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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
taft J & asonrjj . UNION WATERLOO LODGE ( No . 13 ) . — The installation meeting of the above grand old lodge took place on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , vVilliam-street , Woolwich , and was a most pleasant and successful affair . The lodge was opened by Bro . H . S . Syer , W . M ., assisted by the following officers and brethren : Bros . N . Brown , l . P . M .: R . Hodgkinson , P . M . ; R . A .
Smith , S . VV . ; T . Hutton , P . M . Treas . ; G . Davies , P . M . Sec . ; G . Masters , S . D . ; VV . Akers , J . D . ; A . Cleal , I . G . ; VV . Weston , P . M . 1536 , and P . P . G . Swd . Br . Kent ; Jos . McCaffery , P . S . D . 1536 ; E . B . Hobson , VV . M . 700 ; VV . Harris , W . M . S 71 ; T . Holleyman , S . W . and VV . M . elect 1536 ; G . Beaver , S . VV . and VV . M . elect 700 ; J . H . Roberts , J . VV . 700 ; and C . Jolly , 913 , and J . D . 1472
( breemason . ) The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . F . R . Wagg , and proving unanimous , that gentleman was initiated into Freemasonry . Bro . Hill was then raised to the Third Degree , both ceremonies being carried out by . the VV . M . The ceremony of installation was then proceeded with , and
Bro . T . Hosgood , P . S . W . and W . M . elect , was , with the usual honours , declared W . M . for the ensuing twelve months . The following officers were invested byitheW . M .: Bros . R . A . Smith , S . W . ; G . Masters , J . VV . ; T . Hutton , P . M . Treas . ; G . Davies , P . M . Sec ; VV . Akers , S . D . ; A . Cleal , J . D . ; J . G . Milburne , I . G . j H . Grice , D . C ; and W . Lackland , Tyler .
The ceremony was then concluded , and a vote of thanks to be inscribed on the minutes of the lodge was unanimously presented to the Installing Officer , Bro . N . Brown , for the excellent manner in which he had carried out the duties of that office . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the New Falcon Hotel , at Gravesend , where a handsomely
appointed and well served banquet was thoroughly enjoyed , thanks to the splendid catering of Bro . Hubbard , the host , who thoroughl y deserved the encomiums passed upon his efforts on all sides . The usual Joyal and Masonic toasts having been honoured , Bro . Syer , I . P . M ., rose and said it now fell to his lot for the first time to propose the toast of " The VV . M ., " and perhaps it might be the last time ; but he
sincerely trusted that their W . M . would have a good year of office , and plenty of work to do . Their's was an old lodge , and one that any Mason might be proud to belong to ; it only remained with the brethren as to whether it should keep up its ancient name or not . It was for them to accord the VV . M . their support , and then the strength of the lodge would increase , and its name for good working and good fellowship would still shine with all its
wellwon lustre . The VV . M ., in response , said he would ask them to bear with him for a few minutes while he spoke to them of his Masonic career in the lodge . He was first initiated into Masonry when Bro . Tattershall was the Master of the lodge . That was a good many years ago , and , after being a Mason twelve months , he was offered and accepted the
collar of I . G ., but illness overtook him , and he had to resign it . He again took office under Bro . Appleby , and had to resign through illness ; but now that he had gained the highest position in the lodge , and sat in the chair of K . S ., he trusted that T . G . A . O . T . U . would give him strength to carry out the duties so as to meet with and merit their approbation . If he did his duty as well as his
predecessor , and he should try to do so , he trusted to meet with the same reward , and to hear them say that his efforts for the welfare of the lodge had not been in vain . The next toast was that of "The Installing Officer , " and Bro . Brown briefly returned thanks . , The W . M . then presented a valuable Past Master's jewel to Bro . Syer , and , in so doing , assured the worthy
recipient that with it went the thanks and good wishes of every member of the lodge . Bro . Syer might well feel , when he pinned the jewel upon his breast , that he had bad the honour and welfare of the lodge truly at heart , and he , the VV . M ., hoped their good brother might long be spared to wear it with credit both to himself and the lodge . Bro . Syer , who on rising was received with cheers , said
that when he entered the Union Waterloo Lodge he never expected to occupy the position he held that night , and it was a proud moment for him when he was called upon to act as Secretary . for the lodge ; but now that he had attained a position on the left of the chair , he should still continue to do all in his power to make the lodge second to none in the district . He was exceedinrdv nleased with the nrosrress
the lodge had made during the past two years . They all acted with one feeling in the lodge , and that was a feeling of true brotherly love . He esteemed the jewel placed upon "is breast that night as one of the greatest treasures in his ! "e , and should treasure it accordingly ; not merely for its intrinsic value , but because it was given by the hearty and unanimous vote of the whole of the brethren for doing his
du , ' y . jj honourably and fairly , to every member of the lodge , lhe Past Masters" having been honoured , and the mast responded to , the Initiate returned thanks for a very co ™ 'al reception of his name . I he Visitors " was the next toast ; and Bros . Holleya ? i , ™ obson . and Weston responded .
