Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Presentation Banquet To Bro Captain George Lambert, F.S.A., P.G. Swd. B.
He had ever known him to be an honest and a generous man , and would have wished to be present that night . Captain LAMBERT , who on rising was greeted with prolonged applause , said he was absolutely in want of words to return his most sincere and grateful thanks for the very kind manner in which the Chairman had been pleased to state what he ( Captain Lambert ) had done , and for the manner in which they had been pleased to receive the
Chairman ' s observations . From the very earliest period he felt that his hand had been put to the plough to do some good suit and service in the world , and he had never felt tired in doing so . ( Cheers . ) He held that they were but the stewards of that which they possessed , and although he saw around him men of the highest rank in mercantile affairs who doubtless had bigger hearts than him —( " No , no , " )—yet they had other concerns at home—they had
wives and children to clothe and educate , which deprived them of the pleasure which he had so many years enjoyed of dispensing pecuniary aid . It had pleased the Almighty to rob him of all he possessed in that way , and he bowed to that decision . [ The speaker seemed much affected at this point , but after a short interval he proceeded with his remarks . ] That , he said , had enabled him to dispense with a lavish hand wherever he' felt he could do good for
suffering humanity in every state . ( Cheers and Bravo . ) It was a great pleasure to feel that one could do something . ( Hear , hear . ) Referring to his connection with the Volunteer force , he said he had had the honour to present a report stating that he had n i men all efficient , and only some three or four were not efficient . ( Hear , hear . ) If the St . James ' s Company was not a good one , they had a right to blame the captain because it was a poorish company . He
had acted upon the principle that the captain should always be at his post , and as a result his company had rallied round him . He believed there was only one company to beat his . His work as Treasurer of the Goldsmiths' Benevolent Institution had been to him alabour of love . ( Hear , hear . ) He thought it was especially the duty of those connected with a trade to take an active part in the work of the trade societies , as he could help them by his sympathy
and knowledge . Some time ago there was a strike amongst the jewellers of Clerkenwell . They confided the matter to him . He met them in a neighbouring public-house , and the result was they got over the difficulty in a very pleasant manner . ( Langhter and applause . ) The trade society had been very ably supported by the working men , and from one factory alone they had ioo guineas in 5 s . subscriptions . ( Hear , hear . ) As to the other Society , they were
going on very well , and last year the Goldsmiths Company presented them with JC SOOO , and gave them an annual subscription of 400 guineas . ( Hear , hear . ) He thanked the Leather Trades and Dressing Case Makers' Society very kindly for the vellum they sent to him the other day , and had much pleasure in accepting , at their request , the office of Trustee . If he could do anything to further the interests ofithe Society
his services would be at their command . ( Applause . ) They were very much dependent on these occasions , and when they met in the City halls , for their comfort and pleasure on the waiters who added so much to the elegance and style of the dinner . ( Hear , hear . ) These men were men of undoubted respectability , honesty , and straightforwardness . He believed he had himself been enrolled a waiter at the Holborn Restaurant , and he would be very
happy to do what he could for his fellow waiters . ( Hear , hear . ) He was enrolled amongst them just as much as Lord Shaftesbury was enrolled amongst the costermongers . ( Laughter . ) He expressed his obligations to the Chairman , who had so kindly proposed the toast , and to Mr . Cutler , the Hon . Secretary . That gentleman , he said , had asked him to preside at the annual festival of the Gardeners ' Benevolent Institution , and a more elegant banquet he had
never sat down to . The subscriptions on that occasion were as large as those raised by any prince or potentate with a handle to his name . ( Cheers . ) He wished to return his thanks to the Prince of Wales for the office he had now vacated , that of being His Royal Highness's Grand Sword Bearer . He had laid the sword down with the greatest pleasure , knowing the duty would be admirably discharged by his friend Bro . John Messent . He again
thanked them for their great kindness , and assured them that it would never be obliterated from his memory . ( Loud cheers . ) The toast of " The Lord Mayor and Corporation " was proposed by Bro . A . F . GODSON , D . P . G . M . Worcestershire , and responded for by Bro . Alderman DE KEYSER . Other toasts , including that of " The Ladies , " followed
each in turn being greeted with loud applause and suitably acknowledged , while the intervals between the speeches were filled in by an excellent programme of music , of which the direction was in the hands of Miss Mary Belval , and the artists who assisted her , Miss M . Cockburn , Mr . A . Kenningham , and Mr . Horscroft . Mr . Cooper was toastmaster .
