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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 281 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 10 th inst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , " St . Leonard-gate . Bro . Warbrick , the W . M ., occupied the chair of ICS ., supported b y his respective officers . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of previous meeting read and
confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . B . Hamer , who was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Craft by the W . M . in an admirable manner , the working tools being presented by the J . W . ( Bro . Atkinson ) . Several communications were read , and two candidates were proposed for initiation . The usual proclamations were then made , and the lodge was subsequently closed with the formalities of the Craft .
MANCHESTER . — Lodge of Affability ( No . 317 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held atthe Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , the 4 th inst . The following brethren were present : Bros . Mark Vickers , W . M . ; SVm . Nicholl , S . W . ; Henry Walmsley , J . W . ; Robt . Tomlins , Sec . ; John Church , S . D . ; Jas . Wilson , J . D . ; W . J . Cunliffe , ' Org . ; P . Holmes , I . G . ;
W . Eckersley and R . R . Lisenden ( Freemason ) , Stwds . ; Tohn Bladon , P . M ., D . of C . ; Jas . Dawson , P . M ., Reg . ; John Roger Lever , P . M . ; J . Howarth Clark , P . M . ; J . Sly , Tyler ; Edward Smith , G . D . Wenham , Francis Hilton , R . B . Harper , Wm . Henry Hughes , Ezra Cohen , Dr . Chas . Jas . Rix , J . Smith , and R . Bradshaw . Visitors : Bros . Wm . Bostock , ' P . M . 1633 , VV . M . 1633 ; J . D . Curtis ,
1 G 33 ; J . E . Steward , W . M . 33 G ; W . Corbett , P . M . 249 ; W . P . ftusband , 1611 ; and M . Lugay , formerly 317 . The lodge was opened at six o ' clock , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Edward Smith being present , was raised to the Third Degree . The W . M . then raised Bro . Edward Smith to the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., assisted by Bro . Bladon , P . M ., who gave the traditional history . On the conclusion of the
ceremony , a proposition was made , seconded , and carried , that a petition for the widow of a deceased P . M . of the lodge be presented to the Board of Benevolence . Tbe petition was afterwards signed by members of the lodge . A proposition , after some discussion , was put and carried , to the effect that the attention of the Directors of the Masonic Hall Company should be directed to the
present state of the lodge room , which sadly required beautifying and cleansing . The proposition further set forth that the feelings of other lodges meeting at the hall should be consulted on the subject , and the signature to a memorial from each W . M . be requested , desiring immediate action by the directors . " Hearty good wishes" were expressed by the visitors , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 9 . 15 .
At the social board the brethren honoured thc usual toasts , and spent a pleasant hour and a half , their numbers being augmented by the appearencc of two distinquished brethren , in the persons of Bro . Charles Matier and Bro . J . L . Hine , whose healths were proposed by Bro . W . Nicholl , duly drank b y the brethren with Masonic honours , and afterwards acknowledged in suitable terms by the two brethren before mentioned .
DERBY . —Arboretum Lodge ( No . 731 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., when amongst those present were Bros . A . Frazer , W . M . ; G . T . Wright , P . M ., P . P . G . I . W .-, *) Smith , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . ; VV . Naylor , P . G . S ., P . P . G . S . VV . ; J . Brown , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . ; J . Bennett , P . AL , P . P . G . S . of W . j I . C . Merry , P . M .. P . P . G . D . C : I .
Taylor , P . M . ; VV . Cooper , I . P . M . ; Whittaker , S . VV . ; Bland J . VV . ; Burton , Treas . ; Cay , Secretary ; Day , S . D . ; Webster J . D . ; Copestick , I . G . ; Lewis and Tyler , Stewards ; Coulthurst , Humber , Fonc , Ball , Ascott , Stevens , Chadwick , A . Woodiwiss , jun ., and the following visitors , Bros . Drown , nfi 7 ; Martin , Moore , and Bull , G 24 ; Coulson , W . M . 253 ; Glover , S 02 ; and others .
1 he minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for a candidate , who was elected , and the lodge having been opened in the Second Degree , the charge in that Degree was given by the S . W . Bro . A . Woodiwiss , jun ., was examined hythe W . M ., and retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Woodiwiss was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M .
