Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article HOLY ORDER of K.H. and GRAND ELECTED KNIGHTS, or NE PLUS ULTRA. Page 1 of 1 Article HOLY ORDER of K.H. and GRAND ELECTED KNIGHTS, or NE PLUS ULTRA. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Miscellanea. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
its true interests . The following officers were then appointed and invested : —Bros . J . F . Mann , S . W . ; J . Broome , J . W . ; J . Huntan , Treas . ; I . H . Hant , Sec ; Guy Herbert , S . D . ; Thos . Walton , J . D . ; J . Usher , W . J . Watson , R . S . Happer and R . Dickenson , Stewards ; J * . Inverhalm , Tyler . At the close of the lodge , the
brethren sat down in the banqueting-hall to an excellent repast . The usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts were drank , interspersed with some capital vocalism by various members of the company . The proceedings were throughout of a most enjoyable character .
WEST INDIES . Turk ' s Islands Forth Lodge , No . 647 . —The regular annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., —St . John the Evangelist ' s Day —the business being the installation of Bro . the Hon . C . R . Hinson , M . L . C ., P . M ., S . W ., and W . M .-elect for the ensuing year . There was a goodly number of brethren
and visitors present to do honour to the occasion , and after installation the W . M . invested the following brethren as his officers for the year , viz .: Bros . W . CMoxey , I . P . M . ; John T . Astwood , S . W . ; James Maclean , J . W . ; Rev . Isaac Pegg , M . A ., Chap . ; J . W . Darrell , Treas . ; Jos . A . Gardiner , Sec . ( re-appointed ) ; J . W . Wilbourn , S . D . ; M . Victoria , J . D . ; Henry Kennedy , I . G . ; Jas .
Astwood and T . J . Godet , Stewards ( re-appointed ); A . Francis , S . B ., Tyler . Bro . Secretary havine read a dispensation from Grand Lodge , authorizing the formation of public processions , & c . the lodge was called off , formed in procession , and marched to the Baptist church , where
the newly-appomted Chaplain delivered a most excellent and impressive discourse from 2 nd chap . Luke , 14 verse ; after which the brethren returned to their hall , closed the lodge down in due form with the usual solemnities , and separated , but again met together at a later hour and spent a most enjoyable evening .
Royal Arch.
WEST LANCASHIRE . — Rowley Chapter , No . 1051 . — The regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Rooms Athenaeum , Lancaster , on the 20 th inst . There were present : Comps , Bagnall , M . E . Z . ; Dr . Moore , P . Z . as H ; Hall , J . ; Mercer , E . ; Whimpray , N . ; Simpson , P . S . ; Barker , Treas ; W . Hall , W . Heald , R . Taylor , J . Watson . The chapter was opened , and general business transacted . The ballot
was taken for two brethren as candidates for exhaltation , who were unanimously elected . The Companions then proceeded to the election of the Principals and Officers for the ensuing year , which resulted as follows : Comps . T . Mason , Z ; Hall , H . ; Mercer , J . , * Whimpray , E . ; James M . Moore , N . ; W . Barker , Treas . ; E . Simpson , P . - * . ; R . Taylor , Janitor . The installations will take place at the end of March next , and will be conducted by Comp . J . D . Moore , P . Z .
Mark Masonry.
Carnarvon Lodge , No . 119 . —This lodge was consecrated by the very Worshipful Bro . Capt . F . C Irwin ( Past Grand Master Overseer ) , Deputy Prov . G . Mark Master-designate of Somerset , on Thursday , the 19 th inst ., at the White Hart , Brislington . There was a good muster of brethren present , and the ceremony was performed by Bro . Irwine in a most admirable manner , for
which he received a unanimous vote of thanks . At the conclusion of the consecration ceremony , a lodge of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Irwin installed Bro . Dr . Samuel Bryant as the first W M . of this new lodge . On the brethren being readmitted , they gave the customary salute , and the W . M . appointed the followinc ; brethren as his officers for the ensuing vear : —Bros . E . T .
