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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
arrangements being carried out under the direction of Bro . C . T . Tyler . The Provincial Grand Master presided , and on the removal of the cloth gave the usual toasts . The first , . "The Health of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , and the Craft , " was heartily received . In speaking of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , General Brownrigg stated that the Grand Master devoted a vast amount of attention to the business of the Craft ; with the toast he would associate the names of the Grand Officers , and would call
on Bro . Rev . C . W . Arnold , P . G . C , to reply . Bro . ARNOLD , after thanking those present for the kindness they had exhibited in their reception of the toast , regretted the absence of many Grand Officers who he had hoped would have joined them . The Lord Mayor , Bro . Sir John Whittaker Ellis , Grand Junior Warden , was a resident in the neighbourhood , but other engagements prevented his coming . Again , Lord Onslow was a member of the lodge , and they had hoped he would be able to attend on the occasion .
I he Health of General Brownrigg " was proposed by the D . P . G . M ., who stated that under the rule of its present Provincial Grand Master Freemasonry had made rapid strides in Surrey . Each of the lodges was vicing the one with the other to maintain a state of efficiency . This showed that they had a chief who knows how to govern men . All trusted General Brownrigg would have health and strength for many years to continue to preside over
them . In reply , the PRO . GRAND MASTER acknowledged the kindness evinced by the reception he had met with . They were assembled in greater numbers that day than for some years past . 1 his was gratifying . The first duty of the day had been a pleasant one , that of consecrating a new hall for Masonic purposes . This was a sure sign of progress . Ten years ago there were but nine Lodges in the
Province , but now , with twenty-four Lodges , he found great difficulty in knowing how to distribute the purple . He was well aware many brethren might think they did not get it when they most deserved it , but he could assure one and all he gave the question his serious consideration . Naturally , however , there were one or two offices which were paramount , such as that of Deputy Prov . G . Master , and Prov . G . Secretary . In conclusion , General Brownrigg
again tendered the brethren his thanks . In replying to the toast of the Prov . G . Officers , Bro . ARNOLD remarked that in previous years he had made it a rule to visit , once during the year , each Lodge in the Province , Owing , however , to the vast increase in the number , he found this rule a very hard one to carry out . At the same time he assured the brethren he took a continued , and , if possible , a still greater interest in the work they
were doing . Bro . GREENWOOD likewise referred to the increased labour entailed upon the executive . He had been Prov . Grand Secretary for 27 years , and though it had pleased General Brownrigg to place him in a somewhat more exalted position , that of Senior Warden , he must confess his heart yearned for his old post , and his old duties . The other toasts comprised "The W . M . ' s of Lodges in the Province
, " coupled with that of the entertaining Lodge ; " The Visitors , " who were responded for by Bro . Richard Eve , P . P . G . S . W . Hants and the Isle of Wight ; "The Charities , " for which Bros . Binckes and Terry replied . Some capital musical selections and songs enlivened the proceedings throughout , Bro . William Sexton ( of Westminster Abbey ) especially distinguishing himself- It was an exceptionally late hour , for a Provincial meeting , when the Tyler was called on for his toast .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of The Mediterranean.
The first meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge , as now constituted , was held on the 27 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Valetta , Malta . B y a recent decision of the G . M . M ., the province in future will , in lieu of being styled the " District of Tunis and Malta , " be designated the " Province of the
Mediterranean , " now consisting of three Mark Lodges in Malta , two lodges in Gibraltar , and one in Sicily ; the lodges in Tunis forming the Province of North Africa , under the government , as Prov . G . M . M ., of R . W . Bro . Thomas Read , 33 , P . D . D . G . M . of Egypt . An emergency meeting of the Keystone Lodge , No . 107 , was called at 7 . 30 p . m . to receive Provincial Grand Lodr / e .
