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A COLLECTOR , 19 years with a Firm , will give a Bonus oi £ 50 to a Brother influencing similar appointment , at £ 250 per annum . "A , " 78 Blackstock Road , Holloway .
TO LET . —A BED ROOM and SITTING ROOM , at 4 , Eton Villas , Grove Hill Road , Denmark Park , S . E .
ABERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS from £ 5 . Carriage free . Inscriptions accurate and beautiful . Iron Railings and Tomb Furnishings fitted Complete . Plans and Prices from JOHN W . LEGGE , Sculptor , Aberdeen .
Buy Direct . EDWIN BURROWS , WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT And " The Wine Growers' Agent , " 1 , GRESHAM BUILDINGS , BASINGHALL ST ., E . C . " HIGH CLASS WINES ONLY . " DOCK VALUES . DUTY PAID . The following- specialities deserve a trial : — Sherry , rather dry 21 s ., 2 Gs . per doz . Do . Fruity 20 s ., 30 s . „ Do . Old Fruity 3 < 5 s . „ Do . Superior Dry 36 s . „ Do . Fine Solera 42 s . „ Port Wine , rather Dry and Old ... 34 s . „ Do . Light Dry Port 42 s . „ Do . very superior 48 s . „ Clarets ... 15 s ,, iSs ., 20 s . „ Do . Fine Dessert 26 s ., 28 s ., 30 s . „ Hock 22 s . and 48 s . „ Champagnes ... 3 6 s . 1056 s . per doz ., or Cos . per 24 pints . Brandy 54 s ., Cos . per doz . Very fine Old Whiskies ( Irish or Scotch ) ... 44 s . ,, FINEST GINS , RUMS , SIC . Sparkling Red Burgundy , as on the Tables at the Lord Mayor ' s Banquet , 1 S 79 ... Cos . ,, Also Still Burgundies direct from my growers , at wholesale prices . N . B . —Sample Bottles at same price ; a trial order will command a continuance of favours , and the Public are solicited to support my system of supplying them with High Class Wines DIRECT AT WHOLESALE PRICES . Also TEA and CIGARS in Original Packages to suit consumers . P . S . —Christmas Hampers , ios . Cd . to £ 5 . The ios . Gd . Hamper contains C Bottles—one Bottle Gin , one Rum , one Port , one Sherry , one Claret , one Burgundy . The higherpriced hampers contain better quality and larger number and superior assortment .
FURNISHING . SPECIAL NOTICE ! SAMUEL WEBB & CO ., Supply all Goods at strictly WHOLESALE PRICE FOR PROMPT CASH , And , They also Furnish throughout on Their New Hire System of Purchase , Which affords many and eNceptional advantages , especially to those with fixed incomes , Pull particulars , with Furnishing Guide , post free . SAMUEL WEBB & CO ., Wholesale Upholsterers , Bedding * Manufacturers , AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS , 434 , 435 . OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W . ( P . M . 193 and 1287 . * )
WEAK OR DEFECTIVE SIGHT . —SPECTACl . IiS scientifically atlapted to remedy impaired vision by Bro . ACKLAND , Surgeon , daily , at Home andThnrnthwaite's , Opticians to the Queen , 416 , Strand , Londan , W . C . Send six stamps for "Ackland's Hints on Spectacles , " whick contains valuable suggestions to sufferers from imperfect sight .
W 0 AC ^^ m BON ACCORD . A . MOIR , CIVIL , NAVAL & MILITARY TAILOR , AND GENERAL OUTFITTER , 69 , CORNHILL , LONDON , E . C . Superior Class Tailoring . EXCLUSIVELY ON THE CASH SYSTEM . ALL GOODS MADE BY HAND ON THE PREMISES NO MACHINE WORK . Rules for Self-Measurement , and Patterns , sent on application , and all measures registered .