1 ; •., Officers" was coupled with the name of Bro . smith , who returned thonks . it , " Masonic Press" was complimented , and "The , 7 received recognition for his splendid catering ; vrt ? vi the T y ' ' s tc , ast concluded the proceedings , men were cheered by some excellent singing , under the u » ection , and accompanied by , Mr . H . J . Roberts , jun .
LEBANON LODGE ( No . 1326 ) . —The thirteenth msia / iation meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Alth l' ^ , 5 th inst " at the Red Uon HoteI > Hampton , o'clnk 'j ! . lodge was summoned at the early hour of one the riV , n d < = spile of the interrupted train service of Rpm dairies Valley Line , rendered imperative through thorn ? f ?/ Races bein £ held on that da y' also the imnrf . Vi down Pour of rain , yet with all these disadvantages I "actuall y at that appointed early hour Bro . James
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
William Baldwin , P . P . G . P . Middx ., P . M . 1423 , & c , the VV . M ., with his usual businesslike habits and proverbial promptness , opened the lodge , and its labours extended over nearly seven hours . There were present at the opening and during the afternoon and evening the following brethren , viz .: Bros . Henry Gloster , P . M . 1531 , S . VV . and VV . M . elect ; D . Steinhauer , J . W . ; Edwin Gilbert , P . M . Treas . ; Walters , Sec . ; J . J . Marsh , S . D . ; Fletcher
Kni g ht , J . D . ; VV . R . Vassila , I . G . ; H . Potter , P . M . W . S ., M . Mildred , D . C ; J . Laurence , Org . ; W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M . ; E . A Smith , VV . Stanton , J . Smith , G . A . Akehurst , VV . H . Walters , J . Triptree , Tristram F . E . Walters , VV . J . Russell , David George Akehurst , VV . B . Smith , VV . Kite , VV . R . Smith , A . Allen , T . Tullett , T . Archer , Colin Holley , W . Blakely , VV . Born , Bowley , W . Ballard , J . T . Burchill , I . Boyce ,
Brown , E . H . Boutcher , G . leideman , Croft , Carne , Corson , Clark , C . VV . Baker , Dawe , Dye , H . E . A . D'Arcy , Ewen , Francis , G . Reynolds , S . Gibbs , J . Greenwood , Goodwin , A . Robertson , Whitcombe , Walker , F . Stanley , A . A . Ward , White , Williams , Wickens , Thompson , Tozer , Trehearn , Talbot , Stevens , Simpson , Sprules , Rolington , Prattent , C . Paulson , Payne , Pidgeon , Pooley , H . Nell , VV . Naughton , Mapleston , Larking , Lane , Lord , \ V . Kay ,
Johnson , Jennings , T . James , C . Isted , Hayes , Haines , C . Smith , and very many others . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . John Mason , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M . 1567 , P . Z . 73 , & c . ; John Brockett Sorrell , jun ., P . M . 176 ; J . Faulkner , P . ' M . 1423 ; J . Rotherhoe , 30 ; A . Allan , S 7 ; VV . J . Richardson , 55 ; C . Woodley , 1 S 1 ; C . Steel , 1365 ; and some others whose names we were unable to ascertain .
The minutes of the last regular lodge as also the minutes of the emergency meeting , held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., were read , unanimously confirmed , and signed by the VV . M ., Bro . J . VV . Baldwin . The report of the Audit Committee was read , and showed that , after giving thirty-five guineas to the Masonic Charities , and fifteen guineas to the Benevolent Lodge , good balances were in hand belonging to the lodge and Benevolent Fund .
It showed what an excellent Treasurer Bro . Edwin Gilbert , P . M ., proved himself to be ; his provident care of the funds , and the great judgment he had exercised in every expenditure . The report was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the lodge minute book . The ballot was then taken for Mr . C Powell , as a candidate for initiation , and to become a member of the lodge , and was declared to be unanimous in his favour . Apologies
were received from the candidates for initiation , excusing and regretting their non-attendance , which was caused by circumstances entirely beyond their own control . Then commenced the real work of the meeting . In spite of the heat and the physical sufferings of the VV . M ., Bro . J . VV . Baldwin , was undergoing from an attack of neuralgia , he in his usual faultless style repeated the ceremony of raising six times , as each candidate—Bros . Wm . Walters , Wm .
