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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mason ); and the following members of the lodge : Bros . J . Whitehead , A . C James , H . Turvey . T . Ovenden . T . B . Wylie , VV . Murphy , J . Foxon , R . Gooding , VV . O . Kerridge , and A . F . King . The toast of " The Queen and the Craft " was received with the greatest enthusiasm , and in giving it the VV . M . said she was their Queen in a double sense ; first , in the divine right of reigning over them ; and , secondly , by the
fact that she was the mother of their Royal Grand Master ; and , as Masons , they prayed that she might long be spared to carry out the duties of her exalted position . The next toast was that of "The Grand Master , H . R . H . he Prince of Wales , " who , the W . M . said , was looked up to with pride , and who truly deserved the loyalty and esteem in which he was held by every Mason under his rule . He ( the VV . M . ) should never forget as long as he
lived the impressive scene presented at a late meeting of Grand Lodge , when they determined to send a letter of congratulasion to the Queen on hei escape from the hands of the assassin , and there , when the vast hall resounded with the " National Anthem , " sung by the whole of the brethren present in unison , the effect was simply sublime . Their Grand Master was present , and was evidently affected at the spontaneous outburst of affection for the Queen , his
mother . " Their Grand Master was always at work for the good of Masonry , and the next day , almost under the very shadow of their lodge , would lay the foundation-stone cf an orphanage with Masonic rites . He would be surrounded by good anil loyal Masons , but by none more loyal than the Masons of the province of Kent , and especially those of the United Military Lodge . The toast was drank amid great cheering .
"The Health of Lord Holmesdale , Grand Master of the Province of Kent ; and also that of Bro . Eastes , Deputy Prov . Grand Master , " coupled with the name of Bro . Spurrel ) , having been drank with honours , Bro . Welding , LP . M .. proposed , in glowing terms , " The Health of the W . M ., " who , he said , was not only an excellent Mason , but a man of sound sense and good judgment , and at the finish of his year of office would be found as efficient , and give
the same satisfaction , as his predecessors had . Bro . Holleyman , in response , said he thanked them for the toast , and also for placing him in the position he now occupied by the unanimous vote of the lodge . The fact of that unanimity would be a pleasing memory with him as long as life lasted , and would goad him on to prove himself worthy of the confidence repcsed in him . He trusted to be able during the ensuing year to do as well as his
predecessors did , and if he accomplished that , all he would ask of them would be to say , " Well done , old man . " The next toast was that of "The Honorary Members present , Bros . Penfold , Hayes , and Jolly , " who , the W . M . said , were not only distinguished Masons , but influential outside Masonry , and he felt sure the lodge was proud to have such good brethren on their roll as honorary members .
The toast having been drunk with enthusiasm , Bro . Penfold , in reply , said he looked upon it that the greatest honour a lodge could confer upon a Mason was to make him an honorary member ; and he , for one , felt it a great honour to be an honorary member of such a lodge as the United Military . From what they had that day seen and heard he was sure that Masonry need have no fear of falling through in Plumstead , and the same might be said of
the Pattison Lodge , which , with the United Military , could boast of being two of the strongest lodges in the province . He wished Lord Holmesdale could have been present to see for himself what an excellent feeling prevailed in the lodge ; but that he was well acquainted with the United Millitary was proved by the number of honours showered upon it . They looked for provincial honours once in every four years or sobut the United Military was favoured with
, honours every two years since its consecration ; in fact , there was no doubt about it , the United Military was the "pet of the province , " and he rejoiced with them on the prosperitry of the lodge , and thought they were worthy of the honors conferred on them . He congratulated the lodge upon its new Master , because he knew Bro . Hollyman to be an earnest Mason , and had shown his ability in many ways . For himself and brother honorary members , he thanked
them most heartily for their kind reception of the toast . Bro . Hayes endorsed every word uttered by Bro . Penfold , and felt proud of being an honorary member of a lodge in which " it was a pleasant thing to see the brethren dwell together in harmony . " He then , in a speech brimful of humour , referred to Bro . McCaffery's song of " Old King Cole , " which has become an institution in the lodge , and concluded bv trusting that the good fellowship and
unitv that existed in the lodge , and which was equally shared by the brethren of the Pattison Lodge , would grow , and widen , and strengthen with years , and bind them all together in one bond of loving earnestness for the good of Freemasonry . Bro . Jolly also briefly responded . The next toast was that of " The Past Masters ; " and Bro . Shaw , in reply , said the Past Masters looked upon
