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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and less in eating and drinking , and he did not think any of the brethren were the worse for it . Bro . Moore also responded . Bro . Tate next proposed the toast of "The Treasurer of the Lodge and the Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund . " Bro . Kingston , P . M . and Treasurer , replied , thanking the W . M . and brethren for the confidence they continued to repose in him by again electing him to the office of Treasurer . Bro . Pike , as Treasurer of thc
Benevolent Fund , also replied , and said that during the past year they had spent an amount from that fund that any lodge might well be proud of , but reminded them that it was necessary to keep up this fund , or they could not go on in the same course . It was announced that the list for the Girls' . School , which had been handed around during the evening , amounted to £ Sy 13 s . Gd . The toast of " The Officers" was the next on the list , the W . M . remarking that he was sure they would assist him in every way during not
the year , and he saw no reason why the working should be among the best in the Craft , for they had all worked hard to attain proficiency . Bro . Brown thanked the W . M . for placing him in that position . He hoped that his working would give satisfaction , and be a passport to further advancement when the time came . The Junior Warden , Bro . A . J . Bolton , also responded . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant evening to a close . The proceedings were enlivened by some excellent singing and recitations by Bros . Irvine , Hill , Dodson , and other brethren .
THE CAPPER LODGE ( No . 1076 ) . —The installation meeting of the above powerful and popular lodge took place on Thursday , the nth inst ., at the Guild-Hail Tavern , Gresham-street , and was attended by some sixty brethren of the lodge and visitors . We may here mention that this lodge inaugurated a most admirable Benevolent Fund some two years ago , having for its object the support of the Masonic Charities . It was introduced
by Bro . G . M . White , who is now in Australia , and was enthusiastically supported by the now I . P . M ., Bro . P . McCarthy , and the majority of the Past Masters , and members of the lodge . ' The system simply consists of every member paying ios . 6 d . per year over and above his usual annual subscription , and so successful has been the result , that at the present time a Vice-Presidency of one of the Charities , "The Old Men and Widows , " we believe , is
the property of the lodge . They are also in a fair way to give fifty guineas to the Boys' Institution at next election , and it is calculated that within a few years , the lodge will have three Vice-Presidents and every member will also have a life governorship in one or more of the Charities . This , however , by the way . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . McCarthy , shortly after 2 p . m ., and the minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , Mr . Christopher Robt . Sayers , clerk to the Admiralty , was
unanimously accepted as a candidate for Freemasonry , and initiated into its mysteries and privileges . Bro . Henry Taplay , S . VV . and W . M . elect , was then presented to Bro . McCarthy for the benefit of installation , and was , with the usual ceremonies , placed in the chair of K . S . and saluted by the brethren . He then proceeded to invest his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . J . T . K . Job , S . W . ; Tas . Mitchell , late Secretary , T . W . ; J . Dorton , P . M .,
Treas . ; J . Pitt , Sec ; W . Dorton , S . D . ; W . Nevins , J . D . ; A . Mason , I . G . ; R . Brown , D . C ; W . H . Harris , first W . S . ; VV . Watkins , second W . S . ; Mat . Sherwin , Org . ; and A . VV . Page , Tyler . Bro . | McCarthy then gave the three addresses and the ceremony closed . It has been our privilege to be present at a great number of installations during the last ten years , but we can safely say that we have never heard the addresses more eloquently or
impressively rendered than on this occasion , and the Installing Officer at its conclusion was warmly applauded and congratulated by all present for his masterly handling of a very difficult subject . After several propositions for both initiates and young members at the next meeting had been seconded , the VV . M . said he had now a very pleasant duty to perform , and that was to present their I . P . M ., Bro . McCarthy , with the jewel of a
Past Master . They all knew how unanimously that jewel had been voted , and they also knew how well and ably it had been earned . The duties of VV . M . had been so ably cariied out under the rule of Bro . McCarthy , that he felt how hard a task was in store for him to follow in that brother ' s footsteps . The rule of Bro . McCarthy had been firm , yet gentle , and the outcome of that rule had been perfect peace and harmony ; nor had that alone been the
result , for the lodge had progressed in number under him and not only in number , but in works of charity . ( Applause . ) He , therefore , as he had previously observed , felt the difficult part cut out for him in following Bro . McCarthy in the chair . Turning to the I . P . M ., and pinning the jewel on his breast , the W . M . said , "Bro . McCarthy , in the name of myself and the Past Masters , Officers , and brethren of the Capper Lodge , I present you with this