Henry Walters , David Amos Akehurst , Wm . Kite , Geo . Teideman , and Thomas Tulett—was introduced separately and raised to the Third Degree . In a similar manner Bros . Wm . John Russell and Edward H . Boutcher were passed to the Second Degree . This work was admirably done . Then came the all important ceremony of the evening—the installation . The Secretary , in well-chosen words , presented Bro . Henry Gloster , P . M . 1531 , S . VV . and VV . M .
elect , an initiate of this lodge , for the benefit of installation . The usual preliminaries having been gone through , the Board of Installed Masters was formed and closed . Bro . Henry Gloster was duly installed VV . M . for the ensuing year . He then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . David Steinhauer , S . VV . ; Joseph John Marsh , J . VV . ; Edwin Gilbert , P . M ., Treas . ( re-appointed ); Frederick Walters ,
P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M . 73 , S 71 , and 1309 , Sec . ( re-appointed ) ; Fletcher Knight , S . D . ; William Robert Vassiler , J . D . ; James Laurence , I . G . ; Matthew Mildred , M . C ; Charles Graham , Org . ; Henry Potter , P . M . 11 , W . S . ( re-appointed ); Samuel } Page , C . S . ; Edwin A . Smith , Steward ; and John Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., Tyler ( re-appointed ) . The customary addresses ' were then given in a splendid
manner , and on the completion of the ceremony of installation , the enthusiastic burst of applause showed how well the admirable work was appreciated . The appointment of the different officers showed a wise selection of the newlyelected W . M ., as each appointment was so well received by all the brethren present . No appointment was received with greater enthusiasm than the office of I . G . Before his investment a genuine burst of applause was given to
Bro . James Laurence when he rose to receive his appointment . Every member knew how well and worthily he had filled all the offices he had held in this lodge ; how he had ungrudgingly sunk all his claims for higher office solel y for the good and welfare of the lodge . It was gratifying to notice how high he . was held in the estimation of every member . On the motion made by the Secretary , seconded bv the
VV . M ., it was resolved that a cordial vote of thanks be given ( the same to be entered on the lodge minute book ) to Bro . James William Baldwin , l . P . M ., for the able talented , praiseworthy , correct , and impressive manner he had rendered the all-important ceremony of the installation . The proposer , in an eloquent speech , expressed the gratification he and all present had felt , in not only witnessing that ceremony , the installation being so well rendered ,
but all the other work being equally well performed . He expressed how proud they all felt of their I . P . M ., the second of their initiates who had filled that chair . He was equal to his predecessors in their excellent working , amongst whom were the venerated names of Bros . John Thomas Moss , P . P . J . D . Middx ., P . P . G . Reg . Middx , ; Samuel Vickers , P . M . ; William Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; Copeman William Fox , P . M . ; John Baristow
Shackleton , P . P . J . P . Middx ., P . M . ; John Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; Henry Arthur Dubois , P . P . G . J . W . Middx ., and P . M . ; John Cory Woodrow , P . M . ; and Edwin Gilbert , P . M ., all who had done good suit and service to the lodge during their years of office and in many other ways since then . lie had eclipsed some of his predecessors in the staunch support he had given to all the
Masonic Charities . The P . M . 's of this lodge had usually represented some of the charities during their year of office . All had been Stewards and were Life Governors of the Great Masonic Charities . He , Bro . Baldwin had during his year of office represented the Benevolent and Girls . The R . W . P . G . M . Middx ., represented the Girls School forthejirovince . Thislodgcprovcd , bysendiiigBros . C . W .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Fox , P . M ., J . W . Baldwin , P . M ., and the indefatigable treasurer , Bro . Edwin Gilbert , P . M ., as its Stewards , and voting ten guineas on their own Stewards' list and ten guineas on the R . W . P . G . M . 's list , that they fully appreciated the proud position of their K . W . P . G . M . Middx ., Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., held when
representing their province . They rendered all the good suit and service they were able at the Festival of the ' Girls' School , lhe mantle of Charity has fallen on the shoulders of the present W . M ., Bro . H . Gloster , he being a Steward and Life Governor of the Charities , and the present Steward representing the lodge at the next Festival of the Benevolent Institution in 1 RS 2 .
Bro . Edwin Gilbert , P . M . Treas ., in answer to an appeal of the VV . M . for bis Steward ' s list , he gave one of his usual notices of motion " That the sum of ten guineas be taken from the lodge funds and be spent in purchasing a ~ , Governorship of the Royal Benevolent Institution . " lhe Treasurer having given that notice of motion ensures its success ; he is so well known as an earnest supporter of every Charity in Masonry and elsewherethat he is sure of
, receiving the support of every member . Younger members ( all initiates of the lodge ) who fill the Warden's chairs are equally zealous in the cause of Charity , both bemg I ast Stewards and Life Governors of the Charities ; both awaiting their turns to serve another Stewardship to represent their mother lodge . Minor officers are following the good example set them over the supporting of the Chanties .
