Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Lord Mayor being about to visit Welchpool on the 4 th of August next , the members of the Welchpool Lodge , No . 99 S , have invited his Lordship as Grand Warden of England to a meeting of the lodge and banquet on that day . The Lord Mayor has accepted the invitation ,
and it is expected Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , the R . W , Prov . Grand Master , will be present . Bro . A . Staveley Hill , Q . C ., M . P ., has joined the Board of Directors of the Manitoba Mortgage and Investment Company .
H . R . H . the Prince of WaIes , M . W . G . M ., presided on Saturday over a meeting held at Marlborough House , of the Royal Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1 S 51 , when there were present amongst othersT . R . H . the Dukes of Edinburgh , Cambridge and Teck , Bros , the Earl of
Carnarvon and Sir F . Leighton . Bro . Lord Brabourne , deputy chairman of the South Eastern Railway Company , is the chairman of the Electric Sun Lamp and Power Company , now being floated with a capital of £ 200 , 000 . Neither the arc nor the incandescent lamp will be used .
Bro . Sir Garnet Wolseley has offered to take command of the land forces in Egypt in the event of our having to fight , and this at a moment ' s notice . Bro . the Earl of Yarborough opened an exhibition on Monday in connection with the Alenford School of Art . Bro . the Earl of Onslow received an address of
congratulation on Wednesday from the Mayor and Corporation of Guildford , on the occasion of the opening of a new bridge across the Wey , and an improved access to the railway station . The town was " en fete . " The works have been carried out at the expense of the Corporation and Bro . Lord Onslow , who is the principal landowner
there . Bro . the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres presided last week over the Fourth Annual Conference of the Authorities of Miners' Permanent Societies , at the Society of Arts . Bros , the Earl of Wharncliffe , Lord Richard Grosvenor , M . P ., the Earl of Lathom , and George Elliott , Bart ., M . P ., are Vice-Presidents .
Bro . Alderman De Keyser ' s successor in the Court of Common Council is Mr . Woodbridge , a popular inhabitant of the Ward . Bro . the Marquis of Bath and Bro . the Marquis of Hamilton , eldest son of the M . W . G . M . of Ireland , and a lord of the bedchamber to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ,
Bro . the Lord Mayor , and Bro . Captain Shaw were amongst the company on the occasion of the opening of the Polfce Orphanage wing at Twickenham . Bro . Sir Edward Lechmere , Bart ., has presented a petition to the House of Commons from Norton-Kempsey , for the total closing of public houses on Sunday .
Bro . Edward Clarke , Gj . C , M . P ., was counsel for the London and Brighton Railway Company , in an action brought against them at Lewes Assizes , when the plaintiff'recovered £ 5000 damages . H . M . the Oueen gave a ball at Windsor Castle
to the servants of the Royal Household last week , in honour of the marriage of the Duke of Albany . The Queen was present during part of the dancing .: Supper , was laid at three o ' clock . This was the first ball given at Windsor since the marriage of the Princess Louise .
Bro . the Earl of Dalhousie , Bro . the Deputy Grand Master , with their Countesses , were included in Her Majesty ' s dinner party , at Windsor Castle , on Thursday . Bro . the King and the Queen of the Netherlands ,
who have been staying at Bad VVildungen , near Waldeck-Pyrmont , left there on Sunday for Frankfort-on-the-Maine . On the 15 th their Majesties will arrive at Saltzburg , and will probably meet the Emperor and Empress of Austria there or at Ischl .
Bro . Justice Cave , P . G . J . W ., tried a case at the Durham Assizes when damages to the extent of £ 10 , 000 were laid against the North Eastern Railway for a false and malicious prosecution . Bro . the Earl of Shaftesbury , we regret to state , owing to medical orders , was unable to receive the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., and the Princess of Wales , at Twickenham , on the occasion of their opening a bazaar in aid of the Arethusa and Chichester training ships .
Bro . Lord Leigh , P . G . M . Warwickshire , and Bro . Viscount Powerscourt were amongst the members present at the last meeting of the Fox Club . Bro . Viscount Ebrington and the Earl of Onslow attended the reception given by the Countess of Breadalbane at Harcourt House , Cavendish-square , the residence of the late Duke of Portland .
