Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Births ,Marriages and Deaths. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
After the notice conveying the meeting had been read , the brethren were marshalled to the residence of the late brother . At the cemetery , the Masonic oration was given by the Chaplain to the lodge , Bro . the Rev . Cannon Hoskins , M . A ., with much feeling , after which Bro . Morton deposited the scroll , apron , and sprig of acaccia in the grave . The brethren re-formed and marched to the lodgerooms , and closed the lodge in form .
LIVERPOOL . —Fermor Hesketh Lodge ( No . 1350 ) . —The annual installation meeting of the members of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , the 10 th inst ., when Bro . Charles l . eighton was installed W . M ., in a most effective manner by Bro . R . Carruthers , the retiring Master . The following brethren were subsequently invested officers for the ensuing year : Bros .
Kobert Carruthers , LP . M ., Treas . ; J . Higson Johnston , P . M ., M . C . ; Henry , B . Browne , S . W . ; E . G . Grundy , J . VV . ; Joseph Stowell , Sec ; Peter Ashcroft , S . D . ; H . Ashton Hill , J . D . ; John Hodgson , Org . ; E . King Ellison , I . G . ; F . A . Staedelli , S . S . ; R . Norris Jones , J . S . ; the
Rev . J . Stowell , Chap . ; and Peter Ball , was re-elected Tyler . During the after-dinner proceedings , a very valuable P . M . 's jewel was presented to Bro . R . Carruthers . A capital musical programme was provided under the direction of Bro . Hodgson , who presided at the piano .
LIVERPOOL . —Toxteth Lodge ( No . 1356 ) . — For a series of years the Toxteth Lodge ( known formerly as the De Grey and Ripon Lodge ) has occupied a most secure and prominent position in the extensive Province of West Lancashiie , and the annual installation meeting at the greatly enlarged and artistically decorated headquarters in North Hill-street , on Wednesday afternoon ,
the 12 th inst ., was perhaps the most successful which has yet been held . The retiring Master , Bro . J . Keet , opened the lodge in due form , and amongst those who gave him support in the course of the afternoon were Bros . H . S . Alpass , Grand Std . Br . of England , P . G . Sec . West Lancashire ; T . Salter , P . G . J . D . ; Richard Brown , P . P . G . Treas . ; R . Martin , P . M . 11 S 2 ; T . Evans , P . M . 1356 ;
VV . Stediford , P . M . 241 ; T . Evans , P . M . 16 75 ; B . B . Marson , P . P . G . S . D . ; A . Morrison , P . M . 1547 ; A . Barclay , W . M . 11 S 2 ; C . Marsh , VV . M . G 73 ; T . Peake , l . P . M . 567 ; and A . Bucknall , S . VV . 667 . During the year , owing to the great increase of the membership , the lodgeroom has been greatly enlarged , and the alterations and improvements carried out in this and other parts of the
building have made it one of the most commodious and convenient Masonic meeting places in this division of the province . Bro . B . B . Marson acted as Installing Master , and the highly-impressive manner in which he placed Bro . Edward Paull in the chair was fittingly recognised by the special vote of thanks cordially conveyed to him at the close of the ceremony . The officers invested were as
follows : Bros . J . Keet , LP . M . ; Edward George , S . W . ; H . P . Squire , J . VV . ; J . VV . Williams , P . M ., Treasurer ; John Ashley , Secretary ; John Lees , S . D . ; B . Holgate , J . D . ; Hartley Wilson , I . G . ; H . H . Hughes , Organist ; C . Arden , P . M ., M . C ; and S . Swift and T . Trevitt , Stewards . Bro . P . Larsen was unanimously re-elected Tyler . The ceremony of installation was much enhanced
by the musical accompaniments of Bro . Vates . Subsequently the brethren dined together in the banqueting room of the hall , under the presidency of the new Master ; and during the evening a Past Master's jewel , the gift of the lodge , and a handsome gold guard ,
subscribed for by the officers , were presented to Bro . J . Keet , I . P . M ., in acknowledgment of his very valuable services while in office . An excellent programme of music was given by Bros . Child , Lewis , VV . Chambers , Davis , George , Marson , and several other brethren .