lhe great event of the meeting was the presenting of « r « - n" ff u , nea Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . James \ V llham Baldwin . Being late in the evening , approaching seven o'clock , the W . M ., Bro . H . Gloster , suggested that die jewel be presented at the banquet table , but the members were unanimous that the presentation be made in open lodge . Consequentl y the W . M ., Bro . Gloster , in a well chosen , speech , presented Bro . lames William
Baldwin with his Past Masters' jewel . As soon as the lengthened applause had subsided , Bro . J . W . Baldwin , in a very feeling speech , acknowledged the handsome present they had made him . The long notices of motion tor altering the bye laws was then considered . Nearly all were carried out . This brought the labours of the afternoon and evening towards its close . A petition to the Lodge of Benevolence from a late lay member was dismissed
. Some propositions for candidates for initiation were received . Bro . John Mason , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M ., & c ., was unanimousl y elected an honorary member of the lodge . The lodge was closed . It was ordered to be summoned to meet on Saturday , August 19 th , at a quarter to four p . m . After an agreeable and pleasant stroll on the banks of the I names , the brethren sat down to a recherche banquet and dessertserved under the
, personal superintendance of mine host , Bro . William Ballard , who exerted himself successfully to please all present . The cloth being withdrawn , all the usual toasts were given and duly responded to . Many songs were sung , and some recitations were given . Some tew hours spent in pleasure brought an agreeable reunion to a pleasant close . The brethren partook themselves to the trains , and separated well pleased with their day's outing .
UNITED MILITARY LODGE ( No . 1536 ) . — The installation meeting of the above lodge took place on Friday , the 14 th inst ., at the Lord Raglan , Burrage-road , Plumstead , when Bro . Thomas Holleyman , S . W . and W . M . elect , was installed VV . M . for the ensuing twelve months . The lodge was opened by Bro . VV . Welding , W . M ., and there being no other business before it , the ceremony was at once proceeded with . Bro . VV . Weston , t
f . M ., F .-. u . bwd . Br . Kent , was the Installing Officer , and carried out the duties appertaining thereto most admirably . The new VV . M . then invested his officers as follows : Bros . G . Kennedy , S . VV . ; A . G . Saunders , J . W . ; J . VV . Gee , Treas . ; . A . R . Fisher , Sec . ; VV . Mould , S . D . ; A . J . Rowley , J . D . ; J . Purnell , I . G . j T . Preece , Org . ; \ ;> £ ay , e „\ ; J- Anderson , Wine Std . ; R . Bailey , A . D . C . ; Maule , Assist . Wine Std . ; and 1 . Lackland , J
Tyler . . ' ' A cordial vote of thanks was then accorded to Bro . Weston for the admirable manner in which he had carried out the duties of Installing Officer , and it was unanimously resolved that the same should be recorded in the minutes of the lodge . After Bro . Weston had brielly returned thanks , a handsome Past Masters jewel of the value of ten guineas was presented to Bro . Welding , I . P . M ., and the W . M . in
making the presentation said the brethren had deputed him to mark their appreciation of the valuable services rendered to the lodge by Bro . VV elding , by presenting him the jewel of his office , and he , in so doing , could only wish Bro . Welding might be spared long to wear it in that sacred abode of Freemasonry . As their ancient brethren received their wages " without scruple and without diffidence , " so might he , Bro . Welding , receive that jewelfor
, he had honourably earned it b y good work rendered in and for the lodge , and when , in the time to come he was called to the Grand lodge above , " where the G . A . O . T . U . reigns and rules for ever , " might his son wear it with pride as an evidence of the respect and esteem in which his father was held in the United Military Lod ge . Bro . VVelding having suitably returned thanks , Bro . Holleyman was unanimously chosen representative for the
lodge on the Provincial Charity Committee , and Bros . Cooper and Bilton Auditors . The sum of £ 5 was then voted to Bro . Weston ' s list for one of the Charities , and then the lodge was closed and the brethren partook of a banquet . Among those present , beside the brethren above mentioned , were Bros . Dr . Flaxman Spurrell , M . D ., P . M . 615 , and P . G . J . VV . Kent ; VV . Ritchie , P . M . 57 P . P . G . D .
, fissexj Rev . C Solbo , M . A ., W . M . wSq ; VV . Louis , P . M . 3 S 7 , P . P . G . D . C . Nassau , VV . Indies ; Capt . J . J . Donnelly , P . M . ob ; H . Shaw , P . M ., P . M . 17 S 0 ; A . Penfold , P . M ., P . M . 913 ; T . D . Hayes , P . M ., P . M . 913 ; J . iVI . Farr , P . M . 1 S 17 ; U . Saunders , VV . M . 434 ; T . Hosgood , VV . M . 13 ; G . B . Davis , P . M . 13 ; G . Beaver , S . VV . and VV . M . elect 700 ; G . C . Mathams , S . VV . 434 ; Edmunds
R . , S . W . 913 ; G . H . Hill , S . VV . 1437 ; Capt . J . Sculley , J . VV . 706 ; J . H . Roberts . J . VV . 700 ; Capt . Joseph McCaffery , P . S . D . 1536 ; H . King , J . D . O 15 ; Capt . M . J . Rowan , 299 ; R . J . Goode , 17 S 9 : Capt . B . D . Porterheld , 17 S 9 ; W . Sutherland , 17 S 9 ; J . Butler , 1780 ; S . West , 700 ; D . McKay , 95 ; W . M . Stockvis , 1070 ; H . De Grey , 706 ; J . VV . Miller , 700 ; C . Jolly , 913 ( Free-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
taft J & asonrjj . UNION WATERLOO LODGE ( No . 13 ) . — The installation meeting of the above grand old lodge took place on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , vVilliam-street , Woolwich , and was a most pleasant and successful affair . The lodge was opened by Bro . H . S . Syer , W . M ., assisted by the following officers and brethren : Bros . N . Brown , l . P . M .: R . Hodgkinson , P . M . ; R . A .
