Article BRO. HUGHAN AND THE BIBLE QUESTION. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Bro. Hughan And The Bible Question.
with anti-Trinitarianism , because they sanctioned the ignoring of the dogma of the Trinity in Masonic assemblies . J ACOB NORTON . Boston , U . S ., Jan . 24 th , 1870 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
—«—THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 . —The regular meeting of this old and well-known lodge was held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on Monday , the 20 th instant . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Davies Sewell , supported by his officers and Past Masters . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and
unanimously confirmed . Bro . George James Hillstead ( 169 ) was admitted a joining member , and Bros . J . C . Button and J . \ V . G . Briigmann were passed to the second degree . The work was beautifully rendered by the W . M . The ballot was unanimous in favour of thc W . M . being the Grand Steward to represent the lodge at the Grand Festival , and Bros . T . S . Howell and F . W .
Blake were elected absent members . The lodge was then closed , and the usual superior banquet and dessert followed . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Dr . T . S . Barringcr , P . Prov . S . G . W . Herts ; F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; Littel , P . M . 860 ; & c . Lodge of Justice , No . 147 . —On Wednesday , the Sth inst ., at thc White Swan Tavern , Deptford , this old Iodize
held its usual meeting . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . James Whiffen , and there were present during the evening : Bros . II . Sadler , S . W . ; II . Bartlett , J . W . ; J . Lightfoot , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Chapman , P . M ., Sec . ; C . G . Dilley , S . D . ; J . Roper , J . D . ; G . Bolton , J . Bavin , J . Cavell , R . G . Batt , J . Percival , and N . Wingfield , P . M . ' s ; F . Golding Shclton , C . Porter , Guest ,
Church , & c . Visitors : Bros . T . Whiffen , 54 S ; M . J . Simmons , 871 ; & c . The work ( done in an admirable manner by Bro . J . Percival , I . P . M . ) was passing Bro . Tyler to the second degree , and initialing Mr . John Partington into Freemasonry , after which the W . M . resumed the chair and closed the lodge . Universal Lodge , No . lSl . —The usual monthly meeting
of this ancient lodge took place on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , under the presidency of Bro . Alfred Layton , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Donne , S . W . ; Read , J . W . ; Stanton , S . D . ; Norfolk , J . . ; Drew Wood , I . G . ; and Beale , Sec . The minutes of the previous lodge were read and confirmed . Bros . E . J . Layton , Lilly , Smith , and Hawkins were passed to thedegrec
of F . C . Bro . Drummond , after examination , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being well performed by the W . M . It having been announced that Bro . D . Wood had consented to stand as Steward for the Boys' School , and Bro . Donne for the Girls' School , the lodge voted from its charity fund two donations of Ls 5 S > to be added to each Steward's list—a similar sum having
been added to the W . M . s list on the occasion of his having served the office of Steward for the Aged Freemasons' Institution . All business being completed , the members partook of an excellent banquet at the Tavern . The W . M . proposed "The Health ofthe Queen , " which was drank in the toast of "The Crown and Craft . " — "The W . M . G . M . and the Grand Officers" was then
proposed , the W . M . observing that , as good Masons , our allegiance , next lo that to the sovereign of the realm , is always given to the head ruler of Freemasonry , the Grand Master . Our lodges would never have been kept in such good order had they not been cared for and nourished by Grand Lodge and the eminent body of P . M . 's by whom it is largely composed . —Thc toast of "The Visitors "
was ably replied to by Bros . Low , P . M . 3 , and Yates , 101 .- Bro . the Rev . W . T . Jones proposed "The Health of the W . M . " , who , in reply said : In offering you my thanks , I own the position , which , by your suffrage , I now fill , has long been my aim ; and I have diligently worked all minor offices having it in view . And yet I felt so much thc importance of that position that , when the time came to occupy this chair , I confess I should have
hesitated to occupy it had I not known that the hand of brotherly friendship was always extended to assist and encourage every earnest Mason ; and I looked back upon a long line of eminent P . M . ' s of this lodge on whom I could rely as a friend for help and assistance , if required . —Tlie toast of "The P . M . ' s" was replied to by Bro . Beale , P . M . and Sec ., who is also father of the lodge . The toast of "The Officers" brought the meeting to a conclusion .