The Worshipful Company Of Turners.
The Master , Wardens , and Court of Assistants of the above Company , and a number of gentlemen invited by them to meet the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs , dined together at the Holborn Restaurant on Wednesday last . There were present Bros . Brackstone Baker , Master ; Deputy
Controller Bake , Upper Warden ; the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor , Alderman and Sheriff James Whitehead , Alderman P . DeKeyser , Capt . George Lambert , F . S . A ., Master of the Pattenmakers' Company ; Capt . Nathaniel George Philips , Queen ' s Household ; Horace Jones , the City Architect ; Sir Charles Hutton Gregory , K . C . M . G . ; Rev . Dr . Cox , Chaplain ; Griffith Smith , Dr . R . Turtle
Pigott , George Kenning , I . P . M ., Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers' Company ; the Master of the Leather Sellers ' Company ; the Prime Warden of the Dyers' Company ; and the Master of the Homers' Company . The company present numbered nearly 150 . Alter the usual loyal toasts had been honoured , there were successively proposed those of "The Right Hon . the Lord
Mayor and the Corporation of the City of London ;" " The Sheriffs of London and Middlesex ; " "The Master and Prosperity to the Turners' Company , 'May it flourish root and branch ;"' "The Livery Companies ; " and " The Visitors , " the Clerk ' s toast bringing the list to a close . In the course of the evening a selection of vocal music was given under the direction of Bro . Charles E . Tinney , assisted by Edward Dalzell , Geo . Davies , and J . W . Dutton
Masonic And General Tidings
The Winter Half-yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons for England , Wales , & c , will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queenslreet , on Tuesday next , the 2 nd prox ., when the Earl of Kintore will be again nominated for the office of G . M . M . M . After the regular business of the meeting his lordship will consecrate the newly-warranted Grand Stewards' Lodge of
M . M . M . Bro . Alderman Sir F . W . Truscott , P . G . W ., completed the Goth year of his age on Sunday last . Bro . the Marquis of Headfort , G . S . W . Ireland , the Marchioness of Headfort , Lady Adelaide Taylour , and Miss Wilson Patten have left town for Kills , Ireland . Bro . Christopher Sykes , M . P ., has almost recovered from his recent illness , and has arrived from
London at his seat , Brantinghamthorpe , East Yorkshire . Bro . John G . Horsey , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , the present W . M . of the Industry Lodge , No . 1 S 6 , was on Tuesday last re-elected Worshipful Master for another year . Bro . Alderman Staples , W . M . 2020 , was one of the guests at the dinner on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , of the Court and Livery of
the Pewterers' Company . Bro . the Lord Mayor has kindly consented to allow his name to be placed on the committee for raising a testimonial to the late Lieut . Waghorn , originator of the Overland Route to India . Bro . Sir J . McGarel-Hogg , Bart ., M . P ., occupied the chair on Friday , the 21 st inst ., at the usual weekly
meeting of the Metropolitan Board of Works , Bro . Alderman Staples being among the members present . Bro . Sir P . Cunliffe Owen presided at a conference held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Saturday last , of Representatives of Trades Unions and Members of the Artisans' Technical Association , the object being to bring the work of the latter under the notice of working
men . The Officers and Clerks' Committee , City of London , gave a dinner at the Guildhall Tavern on Monday evening , at which among the principal guests were Bros , the Lord Mayor , Alderman and Sheriff Whitehead , and Alderman Savory , the Recorder , the Common Serjeant , the Town Clerk , Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton , Past Pres . of B . of G . P ., the Remembrancer ( Bro . G . P . Goldney ) ,
and others . We have much pleasure in announcing that Bro . G . S . Graham's 19 th Annual Evening Concert will take place at St . Andrew's Hall , Balham , on Thursday next , the 4 th December . It will be held under the patronage of H . R . H . the Duchess of Teck , Bro . the Lord Mayor , and other distinguished personages , and , to judge from the array of vocal and instrumental talent which Bro . Graham
will have to support him , there can be no question as to the completeness of the success in store for him . Bro . " Sir J . Macdonald , K . C . B ., P . G . S . W . of England , arrived at Windsor Castle on Tuesday , and , having been introduced into the Queen ' s presence by the Lord in Waiting , had the honour of Knighthood conferred upon him , and was afterwards invested by her Majesty with the riband and star of the 1 st class ( G . C . B . ) ot the
Order of the Bath . Bro . Sir A . VV . Woods , G . D . of C , Garter King at Arms and Registrar of the Order of the Bath , was present . Sir J . Macdonald afterwards had the honour of dining with her Majesty . The following dinners took place at the Freemasons' Tavern during the week ending November 29 th : Monday—Old King ' s Arms Lodge ; De Grey and Ripon Lodge ; Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge .
Tuesday—Tuscan Lodge ; Royal Savoy Lodge ; Lodge of Prudent Brethren ; St . James ' s Union Chapter . Wednesday—Lodge of Antiquity ; Evening Star Lodge ; Lodge of Progress . Thursday—Grenadiers Lodge ; Mount Moriah Lodge ; St . George ' s Chapter ; Vane Chapter . Friday—Emulation Lodge ; Jerusalem Lodge . Saturday—Tottenham House Amalgamated Club . It is announced that on Monday next "The
Swans , " a new and original ballet divertissement , invented and arranged by Mons . J . Hansen , will be produced at the Alhambra Theatre of Varieties for the first time . The music has been specially composed by Mons . G . lacobi , and Mr . Charles Brew has painted the scenery . The scene will represent a beautiful , shady forest , with a lake on which swans are to float . Mdlle . Palladino is the premiere danseuse . On the same night the Orsani Troupe ,
Musical Eccentrics , will make their first appearance in England . A meeting of the National Great Priory of the United Religious and Military Orders of the Temple and St . John of Jerusalem will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , at 4 p . m . on Friday , the 12 th December . When the business is over , in the event of a sufficiency of applications having reached the Marshal by
the 9 th prox ., a Priory of the Order of Malta will be held under the banner of the Kemeys Tynte Preceptory for the purpose of installing knights into the Order of Malta . The banquet will follow at 5 . 30 p . m ., under the presidency of the Great Prior , tickets for which must be applied for not later than Tuesday , the gth December . £ SO to £ SOO . —Tobacconists . —A pamphlet ( 80 pages ) How to commence from £ 20 ; three stamps . 1-1 . Myers & Co ., 109 ,
Euston-rd ., London . Sample cigars 6 , j , 4 ,-1 / ., 14 stamps . [ Anvx . ] H OLLOWAY ' PILLS AND ( OINTMENT . —Sure Relief . —The weak and enervated suffer severely from nervous affection when storms or electric disturbances agitate the atmosphere . Neuralgia , gouty pangs , and Hying pains , very distressing to a delicate system , may be readily removed by nibbing this Ointment upon the affected
part after it has been fomented with warm water . The Pills taken occasionally in the doses prescribed by the instructions , keep the digestion in order , excite a free flow of healthy bile , and regenerate the impoverished blood with richer materials resulting from thoroughly assimilated food , wanting which the strongest must inevitably sink into feebleness , and the delicate find it dillicultto maintain existence . Holloway ' s Ointment and Pills are infallible remedies . —I ADVT . I
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . the Lord Mayor dined with the Turners ' Company on Wednesday evening . Bro . Recknell , S . W . Temple Bar Lodge , No , 172 S , has undertaken to serve as Steward at the Benevolent Festival in February next .
The House Committee of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will meet at the Institution , Croydon , on Saturday , the 29 th inst ., at 3 p . m . The General Committee of the Girls' School held their usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall at
4 p . m . on Thursday . Particulars next week . The regular monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will be held at Freemasons' Hall on Saturday next , the Gth prox .
The newly-installed Principals of the Cyrus Chapter , No . 21 , are Comps . Darley , M . E . Z . ; H . Lambert , H . ; and Peacock , J . Comp . George Lambert , P . Z ., will represent the chapter as a Steward at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , On Wednesday afternoon , in assisting an aged and lame man to cross Piccadilly at a time when the street
was crowded with vehicular traffic , Mr . Gladstone had a narroiy escape of being run down by a cab . Fortunately , the driver was just able to pull up in time . The following were installed as Principals of the Joppa Chapter , No . iSS , on Monday , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , namely , Comps . Henochsberg , M . E . Z . ; Littaur , H . ; and J . D . A . Silva , J . A P . Z . 's jewel was
presented to the retiring Z ., Comp . L . Lazarus . We have been requested to state that on and after Monday next , the 1 st December , the regular weekly meetings of the Royal Commemoration Lodge of Instruction , No . 15 S 5 , will be held at the Railway Hotel , Highstreet , Putney , instead of , as heretofore , at the Fox and Hounds Hotel , in the same suburb .