PORTSMOUTH . —United Service Lodge ( No . 142 S ) . —The annual meeting for the installation of the VV . M . of this lodge was held at the Masonic Club Rooms , Commercial-road , Landport , on Friday , the 14 th inst ., when Bro . Laverty was installed in the chair of K . S . by Brc . G . P . Arnold , l . P . M . The ceremony throughout was rendered by Bro . Arnold in such an examplary manner
( considering this his first essay ) so as to draw forth rapturous applause . One of the distinguished visitors , a renowned Installing Master , could not help repeating , quietly , "Live and learn . " A goodly muster of the rulers of the Craft assembled , and formed a grand Board of Installed Masters , as follows : Bros . Mark Frost , P . G . Treas . Hants ; J . Friedeberg , P . M ., C . Knott , LP . M ., of
J 42 ; K . M . Buale , VV . M ., G . W . G . Lancaster , P . P . G . S . VV ., of 487 ; Harry Kimber , W . M . 804 ; Francis , W . M ., G . T . Lancaster , P . M ., of 903 ; Albert Wendover , W . M . 106 9 ; VV . Tewley , P . M ., G . P . Arnold , LP . M ., Striek , P . M ., Farren , P . M ., Dart , P . M ., Elverston , P . M ., ° { 142 S ; G . Grant , LP . M . 1705 ; E . S . Main , P . M ., T . H . Williams , VV . M ., of 1776 ; G . Mason , W . M . 18 S 4 ; and T . Page , VV . M . 1906 . The processional "march past
in slow time , " headed by Bro . Arnold , the brethren , two deep , keeping time and step to the choice piece of music played by Bro . Svlvester , was unique indeed . Bro . Arnold invited all to imitate him in each Degree in saluting the newl y-installed Master , so that this part of the ceremony Went off like " clockwork . " The VV . M . played his part very creditabl y in investing his officers .
A very appropriate and handsome jewel , with a naval and military device , was presented to Bro . Arnold in open lod ge , the brethren having , one and all , subscribed to ensure the jewel being worth y of the occasion . The warm-?™ language in which it was presented , and that in which Bro . Arnold responded , drew from all the brethren Present ( about sixty in all ) a hearty " feu de joie" more
, elhng , if possible , than those that had already been given '" admiration of his delivery of the three chargeshe brethren spent a most enjoyable evening in the banqueting hall . A running ( ire of neat and witty speeches ^ citations , and songs were kept up till " hich twelve . "'
™ . Sylvester , the Organist , is a choir within himself , "is efforts were especially noticeable during the chanting „ a Paraphrase of the 133 rd Psalm , which was sugde I y ° ' Arn 0 , cl ? ° be sung in this lodge as soon as nf ? c ° pen , and which was so sung throughout his year I ° " j as W . M . For the first time Bro . Arnold introced a h ymn which is to be sung on closing the lodge . Th IVE RPOOL . —Liverpool Lodge ( No . 1547 ) . — members of this most prosperous and influential lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
celebrated their annual festival at the Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , on Wednesday evening , the 12 th inst ., when there was a numerous gathering of the Fraternity . Bro . William Ladyman was in the chair at the opening of the lodge , and amongst the officers of the lodge present were Bros . John Duncan , P . G . D . C ; Councillor VV . J . Lunt , P . M . ; J . H . Parker , P . M . ; and ] . A . Forrest , P . M . The visitors
included Bros . J . T . Callow , P . P . G . Treas . ; J . Henderson , VV . M . 1620 ; George Gordon , l . P . M . 724 ; M . Corless , P . M . 723 ; VV . Savage , J . VV . 1 G 09 ; and others . The VV . M . elect , Bro . James C M'Guire , was presented by Bros . Parker and Warriner , and the dutiesof Installing Master were fulfilled in a most able manner b y Bro . Duncan , P . G . D . The officers invested were : Bros . VV .
Ladymrn . LP . M . ; Richard Ripley , S . VV . ; William H . Hignett , J . VV . ; Roger Warriner , P . M ., D . C ; James Alexander Forest , P . M ., Treas . ; F . W . A . Soldat , Sec . ; Thomas J . Farrell , S . D . ; Jonathan Parry , J . D . ; Samuel Butterworth , I . G . ; R . C Trampleasure , Org . ; James Tweedie , S . S . ; John Jessop , J . S . ; and VV . H . Ball , Tyler . The LP . M . was in the course of the evening presented with a P . M . ' s jewel in recognition of his Masonic services .
EGYPTIAN LODGE ( No . 27 ) . —This old lodge met on the 6 th inst . at Bro . Maidwell ' s comfortable hostelry , the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . There were present Bros . Da Silva , VV . M . 20 s , as W . M . ; L . C . Haslip , S . VV . ; Nathan , J . VV . ; C . H . VVebb , P . M ., Preceptor : G . H . Stephens , S . D . ; Anderson , I . G . ; T . j . Maidwell , P . M ., and others . Lodire was duly opened and
the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Maidwell was interrogated , and in due course passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Maidwell was next tested for the superior degree and subsequently was raised to the degree of Master Mason , the entire work being ably rendered . Lodge was resumed and Bro . L . C Haslip was elected VV . M . for next Thursday evening , when brethren are cordially invited , and lodge was closed .
SINCERITY LODGE ( No . 174 ) . —This lodge met as usual on Monday the 17 th inst ., at the Three Nun ' s Hotel , Aldgate . Present : Bros . VV . Fraser , W . M . ; J . S . Fraser , S . W .: Sewell , J . VV . ; VVebb , P . M ., Precept . ; H . J . Cant , Sec ; T . Jones , Deacon ; Haslip , I . G ., and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and minutes submitted and confirmed . Lodge was now advanced , and Bro . Bro Jones was interrogated . Lodge was opened in Liuru
me uegree , anu rne ceremony or raising was worked . Bro . Jones , candidate . Bro . Webb worked the First and Third Sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed and Bro . J . S . Fraser was elected W . M . for the ensuing Monday evening , which will also be Association night . It was also arranged to work the Installation ceremony in the lodge on Monday , the 31 st inst . All business being ended lodge was closed in harmony .