jewel of your office , and in so doing , I need hardly tell you that with it comes to you thc heartfelt interest of every one of us , that the G . A . O . T . U . may long spare you to wear it with honour and dignity , and that you may continue in health and strength for many years to still be in the future , as you have been in the past , an honour to and supporter of the prosperity of the Capper Lodge . " ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . McCarthy in returning thanks said "Words cannot
give utterance to my feelings , nor do I expect to be able to find them sufficient to thank you for this token of your regard , which you have presented me this ni g ht . Your VV . M . has expressed his and your approbation of the manner in which I have carried out the duties entrusted to me during my year of office . I can only say that I have always endeavoured to do them to the best ot my abilities , and with but onlv one desire , namelv the comfort and
happiness of the brethren , and the prosperity of the lodge . ( Applause . ) During my year of office I have had , in conjunction with some of my Past Masters , to make several representations to the Lodge of Benevolence , and I am happy to say that we have always been successful in our appplications . ( Cheers . ) I have also initiated seven candidates , which means seventy guineas to the funds of the lodge , and have , in consequence , been enabled to dispense
the hospitality of the lodge with a liberal hand , but that which I prize much more highly than the money part of the question in my initiates , is the fact that there is not one of them that thc lodge is not proud of , or that any lodge in the Craft might not be proud of . " ( Applause . ) He then referred to the C harities , and spoke enthusiastically of what the lodge had been enabled to contribute to them , through thc founding of the Benevolent Fund of the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge . They had one Presidency and some £ 3 6 towards another . Their Bro . P . M . Brian had kindly undertaken to stand Steward at the next Boys' Fund Festival and would take up fifty guineas from the lodge , ( Cheers , ) and in conclusion he assured them that he did not prize the jewel so much for its intrinsic value , as for the fact that it had been unanimously voted him by the members of the Capper
Lodge . He should while he had life always remember that evening as one of the most pleasant of his life , and also do everything in his power to promote the interest and harmony of the Capper Lodge . ( Loud applause . ) The W . M . then proposed , and it was carried unanimously , that a vote of thanks , engraved on vellum , should be presented to Bro . McCarthy for the admirable manner in which he
had carried out the duties of Installing Officer that day , and further that the vote of thanks should be recorded in the minutes of the lodge . Bro . McCarthy thanked the brethren for this further token of their approbation , and said he should treasure the vote of thanks , and place it in a conspicuous place in his dwelling , for although the magnificent jewel given him might be its own
herald among the brethren of the Craft , yet it had its legend of esteem and respect on the back of it , and could not be readily seen , whereas the illuminated vellum might be seen by all who entered the room in his house where it would hang , and he felt just as proud , or even prouder , of the last of their handsome testimonials than he did of the first , { although he thanked them for both . ( Cheers . )
The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was superbly served , and of the choicest of the season , nor did Bro . Harris , the principal Wine Steward , carry out his duties with a niggardly hand , but sent the champagne round merrily . Among those present , beside the W . M . and officers above named , were Bros . Past Masters B . B . Brayshaw , P . P . G . P . Essex
T . G . Day , P . P . G . Sd . Br . Essex ; | . Gaskill , H . B . Holliday , and F . Brian . Bros . T . Davis , T . Mills , W . J . Callcutt , R . Harris , T . Vincent , E . Brian , R . Brown , B . ft . Spencer , B . Johnston , P . Scolson , T . Spencer , J . Tytheridge , W . Walker , J . Still , and T . Simpson , all of No . 1076 ; A . J . Manning , P . M . 1472 , and P . P . G . Officer for Essex ; T . Butt , P . M ., and Treas . 700 ; H . N . Taylor , W . M .
1421 ; W . J . Burgess , S . W . 1472 ; J . Elder , J . VV . 1472 ; W . Boulton , S . VV . 1055 ; G . H . Stephens , J . VV . 1 G 23 ; E . Benjamin , J . W . 1766 ; S . J . Fryer , J . D . 1303 ; C . Mansfield , 1421 ; J . King , 174 ; C . J . Browne , 174 ; H . Balls , 77 ; J . Wilson , 1155 ; and C . Jolly , 913 ( Freemason ) . The first toast was " The Queen and the Craft , " followed by a verse of the " National Anthem , " and then "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , and Grand Master of the Craft , " fairly woke up the enthusiasm of the brethren , and the
first verse of " God bless the Prince of Wales" rang through the room in onegrand volume of harmonious sound . The other Masonic toasts were also duly honoured . Bro . McCarthy , I . P . M ., then proposed the toast of the evening , that of their new " W . M ., Bro . Taplay . " He said he now asked them to drink the health of one who would have to rule and govern them for the next twelve months as Master
of the lodge . Considering what he , and they , knew of their W . M . ' s career during the time he had been a subordinate officer , he felt that he would be a credit to both the lodge and the Craft at large ; and that the sustained zeal , and assiduity , so evident during those years , would still be his guiding star in the management of the lodge during his term of office . He asked them to do honour to the toast .