the lodge as their own creation , and loved it accordingly , and would do all in their power to advance its interests . Bro . Welding said their VV . M . was the first W . M . who , as an initiate in the lodge , had risen to the chair of it , and he would promise Bro . Holleyman to be at his left hand on every lodge night throughout his year of office , if at all possible . For himself , although only the Past Master of a few hours , he felt the responsibilities of the position , and
would accept them . Bro . Shaw had during his year of office initiated twenty-two candidates , and he ( Bro . VVelding ) , twenty . The next toast was that of "The Visitors , " and the VV . M . referred with pleasure to the goodly array present . Bros . Hosgood , Ritchie , Donolly , and Beaver returned thanks . Bro . Ritchie , in the course of his remarks , spoke with pride of his connection with Masonry in Woolwich , and also of the fact of his being the first military man who
had been made VV . M . and First Principal of Lodge and Chapter No . 57 , at Colchester . He had been all over the world , but his heart was always with Masons and Masonry in Woolwich and Plumstead . The toast of "The Officers " followed , and Bro . Kennedy returned thanks . "The Masonic Press" was complimented , and our representative returned thanks ; and then the Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings , which were both pleasant and enthusiastic . ALLIANCE LODGE ( No . 1827 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on the 5 th inst . under the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
presidency of Bro . Frank Green , C . C , V . P . B . Gen . Purp . > VV . M . There were also present Bros . Henry Wildey Wright , S . W . ; J . Brown , J . W . ; S . Bowley , S . D . ; Henry Wright , J . D . ; E . Garnel Man , P . M . Burmah , I . G . ; Henry Clarke , J . Perkins , C . C ; L . F . Littell , l . P . M . ; 1 . J ackson , F . Fitch , R . J . Pawley , Treasurer ; and J . E . Turner , Secretarv . The minutes of the last ordinary
meeting in May , and the emergency meeting : n June , at which Bros , the Lord Mayor , G . J . W ., and Sir Reginald Hanson , Sheriff , were entertained , together . with many other brethren , were read and duly confirmed , after the lodge had been opened in the first degree . The next business on the summons was the election of a Master for the ensuing year ; the result of the ballot being that Bro . H . Wildey
Wright , S . VV ., was unanimously elected to the chair of K . S . Bro . Frank Green in terse and well chosen language informed the S . W . of the choice of the brethren . The S . VV . replied in the eloquent manner Bro . Wildey Wright is so well-known to cultivate in the law courts , and thanked the brethren for the great honour they had done him which he felt was undeserved . He added he would
endeavour to emulate those worthy brethren who had gone before him , and knew he might look to them for assistance in the working of the lodge , and also to the other officers . It would be his endeavour at the end of his term of office to hand over to his successor his collar as unsullied as he had received it . He hoped to be diligent in his attendance , and to qualify himself for tne ceremonies he may be called
upon to carry out . On the motion of Bro . L . F . Littell , I . P . M ., Grand Pursuivant , seconded by Bro . S . VV ., the lodge carried with acclamation the resolution that the sum of ten guineas be voted by the lodge for the purchase of a Past Master ' s jewel , or anything of the same value the VV . M . may choose , to Bro . Frank Green , in acknowledgment of the service he has rendered to the lodge during his year of
office . It is curious to note that since the consecration of this lodge a Past Master ' s jewel has never been affixed to the breast of the out-going Master ; Bro . Sir John Monckton , the first Master , having already several of these , chose a timepiece , and Bro . Littell , for a similar reason , had a silver salver presented to him .
The election of Treasurer , by ballot , took place next , which was a mere formality , Bro . R . J . Pawley , having filled the office so well and with such satisfaction to the lodge , the VV . M . informed him he had been again chosen Treasurer for the ensuing year . Bro . Pawley briefly replied , thanking the brethren , and promised , as in the past , to keep a jealous eye on the exchequer .
Bro . Church was also unanimously elected , by a show of hands , as Tyler . On the motion of the VV . M ., seconded by Bro . Henry Wright , Bros . Henry Clarke , C . C , F . Fitch , and J . Perkins , C . C , were elected to assist the senior officers of the lodge in auditing the accounts .
There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed . The brethren on this occasion did not dine . The installation ceremony will take place on the 1 st November . Bro . Frank Green during his year in the chair has won the esteem of the brethren , by his courtesy to the members and business-like way of conducting the affairs , both in the lodge and at the banqueting table .
