Article MASONIC FESTLVITTES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC FESTLVITTES. Page 2 of 2 Article THE ATRICAL. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC CURIOSITIES.—VIll. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Festlvittes.
the company most appropriately for the manner in which they had received the toast , spoke in the most cogent and respectful style on behalf of the ladies . •- ¦•¦ '¦* % Dancing re-commenced of the most animated character , and the ladies , who were most
magnificently attired , threw a lustre on the scene which lasted until a late , or rather early , hour in the morning . It would be impossible to say sufficient in praise of the Stewards , who were Bros . King , P . M . ; Gurton , P . M . ; Watson , Lawson , Masterman , and Dottridge , Hon . Sec , for the excellent
arrangements made for the comforts of those present , and especially we mention Bro . Dottridge , whose anxiety and care greatly added to the enjoyment of all . Bro . Frampton fulfilled the position of M . C . in an able manner , and we must conclude by stating that the band was excellent , and the whole proceedings passed off ¦ with the entire satisfaction of all assembled .
The Annual Banquet of this old and well-known Lodge of Instruction took place on Friday evening , the 17 th inst ., at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., when the brethren sat down to an excellent dinner provided by Bro . J . Smith , the proprietor .
The banquet was under the presidency of Bro . Thos . Arnold , the W . M . of the mother lodge , and he was ably supported by Bros . Wm . Watson , P . M . 25 ; Welch , P . M . 25 ; Herbert Dicketts , P . M . 25 John Boyd , P . M ., P . Z . 145 ; George States , P . G . S . ; C . A . Long , I . P . M . and Sec . ; the officers of the
mother lodge , and a numerous company of brethren . On the cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The toast of the evening was then proposed by Bro . Win . Watson , in his usual felicitous manner , tracing the progress of the Robert Burn ' s Lodge of
Instruction , interspersing his speech with many interesting facts anent his experience as President and its chief instructor , and " Prosperity to the Robert Burns Lodge of Instruction " was drank with great enthusiasm . The toast of " Prosperity to the Robert Burns
Lodge , Root and Banch , " was then proposed by Bro . C . A . Long , I . P . M ., who coupled with it the name of the VV . M ., Bro . Thomas Arnold . This having been drank with eclat , the W . M . responded in an excellent speech . On thc Treasurer , Bro . Welch , responding to the
toast of his health , he informed the brethren that the Robert Burns Lodge of Instruction stood better in respect to the Masonic charities than many mother lodges . This was received with becoming pleasure by thc brethren ; and the Secretary , Bro . C . A . Long , in acknowledging thc high compliment
paid him in the manner in which his health had been proposed and received , stated that during the five years he had held the office of Secretary handsome contributions had been made to the three Masonic charities , and that although thc lodge was not a very numerous one , still thc small
contributions of the members , when carefully handled , did really good service to thc objects that Masons hold most dear . Bro . Grant responded to thc toast of "The Visitors , " of whom a goodly number were present . The "Officers of the Lodge" having been given
was suitably acknowledged by Bros . VVingham , S . W . and E . VV . Long , J . W . The toast of " Thc Stewards" was given and ably responded to by Bro . Herbert Dicketts , who , in well-chosen language , thanked thc brethren for
having so well supported the annual banquet . The Tyler ' s toast closed thc business of thc evening , which was enlivened by songs and by some excellent music by Bro . Wingham , jun ., and thc brethren separated after spending a most enjoyable evening .
The annual ball , held under the auspices of thc members of the Royal York Lodge , No . 315 , took place on Thursday , 26 th January , in the magnificent suite of rooms at the Royal Pavilion . On the occasion the company numbered about 250 , and their enjoyment was attended to by a list of
stewards , comprising Bros . J . Curtis , W . M . ; Stride . S . W . ; Dr . Cunningham , J . W . 315 , P . M . Si 1 , and Past Prov . S . G . W . Sussex ; C . Sandeman , S . D . ; Pearson , J . D . ; Ebbcrall , Sec . ; Skitter , Dir . of Cer . ; Nell , I . G . ; VV . Marchant . P . M ., P . G . A . Dir . of Cer . ;
John Robinson , P . M . ; W . Hudson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Sussex ; Staples , Emery ; Devin , Prov . G . Org . Sussex ; Foot , A . Cowley , II . Nye , Chart , VV . Steer , W . Be ;* . iett , Buckman ; C . Hudson , Hon . Sec . to the Ball Committee ; Byerley , Smith , Carden , Geer ; Hugh Saunders , Treas . and P . M . 315 ,
Masonic Festlvittes.