( Loud applause . ) Bro . Taplay , after thanking the I . P . M . and brethren , for the warmth with which the toast was received , said he could assure them that they might rely upon him using his best endeavours for the prosperity of the lodge , and the comfort of the brethren , so that when he had finished his duties at the expirationbf the term , they might be able to say to him , "Well done , thou good and
faithful servant . " ( Applause . ) The W . AI . then proposed the toast of "The Past Masters of , and belonging to , the Lodge , " which was drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . McCarthy in returning thanks said that after the many honours showered on him that evening he hardly knew what to say , but could not sit down without , in that his last speech , thanking them again and again for their many kindnesses
to him individually . So far as the Past Masters of the lodge were concerned , there was not' one of them who had gone before him that was not worthy of every honour the brethren could pay them , and their conduct would stimulate him to imitate them in their arduous duties . He would now make way for the more experienced Past Masters to say something about themselves . Bros . Gaskell ,
Holliday , Day , and Brian , severally returned thanks . "The Health ofthe Initiate" followed , and Bro . Sayers returned thanks . "The Visitors" were next honoured , and Bros . Wilson , Butt , Manning , Taylor , Burgess , Tver , Mansfield , and Elder , returned thanks . The toast of the
"Masonic Press" followed , and Bros . Jolly and Stephens returned thanks . Theltoast of " The Officers " came next , and Bros . Job , Mitchell , Nevins , Mason , Brown , and Harris , severally returned thanks . The Tyler ' s toast then concluded an exceedingly pleasan , and harmonious gathering .
KENNINGTON LODGE ( No . 1381 ) . —The members of this lodge met in good numbers on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Surrey Club House , Kennington Oval . Among those present were Bros . Kohler , W . M . ; Speedy , S . W . ; Webb , J . W . s T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., I . P . M . ; W . Mann , P . M ., Treasurer j VV . Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; Bolton , D . C ; and H . Higgins , P . M . The
minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , several communications from absent members were read . There being no busines on the agenda , the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Upon the removal of the cloth the toasts of " The Queen and Craft , " "The M . W . G . M ., " and "The W . M ., " were duly honoured . The W . M . having briefly responded , the Tyler's toast was given , and the brethren separated .
THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . — The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 13 th inst ., at the Cannon-street Hotel . Bro . Thomas Harvey , W . M ., and the following officers were present : Bros . C . Taylor , S . W . ; VV . Kibble , J . W . ; N . B . Headon , Treas . ; George Blackie , Sec . ; F . Keeble , S . D . ; T . Baber , J . D . ; F . W . Potter , D . of C ; J . Jenkins , Org . ; Steedman , Tyler , and the following Past Masters of the lodge : Bros . Stevens , Seex , and Thompson , P . M . 177 and 1158 . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
minutes of the former lodge read and confirmed , Bro . J Matthews , initiated at the last meeting , " was passed to the Second Degree . Bro . Stevens , P . M ., gave the lecture on the Tracing Board in the First Degree . Bro . N . B , Headon , the Treasurer , then , in very feeling and approl priate terms , brought under the notice of the lodge the domestic affliction into which Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson
the Chaplain of the lodge , had been plunged by the loss of his daughter , and moved that the lodge should present to him an address of condolence on his bereavement . The motion was seconded by Bro . Taylor , S . W ., and on being pm from the chair , it was unanimously agreed to . A petition from a distressed brother was considered , and on a satisfactory investigation having been made as to the accuracy of his
representations , n liberal donation was made to him from the Samarilan fund . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for alight refreshment . The W . M . proposed the formal first toast , "The Queen and the Craft , " which was duly responded to . He Then , with grrat judgment , and with a view of saving time , brought into one toast , "The Health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales
M . W . G . M . ; the Earl of Carnarvon , P . G . M . ; the Earl 0 Lathom , D . G . M ., and the rest ot the Grand Officers , Past and Present , " which was equally honoured . Bro . G Blackie , I . P . M ., then proposed "The Health of the W . M ., '' and said he felt sure that the brethren were highly pleased with him up to the present time , and he had no doubt that as he went on he would still merit their good opinion of him .