SOUTH SHIELDS—St . Hilda ' s Lodge ( No . 240 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday night , the 10 th inst ., in the Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-street , and , notwithstanding the fine summer weather , there was a numerous gathering of the brethren , in addition to a goodly array of visitors . The lodge having been opened in due form by Bro . G . S . Shotton ,
VV . M ., and the minutes of the last regular lodge read and confirmed , two candidates , were admitted and initiated into the ancient mysteries and privileges of the Craft . The First Degree was given in a very solemn and impressive manner by the VV . M ., who also delivered the charge with great effect . The latter part of this ceremony is seldom heard in this lodge , and its rendering by Bro . Shotton was enjoyed
generally by the brethren assembled . After the ceremony of the First Degree , the VV . M . announced that a grant of £ 10 had been received from the Fund of Benevolence in Grand Lodge in favour of the widow of a late member , and that the recipient had expressed her deep gratitude for the timely aid . The Secretary , Bro . J . S . Wilson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of
VV ., next read the notice of motion made in last Grand Lodge , proposing to increase the contributions from the lodges to the Fund of Benevolence . Bro . Thos . Coulson , P . M ., P . G . J . D ., reported that at a recent meeting of the Charity Committees of the provinces of Durham and Northumberland , held at Barnard Castle , it had been unanimously resolved to recommend that the
proposed increase be opposed . He also reported that at that meeting it was agreed that in future the Charity Committees of the two provinces should continue in the use of their votes for the several Masonic Charities . On the motion of Bro . J . J . Abbey , P . M ., seconded by Bro . J . T . Wilson , [ . P . M ., it was resolved that the VV . M . and the representatives of the lodge should be instructed
to oppose the proposed additional contributions to the Fund of Benevolence at the annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge in October . The VV . M . then reported that the committee appointed at the last meeting of the lodge , to consider and arrange the rent to be paid to St . Hilda Lodge by the proposed new lodge ( Hadrian , No . 197 s ) for the use of the lodge-room ,
& c , had agreed to recommend that the rent be for the first year £ 12 . On the motion of Bro . J . H . Thompson , S . VV ., seconded by Bro . Wm . Davison , the report was adopted . Bro . T . Coulson , P . M ., then announced to the brethren that the Durham Masonic Educational Fund , was now duly arranged and launched , and he would be glad , as the representative of the Charity Committee , to recieve
subscriptions from the members of the lodge . He had , he said , already received several life subscriptions of thirty shillings , and several annual subscriptions of two shillings and sixpence . Bro . Coulson then handed round copies of the bye-laws of the Fund , which contain some excellent
provisions , but which we have not space to print . The VV . M . then received the hearty congratulations of the visiting brethren , and the lodge was closed in due form . A number of brethren then adjourned to the refreshment room , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
1 he Marquis of Londonderry , Prov . Grand Master , has intimated to the promoters of the Hadrian Lodge , his intention to personally consecrate the new lodge about the middle of September . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 2 S 1 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of the 12 th inst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athenreum . Bro . Pilkington , the W . M ., presided , supported by Bros .
Atkinson , l . P . M . ; Greyson , S . VV . ; Bayley , J . VV ., Stanton , S . D . ; McRaith , J . D . ; and Nicholson , I . G . 1 he lodge having been opened with the usual formalities , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Hewetson , and proving unanimous , he was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry by the VV . M ., who went through the ceremony in a very efficient manner . A candidate was proposed for initiation , and after the proclamation had been made , the lodge was closed in accordance with ancient custom .
WESTON . —Royal Albert Edward Lodge ( No . 906 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the ^ 12 th inst ., when Bro . William Williamson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , was for the second time placed in the chair b y the V . W . D . G . M . of Somerset , Bro . R . C . Else . The installation ceremony , somewhat shortened to meet the circumstances , having been performed in that
impressive manner which always characterises any work done by the D . P . G . M . of Somerset , the W . M . proceeded to invest and appoint his officers as follows : Bros . E . L . Hill , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Somerset , l . P . M . j F . Glover , S . VV . ; F . N . Dingle , J . VV . ; T . B . Moutrie , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., Treas .: C Beckett , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., Sec ; J . Knight , S . D . ; VV . H . Young , J . D . ; VV . E . Sparrow , P . M ., Org . J . Banks , I . G . ; L . Howes , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C , D . C . ;
U . Day and K . Bull , btwds . ; J . Pinkett , Tyler ; and R . Bigwood , Asst . Tyler . There were present also the following visiting brethren Bros . C . VV . Kodway , P . M . 41 , P . G . S . VV . Somerset ; J . H . Macfarlane , P . M . 1296 ; R . B . Cater , VV . M . 41 ; I Rubie , P . M ., P . P . G . J . U . ; J . K . Pyne , A . H . Simpson , 945 ; J . Nadoux , E . Mercer , S . VV . 41 ; Capt . Penrhyn ; and the following brethren of 90 G : Bros . VV . A . Scott
, P . M . ; S . G . Mitchell , P . M . ; VV . H . Dill , P . M . ; H . Leaker , P . M . ; T . S . Keene , P . M . ; J . Stuckey , P . M . ; J . Hayward , J . Baker , J . Toleman , G . H . Bartlett , H . Gay , and others . The ceremony was much assisted by the musical taste displayed by Bro . J . H . Macfarlane , P . M . 1296 , who , out of compliment to the W . M ., had placed not only his
valuable aid , but the use of his harmonium , at the service of the lodge for the occasion . In investing his officers , the VV . M . remarked upon the p leasing fact of Past Masters holding the positions of Treasurer and Secretary , and expressed his opinion that it argured well for the success of a lodge when its Past Masters were found ready and willing to undertake such offices .
