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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
this testimonial the members of the lodge are desirous of placing on record their sincere appreciation not only of the great talent he displayed in the conduct of all business appertaining to his important office , but also of his great urbanity of manner , gentlemanly bearing , extreme courtesy of conduct , kindness of heart , and intense zeal in promoting every good work which conduced to the general
happiness of the brethren with whom he was associated . And their hope is that he may long be spared to be an honoured member of the lodge to which he has rendered such efficient services . —Signed , on behalf of the lodge , VV R . Williams , W . M . ; John Brown , S . W . ; Geo . Bugler , J . W . ; J . H . Taylor , VV . R . Phillips , Jno . Noble , Sec ; H . O . Hinton , G . H . Wrigglesworth , Geo . F . Crane , E . W .
Clarke , Jas . Garnar , Treas . ; and Edwd . Ayling . "— Bro . Hinton said he was aware that in a document of that kind it was impossible to ex press all they felt . He was responsible for what did appear , and had endeavoured to express as concisely as possible the feelings of the lodge for their Immediate Past Master . It came from his heart , and he hoped that Bro . Graham would long be spared to look
upon the testimonial with satisfaction and pleasure , and that it might be handed down to his children as an honourable heirloom . Bro . Moreton Graham said he was overwhelmed with delight at receiving this mark of the esteem of the brethren . He was thoroughly taken by surprise . He had thought himself amply compensated for the cares of office when the
W . M . presented him with that to guinea jewel ; but when Bro . Hinton rose and presented that testimonial , he was taken aback , not having had the slightest knowledge of it previously . How to thank them all he did not know . He was not egotistical enough to imagine that it was due solely to his own merits ; but as a Lewis , the son ol a Mason who was one of the oldest members of that lodge
he believed that it was in sympathy with his father that they had paid him this very great mark of their esteem . He was proud to think that he was a son of an old member of that lodge . He was proud to think that his father introduced him , together with other sons of his , to that lodge ; and it was still more a proud moment now to see the way in which they marked their appreciation of the father by
presenting the son with two very lasting testimonials . Bro . Hinton had kindly expressed a hope that this testimonial might be handed down as an heirloom to his children ; but as he was a bachelor , that was scarcely likely to be the case . He regretted that his father , who was now nearly 70 , was unable to be present ; he used thoroughly to enjoy the good old days when he was among them , but that when his sons
were there to represent him , he was equally well pleased . When those at home heard how he had been honoured that evening , they would thoroughly appreciate it . His younger sister took a great interest in the lodge , and it was possible for a sister to be very useful in lodge matters , especially in regard to musical arrangements , in which matters his youngest sister had rendered him great assistance . He
could only say for the kind manner in which they had , through Bro . Hinton , expressed their feelings towards him , and for the manner in which they had received him , that he thanked them very heartily indeed , and he would ask Bro . Hinton to be upstanding , and take from him a hearty shake of the hand as a token of the love and esteem that he ( Bro . Moreton Graham ) had for them all .
The toast of " The Visitors" was responded to by Bros . Poppleton , P . P . G . D . C ; Coxhead , P . P . G . S . of W . ; and Rose , P . M . 72 and 1622 . For " The Past Masters , " Bros . Wrigglesworth , Garnar , and Goldring replied . The toast of " The Officers " was answered b y the Senior and Junior Wardens , and several of the assistant
officers . Among the visitors present were Bros . G . Perugin , 1744 ; M . J . Grain , 10 S 4 ; E . Goldring , 1067 ; W . C . Page , P . M . 1475 ; W . C . Smith , 1563 ; T . Coxhead , P . M ., P . P . G . S . ofW . ; C . Gooding , W . S . 1329 ; J . Weatherstone , P . M . 1656 ; VV . Jeffery , 1622 ; W . Hamlyn , P . M . 1622 ; J . M . Kimpster , 723 ; H . Hewbord , S . D . 901 ; J . Roberts ,
P . M . 65 ; John Mason , P . P . G . S . D . ; J . C . Radford , P . M . 1420 ; D . Rose , P . M . 73 ; Edwin Storr , VV . M . 167 ; R . R . Poppleton , P . M . 433 , P . P . G . S . of W . ; W . D . Beckett , VV . M . 780 ; Beaven , 1963 ; E . Grayton , 1656 ; Tiley , 1446 ; J . H . Williams , 360 ; C . Maton , 7 S 0
C . Sims , S 61 ; Cockburn , P . M . 13 S 0 ; E . Roberts , J . D . 1623 ; R . Wall , 1744 ; R . J . Voisey , P . M . 1641 ; T . Covill , 2032 ; J . H . Ford , 2032 ; H . Lambert , 1475 ; G . Wallis , 172 ; H . Bond , 1656 ; J . H . Alexander , 1563 ; L , Hollingsworth , 1567 ; T . J . Smith , 1656 ; F . Grant , 1656 ; T . Pearson ; J . Aldridge , 1032 ; E . Floyd , 902 ; W . Schultz , 172 ; J . Kift , 1791 ; and E . C . Massey .