He also wished to say that they must all have derived a greatamount of information and pleasure in listening tothe explanation of the Tracing Board given that evening b y Bro . Stevens . He asked the brethren to join with him in drinking "The Health of the W . M . " The VV . M . said : Permit me to thank Bro . Blackie for proposing my health and you , brethren , for receiving it with so much cordiality '
1 his is an off night , but I must say that , with Bro . Blackie , I have much enjoyed the lecture on the Tracing Board by Bro . Stevens , and the delivery of that lecture may induce many members of our Great City Lodge to attend lodges of instruction . Possibly at another meeting we may have a lecture on the Tracing Board of the Second Degree . This I look upon as a very pleasant way of spending our
time , and I also think that as more is done in lodges of instruction so much the better for the Craft . I am glad to see many members turn up at the lodge this evening as there is no banquet , but at the next meeting I hope to give them better hospitality ; and I thank all the brethren for the cordial manner in which they have drank my health . The W . M . next gave " The Health of the Visitors , Bros . Blackie
and Stevens . " Bro . Blackie , in returning thanks , said he had thoroughly enjoyed that very jolly gathering , and seeing their -rood working in Freemasonry . That was the first time that he had heard the lecture on the Tracing Board , and he was sure that there was a large amount of information to be obtained from it . Bro . Stevens also briefly returned thanks . The W . M . then proposed "The Past
Masters of the Lodge , " and said that it was impossible for him to speak too hhghly of their merits , and especially as regarded Bro . Blackie , for the very creditable manner in which he had instilled into them the ritual of Freemasonry . To him he felt indebted for what he knew , and the credit of anything he ( the W . M . ) might do in the chair was rather
due to Bro . Blackie than to himself . As regarded the other Past Masters , he could speak of them with equal confidence —that they were all most assiduous in the performance 0 ! their duties . The Past Masters severally returned thanks . The final toast brought the proceedings to a close . Some capital songs were sung in the course of the evening .
WHITE HORSE OF KENT LODGE ( No . 1506 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 15 th inst ., at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel . There were present Bros . H . Sutherland , W . M . ; J . J . Hamilton , S . VV . ; R . P . H . Caird , j . W . ; S . G . B . Wollaston , Sec . ; F . A . Janson , S . D . ; E . Dent , J . D . ; D . S . Bajnes , I . G . ; Roe , Tyler ; J . E . Linklater , P . M . ; F . H . Janson , I . P . M . ; G . J . Goodhart , L . Hansard , and G . F . Beek . After confirming thc minutes of the last meeting , Bro . G . F . Beek was
passed to the Second Degree ; a short lecture on the Tracing "Board being given by the W . M . The ballot for the election of VV . M ., Treasurer , Tyler , and Auditors was next proceeded with . In the course of the business of the evening , it was suggested that there should be a re-joining fee for those who wished to return to the lodge . The lodge having been closed , the brethren afterwards dined together at the hotel , the usual loyal toasts being drunk .
ROSE LODGE ( No . 1622 ) . —Tho regular meeting of this lodge took place on Saturday , the 6 th inst ., at thc Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . The lodge was opened at six o'clock p . m . punctually by Bro . Henry Vickery , W . M ., supported by Bros . W . Pritchett , S . VV . ; G . P . Collar , J . W . ; T . N . Kirby , Treas . ; John Loader , Sec . ; W . C . Page , Onr . ; W . Hamblvn , S . D . ; S . H .
Goldschmidt , J . D . ; F . Hilton , I . G . ; G . H . Atkinson , D . C ; R . Challoner , W . S . ; A . B . Church , Tyler ; VV . Clauson , I . P . M . ; D . Rose , P . M . ; and J . Garnar , P . M . Visitors : Bros . J . J . Bell , W . M . 1178 ; J . VV . Moore , P . M . 13 ; Jackson , J . VV , 1475 ; T . Grummant , S . D . 15591 W . G . Sayer , I . G . 1475 ; and F - J . Scotts , 1475 . The minutes of the installation meeting , held October taken
2 nd , were read and confirmed , and a ballot was then for the admission of Messrs . j . S . Vineall and G . J . Eth' ' ridge , which being declared unanimous in their favour , they were initiated into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Free * masonry . There being no other business before the loop it was closed in due form . The brethren then repaired to the banquet , which was served in a very excellent manner . The usual loyal an "
Masonic toasts were given and received most heartily ; tw toast of "The Visitors " being responded to by Bro . J ; J ' Bell , VV . M . 1178 , and Bro . Jackson , J . VV . 1475 . During the evening some capital songs were rendered by Bros , * g Page , VV . Pritchett , VV . Hamblyn , G . H . Atkinson , * Challoner , and others ; Bro , C Page presiding at "' pianoforte . The Tyler ' s toast was called for about elcve " o'clock , which brought to a close a most successful meetms '
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE ( No . iM ' A large number of brethren assembled on Thursday & 0 the nth inst ., in Bro . Limcott ' s handsome hall , . "Ladbroke , " Ladbroke Grove-road , Notting-hill , to honour to the occasion of Bro . Samuel Smout s install * '
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and less in eating and drinking , and he did not think any of the brethren were the worse for it . Bro . Moore also responded . Bro . Tate next proposed the toast of "The Treasurer of the Lodge and the Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund . " Bro . Kingston , P . M . and Treasurer , replied , thanking the W . M . and brethren for the confidence they continued to repose in him by again electing him to the office of Treasurer . Bro . Pike , as Treasurer of thc
Benevolent Fund , also replied , and said that during the past year they had spent an amount from that fund that any lodge might well be proud of , but reminded them that it was necessary to keep up this fund , or they could not go on in the same course . It was announced that the list for the Girls' . School , which had been handed around during the evening , amounted to £ Sy 13 s . Gd . The toast of " The Officers" was the next on the list , the W . M . remarking that he was sure they would assist him in every way during not
the year , and he saw no reason why the working should be among the best in the Craft , for they had all worked hard to attain proficiency . Bro . Brown thanked the W . M . for placing him in that position . He hoped that his working would give satisfaction , and be a passport to further advancement when the time came . The Junior Warden , Bro . A . J . Bolton , also responded . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant evening to a close . The proceedings were enlivened by some excellent singing and recitations by Bros . Irvine , Hill , Dodson , and other brethren .