An Ark Mariners' Lodge , to be attached to the Newstead , T . I . Lodge of Mark Master Masons , will be consecrated at Nottingham , on Thursday , the nth December . The ceremony will take place in Freemasons ' Hall , Goldsmith-street , and the officiating brother will be Bro . C . F . Matier , P . G . W ., who will be assisted in his important duties by Bros . R . Berridge , G . D . of C , and Henry Gruge , P . G . Stwd .
The opinion has been expressed in more than one quarter that of the innumerable portraits which have appeared from time to time of the Prince of Wales , that which has just been issued by Downey , and represents his Royal Hi g hness in his full Masonic clothing as M . W . G . M . of the United Grand Lodge of England , is decidedly among the best . In this opinion we share unreservedly . The portrait is an excellent one and pleasing into the bargain .
The Fifteen Sections were worked in the Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 , at the Royal Edward Tavern , Triangle , Hackney , at the usual weekly meeting on Wednesday . Bro . J . T . K . Job , P . M . 1076 , presided as VV . M ., and Bros . Musto , P . M . 1349 , and W . Gray , W . M . 14 S 9 , occupied the chairs of Senior and Junior Warden respectively . The working was very
satisfactory , and the usual votes of thanks terminated the proceedings . The installation meeting of the Evening Star Lodge , No . 1719 , was held at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , a full report of which we are compelled to hold over till next week . We may state , however , here that Bro . J . W . Sugg was installed Worshipful Master for
the ensuing year by his cousin , Bro . W . Sugg , and that a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Magnus Ohren , P . G . A . D . of C , on his retirement from the chair . The new Master undertook the office of Steward for the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in February next , and a strong appeal was made in behalf of the Institutions in general by Bro . James Glaisher , P . G . D .
The Mayor of Lancaster , Bro . Edward Clark , has agreed to allow the Freemasons of the town the use of the Town Hall for their ball , which will be held early in January . The proceeds of the ball will be handed over to one of the Masonic Charities . His worship has also accepted the office of President of the General Committee ; Bro . Capt . Garnett , P . P . G . S . W . of Lancashirethat of
, Vice-President ; and Bro . Fenton , P . M ., has consented to act as Chairman of the Committee entrusted with carrying out the arrangements . The Earl and Countess of Derby , Lord Hamilton , M . P ., and Lady Hamilton , and others have assented to the use of their names in the list of patrons and patronesses of the ball .
There must be a mistake somewhere . Our attention has just been called to a report in the Alliance News , of Manchester , in which it is stated that our old and worthy friend , Bro . Richard Carter , was elected Mayor of Falmouth on the 9 th inst . But the 9 th inst fell on a Sunday . Therefore , either the corporation of Falmouth met and elected their new Mayor on a " dies non , " or there has been a misapprehension on the part of some
member of the editorial staff of our contemporary as to the day of the week on which the election took place . One thing , however , is clear , namely , that Bro . Carter is now the Mayor of Falmouth ; and if we have not already offered him our felicitations on his attainment of this honour , we do so now with a fervour which has grown greater by the delay and the mystery with which our Manchester contemporary has surrounded his election .
Among the R . A . companions on whom the P . G . Superintendent of Essex was pleased to confer honours at the annual meeting we described last week of the Prov . Grand Chapter of Essex , there was probably not one who so fairly deserved that his long and faithful services to Freemasonry should so . be recognised as Comp . Adlard . Not onl y is our worthy and long-esteemed brother and companion a veteran even among veteranshaving been
re-, ceived into Freemasonry as far back as the year 1832 , but during the whole of that period he has been known to take a most active part in our doings . Even now his active interest in the Craft is as sustained as ever , and there are few occasions of moment at which his familiar fi gure may not be seen , and his well-known voice heard . May the day be yet far distant when Bro . and Comp . Adlard ' s place shall know him no more .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Presentation Banquet To Bro Captain George Lambert, F.S.A., P.G. Swd. B.