Inskip , S . W . ; W . S . Gillard . J . W . ; Rev . R . H . Brigsby , Chaplain ; T- Macfarelan , S . O . ; R . C . Else , J . O . ; A . W . Butter , S . D . ; Major T . W . Vizard , J . D . ; C . " H . Whereat , I . G . ; F . G . Irwin , Treas . ; B . Cox , Sec . A code of by-laws was approved , and Bro . Gillard presented a petition for a new lodge , to be held at Wincanton , asking this lodge to recommend the same , which
was unanimously approved . Votes of thanks were given to the visiting brethren , and several propositions for advancement at thc next meeting were made . after which the W . M . closed the lodge in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet , whi h had been provided by
Host Marks . On the removal of the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed the health of the G . M . Bro . Portal , and the P . G . M . the Earl of Carnarvon , the D . P . G . M-designate , Bro . Irvine , together with the various toasts of the evening in his terse but telling style , making him the right man in the right place .
Royal Ark Masonry.
A meeting of the brethren of the order was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C , on Monday , the 20 th inst . A special lodge was opened , according to ancient custom and with solemn prayer , for the purpose of elevating candidates , by Bro . Morton Edwards , 'G . C , assisted by Bros . M . Emanuel , as J . ; Capt . T . B . Payne , as S . ; A . D . Loewenstark , as Deacon ; M . A . Loewenstark , G . S ., as acting Scribe . Visitor : Bro . Nickelson ,
Grand Treasurer of thc Royal Ark Mariners , America . The following brethren were properly prepared and elevated in due form to the ancient and lion , degree of a Royal Ark Mariner : —Bros . John Coles Fourdrinier , P . G . Steward . P . P . G . S . W . Shropshire , P . Z ., P . M . Antiquity , No . 2 ; John Lee , Grand Afasters Lodge , No . r ; H . W . Binckes . Kent Mark Lodge * , F . W . Koch , Thistle Mark Lodge . Bro , Capt . Nicholson gave , for the information of the brethren , some illustrations ofthe manner in
Royal Ark Masonry.
which this degree is worked in America—especially the explanation of the three points and the steps—which was listened to with great interest , and gave universal satisfaction . The rest of the working appeared to be nearly identical , which , considering that this is the first time , at any rate since the order has been re-organised here , that the working of the two countries , England and America ,
have been compared , is very satisfactory , and shows the care that has been taken by the authorities of the order not to lose sight of the landmarks , and to restore , without impairing , the beauty of the ceremonies of this degree of Universal Masonry . On the retiring of some of the brethren , an assemblage of Commanders was then duly formed , and Bros . J . B . Payne and M . Emanuel were
enthroned as Commanders , and expressed themselves very pleased with the ceremony which was performed by Bro . Morton Edwards , G . C ., assisted by Bros . A . D . Loewenstark and Nickelson . Tlie assembly of Commanders was then closed , the brethren re-admitted , who saluted the
newly-enthroned Commanders , and this special lodge of Royal Ark Mariners adjourned till Monday , the 27 th , when there will be another meeting for the purpose of elevating candidates , and conferring the degree of Commander at 7 o ' clock at Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall-street , E . C
Orders Of Chivalry.
Mount Calvary Encampment . —An emergency meeting of this encampment was held at Freemasons' Tavern , on the 13 th inst ., for the purpose of installing Comp . E . H . G . Dalton as a Knight of the Order , prior to his leaving England for Demerara . E . Sir Kt . Binckes presided as E . G ., supported by Sir Kts . Rosenthal , Dewar , Paas , Roebuck , Baxter , Trewatha , & c . The ceremony was exceedingly well rendered , and gave great satisfaction to the newly-installed companion . The encampment was then closed . KNIGHTS TEMPLAR .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . Mount Calvary Chapter Rose Croix II . R . D . M . — A meeting of this chapter was held on the 10 th inst ., at Freemasons' Tavern , and among the brethren present we noticed the esteemed M . W . S ., Bro . D . M . Dewar ; Bros . W . Paas , P . M . W . S . ; G . Cockle , 30 ° , H . P . ; F . Binckes , 30 ° , F . G . ; S . Rosenthal , 33 ° , S . G . : J . Hervey , 30 ; W . Hyde Pullen , 33 ; J . Stohwasser , W . Roebuck , R . W .