at which hour there was a very large muster of the Mark Masters resident in Malta , together with many brethren from Sicily and Egypt . The Keystone Lodge having been opened , the Prov . G . S . Warden , acting as Prov . G . M . M ., together with the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , was received in the customary manner , and Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in ample form . watson
w . uro . vv . , r . u . s . Warden , having assumed the gavel , the minutes of previous communications of I rov . Grand Lodge , together with a very comprehensive report from the Board of General Purposes , were read and adopted . The patent of the M . W . Grand Mark Master appointing Chevalier Edward Rosenbusch , Knight of the Roval Order
or the Crown of Prussia , Knight of the Royal Order of the Crown of Italy , P . D . D . G . M . of Malta , P . Z ., P . M . W . S ., •S , & c , & c , to the distinguished position of Prov . G . M . Master of the Mediterranean , having been read , he was admitted and presented , by VV . Bros . Glenday and Stilon , for installation , to the acting Prov . G . M . Master , VV . Bro ! . - . A vatson , P . G . S . \ V ., who addressed him as follows :
R . W . Bro . Rosenbusch : I must congratulate you on having been selected to fill the exalted and honourable otlice of Prov . G . M . M . of the Province of the Mediterranean—an office from which the power and prerogative may aepart on the expiration of your term of omce , hut the aignity and honour , except by your own act , never . You connot be insensible to the obligation which will devolve
upon you as the ruler of this extensive and important province , nor of your responsibilities for the faithful Inn c "" ;' discharge of the duties appertaining w trie office . I he honour , reputation , and prosperity » the province will , to a considerable degree , depend on
nii ' " . W' " ' assiduity with which you may adnmister its affairs ; and the unity , peace , and happiness in „ f ' } bers of the province will b « generally promoted vhi ? h ° P ' ° " 'a « 'e zeal , ability and determination with and « ,, iX u P 9 > , maintain and propagate the genuine vo » £ c P . Ples of our noble institution . Ininducting with Vvf refor < V ' ° your chair of office , and investing you wutithe symbols of authority for the government of this
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of The Mediterranean.
province , I am performing a most solemn duty , because in committing to your hands the superintendence and welfare of the province I invest you with powers and prerogatives of a very high Order . The good resolution which , no doubt , you have formulated in your own mind that these powers and prerogatives shall not be either abused or perverted in your hands , I would gladly strengthen by a few words of admonition .
The very consciousness of the possession of power will ever make a generous and properly constituted mind cautious and gentle in its exercise . To rule has been the lot of many , but to rule well has been the good fortune of , comparatively , few . To rule well , should therefore be the continued aim of your honourable ambition . But always bear in mind that it is not by the strong arm or iron will that obedience and order , the two chiet requisites of
good government , are secured , but by holding the key to the affections and hearts of men . Be it therefore your honest endeavour to obtain and hold this key by ruling the province with integrity , impartiality , and justice . It will be your duty to uphold and maintain firmly the ancient landmarks of our Order , and resolutely oppose any infringement of them , and all attempts at innovation . But in performing this duty , avoid ostentation or undue
assumption of superiority . Seek the confidence and co-operation of your associate oificers ; be accessible and amiable to all ; for although elevated , for the time , above the rest of the brethren , you must remember that you are elevated by them , and are under obligations to promote , as far as in your power , the interest and welfare ot each and all . Be deliberate in judgment , prompt in execution , patient with the restless or ambitious , and ever ready to reward merit :
and , above all , cultivate and exercise the golden tenets of brotherly love , relief and truth . By such a course of action you will secure the respect , confidence and esteem of your constituents , and in consequence your rule will be an easy and pleasant one . Thus it is evident that the office of a Pro . G . M . is a very important and responsible one , and requires to be inaugurated by solemn pledges and special sanction . "
At the conclusion of the address , which was loudly applauded , R . W . Bro , Rosenbusch was duly obligated and installed in the chair of A ., in a most impressive manner , by VV . Bro . Watson . The acting Prov . G . D . of C , Bro . A . O . Giles , having made the necessary proclamation , the newly installed P . G . M . M . was saluted by the assembled
brethren in the ancient manner , receiving hearty congratu Iations from all on his elevation . The R . W . P . G . M . then appointed and invested his offi cers as follows : Bro . Giovanni Segond , P . M . 107 , 30 ... Prov . D . G . M . M „ R . Glenday , P . M . 263 Prov . G . S . W . ., Professor H . Stiton , M . D ., W . M . 0
107 , 1 S Prov . G . J . W . „ W . Pearse , S . VV . 107 , 1 S ... Prov . G . M . O . „ S . G . Yeoman , P . S . VV . 263 ... Prov . G . S . O . „ J . VV . Starkey , J . VV . 24 S , 1 S ... Prov . G . J . O . „ T . F . Morton , 24 S , iS ° Prov . G . Chap „ VV . Watson , Past P . G . S . W .,
M . W . S ., iS ° Prov . G . Treas „ G . D . Roe , J . W . 263 , 1 S ... Prov . G . Sec . „ W . F . Cottrell , VV . M . 27 S , M . W . S ., iS ° Prov . G . Reg . „ A . England , S . VV . 26 3 p . G . S . D ? „ Sir F . Blackwood , Bart ., S . O . 24 S ,
iS ° Prov . G . J . D . „ C . J . Bannister , J . O . 24 S , 1 S ... Prov . G . D . C . „ S . Santoro Prov . G . A . Sec . „ J . C . Stanley , P . J . VV . 26 3 ... Prov . G . A . D . C . „ G . Havelock , 24 S , io ° Prov . G . Org . „ H . P . Evans , 107 Prov . G . Swd . B „ D . C . Wilson , J . D . 26 3 Prov . G . Std . B . „ A . O . Giles , 26 3 Prov . G . l . G .