Bro . Baron de Worms asked a question , at the Saturday sitting of the House of Commons , of the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs , relative to a statement in a Berlin paper which Sir Charles Dilke had made . Sir Charles replied he had no reason to modify what he had said . Bro . Sir Frederick Roberts has telegraphed
from India offering his services in the event of an expedition being sent to Egypt . Honow . iv ' s PILLS . — There is nothing in the whole " Materia Medica "like these Medicaments for the certainty of their action in "Hnbago , sciatica , ticdoloreux , and all Hying or settled pains in the nerves or muscles . Diseases of this nature originate 111 had blood and depraved humoursand until these arc corrected there can be
, j ™ permanent cure . The ordinary remedies afford but temporary ™ 'cf , and in the end always disappoint the siill ' ercr . Holloway ' s ! r ''] trncnt penetrates the human i-ystcm as salt penetrates meat , »™ i the Pills greatly assist and accelerate its operations by clearing nr l ' a" 0 , > strvlcUons , and giving tone to the system generally . The iropnylactic virtues of Holloway ' s remedies stand unrivalled . —
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . Lord Brabourne ' s son , the Hon . W . C . Knatchbull Hugessen , was one of the eleven of the Eton team in the Eton and Harrow cricket match last week , played as usual at Lords , when owing to the weather the result was a drawn match .
Bro . Sir James McGarel Hogg , M . P ., attended in his capacity as chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works , and presented medals to those firemen who have distinguished themselves in saving lives at fires during the year . Bro . the Right Reverend Lord Plunket , Bishop of Meath , P . G . Chap . Ireland , spoke last week at one of the religious meetings at Exeter Hall .
Bros , the Duke of Athole and the Marquis of Harrington , M . P ., P . G . M . Derbyshire , dined on Monday evening with the Austrian Ambassador , at the Embassy , Belgrave-square , and met the Prince and Princess Christian . Bro . the Marquis of Hartington , as Secretary of State for India , introduced to Her Majesty , at Windsor Castle , the Siamese Minister , on Friday , who presented his
credentials . During the Easter Review at Portsmouth , Bro . Rake , architect , met with a serious accident whilst superintending the decorations , but we are pleased to say that he has now recovered . As he is highly esteemed in that town , a subscription list was started for the purpose of presenting him with a testimonial . A handsome sum was
subscribed , and Bro . Rake will shortly be the recipient of a very large clock , a locket , some shares , and an illuminated address . At an emergency meeting of the United Brothers Lodge , No . 10 C 9 , at Southsea , last week , it was resolved " That after October next the brethren should meet at the Royal Southsea Beach Mansion , instead of the Castle Hotel . "
The crew of the Royal yacht Osborne , lately commanded by Bro . Lord Charles Beresford , sent a congratulatory telegram to Bro . Lord Charles , now commanding the Condor , at Alexandria , on his success in attaining his achievements during the bombardment . Bro . Dr . B . W . Richardson has been commissioned by the Corporation of Brighton to inquire into
the sanitary arrangements of the town , and into the educational establishments , both public and private . So much damage has been done to the inhabitants by the recent statement in the Lancet of its bad drainage , that the Corporation have decided to bring an action for libel against the paper . The borough member , Bro . VV . T . Marriott , M . P ., has subscribed £ 100 to the defence fund .