Nelson lodge , No . 700 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , on Wednesday , thc 15 th inst ., presided over by their respected W . M ., Bro . \ V . D . May , assisted by his P . M . and oflicers . The lodge was opened in due form , and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed . The Treasurer ' s
account was also read , and being in a very satisfactory state , was approved . Mr . J . Drake was duly initiated ; Bros , Sadler , Lovelock , and Waters were passed to thc second degree ; and Bro . Chambers was raised to the third . The resignation of a brother was tendered and receiyed , and a gentleman was proposed for initiation .
All Masonic business having ended , the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Freemasons ' Hotel , where they enjoyed a very pleasant evening . Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 917 . —This flourishing lodge met on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , Bro , S . Basilico , W . M ., presided ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and there were also present : Bros . G . F . Gibson , J . W . ; J . B . Deporter , P . M ., Treas . ; L . Stean , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Cooke , S . D . ; F . Lovell Keays , J . D . ; F . W . Jones , I . G . ; E . J . Stilhvell , P . M . ; D . Anderson ; & c . Thc lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of the former
meeting were read and confirmed , and the W . M ., in an able manner , initiated separately Messrs . Taylor and Lewis into thc Order . Bro . L . Stean , in his usual finished style , raised Bro . D . Anderson to the third degree . Bro . S . Basilico , W . M ., having resumed the chair , and closed the lodge , the usual superior banquet and dessert followed .
Lcish Lodge , No . 957 . —At the Freemasons Hall , on Monday , the 13 th inst ., this prosperous lodge held its usual monthly meeting , Bro . James Frost Creswick , W . M ., in the chair . He was supported by Bros . F . Harvey , S . W . ; W . Mitchell , J . W . ; E . L . Cockerel ) , P . M ., Treas . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . M ., Sec . ; C . Keeso , S . D . ; J . Weddell , J . D . * , J . Dip-rose , I . G . ; M .
Edersheim , I . P . M ., D . C ; R . H . Whiteman , P . M . ; E . Hampden , J . C . F . Wootton , F . Mosely , J . Hanks , & c . The visitors were : Bros . F . Binckes , P . G . S . ; W . Pound , P . Sr . 16 ; G . F . Henly , rS 6 ; E . Lewis , 19 S ; L . Pam , 4 S 2 ; P . Bergheim , S 26 ; F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; C . Braid , W . M . 1196 ; & c . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting were
read and confirmed . The W . M . raised Bros . J . C . F . Wootton and A . Hirschfield to thc third degree , and initiated separately Messrs . James Collins , Craven , Proctor , Cobham , and Arthur Wootton into Freemasonry —• all being pleased and gratified at tlie very impressive and painstaking manner in whicli the work was given from the chair , The lodge was then closed , and a first-class banquet was served , Bro . M . Edersheim , P . M ., D . C ,
being indefatigable in his exertions to make every one comfortable . Thc cloth having been withdrawn , the usual toasts were given , the pleasures of the evening being materially increased by tne superior singing ofthe \ V . M ., Bro . Henly , and others . Bro . M . Edersheim gave some solos on the violin , which pleased all , and proved how proficient he is as a musician . Bro . C . Braid played on the piano . Altogether the evening was most enjoyably and well spent .
PROVINCIAL . RINGWOOD , HANTS . —Lodge of Unity , No . 132 . —The . ordinary meeting of this lodge was lield on the 9 th inst . The lodge having been duly opened by the W . M ., the ballot was taken for Messrs . F . Ayles and J . Chistvell , which , proving unanimous , the candidates were duly
initiated by Bro . Fletcher , P . M . 622 . The charge was delivered by Bro . Garrett Holder , and the lecture was given by Bro . Reade , S . W . A banquet afterwards took p lace with the usual Masonic toasts . The Lodge voted five guineas to the Boys' School , to be added to Bro . Rebbeck ' s list .
