Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY in IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY in IRELAND. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
& 118 THE CRAFTMetropolitan 11 S Provincial IlS & 119 West Indies 119 ROYAL
BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED IN GRAND LODGE ... 120 & 121 MULTUU IN PARVO 121 & 122 ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCEMasonic ReliefCommittee 122 Tyranny on Trial 122
MASONIC FESTIVITIES — Old Concord Ball 122 & 123 Robert Burns Lodge of Instruction 123 Brighton 123 Leeds ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 3 Torquay ... ... ... ... ... ... 123
Ardrossan , No . 442 124 & 125 NORTH-EASTERN MASONIC CHARITABLE
ASSOCIATION 125 POETRY — The Masonic Loadstone—Charity 125 MASONIC MEETINGS FOR NEXT WEEK ... 125 & 126 ADVERTISEMENTS 113 , 11 4 , 126 , 127 , & 12 S
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee held its usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Thursday , the 23 rd inst ., Bro . Major J . Creaton , P . G . D ., V . P ., in the chair . There were also present :
Bros . B . Head , P . G . D ., V . P . ; E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B ., Sec . ; W . Farnfield , P . A . G . S . ; B . Baker , P . G . D . ; W . Young , P . G . S . B . ; J . R . Sheen , F . Walters , J . Terry , Cox , White , and others .
The minutes of the last meeting were read and verified , and the minutes of the House Committee were read for information . Five pounds was voted to one of the girls who had greatly distinguished herself
at her studies . It was announced that the legacy of , £ 100 , free of legacy duty , was received from the trustees of the late Miss Sarah Dowsett , and paid into thc funds of the Institution . Tlie notice of motion to
present the medical officer with one hundred guineas was withdrawn , as it was found to be distasteful to his feelings—he ; declined to receive any pecuniary reward . i One candidate from Lodgo 74 was accepted .
i It was stated that thc sickness in thc school has abated—no fresli cases occurring , and out one patient in the infirmary . A vote ° f thanks to the chairman brought the meeting to a close .
THE Byzantine Conclave of the Red Cross ° f Rome and Constantine , No . 44 , Leicester , W 'U be consecrated on Thursday , and March , "Y the Illus . Sir Kt . the Intendant-General for Lancashire .
Freemasonry In Ireland.
Bv BRO WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN . ( Continuedfrom page 99 . " i 13 . The Grand Lodge is to meet at High Noon on every St . John the Evangelist ' s Day , in order to proclaim the new or recognize the old , Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , and the other Grand
Officers ; and also on every St . John the Baptist's Day , unless the said Festivals happen to be on a Sunday , in which case the Public Meeting shall be on the Monday evening following , and all the Brethren of every regular Lodge have a right to attend the Meetings of the Grand Lodge on every
St . Johns Day , but neither petitions nor appeals shall be heard on these occasions , nor shall any other business be transacted but the Ancient Ceremonies of the Day and the Col lection of Charily . 14 . In the Grand Lodge every Member shall keep in his seat , and not move about soas to disturb the
assembly ; and at the third stroke of thc Grand Masters Hammer , as well as whenever the Grand Master , or his Representative in the Chair , shall think fit to rise and call to Order , there shall be a general Silence , at which time any Member wantonly disturbing the order of the Meeting , shall
be publicly reprimanded . 15 Every brother that speaks in Grand Lodge shall rise and address himself in a proper manner to the Chair , nor shall anyone presume to interrupt him , unless by a special motion to order , or that tlie Grand Master , or his Representative in thc
Chair , finding him wandering from the question under consideration , shall of himself think fit to reduce him to order , and then the Member Speaking shall sit down , but after he has again been set right by the Chair , he may again proceed if he pleases . 16 . No Brother is to speak more than once on
the same subject unless to explain himself , or when called upon by the chair , and if any Member is twice called to Order at any one Assembly , for transgressing these Rules , and is guilty of a third offence of the same nature , he shall be peremptorily ordered by the Chair to quit theGrand Lodge
for that night . 17 . If any Brother shall use indecent or improper Language , or act indecorously towards a Brotherin the Grand Lodge , he shall be placed under such disapprobation or censure as thc Members may think commensurate to the transgression , even to
the extent of exclusion , 11 his conduct shall be thought such as to justify that measure . 18 . No motion for a new Regulation , nor for the alteration of an old one shall be made in thc Grand Lodge , until it has been first handed up to the Chair in writing , ancl after having been perused bv
the Grand Master or his Representative it may be publicly moved , ancl if seconded , it shall be audibly read by the Secretary , committed to the consideration ofthe whole assembly , and decided upon at the next meeting of the Grand Lodge . 19 . Thc Grand Lodge will not permit thc private
sale or transfer of a warrant , under penalty of thc Warrant being cancelled , and the parties concerned in such private sate or transfer , excluded , nor will , o „ cr . it Permit the removal thereof from the 1 place where it was granted to oc held at , without special leave obtained on a Memorial to the
Grand Lodge for such removal ; but when it has been well authenticated that a warrant has been lost or destroyed by accident or fatality , a duplicate thereof shall be granted without any charge , save such as is usually paid to thc Deputy Grand Secretary on granting a new warrant .