„ A . N . Beck Prov . G . Tyler . „ O . Segond , 107 , 1 S " ) „ Sir N . Pringle , Bart ., 248 , 1 S ... \ Prov . G . Stwds . „ J . Stephens , 26 3 j R . W . Bro . ROSENBUSCH then addressed the brethren at some considerable length , expressing a hope that the members of the several Mark lodges under his jurisdiction would assist him to the utmost of their ability in furthering the
insterests of Mark Masonry in the new province , stating it to be his wish and intention , so far as lay in his power , to cause the Province of the Mediterranean to compare favourably with any other province under the auspices of Grand Mark Lodge ; and stated he had reason to believe that application would be made at an early date for the formation of Mark Lodges at Palermo and Messina . The R . VV . P . G . M . M . then proposed that a P . P . G . Mark
Secretary's jewel should be presented to Bro . A . B . Truefit , iS ° , P . P . G . Mark Sec ., as a mark of appreciation of Grand Mark Lodge of the manner in which he had discharged the arduous duties of his office for the past two years . This , having been seconded by the D . P . G . M . M ., was carried unanimously . Congratulations and thanks were tendered by the P . G M . M . to those Mark Masters from Syracuse and Egypt who bad honoured the meeting with their presence .
The business of Prov . Grand Mark Lodge being concluded , it was closed in ample form , and the brethren subsequently adjourned to the refreshment-room to partake of an excellent cold collation , which Bro . Beck had provided in most recherche style , affording entire satisfaction to the executive , the only regret expressed being that consequent
on the excessive heat a number of the brethren who attended the lodge did not take part in the festive proceedings , which , although somewhat prolonged , were greatly appreciated by all present . The Province of the Mediterranean being now fairly started , we wish it , and fully anticipate for it , a long course of continued prosperity .
Provincial Great Priory Of Hants.
The annual meeting of the Prov . Great Priory of Hants was held at Head quarters in the East , being the Imperial Hotel , Aldetshot , on Saturday the Sth inst ., at 4 p . m . The Very Eminent Prov . Prior ( VV . VV . B . Beach , M . P .. I
presiding , attended by several Past and Present Prov . Great officers and officers the E . Preceptors of the Preceptories in the Province and other Knights . After the usual routine business had been disposed of , the V . E . Prov . Prior appointed the knights as Prov . Great Officers for the ensuing year .
Provincial Great Priory Of Hants.
E . Sir Knt . VV . Hickman ( re-appointed ) Prov . G . S .-Prior „ „ Rev . J . N . Palmer , ( No . 2 ) Prov . G . Prelate „ R . Eve , E . P . ( No . 76 ) ... Prov . G . Chan . „ „ H . Read , E . P . ( No . 2 ) ... Prov . G . Con . „ J . B . Thomas , E . P . Elect ( Gloucester ) Prov . G . Marshal ,, „ Dr . O'Connor , ( Glouc . ) ... Prov . G . Reg . „ R . L . Loveland , P . E . P .
( No . 2 ) re-appointed ... Prov . G . V . Chan . „ E . Drcwett , P . E . P . ( No . 76 ) Prov . G . S .-Marl . „ „ R . J . Rastrick ( No . 2 ) ... Prov . G . Herald . „ „ R . P . Fitzgerald ( Glouc . ) Prov . G . Cham . „ E . Sneflmg , ( No . 145 ) ... Prov . G . C . of G . A cordial vote of thanks to the V . E . Prov . Prior for his
attendance was received with acclamation , and in his response thereto . He remarked with what deep feelings of satisfaction he had that day taken part in the proceedings of the resuscitation of the " William Stuart Preceptory , which for several years had been in abeyance , and he wished the E . Preceptor , Sir Knt . Richard Eve , a prosperous year of office .
Summer Banquet Of The Royal Jubilee Lodge, No. 72.