by the W . M . in ancient and solemn form . The lodge was closed down to the First Degree , when , nothing further offering , the meeting was brought to a close in the usual way , and an adjournment made to the supper room , where the VV . M . took the chair , and was supported by nearly the whole of the brethren attending lodge . The customary loyal and Masonic toasts having- been
given , the W . M . proposed "The Health of the Visitors , " expressing the pleasure that he personally had in meeting the visiting brothers that evening , and that it was always a source of gratification to the members of the Arboretum Lodge to meet the members of other lodges , and he hoped that the visiting brothers would consider this a standing invitation , as he would be pleased to sec them as often as
they could make it convenient to attend . Bro . Brown , in responding , thanked the VV . M . and the brethren for the hearty reception given to him , he being a comparative stranger to them , and intimated his intention of accepting the invitation so heartily given . He referred briefly to the great advantages to be derived from a conformity with , and a practical exercise of , the great principles of Masonry ,
ana stated tMat it these principles were more carefully observed by the brethren , notonly would thebenefits beshown in their immediate sphere , but society generally would be improved thereby . Bro . Martin also responded , and in doing so congratulated the VV . M . on the work of the evening . He was glad to be present that evening , because he felt that the more the members of lodges visited each other
the greater would be their opportunities for detecting their imperfections , and thereby improving their work , as he was quite sure that no one could be so proficient in the grand ceremonies connected with Masonry as not to be able to learn something by the means he had referred to ; he concluded by inviting thc Arboretum brethren to visit the lotlge with which he was connected . The toast of " The VV . M . "
was next proposed by the S . W ., who ventured to hope that the brethren would permit him cm their behalf and his own to compliment the W . M . on his admirable rendering of the ceremony they had witnessed that evening . He felt that it was in a great measure due lo the example of the W . M . that the officers were able , as he thought they were , to perform their duties with some slight degree of satis-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
faction to the W . M . and the brethren . Bro . Frazer , in responding , thanked the brethren for the kindly way in which they had received the toast of his health . He was proud of the position he occupied , and so long as he filled it he would continue to do all in his power to contribute to the well being of thc lodge . He begged to propose " The Health of the P . M . ' s of the Lodge , " and in doing so he
had to give them his warmest thanks for their continued support and assistance to him since he took the chair It was peculiarly gratifying to him that so many of the P . M . ' s had favoured him with their attendence on every occasion ; he found that he had had an average attendance of seven P . M . ' s since his installation , which he considered was indicative of the large interest they took in the work of the
lodge . He coupled the names of Bros . Wright and Brown with the toast , who , in responding , expressed the pleasure they had in attending the meetings of their lodge , and adding to its harmony and prosperity by any means in their power . The toast of " The Officers " was proposed by Bro . Merry , P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Copestick , I . G ., after which the Tyler's toast brought to a close a most successful meeting .
SALFORD . —Zetland Lodge ( No . 852 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , 41 , Crescent , on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., when the following brethren were present : Bros . Joseph Hardy , W . M . ; Joseph Heyworth , S . W . ; James Corney , J . VV . ; J . G . Edge , Treas . ; Joseph Young , Sec ; G . Bingham , S . D . ; \ V . Naylor , J . D . ; C . H . Wheeler , I . G . ; S . VV
Ballantyne , Chap . ; W . Kiddell , P . M ., lyler ; Samuel Heathcote , P . M . ; VV . Lee ; J . T . Watts , P . M . ; G . A . Packwood , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C ; VV . Carter , E . A . Lowndes , William Mason , John Blackwell , Peter Hacken , Thomas Cooke , John Barnes , C . Chapman , Walter Briggs , T . G . Alcock , W . T . Thorp , John Westall , James Smith , Thos . Susan , and R . VV . Bowring . Visitors : Bros . J . Dennage ,
144 ; A . Sutton , 491 ; I ' . Armstrong , VV . M . 325 ; Thomas Powers , I . P . M . 325 ; M . Dutton , P . M . 3 G 1 ; John VV . Squirrel ! , 13 S 7 ; Rev . E . B . Bagot , S . W . 1357 ; William Jones , Sec . 1055 ; and R . R . Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . The lodge was opened at half-past five , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Thc ballot was then taken for five gentlemen , severally to become members
of thc lodge , viz .: Mr . John Knott , Mr . Thomas Pike , Mr . Bradley Seymour Smith , Mr . William Greenlees , and Mr . J . Bairston , who were all declared unanimously elected , fhe ballot was also taken for two brethren as joining members , viz ., Bros . C . Chapman and Robert Hall , both of whom formerly where members of this lodge , and resulted in their election . The VV . M . aftewards initiated Mr . John
Knott into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry , and Bro . M . Dutton , P . M . 3 G 1 , delivered the charge to the candidate . Bro . Samuel Heathcote , P . M ., assumed the W . M . ' s chair , and initiated Mr . Thomas Pike into Freemasonry . The next candidate , Mr . B . S . Smith , was initiated b y Bro . G . A . Packwood , P . M . P . G . A . D . of C , whilst William Greenlees and J . Bairston were respectively initiated by Bro . M . Dutton , P . M . 3 G 1 , and Bro . J . T .
Watts , P . M . of this lodge . The working tools were presented and explained to thc five brethren collectively by Bro . G . A . Packwood , P . M ., P . G . D . of C , ancl a grand conclusion to a formidable programme was made b y Bro . the Rev . E . B . Bagot , S . W . 1357 , who delivered the lecture on the first Tracing Board in fine style , after which " Hearty good wishes" were expressed by the visiting brethren and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at twenty minutes past nine .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The members of this lodge held their monthly meeting on the 7 U 1 inst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athen . cum . Bro . W . Taylor presided , and was supported by his respective officers . I he minutes of previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Herbert Cecil Moore , who was a candidate for being passed , was entrusted , ami retired .