UNITED PILGRIMS LODGE ( No . 507 ) . — At the meeting of this lodge of instruction , held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , on Friday evening , the 14 th inst ., Bro . Richard Poore , as VV . M ., was well supported , there being present amongst others , Bros . Henry Baldwin , S . W . ; J . B . Sargeant , J . VV . ; G . VV . Knight , S . D . ; H . M . Williams , J . D . ; H . Hooper , I . G . ; John S .
Terry , P . M . and Sec . ; James Stevens , P . M ., Hon . Preceptor , and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and Bro . Bute as candidate for passing was proved and entrusted . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree and the ceremony was very effectively rehearsed by the W . M ., who , as a young Mason , is most creditably progressing in lodge working . The Lecture on the Tracing Board in the Second Degree was
delivered by the Peeceptor and gave general satisfaction . Lodge was closed to the First Degree , and the brethren received some useful instruction in the proper mode of entering an open lodge in the several Degrees . Bro . Henry Baldwin was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and will be encouraged by a good attendance on the 21 st , when working the ceremony and lectures of the Third Degree . The lodge was then closed in customary form .
MERCHANT NAVY LODGE ( No . 7 S 1 ) . —The above successful lodge met as usual on the nth inst ., at the Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , E . Present : Bros . E . C Gregory , VV . M . ; Ould , VV . M . 7 S 1 , S . W . ; Bull , J . VV . ; C . Breden , P . M . Sec ; Lax , S . D . ; Robinson , J . D . ; Brown , I . G . ; Past Masters Scherboom , and Harvey , and Bros . Cooper , Cockle , Kennett , Scanes , and others .
Lodge was opened with due formalities , and Bro . Cockle was interrogated and entrusted . Lodge was advanced and the ceremony of passing was worked , Bro . Cockle candidate . Bro . Bull worked the First , and Bro . Ould the Second Section of the Lecture , the brethren assisting . Lodge was resumed and Bro . Ould was unanimously elected VV . M .
for the ensuing lodge meeting . It was proposed by the W . M . of the mother lodge , and seconded by Bro . Bull , that a letter of condolence be sent from the lodge to the widow of our late Bro . E . Gregory , for many years host to the Merchant Navy Lodge . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . E . Gregory , VV . M ., for the able discharge of the duties of the chair , and lodge was closed .
DALHOUSIE LODGE ( No . 860 ) . —There was a large gathering of members and visitors to this lodge on Tuesday , the nth inst ., at the Sisters Tavern , Pownallroad , Dalston , on which occasion Bro . James Stevens delivered his lecture explanatory of the rituals and cere monies of the First Degree . Amongst those present were Bros . Wallington , P . M ., Preceptor of the lodge , W . M . ;
Wardell , S . W . ; Brasted , J . VV . ; Catling , S . D . ; Robinson , J . D . ; Bunker , I . G . ; F . Carr , Sec . ; J . T . Barnes , P . M . ; Cushion , I orkin , Oily , A . Clark , Marsh , Smyth , Parfitt , Christian , Young , Allen , Boyce , Dignam , Darnell , and several others . The lodge having been opened , and minutes read , the
VV . M . introduced Bro . Stevens to the brethren , and that brother at once commenced his lecture . That it thoroughly interested his audience may be gathered from the fact that for a little more than two hours the lecturer succeeded in securing the rapt attention of his hearers , who frequently expressed their satisfaction , and encouraged his efforts . Their perfect agreement of his mode of working , and the lucid explanations of certain points wherein divergence is
not unusual , was evidenced by the earnest applause which Bro . Stevens received at the conclusion oi his address . Bro . J . T . Barnes , P . M ., in a highly laudatory speech , proposed the thanks of the lodge to the lecturer , accompanied by honorary membership ; and this being seconded , unanimousl
was y carried . Bro . Stevens , in thanking the lod ge for the honour it had conferred , assured the brethren that their attention and kind reception would encourage him to still further efforts , and cause him to be even still more ready to repeat his lecture wherever and whenever required by other lodees of instruction . The thanks of the lod ge were also accorded to Bro . Wallington , Preceptor , for his services as W . M ., and the lod" -e was then rnsed . "
DUKE OF EDINBURGH LODGE ( No . 1259 ) . —1 he usual meetings were continued on Friday , the 14 th inst ., at Bro . Moore ' s , Bricklayers' Arms , Narrow-street , Limenouse . Bro . Etthng occupied the chair , and was well supported by Bros . Moore , P . M ., S . VV . ; Hancock , J . W . ; J . Charlton , Treas . ; Buchan , P . M ., Sec ; Atkins , P . M ., Preceptor ; Waller , P . M ., S . D . ; Dixon , J . D . ; Chapman ; I . G . ; Beales , and others . Lodge was duly opened and the minutes read and confirmed , after which the ceremony of ooeninsr and
clnsinoin the superior Degrees were carefully rehearsed . Bro . Lhapman , VV . M . S 9 S , then assumed the chair , and Bro . L . Etthng , as candidate for the Second Degree , was regularly tested and entrusted . Lodge was resumed in the . Second Degree , and the Degree of F . C was ably worked . Bro . Atkins gave the ancient charge and explained the second tracing board , much to the satisfaction of his hearers . Bro . Moore was elected VV . M . for the ensuing lodge Meeting , and all business being ended , lodge was closed and adjourned .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — This prosperous lod ge met on Monday the 17 th inst . Bro . h . Moss hlled the chair , and was assisted in his duties by the following officers and brethren : Bros . J . VV . Hiscox , b . VV . ; l > . freeman , J . VV . ; VV . Pennefather , P . M ., Precpt . J . Laurence , Sec . ; F . Knight , S . D . ; J . H . Ewens , J . D . ; H . Duneher , I . G . ; T . T . Phillips , A . Giddings , 177 ; E .
