Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Benevolent Fund.
he had done something to mininise the great , services done to the Craft . But on the contrary the prosecution of the best interests of the charitable institutions in connection with Mark Masonry had done something more than would have been done . It had by no means interfered with that support . Statistics showed that the Mark Degree , by its organisation and its subsidiary branches and private lodges , had done , and was doing an enormous amount of work in supporting the Institutions .
This had been Mark Masons pride lrom first to last . I hey were not organising a new degree in coi . nection with Freemasonry ; they were conserving the old . The Degree was as authentic and important as any other in connection with Freemasonry ; and being so , its first guiding star and leading princip le was that of Charity . The Craft taught that it was a primary object to do all the good it possibly could to relieve distress and mitigate the effects of human misery . Grand Mark Lodge moved in
parallel lines , if not in the same groove , and very successfully too . Instead of detracting from the support rendered to the great Institutions of the Craft , the Mark were handmaids and helpmeets , and while it did what it could for members of its own Order , it did not interfere in any way with the Craft . It rather subsidised what had been done by the Craft . This was the fifteenth anniversary of the Fund , and he thanked the brethren from the bottom of his heart for what had been done in the way of
supplement to the efforts of the Craft , by coming forward and assisting in the cause of education by paying for the education of brelhrens' children in their own neig hbourhood . When the brethren who were not overburdened with wealth , but not in poverty , applied to the G . Lodge to educatetheirchildren , it was a charm of the Order that it educated them . The President had made a few apologetic observations , but he ( Bro . Binckes ) could not hel p thinking that what was said by Bro . Matier in reference to the position of Lord
Kintore was rig ht . There was a time when the Grand Mark Lodge of England was struggling to obtain a recognifion of its legitimate position . The Grand Lodge of Scotland felt that their interests were not identical , but negotiations took place , and interviews were had , and everything terminated in a friendly manner . He blessed the meeting of this evening , for it was nothing short of a blessing to have the Earl of Kintore presiding over the meeting . The Mark Grand Lodge of England and the Grand
Lodge of Scotland , even when they had rival jurisdictions , reall y had the same object at heart , only they had pursued it from different points of view . Now Scotland , England , and Wales were thoroughly united , and there was nothing in store for them but continued and increased prosperity . Bro . DEWAR then read the following list of subscriptions : £ s . d . £ s . d . The Chairman 25 o o Bro . C . W . Hudson , 164 Bro . P . A . Homfray , P . G . M . „ C . H . Driver , 176 ... 15 15 o Monmouthshire ... G 4 5 o „ J . T . Thorp , 194 21 p o „ A . L . Emanuel , Province „ H . . ] . Lardner , 223 ... 17 6 o of Hants and I . of VV . 15 15 o „ J . T . Morland , 225 ... 10 10 o
„ R . J . F . mmerson , Province „ H . Lovegrove , 234 ... 10 10 o of Kent 3 S 17 o „ VV . H . Glasspool , 235 ... 26 5 o „ J . S . Cumberland . Province „ J . Hobbs , 236 of N . E . Yorks ... 15 IS o „ G . R . Ousey , 230 ... 16 2 o „ Geo . Cooper , Bon Accord 12 17 o „ J . J . Hughes , 247 ... 970 „ Henry Venn , Old Kent 31 10 o „ C . F . Goodenough , 255 ... 15 15 o „ R . P . Spice , 3 5 5 0 „ H . H . Hodges , 257 ... 550 „ James Inglis , 7 13 13 o ,, H . George , 2 C 5 26 5 o „ Dr . E . bchicmann , S ... ,, Richard White , 2 O 6 ... 550 „ G . J . Cosburn , 27 ... 9 5 C ,, T . L . Lewis , 271 26 o o ,. K . A . Huet , .-12 10 10 o „ VV . I . Meek , 2 S 4 ... 10 10 o
„ J . Arenberg , 34 G 10 o „ Rev-R . P . Bent ... 550 „ A . F . Godson , 40 ... 10 10 o „ R . Berridge 13 7 G ,, T . J . Pulley , 54 10 10 o „ J . Mamvaring- 550 „ M . Mildred , 104 23 2 o „ j . Ramsey 550 The Earl of KINTORE next proposed "The Stewards . " He considered the length of the list that had just been read , and the amount which had been mentioned demanded from him an expression of thanks to the Board of Stewards . Those brethren had worked hard and well , and if the efforts