P . P . G . D . Sussex ; & c . The rooms wtre decorated with rare hothouse plants , shrubs , and flowerscolour and form being most tastefully intermingled . The well-known local firm of Balchin and Nell , florists , had charge of this department , and right well they executed their task . The bands were
supplied by Bro . Devin , and the selection of pieces played , as well as the manner of their execution , left nothing to be desired . Dancing was kept up till a late hour in the morning , two of the rooms being occupied for the purpose , viz ., the music room and the saloon . In the drawing rooms the card
tables were well occupied by those whose dancing days were over . Supper was served d la Ecossaie in the noble banqueting-room , Bro . A . Cowley being the contractor , and he gave universal satisfaction by the manner in which the manner in which the tables were supplied with all the good things the
most fastidious could wish for . The table decorations were of a light and tasteful character , just sufficient to please the eye and not heavy enough to impede the view down the length of tables . The surplus , after paying all expenses , will be handed over to some Masonic charity , and it is expected
that twenty guineas will be about the amount . During the evening Bro . C . Laws , of London , handed to the W . M ., Bro . James Curtis , a donation of ten guineas . Many of the brethren wore their various jewels and collars of present or past office . The arrangements during * the evening for the
comfort and enjoyment of the guests were admirably carried out by thc following brethren , who acted as Masters of the Ceremonies : Bros . Curtis , Marchant , Staples , Eberall , Slatter , and Robinson . To the Committee of Stewards great praise is due for the careful and excellent manner in which the
tickets were issued , and by the strict rules laid down continued to keep out a class of persons , both ladies and gentlemen , whose presence , at least at a former ball , occasioned much unpleasantness and annoyance . This year the company was most select , and doubtless next year the ball will be
attended in much larger , numbers . There is no reason , in a town of the size and importance of Brighton , why the Freemasons subscribing to lodges —whose number cannot be less than 400—should not combine , and the result would be , instead of a
company numbering 250 , at least a thousand would be present , thereby realising a much larger sum for the Masonic Charities . To the brethren of the Royal York Lodge , No . 319 , great credit is due for having kept the annual ball alive for the past seven years .
LEEDS . The annual ball of the Philanthropic Lodge , No . 304 , Bro . Mason , W . M ., took place on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Dancing went or . in the supper room , and the noble lodge room was used as a promenade , seldom presenting a more gay and brilliant appearance . Under thc able direction of
Bro . Kay , P . M ., as M . C , a most successful and pleasant evening was spent . The Godcrich Lodge , No . 1211 , Bro . Crowe , VV . M ., have also lately had their ball in the rooms , and thc Excelsior ( 1042 ) , Bro . Allison , W . M ., have had thcir's at the Great Northern Hotel .
TORQUAY . A grand Masonic ball , under the auspices of the Torquay Lodgeof St . John , No . 32 S , took place at the Bath saloon , Torquay , on Friday evening , the 17 th inst . The smaller ofthe two rooms was used , as it was thought the attendance would not be sufficient to fill the other , but the lartrer mi '' lit well
have been taken . The room itself was beautifully decorated , including , of course , Masonic emblems , chiefly with ivy and artificial roses ; and , with the numerous and tastefully-displayed lights , which were reflected in huge mirrors , presented a splendid appearance . This was under the superintendance
of Bro . F . Oliver . In one of thc large window recesses a quadrille band played indifferently well , though their selections were good . In two adjoining rooms excellent supper and refreshments were laid , served by Mr . Rolfe . and were well patronized by those present . In fine , the ball was a thorough success , and will , no doubt , answer its object .
The Atrical.