Thring 211 ; J . S . Chambers , 1 G 23 , M . VV . V . orrall , 1023 ; Stephens , and others . After the usual business had been disposed of , Bro . Phillips , as candidate tor the Sublime Degree , was tested as to pioh ' ciency and entrusted . Lodge was advanced , and the " . ™ ony of raising was admirably worked . Bro . Phillips , candidate . Bro . Moss also gave the traditional history of the degree . Lodsre was carefullv closed down .
and Bros . Giddings , 177 ; Thring , 211 ; and Chambers and VVorrall of the mother lodge , 1623 , were unanimously admitted members of the lod ge . Bro . Hiscox was elected VV . M . for the ensuing lodge meeting . This lodge meets , every Monday evening at the Champion Hotel , Aldersgatestreet , E . C , in most comfortable quarters , and brethren are offered a cordial welcome and capital instruction .
BRIXTON LODGE ( No . 1 949 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the iSth inst ., at Bro . Monk ' s , Prince Regent , Uulwich-road , bast Brixton , when a goodly number of E re n assembled . Present : Bros . E . M . Money , VV . M .: T . C . Edmunds , S . W . ; H . Hooper , J . W . ; E . A . Fran-S stei fP J H - M - WilliamsSec RPooreSD ;
' ,,, ; , . ; . , .. ? - 'f ( : ' 5 ; 5 . . \ J-P- ; , - Goodwin , I . G . ; J . Moss , A . E . Albert , G . Month , E . Storr , J . Hill , J . Bate , H . C . E . Hill , and others . The lodge was opened in due form , and the Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed . Lodge was then opened m the Second and Third Degrees , and resumed in the First Degree . The VV . M .
most ably rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , with Bro . Moss as candidate , likewise giving the charge and the ceremony of raising , with Bro . Albert as candidate . The lodoe was regularly closed in the Third and Second Degrees . I he following brethren being duly proposed and seconded , were unanimously elected members of the lodire : Bros . I .
r '•I ffn )¦ Bat ' 7 > " T . Harris , Stockwell ; and H . C . 1 ' . . Hill , 165 S . Bro . J . C Edmunds having been elected W . M . lor the ensuing week , the lodge was closed in due form , and the meeting adjourned , thus ending a pleasant and most instructive evening . The increase of members is most encouraging .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LION AND LAMB CHAPTER ( No . 192 ) . — The July meeting , of the above chapter was held on Wednesday last , at the Cannon-street Hotel . There were present , Comps . Chas . Arkell , M . E . Z . •F . D . R . Copestick , £ « ' oV E- £ - ^ ° f \' i- - > G - Kenning , P . Z . Treas . ; H . Cuff , S . E . ; H . Birdseye , P . Z ., P . S . ; Medwin . A . S .:
Joseph Copestick , G . S . Bigley , Perry , Grocott , and others including several visitors . 'The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and Bro . John Gibbs was exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason . One brother was proposed for exaltation . The chapter was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
[ The charge is 2 s . Gd . for announcements not exceeding tour Lines under this heading . ] BIRTH . PRCK .-On the 10 th inst ., at 20 , Clifton-villas , Maida-hill , the wife of Mr . Philip Peck , of a daughter .
MARRIAGE . NuNN--BuNTiNG .-On the 13 th inst , at St . Nicholas ' , lolleshunt d'Arcy Essex , by the Rev . Robert Vernon Graves , Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., late Vice Consul-General of the United States of America at London , to Mary , daughter of Mr . John Bunting , of lolleshunt d Arcy .