THE CAPPER LODGE ( No . 1076 ) . —The installation meeting of the above powerful and popular lodge took place on Thursday , the nth inst ., at the Guild-Hail Tavern , Gresham-street , and was attended by some sixty brethren of the lodge and visitors . We may here mention that this lodge inaugurated a most admirable Benevolent Fund some two years ago , having for its object the support of the Masonic Charities . It was introduced
by Bro . G . M . White , who is now in Australia , and was enthusiastically supported by the now I . P . M ., Bro . P . McCarthy , and the majority of the Past Masters , and members of the lodge . ' The system simply consists of every member paying ios . 6 d . per year over and above his usual annual subscription , and so successful has been the result , that at the present time a Vice-Presidency of one of the Charities , "The Old Men and Widows , " we believe , is
the property of the lodge . They are also in a fair way to give fifty guineas to the Boys' Institution at next election , and it is calculated that within a few years , the lodge will have three Vice-Presidents and every member will also have a life governorship in one or more of the Charities . This , however , by the way . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . McCarthy , shortly after 2 p . m ., and the minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , Mr . Christopher Robt . Sayers , clerk to the Admiralty , was
unanimously accepted as a candidate for Freemasonry , and initiated into its mysteries and privileges . Bro . Henry Taplay , S . VV . and W . M . elect , was then presented to Bro . McCarthy for the benefit of installation , and was , with the usual ceremonies , placed in the chair of K . S . and saluted by the brethren . He then proceeded to invest his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . J . T . K . Job , S . W . ; Tas . Mitchell , late Secretary , T . W . ; J . Dorton , P . M .,
Treas . ; J . Pitt , Sec ; W . Dorton , S . D . ; W . Nevins , J . D . ; A . Mason , I . G . ; R . Brown , D . C ; W . H . Harris , first W . S . ; VV . Watkins , second W . S . ; Mat . Sherwin , Org . ; and A . VV . Page , Tyler . Bro . | McCarthy then gave the three addresses and the ceremony closed . It has been our privilege to be present at a great number of installations during the last ten years , but we can safely say that we have never heard the addresses more eloquently or
impressively rendered than on this occasion , and the Installing Officer at its conclusion was warmly applauded and congratulated by all present for his masterly handling of a very difficult subject . After several propositions for both initiates and young members at the next meeting had been seconded , the VV . M . said he had now a very pleasant duty to perform , and that was to present their I . P . M ., Bro . McCarthy , with the jewel of a
Past Master . They all knew how unanimously that jewel had been voted , and they also knew how well and ably it had been earned . The duties of VV . M . had been so ably cariied out under the rule of Bro . McCarthy , that he felt how hard a task was in store for him to follow in that brother ' s footsteps . The rule of Bro . McCarthy had been firm , yet gentle , and the outcome of that rule had been perfect peace and harmony ; nor had that alone been the
result , for the lodge had progressed in number under him and not only in number , but in works of charity . ( Applause . ) He , therefore , as he had previously observed , felt the difficult part cut out for him in following Bro . McCarthy in the chair . Turning to the I . P . M ., and pinning the jewel on his breast , the W . M . said , "Bro . McCarthy , in the name of myself and the Past Masters , Officers , and brethren of the Capper Lodge , I present you with this
jewel of your office , and in so doing , I need hardly tell you that with it comes to you thc heartfelt interest of every one of us , that the G . A . O . T . U . may long spare you to wear it with honour and dignity , and that you may continue in health and strength for many years to still be in the future , as you have been in the past , an honour to and supporter of the prosperity of the Capper Lodge . " ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . McCarthy in returning thanks said "Words cannot
give utterance to my feelings , nor do I expect to be able to find them sufficient to thank you for this token of your regard , which you have presented me this ni g ht . Your VV . M . has expressed his and your approbation of the manner in which I have carried out the duties entrusted to me during my year of office . I can only say that I have always endeavoured to do them to the best ot my abilities , and with but onlv one desire , namelv the comfort and