of the brethren in future succeeded as well as the efforts of the stewards this year had succeeded , the brethren might feel assured that they would not have ' to regret the day they became Mark Masons . BRO . H . VENN , in replying , said the Stewards all appreciated the kindness of tho recognition of their efforts by the ladies and brethren present He was , of course , very pleased that he had been able to do something towards the success of this grand Charity . He was very pleased to think
he was among those who were present , and he appreciated the remarks of Bro . Sp ice with regard to the past . Still he hoped the humble efforts of the present were appreciated , and he hoped that the efforts of those who were to follow would also be appreciated still more . There could be nothing more gratifying than to help those who needed hel p ; and further , he believed that if there were any objects thoroughly entitled to the efforts of Mark Masons , it was the children of brother Masons . He felt that every
Steward that had done anything towards contributing to the success of the evening must be highly gratified . The assembl y and the amount that had been brought together must be very gratifying to all concerned . BRO . BINCKS proposed "The Ladies , " to which toast BRO . GOODALL replied , and the company shortly afterwards separated . During the evening a beautiful selection of music was performed , under the direction of Bro . VVilhelm Ganz , Grand Organist , by Bros . Edward Collins , Arthur Thompson , James , Kifl , and E gbert Roberts .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
the monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . James Brette , Junior Vice-President occupied the chair ; Bro . S . Rawson , District G . M . China , held the chair of the Senior Vice-President ; and Bro . Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C , took the chair of Junior Vice-President . The other brethren present were Bros . H . Garrod , W . Mann , C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; Charles
Atkins , Wm . Stephens , G . P . Britten , Charles Davis , Thos . Cull , C . F . Hogard , C . H . Webb , Thos . Hutton , H . T . Cheesman , C . J . Edwards , C . F . Barham , L . Stean , Walter Spencer , W . IT . Perryman , J . L . Jones , Jas . Green , D . Skinner , S . C . Haslip , J . Fanner , G . H . Goldschmidt , W . H . S . Humphries , K . J . Thomas , VV . H . Dean , Chas . Gottscbalk , Frank Green , and E . C . Massey ( Freemason ) .
The brethren first confirmed the recommendations made al the June meeting to the amount of ^ 270 . There were thirty on the new list , of which twenty-five were country cases , and five London . Four cases were deferred for further enquiry . The remaining twenty-six were relieved with a total sum of £ 750 . This sum was composed as follows : One sum of , £ 100 \ £ * oo ); one of £ 75 ( £ 75 ) ; one of ^ 60 (^ 60 ) ; two of £ 50 ( £ 100 ) ; th ree of i , 4 o ( £ i 2 o ); three of £ 30 ( £ 90 ); five of £ 20 ( £ 100 ); one of £ 15 ( £ 15 ); and nine of £ 10 ( £ 00 ) .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
- _ =-= I he lodge sat for four hours , and on the conclusion of the business was formally closed .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
J he annual treat for the children took place on Friday , the 7 th inst ., at the Crysta Palace , part of the funds being provided by the Stewards of the last festival , and the balance made up bv the House Committee . All the children were able to attend , with the whole of the staff . The weather was all that possibl y could have been wished , and it occurred to some whether the children themselves communicated with the clerk of the weather , or whether he
was a Mason , or at one time had had any children there At all events , considering how wet it was on the Thursday and on Saturday , our children were unusuall y favoured . Bro . Frank Richardson , senior member of the House Committee presided at dinner , supported bv Bros . Hammerton and Grey , as well as b y Bro . Faulkner , the Honorary Dentist , and Bro . Hedges the indefatigable Secretary . The children got back safely about ten o clock , after having had a most enjoyable day ' s outin « .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Kent.