He had ever known him to be an honest and a generous man , and would have wished to be present that night . Captain LAMBERT , who on rising was greeted with prolonged applause , said he was absolutely in want of words to return his most sincere and grateful thanks for the very kind manner in which the Chairman had been pleased to state what he ( Captain Lambert ) had done , and for the manner in which they had been pleased to receive the
Chairman ' s observations . From the very earliest period he felt that his hand had been put to the plough to do some good suit and service in the world , and he had never felt tired in doing so . ( Cheers . ) He held that they were but the stewards of that which they possessed , and although he saw around him men of the highest rank in mercantile affairs who doubtless had bigger hearts than him —( " No , no , " )—yet they had other concerns at home—they had
wives and children to clothe and educate , which deprived them of the pleasure which he had so many years enjoyed of dispensing pecuniary aid . It had pleased the Almighty to rob him of all he possessed in that way , and he bowed to that decision . [ The speaker seemed much affected at this point , but after a short interval he proceeded with his remarks . ] That , he said , had enabled him to dispense with a lavish hand wherever he' felt he could do good for
suffering humanity in every state . ( Cheers and Bravo . ) It was a great pleasure to feel that one could do something . ( Hear , hear . ) Referring to his connection with the Volunteer force , he said he had had the honour to present a report stating that he had n i men all efficient , and only some three or four were not efficient . ( Hear , hear . ) If the St . James ' s Company was not a good one , they had a right to blame the captain because it was a poorish company . He
had acted upon the principle that the captain should always be at his post , and as a result his company had rallied round him . He believed there was only one company to beat his . His work as Treasurer of the Goldsmiths' Benevolent Institution had been to him alabour of love . ( Hear , hear . ) He thought it was especially the duty of those connected with a trade to take an active part in the work of the trade societies , as he could help them by his sympathy
and knowledge . Some time ago there was a strike amongst the jewellers of Clerkenwell . They confided the matter to him . He met them in a neighbouring public-house , and the result was they got over the difficulty in a very pleasant manner . ( Langhter and applause . ) The trade society had been very ably supported by the working men , and from one factory alone they had ioo guineas in 5 s . subscriptions . ( Hear , hear . ) As to the other Society , they were
going on very well , and last year the Goldsmiths Company presented them with JC SOOO , and gave them an annual subscription of 400 guineas . ( Hear , hear . ) He thanked the Leather Trades and Dressing Case Makers' Society very kindly for the vellum they sent to him the other day , and had much pleasure in accepting , at their request , the office of Trustee . If he could do anything to further the interests ofithe Society
his services would be at their command . ( Applause . ) They were very much dependent on these occasions , and when they met in the City halls , for their comfort and pleasure on the waiters who added so much to the elegance and style of the dinner . ( Hear , hear . ) These men were men of undoubted respectability , honesty , and straightforwardness . He believed he had himself been enrolled a waiter at the Holborn Restaurant , and he would be very
happy to do what he could for his fellow waiters . ( Hear , hear . ) He was enrolled amongst them just as much as Lord Shaftesbury was enrolled amongst the costermongers . ( Laughter . ) He expressed his obligations to the Chairman , who had so kindly proposed the toast , and to Mr . Cutler , the Hon . Secretary . That gentleman , he said , had asked him to preside at the annual festival of the Gardeners ' Benevolent Institution , and a more elegant banquet he had
never sat down to . The subscriptions on that occasion were as large as those raised by any prince or potentate with a handle to his name . ( Cheers . ) He wished to return his thanks to the Prince of Wales for the office he had now vacated , that of being His Royal Highness's Grand Sword Bearer . He had laid the sword down with the greatest pleasure , knowing the duty would be admirably discharged by his friend Bro . John Messent . He again
thanked them for their great kindness , and assured them that it would never be obliterated from his memory . ( Loud cheers . ) The toast of " The Lord Mayor and Corporation " was proposed by Bro . A . F . GODSON , D . P . G . M . Worcestershire , and responded for by Bro . Alderman DE KEYSER . Other toasts , including that of " The Ladies , " followed
each in turn being greeted with loud applause and suitably acknowledged , while the intervals between the speeches were filled in by an excellent programme of music , of which the direction was in the hands of Miss Mary Belval , and the artists who assisted her , Miss M . Cockburn , Mr . A . Kenningham , and Mr . Horscroft . Mr . Cooper was toastmaster .