happiness of the brethren , and the prosperity of the lodge . ( Applause . ) During my year of office I have had , in conjunction with some of my Past Masters , to make several representations to the Lodge of Benevolence , and I am happy to say that we have always been successful in our appplications . ( Cheers . ) I have also initiated seven candidates , which means seventy guineas to the funds of the lodge , and have , in consequence , been enabled to dispense
the hospitality of the lodge with a liberal hand , but that which I prize much more highly than the money part of the question in my initiates , is the fact that there is not one of them that thc lodge is not proud of , or that any lodge in the Craft might not be proud of . " ( Applause . ) He then referred to the C harities , and spoke enthusiastically of what the lodge had been enabled to contribute to them , through thc founding of the Benevolent Fund of the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge . They had one Presidency and some £ 3 6 towards another . Their Bro . P . M . Brian had kindly undertaken to stand Steward at the next Boys' Fund Festival and would take up fifty guineas from the lodge , ( Cheers , ) and in conclusion he assured them that he did not prize the jewel so much for its intrinsic value , as for the fact that it had been unanimously voted him by the members of the Capper
Lodge . He should while he had life always remember that evening as one of the most pleasant of his life , and also do everything in his power to promote the interest and harmony of the Capper Lodge . ( Loud applause . ) The W . M . then proposed , and it was carried unanimously , that a vote of thanks , engraved on vellum , should be presented to Bro . McCarthy for the admirable manner in which he
had carried out the duties of Installing Officer that day , and further that the vote of thanks should be recorded in the minutes of the lodge . Bro . McCarthy thanked the brethren for this further token of their approbation , and said he should treasure the vote of thanks , and place it in a conspicuous place in his dwelling , for although the magnificent jewel given him might be its own
herald among the brethren of the Craft , yet it had its legend of esteem and respect on the back of it , and could not be readily seen , whereas the illuminated vellum might be seen by all who entered the room in his house where it would hang , and he felt just as proud , or even prouder , of the last of their handsome testimonials than he did of the first , { although he thanked them for both . ( Cheers . )
The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was superbly served , and of the choicest of the season , nor did Bro . Harris , the principal Wine Steward , carry out his duties with a niggardly hand , but sent the champagne round merrily . Among those present , beside the W . M . and officers above named , were Bros . Past Masters B . B . Brayshaw , P . P . G . P . Essex
T . G . Day , P . P . G . Sd . Br . Essex ; | . Gaskill , H . B . Holliday , and F . Brian . Bros . T . Davis , T . Mills , W . J . Callcutt , R . Harris , T . Vincent , E . Brian , R . Brown , B . ft . Spencer , B . Johnston , P . Scolson , T . Spencer , J . Tytheridge , W . Walker , J . Still , and T . Simpson , all of No . 1076 ; A . J . Manning , P . M . 1472 , and P . P . G . Officer for Essex ; T . Butt , P . M ., and Treas . 700 ; H . N . Taylor , W . M .
1421 ; W . J . Burgess , S . W . 1472 ; J . Elder , J . VV . 1472 ; W . Boulton , S . VV . 1055 ; G . H . Stephens , J . VV . 1 G 23 ; E . Benjamin , J . W . 1766 ; S . J . Fryer , J . D . 1303 ; C . Mansfield , 1421 ; J . King , 174 ; C . J . Browne , 174 ; H . Balls , 77 ; J . Wilson , 1155 ; and C . Jolly , 913 ( Freemason ) . The first toast was " The Queen and the Craft , " followed by a verse of the " National Anthem , " and then "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , and Grand Master of the Craft , " fairly woke up the enthusiasm of the brethren , and the
first verse of " God bless the Prince of Wales" rang through the room in onegrand volume of harmonious sound . The other Masonic toasts were also duly honoured . Bro . McCarthy , I . P . M ., then proposed the toast of the evening , that of their new " W . M ., Bro . Taplay . " He said he now asked them to drink the health of one who would have to rule and govern them for the next twelve months as Master
of the lodge . Considering what he , and they , knew of their W . M . ' s career during the time he had been a subordinate officer , he felt that he would be a credit to both the lodge and the Craft at large ; and that the sustained zeal , and assiduity , so evident during those years , would still be his guiding star in the management of the lodge during his term of office . He asked them to do honour to the toast .