DEATHS . MuMBEF ..-On the 19 th inst ., at Weston-super-Mare , Bro . General Gore Boland , Mumbee , U . E . WALKER .-On the 9 th inst ., at 19 , Maitland-park-villas , N . W ., Mr . Edmund Walker , aged 68 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
After the notice conveying the meeting had been read , the brethren were marshalled to the residence of the late brother . At the cemetery , the Masonic oration was given by the Chaplain to the lodge , Bro . the Rev . Cannon Hoskins , M . A ., with much feeling , after which Bro . Morton deposited the scroll , apron , and sprig of acaccia in the grave . The brethren re-formed and marched to the lodgerooms , and closed the lodge in form .
LIVERPOOL . —Fermor Hesketh Lodge ( No . 1350 ) . —The annual installation meeting of the members of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , the 10 th inst ., when Bro . Charles l . eighton was installed W . M ., in a most effective manner by Bro . R . Carruthers , the retiring Master . The following brethren were subsequently invested officers for the ensuing year : Bros .
Kobert Carruthers , LP . M ., Treas . ; J . Higson Johnston , P . M ., M . C . ; Henry , B . Browne , S . W . ; E . G . Grundy , J . VV . ; Joseph Stowell , Sec ; Peter Ashcroft , S . D . ; H . Ashton Hill , J . D . ; John Hodgson , Org . ; E . King Ellison , I . G . ; F . A . Staedelli , S . S . ; R . Norris Jones , J . S . ; the
Rev . J . Stowell , Chap . ; and Peter Ball , was re-elected Tyler . During the after-dinner proceedings , a very valuable P . M . 's jewel was presented to Bro . R . Carruthers . A capital musical programme was provided under the direction of Bro . Hodgson , who presided at the piano .
LIVERPOOL . —Toxteth Lodge ( No . 1356 ) . — For a series of years the Toxteth Lodge ( known formerly as the De Grey and Ripon Lodge ) has occupied a most secure and prominent position in the extensive Province of West Lancashiie , and the annual installation meeting at the greatly enlarged and artistically decorated headquarters in North Hill-street , on Wednesday afternoon ,
the 12 th inst ., was perhaps the most successful which has yet been held . The retiring Master , Bro . J . Keet , opened the lodge in due form , and amongst those who gave him support in the course of the afternoon were Bros . H . S . Alpass , Grand Std . Br . of England , P . G . Sec . West Lancashire ; T . Salter , P . G . J . D . ; Richard Brown , P . P . G . Treas . ; R . Martin , P . M . 11 S 2 ; T . Evans , P . M . 1356 ;
VV . Stediford , P . M . 241 ; T . Evans , P . M . 16 75 ; B . B . Marson , P . P . G . S . D . ; A . Morrison , P . M . 1547 ; A . Barclay , W . M . 11 S 2 ; C . Marsh , VV . M . G 73 ; T . Peake , l . P . M . 567 ; and A . Bucknall , S . VV . 667 . During the year , owing to the great increase of the membership , the lodgeroom has been greatly enlarged , and the alterations and improvements carried out in this and other parts of the
building have made it one of the most commodious and convenient Masonic meeting places in this division of the province . Bro . B . B . Marson acted as Installing Master , and the highly-impressive manner in which he placed Bro . Edward Paull in the chair was fittingly recognised by the special vote of thanks cordially conveyed to him at the close of the ceremony . The officers invested were as
follows : Bros . J . Keet , LP . M . ; Edward George , S . W . ; H . P . Squire , J . VV . ; J . VV . Williams , P . M ., Treasurer ; John Ashley , Secretary ; John Lees , S . D . ; B . Holgate , J . D . ; Hartley Wilson , I . G . ; H . H . Hughes , Organist ; C . Arden , P . M ., M . C ; and S . Swift and T . Trevitt , Stewards . Bro . P . Larsen was unanimously re-elected Tyler . The ceremony of installation was much enhanced
by the musical accompaniments of Bro . Vates . Subsequently the brethren dined together in the banqueting room of the hall , under the presidency of the new Master ; and during the evening a Past Master's jewel , the gift of the lodge , and a handsome gold guard ,
subscribed for by the officers , were presented to Bro . J . Keet , I . P . M ., in acknowledgment of his very valuable services while in office . An excellent programme of music was given by Bros . Child , Lewis , VV . Chambers , Davis , George , Marson , and several other brethren .