Letters of excuse were read from Bro . H . Hopkins , P . M . 41 , P . P . G . S . W . Warwick ( on account of ill-health ); also from Bros . Rev . A . G . How , VV . M . 53 ; Major VVilkinson , S . D . 53 ; and others . Upon the VV . M . proceeding to close the lodge in due form , Bro . E . L . Hill , the retiring VV . M ., took the opportunity of presenting to the lodge two frames of portraits ,
of original idea and design ; the first being a collection of portraits of the founders and W . M . ' s of the lodge during the last twenty years ; the second containing portraits of the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . ; Lord Carnarvon , Pro G . M . ; and other rulers of the Craft . The VV . M ., in returning thanks to Bro . Hill , P . M ., on behalf of the lodge , complimented him on the originality of the idea , and the taste with which it had been carried
Bro . Hill then called the attention of the brethren to another addition to the lodge-room , viz ., an engraved portrait and capital likeness of the V . W . D . P . G . M ., Bro . R . C . Else , which had been hung up that day , and was the first copy Bro . Else had seen in lodge . 'lhe lodge being duly closed , the brethren , as is their wont , took a drive out for an hour , and returned at five
o clock to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured according to ancient custom . In proposing " The Health of the V . W . D . P . G . M ., " the VV . M . took the opportunity of thanking Bro . Else for coming to instal him in the chair of K . S . ; also to congratulate him upon having received the collar and jewel of Junior Grand Deacon of England , and remarked upon the
pleasure it gave all Somersetshire Masons to see their esteemed brother so honoured . The V . W . D . P . G . M . gracefully replied , and thanked the brethren for the good feeling always evinced towards him . Bro . Hill , P . M ., with his usual ability , gave the tcast of
"The Visitors , " coupling with it the name of the Prov . G . S . W ., Bro . Radway . There was , as usual in this lodge , an abundance of harmony . Bros . Day , Knight , Bull , Becket , and many others enlivened the proceedings with songs , & c , both grave and gay , ably accompanied by Bros . Pyne and Macfarlane .
COCKERMOUTH . — Skiddaw Lodge ( No . 1002 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Station-street , on Friday , the 14 th inst ., for the purpose of attending the funeral of the late Bro . Henry Dodgson , M . D ., P . M . of the lodge , and P . PG . S . D . of the province of Cumberland and Westmorland ; Scribe E . 371 , and P . S . of the Red Cross of Rome and
Constantine . The lodge was opened in form , the W . M ., Bro . Dykes , P . G . S . D ., in the chair . There were also present Bros . VV . Shilton , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; C . Morton , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; K . Robinson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; W . H . Lewthwaite , P . M ., P . P . G . O . ; G . R . Hoskins , Chap ., P . G . D . C ; John Pearson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; F . RScwell , P . M ., P . G . S . VV . ; T . C . RobinsonLP . M . ; H .
, Peacock , S . W . ; R . W . Robinson , J . W . ; T . Mason , Sec ; J . Towers , J . D . ; H . Carruthers , I . G . ; J . Hewson , Tyler ; I . Evening , R . S . Marsh , J . Bolton , H . Kitson , II . Moncrecf , VV . Paisley , D . Sinclair , VV . McQuhae , T . Armstrong , j . Fearon , J . Blackburn , J . Fraler , S . Thwaite , S . Ferguson , and F . Rapley . Visitors : Bros . A . Forsyth , T . G . Annan , I . Nicholson , P . M . 371 , P- ?