( Loud applause . ) Bro . Taplay , after thanking the I . P . M . and brethren , for the warmth with which the toast was received , said he could assure them that they might rely upon him using his best endeavours for the prosperity of the lodge , and the comfort of the brethren , so that when he had finished his duties at the expirationbf the term , they might be able to say to him , "Well done , thou good and
faithful servant . " ( Applause . ) The W . AI . then proposed the toast of "The Past Masters of , and belonging to , the Lodge , " which was drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . McCarthy in returning thanks said that after the many honours showered on him that evening he hardly knew what to say , but could not sit down without , in that his last speech , thanking them again and again for their many kindnesses
to him individually . So far as the Past Masters of the lodge were concerned , there was not' one of them who had gone before him that was not worthy of every honour the brethren could pay them , and their conduct would stimulate him to imitate them in their arduous duties . He would now make way for the more experienced Past Masters to say something about themselves . Bros . Gaskell ,
Holliday , Day , and Brian , severally returned thanks . "The Health ofthe Initiate" followed , and Bro . Sayers returned thanks . "The Visitors" were next honoured , and Bros . Wilson , Butt , Manning , Taylor , Burgess , Tver , Mansfield , and Elder , returned thanks . The toast of the
"Masonic Press" followed , and Bros . Jolly and Stephens returned thanks . Theltoast of " The Officers " came next , and Bros . Job , Mitchell , Nevins , Mason , Brown , and Harris , severally returned thanks . The Tyler ' s toast then concluded an exceedingly pleasan , and harmonious gathering .
KENNINGTON LODGE ( No . 1381 ) . —The members of this lodge met in good numbers on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Surrey Club House , Kennington Oval . Among those present were Bros . Kohler , W . M . ; Speedy , S . W . ; Webb , J . W . s T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., I . P . M . ; W . Mann , P . M ., Treasurer j VV . Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; Bolton , D . C ; and H . Higgins , P . M . The
minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , several communications from absent members were read . There being no busines on the agenda , the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Upon the removal of the cloth the toasts of " The Queen and Craft , " "The M . W . G . M ., " and "The W . M ., " were duly honoured . The W . M . having briefly responded , the Tyler's toast was given , and the brethren separated .
THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . — The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 13 th inst ., at the Cannon-street Hotel . Bro . Thomas Harvey , W . M ., and the following officers were present : Bros . C . Taylor , S . W . ; VV . Kibble , J . W . ; N . B . Headon , Treas . ; George Blackie , Sec . ; F . Keeble , S . D . ; T . Baber , J . D . ; F . W . Potter , D . of C ; J . Jenkins , Org . ; Steedman , Tyler , and the following Past Masters of the lodge : Bros . Stevens , Seex , and Thompson , P . M . 177 and 1158 . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
minutes of the former lodge read and confirmed , Bro . J Matthews , initiated at the last meeting , " was passed to the Second Degree . Bro . Stevens , P . M ., gave the lecture on the Tracing Board in the First Degree . Bro . N . B , Headon , the Treasurer , then , in very feeling and approl priate terms , brought under the notice of the lodge the domestic affliction into which Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson
the Chaplain of the lodge , had been plunged by the loss of his daughter , and moved that the lodge should present to him an address of condolence on his bereavement . The motion was seconded by Bro . Taylor , S . W ., and on being pm from the chair , it was unanimously agreed to . A petition from a distressed brother was considered , and on a satisfactory investigation having been made as to the accuracy of his
representations , n liberal donation was made to him from the Samarilan fund . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for alight refreshment . The W . M . proposed the formal first toast , "The Queen and the Craft , " which was duly responded to . He Then , with grrat judgment , and with a view of saving time , brought into one toast , "The Health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales
M . W . G . M . ; the Earl of Carnarvon , P . G . M . ; the Earl 0 Lathom , D . G . M ., and the rest ot the Grand Officers , Past and Present , " which was equally honoured . Bro . G Blackie , I . P . M ., then proposed "The Health of the W . M ., '' and said he felt sure that the brethren were highly pleased with him up to the present time , and he had no doubt that as he went on he would still merit their good opinion of him .