The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , antl Bro . Moore re-adniittcd , and passed to the Degree of F . C . b y the W . M ., thc ceremony being gone through in an excellent manner . The working tools were presented by thc S . W ., Bro . J . Aldous . The lodge was then closed down to the First Degree , and the VV . M . gave the Lecture on the First Tracing Board . Subsequently the congratulations of the lodge were accorded to Bro . Longman , P . M . and Sec .,
on his appointment as Prov . G . Supt . of Works for West Lancashire , at thc meeting held at Chorley on the ist ult . Regret was expressed at the continued illness of Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . of Kngland , and his brother , the newlypassed F . C , was requested to convey to him thc feelings of the lodge . Thc usual proclamations were then made , which elicited " Hearty good wishes" from the visiting brethren , and the lodge was closed in peace , love , antl harmony .
LIVERPOOL . —Fermor Hesketh Lodge ( Xo . 1350 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this admirabl y conducted lodge was held on Monday evening , the Sth inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , where there was a good attendance of members and visitors . Bro .
Tither-Iey , VV . M ., occupied the chief place of honour , and during thc evening hc raised a brother to the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., in a manner which could hardly have been excelled . Amongst those present were Bros . Johnson , P . M . 1350 ; Dr . Costint , W . M . 21 G ; Dr . Bailey , P . M . 7 SG ; Mackenzie , I . P . M . 1 C 09 ; and others .
TWICKENHAM . — Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1503 . )—The installation meeting of this provincial lodge was held on Wednesday , the loth inst ., at the Albany Hotel . Among those who attended were Bros . Wigginton , P . P . G . S . of VV . Middx ., P . M . 1505 , & c , who presided in thc unavoidable absence of Bro . VV . Taylor ; Ashley , S . VV ., VV . M . elect ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B .
Middx ., J . W . ; the Rev . D'Orsey , Chap . ; W . II . Saunders , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M ., acting I . P . M . ; Artus , P . M ., acting S . D . ; Kennedy , P P . G . D . C . Middx ., acting J . D . ; Clark , acting I . G , ; Harrison , Tyler . The visitors were Bros . Weaver , P . M . 820 ; Saunders , S . VV . 1 SG 0 ; Turner , S . D . 2 ; Burll , 1 G 5 ; Snow , 357 ; and S . T . II .
Saunders , S . VV . 551 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Ashley , W . M . elect , was presented by VV . Bro . W . H . Saunders , to the Installing Officer , VV . Bro . Wigginton . Thc entire ceremony was most ably carried out by the Installing Officer , assisted by Bros . Artus , as S . W . ; Walls , as J . VV . ; Saunders , as I . G . ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Kennedy , as D . C ; and Snow , as Organist . The officers appointed , and invested , were Bros . Walls , S . VV Saunders , J . VV . ; The Rev . D'Orsay , Chap . ; VV . H ' Saunders Treas . ; W . Wigginton , Sec ; Artus , S . D . " Kennedy , J . D . ; Williams , I . G . ; Powell , W . S . ; Harri ' . son , _ Tyler . The report of the Audit Committee was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes Several communications from absent members having been
read , and a vote of thanks passed to the Installing Officer for his services , the lodge was closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was elegantly served , and reflected great credit upon the caterer , Bro . Baylis . Thc Royal and Craft toasts having been loyally honoured , " The Health of the W . M . " was warmly proposed by Bro . Wigginton . The VV . M ., in his reply , dwelt upon the pros ' , porous state of the lodge . He said it was a matter of greit
importance to find that during the past year , under the able Mastership of Bro . W . Taylor , the sum of thirty guineas had been given to the Masonic Charities . He hoped that his year would be equally as successful , as lie intended to do his utmost to further the interests of the lodge and its members , and he believed that in that endeavour he would have the hearty co-operation of them all . "The Visitors" followed , and this hospitable toast
having been warmly received , it was acknowledged by Bros . Weaver , Turner , Snow , and others . "The Health of the Past Masters" came next in order , and it was responded to at length by W . Bro . Wigginton , who in his speech regretted that the I . P . M ., Bro . VV . Taylor , had no been present to reply to the warm , but thoroughly deserved , encomiums that had been passed upon him by the VV . M .
and endorsed by every brother present . In concluding his speech , he expressed his personal acknowledgment tothe VV . M ., and the brethren , for the hearty manner in which the toast had been given , and received . The toast of "The Officers" came next , and was acknowledged by Bros . Walls , D'Orsey , and Artus , in appropriate terms . The pleasure of the brethren was greatly enhanced by the instrumental and vocal efforts of Bro . Snow , and others .