1 he annual summer banquet in connection with the above lodge took place on the 6 th inst ., at the Clarence Hotel , leddington , and was presided over by the I . P . M ., Bro . Augustus Darch , in the absence of the VV . M ., Bro . Thurston . The brethren , with their wives , sisters , cousins , and their aunts
, met at Waterloo Station , where saloon carriages were waiting to convey the jovial party to their destination , where they spent a most enjoyable afternoon , the grounds , with their blossom-laden flower beds and velvet-like lawns , being now at the acme of their beauty , forming a most agreeable change to the dwellers in town . After the wellserved
- banquet , and the useal loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . H . WEBB , P . M ., proposed "The Health of the LP . M ., " in his usual kind manner . Bro . J ENKINS replied , in a humorous speech , for "The Ladies , " which caused much amusement . Miss Lloyd , daughter of our esteemed Bro . Lloyd , sang two songs capitally , and Bro . Dodson obliged with the National Anthem .
The other toasts were all duly honoured , and after the banquet a convenient room was prepared for a dance , into which the whole company entered in good earnest , the dances being interspersed with songs from Bros . Darch , Preston , Dodson , and Williams , and Miss Lloyd . It affords much
us pleasure to say everything went off m a most satisfactory manner , and we think Masonry would flourish and its institution benefit greatly if the wives of the brethren entered into its engagements . In the course of the afternoon Bro . Wood , of the firm of Bedford Lemen and Co ., of the Strand , took a capital photograph of the
company . The whole party numbered fifty-two , amongst those present being Bros . H . Webb , P . M ., one of the oldest members of the lodge ; Dodson , P . M . ; Dunn , P . M . ; Darch , P . M . ; and the following brethren , with their viwes , daughters , and sisters : Bros . Stokes , Hiscocks . C . R .
Williams , Preston , VV . Lloyd , Wyld , Horton , K . Williams , ^' o - Williams , jun ., Jenkins , I . G . ; Salter , J . D . ; bate , b . W . ; and Cox , Org . Domestic affliction prevented the much respected Secretary from being present ; and amongst the visitors were Capt . Fowke , of Australia ; Bros . Halsey , P . M . ; Moore , P . M .: and Welch B . Reece .
Summer Outing Of The Rose Of Denmark Lodge, No. 975.
On Friday , the 14 th instant , the members of this Lodge , with a number of ladies and other visitors , about forty-five in all , proceeded by rail , in saloon carriage specially provided , to VirginiaAVater , where a very delightful day was spent in this beautiful neighbourhood . .
An excellent banquet was provided by mine host of "The Wheatsheaf , " and at which Bro . Noble , LP . M ., presided , in the unavoidable absence of the VV . M . The usual loyal toasts were given in appropriate terms , and heartily responded to . ' The CHAIRMAN , in proposing the toast of " The Ladies , " remarked that it was " the toast of the day" and he
, gave it with a large amount of pleasure , since this , the first festival , was so largely attended by them . This day would be remembered in our Lodge as a red-letter day in its annals , and we could hardly thank tbem sufficiently for their presence , seeing that the pleasures of such a day as this was totally dependant on their patronage . He called upon Bro . Bugler , who had taken a large interest in this festivalto **
, respond on their behalf . Bro . BUGLER replied , thanking all for the amount of pleasure they had derived from the festivities provided , and hoping that this inauguration festival would become an annual institution , if not more frequent . A suggestion which was received with great acclamation . I he next toast was "The Rose of Denmark Lodge" in
, proposing which , the Chairman said : In bringing our Lodge under the notice of the ladies , we are very glad to be able to show them , at least , the social side of our Lodge meetings , and , since they all seem so much to appreciate this social portion , we have no doubt that , were they permitted to enter our lodges , they would find the intellectual with the social joined hand in hand .
v , £ u GA , A » £ ¦**•> responded with great pleasure on •? hvi ! ° ° . ° J , Uemark L ° Se , since his connection with it had extended over ten years , and this day was only a counterpart of all days spent in the society of the brethren of the Lodge . I < or his part , he had looked forward to this day with great pleasure , and he was pleased to find his expectations more than realised ; it was worth a great deal
to come to sucn a beautiful place as this , to enjoy the society he had mingled with during the day , to partake of the al-fresco entertainments provided , and rendered more enjoyable by the superb weather we had been favoured with . He thought this day would long be remembered by all who had enjoyed it , and he hoped that the Lodge , in
name symoolical ot the first lady in the land , would perpetuate what they had now placed on its rolls , "A Summer festival , ' dedicated to the delectation of those on whom our social comfort depends , and whose company had this day added social sunshine ta our gathering . Bro . HINTON , P . M ., apologizing for the absence of the VV . M ., explained that important business at Yarmouth
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
arrangements being carried out under the direction of Bro . C . T . Tyler . The Provincial Grand Master presided , and on the removal of the cloth gave the usual toasts . The first , . "The Health of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , and the Craft , " was heartily received . In speaking of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , General Brownrigg stated that the Grand Master devoted a vast amount of attention to the business of the Craft ; with the toast he would associate the names of the Grand Officers , and would call
on Bro . Rev . C . W . Arnold , P . G . C , to reply . Bro . ARNOLD , after thanking those present for the kindness they had exhibited in their reception of the toast , regretted the absence of many Grand Officers who he had hoped would have joined them . The Lord Mayor , Bro . Sir John Whittaker Ellis , Grand Junior Warden , was a resident in the neighbourhood , but other engagements prevented his coming . Again , Lord Onslow was a member of the lodge , and they had hoped he would be able to attend on the occasion .