Smith , S . VV . ; T . Hutton , P . M . Treas . ; G . Davies , P . M . Sec . ; G . Masters , S . D . ; VV . Akers , J . D . ; A . Cleal , I . G . ; VV . Weston , P . M . 1536 , and P . P . G . Swd . Br . Kent ; Jos . McCaffery , P . S . D . 1536 ; E . B . Hobson , VV . M . 700 ; VV . Harris , W . M . S 71 ; T . Holleyman , S . W . and VV . M . elect 1536 ; G . Beaver , S . VV . and VV . M . elect 700 ; J . H . Roberts , J . VV . 700 ; and C . Jolly , 913 , and J . D . 1472
( breemason . ) The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . F . R . Wagg , and proving unanimous , that gentleman was initiated into Freemasonry . Bro . Hill was then raised to the Third Degree , both ceremonies being carried out by . the VV . M . The ceremony of installation was then proceeded with , and
Bro . T . Hosgood , P . S . W . and W . M . elect , was , with the usual honours , declared W . M . for the ensuing twelve months . The following officers were invested byitheW . M .: Bros . R . A . Smith , S . W . ; G . Masters , J . VV . ; T . Hutton , P . M . Treas . ; G . Davies , P . M . Sec ; VV . Akers , S . D . ; A . Cleal , J . D . ; J . G . Milburne , I . G . j H . Grice , D . C ; and W . Lackland , Tyler .
The ceremony was then concluded , and a vote of thanks to be inscribed on the minutes of the lodge was unanimously presented to the Installing Officer , Bro . N . Brown , for the excellent manner in which he had carried out the duties of that office . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the New Falcon Hotel , at Gravesend , where a handsomely
appointed and well served banquet was thoroughly enjoyed , thanks to the splendid catering of Bro . Hubbard , the host , who thoroughl y deserved the encomiums passed upon his efforts on all sides . The usual Joyal and Masonic toasts having been honoured , Bro . Syer , I . P . M ., rose and said it now fell to his lot for the first time to propose the toast of " The VV . M ., " and perhaps it might be the last time ; but he
sincerely trusted that their W . M . would have a good year of office , and plenty of work to do . Their's was an old lodge , and one that any Mason might be proud to belong to ; it only remained with the brethren as to whether it should keep up its ancient name or not . It was for them to accord the VV . M . their support , and then the strength of the lodge would increase , and its name for good working and good fellowship would still shine with all its
wellwon lustre . The VV . M ., in response , said he would ask them to bear with him for a few minutes while he spoke to them of his Masonic career in the lodge . He was first initiated into Masonry when Bro . Tattershall was the Master of the lodge . That was a good many years ago , and , after being a Mason twelve months , he was offered and accepted the
collar of I . G ., but illness overtook him , and he had to resign it . He again took office under Bro . Appleby , and had to resign through illness ; but now that he had gained the highest position in the lodge , and sat in the chair of K . S ., he trusted that T . G . A . O . T . U . would give him strength to carry out the duties so as to meet with and merit their approbation . If he did his duty as well as his
predecessor , and he should try to do so , he trusted to meet with the same reward , and to hear them say that his efforts for the welfare of the lodge had not been in vain . The next toast was that of "The Installing Officer , " and Bro . Brown briefly returned thanks . , The W . M . then presented a valuable Past Master's jewel to Bro . Syer , and , in so doing , assured the worthy
recipient that with it went the thanks and good wishes of every member of the lodge . Bro . Syer might well feel , when he pinned the jewel upon his breast , that he had bad the honour and welfare of the lodge truly at heart , and he , the VV . M ., hoped their good brother might long be spared to wear it with credit both to himself and the lodge . Bro . Syer , who on rising was received with cheers , said
that when he entered the Union Waterloo Lodge he never expected to occupy the position he held that night , and it was a proud moment for him when he was called upon to act as Secretary . for the lodge ; but now that he had attained a position on the left of the chair , he should still continue to do all in his power to make the lodge second to none in the district . He was exceedinrdv nleased with the nrosrress
the lodge had made during the past two years . They all acted with one feeling in the lodge , and that was a feeling of true brotherly love . He esteemed the jewel placed upon "is breast that night as one of the greatest treasures in his ! "e , and should treasure it accordingly ; not merely for its intrinsic value , but because it was given by the hearty and unanimous vote of the whole of the brethren for doing his
du , ' y . jj honourably and fairly , to every member of the lodge , lhe Past Masters" having been honoured , and the mast responded to , the Initiate returned thanks for a very co ™ 'al reception of his name . I he Visitors " was the next toast ; and Bros . Holleya ? i , ™ obson . and Weston responded .