LEICESTER . — Albert Edward Lodge ( No . 1560 ) . —One of the most enjoyable Masonic gatherings which have been held in the Province of Leicestershire and Rutland was that which assembled in the Freemasons ' Hall , on Tuesday , the 9 th inst . It was the annual festival of the lodge , the proceedings including the installation of the much respected Bro . J . F . L . Rolleston , at the conclusion of his year of office as S . VV . The lodge was opened
by the retiring W . M ., Bro . the Rev . F . H . Richardson , P . P . G . Chap ., the vicar of Belgrave , Leicester , and the ordinary business , which included several matters of interest in reference to the affairs of the lodge , was disposed of in due form . The Treasurer ' s report was submitted , and was regarded as eminently satisfactory , indicating , as it did , continued steady progress , both financially and with regard to the number of members . The ceremony of
installing the W . M . elect was afterwards most ably and effectively performed by VV . Bro . George Toller , jun ., D . P . G . M ., and the ncw W . M . subsequently appointed and invested the following as officers of the lodge for the ensuing year : Bros , the Rev . F . H . Richardson , I . P . M . ; the Rev . C . Hcnton Wood , S . W . ; A . H . Burgess , J . W . ; the Rev . A . P . Dawson , of the Wyggeston Hospital , Chap . ; W . Scullhorpe , P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; the Rev . W .
Lang-Icy , P . P . S . G . W ., Sec . ; J . Dove Harris , S . D . ; J . A . Macdonell , J . D . ; VV . J . freer , D . C ; W . A . Burnaby , I . G . ; H . Clough Taylor , Steward ; Thos . Dunn and J . Janser , Tylers . After the transaction of the remaining business the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren shortly afterwards sat down to a grand banquet , which , whether for the excellence of the catering or the elegance of the arrangements , has rarely been surpassed in Leicester , lt included all the
choicest dainties of the season , and it is but justice to say that it was all prepared on the premises by Mrs . Janser , the wife of onc of the Tylers , who is the keeper of the hall . Thc newly-installed VV . M ., Bro . Rolleston , presided , and amongst the other brethren present were the following members of the Albert Edward Lodge : Bros , the Rev . F . II . Richardson , P . P . C . Chap ., I . P . M . ; the Rev . A . P . Dawson , Chap . ; the Rev . Chas . Henton Wood , P . G . C ,
S . W . ; A . H . Burgess , J . W . ; W . Scullhorpe , Treas . ; the Rev . VV . Langley , P . M . 50 and 1130 , P . P . G . W ., Sec ; J * D . Harris , P . G . S ., S . D . ; J . A . Macdonnell , J . D . ; W . A . Burnaby , I . G . ; W . j . Freer , D . C . ; H . C Taylor , Steward : T . A . Wykes , P . M . 523 , P . P . G . Treas . ; Major-General Burnaby , VV . M . elect of the Howe and Charmvood Lodge ( 1007 ) , Loughborough , [ 279 , and 1560 ; Captain J . G . F . Richardson , J . P ., P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Hunt ,
P . M ., ( P . P . A . G . D . C ; Major W . Millican , J . P ., P . M . ; Albert Stretton , Jas . Neale , ] . B . Fowler , H . Deane , C . S . Rolleston , Miles J . Walker , T . Macaulay , M . D ., Prov . G . D . C . ; W . VVartnaby . R . S . Symington , E . H . Griffith , and R . H . Watson . The following brethren were also amongst the visitors : Bros . Jos . Young , VV . M . I 523 ; JVaughan , 279 , P . M . S 6 ; R . H . Gibson , VV . M . 1007 ; Dr . lohnston , 270 ; W . T . Blastock . S . W . * -o ; W . T .
Rowlett , P . M . 523 , P . P . G . O . ; VV . Beaumont Smith , P . M . 523 ; A . Chamberlain , W . M . 1391 ; Thomas Wrig ht , 1391 ; Robert Waite , P . P . G . J . W . ; H . Meadows , 523 ; Joseph Farndale , S . VV . 279 , P . G . A . D . C . ( Head Constable of Leicester ); Robert Michie , J . D . 279 ; E , W . Potter , S . W . 523 ; A . P . Brown , I . G . 523 ; and others . A letter was read in the lodge from VV . Bro . VV . Kelly , F . R . Hist . S ., Past Prov . G . M ., expressing his inability to be present ,
and Bro . Clement Stretton , J . P ., P . M ., P . S . G . W ., the Deput y Mayor of Leicester , though present during the installation , was unable to remain for the banquet . J menu card was a very beautiful and artistic production , and was greatly admired . The two beautiful loving cups presented to the lodge by Bros . Dr . Hunt and General Burnaby , M . P ., were filled and duly passed round . At the clos e of the repast the W . M . rose to propose " The Queen
and Craft . " He said : The first toast this evening , brethren , is that of the Queen and Craft . In an institution so loyal as that of Freemasonry the health of the first person in the land and head of the constitution , be it monarch or president , is that which , of course , always commends itself to the hrst consideration of assembled brethren in all pa- *'
of the world . The conjunction of the two heads of tins toast is a happy one , as to the sovereign and ordinances o * the realm all Alasons have sworn especial allegiance . Wit " regard to our Queen , whose reign over us has been a happy and glorious one , and may it long be continued , her many good qualities have alike endeared her to her own peop le and caused her name to be regarded with reverence and
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 281 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 10 th inst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , " St . Leonard-gate . Bro . Warbrick , the W . M ., occupied the chair of ICS ., supported b y his respective officers . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of previous meeting read and
confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . B . Hamer , who was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Craft by the W . M . in an admirable manner , the working tools being presented by the J . W . ( Bro . Atkinson ) . Several communications were read , and two candidates were proposed for initiation . The usual proclamations were then made , and the lodge was subsequently closed with the formalities of the Craft .