I he Health of General Brownrigg " was proposed by the D . P . G . M ., who stated that under the rule of its present Provincial Grand Master Freemasonry had made rapid strides in Surrey . Each of the lodges was vicing the one with the other to maintain a state of efficiency . This showed that they had a chief who knows how to govern men . All trusted General Brownrigg would have health and strength for many years to continue to preside over
them . In reply , the PRO . GRAND MASTER acknowledged the kindness evinced by the reception he had met with . They were assembled in greater numbers that day than for some years past . 1 his was gratifying . The first duty of the day had been a pleasant one , that of consecrating a new hall for Masonic purposes . This was a sure sign of progress . Ten years ago there were but nine Lodges in the
Province , but now , with twenty-four Lodges , he found great difficulty in knowing how to distribute the purple . He was well aware many brethren might think they did not get it when they most deserved it , but he could assure one and all he gave the question his serious consideration . Naturally , however , there were one or two offices which were paramount , such as that of Deputy Prov . G . Master , and Prov . G . Secretary . In conclusion , General Brownrigg
again tendered the brethren his thanks . In replying to the toast of the Prov . G . Officers , Bro . ARNOLD remarked that in previous years he had made it a rule to visit , once during the year , each Lodge in the Province , Owing , however , to the vast increase in the number , he found this rule a very hard one to carry out . At the same time he assured the brethren he took a continued , and , if possible , a still greater interest in the work they
were doing . Bro . GREENWOOD likewise referred to the increased labour entailed upon the executive . He had been Prov . Grand Secretary for 27 years , and though it had pleased General Brownrigg to place him in a somewhat more exalted position , that of Senior Warden , he must confess his heart yearned for his old post , and his old duties . The other toasts comprised "The W . M . ' s of Lodges in the Province
, " coupled with that of the entertaining Lodge ; " The Visitors , " who were responded for by Bro . Richard Eve , P . P . G . S . W . Hants and the Isle of Wight ; "The Charities , " for which Bros . Binckes and Terry replied . Some capital musical selections and songs enlivened the proceedings throughout , Bro . William Sexton ( of Westminster Abbey ) especially distinguishing himself- It was an exceptionally late hour , for a Provincial meeting , when the Tyler was called on for his toast .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of The Mediterranean.
The first meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge , as now constituted , was held on the 27 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Valetta , Malta . B y a recent decision of the G . M . M ., the province in future will , in lieu of being styled the " District of Tunis and Malta , " be designated the " Province of the
Mediterranean , " now consisting of three Mark Lodges in Malta , two lodges in Gibraltar , and one in Sicily ; the lodges in Tunis forming the Province of North Africa , under the government , as Prov . G . M . M ., of R . W . Bro . Thomas Read , 33 , P . D . D . G . M . of Egypt . An emergency meeting of the Keystone Lodge , No . 107 , was called at 7 . 30 p . m . to receive Provincial Grand Lodr / e .