Little , W . Fish , C J . Morgan , and E . Kimber . There was also one visitor . An important matter was discussed by the members , and a decision arrived at , after which the chapter was closed , and the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet . Great amusement was caused , as usual , by the versatile talents of Bro . Kimber , and the evening was spent in a most pleasant manner by all present .
PROVINCIAL . Rochdale Chapter . —The annual convocation of this chapter was held in the Masonic Rooms , Rochdale , on Saturday last , the iSlh inst ., Bro . William Roberts , P . M . W . Sov ., in the chair , in the unavoidable absence of the Most Wise Sov . Bro . John Barker . The chapter was opened at 3 . 30 , in the presence of illustrious and
distinguished princes of the order , who honoured the chapter by accepting an invitation to be present . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the muster-roll called , and other business transacted , Bro . John Fothergill , Red Cross Knight of Babylon and Knight ofthe East and West , was received , regularly exalted , and admitted a member of thc Order
according to ancient rites and ceremonies . After the ceremony , which was very efficiently performed by thc respective officers , Bro . Prince , 1 st Gen ., was installed M . W . S . ofthe chapter for the ensuing twelve months , and appointed as his officers the following : Bros . Richard Ilankinson , Ii . P . ; James Hnlroyd , 1 st Gen . ; William Ashworth , 2 nd Gen ; Robert Btitterwortli , Grand
Marshal ; John Fothergill , Raphael ; Robert Whitworth , Chancellor ; William Roberts , P . M . W . S ., Herald ; William Briggs , Organist ; and Benjamin Toulson , Caplain of Guard . The ceremony being ended , the convocation was closed , afer having disposed of several matters which had been brought before themembers , when severil members formed themselves into a convocation of the Holy Order of K . H .. & C .
Holy Order Of K.H. And Grand Elected Knights, Or Ne Plus Ultra.
The inaugural ceremony of this convocation was held in the Masonic Rooms , Ann-strcct , Rochdale , on Saturday last , the 18 th inst . The convocation was formed at 6 . 30 , when the Chancellor pro tem read a letter that he had received , dated " 33 , Golden-square , London , Feb . 16 th , " and signed 0
"J . M . P . Montagu , 33 , Gd . Sec . Gen ., » also several letters and telegrams lhat had been sent to him ancl other brethren in reference thereto . He also read a circular which had been very freely circulated throughout thc country , of which the following is a
COPY . 33 , Golden-square , London , Feb . 16 th , 1871 . Dear Sir and Brother , — . The following circular , pur
Holy Order Of K.H. And Grand Elected Knights, Or Ne Plus Ultra.
porting to call a convocation to be held on Saturday , the iSthinst , for the purpose of conferring the degrees of Knight Kadosh 30 th and 32 nd , having just reached us , Masonic Temple , Ann-street , Rochdale , Feb . nth , 1871 . Holy Order of Kadosh and 301 I 1 and 32 nd degrees , Dear Sir Knight , —By command of the Royal
Commander of the Holy Order of Kadosh and 30 th and 32 nd Degrees , a convocation will be held in the above Temple on Saturday next , the iSth inst ., at six o'clock prompt , to create all Sir Knights who may present themselves , and are found worthy of that distinction . We shall he happy to receive your name as a candidate on this occasion .
Yours fraternally , WILLIAM ASIIWORTII . Chancellor pro tem . All letters to be addressed 21 , Ann-street . We think it our duty to warn you against this illegal
attempt to bestow degrees that we alone have a right to grant , according to our warrant and the Statutes of the A . and A . Rite ( see Ancient Constitution ) , and to remind you that according to your O . B . you cannot even visit this or any other illegal body .
I remain , dear Sir and Brother , Fraternally yours . J . . MONTAGUE , 33 ° , G . Sec . Gen . It was then agreed unanimously to proceed with the ceremony . The Supreme Grand Council having no authority whatever to assume to themselves
alone tbe right to grant or confer these degrees , or to interfere with those who have had these rites handed down to thsm as having been conferred from time immemorial , the ceremony was therefore proceeded with , and several members of the Order of Rose Croix , & c , duly admitted by ancient rites and ceremonies to the degrees , & c .