MANCHESTER . — Lodge of Affability ( No . 317 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held atthe Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , the 4 th inst . The following brethren were present : Bros . Mark Vickers , W . M . ; SVm . Nicholl , S . W . ; Henry Walmsley , J . W . ; Robt . Tomlins , Sec . ; John Church , S . D . ; Jas . Wilson , J . D . ; W . J . Cunliffe , ' Org . ; P . Holmes , I . G . ;
W . Eckersley and R . R . Lisenden ( Freemason ) , Stwds . ; Tohn Bladon , P . M ., D . of C . ; Jas . Dawson , P . M ., Reg . ; John Roger Lever , P . M . ; J . Howarth Clark , P . M . ; J . Sly , Tyler ; Edward Smith , G . D . Wenham , Francis Hilton , R . B . Harper , Wm . Henry Hughes , Ezra Cohen , Dr . Chas . Jas . Rix , J . Smith , and R . Bradshaw . Visitors : Bros . Wm . Bostock , ' P . M . 1633 , VV . M . 1633 ; J . D . Curtis ,
1 G 33 ; J . E . Steward , W . M . 33 G ; W . Corbett , P . M . 249 ; W . P . ftusband , 1611 ; and M . Lugay , formerly 317 . The lodge was opened at six o ' clock , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Edward Smith being present , was raised to the Third Degree . The W . M . then raised Bro . Edward Smith to the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., assisted by Bro . Bladon , P . M ., who gave the traditional history . On the conclusion of the
ceremony , a proposition was made , seconded , and carried , that a petition for the widow of a deceased P . M . of the lodge be presented to the Board of Benevolence . Tbe petition was afterwards signed by members of the lodge . A proposition , after some discussion , was put and carried , to the effect that the attention of the Directors of the Masonic Hall Company should be directed to the
present state of the lodge room , which sadly required beautifying and cleansing . The proposition further set forth that the feelings of other lodges meeting at the hall should be consulted on the subject , and the signature to a memorial from each W . M . be requested , desiring immediate action by the directors . " Hearty good wishes" were expressed by the visitors , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 9 . 15 .
At the social board the brethren honoured thc usual toasts , and spent a pleasant hour and a half , their numbers being augmented by the appearencc of two distinquished brethren , in the persons of Bro . Charles Matier and Bro . J . L . Hine , whose healths were proposed by Bro . W . Nicholl , duly drank b y the brethren with Masonic honours , and afterwards acknowledged in suitable terms by the two brethren before mentioned .
DERBY . —Arboretum Lodge ( No . 731 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., when amongst those present were Bros . A . Frazer , W . M . ; G . T . Wright , P . M ., P . P . G . I . W .-, *) Smith , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . ; VV . Naylor , P . G . S ., P . P . G . S . VV . ; J . Brown , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . ; J . Bennett , P . AL , P . P . G . S . of W . j I . C . Merry , P . M .. P . P . G . D . C : I .
Taylor , P . M . ; VV . Cooper , I . P . M . ; Whittaker , S . VV . ; Bland J . VV . ; Burton , Treas . ; Cay , Secretary ; Day , S . D . ; Webster J . D . ; Copestick , I . G . ; Lewis and Tyler , Stewards ; Coulthurst , Humber , Fonc , Ball , Ascott , Stevens , Chadwick , A . Woodiwiss , jun ., and the following visitors , Bros . Drown , nfi 7 ; Martin , Moore , and Bull , G 24 ; Coulson , W . M . 253 ; Glover , S 02 ; and others .
1 he minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for a candidate , who was elected , and the lodge having been opened in the Second Degree , the charge in that Degree was given by the S . W . Bro . A . Woodiwiss , jun ., was examined hythe W . M ., and retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Woodiwiss was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M .