DRURY-I . ASB riiEATiu :. —On Monday "Amy Robsarl" will be revived , lt is sure to be well received and have a long run . Tun 11 AY M , \ UK •••¦* . — This theatre flourishes with the " Palace of Truth , " " Uncle ' s Will , " " I ' uor Soldier , " and " Family Jars , " having a crowded house every
evening . Tun ADEU'UI . —Miss Julia Daly , flic popular American actress , has made her appearance here ( after an absence uf eight years ) in " Our American Cousin , " resuming her original character of Pamela . ¦ The sensational drama of "Deadman's Point" is still performed , and is a great success .
Masonic Curiosities.—Vill.
Under this heading the worthy and gifted Bro . W . James Hughan has gratified the readers of THE FREEMASON by contributing to its columns a series of curious , interesting , and instructive articles , which all must hope may be long continued ere the stores of valuable material at his disposal become exhausted .
As a small contribution , I venture to send as " Masonic Curiosities " copies of two certificates in my possession . The first ( which is briefly described in my little " History of Freemasonry" in this province ) is written on parchment f \ inches by 4 inches , and is as follows : —
" Universis quorum Interest Attestamur Fralrem Gulielmum Licquorich fuisse Societate dictas Masomia ** : Secundum regulas initiatum in Ccetu Numero 91 , et in Regno Anglia ? , et Sicut Decet unum ex nostris ut mihi ex Testimonio Ccetus ad quem pertiacbat probatum est cum omni morum
honestate Se gessit Datum Londini Sigillo Ccetus Nostri Majoris et Subscriptione nostra munitum die Decimo Septrembris Anno Domini 1764 , et primitiis Societates 5764 . Laurentio Dermott , Sec . M . Ccetus . " " I do hereby certify that Brother William
Licquorich is a regular Registered free Mason in the Lodge No . 91 , in the Kingdom of England , and has during his stay amongst them behaved himself as became an honest and worthy Brother , as appears by the Lodge certificate to me .
( L . S . ) " Given under my hand and the seal of the Grand Lodge in London the Tenth day of September , 1764 , and in the year of Masonry 5764 . "LAU . DERMOTT , G . f > . "
Lodge No . 91 was held in Leicester . The date of its foundation is not known . At the Union in 1813 it was numbered 114 , and soon afterwards became extinct . The
certificate is thebeautiful handwriting of the well-kown Laurence Dermott , the author of " Ahiman Rezon , " and for many years the Grand Secretary and most active leader amongst the ( so-called ) Ancient Masons . The seal , which is impressed on a wafer ,
bears as a device the square and compasses , surmounted by a dagger , surrounded by the inscription— " Virtue and silence . Grand Lodge of London . " It will be seen that the title here claimed by that schismatic body
was not that of the Grand Lodge of England , but of London merely . The second document ( which , like the former , is given verbatim et literatim ) is a private lodge certificate on parchment , and is as follows : —
And the darkness comprehended it not . In the East a place of Light where reigns Reason , Silence , and Peace . " We , the Master , Wardens , and Secretary of Lodge No . 156 from the Grand Constitution of England , held in the King's ( or 8 ) Regiment of
Foot , Do hereby Certify and attest to all Men Lightened by the Truth , and spread over the Face of the Earth , that thc Bearer hereof , our worthy Brother Robert Daniel , have been by our Lodge Entered an Aprentice , past a Fellow-Craft , and in Due time rais'd to that Sublime Degree of Master
Mason , and he may without Demur or hesitation be admitted or incorporated into any lawfull warranted Body wheresoever met , Congregated , or Convcn'd ; he having to thc utmost of his Power stvenously supported and Contributed to the advancement of Masonry with zeal and vigour , he paying all just Dues and Demands to the Grand
[ Lodge ] . ( L . S . ) Ne Varialure . " Given under our hands and Seal of our Lodge at Salisbury , the 24 Day of October , 1 785 ; A . L . 5785 . "SAML . NEWSON , Mr . " PHILIP BOCICIM , PETER DEACON , S . VV . Secretary . " J BEAILV , J . W .