He also wished to say that they must all have derived a greatamount of information and pleasure in listening tothe explanation of the Tracing Board given that evening b y Bro . Stevens . He asked the brethren to join with him in drinking "The Health of the W . M . " The VV . M . said : Permit me to thank Bro . Blackie for proposing my health and you , brethren , for receiving it with so much cordiality '
1 his is an off night , but I must say that , with Bro . Blackie , I have much enjoyed the lecture on the Tracing Board by Bro . Stevens , and the delivery of that lecture may induce many members of our Great City Lodge to attend lodges of instruction . Possibly at another meeting we may have a lecture on the Tracing Board of the Second Degree . This I look upon as a very pleasant way of spending our
time , and I also think that as more is done in lodges of instruction so much the better for the Craft . I am glad to see many members turn up at the lodge this evening as there is no banquet , but at the next meeting I hope to give them better hospitality ; and I thank all the brethren for the cordial manner in which they have drank my health . The W . M . next gave " The Health of the Visitors , Bros . Blackie
and Stevens . " Bro . Blackie , in returning thanks , said he had thoroughly enjoyed that very jolly gathering , and seeing their -rood working in Freemasonry . That was the first time that he had heard the lecture on the Tracing Board , and he was sure that there was a large amount of information to be obtained from it . Bro . Stevens also briefly returned thanks . The W . M . then proposed "The Past
Masters of the Lodge , " and said that it was impossible for him to speak too hhghly of their merits , and especially as regarded Bro . Blackie , for the very creditable manner in which he had instilled into them the ritual of Freemasonry . To him he felt indebted for what he knew , and the credit of anything he ( the W . M . ) might do in the chair was rather
due to Bro . Blackie than to himself . As regarded the other Past Masters , he could speak of them with equal confidence —that they were all most assiduous in the performance 0 ! their duties . The Past Masters severally returned thanks . The final toast brought the proceedings to a close . Some capital songs were sung in the course of the evening .
WHITE HORSE OF KENT LODGE ( No . 1506 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 15 th inst ., at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel . There were present Bros . H . Sutherland , W . M . ; J . J . Hamilton , S . VV . ; R . P . H . Caird , j . W . ; S . G . B . Wollaston , Sec . ; F . A . Janson , S . D . ; E . Dent , J . D . ; D . S . Bajnes , I . G . ; Roe , Tyler ; J . E . Linklater , P . M . ; F . H . Janson , I . P . M . ; G . J . Goodhart , L . Hansard , and G . F . Beek . After confirming thc minutes of the last meeting , Bro . G . F . Beek was
passed to the Second Degree ; a short lecture on the Tracing "Board being given by the W . M . The ballot for the election of VV . M ., Treasurer , Tyler , and Auditors was next proceeded with . In the course of the business of the evening , it was suggested that there should be a re-joining fee for those who wished to return to the lodge . The lodge having been closed , the brethren afterwards dined together at the hotel , the usual loyal toasts being drunk .
ROSE LODGE ( No . 1622 ) . —Tho regular meeting of this lodge took place on Saturday , the 6 th inst ., at thc Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . The lodge was opened at six o'clock p . m . punctually by Bro . Henry Vickery , W . M ., supported by Bros . W . Pritchett , S . VV . ; G . P . Collar , J . W . ; T . N . Kirby , Treas . ; John Loader , Sec . ; W . C . Page , Onr . ; W . Hamblvn , S . D . ; S . H .
Goldschmidt , J . D . ; F . Hilton , I . G . ; G . H . Atkinson , D . C ; R . Challoner , W . S . ; A . B . Church , Tyler ; VV . Clauson , I . P . M . ; D . Rose , P . M . ; and J . Garnar , P . M . Visitors : Bros . J . J . Bell , W . M . 1178 ; J . VV . Moore , P . M . 13 ; Jackson , J . VV , 1475 ; T . Grummant , S . D . 15591 W . G . Sayer , I . G . 1475 ; and F - J . Scotts , 1475 . The minutes of the installation meeting , held October taken
2 nd , were read and confirmed , and a ballot was then for the admission of Messrs . j . S . Vineall and G . J . Eth' ' ridge , which being declared unanimous in their favour , they were initiated into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Free * masonry . There being no other business before the loop it was closed in due form . The brethren then repaired to the banquet , which was served in a very excellent manner . The usual loyal an "
Masonic toasts were given and received most heartily ; tw toast of "The Visitors " being responded to by Bro . J ; J ' Bell , VV . M . 1178 , and Bro . Jackson , J . VV . 1475 . During the evening some capital songs were rendered by Bros , * g Page , VV . Pritchett , VV . Hamblyn , G . H . Atkinson , * Challoner , and others ; Bro , C Page presiding at "' pianoforte . The Tyler ' s toast was called for about elcve " o'clock , which brought to a close a most successful meetms '
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE ( No . iM ' A large number of brethren assembled on Thursday & 0 the nth inst ., in Bro . Limcott ' s handsome hall , . "Ladbroke , " Ladbroke Grove-road , Notting-hill , to honour to the occasion of Bro . Samuel Smout s install * '