NATIONAL PHOTO-MEZZOTINT GALLERY . ALBERT E . FRADELLE , 18 ° , portrait $ ) atntcr anti Pjotojjmpljrr , 246 , REGENT STREET , Comer oE Little Argyle Street . M . FRADELLE has the honour to announce to the Masonic world that he is now adding a scries of Portraits of the most distinguished Masons to the above Gallery , a list of which will from time to time be published in the Freemason . M . FRADELLE profits by this opportunity to inform the Craft that he is prepared to make special appointments for private sittings in Masonic Costume , Groups , open-air Groups of Provincial Lodges , & c . Terms forwarded on application . OPINIONS OF THK PRESS . f < M . FRADELLE , of Regent-street , has recently opened an exceedingly interesting gallery of * photo-mezzotint' portraits . They are so described because tlie artist has aimed , and successfully , to obtain that delicacy of half-tints and transparency of shadow which distinguish mezzotint engraving . Hut these photographs are remarkable for more tl » an superior mechanical skill . The * subjects * have not been treated as mere lay figures . There is harmony between the character of the face and the attitude of the figure , and , consequently , there is individuality in every picture . " —Art Journal . "The gallery of photo-mezzotint portraits of Members of the Mouses of Lords and Commons , which Rl . Fradelle has formed , promises to be one of the most attractive and interesting undertakings of the kind to which the resources of photography have been applied . "—Daily Ni'ivs . "P HOTO-MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS . —A collection of photographic portraits of eminent men , now on view at the gallery , 246 , Regentstreet , deserves attention for certain qualities , so rare in that description of portraiture , as to give to those particular works an exceptional interest . Want of middle tint has heretofore been urged , not without good cause , as a serious objection against thegenerality of photographs , whicli , deficient in nice gradation of hue and tender treatment of light and shade , are , for the rnobt part , alternate masses of black and white . No such defect can be alleged against the present portraits , which combine , with the minute truthfulness of sunlimned portraits , something of the delicate adumbration of mezzotint engraving . Hence their name of ' photo-mezzotints . ' Resides their silvery ness of tone , these photographs are also distinguished by ease and elegance of pose , and artistic arrangement of accessories . " —Muri / big Post . 44 If anything can compensate onc for the horrors of sitting to the camera , it is surely such a result as the photo-mezzotint process produces . The gallery is well wortli a visit . " —Lancet . "This collection may now be said to possess something of a national import , comprising as it does a series of likenesses , spirited , truthful and characteristic , of numerous Englishmen who have acquired distinction , whether in art , science , literature , or politics , " —Morning Pott ,
THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY IN THE DISTRICT OF MALTA . BY W . BRO . A . M . BROADLEY , BARRISTER-AT-LAW , P . M . 171 j , W . M . 183 S , P . D . D . G . M . and P . G . M . M . M . or Tunis and Malta . This volume , which is published for the benefit of the District Fund of Benevolence , and contains a Map of the District and several illustrations , will doubtless be of interest to the Craft in general , and to all Masons who have been connected with the District in particular , is expected to be ready for delivery almost inime . diately . Copies ( price js . ) may be obtained direct from Bro . J . W . STAKKEY , D . G . Sec ., 27 STRADA STKETTA , MALTA J or from the Publisher , Buo . GEORGE KENNING , 19 S FLEET STREET , LONDON , E . C .
Now ready , price 6 d ., post free yd . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE for NOVEMBER , containing A Masonic Oration The Ancient Mysteries — con-Rabbinical Proverbs & Sayings tinned A Masonic Sermon Literary anil Antiimarian Gossip Krthmlc . il Savings " A Jiner " The Voice of iN ' aturc Bro . ' Sir Christopher Wren The Suppression of the Tem- Poetry : plars in England—continued The name of Burns Brother 1 well met ! The Temple of Masonry After Al!—cuntimrcd LONDON J GEORGE KENNING , IQ S , FLEET STREET
Stevens' Series of Masonic Maps . No . 1 , in preparation , for publication on the 17 th Dec , 1 SS 0 . MAP OF THE MASONIC LODCES & ROYALARCH CHAPTERS IN ENGLAND AND WALES , Under the Jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England Designed and Registered hy lino . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z . & c , and Dedicatetl , by permission , to thc V . W . Bro . Lieut .-Col SHADWELL H . CLERKE , Grand Secretary . This Map shows at a glance the Numbers and respective Localities of the several Lodges and Chapters in England and Wales , with enlarged Plans for the Metropolitan District ; and will afford , in the most simple and ciTective manner , all necessary information as to Places and Dates of Meeting . It will lie found a most useful companion for every Member of the English Masonic Brotherhood . Subscription Copies will be forwarded , post free , on date of pub-Iteration . Subscribers' Names mav be forwarded to Mr . J AMES SrEVEXs . 'Migh Street , Clapham , S . W . ; tothe Publisher , EDWAKD STANFORD , JJ CHARIXO CROSS , S . W . ; or through any Bookseller in Town or Country . PRICES-. —Plain Slieets , in Paper Case , u . each ; on Stont Sheets , for Mounting and Framing , is . 6 d . each ; Mounted , in Cloth Case , 3 ' . bit . each .
WHITE HART HOTEL , GILTSPUR STREET , E . C . A Central House for Commercial Men engaged in the City of London . LUNCHEON BAR . BILLIARD ROOM . BEDS . All articles of thc best quality . Buo . DONALD CLARK , Proprietor .
ESTABLISHED 22 YEARS . T . MAGGS'S CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINES , From £ 4 10 s . Show Rooms-286 , OLD STEEET , LONDON , E . C . No easy terms , but a liberal discount for Cash allowed from the list price of all makers .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A COLLECTOR , 19 years with a Firm , will give a Bonus oi £ 50 to a Brother influencing similar appointment , at £ 250 per annum . "A , " 78 Blackstock Road , Holloway .