The Worshipful Company Of Turners.
The Master , Wardens , and Court of Assistants of the above Company , and a number of gentlemen invited by them to meet the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs , dined together at the Holborn Restaurant on Wednesday last . There were present Bros . Brackstone Baker , Master ; Deputy
Controller Bake , Upper Warden ; the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor , Alderman and Sheriff James Whitehead , Alderman P . DeKeyser , Capt . George Lambert , F . S . A ., Master of the Pattenmakers' Company ; Capt . Nathaniel George Philips , Queen ' s Household ; Horace Jones , the City Architect ; Sir Charles Hutton Gregory , K . C . M . G . ; Rev . Dr . Cox , Chaplain ; Griffith Smith , Dr . R . Turtle
Pigott , George Kenning , I . P . M ., Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers' Company ; the Master of the Leather Sellers ' Company ; the Prime Warden of the Dyers' Company ; and the Master of the Homers' Company . The company present numbered nearly 150 . Alter the usual loyal toasts had been honoured , there were successively proposed those of "The Right Hon . the Lord
Mayor and the Corporation of the City of London ;" " The Sheriffs of London and Middlesex ; " "The Master and Prosperity to the Turners' Company , 'May it flourish root and branch ;"' "The Livery Companies ; " and " The Visitors , " the Clerk ' s toast bringing the list to a close . In the course of the evening a selection of vocal music was given under the direction of Bro . Charles E . Tinney , assisted by Edward Dalzell , Geo . Davies , and J . W . Dutton
Masonic And General Tidings
The Winter Half-yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons for England , Wales , & c , will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queenslreet , on Tuesday next , the 2 nd prox ., when the Earl of Kintore will be again nominated for the office of G . M . M . M . After the regular business of the meeting his lordship will consecrate the newly-warranted Grand Stewards' Lodge of
M . M . M . Bro . Alderman Sir F . W . Truscott , P . G . W ., completed the Goth year of his age on Sunday last . Bro . the Marquis of Headfort , G . S . W . Ireland , the Marchioness of Headfort , Lady Adelaide Taylour , and Miss Wilson Patten have left town for Kills , Ireland . Bro . Christopher Sykes , M . P ., has almost recovered from his recent illness , and has arrived from
London at his seat , Brantinghamthorpe , East Yorkshire . Bro . John G . Horsey , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , the present W . M . of the Industry Lodge , No . 1 S 6 , was on Tuesday last re-elected Worshipful Master for another year . Bro . Alderman Staples , W . M . 2020 , was one of the guests at the dinner on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , of the Court and Livery of
the Pewterers' Company . Bro . the Lord Mayor has kindly consented to allow his name to be placed on the committee for raising a testimonial to the late Lieut . Waghorn , originator of the Overland Route to India . Bro . Sir J . McGarel-Hogg , Bart ., M . P ., occupied the chair on Friday , the 21 st inst ., at the usual weekly
meeting of the Metropolitan Board of Works , Bro . Alderman Staples being among the members present . Bro . Sir P . Cunliffe Owen presided at a conference held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Saturday last , of Representatives of Trades Unions and Members of the Artisans' Technical Association , the object being to bring the work of the latter under the notice of working
men . The Officers and Clerks' Committee , City of London , gave a dinner at the Guildhall Tavern on Monday evening , at which among the principal guests were Bros , the Lord Mayor , Alderman and Sheriff Whitehead , and Alderman Savory , the Recorder , the Common Serjeant , the Town Clerk , Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton , Past Pres . of B . of G . P ., the Remembrancer ( Bro . G . P . Goldney ) ,
and others . We have much pleasure in announcing that Bro . G . S . Graham's 19 th Annual Evening Concert will take place at St . Andrew's Hall , Balham , on Thursday next , the 4 th December . It will be held under the patronage of H . R . H . the Duchess of Teck , Bro . the Lord Mayor , and other distinguished personages , and , to judge from the array of vocal and instrumental talent which Bro . Graham
will have to support him , there can be no question as to the completeness of the success in store for him . Bro . " Sir J . Macdonald , K . C . B ., P . G . S . W . of England , arrived at Windsor Castle on Tuesday , and , having been introduced into the Queen ' s presence by the Lord in Waiting , had the honour of Knighthood conferred upon him , and was afterwards invested by her Majesty with the riband and star of the 1 st class ( G . C . B . ) ot the
Order of the Bath . Bro . Sir A . VV . Woods , G . D . of C , Garter King at Arms and Registrar of the Order of the Bath , was present . Sir J . Macdonald afterwards had the honour of dining with her Majesty . The following dinners took place at the Freemasons' Tavern during the week ending November 29 th : Monday—Old King ' s Arms Lodge ; De Grey and Ripon Lodge ; Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge .
Tuesday—Tuscan Lodge ; Royal Savoy Lodge ; Lodge of Prudent Brethren ; St . James ' s Union Chapter . Wednesday—Lodge of Antiquity ; Evening Star Lodge ; Lodge of Progress . Thursday—Grenadiers Lodge ; Mount Moriah Lodge ; St . George ' s Chapter ; Vane Chapter . Friday—Emulation Lodge ; Jerusalem Lodge . Saturday—Tottenham House Amalgamated Club . It is announced that on Monday next "The
Swans , " a new and original ballet divertissement , invented and arranged by Mons . J . Hansen , will be produced at the Alhambra Theatre of Varieties for the first time . The music has been specially composed by Mons . G . lacobi , and Mr . Charles Brew has painted the scenery . The scene will represent a beautiful , shady forest , with a lake on which swans are to float . Mdlle . Palladino is the premiere danseuse . On the same night the Orsani Troupe ,
Musical Eccentrics , will make their first appearance in England . A meeting of the National Great Priory of the United Religious and Military Orders of the Temple and St . John of Jerusalem will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , at 4 p . m . on Friday , the 12 th December . When the business is over , in the event of a sufficiency of applications having reached the Marshal by
the 9 th prox ., a Priory of the Order of Malta will be held under the banner of the Kemeys Tynte Preceptory for the purpose of installing knights into the Order of Malta . The banquet will follow at 5 . 30 p . m ., under the presidency of the Great Prior , tickets for which must be applied for not later than Tuesday , the gth December . £ SO to £ SOO . —Tobacconists . —A pamphlet ( 80 pages ) How to commence from £ 20 ; three stamps . 1-1 . Myers & Co ., 109 ,
Euston-rd ., London . Sample cigars 6 , j , 4 ,-1 / ., 14 stamps . [ Anvx . ] H OLLOWAY ' PILLS AND ( OINTMENT . —Sure Relief . —The weak and enervated suffer severely from nervous affection when storms or electric disturbances agitate the atmosphere . Neuralgia , gouty pangs , and Hying pains , very distressing to a delicate system , may be readily removed by nibbing this Ointment upon the affected
part after it has been fomented with warm water . The Pills taken occasionally in the doses prescribed by the instructions , keep the digestion in order , excite a free flow of healthy bile , and regenerate the impoverished blood with richer materials resulting from thoroughly assimilated food , wanting which the strongest must inevitably sink into feebleness , and the delicate find it dillicultto maintain existence . Holloway ' s Ointment and Pills are infallible remedies . —I ADVT . I
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . the Lord Mayor dined with the Turners ' Company on Wednesday evening . Bro . Recknell , S . W . Temple Bar Lodge , No , 172 S , has undertaken to serve as Steward at the Benevolent Festival in February next .
The House Committee of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will meet at the Institution , Croydon , on Saturday , the 29 th inst ., at 3 p . m . The General Committee of the Girls' School held their usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall at
4 p . m . on Thursday . Particulars next week . The regular monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will be held at Freemasons' Hall on Saturday next , the Gth prox .
The newly-installed Principals of the Cyrus Chapter , No . 21 , are Comps . Darley , M . E . Z . ; H . Lambert , H . ; and Peacock , J . Comp . George Lambert , P . Z ., will represent the chapter as a Steward at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , On Wednesday afternoon , in assisting an aged and lame man to cross Piccadilly at a time when the street
was crowded with vehicular traffic , Mr . Gladstone had a narroiy escape of being run down by a cab . Fortunately , the driver was just able to pull up in time . The following were installed as Principals of the Joppa Chapter , No . iSS , on Monday , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , namely , Comps . Henochsberg , M . E . Z . ; Littaur , H . ; and J . D . A . Silva , J . A P . Z . 's jewel was
presented to the retiring Z ., Comp . L . Lazarus . We have been requested to state that on and after Monday next , the 1 st December , the regular weekly meetings of the Royal Commemoration Lodge of Instruction , No . 15 S 5 , will be held at the Railway Hotel , Highstreet , Putney , instead of , as heretofore , at the Fox and Hounds Hotel , in the same suburb .
