGE LODGE ( No . 1765 ) . — The installation meeting of this lod ge , which was originally founded for the _ members of the Trinity Colleg e , London and consists principally of brethren connected with music and arts , was held on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., at Trinity College , Mandeville-place , W . The brethren present included Bros , the Rev . I . Robbins , D . D ., P . M . 1635 ,
Grand Chap . Middx ., W . M . ; J . A . Hammond , I . W ., W . M . elect . ; Rev . G . T . Handford , M . A ., Chap . ; * E . M . Lott , I . P . M ., P . M . 245 , P . G . W . Jersey , P . G . O . Surrey ; John Stedman , Sec ; Humphrey J . Stark , S . D . ; Rev . H . G . Bonavia-Hunt , J . D . ; A . W . Sebastian Hoare , Org . ; E . J . Hoare and Bradbury Turner , Stewards ; G . F , Hammond , D . of C . ; G . Harrison , Tyler ; James Keene , P . M . 1635 ( hon . mem . ); M . Robson , W . 1 . "lennines
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Arthur Thwaites , F . Clark , G . Temple , F . W . Plant Martin , A . F . Howard , E . Burritt Lane , J . S . Gabriel , and H . Evill . Among the visitors were Bros . W . T . Morphew , W . M . 1585 ; E . Farwig , P . M . 1 S 0 ; H . M . Levy , P . M . 188 ; H . Reed , P . M . 733 ; E . J . Scott , P . M . 749 ; W . Henry Thomas , I . P . M . 1491 ; B . H . Swallow , P . M . 15 * 53 * Henry Cross , P . I . W . 5 S 6 ; A . C . Tanqueray , . •***;
Thomas Lormg , 171 ; T . C . Venables , 263 ; T . H . Tate , 1563 ;! A . J . Mucklow , 165 S , and F . A . Kelly , 1524 ( Freemason ) . The only business before the lodge previous to the installation was the confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting , the passing of the Auditor ' s report , and the raising of Bro . Thwaites . After the despatch of this
business , Bro . J . A . Hammond , J . W ., W . M . elect , was presented in proper order to the Installing Master , Bro . the Rev . Dr . J . Robbins , and on the retirement of the brethren below the chair , was installed into the chair of K . S . On the re-admission of the brethren , the newly-installed Master was duly proclaimed and saluted in the various degrees . Bro . J . A . Hammond then appointed and invested the
following brethren as his officers : Bros , the Rev . Dr . Robbins , I . P . M . ; H . J . Stark , S . W . ; Rev . H . G . Bonavia-Hunt , J . VV . ; Joseph S . Gabriel , Treas . ; John Stedman , Sec ; E . J . Hoare , S . D . ; Bradbury Turner , J . D . ; G . F . Hammond , I . G . ; Dr . E . M . Lott , P . M ., Org . ; A . W . S . Hoare , W . S . ; F . Clark , D . of C . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler .
The lodge was then closed , and the brethren subsequently sat down to an excellent banquet , to which full justice was done . At its conclusion , and after grace , the W . M . proposed , in creditably brief terms , owing to the lateness of the hour , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Dr . Robbins replied to the toast of " The
Installing Master , " which was proposed in eulogistic terms by Bro . J . A . Hammond , W . M ., and Bro . E . Farwig , P . M . 180 , on behalf of "The Visitors . " Between the toasts some excellent vocal and instrumental music was given , the whole programme being performed , almost without exception , by members of the lodge , a fact we deem worthy of special mention .
CLARENDON LODGE ( No . 1769 ) . —The installation of Bro . Thomas Grove , C . C , as VV . M . of this lodge took place at the Guildhall Tavern , on Tuesday , the gth inst . The ceremony was admirably performed by Bro . J . Cooper , the outgoing VV . M ., in the presence of a large assembly of brethren , amongst whom were Bros . Stephens , P . G . D . C . Middx . ; E . C Mather , P . M . 23 ; J . Farmaner ,
P . M . 28 ; D . Crombie , P . M . 28 ; J . C Dwarber , P . M . 55 ; J . T . Robertson , P . M . 55 ; H . C . Soper , P . M . 704 : J . F . Stone , P . M . 1033 ; O . S . Oxley , W . M . 1237 ; S . J . Cook , 95 ; E . Bumpus , 28 ; VV . J . Heath , 7 6 G ; R . H . Johnson , 1348 ; W . Green , I . G . 13114 ; H . G . Gush , J . W 1541 ; H . Dehane , S . VV . 1 543 ; M . S . Rubenstein , 1642 ;
and A . J . Archer , 1801 . Bros . C . W . Thompson was invested at S . VV . ; H . VV . Mayes , J . VV . ; J . Stanley was invested Treasurer and re-appointed and invested as Secretary . The assistant officers appointed were Bros . Soper , S . D . ; G . Croxton , J . D . ; T . Linscott , I . G . j Thomson , D . C ; and Thomas , re-instated Tyler .
In consequence of its being Lord Mayor's Day , the installation banquet was deferred until the 16 th inst ., at the Guildhall Tavern . LIVERPOOL . —Harmonic Lodge ; ( No . 216 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Thursday , the nth inst ., at the Adelphi Hotel , where there was an excellent attendance of brethren . Bro .
Dr . D . D . Costine , VV . M ., presided , and , ably seconded by his officers , he performed the ceremony of the Third Degree in a remarkabl y effective manner . In the course of the evening , Bro . D . S . Davies , P . M ., proposed "That votes of condolence should be sent to the widows of the late Bros . John Jones , P . M ., and T . J . Hughes , both connected with the Harmonic Lodge , who had died since the previous
meeting of the lodge . " I he motion was seconded by Bro . Costine , W . M ., and unanimously agreed to . Ten guineas were voted for the relief of a deceased brother's widow and family , and , on the motion of Bro . Gill , I . P . M ., it was unanimously resolved to vote the sum of thirty guineas out of the lodge funds to complete the amount required to constitute the Treasurer and Secretary Vice-Presidents of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution .
LIVERPOOL . —Mariners Lodge ( No . 249 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this old and prosperous lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., at six o'clock p . m . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . John Whalley , supported bv the following officers : Bros . Dr . I . Kellett Smith , P . M .,
P . P . G . Reg ., Treas . ; John Hayes , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; J . C . Robinson , P . M . ; F . Barrett , P . M . ; W . H . Vernon ( acting ) S . W . ; J . J eanaway , J . VV . ; M . Davis , S . D . ; B . Parry , J . D . ; R . Collings , Sec ; D . Canglcy , I . G . ; and VV . H . Ball , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . John Pemberton , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of VV . and R . H . Evans , P . M . 1393 , P . P .
G . J . D . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Mr . James Speke , who had been balloted for at the last meeting , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M ., thc working tools were presented and explained by the J . W ., the ancient charges beina * delivered bv the S . W . ; the whole of the impressive
ceremony being well rendered by the W . M . and his officers . After the sum of five pounds had been granted towards a fund for the relief of a widow , the W . M ., in feeling terms , referred to the recent bereavement of Bro . Dr . Smith—he having lost two of his children within a month—and concluded b y moving a vote of sympathy , which was seconded and carried . The Secretary was dul y instructed to write a letter of condolence to the niece of the late Bro . Huerh
Edwards , P . M . Three gentlemen having been proposed for initiation at the next meeting , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the new banquet room for refreshment . After the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed ; Bro . Pemberton responding for "The P . G . Officers . " Bro . Ewart , Org ., then played the "Dead March" upon the piano , and the brethren drank to the memory of Bro . Edwards , P . M ., in solemn silence , and after the Tyler ' s toast the brethren separated .