TO LET . —A BED ROOM and SITTING ROOM , at 4 , Eton Villas , Grove Hill Road , Denmark Park , S . E .
ABERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS from £ 5 . Carriage free . Inscriptions accurate and beautiful . Iron Railings and Tomb Furnishings fitted Complete . Plans and Prices from JOHN W . LEGGE , Sculptor , Aberdeen .
Buy Direct . EDWIN BURROWS , WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT And " The Wine Growers' Agent , " 1 , GRESHAM BUILDINGS , BASINGHALL ST ., E . C . " HIGH CLASS WINES ONLY . " DOCK VALUES . DUTY PAID . The following- specialities deserve a trial : — Sherry , rather dry 21 s ., 2 Gs . per doz . Do . Fruity 20 s ., 30 s . „ Do . Old Fruity 3 < 5 s . „ Do . Superior Dry 36 s . „ Do . Fine Solera 42 s . „ Port Wine , rather Dry and Old ... 34 s . „ Do . Light Dry Port 42 s . „ Do . very superior 48 s . „ Clarets ... 15 s ,, iSs ., 20 s . „ Do . Fine Dessert 26 s ., 28 s ., 30 s . „ Hock 22 s . and 48 s . „ Champagnes ... 3 6 s . 1056 s . per doz ., or Cos . per 24 pints . Brandy 54 s ., Cos . per doz . Very fine Old Whiskies ( Irish or Scotch ) ... 44 s . ,, FINEST GINS , RUMS , SIC . Sparkling Red Burgundy , as on the Tables at the Lord Mayor ' s Banquet , 1 S 79 ... Cos . ,, Also Still Burgundies direct from my growers , at wholesale prices . N . B . —Sample Bottles at same price ; a trial order will command a continuance of favours , and the Public are solicited to support my system of supplying them with High Class Wines DIRECT AT WHOLESALE PRICES . Also TEA and CIGARS in Original Packages to suit consumers . P . S . —Christmas Hampers , ios . Cd . to £ 5 . The ios . Gd . Hamper contains C Bottles—one Bottle Gin , one Rum , one Port , one Sherry , one Claret , one Burgundy . The higherpriced hampers contain better quality and larger number and superior assortment .
FURNISHING . SPECIAL NOTICE ! SAMUEL WEBB & CO ., Supply all Goods at strictly WHOLESALE PRICE FOR PROMPT CASH , And , They also Furnish throughout on Their New Hire System of Purchase , Which affords many and eNceptional advantages , especially to those with fixed incomes , Pull particulars , with Furnishing Guide , post free . SAMUEL WEBB & CO ., Wholesale Upholsterers , Bedding * Manufacturers , AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS , 434 , 435 . OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W . ( P . M . 193 and 1287 . * )
WEAK OR DEFECTIVE SIGHT . —SPECTACl . IiS scientifically atlapted to remedy impaired vision by Bro . ACKLAND , Surgeon , daily , at Home andThnrnthwaite's , Opticians to the Queen , 416 , Strand , Londan , W . C . Send six stamps for "Ackland's Hints on Spectacles , " whick contains valuable suggestions to sufferers from imperfect sight .
W 0 AC ^^ m BON ACCORD . A . MOIR , CIVIL , NAVAL & MILITARY TAILOR , AND GENERAL OUTFITTER , 69 , CORNHILL , LONDON , E . C . Superior Class Tailoring . EXCLUSIVELY ON THE CASH SYSTEM . ALL GOODS MADE BY HAND ON THE PREMISES NO MACHINE WORK . Rules for Self-Measurement , and Patterns , sent on application , and all measures registered .