The officers were then appointed , invested , and installed for the ensuing twelve months , and the chapter was closed in due form , and with hearty good wishes for the Supreme Grand Council and other sister chapters . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a banquet , provided by Bro . Butterworth , of thc Golden
Fleece Hotel , in his usual rticherchd style , which . was most heartily discussed aad enjoyed . The cloth having been removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and responded to by the several brethren . The visitors and the sister chapters were severally responded to by the distinguished visitors .
Masonic Miscellanea.
Masonic Miscellanea .
— *—THE fifteen sections will be worked on Thursday evening , March 2 nd , at the Fidelity Lodge of Instruction , which now meets at the " Goat and Compasses , " comer of Fitzroy-street ,
Euston-road . Bro . T . A . Adams , P . M ., P . Z ., P . G . P ., will take the chair . A large muster of the brethren is anticipated—the room in which the Lodge of Instruction is held being capable of accommodating at least seventy .
THE following conclaves of the Red Cross Order have been recently established : —Orient Conclave , No . 45 , Bloomsbury , Pennsylvania , Sir Kt . Christian Frederick Knapp , M . P . S . ; Constantine Conclave , No . 4 6 , Reading ,
Pennsylvania , Sir Kt . John C . A . Hoffeditz , M . P . S . ; Trinity Conclave , No . 47 , Harrisbury , Pennsylvania , Sir Kt . William H . Egle , M . D ., M . P . S . ; Mary Conclave , No . 48 , Allentown ,
Pennsylvania , Sir Kt . Dewees J . Martin , M . P . S . , * and the Macdonald Conclave , No . 49 , Millbrook , Ontario , Canada , Sir Kt . James Might , M . P . S . The order is also about to be introduced into the Southern States of America .
WE are requested to state that at the present time there is only one body of Royal Ark Mariners in complete working order , and that is the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , which up to this date has chartered twelve lodges , ancl
receiving fresh applications every week , and already issued warrants and certificates both in England and abroad , while the Grand Mark Lodge has not even conferred thc degree upon a single brother . Negotiations are pending between the
the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners and the Mark Grand Lodge , with a view to attaching thc Royal Ark Mariner to the Mark Degree much in the same way as the Royal Arch is to the
Craft . The G . Commander has appointed Bro . Loewenstark as Grand Scribe , and all communications on any subject connected with the Order of Royal Ark Mariners must be addressed to him at the office , Devereux Court , Temple , W . C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
its true interests . The following officers were then appointed and invested : —Bros . J . F . Mann , S . W . ; J . Broome , J . W . ; J . Huntan , Treas . ; I . H . Hant , Sec ; Guy Herbert , S . D . ; Thos . Walton , J . D . ; J . Usher , W . J . Watson , R . S . Happer and R . Dickenson , Stewards ; J * . Inverhalm , Tyler . At the close of the lodge , the
brethren sat down in the banqueting-hall to an excellent repast . The usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts were drank , interspersed with some capital vocalism by various members of the company . The proceedings were throughout of a most enjoyable character .
WEST INDIES . Turk ' s Islands Forth Lodge , No . 647 . —The regular annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., —St . John the Evangelist ' s Day —the business being the installation of Bro . the Hon . C . R . Hinson , M . L . C ., P . M ., S . W ., and W . M .-elect for the ensuing year . There was a goodly number of brethren
and visitors present to do honour to the occasion , and after installation the W . M . invested the following brethren as his officers for the year , viz .: Bros . W . CMoxey , I . P . M . ; John T . Astwood , S . W . ; James Maclean , J . W . ; Rev . Isaac Pegg , M . A ., Chap . ; J . W . Darrell , Treas . ; Jos . A . Gardiner , Sec . ( re-appointed ) ; J . W . Wilbourn , S . D . ; M . Victoria , J . D . ; Henry Kennedy , I . G . ; Jas .
Astwood and T . J . Godet , Stewards ( re-appointed ); A . Francis , S . B ., Tyler . Bro . Secretary havine read a dispensation from Grand Lodge , authorizing the formation of public processions , & c . the lodge was called off , formed in procession , and marched to the Baptist church , where
the newly-appomted Chaplain delivered a most excellent and impressive discourse from 2 nd chap . Luke , 14 verse ; after which the brethren returned to their hall , closed the lodge down in due form with the usual solemnities , and separated , but again met together at a later hour and spent a most enjoyable evening .