1 ; •., Officers" was coupled with the name of Bro . smith , who returned thonks . it , " Masonic Press" was complimented , and "The , 7 received recognition for his splendid catering ; vrt ? vi the T y ' ' s tc , ast concluded the proceedings , men were cheered by some excellent singing , under the u » ection , and accompanied by , Mr . H . J . Roberts , jun .
LEBANON LODGE ( No . 1326 ) . —The thirteenth msia / iation meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Alth l' ^ , 5 th inst " at the Red Uon HoteI > Hampton , o'clnk 'j ! . lodge was summoned at the early hour of one the riV , n d < = spile of the interrupted train service of Rpm dairies Valley Line , rendered imperative through thorn ? f ?/ Races bein £ held on that da y' also the imnrf . Vi down Pour of rain , yet with all these disadvantages I "actuall y at that appointed early hour Bro . James
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
William Baldwin , P . P . G . P . Middx ., P . M . 1423 , & c , the VV . M ., with his usual businesslike habits and proverbial promptness , opened the lodge , and its labours extended over nearly seven hours . There were present at the opening and during the afternoon and evening the following brethren , viz .: Bros . Henry Gloster , P . M . 1531 , S . VV . and VV . M . elect ; D . Steinhauer , J . W . ; Edwin Gilbert , P . M . Treas . ; Walters , Sec . ; J . J . Marsh , S . D . ; Fletcher
Kni g ht , J . D . ; VV . R . Vassila , I . G . ; H . Potter , P . M . W . S ., M . Mildred , D . C ; J . Laurence , Org . ; W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M . ; E . A Smith , VV . Stanton , J . Smith , G . A . Akehurst , VV . H . Walters , J . Triptree , Tristram F . E . Walters , VV . J . Russell , David George Akehurst , VV . B . Smith , VV . Kite , VV . R . Smith , A . Allen , T . Tullett , T . Archer , Colin Holley , W . Blakely , VV . Born , Bowley , W . Ballard , J . T . Burchill , I . Boyce ,
Brown , E . H . Boutcher , G . leideman , Croft , Carne , Corson , Clark , C . VV . Baker , Dawe , Dye , H . E . A . D'Arcy , Ewen , Francis , G . Reynolds , S . Gibbs , J . Greenwood , Goodwin , A . Robertson , Whitcombe , Walker , F . Stanley , A . A . Ward , White , Williams , Wickens , Thompson , Tozer , Trehearn , Talbot , Stevens , Simpson , Sprules , Rolington , Prattent , C . Paulson , Payne , Pidgeon , Pooley , H . Nell , VV . Naughton , Mapleston , Larking , Lane , Lord , \ V . Kay ,
Johnson , Jennings , T . James , C . Isted , Hayes , Haines , C . Smith , and very many others . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . John Mason , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M . 1567 , P . Z . 73 , & c . ; John Brockett Sorrell , jun ., P . M . 176 ; J . Faulkner , P . ' M . 1423 ; J . Rotherhoe , 30 ; A . Allan , S 7 ; VV . J . Richardson , 55 ; C . Woodley , 1 S 1 ; C . Steel , 1365 ; and some others whose names we were unable to ascertain .
The minutes of the last regular lodge as also the minutes of the emergency meeting , held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., were read , unanimously confirmed , and signed by the VV . M ., Bro . J . VV . Baldwin . The report of the Audit Committee was read , and showed that , after giving thirty-five guineas to the Masonic Charities , and fifteen guineas to the Benevolent Lodge , good balances were in hand belonging to the lodge and Benevolent Fund .
It showed what an excellent Treasurer Bro . Edwin Gilbert , P . M ., proved himself to be ; his provident care of the funds , and the great judgment he had exercised in every expenditure . The report was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the lodge minute book . The ballot was then taken for Mr . C Powell , as a candidate for initiation , and to become a member of the lodge , and was declared to be unanimous in his favour . Apologies
were received from the candidates for initiation , excusing and regretting their non-attendance , which was caused by circumstances entirely beyond their own control . Then commenced the real work of the meeting . In spite of the heat and the physical sufferings of the VV . M ., Bro . J . VV . Baldwin , was undergoing from an attack of neuralgia , he in his usual faultless style repeated the ceremony of raising six times , as each candidate—Bros . Wm . Walters , Wm .