The " Masonic Monthly , " a Magazine for Gentlemen in Town and Country . ( London : George Kenning . ) This is an old friend with a new face , the " Masonic Magazine . " It has been made more convenient as regard size , the type is better , and so is the paper , while as regards the contents it may be said that not alone Masons , but others who are quite outside the Craft , may
read the papers with both pleasure and profit . —Broad Arrow . Bro . the Earl of Rosslyn , P . G . M . Scotland , on Monday entertained Bro . Viscount Hinchingbrook . M . P ., Scots Guards , and Bro . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., P . G . M . West Riding , at dinner at Hamilton-place . Bro . the Hon . Wilbraham Egerton , M . P ., the
Very Rev . the Dean of Lichfield , the Venerable Archdeacon Emery , Bro . Henry Wright , Sir John Kennaway , Bart ., M . P ., the Dean of Chester , the Archdeacons of Westmorland , Nottingham , Chichester , and Oakham , Mr . J . Cropper , M . P ., Mr . Stanley Leighton , M . P ., the Right Hon . J . B . Beresford-Hope , M . P ., the Venerable Dr . Hessey , Canon Temple . Mr . 1 . Theodore Dodd , the
Deans of Ely and Bangor , and the Rev . Dr . A . T . Lee dined with the Right Hon . Cecil Raikes , M . P ., last week . Most of the above gantlemen attended Mrs . Cecil Raikes's reception at a later hour . Mr . Raikes , Mr . Beresford Hope , Sir John Kennaway , Bro . Wright , and the Arch , deacon of Ely afterwards went to the House of Commons , Bro . the Duke of Albany , K . G ., honoured the
Italian Opera on Friday , with his presence . Bro . the Earl of Mar and Kellie , in the House of Lords . moved that the Lords do insist upon theiramendments , to which the Commons had disagreed on the London Riverside Market Bill . Bro . the Duke of Leinster thought the new clauses would injure the bill very much . Bro . the Earl of Shaftesbury earnestly hoped the House would not insist
upon their amendments , after which Bro . the Earl of Mar and Kellie withdrew his motion . The Bill will now become law , and sanctions the erection of a fish market at Shadwell , VVe do not usuall y refer to matters of reli gion in our columns , but we think our readers will not deem it out of place if we for once break that rule in order to justify a public man . Such a wide circulation has been given in the
daily and weekly papers , by copies of the letter and leading articles written thereon , of a letter purporting to be written by the Bishop of Lincoln to the Mayor of Grimsby , in which his lordship is made to say : " The temperance pledge is not scriptural . It undermines the Godhead of Christ , and he who takes the pledge and breaks it weakens the bonds of society . Tender consciences fear to break it , thus often
sacrificing their health , and entailing a burden upon others . The pledge is both heretical and unscriptural , and it is a deadly sin to sign it . " On the face of it , the letter seemed to us to bea fraud , and yet many of our contemporaries—we do not care to mention names—have ridiculed the Bishop . His lordship has had his attention called to it , and denies having ever written such a letter , or any jetter , to the Mayor of Grimsby ; and to make it more
forcible , winds up his denial by appealing for funds for the Church of England Temprance Society in his diocese . As Masons , we would see no man wronged or maligned ; and as only one of our contemporaries , as far as we know , has published his letter , we call the attention of our readers to the denial , in case they may have read the fraudulent letter and not the Bishop ' s disavowal of the authorship . SUMMER EPIDEMICS . — Medical officers of
health as hot weather approaches should remind the public that if they desire to be free from such infectious diseases as scarlet fever , small pox , and measles , they should wash only with WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP . Purchase only the genuine "WRIGHT'S , " which is branded ( as the medical profession prescribe ) "Sapo Carbonis Detergens . " —I ADVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings.
T he University Chapter , No . 1118 , have given a donation of ten guineas to the Irish Ladies in Distress Fund , of which the Lord Mayor is the treasurer ex-officio . Bro . the Earl of Longford , Bro . Edwin Freshfield , Bro . J . P . Knight , General Manager L . B . and S . C . Railway , and Bro . VV . Macartney , M . P ., took part in the proceeding of cutting the first sod of the new docks at
1 ilbury . The cutting was performed by Mr . Dobree , chairman of the East and West India Dock Company . The docks higher up the river are now too full and too small for large vessels coming into the port of London . Bros , the Duke of Leinster , P . G . M . Ireland , the Duke of Manchester , the Earl of Wharncliffe , the Lord Mayor , and Lord Londesborough ' s ladies were the patronesses of a ball given last night , at the Royal Horticultural Gardens , in aid of the distressed Irish ladies .
Bro . the Earl of March ' s horse Platina ran for the Princess of Wales' Cup at the July meeting at Newmarket . Bro . Viscount Sherbrooke has become Chairman of the Mortgage Company of England .
Bro . the Earl of Hardwicke , Master of the Buckhounds in the last Administration , and Bro . the Earl of Breadalbane , Treasurer of the Household in the present Government , were amongst the guests invited to meet the Duke and Duchess of Teck at dinner at Dover House by Viscountess Clifdcn .
Bro . the Earl of Shaftesbury is the President of the Syrian Colonisation Fund , and is making an urgent appeal for money to help Jews in Russia to emigrate to Syria , where they will be free to enjoy civil religious liberty . Bro . the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia have left Berlin for a lengthy tour in the Tyrol and Switzerland .