An Ark Mariners' Lodge , to be attached to the Newstead , T . I . Lodge of Mark Master Masons , will be consecrated at Nottingham , on Thursday , the nth December . The ceremony will take place in Freemasons ' Hall , Goldsmith-street , and the officiating brother will be Bro . C . F . Matier , P . G . W ., who will be assisted in his important duties by Bros . R . Berridge , G . D . of C , and Henry Gruge , P . G . Stwd .
The opinion has been expressed in more than one quarter that of the innumerable portraits which have appeared from time to time of the Prince of Wales , that which has just been issued by Downey , and represents his Royal Hi g hness in his full Masonic clothing as M . W . G . M . of the United Grand Lodge of England , is decidedly among the best . In this opinion we share unreservedly . The portrait is an excellent one and pleasing into the bargain .
The Fifteen Sections were worked in the Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 , at the Royal Edward Tavern , Triangle , Hackney , at the usual weekly meeting on Wednesday . Bro . J . T . K . Job , P . M . 1076 , presided as VV . M ., and Bros . Musto , P . M . 1349 , and W . Gray , W . M . 14 S 9 , occupied the chairs of Senior and Junior Warden respectively . The working was very
satisfactory , and the usual votes of thanks terminated the proceedings . The installation meeting of the Evening Star Lodge , No . 1719 , was held at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , a full report of which we are compelled to hold over till next week . We may state , however , here that Bro . J . W . Sugg was installed Worshipful Master for
the ensuing year by his cousin , Bro . W . Sugg , and that a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Magnus Ohren , P . G . A . D . of C , on his retirement from the chair . The new Master undertook the office of Steward for the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in February next , and a strong appeal was made in behalf of the Institutions in general by Bro . James Glaisher , P . G . D .
The Mayor of Lancaster , Bro . Edward Clark , has agreed to allow the Freemasons of the town the use of the Town Hall for their ball , which will be held early in January . The proceeds of the ball will be handed over to one of the Masonic Charities . His worship has also accepted the office of President of the General Committee ; Bro . Capt . Garnett , P . P . G . S . W . of Lancashirethat of
, Vice-President ; and Bro . Fenton , P . M ., has consented to act as Chairman of the Committee entrusted with carrying out the arrangements . The Earl and Countess of Derby , Lord Hamilton , M . P ., and Lady Hamilton , and others have assented to the use of their names in the list of patrons and patronesses of the ball .
There must be a mistake somewhere . Our attention has just been called to a report in the Alliance News , of Manchester , in which it is stated that our old and worthy friend , Bro . Richard Carter , was elected Mayor of Falmouth on the 9 th inst . But the 9 th inst fell on a Sunday . Therefore , either the corporation of Falmouth met and elected their new Mayor on a " dies non , " or there has been a misapprehension on the part of some
member of the editorial staff of our contemporary as to the day of the week on which the election took place . One thing , however , is clear , namely , that Bro . Carter is now the Mayor of Falmouth ; and if we have not already offered him our felicitations on his attainment of this honour , we do so now with a fervour which has grown greater by the delay and the mystery with which our Manchester contemporary has surrounded his election .
Among the R . A . companions on whom the P . G . Superintendent of Essex was pleased to confer honours at the annual meeting we described last week of the Prov . Grand Chapter of Essex , there was probably not one who so fairly deserved that his long and faithful services to Freemasonry should so . be recognised as Comp . Adlard . Not onl y is our worthy and long-esteemed brother and companion a veteran even among veteranshaving been
re-, ceived into Freemasonry as far back as the year 1832 , but during the whole of that period he has been known to take a most active part in our doings . Even now his active interest in the Craft is as sustained as ever , and there are few occasions of moment at which his familiar fi gure may not be seen , and his well-known voice heard . May the day be yet far distant when Bro . and Comp . Adlard ' s place shall know him no more .