The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Kent was held at the Assembly Rooms , Bell Hotel , Sandwich , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., when there was a gathering of over two hundred brethren from all parts of the province , to support the Provincial Grand Master , Viscount Holmesdale , who presided .
lhe following P . G . Officers were appointed b y the Prov . Grand Master , who invested them and handed to each his warrant of appointment-Bro . Hammond , P . M . No . 1692 ... ... Prov . G . S . W . „ Richard Harrison , P . M . 1246 ... .,. Prov G J W " ' . ^ e ^ e v- Willi am'Inylor Jones ... .. ' . Prov . G . Chap . „ 1 he Rev . Canon Baynes ... Prov . G . Chap . who ( being unavoidably absent ) was invested by deputy " ,, AI f 1 reci . S P f ncei" Prov . G . Sec . „ h : ' ?•Smith , •••Prov . G . Reg . who , being in attendance on the judges at the assizes , was unable ' to be present , and whose coliar and warrant were thefore handed to Bro . Spencer in charge for him . l
Bro . Charles Edward Hatton , ... ... Prov . G S D " £ \ G-S r .,, Prov . G ' . S ! D ! „ Robert Stone , P . M . 161 . 3 ... ... Prov . G . L D . ,, John Edward Apps , ... ... Prov . G . J . D " - ! - , - > y , tsnir ^r.- - Prov . G . Supt . Works „ John Carlter , P . M . 20 Prov . Dir . of Cer . " fr ^ ie' P ^\ - Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Ce ! " ' \ f /\ rd Kirby , P . M . Prov . G . Swd . Bearer „ W . H . Drake ... ... ... p . G . Org » C-K Strafford Prov . G . Purst . „ W . Rankin Prov . G . Asst . Purst .
It was proposed by the Deputy P . G . M ., and seconded and carried , that Bro . Easty be re-elected P . G . T yler , whereupon Bro . Easty was summoned and invested , and the following brethren were appointed Prov . Grand Stewards :-Bros . John Brett , N . Williams , Edwin Beer , F . Butler , John becra , and Hedley Shaw . J [ We are unable to find room for an account of the proceedings which we have in type , but a full report will appear next week . ]
The New Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter For Nottinghamshire.
INSTALLATION OF SIR HENRY BROMLEY , BART ., HIGH SHERIFF OF THE COUNTY , AS GRAND SUPERINTENDENT Royal Arch Masonry has lately been making rapid progress in this county ; whereas for nearl y forty years the ancient Abbey Chapter No 47 was the only one in the province , there are now four chapters in a flourishing condition . Petitions having been sent from each to the Supreme Grand Chapter , a patent was granted , and on Thursday , the 13 th inst ., the Prov . Grand Chapter for Nottinehamshire was constituted . it ihi » MQCnr , i ^ w , n
by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Scribe E . of England , assisted by Comp . Major W . H . Smythe , Grand Superintendent of Lincolnshire , and Comp . Capt . Montague , D . L ., Grand Supt . of Dorsetshire , when Comp . Sir Henry Bromley , Bart ., Z . of the Royal Sussex Chapter , No . 402 , was installed Grand Supt . n-, There \ yere slso present Comps . Ca - N G . Philips , Past Grand S . N .: Thos . W lew , P . P . G . H . W . Yorks ; W . Naylor , Prov . G . J . Derbyshire i \
ev . u . vv . Lowe , r - rov . Lr . j . Lincolnshire ; 1- . Pepper , Prov . G . I . Staffordshire : Thos . Cox , P . P . G . J . Derbyshire ; F . Campion , P . P . G . I . Derbyshire ; rhos . Horsley , P . P . G . J . Derbyshire ; Henry Smith , Prov . G . S . E . W . Yorks ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , P . P . G . S . N . Derbyshire , Joseph Voung , P . / . 279 ; G . G . Birketl , P . Z . 7 , 2 ; W . C . Moore , J . 1235 ; and other distmguisned companions to the number of about sixty . Previous to the formation of lhe Provincial Grand Chapter a meetin" - of the Royal Sussex Chapter , No . 402 was held , at which Sir Hon ™ Urnmlm