Bro . Sir Wm . Charley , Common Sergeant and Deputy Recorder of the City of London , Bros . Alderman Staples , 1 ; the Earl of Fife , K . T . ; Sir Francis Truscott , 1 ; J . Derby Allcroft , Treas . Aldersgate Lodge ; and Sir Charles Mills , M . P ., are on the executive committee of the fund for the defence of Property in Ireland . Bro . the Lord Mayor is the 'Treasurer , and Alessrs . W . J . Soulsby and Henry Wright , Hon . Secretaries .
Bro . Lord Claud John Hamilton , M . P ., has been put on the London Committee of the Midland Railway of Canada . Bro . Lord Carrington ' s brother , the Hon . Wm Carrington , has been succeeded by Admiral Lord Frederick Kerr as Groom-in-Waiting on Her Majesty . Bro . Sir Erasmus Wilson , President of the
Royal College of Surgeons , we are glad to say , is much better , and has gone to his charming country residence . The Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons have elected Mr . Spencer Wells to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Bro . Sir Erasmus Wilson , whose term of office has expired . Bro . John Roseborough , Treasurer of the Phoenix
Lodge , Sunderland , was on the 12 th inst . presented with a testimonial by the brethren , consisting of a handsome time piece and gold spectacles , as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by the brethren , and in recognition of his eighteen years service as Treasurer of the lodge .
Bro . General Gore Boland Mumbee , R . E ., expired at his residence , Weston-super-Mare , on Wednesday last . The deceased saw considerable service in India twenty years since . He was a justice of the peace for Somerset , and a distinguished Freemason . The deceased had been ailing for some time .
Bro . the Earl of Rosslyn , P . G . M . Scotland , bought at the sale of the late Earl of Wilton's breeding stud , the well-known sires See Saw and Wenlock for 2500 and 2 S 00 guineas respectively . Bro . the Deputy Grand Master was present at
the annual meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society . At the Society ' s show , held at Reading this year , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , as usual , attended , and was received by Bro . Shaw Lefevre , M . P ., and Bro . Col . Kingscote , M . P ., as well as the Mayor and Corporation .
Mr . Hodgson Pratt , Secretary of the Working Men's Club and Institute Union , Mr . Alsager Hill , Bro . Henry Wright , the Rev . H . C . Shuttleworth , the Rev . R . H . Hadden , Mr . J . VV . Riddel ! , Bro . VV . Panckridge , and Mr . Hamilton Hoare have formed themselves into a Committee , with the object of opening the Alexandra
Palace on Sunday afternoons for a short religious service , to be followed by an organ recital and quiet recreation for the masses in and about London , who neither enter a place of worship , nor have the opportunity of improving their minds or moral condition . Last year the movement met with great success . A difficulty presents itself just now against gaining the requisite permission .
' We regret to learn that William Conisbee , whose name is a household word in the machine-room of printing offices throughout theworld . is at the present moment in indigent circumstances , and a committee has been formed , of which Mr . John Esson is the chairman , to collect subscriptions on his behalf . The committee will meet at Anderton ' s Hotel every Monday evening at seven o'clock .
Bros . Bedford Lemere , and Co ., ( Architectural Photographers to the Queen ) , 147 , Strand , London , attend Masonic Gatherings , Wedding Parties and Social Reunions , and execute every description of Out-door Photography with promptitude , in first style and at moderate cost . A large collection of photographs on view and sale . Catalogues and printed terms free by post . —[ ADVT . ]
GREAT J EWEL ROUURIES . —The public are becoming so accustomed to reading reports of jewel robberies that numbers of the nobility are taking steps to secure their valuables from the attack of the modem burglar , and the demand for Milner ' s Jewellery Safes is largely on the increase . These are made to
lit 111 cabinets to suit any kind of wood , and are the best and cheapest safeguard against lire and thieves . Milner ' s Safe Company ( I . imtcd ) , 28 , Finsbury Pavement , H . C ., have some hin > dreds of testimonials from gentlemen who have Milner's | eweller . s Safes in their possession , and in no instance have burglars succeeded in opening them . Safes are made specially for Masonic lewellerv Records , & c . •'
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Lord Mayor being about to visit Welchpool on the 4 th of August next , the members of the Welchpool Lodge , No . 99 S , have invited his Lordship as Grand Warden of England to a meeting of the lodge and banquet on that day . The Lord Mayor has accepted the invitation ,
and it is expected Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , the R . W , Prov . Grand Master , will be present . Bro . A . Staveley Hill , Q . C ., M . P ., has joined the Board of Directors of the Manitoba Mortgage and Investment Company .