at which hour there was a very large muster of the Mark Masters resident in Malta , together with many brethren from Sicily and Egypt . The Keystone Lodge having been opened , the Prov . G . S . Warden , acting as Prov . G . M . M ., together with the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , was received in the customary manner , and Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in ample form . watson
w . uro . vv . , r . u . s . Warden , having assumed the gavel , the minutes of previous communications of I rov . Grand Lodge , together with a very comprehensive report from the Board of General Purposes , were read and adopted . The patent of the M . W . Grand Mark Master appointing Chevalier Edward Rosenbusch , Knight of the Roval Order
or the Crown of Prussia , Knight of the Royal Order of the Crown of Italy , P . D . D . G . M . of Malta , P . Z ., P . M . W . S ., •S , & c , & c , to the distinguished position of Prov . G . M . Master of the Mediterranean , having been read , he was admitted and presented , by VV . Bros . Glenday and Stilon , for installation , to the acting Prov . G . M . Master , VV . Bro ! . - . A vatson , P . G . S . \ V ., who addressed him as follows :
R . W . Bro . Rosenbusch : I must congratulate you on having been selected to fill the exalted and honourable otlice of Prov . G . M . M . of the Province of the Mediterranean—an office from which the power and prerogative may aepart on the expiration of your term of omce , hut the aignity and honour , except by your own act , never . You connot be insensible to the obligation which will devolve
upon you as the ruler of this extensive and important province , nor of your responsibilities for the faithful Inn c "" ;' discharge of the duties appertaining w trie office . I he honour , reputation , and prosperity » the province will , to a considerable degree , depend on
nii ' " . W' " ' assiduity with which you may adnmister its affairs ; and the unity , peace , and happiness in „ f ' } bers of the province will b « generally promoted vhi ? h ° P ' ° " 'a « 'e zeal , ability and determination with and « ,, iX u P 9 > , maintain and propagate the genuine vo » £ c P . Ples of our noble institution . Ininducting with Vvf refor < V ' ° your chair of office , and investing you wutithe symbols of authority for the government of this
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of The Mediterranean.
province , I am performing a most solemn duty , because in committing to your hands the superintendence and welfare of the province I invest you with powers and prerogatives of a very high Order . The good resolution which , no doubt , you have formulated in your own mind that these powers and prerogatives shall not be either abused or perverted in your hands , I would gladly strengthen by a few words of admonition .
The very consciousness of the possession of power will ever make a generous and properly constituted mind cautious and gentle in its exercise . To rule has been the lot of many , but to rule well has been the good fortune of , comparatively , few . To rule well , should therefore be the continued aim of your honourable ambition . But always bear in mind that it is not by the strong arm or iron will that obedience and order , the two chiet requisites of
good government , are secured , but by holding the key to the affections and hearts of men . Be it therefore your honest endeavour to obtain and hold this key by ruling the province with integrity , impartiality , and justice . It will be your duty to uphold and maintain firmly the ancient landmarks of our Order , and resolutely oppose any infringement of them , and all attempts at innovation . But in performing this duty , avoid ostentation or undue
assumption of superiority . Seek the confidence and co-operation of your associate oificers ; be accessible and amiable to all ; for although elevated , for the time , above the rest of the brethren , you must remember that you are elevated by them , and are under obligations to promote , as far as in your power , the interest and welfare ot each and all . Be deliberate in judgment , prompt in execution , patient with the restless or ambitious , and ever ready to reward merit :
and , above all , cultivate and exercise the golden tenets of brotherly love , relief and truth . By such a course of action you will secure the respect , confidence and esteem of your constituents , and in consequence your rule will be an easy and pleasant one . Thus it is evident that the office of a Pro . G . M . is a very important and responsible one , and requires to be inaugurated by solemn pledges and special sanction . "
At the conclusion of the address , which was loudly applauded , R . W . Bro , Rosenbusch was duly obligated and installed in the chair of A ., in a most impressive manner , by VV . Bro . Watson . The acting Prov . G . D . of C , Bro . A . O . Giles , having made the necessary proclamation , the newly installed P . G . M . M . was saluted by the assembled
brethren in the ancient manner , receiving hearty congratu Iations from all on his elevation . The R . W . P . G . M . then appointed and invested his offi cers as follows : Bro . Giovanni Segond , P . M . 107 , 30 ... Prov . D . G . M . M „ R . Glenday , P . M . 263 Prov . G . S . W . ., Professor H . Stiton , M . D ., W . M . 0
107 , 1 S Prov . G . J . W . „ W . Pearse , S . VV . 107 , 1 S ... Prov . G . M . O . „ S . G . Yeoman , P . S . VV . 263 ... Prov . G . S . O . „ J . VV . Starkey , J . VV . 24 S , 1 S ... Prov . G . J . O . „ T . F . Morton , 24 S , iS ° Prov . G . Chap „ VV . Watson , Past P . G . S . W .,
M . W . S ., iS ° Prov . G . Treas „ G . D . Roe , J . W . 263 , 1 S ... Prov . G . Sec . „ W . F . Cottrell , VV . M . 27 S , M . W . S ., iS ° Prov . G . Reg . „ A . England , S . VV . 26 3 p . G . S . D ? „ Sir F . Blackwood , Bart ., S . O . 24 S ,
iS ° Prov . G . J . D . „ C . J . Bannister , J . O . 24 S , 1 S ... Prov . G . D . C . „ S . Santoro Prov . G . A . Sec . „ J . C . Stanley , P . J . VV . 26 3 ... Prov . G . A . D . C . „ G . Havelock , 24 S , io ° Prov . G . Org . „ H . P . Evans , 107 Prov . G . Swd . B „ D . C . Wilson , J . D . 26 3 Prov . G . Std . B . „ A . O . Giles , 26 3 Prov . G . l . G .