was duly installed as Z . o ( the Chapter b y Col . Clerke . The Past Grand Chapter wa « then opened in due form , and Sir Henry Bromley was installed as Grand Superintendent , and appointed the following officers Comp . John Watson , P . Z . ... ... " ... p Q T _ ,, Matthew Vowles , P . Z . ... ... ... Prov ' . G ' . I . " ,, Arthur Stubbs , Z .... ... ... ... Prov ! G SF
John Comyn , P . Z . ... ... ... p . G . S . N . „ Rev . F . V . Bussel ) , Z . ... ... ... prov . G . P . S . R . Fitzhugh , P . Z . ... ... ... .. . Prov . G ' istA S C . G - Wragg , P . Z . Prov . G . 2 ndA . S " WS * P / Prov . C . Treas . I ' . W . Parsons , P . / .. ... ... ... prov . G Reg C . B Truman P . Z Prov . G . Swd . Br H . Morris , P . Z . ... ... ... p ™ , n ,
T L R ; n ? ther | y > vyProv ! G ! D of c ' „ Joseph Ihompson , P . Z . ... ... .. p G Org „ Heniy Glover Prov . G . ' Janitor . After luncheon the usual toast list was duly honoured , and the Grand Superintendent received the hearty congratulations of the companions present . l The GRAND SCRIBU E . congratulated the companions upon having a rovincial Grand Chapter , and spoke in high terms of the progress of Masonry in the province .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Benevolent Fund.
he had done something to mininise the great , services done to the Craft . But on the contrary the prosecution of the best interests of the charitable institutions in connection with Mark Masonry had done something more than would have been done . It had by no means interfered with that support . Statistics showed that the Mark Degree , by its organisation and its subsidiary branches and private lodges , had done , and was doing an enormous amount of work in supporting the Institutions .
This had been Mark Masons pride lrom first to last . I hey were not organising a new degree in coi . nection with Freemasonry ; they were conserving the old . The Degree was as authentic and important as any other in connection with Freemasonry ; and being so , its first guiding star and leading princip le was that of Charity . The Craft taught that it was a primary object to do all the good it possibly could to relieve distress and mitigate the effects of human misery . Grand Mark Lodge moved in
parallel lines , if not in the same groove , and very successfully too . Instead of detracting from the support rendered to the great Institutions of the Craft , the Mark were handmaids and helpmeets , and while it did what it could for members of its own Order , it did not interfere in any way with the Craft . It rather subsidised what had been done by the Craft . This was the fifteenth anniversary of the Fund , and he thanked the brethren from the bottom of his heart for what had been done in the way of
supplement to the efforts of the Craft , by coming forward and assisting in the cause of education by paying for the education of brelhrens' children in their own neig hbourhood . When the brethren who were not overburdened with wealth , but not in poverty , applied to the G . Lodge to educatetheirchildren , it was a charm of the Order that it educated them . The President had made a few apologetic observations , but he ( Bro . Binckes ) could not hel p thinking that what was said by Bro . Matier in reference to the position of Lord
Kintore was rig ht . There was a time when the Grand Mark Lodge of England was struggling to obtain a recognifion of its legitimate position . The Grand Lodge of Scotland felt that their interests were not identical , but negotiations took place , and interviews were had , and everything terminated in a friendly manner . He blessed the meeting of this evening , for it was nothing short of a blessing to have the Earl of Kintore presiding over the meeting . The Mark Grand Lodge of England and the Grand
Lodge of Scotland , even when they had rival jurisdictions , reall y had the same object at heart , only they had pursued it from different points of view . Now Scotland , England , and Wales were thoroughly united , and there was nothing in store for them but continued and increased prosperity . Bro . DEWAR then read the following list of subscriptions : £ s . d . £ s . d . The Chairman 25 o o Bro . C . W . Hudson , 164 Bro . P . A . Homfray , P . G . M . „ C . H . Driver , 176 ... 15 15 o Monmouthshire ... G 4 5 o „ J . T . Thorp , 194 21 p o „ A . L . Emanuel , Province „ H . . ] . Lardner , 223 ... 17 6 o of Hants and I . of VV . 15 15 o „ J . T . Morland , 225 ... 10 10 o