Henry Walters , David Amos Akehurst , Wm . Kite , Geo . Teideman , and Thomas Tulett—was introduced separately and raised to the Third Degree . In a similar manner Bros . Wm . John Russell and Edward H . Boutcher were passed to the Second Degree . This work was admirably done . Then came the all important ceremony of the evening—the installation . The Secretary , in well-chosen words , presented Bro . Henry Gloster , P . M . 1531 , S . VV . and VV . M .
elect , an initiate of this lodge , for the benefit of installation . The usual preliminaries having been gone through , the Board of Installed Masters was formed and closed . Bro . Henry Gloster was duly installed VV . M . for the ensuing year . He then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . David Steinhauer , S . VV . ; Joseph John Marsh , J . VV . ; Edwin Gilbert , P . M ., Treas . ( re-appointed ); Frederick Walters ,
P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M . 73 , S 71 , and 1309 , Sec . ( re-appointed ) ; Fletcher Knight , S . D . ; William Robert Vassiler , J . D . ; James Laurence , I . G . ; Matthew Mildred , M . C ; Charles Graham , Org . ; Henry Potter , P . M . 11 , W . S . ( re-appointed ); Samuel } Page , C . S . ; Edwin A . Smith , Steward ; and John Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., Tyler ( re-appointed ) . The customary addresses ' were then given in a splendid
manner , and on the completion of the ceremony of installation , the enthusiastic burst of applause showed how well the admirable work was appreciated . The appointment of the different officers showed a wise selection of the newlyelected W . M ., as each appointment was so well received by all the brethren present . No appointment was received with greater enthusiasm than the office of I . G . Before his investment a genuine burst of applause was given to
Bro . James Laurence when he rose to receive his appointment . Every member knew how well and worthily he had filled all the offices he had held in this lodge ; how he had ungrudgingly sunk all his claims for higher office solel y for the good and welfare of the lodge . It was gratifying to notice how high he . was held in the estimation of every member . On the motion made by the Secretary , seconded bv the
VV . M ., it was resolved that a cordial vote of thanks be given ( the same to be entered on the lodge minute book ) to Bro . James William Baldwin , l . P . M ., for the able talented , praiseworthy , correct , and impressive manner he had rendered the all-important ceremony of the installation . The proposer , in an eloquent speech , expressed the gratification he and all present had felt , in not only witnessing that ceremony , the installation being so well rendered ,
but all the other work being equally well performed . He expressed how proud they all felt of their I . P . M ., the second of their initiates who had filled that chair . He was equal to his predecessors in their excellent working , amongst whom were the venerated names of Bros . John Thomas Moss , P . P . J . D . Middx ., P . P . G . Reg . Middx , ; Samuel Vickers , P . M . ; William Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; Copeman William Fox , P . M . ; John Baristow
Shackleton , P . P . J . P . Middx ., P . M . ; John Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; Henry Arthur Dubois , P . P . G . J . W . Middx ., and P . M . ; John Cory Woodrow , P . M . ; and Edwin Gilbert , P . M ., all who had done good suit and service to the lodge during their years of office and in many other ways since then . lie had eclipsed some of his predecessors in the staunch support he had given to all the
Masonic Charities . The P . M . 's of this lodge had usually represented some of the charities during their year of office . All had been Stewards and were Life Governors of the Great Masonic Charities . He , Bro . Baldwin had during his year of office represented the Benevolent and Girls . The R . W . P . G . M . Middx ., represented the Girls School forthejirovince . Thislodgcprovcd , bysendiiigBros . C . W .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Fox , P . M ., J . W . Baldwin , P . M ., and the indefatigable treasurer , Bro . Edwin Gilbert , P . M ., as its Stewards , and voting ten guineas on their own Stewards' list and ten guineas on the R . W . P . G . M . 's list , that they fully appreciated the proud position of their K . W . P . G . M . Middx ., Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., held when
representing their province . They rendered all the good suit and service they were able at the Festival of the ' Girls' School , lhe mantle of Charity has fallen on the shoulders of the present W . M ., Bro . H . Gloster , he being a Steward and Life Governor of the Charities , and the present Steward representing the lodge at the next Festival of the Benevolent Institution in 1 RS 2 .
Bro . Edwin Gilbert , P . M . Treas ., in answer to an appeal of the VV . M . for bis Steward ' s list , he gave one of his usual notices of motion " That the sum of ten guineas be taken from the lodge funds and be spent in purchasing a ~ , Governorship of the Royal Benevolent Institution . " lhe Treasurer having given that notice of motion ensures its success ; he is so well known as an earnest supporter of every Charity in Masonry and elsewherethat he is sure of
, receiving the support of every member . Younger members ( all initiates of the lodge ) who fill the Warden's chairs are equally zealous in the cause of Charity , both bemg I ast Stewards and Life Governors of the Charities ; both awaiting their turns to serve another Stewardship to represent their mother lodge . Minor officers are following the good example set them over the supporting of the Chanties .