SCARBOROUGH . —Old Globe Lodge , A o . 200 . —This lodge held its regular meeting in tlie Masonic Hall , Globestreet , on Wednesday , the 15 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . David Fletcher , was at his post supported by his officers , and Bros . R . Ii . Peacock , \ V . Peacock , J . F . Spun * , W . F . Rooke , and II . A . Williamson , P . M . ' s , with a goodly number of members . After the confirinalion of the
minutes , a ballot look place for three gentlemen for initiation , the same proving unanimous , they were separately admitted and initiated in due form . One brother was raised to the 2 nd degree , and one raised to the sublime degree ofa M . M . The new organ , a very good one , was used during the evening with excellent effect . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at tlie next meeting .
It was also proposed and agreed , that the annual Masonic concert , in aid of the charities , take place during the forthcoming spring . Tlie lodge was now closed in due form , and the brethren retired to refreshment * , tlie usual toasts were given and responded to , thai ofthe W . M . being drank with all honours , and Bro . Fletcher acknowledged the compliment in very courteous and fraternal language .
The W . M ., in giving " 'lhe Newly Initiated , " coupling with it thc name of Bro . Powley , the son of an esteemed Mason , said it was always one of the most pleasing duties to admit amongst us men of well-known integrity and good social standing . Bro . Powley , in returning thanks , stated that lie should strive to be an efficient Mason , that
he had for some time made up his mind to join the Old Globe , and from what he had seen that evening lie was very much pleased ; he sincerely hoped to be a useful member of the order , and begged to thank the brethren for having admitted him amongst them . At low twelve thc brethren retired after spending a most agreeable evening .
BRIGHTON . —Royal York Lodge , No . 315 . —This lodge met on Tuesday , thc 7 th inst ., at the Royal Pavilion ; Bro . James Curtis , W . M ., presiding . The business of thc evening consisted in raising , to thc third degree , Bro . Packham , and this ceremony was most impressingly performed by the W . M . Bro . Slride , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the year ensuing . Bro . Hugh
Saunders , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Sussex , was unanimously re-clecled Treasurer , and Bro . W . Awcock , Tyler . The General Purposes Committee brought up the annual statement of accounts , which showed thc lodge to be in a very prosperous condition , and also that during thc past year much had been done for the Masonic chaiities ; indeed in this respect , both from the lodge funds and from the
brethren generally , this lodge stands pre-eminent in the province of Sussex , for ils noble support ofthe charities , the members evident !) ' believing that "It helps him who gives as well as him v , hu receives . " During the evening the brethren present v . vie : Bros . J . Curtis , W . M . ; Stride ,
S . W . ; D . Cunningham , I . W ; Sandeman , S . D . ; Nell , I . G . ; Ebberall , Sea ; Robinson , P . M . ; Vv . Hudson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Sussex ; Marchant , P . M ., P . G . A . D . of C . Sussex ; W . Bennett ; W . Challen , P . M . 315 , 4 1 , P . P . G . S . B . Sussex ; Emery , G . R . Lockycr , Slatter . Visitors ; Bro . T . J . Sabine , P . M . 73 , & c , & c . Thc
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
installation meeting of the lodge will be held on Tuesday , 7 th March , when a very large gathering is expected to do honour to the new W . M ., who is most widely known and highly respected . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Owing to an
accident , the W . M . was unable to be present , and the chair was occupied by thc I . P . M ., Bro . Geo . Toller , jun ., the Prov . G . M . and a goodly number of members and visitors being present . Amongst the latter , in addition to ihe W . M . and several members of St . John ' s Lodge , were Bro . John Pemberton , W . M . ofthe Neptune Lodge , No . 1264 , Liverpool , and Bro . White , of * Ballymena ,
Ireland . Bro . W . J . Hughan , P M . 131 , Truro , and Prov . G . Sec . for Cornwall , was , on ballot , unanimously elected an honorary member , and Dr . George Clifton , of Leicester , aud Mr . Reuben Vincent Barrow , of The Grange , Bermondsey ( he being generally in
Leicestershire ) , as candidates for initiation ; the former of those gentlemen was then initiated by the Prov . G . M ., and the latter by Bro . Toller , I . P . M ., assisted by Bro . Johnson , P . M . and P . P . G . O ., on the organ , A candidate for the second degree was absent . Business being concluded , the lodge was closed and tlie brethren adjourned to refreshin ( -nt .