20 . No petition of Charity shall beTreccived in thc Grand Lodge unless delivered at the Grand Master ' s Chair , ancl recommended by at least three Members of said Lodge . 21 . Any Brother who has already or shall hereafter receive Charily out ofthe Funds ofthe Grand Lodge , shall never be returned , nor deemed to be
qualified to sit as a member thereof on any account whatsoever , unless he shall have repaid into the Funds ofthe Order the full sum or sums of money that have been advanced to him . 22 . On the exclusion of any member from thc Order by thc Grand Lodge , Notice thereof shall be 17 S 1 Si SCMt t 0 t ' * scvera ' Lodges by the Grand ' ' Secretary , and the like Notice if he should be restored .
23 . No Masonic Transaction is to be inserted in a Newspaper by any Brother , without permission _ g § of thc ( irand Lodge , under penalty of ' ' ' ¦* the severest censure for the first offence , and if repeated , he shall be excluded .
24 . All thc Lodges of Ireland arc bound by the General Regulations of the Fraternity , and every Brother whatsoever , who shall not act amenably to thc Rules , Orders and Regulations of the Craft , shall 1777 D 80 ' **" ¦ ' ' - * : ls ¦ *' (" 'n ' Lodge siiall think _ ''' proper , ancl shall not be suffered to sit in that , or any other Lodge , until the fine be paid ,
Freemasonry In Ireland.
and such submission made as the Grand Lodge shall think fit to receive .
SECTION THE 2 ND . OF THE GRAND OFFICERS , THEIR ATTENDANTS , & c , & c . I 7 QQ D 86 I * Tlie Grand Lodge elects the Grand 799 P Master . 2 . Application shall be made to the Grand Master by the Deputy Grand Master , or by some Brother whom the Grand Lodge may appoint in case of his failure , at least two months before St .
John the Evangelist ' s' Day , in every year , in order to inquire whether he will do the Fraternity the Honour of continuing in his office another year , or of nominating his Successor ; and if the Grand Master or the person whom he shall think proper to succeed him , shall be out of town , the Deputy
Grand Master shall write to either or both concerning the same , the copies of which Letters as well as the answers , shall be transcribed into the transaction Book of the Grand Lodge . 3 . If the present Grand Master shall consent to continue another year in office , thc Grand
Secretary shall thrice proclaim him aloud " Grand Master of Masons , " and all thc Members of the Grand Lodge shall salute him in due form according to the ancient and laudable custom ^ of the Craft . 4 . If the Grand Master does not agree to preside
over the Fraternity another year , he may nominate his successor , who if approved of by the Grand Lodge , and there present , shall be proclaimed , saluted and congratulated as the Grand Master Elect , and installed by the late Grand Master when convenient , according to ancient usage ; but
if the nomination is not approved of , the Grand Master ' s Lodge shall be called upon to recommend a Candidate for the Office of Grand Master . 5 . If the Brotherwhom thc present Grand Master shall nominate for his Successor , or whom the Grand Lodge shall elect as above , be out of town ,
and has returned his answer that he will accept the Office of Grand Master , he shall be proclaimed , and may receive thc usual honours , homage and congratulations , by proxy , but the Grand Installation is not to be performed until thc new Grand Master is present , nor is any other Officer but the
Grand Master alone , allowed to be saluted by proxy . 6 . The new Grand Master when Installed , shall as his inherent right , nominate and appoint his Deputy Grand Master , who shall also be proclaimed , saluted and congratulated in due form . 7 . If the Grand Master should die during his
government , or by sickness , or by being beyond sea , or in any other manner be rendered incapable of discharging his Office , thc Deputy Grand Master , or in his absence the Senior Grand Warden , or in his absence the Junior Grand Warden , or in his absence any three Masters of Lodges shall