„ A . N . Beck Prov . G . Tyler . „ O . Segond , 107 , 1 S " ) „ Sir N . Pringle , Bart ., 248 , 1 S ... \ Prov . G . Stwds . „ J . Stephens , 26 3 j R . W . Bro . ROSENBUSCH then addressed the brethren at some considerable length , expressing a hope that the members of the several Mark lodges under his jurisdiction would assist him to the utmost of their ability in furthering the
insterests of Mark Masonry in the new province , stating it to be his wish and intention , so far as lay in his power , to cause the Province of the Mediterranean to compare favourably with any other province under the auspices of Grand Mark Lodge ; and stated he had reason to believe that application would be made at an early date for the formation of Mark Lodges at Palermo and Messina . The R . VV . P . G . M . M . then proposed that a P . P . G . Mark
Secretary's jewel should be presented to Bro . A . B . Truefit , iS ° , P . P . G . Mark Sec ., as a mark of appreciation of Grand Mark Lodge of the manner in which he had discharged the arduous duties of his office for the past two years . This , having been seconded by the D . P . G . M . M ., was carried unanimously . Congratulations and thanks were tendered by the P . G M . M . to those Mark Masters from Syracuse and Egypt who bad honoured the meeting with their presence .
The business of Prov . Grand Mark Lodge being concluded , it was closed in ample form , and the brethren subsequently adjourned to the refreshment-room to partake of an excellent cold collation , which Bro . Beck had provided in most recherche style , affording entire satisfaction to the executive , the only regret expressed being that consequent
on the excessive heat a number of the brethren who attended the lodge did not take part in the festive proceedings , which , although somewhat prolonged , were greatly appreciated by all present . The Province of the Mediterranean being now fairly started , we wish it , and fully anticipate for it , a long course of continued prosperity .
Provincial Great Priory Of Hants.
The annual meeting of the Prov . Great Priory of Hants was held at Head quarters in the East , being the Imperial Hotel , Aldetshot , on Saturday the Sth inst ., at 4 p . m . The Very Eminent Prov . Prior ( VV . VV . B . Beach , M . P .. I
presiding , attended by several Past and Present Prov . Great officers and officers the E . Preceptors of the Preceptories in the Province and other Knights . After the usual routine business had been disposed of , the V . E . Prov . Prior appointed the knights as Prov . Great Officers for the ensuing year .
Provincial Great Priory Of Hants.
E . Sir Knt . VV . Hickman ( re-appointed ) Prov . G . S .-Prior „ „ Rev . J . N . Palmer , ( No . 2 ) Prov . G . Prelate „ R . Eve , E . P . ( No . 76 ) ... Prov . G . Chan . „ „ H . Read , E . P . ( No . 2 ) ... Prov . G . Con . „ J . B . Thomas , E . P . Elect ( Gloucester ) Prov . G . Marshal ,, „ Dr . O'Connor , ( Glouc . ) ... Prov . G . Reg . „ R . L . Loveland , P . E . P .
( No . 2 ) re-appointed ... Prov . G . V . Chan . „ E . Drcwett , P . E . P . ( No . 76 ) Prov . G . S .-Marl . „ „ R . J . Rastrick ( No . 2 ) ... Prov . G . Herald . „ „ R . P . Fitzgerald ( Glouc . ) Prov . G . Cham . „ E . Sneflmg , ( No . 145 ) ... Prov . G . C . of G . A cordial vote of thanks to the V . E . Prov . Prior for his
attendance was received with acclamation , and in his response thereto . He remarked with what deep feelings of satisfaction he had that day taken part in the proceedings of the resuscitation of the " William Stuart Preceptory , which for several years had been in abeyance , and he wished the E . Preceptor , Sir Knt . Richard Eve , a prosperous year of office .
Summer Banquet Of The Royal Jubilee Lodge, No. 72.