H . R . H . the Prince of WaIes , M . W . G . M ., presided on Saturday over a meeting held at Marlborough House , of the Royal Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1 S 51 , when there were present amongst othersT . R . H . the Dukes of Edinburgh , Cambridge and Teck , Bros , the Earl of
Carnarvon and Sir F . Leighton . Bro . Lord Brabourne , deputy chairman of the South Eastern Railway Company , is the chairman of the Electric Sun Lamp and Power Company , now being floated with a capital of £ 200 , 000 . Neither the arc nor the incandescent lamp will be used .
Bro . Sir Garnet Wolseley has offered to take command of the land forces in Egypt in the event of our having to fight , and this at a moment ' s notice . Bro . the Earl of Yarborough opened an exhibition on Monday in connection with the Alenford School of Art . Bro . the Earl of Onslow received an address of
congratulation on Wednesday from the Mayor and Corporation of Guildford , on the occasion of the opening of a new bridge across the Wey , and an improved access to the railway station . The town was " en fete . " The works have been carried out at the expense of the Corporation and Bro . Lord Onslow , who is the principal landowner
there . Bro . the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres presided last week over the Fourth Annual Conference of the Authorities of Miners' Permanent Societies , at the Society of Arts . Bros , the Earl of Wharncliffe , Lord Richard Grosvenor , M . P ., the Earl of Lathom , and George Elliott , Bart ., M . P ., are Vice-Presidents .
Bro . Alderman De Keyser ' s successor in the Court of Common Council is Mr . Woodbridge , a popular inhabitant of the Ward . Bro . the Marquis of Bath and Bro . the Marquis of Hamilton , eldest son of the M . W . G . M . of Ireland , and a lord of the bedchamber to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ,
Bro . the Lord Mayor , and Bro . Captain Shaw were amongst the company on the occasion of the opening of the Polfce Orphanage wing at Twickenham . Bro . Sir Edward Lechmere , Bart ., has presented a petition to the House of Commons from Norton-Kempsey , for the total closing of public houses on Sunday .
Bro . Edward Clarke , Gj . C , M . P ., was counsel for the London and Brighton Railway Company , in an action brought against them at Lewes Assizes , when the plaintiff'recovered £ 5000 damages . H . M . the Oueen gave a ball at Windsor Castle
to the servants of the Royal Household last week , in honour of the marriage of the Duke of Albany . The Queen was present during part of the dancing .: Supper , was laid at three o ' clock . This was the first ball given at Windsor since the marriage of the Princess Louise .
Bro . the Earl of Dalhousie , Bro . the Deputy Grand Master , with their Countesses , were included in Her Majesty ' s dinner party , at Windsor Castle , on Thursday . Bro . the King and the Queen of the Netherlands ,
who have been staying at Bad VVildungen , near Waldeck-Pyrmont , left there on Sunday for Frankfort-on-the-Maine . On the 15 th their Majesties will arrive at Saltzburg , and will probably meet the Emperor and Empress of Austria there or at Ischl .
Bro . Justice Cave , P . G . J . W ., tried a case at the Durham Assizes when damages to the extent of £ 10 , 000 were laid against the North Eastern Railway for a false and malicious prosecution . Bro . the Earl of Shaftesbury , we regret to state , owing to medical orders , was unable to receive the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., and the Princess of Wales , at Twickenham , on the occasion of their opening a bazaar in aid of the Arethusa and Chichester training ships .
Bro . Lord Leigh , P . G . M . Warwickshire , and Bro . Viscount Powerscourt were amongst the members present at the last meeting of the Fox Club . Bro . Viscount Ebrington and the Earl of Onslow attended the reception given by the Countess of Breadalbane at Harcourt House , Cavendish-square , the residence of the late Duke of Portland .