assemble at the Grand Lodge immediately , in order to advise together upon thc emergency , and shall send back tivo of their number to invite thc last Grand Master to resume his Office , which now of course reverts to him , ancl if he refuses then thc next last , ancl so backward , but if no former Grand Master
be found , thc Deputy Grand Master shall act as principal till a new Grand Master is chosen by the Grand Lodge , and if there be no Deputy , nor former Deputy to be found , thc present Senior Grand Warden , or in his absence the Junior Grand
Wardent , or in his absence a former Grand Warden shall act as Grand Master till the next Election , and in case no ISro / her of the above description be found witling to take the chair , il shall be filled according to the yl Regulation ofthe Grand Lodge , section the
lst . 8 . If the Deputy Grand Master be sick , or necessarily absent , the present Senior Grand Warden supplies his place , and the Junior acts as Senior , as in the first section ofthe Grand Lodge Regulations , but he that is chosen Deputy at thc Installation ,
cannot be dismissed from his situation unless the cause be submitted to thc Grand Lodge , for if thc ( irand Master is obstructed or dissatisfied in his Government by any act of his Deputy , he may call a Grand Lodge on purpose to lay the case before them for their advice and concurrence , and if they
cannot reconcile the Grand Master with Ins Deputy , they are to allow him to appoint another Deputy ( irand Master , so that harmony and peace may be preserved in thc Order , 9 . The Grand Master or his Deputy shall have
authority to command thc Treasurer or Secretary to attend him , with their Clerks and Hooks , in order to see how matters go on , and to know what is expedient to be done on any emergency . ( To be continued )
THE M . W . G . Mark Master has granted warrants for the Porta ! Lodge , Dewsbury ; the Holmesdale Lodge , Bamsgate 5 and the Scicncg Lodge , Wincanton , Somerset .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
& 118 THE CRAFTMetropolitan 11 S Provincial IlS & 119 West Indies 119 ROYAL
BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED IN GRAND LODGE ... 120 & 121 MULTUU IN PARVO 121 & 122 ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCEMasonic ReliefCommittee 122 Tyranny on Trial 122
MASONIC FESTIVITIES — Old Concord Ball 122 & 123 Robert Burns Lodge of Instruction 123 Brighton 123 Leeds ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 3 Torquay ... ... ... ... ... ... 123
Ardrossan , No . 442 124 & 125 NORTH-EASTERN MASONIC CHARITABLE
ASSOCIATION 125 POETRY — The Masonic Loadstone—Charity 125 MASONIC MEETINGS FOR NEXT WEEK ... 125 & 126 ADVERTISEMENTS 113 , 11 4 , 126 , 127 , & 12 S
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee held its usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Thursday , the 23 rd inst ., Bro . Major J . Creaton , P . G . D ., V . P ., in the chair . There were also present :
Bros . B . Head , P . G . D ., V . P . ; E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B ., Sec . ; W . Farnfield , P . A . G . S . ; B . Baker , P . G . D . ; W . Young , P . G . S . B . ; J . R . Sheen , F . Walters , J . Terry , Cox , White , and others .
The minutes of the last meeting were read and verified , and the minutes of the House Committee were read for information . Five pounds was voted to one of the girls who had greatly distinguished herself
at her studies . It was announced that the legacy of , £ 100 , free of legacy duty , was received from the trustees of the late Miss Sarah Dowsett , and paid into thc funds of the Institution . Tlie notice of motion to
present the medical officer with one hundred guineas was withdrawn , as it was found to be distasteful to his feelings—he ; declined to receive any pecuniary reward . i One candidate from Lodgo 74 was accepted .
i It was stated that thc sickness in thc school has abated—no fresli cases occurring , and out one patient in the infirmary . A vote ° f thanks to the chairman brought the meeting to a close .
THE Byzantine Conclave of the Red Cross ° f Rome and Constantine , No . 44 , Leicester , W 'U be consecrated on Thursday , and March , "Y the Illus . Sir Kt . the Intendant-General for Lancashire .