PORTSMOUTH . —United Service Lodge ( No . 142 S ) . —The annual meeting for the installation of the VV . M . of this lodge was held at the Masonic Club Rooms , Commercial-road , Landport , on Friday , the 14 th inst ., when Bro . Laverty was installed in the chair of K . S . by Brc . G . P . Arnold , l . P . M . The ceremony throughout was rendered by Bro . Arnold in such an examplary manner
( considering this his first essay ) so as to draw forth rapturous applause . One of the distinguished visitors , a renowned Installing Master , could not help repeating , quietly , "Live and learn . " A goodly muster of the rulers of the Craft assembled , and formed a grand Board of Installed Masters , as follows : Bros . Mark Frost , P . G . Treas . Hants ; J . Friedeberg , P . M ., C . Knott , LP . M ., of
J 42 ; K . M . Buale , VV . M ., G . W . G . Lancaster , P . P . G . S . VV ., of 487 ; Harry Kimber , W . M . 804 ; Francis , W . M ., G . T . Lancaster , P . M ., of 903 ; Albert Wendover , W . M . 106 9 ; VV . Tewley , P . M ., G . P . Arnold , LP . M ., Striek , P . M ., Farren , P . M ., Dart , P . M ., Elverston , P . M ., ° { 142 S ; G . Grant , LP . M . 1705 ; E . S . Main , P . M ., T . H . Williams , VV . M ., of 1776 ; G . Mason , W . M . 18 S 4 ; and T . Page , VV . M . 1906 . The processional "march past
in slow time , " headed by Bro . Arnold , the brethren , two deep , keeping time and step to the choice piece of music played by Bro . Svlvester , was unique indeed . Bro . Arnold invited all to imitate him in each Degree in saluting the newl y-installed Master , so that this part of the ceremony Went off like " clockwork . " The VV . M . played his part very creditabl y in investing his officers .
A very appropriate and handsome jewel , with a naval and military device , was presented to Bro . Arnold in open lod ge , the brethren having , one and all , subscribed to ensure the jewel being worth y of the occasion . The warm-?™ language in which it was presented , and that in which Bro . Arnold responded , drew from all the brethren Present ( about sixty in all ) a hearty " feu de joie" more
, elhng , if possible , than those that had already been given '" admiration of his delivery of the three chargeshe brethren spent a most enjoyable evening in the banqueting hall . A running ( ire of neat and witty speeches ^ citations , and songs were kept up till " hich twelve . "'
™ . Sylvester , the Organist , is a choir within himself , "is efforts were especially noticeable during the chanting „ a Paraphrase of the 133 rd Psalm , which was sugde I y ° ' Arn 0 , cl ? ° be sung in this lodge as soon as nf ? c ° pen , and which was so sung throughout his year I ° " j as W . M . For the first time Bro . Arnold introced a h ymn which is to be sung on closing the lodge . Th IVE RPOOL . —Liverpool Lodge ( No . 1547 ) . — members of this most prosperous and influential lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
celebrated their annual festival at the Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , on Wednesday evening , the 12 th inst ., when there was a numerous gathering of the Fraternity . Bro . William Ladyman was in the chair at the opening of the lodge , and amongst the officers of the lodge present were Bros . John Duncan , P . G . D . C ; Councillor VV . J . Lunt , P . M . ; J . H . Parker , P . M . ; and ] . A . Forrest , P . M . The visitors
included Bros . J . T . Callow , P . P . G . Treas . ; J . Henderson , VV . M . 1620 ; George Gordon , l . P . M . 724 ; M . Corless , P . M . 723 ; VV . Savage , J . VV . 1 G 09 ; and others . The VV . M . elect , Bro . James C M'Guire , was presented by Bros . Parker and Warriner , and the dutiesof Installing Master were fulfilled in a most able manner b y Bro . Duncan , P . G . D . The officers invested were : Bros . VV .
Ladymrn . LP . M . ; Richard Ripley , S . VV . ; William H . Hignett , J . VV . ; Roger Warriner , P . M ., D . C ; James Alexander Forest , P . M ., Treas . ; F . W . A . Soldat , Sec . ; Thomas J . Farrell , S . D . ; Jonathan Parry , J . D . ; Samuel Butterworth , I . G . ; R . C Trampleasure , Org . ; James Tweedie , S . S . ; John Jessop , J . S . ; and VV . H . Ball , Tyler . The LP . M . was in the course of the evening presented with a P . M . ' s jewel in recognition of his Masonic services .
EGYPTIAN LODGE ( No . 27 ) . —This old lodge met on the 6 th inst . at Bro . Maidwell ' s comfortable hostelry , the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . There were present Bros . Da Silva , VV . M . 20 s , as W . M . ; L . C . Haslip , S . VV . ; Nathan , J . VV . ; C . H . VVebb , P . M ., Preceptor : G . H . Stephens , S . D . ; Anderson , I . G . ; T . j . Maidwell , P . M ., and others . Lodire was duly opened and
the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Maidwell was interrogated , and in due course passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Maidwell was next tested for the superior degree and subsequently was raised to the degree of Master Mason , the entire work being ably rendered . Lodge was resumed and Bro . L . C Haslip was elected VV . M . for next Thursday evening , when brethren are cordially invited , and lodge was closed .
SINCERITY LODGE ( No . 174 ) . —This lodge met as usual on Monday the 17 th inst ., at the Three Nun ' s Hotel , Aldgate . Present : Bros . VV . Fraser , W . M . ; J . S . Fraser , S . W .: Sewell , J . VV . ; VVebb , P . M ., Precept . ; H . J . Cant , Sec ; T . Jones , Deacon ; Haslip , I . G ., and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and minutes submitted and confirmed . Lodge was now advanced , and Bro . Bro Jones was interrogated . Lodge was opened in Liuru
me uegree , anu rne ceremony or raising was worked . Bro . Jones , candidate . Bro . Webb worked the First and Third Sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed and Bro . J . S . Fraser was elected W . M . for the ensuing Monday evening , which will also be Association night . It was also arranged to work the Installation ceremony in the lodge on Monday , the 31 st inst . All business being ended lodge was closed in harmony .