KENT . —Sydney Lodge , No . Sag . —This excellent working lodge held its annual meeting at the Black Horse , Sidcup , on the 9 th inst . Bro . T . Smith , W . M , presided , asssisted by the Past Masters and officers . The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes of the former meetings read and unanimously confirmed . The ballot was taken
for two gentlemen for initiation , also for a joining member , which proved unanimous in their favour . Mr . Strong being in attendance , was duly received into Freemasonry . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Paget , P . M ., presented Bro . W . A . Thompson to Bro . Smith to receive from him the benefit of
installation , which ceremony was proceeded with , the lodge being opened in the several degrees . Bro . Thompson having been placed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom , was proclaimed and saluted accordingly . He was then pleased lo appoint the following brethren officers for the . ensuing year : —Bros . Borer , S . W . ; Pottier , J . W . ; Henderson , P . M ., Sec . ; Hamelton , S . D . ;
Christian , J . D . ; Gates , I . G . ; Hastings , D . C ; Gearing , W . S . ; Peen , Tyler , who , with Bro . G . Snow , reelected Treasurer , wereinvested with their collars , & c , by the Installing Master , Bro . Smith , who then delivered in a very impressive manner the usual addresses , which closed tlie installation ceremony . Messrs . A . Lubbuck and Dr . Chattevlon , candidates for initiation , were duly
received into the first degree of 1 * reemasonry . The W . M . then stated that he had a very pleasing duty to perform , which was to present to Bro . Smith , P . M ., the P . M . 's jewel voted to him at the last meeting of the lodge for the very efficient manner he performed his duties as W . M . for the past year , Bro . Smith acknowledged tlie gifit in very suitable terms . He was also
presented by Bro . Hastings with a jeivel from those brethren who he had had the honour of initiating during his year of office ; for which he also expressed his thanks , at the same time trusting they might be spared to enjoy each other ' s society for years . Nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Watkins , the worthy host . After the cloth was
removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , when the brethren separated in perfect harmony , after enjoying a very pleasant evening . The Visitors were Bros . Russell , P . M . 77 ; Dr . Grey , 13 , 700 ; Pook , P . M . 193 ; Tinkler , W . M . 299 ; Shrubsole , P . M . 503 ; Sisley , P . M . 700 , 1076 ; Richards , 79 ; Cleaver , P . M . 1 S 6 ; Tongue , P . M . 913 ; Wain , 913 ; Knight , S . W . 1107 ; Sherwin , Org . 1107 ; and several others .
STOCKTON-ON-T KES . — Lodge of Philanthropy , No . 940 . —Wc are glad to observe that in this locality Freemasonry is flourishing , and this is particularly the case with the Lodge of Philanthropy , for which , thanks to the careful and zealous manner in which its interests arc watched over by the officials whose exertions towards maintaining a high standard of Masonic excellence are worthy of high
praise . The ancient borough of Stocltton , which stantls on thc hanks of the Tees , boasts two lodges—the Tees , No . 509 , held at the Mason ' s Lodge Room , Masons ' Court , and the one whose name precedes this notice . Thc former was removed hither from the Metropolis many years ago , but the latter has been in existence only about eight years , yet in point of numbers , influence , and
position , may , without arrogance , claim the lead . Within the last year or two it has raised anew hall , which , for extent , appearance , and adaptability , is a credit to the Fraternity , and a noble tribute to the zeal of its originators . Since the new hall was , a few months ago , dedicated lo Masonic purposes , a club has been commenced , and we are happy to say is well patronised ; a lodge of
instruction opened , and a lodge of Mark Masons ( the Percy Lodge ) instituted . The celebration of thc annual festival and installation of W . M . took place on Thursday , lhe iGth insl . The lodge was opened at one o ' clock , when there was attendance of ( he brethren , including Bros . A . C . Knowles , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; W . Best , P . M ., Past Provincial Grand J . W . ; E . Cass , P . M . ; J . II . Jackson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; Thos . Nelson , I'M ., P . P .