„ R . J . F . mmerson , Province „ H . Lovegrove , 234 ... 10 10 o of Kent 3 S 17 o „ VV . H . Glasspool , 235 ... 26 5 o „ J . S . Cumberland . Province „ J . Hobbs , 236 of N . E . Yorks ... 15 IS o „ G . R . Ousey , 230 ... 16 2 o „ Geo . Cooper , Bon Accord 12 17 o „ J . J . Hughes , 247 ... 970 „ Henry Venn , Old Kent 31 10 o „ C . F . Goodenough , 255 ... 15 15 o „ R . P . Spice , 3 5 5 0 „ H . H . Hodges , 257 ... 550 „ James Inglis , 7 13 13 o ,, H . George , 2 C 5 26 5 o „ Dr . E . bchicmann , S ... ,, Richard White , 2 O 6 ... 550 „ G . J . Cosburn , 27 ... 9 5 C ,, T . L . Lewis , 271 26 o o ,. K . A . Huet , .-12 10 10 o „ VV . I . Meek , 2 S 4 ... 10 10 o
„ J . Arenberg , 34 G 10 o „ Rev-R . P . Bent ... 550 „ A . F . Godson , 40 ... 10 10 o „ R . Berridge 13 7 G ,, T . J . Pulley , 54 10 10 o „ J . Mamvaring- 550 „ M . Mildred , 104 23 2 o „ j . Ramsey 550 The Earl of KINTORE next proposed "The Stewards . " He considered the length of the list that had just been read , and the amount which had been mentioned demanded from him an expression of thanks to the Board of Stewards . Those brethren had worked hard and well , and if the efforts
of the brethren in future succeeded as well as the efforts of the stewards this year had succeeded , the brethren might feel assured that they would not have ' to regret the day they became Mark Masons . BRO . H . VENN , in replying , said the Stewards all appreciated the kindness of tho recognition of their efforts by the ladies and brethren present He was , of course , very pleased that he had been able to do something towards the success of this grand Charity . He was very pleased to think
he was among those who were present , and he appreciated the remarks of Bro . Sp ice with regard to the past . Still he hoped the humble efforts of the present were appreciated , and he hoped that the efforts of those who were to follow would also be appreciated still more . There could be nothing more gratifying than to help those who needed hel p ; and further , he believed that if there were any objects thoroughly entitled to the efforts of Mark Masons , it was the children of brother Masons . He felt that every
Steward that had done anything towards contributing to the success of the evening must be highly gratified . The assembl y and the amount that had been brought together must be very gratifying to all concerned . BRO . BINCKS proposed "The Ladies , " to which toast BRO . GOODALL replied , and the company shortly afterwards separated . During the evening a beautiful selection of music was performed , under the direction of Bro . VVilhelm Ganz , Grand Organist , by Bros . Edward Collins , Arthur Thompson , James , Kifl , and E gbert Roberts .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
the monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . James Brette , Junior Vice-President occupied the chair ; Bro . S . Rawson , District G . M . China , held the chair of the Senior Vice-President ; and Bro . Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C , took the chair of Junior Vice-President . The other brethren present were Bros . H . Garrod , W . Mann , C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; Charles
Atkins , Wm . Stephens , G . P . Britten , Charles Davis , Thos . Cull , C . F . Hogard , C . H . Webb , Thos . Hutton , H . T . Cheesman , C . J . Edwards , C . F . Barham , L . Stean , Walter Spencer , W . IT . Perryman , J . L . Jones , Jas . Green , D . Skinner , S . C . Haslip , J . Fanner , G . H . Goldschmidt , W . H . S . Humphries , K . J . Thomas , VV . H . Dean , Chas . Gottscbalk , Frank Green , and E . C . Massey ( Freemason ) .