SPHINX LODGE ( No . 1329 ) . —This prosperous lodge held its installation meeting at Camberwell , Masonic Hall , on Saturday , the 15 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Andrew Middlemass , W . M ., who , as all outgoing W . M . ' s should , had undertaken to install his successor , Bro . J . J . Brinton , who had been unanimously elected for the ensuing year . Bro . Middlemass is a very efficient
worker and performed his work on Saturday with his usual skill and ability , delivering the addresses to the VV . M ., officers , and brethren in a very impressive manner , and gave great satisfaction to the large number of brethren present . The officers for the current year are Bros . J . J . Brinton , W . M . ; A . Middlemas , I . P . M . ; G . W . Marsden , S . W . ; R . J . Voisey , J . VV . ; P . A . Nairne , D . C ; J . C .
Reynolds , Treas . ; C . Wilson , Sec ; J . Hernaman , b . U . ; S . H . Goldschmidt , J . D . ; D . D . Mercer , I . G . ; H . Forbes , W . S . ; C . Gooding , W . S . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler . The W . M . having invested his officers , there being no further Masonic business , after "Hearty good wishes " from the numerous visitors , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to , the large banqueting
hall and sat down to a very recherche banquet . Alter the usual loyal toasts had been duly honoured , the chairman in proposing " The Health of the Grand Officers , " said that only those who had the privilege of attending Grand Lodge could be aware of the numerous duties which were performed by those officers , and he felt sure they would agree with him that they deserved great credit for the
manner in which they attended to these duties . Bro . Greenwood , P . G . S . B . and P . G . Sec . Surrey , responded , and remarked that he could have wished that such a flourishing lodge as the Sphinx were a few miles further out , that it might be under the jurisdiction of the province u ? was Secretary ; he hoped , however , that he m l ?! J ., a X ? manv opportunities of visiting the lodge again . "The Health of the W . M . " was then proposed and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
heartily responded to by all the brethren . The I . P . M . in proposing the toast remarked that he was sure that in Bro . Brinton they had a Master who would and must do credit to the chair , more especially as he belonged to that great body who enlightened the public with good and sound advice , and also with all the news of the day when they could get it , which even if it were not always correct proved the great inventive power of the profession , and he
concluded by wishing the VV . M . a prosperous year of office . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of Bro . Middlemass , the I . P . M ., " who , he said , had , as Installing Master that evening , shown the brethren what great interest he took in the lodge , and he congratulated him on the manner in which he had carried out the duty devolving on him as Master , and hoped that Bro . Middlemass would long be spared to be amongst them .
Bro . Middlemass thanked the W . M . for his cordial expression of feeling towards himself , and also the brethren for the manner in which they had honoured the toast . He dwelt at some length upon his connection with the Sphinx Lodge , and reminded the brethren of the benefits conferred by their working together for those great aims of the Craft , viz . —charity and education . " The Health of the Visitors " was then proposed by the
W . M ., and responded to by Bros . Wells , P . M . 777 ; Saunders , VV . M . 698 ; Bradley , W . M . 1216 ; Dunn , P . M . 72 ; Payne , W . M . 1669 ; and Bellis , P . M . 1901 , who , on the part of the numerous visitors present , expressed the great gratification it had been to them to be present on that occasion , and for the cordial hospitality extended to them . They congratulated the W . M . in his having been placed in the chair of such a flourishing
lodge . The other toasts proposed from the chair included " The Past Masters , " "The Treasurer and Secretary , " and " The Officers of the Lodge , " which were duly honoured and responded to , and the Tyler's toast brought this agreeable meeting to a close . Not the least enjoyable part of the proceedings was the music with which the intervals between the speeches were
enlivened . The music was under the direction of Bro . Pritchett , P . M . 1622 , and P . G . Org . Herts , who was assisted by Bros . Voisey , W . H . Simons , and T . Wallis . The following were among the visitors present : Bros . C . Greenwood , P . G . S . B . Eng . and P . G . Sec . Surrey ; J . A . Astell , P . M . 58 , P . G . S . ; L . H . Saunders , W . M . 69 S , and P . G . S . Hants and I . of Wight ; C . Dorey , P . M . 176 ; H . Vickery , P . M . 1475 ; W . W . Pritchett , P . G .