S . G . D ., & c . After some formal business had been disposed , lo two candidates ( Messrs . W . Ashton and J . Fowler ) were balloted for , and being elected were duly initiated . The lodge then proceed to the installation of Bro . John Trotter as W . M . for lhe ensuing year , the ceremony being being performed in an highly impressive manner by Bro . Anthony Crasby Knowles , who was the first W . M . of lhe lodge , and to whom the lodge is deeply indebted for the attention and devotion he has unceasingly shown for
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Bro. Hughan And The Bible Question.
with anti-Trinitarianism , because they sanctioned the ignoring of the dogma of the Trinity in Masonic assemblies . J ACOB NORTON . Boston , U . S ., Jan . 24 th , 1870 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
—«—THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 . —The regular meeting of this old and well-known lodge was held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on Monday , the 20 th instant . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Davies Sewell , supported by his officers and Past Masters . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and
unanimously confirmed . Bro . George James Hillstead ( 169 ) was admitted a joining member , and Bros . J . C . Button and J . \ V . G . Briigmann were passed to the second degree . The work was beautifully rendered by the W . M . The ballot was unanimous in favour of thc W . M . being the Grand Steward to represent the lodge at the Grand Festival , and Bros . T . S . Howell and F . W .
Blake were elected absent members . The lodge was then closed , and the usual superior banquet and dessert followed . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Dr . T . S . Barringcr , P . Prov . S . G . W . Herts ; F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; Littel , P . M . 860 ; & c . Lodge of Justice , No . 147 . —On Wednesday , the Sth inst ., at thc White Swan Tavern , Deptford , this old Iodize
held its usual meeting . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . James Whiffen , and there were present during the evening : Bros . II . Sadler , S . W . ; II . Bartlett , J . W . ; J . Lightfoot , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Chapman , P . M ., Sec . ; C . G . Dilley , S . D . ; J . Roper , J . D . ; G . Bolton , J . Bavin , J . Cavell , R . G . Batt , J . Percival , and N . Wingfield , P . M . ' s ; F . Golding Shclton , C . Porter , Guest ,
Church , & c . Visitors : Bros . T . Whiffen , 54 S ; M . J . Simmons , 871 ; & c . The work ( done in an admirable manner by Bro . J . Percival , I . P . M . ) was passing Bro . Tyler to the second degree , and initialing Mr . John Partington into Freemasonry , after which the W . M . resumed the chair and closed the lodge . Universal Lodge , No . lSl . —The usual monthly meeting
of this ancient lodge took place on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , under the presidency of Bro . Alfred Layton , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Donne , S . W . ; Read , J . W . ; Stanton , S . D . ; Norfolk , J . . ; Drew Wood , I . G . ; and Beale , Sec . The minutes of the previous lodge were read and confirmed . Bros . E . J . Layton , Lilly , Smith , and Hawkins were passed to thedegrec
of F . C . Bro . Drummond , after examination , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being well performed by the W . M . It having been announced that Bro . D . Wood had consented to stand as Steward for the Boys' School , and Bro . Donne for the Girls' School , the lodge voted from its charity fund two donations of Ls 5 S > to be added to each Steward's list—a similar sum having
been added to the W . M . s list on the occasion of his having served the office of Steward for the Aged Freemasons' Institution . All business being completed , the members partook of an excellent banquet at the Tavern . The W . M . proposed "The Health ofthe Queen , " which was drank in the toast of "The Crown and Craft . " — "The W . M . G . M . and the Grand Officers" was then
proposed , the W . M . observing that , as good Masons , our allegiance , next lo that to the sovereign of the realm , is always given to the head ruler of Freemasonry , the Grand Master . Our lodges would never have been kept in such good order had they not been cared for and nourished by Grand Lodge and the eminent body of P . M . 's by whom it is largely composed . —Thc toast of "The Visitors "
was ably replied to by Bros . Low , P . M . 3 , and Yates , 101 .- Bro . the Rev . W . T . Jones proposed "The Health of the W . M . " , who , in reply said : In offering you my thanks , I own the position , which , by your suffrage , I now fill , has long been my aim ; and I have diligently worked all minor offices having it in view . And yet I felt so much thc importance of that position that , when the time came to occupy this chair , I confess I should have
hesitated to occupy it had I not known that the hand of brotherly friendship was always extended to assist and encourage every earnest Mason ; and I looked back upon a long line of eminent P . M . ' s of this lodge on whom I could rely as a friend for help and assistance , if required . —Tlie toast of "The P . M . ' s" was replied to by Bro . Beale , P . M . and Sec ., who is also father of the lodge . The toast of "The Officers" brought the meeting to a conclusion .