Royal Arch.
WEST LANCASHIRE . — Rowley Chapter , No . 1051 . — The regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Rooms Athenaeum , Lancaster , on the 20 th inst . There were present : Comps , Bagnall , M . E . Z . ; Dr . Moore , P . Z . as H ; Hall , J . ; Mercer , E . ; Whimpray , N . ; Simpson , P . S . ; Barker , Treas ; W . Hall , W . Heald , R . Taylor , J . Watson . The chapter was opened , and general business transacted . The ballot
was taken for two brethren as candidates for exhaltation , who were unanimously elected . The Companions then proceeded to the election of the Principals and Officers for the ensuing year , which resulted as follows : Comps . T . Mason , Z ; Hall , H . ; Mercer , J . , * Whimpray , E . ; James M . Moore , N . ; W . Barker , Treas . ; E . Simpson , P . - * . ; R . Taylor , Janitor . The installations will take place at the end of March next , and will be conducted by Comp . J . D . Moore , P . Z .
Mark Masonry.
Carnarvon Lodge , No . 119 . —This lodge was consecrated by the very Worshipful Bro . Capt . F . C Irwin ( Past Grand Master Overseer ) , Deputy Prov . G . Mark Master-designate of Somerset , on Thursday , the 19 th inst ., at the White Hart , Brislington . There was a good muster of brethren present , and the ceremony was performed by Bro . Irwine in a most admirable manner , for
which he received a unanimous vote of thanks . At the conclusion of the consecration ceremony , a lodge of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Irwin installed Bro . Dr . Samuel Bryant as the first W M . of this new lodge . On the brethren being readmitted , they gave the customary salute , and the W . M . appointed the followinc ; brethren as his officers for the ensuing vear : —Bros . E . T .
Inskip , S . W . ; W . S . Gillard . J . W . ; Rev . R . H . Brigsby , Chaplain ; T- Macfarelan , S . O . ; R . C . Else , J . O . ; A . W . Butter , S . D . ; Major T . W . Vizard , J . D . ; C . " H . Whereat , I . G . ; F . G . Irwin , Treas . ; B . Cox , Sec . A code of by-laws was approved , and Bro . Gillard presented a petition for a new lodge , to be held at Wincanton , asking this lodge to recommend the same , which
was unanimously approved . Votes of thanks were given to the visiting brethren , and several propositions for advancement at thc next meeting were made . after which the W . M . closed the lodge in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet , whi h had been provided by
Host Marks . On the removal of the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed the health of the G . M . Bro . Portal , and the P . G . M . the Earl of Carnarvon , the D . P . G . M-designate , Bro . Irvine , together with the various toasts of the evening in his terse but telling style , making him the right man in the right place .
Royal Ark Masonry.
A meeting of the brethren of the order was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C , on Monday , the 20 th inst . A special lodge was opened , according to ancient custom and with solemn prayer , for the purpose of elevating candidates , by Bro . Morton Edwards , 'G . C , assisted by Bros . M . Emanuel , as J . ; Capt . T . B . Payne , as S . ; A . D . Loewenstark , as Deacon ; M . A . Loewenstark , G . S ., as acting Scribe . Visitor : Bro . Nickelson ,
Grand Treasurer of thc Royal Ark Mariners , America . The following brethren were properly prepared and elevated in due form to the ancient and lion , degree of a Royal Ark Mariner : —Bros . John Coles Fourdrinier , P . G . Steward . P . P . G . S . W . Shropshire , P . Z ., P . M . Antiquity , No . 2 ; John Lee , Grand Afasters Lodge , No . r ; H . W . Binckes . Kent Mark Lodge * , F . W . Koch , Thistle Mark Lodge . Bro , Capt . Nicholson gave , for the information of the brethren , some illustrations ofthe manner in
Royal Ark Masonry.