A wax impression ofthe lodge seal is attached to the margin of the certificate by a light blue ribbon ; but it is too much broken and rubbed to be deciphered . As a literary production this certificate is about on a par with others of the period . Leicester . WILLIAM KELLY .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festlvittes.
the company most appropriately for the manner in which they had received the toast , spoke in the most cogent and respectful style on behalf of the ladies . •- ¦•¦ '¦* % Dancing re-commenced of the most animated character , and the ladies , who were most
magnificently attired , threw a lustre on the scene which lasted until a late , or rather early , hour in the morning . It would be impossible to say sufficient in praise of the Stewards , who were Bros . King , P . M . ; Gurton , P . M . ; Watson , Lawson , Masterman , and Dottridge , Hon . Sec , for the excellent
arrangements made for the comforts of those present , and especially we mention Bro . Dottridge , whose anxiety and care greatly added to the enjoyment of all . Bro . Frampton fulfilled the position of M . C . in an able manner , and we must conclude by stating that the band was excellent , and the whole proceedings passed off ¦ with the entire satisfaction of all assembled .
The Annual Banquet of this old and well-known Lodge of Instruction took place on Friday evening , the 17 th inst ., at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., when the brethren sat down to an excellent dinner provided by Bro . J . Smith , the proprietor .
The banquet was under the presidency of Bro . Thos . Arnold , the W . M . of the mother lodge , and he was ably supported by Bros . Wm . Watson , P . M . 25 ; Welch , P . M . 25 ; Herbert Dicketts , P . M . 25 John Boyd , P . M ., P . Z . 145 ; George States , P . G . S . ; C . A . Long , I . P . M . and Sec . ; the officers of the
mother lodge , and a numerous company of brethren . On the cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The toast of the evening was then proposed by Bro . Win . Watson , in his usual felicitous manner , tracing the progress of the Robert Burn ' s Lodge of
Instruction , interspersing his speech with many interesting facts anent his experience as President and its chief instructor , and " Prosperity to the Robert Burns Lodge of Instruction " was drank with great enthusiasm . The toast of " Prosperity to the Robert Burns
Lodge , Root and Banch , " was then proposed by Bro . C . A . Long , I . P . M ., who coupled with it the name of the VV . M ., Bro . Thomas Arnold . This having been drank with eclat , the W . M . responded in an excellent speech . On thc Treasurer , Bro . Welch , responding to the
toast of his health , he informed the brethren that the Robert Burns Lodge of Instruction stood better in respect to the Masonic charities than many mother lodges . This was received with becoming pleasure by thc brethren ; and the Secretary , Bro . C . A . Long , in acknowledging thc high compliment
paid him in the manner in which his health had been proposed and received , stated that during the five years he had held the office of Secretary handsome contributions had been made to the three Masonic charities , and that although thc lodge was not a very numerous one , still thc small
contributions of the members , when carefully handled , did really good service to thc objects that Masons hold most dear . Bro . Grant responded to thc toast of "The Visitors , " of whom a goodly number were present . The "Officers of the Lodge" having been given
was suitably acknowledged by Bros . VVingham , S . W . and E . VV . Long , J . W . The toast of " Thc Stewards" was given and ably responded to by Bro . Herbert Dicketts , who , in well-chosen language , thanked thc brethren for
having so well supported the annual banquet . The Tyler ' s toast closed thc business of thc evening , which was enlivened by songs and by some excellent music by Bro . Wingham , jun ., and thc brethren separated after spending a most enjoyable evening .
The annual ball , held under the auspices of thc members of the Royal York Lodge , No . 315 , took place on Thursday , 26 th January , in the magnificent suite of rooms at the Royal Pavilion . On the occasion the company numbered about 250 , and their enjoyment was attended to by a list of
stewards , comprising Bros . J . Curtis , W . M . ; Stride . S . W . ; Dr . Cunningham , J . W . 315 , P . M . Si 1 , and Past Prov . S . G . W . Sussex ; C . Sandeman , S . D . ; Pearson , J . D . ; Ebbcrall , Sec . ; Skitter , Dir . of Cer . ; Nell , I . G . ; VV . Marchant . P . M ., P . G . A . Dir . of Cer . ;
John Robinson , P . M . ; W . Hudson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Sussex ; Staples , Emery ; Devin , Prov . G . Org . Sussex ; Foot , A . Cowley , II . Nye , Chart , VV . Steer , W . Be ;* . iett , Buckman ; C . Hudson , Hon . Sec . to the Ball Committee ; Byerley , Smith , Carden , Geer ; Hugh Saunders , Treas . and P . M . 315 ,
Masonic Festlvittes.