Nelson lodge , No . 700 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , on Wednesday , thc 15 th inst ., presided over by their respected W . M ., Bro . \ V . D . May , assisted by his P . M . and oflicers . The lodge was opened in due form , and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed . The Treasurer ' s
account was also read , and being in a very satisfactory state , was approved . Mr . J . Drake was duly initiated ; Bros , Sadler , Lovelock , and Waters were passed to thc second degree ; and Bro . Chambers was raised to the third . The resignation of a brother was tendered and receiyed , and a gentleman was proposed for initiation .
All Masonic business having ended , the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Freemasons ' Hotel , where they enjoyed a very pleasant evening . Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 917 . —This flourishing lodge met on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , Bro , S . Basilico , W . M ., presided ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and there were also present : Bros . G . F . Gibson , J . W . ; J . B . Deporter , P . M ., Treas . ; L . Stean , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Cooke , S . D . ; F . Lovell Keays , J . D . ; F . W . Jones , I . G . ; E . J . Stilhvell , P . M . ; D . Anderson ; & c . Thc lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of the former
meeting were read and confirmed , and the W . M ., in an able manner , initiated separately Messrs . Taylor and Lewis into thc Order . Bro . L . Stean , in his usual finished style , raised Bro . D . Anderson to the third degree . Bro . S . Basilico , W . M ., having resumed the chair , and closed the lodge , the usual superior banquet and dessert followed .
Lcish Lodge , No . 957 . —At the Freemasons Hall , on Monday , the 13 th inst ., this prosperous lodge held its usual monthly meeting , Bro . James Frost Creswick , W . M ., in the chair . He was supported by Bros . F . Harvey , S . W . ; W . Mitchell , J . W . ; E . L . Cockerel ) , P . M ., Treas . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . M ., Sec . ; C . Keeso , S . D . ; J . Weddell , J . D . * , J . Dip-rose , I . G . ; M .
Edersheim , I . P . M ., D . C ; R . H . Whiteman , P . M . ; E . Hampden , J . C . F . Wootton , F . Mosely , J . Hanks , & c . The visitors were : Bros . F . Binckes , P . G . S . ; W . Pound , P . Sr . 16 ; G . F . Henly , rS 6 ; E . Lewis , 19 S ; L . Pam , 4 S 2 ; P . Bergheim , S 26 ; F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; C . Braid , W . M . 1196 ; & c . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting were
read and confirmed . The W . M . raised Bros . J . C . F . Wootton and A . Hirschfield to thc third degree , and initiated separately Messrs . James Collins , Craven , Proctor , Cobham , and Arthur Wootton into Freemasonry —• all being pleased and gratified at tlie very impressive and painstaking manner in whicli the work was given from the chair , The lodge was then closed , and a first-class banquet was served , Bro . M . Edersheim , P . M ., D . C ,
being indefatigable in his exertions to make every one comfortable . Thc cloth having been withdrawn , the usual toasts were given , the pleasures of the evening being materially increased by tne superior singing ofthe \ V . M ., Bro . Henly , and others . Bro . M . Edersheim gave some solos on the violin , which pleased all , and proved how proficient he is as a musician . Bro . C . Braid played on the piano . Altogether the evening was most enjoyably and well spent .
PROVINCIAL . RINGWOOD , HANTS . —Lodge of Unity , No . 132 . —The . ordinary meeting of this lodge was lield on the 9 th inst . The lodge having been duly opened by the W . M ., the ballot was taken for Messrs . F . Ayles and J . Chistvell , which , proving unanimous , the candidates were duly
initiated by Bro . Fletcher , P . M . 622 . The charge was delivered by Bro . Garrett Holder , and the lecture was given by Bro . Reade , S . W . A banquet afterwards took p lace with the usual Masonic toasts . The Lodge voted five guineas to the Boys' School , to be added to Bro . Rebbeck ' s list .
SCARBOROUGH . —Old Globe Lodge , A o . 200 . —This lodge held its regular meeting in tlie Masonic Hall , Globestreet , on Wednesday , the 15 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . David Fletcher , was at his post supported by his officers , and Bros . R . Ii . Peacock , \ V . Peacock , J . F . Spun * , W . F . Rooke , and II . A . Williamson , P . M . ' s , with a goodly number of members . After the confirinalion of the
minutes , a ballot look place for three gentlemen for initiation , the same proving unanimous , they were separately admitted and initiated in due form . One brother was raised to the 2 nd degree , and one raised to the sublime degree ofa M . M . The new organ , a very good one , was used during the evening with excellent effect . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at tlie next meeting .