UNITED PILGRIMS LODGE ( No . 507 ) . — At the meeting of this lodge of instruction , held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , on Friday evening , the 14 th inst ., Bro . Richard Poore , as VV . M ., was well supported , there being present amongst others , Bros . Henry Baldwin , S . W . ; J . B . Sargeant , J . VV . ; G . VV . Knight , S . D . ; H . M . Williams , J . D . ; H . Hooper , I . G . ; John S .
Terry , P . M . and Sec . ; James Stevens , P . M ., Hon . Preceptor , and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and Bro . Bute as candidate for passing was proved and entrusted . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree and the ceremony was very effectively rehearsed by the W . M ., who , as a young Mason , is most creditably progressing in lodge working . The Lecture on the Tracing Board in the Second Degree was
delivered by the Peeceptor and gave general satisfaction . Lodge was closed to the First Degree , and the brethren received some useful instruction in the proper mode of entering an open lodge in the several Degrees . Bro . Henry Baldwin was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and will be encouraged by a good attendance on the 21 st , when working the ceremony and lectures of the Third Degree . The lodge was then closed in customary form .
MERCHANT NAVY LODGE ( No . 7 S 1 ) . —The above successful lodge met as usual on the nth inst ., at the Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , E . Present : Bros . E . C Gregory , VV . M . ; Ould , VV . M . 7 S 1 , S . W . ; Bull , J . VV . ; C . Breden , P . M . Sec ; Lax , S . D . ; Robinson , J . D . ; Brown , I . G . ; Past Masters Scherboom , and Harvey , and Bros . Cooper , Cockle , Kennett , Scanes , and others .
Lodge was opened with due formalities , and Bro . Cockle was interrogated and entrusted . Lodge was advanced and the ceremony of passing was worked , Bro . Cockle candidate . Bro . Bull worked the First , and Bro . Ould the Second Section of the Lecture , the brethren assisting . Lodge was resumed and Bro . Ould was unanimously elected VV . M .
for the ensuing lodge meeting . It was proposed by the W . M . of the mother lodge , and seconded by Bro . Bull , that a letter of condolence be sent from the lodge to the widow of our late Bro . E . Gregory , for many years host to the Merchant Navy Lodge . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . E . Gregory , VV . M ., for the able discharge of the duties of the chair , and lodge was closed .
DALHOUSIE LODGE ( No . 860 ) . —There was a large gathering of members and visitors to this lodge on Tuesday , the nth inst ., at the Sisters Tavern , Pownallroad , Dalston , on which occasion Bro . James Stevens delivered his lecture explanatory of the rituals and cere monies of the First Degree . Amongst those present were Bros . Wallington , P . M ., Preceptor of the lodge , W . M . ;
Wardell , S . W . ; Brasted , J . VV . ; Catling , S . D . ; Robinson , J . D . ; Bunker , I . G . ; F . Carr , Sec . ; J . T . Barnes , P . M . ; Cushion , I orkin , Oily , A . Clark , Marsh , Smyth , Parfitt , Christian , Young , Allen , Boyce , Dignam , Darnell , and several others . The lodge having been opened , and minutes read , the
VV . M . introduced Bro . Stevens to the brethren , and that brother at once commenced his lecture . That it thoroughly interested his audience may be gathered from the fact that for a little more than two hours the lecturer succeeded in securing the rapt attention of his hearers , who frequently expressed their satisfaction , and encouraged his efforts . Their perfect agreement of his mode of working , and the lucid explanations of certain points wherein divergence is
not unusual , was evidenced by the earnest applause which Bro . Stevens received at the conclusion oi his address . Bro . J . T . Barnes , P . M ., in a highly laudatory speech , proposed the thanks of the lodge to the lecturer , accompanied by honorary membership ; and this being seconded , unanimousl
was y carried . Bro . Stevens , in thanking the lod ge for the honour it had conferred , assured the brethren that their attention and kind reception would encourage him to still further efforts , and cause him to be even still more ready to repeat his lecture wherever and whenever required by other lodees of instruction . The thanks of the lod ge were also accorded to Bro . Wallington , Preceptor , for his services as W . M ., and the lod" -e was then rnsed . "
DUKE OF EDINBURGH LODGE ( No . 1259 ) . —1 he usual meetings were continued on Friday , the 14 th inst ., at Bro . Moore ' s , Bricklayers' Arms , Narrow-street , Limenouse . Bro . Etthng occupied the chair , and was well supported by Bros . Moore , P . M ., S . VV . ; Hancock , J . W . ; J . Charlton , Treas . ; Buchan , P . M ., Sec ; Atkins , P . M ., Preceptor ; Waller , P . M ., S . D . ; Dixon , J . D . ; Chapman ; I . G . ; Beales , and others . Lodge was duly opened and the minutes read and confirmed , after which the ceremony of ooeninsr and
clnsinoin the superior Degrees were carefully rehearsed . Bro . Lhapman , VV . M . S 9 S , then assumed the chair , and Bro . L . Etthng , as candidate for the Second Degree , was regularly tested and entrusted . Lodge was resumed in the . Second Degree , and the Degree of F . C was ably worked . Bro . Atkins gave the ancient charge and explained the second tracing board , much to the satisfaction of his hearers . Bro . Moore was elected VV . M . for the ensuing lodge Meeting , and all business being ended , lodge was closed and adjourned .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — This prosperous lod ge met on Monday the 17 th inst . Bro . h . Moss hlled the chair , and was assisted in his duties by the following officers and brethren : Bros . J . VV . Hiscox , b . VV . ; l > . freeman , J . VV . ; VV . Pennefather , P . M ., Precpt . J . Laurence , Sec . ; F . Knight , S . D . ; J . H . Ewens , J . D . ; H . Duneher , I . G . ; T . T . Phillips , A . Giddings , 177 ; E .