The brethren first confirmed the recommendations made al the June meeting to the amount of ^ 270 . There were thirty on the new list , of which twenty-five were country cases , and five London . Four cases were deferred for further enquiry . The remaining twenty-six were relieved with a total sum of £ 750 . This sum was composed as follows : One sum of , £ 100 \ £ * oo ); one of £ 75 ( £ 75 ) ; one of ^ 60 (^ 60 ) ; two of £ 50 ( £ 100 ) ; th ree of i , 4 o ( £ i 2 o ); three of £ 30 ( £ 90 ); five of £ 20 ( £ 100 ); one of £ 15 ( £ 15 ); and nine of £ 10 ( £ 00 ) .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
- _ =-= I he lodge sat for four hours , and on the conclusion of the business was formally closed .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
J he annual treat for the children took place on Friday , the 7 th inst ., at the Crysta Palace , part of the funds being provided by the Stewards of the last festival , and the balance made up bv the House Committee . All the children were able to attend , with the whole of the staff . The weather was all that possibl y could have been wished , and it occurred to some whether the children themselves communicated with the clerk of the weather , or whether he
was a Mason , or at one time had had any children there At all events , considering how wet it was on the Thursday and on Saturday , our children were unusuall y favoured . Bro . Frank Richardson , senior member of the House Committee presided at dinner , supported bv Bros . Hammerton and Grey , as well as b y Bro . Faulkner , the Honorary Dentist , and Bro . Hedges the indefatigable Secretary . The children got back safely about ten o clock , after having had a most enjoyable day ' s outin « .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Kent.
The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Kent was held at the Assembly Rooms , Bell Hotel , Sandwich , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., when there was a gathering of over two hundred brethren from all parts of the province , to support the Provincial Grand Master , Viscount Holmesdale , who presided .
lhe following P . G . Officers were appointed b y the Prov . Grand Master , who invested them and handed to each his warrant of appointment-Bro . Hammond , P . M . No . 1692 ... ... Prov . G . S . W . „ Richard Harrison , P . M . 1246 ... .,. Prov G J W " ' . ^ e ^ e v- Willi am'Inylor Jones ... .. ' . Prov . G . Chap . „ 1 he Rev . Canon Baynes ... Prov . G . Chap . who ( being unavoidably absent ) was invested by deputy " ,, AI f 1 reci . S P f ncei" Prov . G . Sec . „ h : ' ?•Smith , •••Prov . G . Reg . who , being in attendance on the judges at the assizes , was unable ' to be present , and whose coliar and warrant were thefore handed to Bro . Spencer in charge for him . l
Bro . Charles Edward Hatton , ... ... Prov . G S D " £ \ G-S r .,, Prov . G ' . S ! D ! „ Robert Stone , P . M . 161 . 3 ... ... Prov . G . L D . ,, John Edward Apps , ... ... Prov . G . J . D " - ! - , - > y , tsnir ^r.- - Prov . G . Supt . Works „ John Carlter , P . M . 20 Prov . Dir . of Cer . " fr ^ ie' P ^\ - Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Ce ! " ' \ f /\ rd Kirby , P . M . Prov . G . Swd . Bearer „ W . H . Drake ... ... ... p . G . Org » C-K Strafford Prov . G . Purst . „ W . Rankin Prov . G . Asst . Purst .