by the W . M . in ancient and solemn form . The lodge was closed down to the First Degree , when , nothing further offering , the meeting was brought to a close in the usual way , and an adjournment made to the supper room , where the VV . M . took the chair , and was supported by nearly the whole of the brethren attending lodge . The customary loyal and Masonic toasts having- been
given , the W . M . proposed "The Health of the Visitors , " expressing the pleasure that he personally had in meeting the visiting brothers that evening , and that it was always a source of gratification to the members of the Arboretum Lodge to meet the members of other lodges , and he hoped that the visiting brothers would consider this a standing invitation , as he would be pleased to sec them as often as
they could make it convenient to attend . Bro . Brown , in responding , thanked the VV . M . and the brethren for the hearty reception given to him , he being a comparative stranger to them , and intimated his intention of accepting the invitation so heartily given . He referred briefly to the great advantages to be derived from a conformity with , and a practical exercise of , the great principles of Masonry ,
ana stated tMat it these principles were more carefully observed by the brethren , notonly would thebenefits beshown in their immediate sphere , but society generally would be improved thereby . Bro . Martin also responded , and in doing so congratulated the VV . M . on the work of the evening . He was glad to be present that evening , because he felt that the more the members of lodges visited each other
the greater would be their opportunities for detecting their imperfections , and thereby improving their work , as he was quite sure that no one could be so proficient in the grand ceremonies connected with Masonry as not to be able to learn something by the means he had referred to ; he concluded by inviting thc Arboretum brethren to visit the lotlge with which he was connected . The toast of " The VV . M . "
was next proposed by the S . W ., who ventured to hope that the brethren would permit him cm their behalf and his own to compliment the W . M . on his admirable rendering of the ceremony they had witnessed that evening . He felt that it was in a great measure due lo the example of the W . M . that the officers were able , as he thought they were , to perform their duties with some slight degree of satis-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
faction to the W . M . and the brethren . Bro . Frazer , in responding , thanked the brethren for the kindly way in which they had received the toast of his health . He was proud of the position he occupied , and so long as he filled it he would continue to do all in his power to contribute to the well being of thc lodge . He begged to propose " The Health of the P . M . ' s of the Lodge , " and in doing so he
had to give them his warmest thanks for their continued support and assistance to him since he took the chair It was peculiarly gratifying to him that so many of the P . M . ' s had favoured him with their attendence on every occasion ; he found that he had had an average attendance of seven P . M . ' s since his installation , which he considered was indicative of the large interest they took in the work of the
lodge . He coupled the names of Bros . Wright and Brown with the toast , who , in responding , expressed the pleasure they had in attending the meetings of their lodge , and adding to its harmony and prosperity by any means in their power . The toast of " The Officers " was proposed by Bro . Merry , P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Copestick , I . G ., after which the Tyler's toast brought to a close a most successful meeting .
SALFORD . —Zetland Lodge ( No . 852 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , 41 , Crescent , on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., when the following brethren were present : Bros . Joseph Hardy , W . M . ; Joseph Heyworth , S . W . ; James Corney , J . VV . ; J . G . Edge , Treas . ; Joseph Young , Sec ; G . Bingham , S . D . ; \ V . Naylor , J . D . ; C . H . Wheeler , I . G . ; S . VV
Ballantyne , Chap . ; W . Kiddell , P . M ., lyler ; Samuel Heathcote , P . M . ; VV . Lee ; J . T . Watts , P . M . ; G . A . Packwood , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C ; VV . Carter , E . A . Lowndes , William Mason , John Blackwell , Peter Hacken , Thomas Cooke , John Barnes , C . Chapman , Walter Briggs , T . G . Alcock , W . T . Thorp , John Westall , James Smith , Thos . Susan , and R . VV . Bowring . Visitors : Bros . J . Dennage ,
144 ; A . Sutton , 491 ; I ' . Armstrong , VV . M . 325 ; Thomas Powers , I . P . M . 325 ; M . Dutton , P . M . 3 G 1 ; John VV . Squirrel ! , 13 S 7 ; Rev . E . B . Bagot , S . W . 1357 ; William Jones , Sec . 1055 ; and R . R . Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . The lodge was opened at half-past five , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Thc ballot was then taken for five gentlemen , severally to become members
of thc lodge , viz .: Mr . John Knott , Mr . Thomas Pike , Mr . Bradley Seymour Smith , Mr . William Greenlees , and Mr . J . Bairston , who were all declared unanimously elected , fhe ballot was also taken for two brethren as joining members , viz ., Bros . C . Chapman and Robert Hall , both of whom formerly where members of this lodge , and resulted in their election . The VV . M . aftewards initiated Mr . John
Knott into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry , and Bro . M . Dutton , P . M . 3 G 1 , delivered the charge to the candidate . Bro . Samuel Heathcote , P . M ., assumed the W . M . ' s chair , and initiated Mr . Thomas Pike into Freemasonry . The next candidate , Mr . B . S . Smith , was initiated b y Bro . G . A . Packwood , P . M . P . G . A . D . of C , whilst William Greenlees and J . Bairston were respectively initiated by Bro . M . Dutton , P . M . 3 G 1 , and Bro . J . T .
Watts , P . M . of this lodge . The working tools were presented and explained to thc five brethren collectively by Bro . G . A . Packwood , P . M ., P . G . D . of C , ancl a grand conclusion to a formidable programme was made b y Bro . the Rev . E . B . Bagot , S . W . 1357 , who delivered the lecture on the first Tracing Board in fine style , after which " Hearty good wishes" were expressed by the visiting brethren and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at twenty minutes past nine .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The members of this lodge held their monthly meeting on the 7 U 1 inst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athen . cum . Bro . W . Taylor presided , and was supported by his respective officers . I he minutes of previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Herbert Cecil Moore , who was a candidate for being passed , was entrusted , ami retired .