It was also proposed and agreed , that the annual Masonic concert , in aid of the charities , take place during the forthcoming spring . Tlie lodge was now closed in due form , and the brethren retired to refreshment * , tlie usual toasts were given and responded to , thai ofthe W . M . being drank with all honours , and Bro . Fletcher acknowledged the compliment in very courteous and fraternal language .
The W . M ., in giving " 'lhe Newly Initiated , " coupling with it thc name of Bro . Powley , the son of an esteemed Mason , said it was always one of the most pleasing duties to admit amongst us men of well-known integrity and good social standing . Bro . Powley , in returning thanks , stated that lie should strive to be an efficient Mason , that
he had for some time made up his mind to join the Old Globe , and from what he had seen that evening lie was very much pleased ; he sincerely hoped to be a useful member of the order , and begged to thank the brethren for having admitted him amongst them . At low twelve thc brethren retired after spending a most agreeable evening .
BRIGHTON . —Royal York Lodge , No . 315 . —This lodge met on Tuesday , thc 7 th inst ., at the Royal Pavilion ; Bro . James Curtis , W . M ., presiding . The business of thc evening consisted in raising , to thc third degree , Bro . Packham , and this ceremony was most impressingly performed by the W . M . Bro . Slride , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the year ensuing . Bro . Hugh
Saunders , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Sussex , was unanimously re-clecled Treasurer , and Bro . W . Awcock , Tyler . The General Purposes Committee brought up the annual statement of accounts , which showed thc lodge to be in a very prosperous condition , and also that during thc past year much had been done for the Masonic chaiities ; indeed in this respect , both from the lodge funds and from the
brethren generally , this lodge stands pre-eminent in the province of Sussex , for ils noble support ofthe charities , the members evident !) ' believing that "It helps him who gives as well as him v , hu receives . " During the evening the brethren present v . vie : Bros . J . Curtis , W . M . ; Stride ,
S . W . ; D . Cunningham , I . W ; Sandeman , S . D . ; Nell , I . G . ; Ebberall , Sea ; Robinson , P . M . ; Vv . Hudson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Sussex ; Marchant , P . M ., P . G . A . D . of C . Sussex ; W . Bennett ; W . Challen , P . M . 315 , 4 1 , P . P . G . S . B . Sussex ; Emery , G . R . Lockycr , Slatter . Visitors ; Bro . T . J . Sabine , P . M . 73 , & c , & c . Thc
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
installation meeting of the lodge will be held on Tuesday , 7 th March , when a very large gathering is expected to do honour to the new W . M ., who is most widely known and highly respected . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Owing to an
accident , the W . M . was unable to be present , and the chair was occupied by thc I . P . M ., Bro . Geo . Toller , jun ., the Prov . G . M . and a goodly number of members and visitors being present . Amongst the latter , in addition to ihe W . M . and several members of St . John ' s Lodge , were Bro . John Pemberton , W . M . ofthe Neptune Lodge , No . 1264 , Liverpool , and Bro . White , of * Ballymena ,
Ireland . Bro . W . J . Hughan , P M . 131 , Truro , and Prov . G . Sec . for Cornwall , was , on ballot , unanimously elected an honorary member , and Dr . George Clifton , of Leicester , aud Mr . Reuben Vincent Barrow , of The Grange , Bermondsey ( he being generally in
Leicestershire ) , as candidates for initiation ; the former of those gentlemen was then initiated by the Prov . G . M ., and the latter by Bro . Toller , I . P . M ., assisted by Bro . Johnson , P . M . and P . P . G . O ., on the organ , A candidate for the second degree was absent . Business being concluded , the lodge was closed and tlie brethren adjourned to refreshin ( -nt .