-p-S . W . ; G . VV . Thompson , LP . M . 371 ; J . R . Banks , P . M . 371 ; C . Gowan , I . G . 1 CG 0 ; G . Dalrymple , S 72 , P . G . A . D . C ; J . Moon , P . M . 962 , P . G . S . B . ; J . Thompson , VV . M . 962 ; J . Palson , S . D . 9 C 2 ; J . Jenkinson , D . S . 962 ; G . B . McMuIlin , P . G . T ., 9 O 2 ; J . J . Coverdale , P . M . 962 ; Thos . Mandle , P . M . 371 , P . G . S . D y D . Ross , 08 ; A . Taylor , P . M . 310 , P . P . G . S . B . ; and VV Williams , 1002 , P . P . G . C .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mason ); and the following members of the lodge : Bros . J . Whitehead , A . C James , H . Turvey . T . Ovenden . T . B . Wylie , VV . Murphy , J . Foxon , R . Gooding , VV . O . Kerridge , and A . F . King . The toast of " The Queen and the Craft " was received with the greatest enthusiasm , and in giving it the VV . M . said she was their Queen in a double sense ; first , in the divine right of reigning over them ; and , secondly , by the
fact that she was the mother of their Royal Grand Master ; and , as Masons , they prayed that she might long be spared to carry out the duties of her exalted position . The next toast was that of "The Grand Master , H . R . H . he Prince of Wales , " who , the W . M . said , was looked up to with pride , and who truly deserved the loyalty and esteem in which he was held by every Mason under his rule . He ( the VV . M . ) should never forget as long as he
lived the impressive scene presented at a late meeting of Grand Lodge , when they determined to send a letter of congratulasion to the Queen on hei escape from the hands of the assassin , and there , when the vast hall resounded with the " National Anthem , " sung by the whole of the brethren present in unison , the effect was simply sublime . Their Grand Master was present , and was evidently affected at the spontaneous outburst of affection for the Queen , his
mother . " Their Grand Master was always at work for the good of Masonry , and the next day , almost under the very shadow of their lodge , would lay the foundation-stone cf an orphanage with Masonic rites . He would be surrounded by good anil loyal Masons , but by none more loyal than the Masons of the province of Kent , and especially those of the United Military Lodge . The toast was drank amid great cheering .
"The Health of Lord Holmesdale , Grand Master of the Province of Kent ; and also that of Bro . Eastes , Deputy Prov . Grand Master , " coupled with the name of Bro . Spurrel ) , having been drank with honours , Bro . Welding , LP . M .. proposed , in glowing terms , " The Health of the W . M ., " who , he said , was not only an excellent Mason , but a man of sound sense and good judgment , and at the finish of his year of office would be found as efficient , and give
the same satisfaction , as his predecessors had . Bro . Holleyman , in response , said he thanked them for the toast , and also for placing him in the position he now occupied by the unanimous vote of the lodge . The fact of that unanimity would be a pleasing memory with him as long as life lasted , and would goad him on to prove himself worthy of the confidence repcsed in him . He trusted to be able during the ensuing year to do as well as his
predecessors did , and if he accomplished that , all he would ask of them would be to say , " Well done , old man . " The next toast was that of "The Honorary Members present , Bros . Penfold , Hayes , and Jolly , " who , the W . M . said , were not only distinguished Masons , but influential outside Masonry , and he felt sure the lodge was proud to have such good brethren on their roll as honorary members .
The toast having been drunk with enthusiasm , Bro . Penfold , in reply , said he looked upon it that the greatest honour a lodge could confer upon a Mason was to make him an honorary member ; and he , for one , felt it a great honour to be an honorary member of such a lodge as the United Military . From what they had that day seen and heard he was sure that Masonry need have no fear of falling through in Plumstead , and the same might be said of
the Pattison Lodge , which , with the United Military , could boast of being two of the strongest lodges in the province . He wished Lord Holmesdale could have been present to see for himself what an excellent feeling prevailed in the lodge ; but that he was well acquainted with the United Millitary was proved by the number of honours showered upon it . They looked for provincial honours once in every four years or sobut the United Military was favoured with
, honours every two years since its consecration ; in fact , there was no doubt about it , the United Military was the "pet of the province , " and he rejoiced with them on the prosperitry of the lodge , and thought they were worthy of the honors conferred on them . He congratulated the lodge upon its new Master , because he knew Bro . Hollyman to be an earnest Mason , and had shown his ability in many ways . For himself and brother honorary members , he thanked
them most heartily for their kind reception of the toast . Bro . Hayes endorsed every word uttered by Bro . Penfold , and felt proud of being an honorary member of a lodge in which " it was a pleasant thing to see the brethren dwell together in harmony . " He then , in a speech brimful of humour , referred to Bro . McCaffery's song of " Old King Cole , " which has become an institution in the lodge , and concluded bv trusting that the good fellowship and