The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , antl Bro . Moore re-adniittcd , and passed to the Degree of F . C . b y the W . M ., thc ceremony being gone through in an excellent manner . The working tools were presented by thc S . W ., Bro . J . Aldous . The lodge was then closed down to the First Degree , and the VV . M . gave the Lecture on the First Tracing Board . Subsequently the congratulations of the lodge were accorded to Bro . Longman , P . M . and Sec .,
on his appointment as Prov . G . Supt . of Works for West Lancashire , at thc meeting held at Chorley on the ist ult . Regret was expressed at the continued illness of Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . of Kngland , and his brother , the newlypassed F . C , was requested to convey to him thc feelings of the lodge . Thc usual proclamations were then made , which elicited " Hearty good wishes" from the visiting brethren , and the lodge was closed in peace , love , antl harmony .
LIVERPOOL . —Fermor Hesketh Lodge ( Xo . 1350 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this admirabl y conducted lodge was held on Monday evening , the Sth inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , where there was a good attendance of members and visitors . Bro .
Tither-Iey , VV . M ., occupied the chief place of honour , and during thc evening hc raised a brother to the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., in a manner which could hardly have been excelled . Amongst those present were Bros . Johnson , P . M . 1350 ; Dr . Costint , W . M . 21 G ; Dr . Bailey , P . M . 7 SG ; Mackenzie , I . P . M . 1 C 09 ; and others .
TWICKENHAM . — Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1503 . )—The installation meeting of this provincial lodge was held on Wednesday , the loth inst ., at the Albany Hotel . Among those who attended were Bros . Wigginton , P . P . G . S . of VV . Middx ., P . M . 1505 , & c , who presided in thc unavoidable absence of Bro . VV . Taylor ; Ashley , S . VV ., VV . M . elect ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B .
Middx ., J . W . ; the Rev . D'Orsey , Chap . ; W . II . Saunders , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M ., acting I . P . M . ; Artus , P . M ., acting S . D . ; Kennedy , P P . G . D . C . Middx ., acting J . D . ; Clark , acting I . G , ; Harrison , Tyler . The visitors were Bros . Weaver , P . M . 820 ; Saunders , S . VV . 1 SG 0 ; Turner , S . D . 2 ; Burll , 1 G 5 ; Snow , 357 ; and S . T . II .
Saunders , S . VV . 551 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Ashley , W . M . elect , was presented by VV . Bro . W . H . Saunders , to the Installing Officer , VV . Bro . Wigginton . Thc entire ceremony was most ably carried out by the Installing Officer , assisted by Bros . Artus , as S . W . ; Walls , as J . VV . ; Saunders , as I . G . ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Kennedy , as D . C ; and Snow , as Organist . The officers appointed , and invested , were Bros . Walls , S . VV Saunders , J . VV . ; The Rev . D'Orsay , Chap . ; VV . H ' Saunders Treas . ; W . Wigginton , Sec ; Artus , S . D . " Kennedy , J . D . ; Williams , I . G . ; Powell , W . S . ; Harri ' . son , _ Tyler . The report of the Audit Committee was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes Several communications from absent members having been
read , and a vote of thanks passed to the Installing Officer for his services , the lodge was closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was elegantly served , and reflected great credit upon the caterer , Bro . Baylis . Thc Royal and Craft toasts having been loyally honoured , " The Health of the W . M . " was warmly proposed by Bro . Wigginton . The VV . M ., in his reply , dwelt upon the pros ' , porous state of the lodge . He said it was a matter of greit
importance to find that during the past year , under the able Mastership of Bro . W . Taylor , the sum of thirty guineas had been given to the Masonic Charities . He hoped that his year would be equally as successful , as lie intended to do his utmost to further the interests of the lodge and its members , and he believed that in that endeavour he would have the hearty co-operation of them all . "The Visitors" followed , and this hospitable toast
having been warmly received , it was acknowledged by Bros . Weaver , Turner , Snow , and others . "The Health of the Past Masters" came next in order , and it was responded to at length by W . Bro . Wigginton , who in his speech regretted that the I . P . M ., Bro . VV . Taylor , had no been present to reply to the warm , but thoroughly deserved , encomiums that had been passed upon him by the VV . M .
and endorsed by every brother present . In concluding his speech , he expressed his personal acknowledgment tothe VV . M ., and the brethren , for the hearty manner in which the toast had been given , and received . The toast of "The Officers" came next , and was acknowledged by Bros . Walls , D'Orsey , and Artus , in appropriate terms . The pleasure of the brethren was greatly enhanced by the instrumental and vocal efforts of Bro . Snow , and others .