P . P . G . D . Sussex ; & c . The rooms wtre decorated with rare hothouse plants , shrubs , and flowerscolour and form being most tastefully intermingled . The well-known local firm of Balchin and Nell , florists , had charge of this department , and right well they executed their task . The bands were
supplied by Bro . Devin , and the selection of pieces played , as well as the manner of their execution , left nothing to be desired . Dancing was kept up till a late hour in the morning , two of the rooms being occupied for the purpose , viz ., the music room and the saloon . In the drawing rooms the card
tables were well occupied by those whose dancing days were over . Supper was served d la Ecossaie in the noble banqueting-room , Bro . A . Cowley being the contractor , and he gave universal satisfaction by the manner in which the manner in which the tables were supplied with all the good things the
most fastidious could wish for . The table decorations were of a light and tasteful character , just sufficient to please the eye and not heavy enough to impede the view down the length of tables . The surplus , after paying all expenses , will be handed over to some Masonic charity , and it is expected
that twenty guineas will be about the amount . During the evening Bro . C . Laws , of London , handed to the W . M ., Bro . James Curtis , a donation of ten guineas . Many of the brethren wore their various jewels and collars of present or past office . The arrangements during * the evening for the
comfort and enjoyment of the guests were admirably carried out by thc following brethren , who acted as Masters of the Ceremonies : Bros . Curtis , Marchant , Staples , Eberall , Slatter , and Robinson . To the Committee of Stewards great praise is due for the careful and excellent manner in which the
tickets were issued , and by the strict rules laid down continued to keep out a class of persons , both ladies and gentlemen , whose presence , at least at a former ball , occasioned much unpleasantness and annoyance . This year the company was most select , and doubtless next year the ball will be
attended in much larger , numbers . There is no reason , in a town of the size and importance of Brighton , why the Freemasons subscribing to lodges —whose number cannot be less than 400—should not combine , and the result would be , instead of a
company numbering 250 , at least a thousand would be present , thereby realising a much larger sum for the Masonic Charities . To the brethren of the Royal York Lodge , No . 319 , great credit is due for having kept the annual ball alive for the past seven years .
LEEDS . The annual ball of the Philanthropic Lodge , No . 304 , Bro . Mason , W . M ., took place on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Dancing went or . in the supper room , and the noble lodge room was used as a promenade , seldom presenting a more gay and brilliant appearance . Under thc able direction of
Bro . Kay , P . M ., as M . C , a most successful and pleasant evening was spent . The Godcrich Lodge , No . 1211 , Bro . Crowe , VV . M ., have also lately had their ball in the rooms , and thc Excelsior ( 1042 ) , Bro . Allison , W . M ., have had thcir's at the Great Northern Hotel .
TORQUAY . A grand Masonic ball , under the auspices of the Torquay Lodgeof St . John , No . 32 S , took place at the Bath saloon , Torquay , on Friday evening , the 17 th inst . The smaller ofthe two rooms was used , as it was thought the attendance would not be sufficient to fill the other , but the lartrer mi '' lit well
have been taken . The room itself was beautifully decorated , including , of course , Masonic emblems , chiefly with ivy and artificial roses ; and , with the numerous and tastefully-displayed lights , which were reflected in huge mirrors , presented a splendid appearance . This was under the superintendance
of Bro . F . Oliver . In one of thc large window recesses a quadrille band played indifferently well , though their selections were good . In two adjoining rooms excellent supper and refreshments were laid , served by Mr . Rolfe . and were well patronized by those present . In fine , the ball was a thorough success , and will , no doubt , answer its object .
The Atrical.