unitv that existed in the lodge , and which was equally shared by the brethren of the Pattison Lodge , would grow , and widen , and strengthen with years , and bind them all together in one bond of loving earnestness for the good of Freemasonry . Bro . Jolly also briefly responded . The next toast was that of " The Past Masters ; " and Bro . Shaw , in reply , said the Past Masters looked upon
the lodge as their own creation , and loved it accordingly , and would do all in their power to advance its interests . Bro . Welding said their VV . M . was the first W . M . who , as an initiate in the lodge , had risen to the chair of it , and he would promise Bro . Holleyman to be at his left hand on every lodge night throughout his year of office , if at all possible . For himself , although only the Past Master of a few hours , he felt the responsibilities of the position , and
would accept them . Bro . Shaw had during his year of office initiated twenty-two candidates , and he ( Bro . VVelding ) , twenty . The next toast was that of "The Visitors , " and the VV . M . referred with pleasure to the goodly array present . Bros . Hosgood , Ritchie , Donolly , and Beaver returned thanks . Bro . Ritchie , in the course of his remarks , spoke with pride of his connection with Masonry in Woolwich , and also of the fact of his being the first military man who
had been made VV . M . and First Principal of Lodge and Chapter No . 57 , at Colchester . He had been all over the world , but his heart was always with Masons and Masonry in Woolwich and Plumstead . The toast of "The Officers " followed , and Bro . Kennedy returned thanks . "The Masonic Press" was complimented , and our representative returned thanks ; and then the Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings , which were both pleasant and enthusiastic . ALLIANCE LODGE ( No . 1827 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on the 5 th inst . under the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
presidency of Bro . Frank Green , C . C , V . P . B . Gen . Purp . > VV . M . There were also present Bros . Henry Wildey Wright , S . W . ; J . Brown , J . W . ; S . Bowley , S . D . ; Henry Wright , J . D . ; E . Garnel Man , P . M . Burmah , I . G . ; Henry Clarke , J . Perkins , C . C ; L . F . Littell , l . P . M . ; 1 . J ackson , F . Fitch , R . J . Pawley , Treasurer ; and J . E . Turner , Secretarv . The minutes of the last ordinary
meeting in May , and the emergency meeting : n June , at which Bros , the Lord Mayor , G . J . W ., and Sir Reginald Hanson , Sheriff , were entertained , together . with many other brethren , were read and duly confirmed , after the lodge had been opened in the first degree . The next business on the summons was the election of a Master for the ensuing year ; the result of the ballot being that Bro . H . Wildey
Wright , S . VV ., was unanimously elected to the chair of K . S . Bro . Frank Green in terse and well chosen language informed the S . W . of the choice of the brethren . The S . VV . replied in the eloquent manner Bro . Wildey Wright is so well-known to cultivate in the law courts , and thanked the brethren for the great honour they had done him which he felt was undeserved . He added he would
endeavour to emulate those worthy brethren who had gone before him , and knew he might look to them for assistance in the working of the lodge , and also to the other officers . It would be his endeavour at the end of his term of office to hand over to his successor his collar as unsullied as he had received it . He hoped to be diligent in his attendance , and to qualify himself for tne ceremonies he may be called
upon to carry out . On the motion of Bro . L . F . Littell , I . P . M ., Grand Pursuivant , seconded by Bro . S . VV ., the lodge carried with acclamation the resolution that the sum of ten guineas be voted by the lodge for the purchase of a Past Master ' s jewel , or anything of the same value the VV . M . may choose , to Bro . Frank Green , in acknowledgment of the service he has rendered to the lodge during his year of
office . It is curious to note that since the consecration of this lodge a Past Master ' s jewel has never been affixed to the breast of the out-going Master ; Bro . Sir John Monckton , the first Master , having already several of these , chose a timepiece , and Bro . Littell , for a similar reason , had a silver salver presented to him .
The election of Treasurer , by ballot , took place next , which was a mere formality , Bro . R . J . Pawley , having filled the office so well and with such satisfaction to the lodge , the VV . M . informed him he had been again chosen Treasurer for the ensuing year . Bro . Pawley briefly replied , thanking the brethren , and promised , as in the past , to keep a jealous eye on the exchequer .
Bro . Church was also unanimously elected , by a show of hands , as Tyler . On the motion of the VV . M ., seconded by Bro . Henry Wright , Bros . Henry Clarke , C . C , F . Fitch , and J . Perkins , C . C , were elected to assist the senior officers of the lodge in auditing the accounts .
There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed . The brethren on this occasion did not dine . The installation ceremony will take place on the 1 st November . Bro . Frank Green during his year in the chair has won the esteem of the brethren , by his courtesy to the members and business-like way of conducting the affairs , both in the lodge and at the banqueting table .