KENT . —Sydney Lodge , No . Sag . —This excellent working lodge held its annual meeting at the Black Horse , Sidcup , on the 9 th inst . Bro . T . Smith , W . M , presided , asssisted by the Past Masters and officers . The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes of the former meetings read and unanimously confirmed . The ballot was taken
for two gentlemen for initiation , also for a joining member , which proved unanimous in their favour . Mr . Strong being in attendance , was duly received into Freemasonry . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Paget , P . M ., presented Bro . W . A . Thompson to Bro . Smith to receive from him the benefit of
installation , which ceremony was proceeded with , the lodge being opened in the several degrees . Bro . Thompson having been placed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom , was proclaimed and saluted accordingly . He was then pleased lo appoint the following brethren officers for the . ensuing year : —Bros . Borer , S . W . ; Pottier , J . W . ; Henderson , P . M ., Sec . ; Hamelton , S . D . ;
Christian , J . D . ; Gates , I . G . ; Hastings , D . C ; Gearing , W . S . ; Peen , Tyler , who , with Bro . G . Snow , reelected Treasurer , wereinvested with their collars , & c , by the Installing Master , Bro . Smith , who then delivered in a very impressive manner the usual addresses , which closed tlie installation ceremony . Messrs . A . Lubbuck and Dr . Chattevlon , candidates for initiation , were duly
received into the first degree of 1 * reemasonry . The W . M . then stated that he had a very pleasing duty to perform , which was to present to Bro . Smith , P . M ., the P . M . 's jewel voted to him at the last meeting of the lodge for the very efficient manner he performed his duties as W . M . for the past year , Bro . Smith acknowledged tlie gifit in very suitable terms . He was also
presented by Bro . Hastings with a jeivel from those brethren who he had had the honour of initiating during his year of office ; for which he also expressed his thanks , at the same time trusting they might be spared to enjoy each other ' s society for years . Nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Watkins , the worthy host . After the cloth was
removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , when the brethren separated in perfect harmony , after enjoying a very pleasant evening . The Visitors were Bros . Russell , P . M . 77 ; Dr . Grey , 13 , 700 ; Pook , P . M . 193 ; Tinkler , W . M . 299 ; Shrubsole , P . M . 503 ; Sisley , P . M . 700 , 1076 ; Richards , 79 ; Cleaver , P . M . 1 S 6 ; Tongue , P . M . 913 ; Wain , 913 ; Knight , S . W . 1107 ; Sherwin , Org . 1107 ; and several others .
STOCKTON-ON-T KES . — Lodge of Philanthropy , No . 940 . —Wc are glad to observe that in this locality Freemasonry is flourishing , and this is particularly the case with the Lodge of Philanthropy , for which , thanks to the careful and zealous manner in which its interests arc watched over by the officials whose exertions towards maintaining a high standard of Masonic excellence are worthy of high
praise . The ancient borough of Stocltton , which stantls on thc hanks of the Tees , boasts two lodges—the Tees , No . 509 , held at the Mason ' s Lodge Room , Masons ' Court , and the one whose name precedes this notice . Thc former was removed hither from the Metropolis many years ago , but the latter has been in existence only about eight years , yet in point of numbers , influence , and
position , may , without arrogance , claim the lead . Within the last year or two it has raised anew hall , which , for extent , appearance , and adaptability , is a credit to the Fraternity , and a noble tribute to the zeal of its originators . Since the new hall was , a few months ago , dedicated lo Masonic purposes , a club has been commenced , and we are happy to say is well patronised ; a lodge of
instruction opened , and a lodge of Mark Masons ( the Percy Lodge ) instituted . The celebration of thc annual festival and installation of W . M . took place on Thursday , lhe iGth insl . The lodge was opened at one o ' clock , when there was attendance of ( he brethren , including Bros . A . C . Knowles , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; W . Best , P . M ., Past Provincial Grand J . W . ; E . Cass , P . M . ; J . II . Jackson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; Thos . Nelson , I'M ., P . P .
S . G . D ., & c . After some formal business had been disposed , lo two candidates ( Messrs . W . Ashton and J . Fowler ) were balloted for , and being elected were duly initiated . The lodge then proceed to the installation of Bro . John Trotter as W . M . for lhe ensuing year , the ceremony being being performed in an highly impressive manner by Bro . Anthony Crasby Knowles , who was the first W . M . of lhe lodge , and to whom the lodge is deeply indebted for the attention and devotion he has unceasingly shown for