Thring 211 ; J . S . Chambers , 1 G 23 , M . VV . V . orrall , 1023 ; Stephens , and others . After the usual business had been disposed of , Bro . Phillips , as candidate tor the Sublime Degree , was tested as to pioh ' ciency and entrusted . Lodge was advanced , and the " . ™ ony of raising was admirably worked . Bro . Phillips , candidate . Bro . Moss also gave the traditional history of the degree . Lodsre was carefullv closed down .
and Bros . Giddings , 177 ; Thring , 211 ; and Chambers and VVorrall of the mother lodge , 1623 , were unanimously admitted members of the lod ge . Bro . Hiscox was elected VV . M . for the ensuing lodge meeting . This lodge meets , every Monday evening at the Champion Hotel , Aldersgatestreet , E . C , in most comfortable quarters , and brethren are offered a cordial welcome and capital instruction .
BRIXTON LODGE ( No . 1 949 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the iSth inst ., at Bro . Monk ' s , Prince Regent , Uulwich-road , bast Brixton , when a goodly number of E re n assembled . Present : Bros . E . M . Money , VV . M .: T . C . Edmunds , S . W . ; H . Hooper , J . W . ; E . A . Fran-S stei fP J H - M - WilliamsSec RPooreSD ;
' ,,, ; , . ; . , .. ? - 'f ( : ' 5 ; 5 . . \ J-P- ; , - Goodwin , I . G . ; J . Moss , A . E . Albert , G . Month , E . Storr , J . Hill , J . Bate , H . C . E . Hill , and others . The lodge was opened in due form , and the Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed . Lodge was then opened m the Second and Third Degrees , and resumed in the First Degree . The VV . M .
most ably rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , with Bro . Moss as candidate , likewise giving the charge and the ceremony of raising , with Bro . Albert as candidate . The lodoe was regularly closed in the Third and Second Degrees . I he following brethren being duly proposed and seconded , were unanimously elected members of the lodire : Bros . I .
r '•I ffn )¦ Bat ' 7 > " T . Harris , Stockwell ; and H . C . 1 ' . . Hill , 165 S . Bro . J . C Edmunds having been elected W . M . lor the ensuing week , the lodge was closed in due form , and the meeting adjourned , thus ending a pleasant and most instructive evening . The increase of members is most encouraging .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LION AND LAMB CHAPTER ( No . 192 ) . — The July meeting , of the above chapter was held on Wednesday last , at the Cannon-street Hotel . There were present , Comps . Chas . Arkell , M . E . Z . •F . D . R . Copestick , £ « ' oV E- £ - ^ ° f \' i- - > G - Kenning , P . Z . Treas . ; H . Cuff , S . E . ; H . Birdseye , P . Z ., P . S . ; Medwin . A . S .:
Joseph Copestick , G . S . Bigley , Perry , Grocott , and others including several visitors . 'The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and Bro . John Gibbs was exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason . One brother was proposed for exaltation . The chapter was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
[ The charge is 2 s . Gd . for announcements not exceeding tour Lines under this heading . ] BIRTH . PRCK .-On the 10 th inst ., at 20 , Clifton-villas , Maida-hill , the wife of Mr . Philip Peck , of a daughter .
MARRIAGE . NuNN--BuNTiNG .-On the 13 th inst , at St . Nicholas ' , lolleshunt d'Arcy Essex , by the Rev . Robert Vernon Graves , Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., late Vice Consul-General of the United States of America at London , to Mary , daughter of Mr . John Bunting , of lolleshunt d Arcy .
DEATHS . MuMBEF ..-On the 19 th inst ., at Weston-super-Mare , Bro . General Gore Boland , Mumbee , U . E . WALKER .-On the 9 th inst ., at 19 , Maitland-park-villas , N . W ., Mr . Edmund Walker , aged 68 .