LEICESTER . — Albert Edward Lodge ( No . 1560 ) . —One of the most enjoyable Masonic gatherings which have been held in the Province of Leicestershire and Rutland was that which assembled in the Freemasons ' Hall , on Tuesday , the 9 th inst . It was the annual festival of the lodge , the proceedings including the installation of the much respected Bro . J . F . L . Rolleston , at the conclusion of his year of office as S . VV . The lodge was opened
by the retiring W . M ., Bro . the Rev . F . H . Richardson , P . P . G . Chap ., the vicar of Belgrave , Leicester , and the ordinary business , which included several matters of interest in reference to the affairs of the lodge , was disposed of in due form . The Treasurer ' s report was submitted , and was regarded as eminently satisfactory , indicating , as it did , continued steady progress , both financially and with regard to the number of members . The ceremony of
installing the W . M . elect was afterwards most ably and effectively performed by VV . Bro . George Toller , jun ., D . P . G . M ., and the ncw W . M . subsequently appointed and invested the following as officers of the lodge for the ensuing year : Bros , the Rev . F . H . Richardson , I . P . M . ; the Rev . C . Hcnton Wood , S . W . ; A . H . Burgess , J . W . ; the Rev . A . P . Dawson , of the Wyggeston Hospital , Chap . ; W . Scullhorpe , P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; the Rev . W .
Lang-Icy , P . P . S . G . W ., Sec . ; J . Dove Harris , S . D . ; J . A . Macdonell , J . D . ; VV . J . freer , D . C ; W . A . Burnaby , I . G . ; H . Clough Taylor , Steward ; Thos . Dunn and J . Janser , Tylers . After the transaction of the remaining business the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren shortly afterwards sat down to a grand banquet , which , whether for the excellence of the catering or the elegance of the arrangements , has rarely been surpassed in Leicester , lt included all the
choicest dainties of the season , and it is but justice to say that it was all prepared on the premises by Mrs . Janser , the wife of onc of the Tylers , who is the keeper of the hall . Thc newly-installed VV . M ., Bro . Rolleston , presided , and amongst the other brethren present were the following members of the Albert Edward Lodge : Bros , the Rev . F . II . Richardson , P . P . C . Chap ., I . P . M . ; the Rev . A . P . Dawson , Chap . ; the Rev . Chas . Henton Wood , P . G . C ,
S . W . ; A . H . Burgess , J . W . ; W . Scullhorpe , Treas . ; the Rev . VV . Langley , P . M . 50 and 1130 , P . P . G . W ., Sec ; J * D . Harris , P . G . S ., S . D . ; J . A . Macdonnell , J . D . ; W . A . Burnaby , I . G . ; W . j . Freer , D . C . ; H . C Taylor , Steward : T . A . Wykes , P . M . 523 , P . P . G . Treas . ; Major-General Burnaby , VV . M . elect of the Howe and Charmvood Lodge ( 1007 ) , Loughborough , [ 279 , and 1560 ; Captain J . G . F . Richardson , J . P ., P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Hunt ,
P . M ., ( P . P . A . G . D . C ; Major W . Millican , J . P ., P . M . ; Albert Stretton , Jas . Neale , ] . B . Fowler , H . Deane , C . S . Rolleston , Miles J . Walker , T . Macaulay , M . D ., Prov . G . D . C . ; W . VVartnaby . R . S . Symington , E . H . Griffith , and R . H . Watson . The following brethren were also amongst the visitors : Bros . Jos . Young , VV . M . I 523 ; JVaughan , 279 , P . M . S 6 ; R . H . Gibson , VV . M . 1007 ; Dr . lohnston , 270 ; W . T . Blastock . S . W . * -o ; W . T .
Rowlett , P . M . 523 , P . P . G . O . ; VV . Beaumont Smith , P . M . 523 ; A . Chamberlain , W . M . 1391 ; Thomas Wrig ht , 1391 ; Robert Waite , P . P . G . J . W . ; H . Meadows , 523 ; Joseph Farndale , S . VV . 279 , P . G . A . D . C . ( Head Constable of Leicester ); Robert Michie , J . D . 279 ; E , W . Potter , S . W . 523 ; A . P . Brown , I . G . 523 ; and others . A letter was read in the lodge from VV . Bro . VV . Kelly , F . R . Hist . S ., Past Prov . G . M ., expressing his inability to be present ,
and Bro . Clement Stretton , J . P ., P . M ., P . S . G . W ., the Deput y Mayor of Leicester , though present during the installation , was unable to remain for the banquet . J menu card was a very beautiful and artistic production , and was greatly admired . The two beautiful loving cups presented to the lodge by Bros . Dr . Hunt and General Burnaby , M . P ., were filled and duly passed round . At the clos e of the repast the W . M . rose to propose " The Queen
and Craft . " He said : The first toast this evening , brethren , is that of the Queen and Craft . In an institution so loyal as that of Freemasonry the health of the first person in the land and head of the constitution , be it monarch or president , is that which , of course , always commends itself to the hrst consideration of assembled brethren in all pa- *'
of the world . The conjunction of the two heads of tins toast is a happy one , as to the sovereign and ordinances o * the realm all Alasons have sworn especial allegiance . Wit " regard to our Queen , whose reign over us has been a happy and glorious one , and may it long be continued , her many good qualities have alike endeared her to her own peop le and caused her name to be regarded with reverence and