NATIONAL PHOTO-MEZZOTINT GALLERY . ALBERT E . FRADELLE , 18 ° , portrait $ ) atntcr anti Pjotojjmpljrr , 246 , REGENT STREET , Comer oE Little Argyle Street . M . FRADELLE has the honour to announce to the Masonic world that he is now adding a scries of Portraits of the most distinguished Masons to the above Gallery , a list of which will from time to time be published in the Freemason . M . FRADELLE profits by this opportunity to inform the Craft that he is prepared to make special appointments for private sittings in Masonic Costume , Groups , open-air Groups of Provincial Lodges , & c . Terms forwarded on application . OPINIONS OF THK PRESS . f < M . FRADELLE , of Regent-street , has recently opened an exceedingly interesting gallery of * photo-mezzotint' portraits . They are so described because tlie artist has aimed , and successfully , to obtain that delicacy of half-tints and transparency of shadow which distinguish mezzotint engraving . Hut these photographs are remarkable for more tl » an superior mechanical skill . The * subjects * have not been treated as mere lay figures . There is harmony between the character of the face and the attitude of the figure , and , consequently , there is individuality in every picture . " —Art Journal . "The gallery of photo-mezzotint portraits of Members of the Mouses of Lords and Commons , which Rl . Fradelle has formed , promises to be one of the most attractive and interesting undertakings of the kind to which the resources of photography have been applied . "—Daily Ni'ivs . "P HOTO-MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS . —A collection of photographic portraits of eminent men , now on view at the gallery , 246 , Regentstreet , deserves attention for certain qualities , so rare in that description of portraiture , as to give to those particular works an exceptional interest . Want of middle tint has heretofore been urged , not without good cause , as a serious objection against thegenerality of photographs , whicli , deficient in nice gradation of hue and tender treatment of light and shade , are , for the rnobt part , alternate masses of black and white . No such defect can be alleged against the present portraits , which combine , with the minute truthfulness of sunlimned portraits , something of the delicate adumbration of mezzotint engraving . Hence their name of ' photo-mezzotints . ' Resides their silvery ness of tone , these photographs are also distinguished by ease and elegance of pose , and artistic arrangement of accessories . " —Muri / big Post . 44 If anything can compensate onc for the horrors of sitting to the camera , it is surely such a result as the photo-mezzotint process produces . The gallery is well wortli a visit . " —Lancet . "This collection may now be said to possess something of a national import , comprising as it does a series of likenesses , spirited , truthful and characteristic , of numerous Englishmen who have acquired distinction , whether in art , science , literature , or politics , " —Morning Pott ,
THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY IN THE DISTRICT OF MALTA . BY W . BRO . A . M . BROADLEY , BARRISTER-AT-LAW , P . M . 171 j , W . M . 183 S , P . D . D . G . M . and P . G . M . M . M . or Tunis and Malta . This volume , which is published for the benefit of the District Fund of Benevolence , and contains a Map of the District and several illustrations , will doubtless be of interest to the Craft in general , and to all Masons who have been connected with the District in particular , is expected to be ready for delivery almost inime . diately . Copies ( price js . ) may be obtained direct from Bro . J . W . STAKKEY , D . G . Sec ., 27 STRADA STKETTA , MALTA J or from the Publisher , Buo . GEORGE KENNING , 19 S FLEET STREET , LONDON , E . C .
Now ready , price 6 d ., post free yd . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE for NOVEMBER , containing A Masonic Oration The Ancient Mysteries — con-Rabbinical Proverbs & Sayings tinned A Masonic Sermon Literary anil Antiimarian Gossip Krthmlc . il Savings " A Jiner " The Voice of iN ' aturc Bro . ' Sir Christopher Wren The Suppression of the Tem- Poetry : plars in England—continued The name of Burns Brother 1 well met ! The Temple of Masonry After Al!—cuntimrcd LONDON J GEORGE KENNING , IQ S , FLEET STREET
Stevens' Series of Masonic Maps . No . 1 , in preparation , for publication on the 17 th Dec , 1 SS 0 . MAP OF THE MASONIC LODCES & ROYALARCH CHAPTERS IN ENGLAND AND WALES , Under the Jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England Designed and Registered hy lino . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z . & c , and Dedicatetl , by permission , to thc V . W . Bro . Lieut .-Col SHADWELL H . CLERKE , Grand Secretary . This Map shows at a glance the Numbers and respective Localities of the several Lodges and Chapters in England and Wales , with enlarged Plans for the Metropolitan District ; and will afford , in the most simple and ciTective manner , all necessary information as to Places and Dates of Meeting . It will lie found a most useful companion for every Member of the English Masonic Brotherhood . Subscription Copies will be forwarded , post free , on date of pub-Iteration . Subscribers' Names mav be forwarded to Mr . J AMES SrEVEXs . 'Migh Street , Clapham , S . W . ; tothe Publisher , EDWAKD STANFORD , JJ CHARIXO CROSS , S . W . ; or through any Bookseller in Town or Country . PRICES-. —Plain Slieets , in Paper Case , u . each ; on Stont Sheets , for Mounting and Framing , is . 6 d . each ; Mounted , in Cloth Case , 3 ' . bit . each .
WHITE HART HOTEL , GILTSPUR STREET , E . C . A Central House for Commercial Men engaged in the City of London . LUNCHEON BAR . BILLIARD ROOM . BEDS . All articles of thc best quality . Buo . DONALD CLARK , Proprietor .
ESTABLISHED 22 YEARS . T . MAGGS'S CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINES , From £ 4 10 s . Show Rooms-286 , OLD STEEET , LONDON , E . C . No easy terms , but a liberal discount for Cash allowed from the list price of all makers .