which this degree is worked in America—especially the explanation of the three points and the steps—which was listened to with great interest , and gave universal satisfaction . The rest of the working appeared to be nearly identical , which , considering that this is the first time , at any rate since the order has been re-organised here , that the working of the two countries , England and America ,
have been compared , is very satisfactory , and shows the care that has been taken by the authorities of the order not to lose sight of the landmarks , and to restore , without impairing , the beauty of the ceremonies of this degree of Universal Masonry . On the retiring of some of the brethren , an assemblage of Commanders was then duly formed , and Bros . J . B . Payne and M . Emanuel were
enthroned as Commanders , and expressed themselves very pleased with the ceremony which was performed by Bro . Morton Edwards , G . C ., assisted by Bros . A . D . Loewenstark and Nickelson . Tlie assembly of Commanders was then closed , the brethren re-admitted , who saluted the
newly-enthroned Commanders , and this special lodge of Royal Ark Mariners adjourned till Monday , the 27 th , when there will be another meeting for the purpose of elevating candidates , and conferring the degree of Commander at 7 o ' clock at Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall-street , E . C
Orders Of Chivalry.
Mount Calvary Encampment . —An emergency meeting of this encampment was held at Freemasons' Tavern , on the 13 th inst ., for the purpose of installing Comp . E . H . G . Dalton as a Knight of the Order , prior to his leaving England for Demerara . E . Sir Kt . Binckes presided as E . G ., supported by Sir Kts . Rosenthal , Dewar , Paas , Roebuck , Baxter , Trewatha , & c . The ceremony was exceedingly well rendered , and gave great satisfaction to the newly-installed companion . The encampment was then closed . KNIGHTS TEMPLAR .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . Mount Calvary Chapter Rose Croix II . R . D . M . — A meeting of this chapter was held on the 10 th inst ., at Freemasons' Tavern , and among the brethren present we noticed the esteemed M . W . S ., Bro . D . M . Dewar ; Bros . W . Paas , P . M . W . S . ; G . Cockle , 30 ° , H . P . ; F . Binckes , 30 ° , F . G . ; S . Rosenthal , 33 ° , S . G . : J . Hervey , 30 ; W . Hyde Pullen , 33 ; J . Stohwasser , W . Roebuck , R . W .
Little , W . Fish , C J . Morgan , and E . Kimber . There was also one visitor . An important matter was discussed by the members , and a decision arrived at , after which the chapter was closed , and the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet . Great amusement was caused , as usual , by the versatile talents of Bro . Kimber , and the evening was spent in a most pleasant manner by all present .
PROVINCIAL . Rochdale Chapter . —The annual convocation of this chapter was held in the Masonic Rooms , Rochdale , on Saturday last , the iSlh inst ., Bro . William Roberts , P . M . W . Sov ., in the chair , in the unavoidable absence of the Most Wise Sov . Bro . John Barker . The chapter was opened at 3 . 30 , in the presence of illustrious and
distinguished princes of the order , who honoured the chapter by accepting an invitation to be present . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the muster-roll called , and other business transacted , Bro . John Fothergill , Red Cross Knight of Babylon and Knight ofthe East and West , was received , regularly exalted , and admitted a member of thc Order
according to ancient rites and ceremonies . After the ceremony , which was very efficiently performed by thc respective officers , Bro . Prince , 1 st Gen ., was installed M . W . S . ofthe chapter for the ensuing twelve months , and appointed as his officers the following : Bros . Richard Ilankinson , Ii . P . ; James Hnlroyd , 1 st Gen . ; William Ashworth , 2 nd Gen ; Robert Btitterwortli , Grand
Marshal ; John Fothergill , Raphael ; Robert Whitworth , Chancellor ; William Roberts , P . M . W . S ., Herald ; William Briggs , Organist ; and Benjamin Toulson , Caplain of Guard . The ceremony being ended , the convocation was closed , afer having disposed of several matters which had been brought before themembers , when severil members formed themselves into a convocation of the Holy Order of K . H .. & C .
Holy Order Of K.H. And Grand Elected Knights, Or Ne Plus Ultra.