SOUTH SHIELDS—St . Hilda ' s Lodge ( No . 240 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday night , the 10 th inst ., in the Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-street , and , notwithstanding the fine summer weather , there was a numerous gathering of the brethren , in addition to a goodly array of visitors . The lodge having been opened in due form by Bro . G . S . Shotton ,
VV . M ., and the minutes of the last regular lodge read and confirmed , two candidates , were admitted and initiated into the ancient mysteries and privileges of the Craft . The First Degree was given in a very solemn and impressive manner by the VV . M ., who also delivered the charge with great effect . The latter part of this ceremony is seldom heard in this lodge , and its rendering by Bro . Shotton was enjoyed
generally by the brethren assembled . After the ceremony of the First Degree , the VV . M . announced that a grant of £ 10 had been received from the Fund of Benevolence in Grand Lodge in favour of the widow of a late member , and that the recipient had expressed her deep gratitude for the timely aid . The Secretary , Bro . J . S . Wilson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of
VV ., next read the notice of motion made in last Grand Lodge , proposing to increase the contributions from the lodges to the Fund of Benevolence . Bro . Thos . Coulson , P . M ., P . G . J . D ., reported that at a recent meeting of the Charity Committees of the provinces of Durham and Northumberland , held at Barnard Castle , it had been unanimously resolved to recommend that the
proposed increase be opposed . He also reported that at that meeting it was agreed that in future the Charity Committees of the two provinces should continue in the use of their votes for the several Masonic Charities . On the motion of Bro . J . J . Abbey , P . M ., seconded by Bro . J . T . Wilson , [ . P . M ., it was resolved that the VV . M . and the representatives of the lodge should be instructed
to oppose the proposed additional contributions to the Fund of Benevolence at the annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge in October . The VV . M . then reported that the committee appointed at the last meeting of the lodge , to consider and arrange the rent to be paid to St . Hilda Lodge by the proposed new lodge ( Hadrian , No . 197 s ) for the use of the lodge-room ,
& c , had agreed to recommend that the rent be for the first year £ 12 . On the motion of Bro . J . H . Thompson , S . VV ., seconded by Bro . Wm . Davison , the report was adopted . Bro . T . Coulson , P . M ., then announced to the brethren that the Durham Masonic Educational Fund , was now duly arranged and launched , and he would be glad , as the representative of the Charity Committee , to recieve
subscriptions from the members of the lodge . He had , he said , already received several life subscriptions of thirty shillings , and several annual subscriptions of two shillings and sixpence . Bro . Coulson then handed round copies of the bye-laws of the Fund , which contain some excellent
provisions , but which we have not space to print . The VV . M . then received the hearty congratulations of the visiting brethren , and the lodge was closed in due form . A number of brethren then adjourned to the refreshment room , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
1 he Marquis of Londonderry , Prov . Grand Master , has intimated to the promoters of the Hadrian Lodge , his intention to personally consecrate the new lodge about the middle of September . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 2 S 1 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of the 12 th inst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athenreum . Bro . Pilkington , the W . M ., presided , supported by Bros .
Atkinson , l . P . M . ; Greyson , S . VV . ; Bayley , J . VV ., Stanton , S . D . ; McRaith , J . D . ; and Nicholson , I . G . 1 he lodge having been opened with the usual formalities , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Hewetson , and proving unanimous , he was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry by the VV . M ., who went through the ceremony in a very efficient manner . A candidate was proposed for initiation , and after the proclamation had been made , the lodge was closed in accordance with ancient custom .
WESTON . —Royal Albert Edward Lodge ( No . 906 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the ^ 12 th inst ., when Bro . William Williamson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , was for the second time placed in the chair b y the V . W . D . G . M . of Somerset , Bro . R . C . Else . The installation ceremony , somewhat shortened to meet the circumstances , having been performed in that
impressive manner which always characterises any work done by the D . P . G . M . of Somerset , the W . M . proceeded to invest and appoint his officers as follows : Bros . E . L . Hill , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Somerset , l . P . M . j F . Glover , S . VV . ; F . N . Dingle , J . VV . ; T . B . Moutrie , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., Treas .: C Beckett , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., Sec ; J . Knight , S . D . ; VV . H . Young , J . D . ; VV . E . Sparrow , P . M ., Org . J . Banks , I . G . ; L . Howes , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C , D . C . ;
U . Day and K . Bull , btwds . ; J . Pinkett , Tyler ; and R . Bigwood , Asst . Tyler . There were present also the following visiting brethren Bros . C . VV . Kodway , P . M . 41 , P . G . S . VV . Somerset ; J . H . Macfarlane , P . M . 1296 ; R . B . Cater , VV . M . 41 ; I Rubie , P . M ., P . P . G . J . U . ; J . K . Pyne , A . H . Simpson , 945 ; J . Nadoux , E . Mercer , S . VV . 41 ; Capt . Penrhyn ; and the following brethren of 90 G : Bros . VV . A . Scott
, P . M . ; S . G . Mitchell , P . M . ; VV . H . Dill , P . M . ; H . Leaker , P . M . ; T . S . Keene , P . M . ; J . Stuckey , P . M . ; J . Hayward , J . Baker , J . Toleman , G . H . Bartlett , H . Gay , and others . The ceremony was much assisted by the musical taste displayed by Bro . J . H . Macfarlane , P . M . 1296 , who , out of compliment to the W . M ., had placed not only his
valuable aid , but the use of his harmonium , at the service of the lodge for the occasion . In investing his officers , the VV . M . remarked upon the p leasing fact of Past Masters holding the positions of Treasurer and Secretary , and expressed his opinion that it argured well for the success of a lodge when its Past Masters were found ready and willing to undertake such offices .