Bro . Baron de Worms asked a question , at the Saturday sitting of the House of Commons , of the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs , relative to a statement in a Berlin paper which Sir Charles Dilke had made . Sir Charles replied he had no reason to modify what he had said . Bro . Sir Frederick Roberts has telegraphed
from India offering his services in the event of an expedition being sent to Egypt . Honow . iv ' s PILLS . — There is nothing in the whole " Materia Medica "like these Medicaments for the certainty of their action in "Hnbago , sciatica , ticdoloreux , and all Hying or settled pains in the nerves or muscles . Diseases of this nature originate 111 had blood and depraved humoursand until these arc corrected there can be
, j ™ permanent cure . The ordinary remedies afford but temporary ™ 'cf , and in the end always disappoint the siill ' ercr . Holloway ' s ! r ''] trncnt penetrates the human i-ystcm as salt penetrates meat , »™ i the Pills greatly assist and accelerate its operations by clearing nr l ' a" 0 , > strvlcUons , and giving tone to the system generally . The iropnylactic virtues of Holloway ' s remedies stand unrivalled . —
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . Lord Brabourne ' s son , the Hon . W . C . Knatchbull Hugessen , was one of the eleven of the Eton team in the Eton and Harrow cricket match last week , played as usual at Lords , when owing to the weather the result was a drawn match .
Bro . Sir James McGarel Hogg , M . P ., attended in his capacity as chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works , and presented medals to those firemen who have distinguished themselves in saving lives at fires during the year . Bro . the Right Reverend Lord Plunket , Bishop of Meath , P . G . Chap . Ireland , spoke last week at one of the religious meetings at Exeter Hall .
Bros , the Duke of Athole and the Marquis of Harrington , M . P ., P . G . M . Derbyshire , dined on Monday evening with the Austrian Ambassador , at the Embassy , Belgrave-square , and met the Prince and Princess Christian . Bro . the Marquis of Hartington , as Secretary of State for India , introduced to Her Majesty , at Windsor Castle , the Siamese Minister , on Friday , who presented his
credentials . During the Easter Review at Portsmouth , Bro . Rake , architect , met with a serious accident whilst superintending the decorations , but we are pleased to say that he has now recovered . As he is highly esteemed in that town , a subscription list was started for the purpose of presenting him with a testimonial . A handsome sum was
subscribed , and Bro . Rake will shortly be the recipient of a very large clock , a locket , some shares , and an illuminated address . At an emergency meeting of the United Brothers Lodge , No . 10 C 9 , at Southsea , last week , it was resolved " That after October next the brethren should meet at the Royal Southsea Beach Mansion , instead of the Castle Hotel . "
The crew of the Royal yacht Osborne , lately commanded by Bro . Lord Charles Beresford , sent a congratulatory telegram to Bro . Lord Charles , now commanding the Condor , at Alexandria , on his success in attaining his achievements during the bombardment . Bro . Dr . B . W . Richardson has been commissioned by the Corporation of Brighton to inquire into
the sanitary arrangements of the town , and into the educational establishments , both public and private . So much damage has been done to the inhabitants by the recent statement in the Lancet of its bad drainage , that the Corporation have decided to bring an action for libel against the paper . The borough member , Bro . VV . T . Marriott , M . P ., has subscribed £ 100 to the defence fund .