1 he annual summer banquet in connection with the above lodge took place on the 6 th inst ., at the Clarence Hotel , leddington , and was presided over by the I . P . M ., Bro . Augustus Darch , in the absence of the VV . M ., Bro . Thurston . The brethren , with their wives , sisters , cousins , and their aunts
, met at Waterloo Station , where saloon carriages were waiting to convey the jovial party to their destination , where they spent a most enjoyable afternoon , the grounds , with their blossom-laden flower beds and velvet-like lawns , being now at the acme of their beauty , forming a most agreeable change to the dwellers in town . After the wellserved
- banquet , and the useal loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . H . WEBB , P . M ., proposed "The Health of the LP . M ., " in his usual kind manner . Bro . J ENKINS replied , in a humorous speech , for "The Ladies , " which caused much amusement . Miss Lloyd , daughter of our esteemed Bro . Lloyd , sang two songs capitally , and Bro . Dodson obliged with the National Anthem .
The other toasts were all duly honoured , and after the banquet a convenient room was prepared for a dance , into which the whole company entered in good earnest , the dances being interspersed with songs from Bros . Darch , Preston , Dodson , and Williams , and Miss Lloyd . It affords much
us pleasure to say everything went off m a most satisfactory manner , and we think Masonry would flourish and its institution benefit greatly if the wives of the brethren entered into its engagements . In the course of the afternoon Bro . Wood , of the firm of Bedford Lemen and Co ., of the Strand , took a capital photograph of the
company . The whole party numbered fifty-two , amongst those present being Bros . H . Webb , P . M ., one of the oldest members of the lodge ; Dodson , P . M . ; Dunn , P . M . ; Darch , P . M . ; and the following brethren , with their viwes , daughters , and sisters : Bros . Stokes , Hiscocks . C . R .
Williams , Preston , VV . Lloyd , Wyld , Horton , K . Williams , ^' o - Williams , jun ., Jenkins , I . G . ; Salter , J . D . ; bate , b . W . ; and Cox , Org . Domestic affliction prevented the much respected Secretary from being present ; and amongst the visitors were Capt . Fowke , of Australia ; Bros . Halsey , P . M . ; Moore , P . M .: and Welch B . Reece .
Summer Outing Of The Rose Of Denmark Lodge, No. 975.
On Friday , the 14 th instant , the members of this Lodge , with a number of ladies and other visitors , about forty-five in all , proceeded by rail , in saloon carriage specially provided , to VirginiaAVater , where a very delightful day was spent in this beautiful neighbourhood . .
An excellent banquet was provided by mine host of "The Wheatsheaf , " and at which Bro . Noble , LP . M ., presided , in the unavoidable absence of the VV . M . The usual loyal toasts were given in appropriate terms , and heartily responded to . ' The CHAIRMAN , in proposing the toast of " The Ladies , " remarked that it was " the toast of the day" and he
, gave it with a large amount of pleasure , since this , the first festival , was so largely attended by them . This day would be remembered in our Lodge as a red-letter day in its annals , and we could hardly thank tbem sufficiently for their presence , seeing that the pleasures of such a day as this was totally dependant on their patronage . He called upon Bro . Bugler , who had taken a large interest in this festivalto **
, respond on their behalf . Bro . BUGLER replied , thanking all for the amount of pleasure they had derived from the festivities provided , and hoping that this inauguration festival would become an annual institution , if not more frequent . A suggestion which was received with great acclamation . I he next toast was "The Rose of Denmark Lodge" in
, proposing which , the Chairman said : In bringing our Lodge under the notice of the ladies , we are very glad to be able to show them , at least , the social side of our Lodge meetings , and , since they all seem so much to appreciate this social portion , we have no doubt that , were they permitted to enter our lodges , they would find the intellectual with the social joined hand in hand .
v , £ u GA , A » £ ¦**•> responded with great pleasure on •? hvi ! ° ° . ° J , Uemark L ° Se , since his connection with it had extended over ten years , and this day was only a counterpart of all days spent in the society of the brethren of the Lodge . I < or his part , he had looked forward to this day with great pleasure , and he was pleased to find his expectations more than realised ; it was worth a great deal
to come to sucn a beautiful place as this , to enjoy the society he had mingled with during the day , to partake of the al-fresco entertainments provided , and rendered more enjoyable by the superb weather we had been favoured with . He thought this day would long be remembered by all who had enjoyed it , and he hoped that the Lodge , in
name symoolical ot the first lady in the land , would perpetuate what they had now placed on its rolls , "A Summer festival , ' dedicated to the delectation of those on whom our social comfort depends , and whose company had this day added social sunshine ta our gathering . Bro . HINTON , P . M ., apologizing for the absence of the VV . M ., explained that important business at Yarmouth