Letters of excuse were read from Bro . H . Hopkins , P . M . 41 , P . P . G . S . W . Warwick ( on account of ill-health ); also from Bros . Rev . A . G . How , VV . M . 53 ; Major VVilkinson , S . D . 53 ; and others . Upon the VV . M . proceeding to close the lodge in due form , Bro . E . L . Hill , the retiring VV . M ., took the opportunity of presenting to the lodge two frames of portraits ,
of original idea and design ; the first being a collection of portraits of the founders and W . M . ' s of the lodge during the last twenty years ; the second containing portraits of the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . ; Lord Carnarvon , Pro G . M . ; and other rulers of the Craft . The VV . M ., in returning thanks to Bro . Hill , P . M ., on behalf of the lodge , complimented him on the originality of the idea , and the taste with which it had been carried
Bro . Hill then called the attention of the brethren to another addition to the lodge-room , viz ., an engraved portrait and capital likeness of the V . W . D . P . G . M ., Bro . R . C . Else , which had been hung up that day , and was the first copy Bro . Else had seen in lodge . 'lhe lodge being duly closed , the brethren , as is their wont , took a drive out for an hour , and returned at five
o clock to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured according to ancient custom . In proposing " The Health of the V . W . D . P . G . M ., " the VV . M . took the opportunity of thanking Bro . Else for coming to instal him in the chair of K . S . ; also to congratulate him upon having received the collar and jewel of Junior Grand Deacon of England , and remarked upon the
pleasure it gave all Somersetshire Masons to see their esteemed brother so honoured . The V . W . D . P . G . M . gracefully replied , and thanked the brethren for the good feeling always evinced towards him . Bro . Hill , P . M ., with his usual ability , gave the tcast of
"The Visitors , " coupling with it the name of the Prov . G . S . W ., Bro . Radway . There was , as usual in this lodge , an abundance of harmony . Bros . Day , Knight , Bull , Becket , and many others enlivened the proceedings with songs , & c , both grave and gay , ably accompanied by Bros . Pyne and Macfarlane .
COCKERMOUTH . — Skiddaw Lodge ( No . 1002 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Station-street , on Friday , the 14 th inst ., for the purpose of attending the funeral of the late Bro . Henry Dodgson , M . D ., P . M . of the lodge , and P . PG . S . D . of the province of Cumberland and Westmorland ; Scribe E . 371 , and P . S . of the Red Cross of Rome and
Constantine . The lodge was opened in form , the W . M ., Bro . Dykes , P . G . S . D ., in the chair . There were also present Bros . VV . Shilton , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; C . Morton , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; K . Robinson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; W . H . Lewthwaite , P . M ., P . P . G . O . ; G . R . Hoskins , Chap ., P . G . D . C ; John Pearson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; F . RScwell , P . M ., P . G . S . VV . ; T . C . RobinsonLP . M . ; H .
, Peacock , S . W . ; R . W . Robinson , J . W . ; T . Mason , Sec ; J . Towers , J . D . ; H . Carruthers , I . G . ; J . Hewson , Tyler ; I . Evening , R . S . Marsh , J . Bolton , H . Kitson , II . Moncrecf , VV . Paisley , D . Sinclair , VV . McQuhae , T . Armstrong , j . Fearon , J . Blackburn , J . Fraler , S . Thwaite , S . Ferguson , and F . Rapley . Visitors : Bros . A . Forsyth , T . G . Annan , I . Nicholson , P . M . 371 , P- ?
-p-S . W . ; G . VV . Thompson , LP . M . 371 ; J . R . Banks , P . M . 371 ; C . Gowan , I . G . 1 CG 0 ; G . Dalrymple , S 72 , P . G . A . D . C ; J . Moon , P . M . 962 , P . G . S . B . ; J . Thompson , VV . M . 962 ; J . Palson , S . D . 9 C 2 ; J . Jenkinson , D . S . 962 ; G . B . McMuIlin , P . G . T ., 9 O 2 ; J . J . Coverdale , P . M . 962 ; Thos . Mandle , P . M . 371 , P . G . S . D y D . Ross , 08 ; A . Taylor , P . M . 310 , P . P . G . S . B . ; and VV Williams , 1002 , P . P . G . C .