The inaugural ceremony of this convocation was held in the Masonic Rooms , Ann-strcct , Rochdale , on Saturday last , the 18 th inst . The convocation was formed at 6 . 30 , when the Chancellor pro tem read a letter that he had received , dated " 33 , Golden-square , London , Feb . 16 th , " and signed 0
"J . M . P . Montagu , 33 , Gd . Sec . Gen ., » also several letters and telegrams lhat had been sent to him ancl other brethren in reference thereto . He also read a circular which had been very freely circulated throughout thc country , of which the following is a
COPY . 33 , Golden-square , London , Feb . 16 th , 1871 . Dear Sir and Brother , — . The following circular , pur
Holy Order Of K.H. And Grand Elected Knights, Or Ne Plus Ultra.
porting to call a convocation to be held on Saturday , the iSthinst , for the purpose of conferring the degrees of Knight Kadosh 30 th and 32 nd , having just reached us , Masonic Temple , Ann-street , Rochdale , Feb . nth , 1871 . Holy Order of Kadosh and 301 I 1 and 32 nd degrees , Dear Sir Knight , —By command of the Royal
Commander of the Holy Order of Kadosh and 30 th and 32 nd Degrees , a convocation will be held in the above Temple on Saturday next , the iSth inst ., at six o'clock prompt , to create all Sir Knights who may present themselves , and are found worthy of that distinction . We shall he happy to receive your name as a candidate on this occasion .
Yours fraternally , WILLIAM ASIIWORTII . Chancellor pro tem . All letters to be addressed 21 , Ann-street . We think it our duty to warn you against this illegal
attempt to bestow degrees that we alone have a right to grant , according to our warrant and the Statutes of the A . and A . Rite ( see Ancient Constitution ) , and to remind you that according to your O . B . you cannot even visit this or any other illegal body .
I remain , dear Sir and Brother , Fraternally yours . J . . MONTAGUE , 33 ° , G . Sec . Gen . It was then agreed unanimously to proceed with the ceremony . The Supreme Grand Council having no authority whatever to assume to themselves
alone tbe right to grant or confer these degrees , or to interfere with those who have had these rites handed down to thsm as having been conferred from time immemorial , the ceremony was therefore proceeded with , and several members of the Order of Rose Croix , & c , duly admitted by ancient rites and ceremonies to the degrees , & c .
The officers were then appointed , invested , and installed for the ensuing twelve months , and the chapter was closed in due form , and with hearty good wishes for the Supreme Grand Council and other sister chapters . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a banquet , provided by Bro . Butterworth , of thc Golden
Fleece Hotel , in his usual rticherchd style , which . was most heartily discussed aad enjoyed . The cloth having been removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and responded to by the several brethren . The visitors and the sister chapters were severally responded to by the distinguished visitors .
Masonic Miscellanea.
Masonic Miscellanea .
— *—THE fifteen sections will be worked on Thursday evening , March 2 nd , at the Fidelity Lodge of Instruction , which now meets at the " Goat and Compasses , " comer of Fitzroy-street ,
Euston-road . Bro . T . A . Adams , P . M ., P . Z ., P . G . P ., will take the chair . A large muster of the brethren is anticipated—the room in which the Lodge of Instruction is held being capable of accommodating at least seventy .
THE following conclaves of the Red Cross Order have been recently established : —Orient Conclave , No . 45 , Bloomsbury , Pennsylvania , Sir Kt . Christian Frederick Knapp , M . P . S . ; Constantine Conclave , No . 4 6 , Reading ,
Pennsylvania , Sir Kt . John C . A . Hoffeditz , M . P . S . ; Trinity Conclave , No . 47 , Harrisbury , Pennsylvania , Sir Kt . William H . Egle , M . D ., M . P . S . ; Mary Conclave , No . 48 , Allentown ,
Pennsylvania , Sir Kt . Dewees J . Martin , M . P . S . , * and the Macdonald Conclave , No . 49 , Millbrook , Ontario , Canada , Sir Kt . James Might , M . P . S . The order is also about to be introduced into the Southern States of America .
WE are requested to state that at the present time there is only one body of Royal Ark Mariners in complete working order , and that is the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , which up to this date has chartered twelve lodges , ancl
receiving fresh applications every week , and already issued warrants and certificates both in England and abroad , while the Grand Mark Lodge has not even conferred thc degree upon a single brother . Negotiations are pending between the
the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners and the Mark Grand Lodge , with a view to attaching thc Royal Ark Mariner to the Mark Degree much in the same way as the Royal Arch is to the
Craft . The G . Commander has appointed Bro . Loewenstark as Grand Scribe , and all communications on any subject connected with the Order of Royal Ark Mariners must be addressed to him at the office , Devereux Court , Temple , W . C ,