Freemasonry In Ireland.
Bv BRO WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN . ( Continuedfrom page 99 . " i 13 . The Grand Lodge is to meet at High Noon on every St . John the Evangelist ' s Day , in order to proclaim the new or recognize the old , Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , and the other Grand
Officers ; and also on every St . John the Baptist's Day , unless the said Festivals happen to be on a Sunday , in which case the Public Meeting shall be on the Monday evening following , and all the Brethren of every regular Lodge have a right to attend the Meetings of the Grand Lodge on every
St . Johns Day , but neither petitions nor appeals shall be heard on these occasions , nor shall any other business be transacted but the Ancient Ceremonies of the Day and the Col lection of Charily . 14 . In the Grand Lodge every Member shall keep in his seat , and not move about soas to disturb the
assembly ; and at the third stroke of thc Grand Masters Hammer , as well as whenever the Grand Master , or his Representative in the Chair , shall think fit to rise and call to Order , there shall be a general Silence , at which time any Member wantonly disturbing the order of the Meeting , shall
be publicly reprimanded . 15 Every brother that speaks in Grand Lodge shall rise and address himself in a proper manner to the Chair , nor shall anyone presume to interrupt him , unless by a special motion to order , or that tlie Grand Master , or his Representative in thc
Chair , finding him wandering from the question under consideration , shall of himself think fit to reduce him to order , and then the Member Speaking shall sit down , but after he has again been set right by the Chair , he may again proceed if he pleases . 16 . No Brother is to speak more than once on
the same subject unless to explain himself , or when called upon by the chair , and if any Member is twice called to Order at any one Assembly , for transgressing these Rules , and is guilty of a third offence of the same nature , he shall be peremptorily ordered by the Chair to quit theGrand Lodge
for that night . 17 . If any Brother shall use indecent or improper Language , or act indecorously towards a Brotherin the Grand Lodge , he shall be placed under such disapprobation or censure as thc Members may think commensurate to the transgression , even to
the extent of exclusion , 11 his conduct shall be thought such as to justify that measure . 18 . No motion for a new Regulation , nor for the alteration of an old one shall be made in thc Grand Lodge , until it has been first handed up to the Chair in writing , ancl after having been perused bv
the Grand Master or his Representative it may be publicly moved , ancl if seconded , it shall be audibly read by the Secretary , committed to the consideration ofthe whole assembly , and decided upon at the next meeting of the Grand Lodge . 19 . Thc Grand Lodge will not permit thc private
sale or transfer of a warrant , under penalty of thc Warrant being cancelled , and the parties concerned in such private sate or transfer , excluded , nor will , o „ cr . it Permit the removal thereof from the 1 place where it was granted to oc held at , without special leave obtained on a Memorial to the
Grand Lodge for such removal ; but when it has been well authenticated that a warrant has been lost or destroyed by accident or fatality , a duplicate thereof shall be granted without any charge , save such as is usually paid to thc Deputy Grand Secretary on granting a new warrant .
20 . No petition of Charity shall beTreccived in thc Grand Lodge unless delivered at the Grand Master ' s Chair , ancl recommended by at least three Members of said Lodge . 21 . Any Brother who has already or shall hereafter receive Charily out ofthe Funds ofthe Grand Lodge , shall never be returned , nor deemed to be
qualified to sit as a member thereof on any account whatsoever , unless he shall have repaid into the Funds ofthe Order the full sum or sums of money that have been advanced to him . 22 . On the exclusion of any member from thc Order by thc Grand Lodge , Notice thereof shall be 17 S 1 Si SCMt t 0 t ' * scvera ' Lodges by the Grand ' ' Secretary , and the like Notice if he should be restored .
23 . No Masonic Transaction is to be inserted in a Newspaper by any Brother , without permission _ g § of thc ( irand Lodge , under penalty of ' ' ' ¦* the severest censure for the first offence , and if repeated , he shall be excluded .
24 . All thc Lodges of Ireland arc bound by the General Regulations of the Fraternity , and every Brother whatsoever , who shall not act amenably to thc Rules , Orders and Regulations of the Craft , shall 1777 D 80 ' **" ¦ ' ' - * : ls ¦ *' (" 'n ' Lodge siiall think _ ''' proper , ancl shall not be suffered to sit in that , or any other Lodge , until the fine be paid ,
Freemasonry In Ireland.
and such submission made as the Grand Lodge shall think fit to receive .