It was proposed by the Deputy P . G . M ., and seconded and carried , that Bro . Easty be re-elected P . G . T yler , whereupon Bro . Easty was summoned and invested , and the following brethren were appointed Prov . Grand Stewards :-Bros . John Brett , N . Williams , Edwin Beer , F . Butler , John becra , and Hedley Shaw . J [ We are unable to find room for an account of the proceedings which we have in type , but a full report will appear next week . ]
The New Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter For Nottinghamshire.
INSTALLATION OF SIR HENRY BROMLEY , BART ., HIGH SHERIFF OF THE COUNTY , AS GRAND SUPERINTENDENT Royal Arch Masonry has lately been making rapid progress in this county ; whereas for nearl y forty years the ancient Abbey Chapter No 47 was the only one in the province , there are now four chapters in a flourishing condition . Petitions having been sent from each to the Supreme Grand Chapter , a patent was granted , and on Thursday , the 13 th inst ., the Prov . Grand Chapter for Nottinehamshire was constituted . it ihi » MQCnr , i ^ w , n
by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Scribe E . of England , assisted by Comp . Major W . H . Smythe , Grand Superintendent of Lincolnshire , and Comp . Capt . Montague , D . L ., Grand Supt . of Dorsetshire , when Comp . Sir Henry Bromley , Bart ., Z . of the Royal Sussex Chapter , No . 402 , was installed Grand Supt . n-, There \ yere slso present Comps . Ca - N G . Philips , Past Grand S . N .: Thos . W lew , P . P . G . H . W . Yorks ; W . Naylor , Prov . G . J . Derbyshire i \
ev . u . vv . Lowe , r - rov . Lr . j . Lincolnshire ; 1- . Pepper , Prov . G . I . Staffordshire : Thos . Cox , P . P . G . J . Derbyshire ; F . Campion , P . P . G . I . Derbyshire ; rhos . Horsley , P . P . G . J . Derbyshire ; Henry Smith , Prov . G . S . E . W . Yorks ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , P . P . G . S . N . Derbyshire , Joseph Voung , P . / . 279 ; G . G . Birketl , P . Z . 7 , 2 ; W . C . Moore , J . 1235 ; and other distmguisned companions to the number of about sixty . Previous to the formation of lhe Provincial Grand Chapter a meetin" - of the Royal Sussex Chapter , No . 402 was held , at which Sir Hon ™ Urnmlm
was duly installed as Z . o ( the Chapter b y Col . Clerke . The Past Grand Chapter wa « then opened in due form , and Sir Henry Bromley was installed as Grand Superintendent , and appointed the following officers Comp . John Watson , P . Z . ... ... " ... p Q T _ ,, Matthew Vowles , P . Z . ... ... ... Prov ' . G ' . I . " ,, Arthur Stubbs , Z .... ... ... ... Prov ! G SF
John Comyn , P . Z . ... ... ... p . G . S . N . „ Rev . F . V . Bussel ) , Z . ... ... ... prov . G . P . S . R . Fitzhugh , P . Z . ... ... ... .. . Prov . G ' istA S C . G - Wragg , P . Z . Prov . G . 2 ndA . S " WS * P / Prov . C . Treas . I ' . W . Parsons , P . / .. ... ... ... prov . G Reg C . B Truman P . Z Prov . G . Swd . Br H . Morris , P . Z . ... ... ... p ™ , n ,
T L R ; n ? ther | y > vyProv ! G ! D of c ' „ Joseph Ihompson , P . Z . ... ... .. p G Org „ Heniy Glover Prov . G . ' Janitor . After luncheon the usual toast list was duly honoured , and the Grand Superintendent received the hearty congratulations of the companions present . l The GRAND SCRIBU E . congratulated the companions upon having a rovincial Grand Chapter , and spoke in high terms of the progress of Masonry in the province .