DRURY-I . ASB riiEATiu :. —On Monday "Amy Robsarl" will be revived , lt is sure to be well received and have a long run . Tun 11 AY M , \ UK •••¦* . — This theatre flourishes with the " Palace of Truth , " " Uncle ' s Will , " " I ' uor Soldier , " and " Family Jars , " having a crowded house every
evening . Tun ADEU'UI . —Miss Julia Daly , flic popular American actress , has made her appearance here ( after an absence uf eight years ) in " Our American Cousin , " resuming her original character of Pamela . ¦ The sensational drama of "Deadman's Point" is still performed , and is a great success .
Masonic Curiosities.—Vill.
Under this heading the worthy and gifted Bro . W . James Hughan has gratified the readers of THE FREEMASON by contributing to its columns a series of curious , interesting , and instructive articles , which all must hope may be long continued ere the stores of valuable material at his disposal become exhausted .
As a small contribution , I venture to send as " Masonic Curiosities " copies of two certificates in my possession . The first ( which is briefly described in my little " History of Freemasonry" in this province ) is written on parchment f \ inches by 4 inches , and is as follows : —
" Universis quorum Interest Attestamur Fralrem Gulielmum Licquorich fuisse Societate dictas Masomia ** : Secundum regulas initiatum in Ccetu Numero 91 , et in Regno Anglia ? , et Sicut Decet unum ex nostris ut mihi ex Testimonio Ccetus ad quem pertiacbat probatum est cum omni morum
honestate Se gessit Datum Londini Sigillo Ccetus Nostri Majoris et Subscriptione nostra munitum die Decimo Septrembris Anno Domini 1764 , et primitiis Societates 5764 . Laurentio Dermott , Sec . M . Ccetus . " " I do hereby certify that Brother William
Licquorich is a regular Registered free Mason in the Lodge No . 91 , in the Kingdom of England , and has during his stay amongst them behaved himself as became an honest and worthy Brother , as appears by the Lodge certificate to me .
( L . S . ) " Given under my hand and the seal of the Grand Lodge in London the Tenth day of September , 1764 , and in the year of Masonry 5764 . "LAU . DERMOTT , G . f > . "
Lodge No . 91 was held in Leicester . The date of its foundation is not known . At the Union in 1813 it was numbered 114 , and soon afterwards became extinct . The
certificate is thebeautiful handwriting of the well-kown Laurence Dermott , the author of " Ahiman Rezon , " and for many years the Grand Secretary and most active leader amongst the ( so-called ) Ancient Masons . The seal , which is impressed on a wafer ,
bears as a device the square and compasses , surmounted by a dagger , surrounded by the inscription— " Virtue and silence . Grand Lodge of London . " It will be seen that the title here claimed by that schismatic body
was not that of the Grand Lodge of England , but of London merely . The second document ( which , like the former , is given verbatim et literatim ) is a private lodge certificate on parchment , and is as follows : —
And the darkness comprehended it not . In the East a place of Light where reigns Reason , Silence , and Peace . " We , the Master , Wardens , and Secretary of Lodge No . 156 from the Grand Constitution of England , held in the King's ( or 8 ) Regiment of
Foot , Do hereby Certify and attest to all Men Lightened by the Truth , and spread over the Face of the Earth , that thc Bearer hereof , our worthy Brother Robert Daniel , have been by our Lodge Entered an Aprentice , past a Fellow-Craft , and in Due time rais'd to that Sublime Degree of Master
Mason , and he may without Demur or hesitation be admitted or incorporated into any lawfull warranted Body wheresoever met , Congregated , or Convcn'd ; he having to thc utmost of his Power stvenously supported and Contributed to the advancement of Masonry with zeal and vigour , he paying all just Dues and Demands to the Grand
[ Lodge ] . ( L . S . ) Ne Varialure . " Given under our hands and Seal of our Lodge at Salisbury , the 24 Day of October , 1 785 ; A . L . 5785 . "SAML . NEWSON , Mr . " PHILIP BOCICIM , PETER DEACON , S . VV . Secretary . " J BEAILV , J . W .
A wax impression ofthe lodge seal is attached to the margin of the certificate by a light blue ribbon ; but it is too much broken and rubbed to be deciphered . As a literary production this certificate is about on a par with others of the period . Leicester . WILLIAM KELLY .