SECTION THE 2 ND . OF THE GRAND OFFICERS , THEIR ATTENDANTS , & c , & c . I 7 QQ D 86 I * Tlie Grand Lodge elects the Grand 799 P Master . 2 . Application shall be made to the Grand Master by the Deputy Grand Master , or by some Brother whom the Grand Lodge may appoint in case of his failure , at least two months before St .
John the Evangelist ' s' Day , in every year , in order to inquire whether he will do the Fraternity the Honour of continuing in his office another year , or of nominating his Successor ; and if the Grand Master or the person whom he shall think proper to succeed him , shall be out of town , the Deputy
Grand Master shall write to either or both concerning the same , the copies of which Letters as well as the answers , shall be transcribed into the transaction Book of the Grand Lodge . 3 . If the present Grand Master shall consent to continue another year in office , thc Grand
Secretary shall thrice proclaim him aloud " Grand Master of Masons , " and all thc Members of the Grand Lodge shall salute him in due form according to the ancient and laudable custom ^ of the Craft . 4 . If the Grand Master does not agree to preside
over the Fraternity another year , he may nominate his successor , who if approved of by the Grand Lodge , and there present , shall be proclaimed , saluted and congratulated as the Grand Master Elect , and installed by the late Grand Master when convenient , according to ancient usage ; but
if the nomination is not approved of , the Grand Master ' s Lodge shall be called upon to recommend a Candidate for the Office of Grand Master . 5 . If the Brotherwhom thc present Grand Master shall nominate for his Successor , or whom the Grand Lodge shall elect as above , be out of town ,
and has returned his answer that he will accept the Office of Grand Master , he shall be proclaimed , and may receive thc usual honours , homage and congratulations , by proxy , but the Grand Installation is not to be performed until thc new Grand Master is present , nor is any other Officer but the
Grand Master alone , allowed to be saluted by proxy . 6 . The new Grand Master when Installed , shall as his inherent right , nominate and appoint his Deputy Grand Master , who shall also be proclaimed , saluted and congratulated in due form . 7 . If the Grand Master should die during his
government , or by sickness , or by being beyond sea , or in any other manner be rendered incapable of discharging his Office , thc Deputy Grand Master , or in his absence the Senior Grand Warden , or in his absence the Junior Grand Warden , or in his absence any three Masters of Lodges shall
assemble at the Grand Lodge immediately , in order to advise together upon thc emergency , and shall send back tivo of their number to invite thc last Grand Master to resume his Office , which now of course reverts to him , ancl if he refuses then thc next last , ancl so backward , but if no former Grand Master
be found , thc Deputy Grand Master shall act as principal till a new Grand Master is chosen by the Grand Lodge , and if there be no Deputy , nor former Deputy to be found , thc present Senior Grand Warden , or in his absence the Junior Grand
Wardent , or in his absence a former Grand Warden shall act as Grand Master till the next Election , and in case no ISro / her of the above description be found witling to take the chair , il shall be filled according to the yl Regulation ofthe Grand Lodge , section the
lst . 8 . If the Deputy Grand Master be sick , or necessarily absent , the present Senior Grand Warden supplies his place , and the Junior acts as Senior , as in the first section ofthe Grand Lodge Regulations , but he that is chosen Deputy at thc Installation ,
cannot be dismissed from his situation unless the cause be submitted to thc Grand Lodge , for if thc ( irand Master is obstructed or dissatisfied in his Government by any act of his Deputy , he may call a Grand Lodge on purpose to lay the case before them for their advice and concurrence , and if they
cannot reconcile the Grand Master with Ins Deputy , they are to allow him to appoint another Deputy ( irand Master , so that harmony and peace may be preserved in thc Order , 9 . The Grand Master or his Deputy shall have
authority to command thc Treasurer or Secretary to attend him , with their Clerks and Hooks , in order to see how matters go on , and to know what is expedient to be done on any emergency . ( To be continued )
THE M . W . G . Mark Master has granted warrants for the Porta ! Lodge , Dewsbury ; the Holmesdale Lodge , Bamsgate 5 and the Scicncg Lodge , Wincanton , Somerset .