The " Masonic Monthly , " a Magazine for Gentlemen in Town and Country . ( London : George Kenning . ) This is an old friend with a new face , the " Masonic Magazine . " It has been made more convenient as regard size , the type is better , and so is the paper , while as regards the contents it may be said that not alone Masons , but others who are quite outside the Craft , may
read the papers with both pleasure and profit . —Broad Arrow . Bro . the Earl of Rosslyn , P . G . M . Scotland , on Monday entertained Bro . Viscount Hinchingbrook . M . P ., Scots Guards , and Bro . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., P . G . M . West Riding , at dinner at Hamilton-place . Bro . the Hon . Wilbraham Egerton , M . P ., the
Very Rev . the Dean of Lichfield , the Venerable Archdeacon Emery , Bro . Henry Wright , Sir John Kennaway , Bart ., M . P ., the Dean of Chester , the Archdeacons of Westmorland , Nottingham , Chichester , and Oakham , Mr . J . Cropper , M . P ., Mr . Stanley Leighton , M . P ., the Right Hon . J . B . Beresford-Hope , M . P ., the Venerable Dr . Hessey , Canon Temple . Mr . 1 . Theodore Dodd , the
Deans of Ely and Bangor , and the Rev . Dr . A . T . Lee dined with the Right Hon . Cecil Raikes , M . P ., last week . Most of the above gantlemen attended Mrs . Cecil Raikes's reception at a later hour . Mr . Raikes , Mr . Beresford Hope , Sir John Kennaway , Bro . Wright , and the Arch , deacon of Ely afterwards went to the House of Commons , Bro . the Duke of Albany , K . G ., honoured the
Italian Opera on Friday , with his presence . Bro . the Earl of Mar and Kellie , in the House of Lords . moved that the Lords do insist upon theiramendments , to which the Commons had disagreed on the London Riverside Market Bill . Bro . the Duke of Leinster thought the new clauses would injure the bill very much . Bro . the Earl of Shaftesbury earnestly hoped the House would not insist
upon their amendments , after which Bro . the Earl of Mar and Kellie withdrew his motion . The Bill will now become law , and sanctions the erection of a fish market at Shadwell , VVe do not usuall y refer to matters of reli gion in our columns , but we think our readers will not deem it out of place if we for once break that rule in order to justify a public man . Such a wide circulation has been given in the
daily and weekly papers , by copies of the letter and leading articles written thereon , of a letter purporting to be written by the Bishop of Lincoln to the Mayor of Grimsby , in which his lordship is made to say : " The temperance pledge is not scriptural . It undermines the Godhead of Christ , and he who takes the pledge and breaks it weakens the bonds of society . Tender consciences fear to break it , thus often
sacrificing their health , and entailing a burden upon others . The pledge is both heretical and unscriptural , and it is a deadly sin to sign it . " On the face of it , the letter seemed to us to bea fraud , and yet many of our contemporaries—we do not care to mention names—have ridiculed the Bishop . His lordship has had his attention called to it , and denies having ever written such a letter , or any jetter , to the Mayor of Grimsby ; and to make it more
forcible , winds up his denial by appealing for funds for the Church of England Temprance Society in his diocese . As Masons , we would see no man wronged or maligned ; and as only one of our contemporaries , as far as we know , has published his letter , we call the attention of our readers to the denial , in case they may have read the fraudulent letter and not the Bishop ' s disavowal of the authorship . SUMMER EPIDEMICS . — Medical officers of
health as hot weather approaches should remind the public that if they desire to be free from such infectious diseases as scarlet fever , small pox , and measles , they should wash only with WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP . Purchase only the genuine "WRIGHT'S , " which is branded ( as the medical profession prescribe ) "Sapo Carbonis Detergens . " —I ADVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings.
T he University Chapter , No . 1118 , have given a donation of ten guineas to the Irish Ladies in Distress Fund , of which the Lord Mayor is the treasurer ex-officio . Bro . the Earl of Longford , Bro . Edwin Freshfield , Bro . J . P . Knight , General Manager L . B . and S . C . Railway , and Bro . VV . Macartney , M . P ., took part in the proceeding of cutting the first sod of the new docks at
1 ilbury . The cutting was performed by Mr . Dobree , chairman of the East and West India Dock Company . The docks higher up the river are now too full and too small for large vessels coming into the port of London . Bros , the Duke of Leinster , P . G . M . Ireland , the Duke of Manchester , the Earl of Wharncliffe , the Lord Mayor , and Lord Londesborough ' s ladies were the patronesses of a ball given last night , at the Royal Horticultural Gardens , in aid of the distressed Irish ladies .
Bro . the Earl of March ' s horse Platina ran for the Princess of Wales' Cup at the July meeting at Newmarket . Bro . Viscount Sherbrooke has become Chairman of the Mortgage Company of England .
Bro . the Earl of Hardwicke , Master of the Buckhounds in the last Administration , and Bro . the Earl of Breadalbane , Treasurer of the Household in the present Government , were amongst the guests invited to meet the Duke and Duchess of Teck at dinner at Dover House by Viscountess Clifdcn .
Bro . the Earl of Shaftesbury is the President of the Syrian Colonisation Fund , and is making an urgent appeal for money to help Jews in Russia to emigrate to Syria , where they will be free to enjoy civil religious liberty . Bro . the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia have left Berlin for a lengthy tour in the Tyrol and Switzerland .