lhe great event of the meeting was the presenting of « r « - n" ff u , nea Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . James \ V llham Baldwin . Being late in the evening , approaching seven o'clock , the W . M ., Bro . H . Gloster , suggested that die jewel be presented at the banquet table , but the members were unanimous that the presentation be made in open lodge . Consequentl y the W . M ., Bro . Gloster , in a well chosen , speech , presented Bro . lames William
Baldwin with his Past Masters' jewel . As soon as the lengthened applause had subsided , Bro . J . W . Baldwin , in a very feeling speech , acknowledged the handsome present they had made him . The long notices of motion tor altering the bye laws was then considered . Nearly all were carried out . This brought the labours of the afternoon and evening towards its close . A petition to the Lodge of Benevolence from a late lay member was dismissed
. Some propositions for candidates for initiation were received . Bro . John Mason , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M ., & c ., was unanimousl y elected an honorary member of the lodge . The lodge was closed . It was ordered to be summoned to meet on Saturday , August 19 th , at a quarter to four p . m . After an agreeable and pleasant stroll on the banks of the I names , the brethren sat down to a recherche banquet and dessertserved under the
, personal superintendance of mine host , Bro . William Ballard , who exerted himself successfully to please all present . The cloth being withdrawn , all the usual toasts were given and duly responded to . Many songs were sung , and some recitations were given . Some tew hours spent in pleasure brought an agreeable reunion to a pleasant close . The brethren partook themselves to the trains , and separated well pleased with their day's outing .
UNITED MILITARY LODGE ( No . 1536 ) . — The installation meeting of the above lodge took place on Friday , the 14 th inst ., at the Lord Raglan , Burrage-road , Plumstead , when Bro . Thomas Holleyman , S . W . and W . M . elect , was installed VV . M . for the ensuing twelve months . The lodge was opened by Bro . VV . Welding , W . M ., and there being no other business before it , the ceremony was at once proceeded with . Bro . VV . Weston , t
f . M ., F .-. u . bwd . Br . Kent , was the Installing Officer , and carried out the duties appertaining thereto most admirably . The new VV . M . then invested his officers as follows : Bros . G . Kennedy , S . VV . ; A . G . Saunders , J . W . ; J . VV . Gee , Treas . ; . A . R . Fisher , Sec . ; VV . Mould , S . D . ; A . J . Rowley , J . D . ; J . Purnell , I . G . j T . Preece , Org . ; \ ;> £ ay , e „\ ; J- Anderson , Wine Std . ; R . Bailey , A . D . C . ; Maule , Assist . Wine Std . ; and 1 . Lackland , J
Tyler . . ' ' A cordial vote of thanks was then accorded to Bro . Weston for the admirable manner in which he had carried out the duties of Installing Officer , and it was unanimously resolved that the same should be recorded in the minutes of the lodge . After Bro . Weston had brielly returned thanks , a handsome Past Masters jewel of the value of ten guineas was presented to Bro . Welding , I . P . M ., and the W . M . in
making the presentation said the brethren had deputed him to mark their appreciation of the valuable services rendered to the lodge by Bro . VV elding , by presenting him the jewel of his office , and he , in so doing , could only wish Bro . Welding might be spared long to wear it in that sacred abode of Freemasonry . As their ancient brethren received their wages " without scruple and without diffidence , " so might he , Bro . Welding , receive that jewelfor
, he had honourably earned it b y good work rendered in and for the lodge , and when , in the time to come he was called to the Grand lodge above , " where the G . A . O . T . U . reigns and rules for ever , " might his son wear it with pride as an evidence of the respect and esteem in which his father was held in the United Military Lod ge . Bro . VVelding having suitably returned thanks , Bro . Holleyman was unanimously chosen representative for the
lodge on the Provincial Charity Committee , and Bros . Cooper and Bilton Auditors . The sum of £ 5 was then voted to Bro . Weston ' s list for one of the Charities , and then the lodge was closed and the brethren partook of a banquet . Among those present , beside the brethren above mentioned , were Bros . Dr . Flaxman Spurrell , M . D ., P . M . 615 , and P . G . J . VV . Kent ; VV . Ritchie , P . M . 57 P . P . G . D .
, fissexj Rev . C Solbo , M . A ., W . M . wSq ; VV . Louis , P . M . 3 S 7 , P . P . G . D . C . Nassau , VV . Indies ; Capt . J . J . Donnelly , P . M . ob ; H . Shaw , P . M ., P . M . 17 S 0 ; A . Penfold , P . M ., P . M . 913 ; T . D . Hayes , P . M ., P . M . 913 ; J . iVI . Farr , P . M . 1 S 17 ; U . Saunders , VV . M . 434 ; T . Hosgood , VV . M . 13 ; G . B . Davis , P . M . 13 ; G . Beaver , S . VV . and VV . M . elect 700 ; G . C . Mathams , S . VV . 434 ; Edmunds
R . , S . W . 913 ; G . H . Hill , S . VV . 1437 ; Capt . J . Sculley , J . VV . 706 ; J . H . Roberts . J . VV . 700 ; Capt . Joseph McCaffery , P . S . D . 1536 ; H . King , J . D . O 15 ; Capt . M . J . Rowan , 299 ; R . J . Goode , 17 S 9 : Capt . B . D . Porterheld , 17 S 9 ; W . Sutherland , 17 S 9 ; J . Butler , 1780 ; S . West , 700 ; D . McKay , 95 ; W . M . Stockvis , 1070 ; H . De Grey , 706 ; J . VV . Miller , 700 ; C . Jolly , 913 ( Free-