Bro . Sir Wm . Charley , Common Sergeant and Deputy Recorder of the City of London , Bros . Alderman Staples , 1 ; the Earl of Fife , K . T . ; Sir Francis Truscott , 1 ; J . Derby Allcroft , Treas . Aldersgate Lodge ; and Sir Charles Mills , M . P ., are on the executive committee of the fund for the defence of Property in Ireland . Bro . the Lord Mayor is the 'Treasurer , and Alessrs . W . J . Soulsby and Henry Wright , Hon . Secretaries .
Bro . Lord Claud John Hamilton , M . P ., has been put on the London Committee of the Midland Railway of Canada . Bro . Lord Carrington ' s brother , the Hon . Wm Carrington , has been succeeded by Admiral Lord Frederick Kerr as Groom-in-Waiting on Her Majesty . Bro . Sir Erasmus Wilson , President of the
Royal College of Surgeons , we are glad to say , is much better , and has gone to his charming country residence . The Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons have elected Mr . Spencer Wells to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Bro . Sir Erasmus Wilson , whose term of office has expired . Bro . John Roseborough , Treasurer of the Phoenix
Lodge , Sunderland , was on the 12 th inst . presented with a testimonial by the brethren , consisting of a handsome time piece and gold spectacles , as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by the brethren , and in recognition of his eighteen years service as Treasurer of the lodge .
Bro . General Gore Boland Mumbee , R . E ., expired at his residence , Weston-super-Mare , on Wednesday last . The deceased saw considerable service in India twenty years since . He was a justice of the peace for Somerset , and a distinguished Freemason . The deceased had been ailing for some time .
Bro . the Earl of Rosslyn , P . G . M . Scotland , bought at the sale of the late Earl of Wilton's breeding stud , the well-known sires See Saw and Wenlock for 2500 and 2 S 00 guineas respectively . Bro . the Deputy Grand Master was present at
the annual meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society . At the Society ' s show , held at Reading this year , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , as usual , attended , and was received by Bro . Shaw Lefevre , M . P ., and Bro . Col . Kingscote , M . P ., as well as the Mayor and Corporation .
Mr . Hodgson Pratt , Secretary of the Working Men's Club and Institute Union , Mr . Alsager Hill , Bro . Henry Wright , the Rev . H . C . Shuttleworth , the Rev . R . H . Hadden , Mr . J . VV . Riddel ! , Bro . VV . Panckridge , and Mr . Hamilton Hoare have formed themselves into a Committee , with the object of opening the Alexandra
Palace on Sunday afternoons for a short religious service , to be followed by an organ recital and quiet recreation for the masses in and about London , who neither enter a place of worship , nor have the opportunity of improving their minds or moral condition . Last year the movement met with great success . A difficulty presents itself just now against gaining the requisite permission .
' We regret to learn that William Conisbee , whose name is a household word in the machine-room of printing offices throughout theworld . is at the present moment in indigent circumstances , and a committee has been formed , of which Mr . John Esson is the chairman , to collect subscriptions on his behalf . The committee will meet at Anderton ' s Hotel every Monday evening at seven o'clock .
Bros . Bedford Lemere , and Co ., ( Architectural Photographers to the Queen ) , 147 , Strand , London , attend Masonic Gatherings , Wedding Parties and Social Reunions , and execute every description of Out-door Photography with promptitude , in first style and at moderate cost . A large collection of photographs on view and sale . Catalogues and printed terms free by post . —[ ADVT . ]
GREAT J EWEL ROUURIES . —The public are becoming so accustomed to reading reports of jewel robberies that numbers of the nobility are taking steps to secure their valuables from the attack of the modem burglar , and the demand for Milner ' s Jewellery Safes is largely on the increase . These are made to
lit 111 cabinets to suit any kind of wood , and are the best and cheapest safeguard against lire and thieves . Milner ' s Safe Company ( I . imtcd ) , 28 , Finsbury Pavement , H . C ., have some hin > dreds of testimonials from gentlemen who have Milner's | eweller . s Safes in their possession , and in no instance have burglars succeeded in opening them . Safes are made specially for Masonic lewellerv Records , & c . •'