Org . Herts , P . M . 1475 ; A . J . Bellis , I . P . M . 1901 ; R . J . Vincent , P . M . 196 3 ; A . C Bradley , W . M . 1216 ; T . Grummant , P . M . 1559 ; J . Addington , VV . M . 217 ; F . Dunn , P . M . 72 ; W . Payne , W . M . 1669 ; W . Wells , P . M . 777 ; W . Cowley , P . M . 1559 ; G . Yaxley , P . M . 463 ; H . G . Beale , VV . M . 59 ; C . Butler , S . W . 1196 ; J . F . Haden . W . M . 766 ; J . Hill , J . W . 165 S ; S .
Tomkins , J . W . 1609 ; V . J . Murche , J . W . 1963 ; G . Beneditti , S . W . 1155 ; B . Penney , J . D . 1679 ; W . H . Simons , Org . 19 S 6 ; E . Stinson , 15 ; J . S . Akerman , 1 S 51 ; R . Greenwood , 1641 ; J . Sutton , 1558 ; H . C . Mackin , ¦ S 58 ; J- C . Kellaway , 957 ; O . L . Finch , 1641 ; M . Trewbury , 172 ; T . Wallis , 901 ; A . Stedman , 73 ; VV . A . Allen , 1559 ; H . Ansel ! , 1559 ; G . Pitt , 17 6 ; and W .
Jeffery , 1622 . ¦ ¦¦ COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . — The usual meeting of this progressive lodge was held at " The Criterion , " Piccadilly , on the 11 th inst ., when there were present Bros . G . Coleman , W . M . ; J . Jacobs , S . W . ; W . H . Kedgley , J . W . ; Rev . P . M . Holden , P . M ., Chap . ; Edward Jacobs , P . M ., Treas . ; Wm . Bourne , P . M ., Sec . ; T . A . Dickson , S . D . ; Bowers Solomon , J . D . ; G . Reynolds , acting as I . G . ; S . Jacobs , P . M ., W . S . ; J .
Bassett , D . C , and acting as Asst . W . S . ; R . F . Potter , Tyler ; J . S . Goochard , A . Ralph , S . Isaacs , S . Hewitt , W . Unwin , Frank Gulliford , J . Pant , R . A . Head , W . F . Thorpe , VV . H . Cousins , M . Snow , F . W . Skinner , T . A . Thompson , A . Packham , G . Howard , W . Essex , and T . Wilson . Visitors : Bros . Churchley , P . M . 615 , P . P . G . S . Kent ; VV . Joram , 1580 ; VV . T . Thody , S . W . 15 S 0 ; S . Renaut , D . C . 1623 ; T . Chalton , VV . M . 1259 ; W . J .
Hayes , 134 S ; H . M . Levy , P . M . iSS ; and G . Castle , 766 . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed .. The ballot was taken for Mr . Archibald Bryan , proposed by Bro . Frank Gulliford and seconded by Bro . G . H . Reynolds , and the candidate was unanimously admitted and duly initiated in the W . M . ' s usual impressive manner . Bro . Simeon Jacobs , P . M ., nominated a candidate for initiation at the next
meeting . The lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned to the second Tuesday in December . The brethren afterwards assembled at the banquet table in the Victoria Hall , where a most recherche repast was provided by Bro . Beltini , the indefatigable manager of "The Criterion . " The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured with acclamation , and then Bro . Edward J acobs , P . M . and
Treasurer , proposed in glowing terms " The Health of the W . M ., " the first initiate of the lodge , a brother who had taken the liveliest interest in its welfare , and had shown his devotion to the Craft in celebrating his accession to office by becoming a Steward for the Girls' School . In returning thanks , the VV . M . assured the brethren that he owed whatever they might be pleased to commend in him to his steady attendance at the lodge of instruction
connected with the mother lodge , and that he would always make it his duty to take a lively interest in the same . In proposing "The Health of the Initiate , " the W . M . said it was always a pleasure to see an initiate , and he felt sure the lodge had that evening initiated a g-ood brother . The Initiate , in reply , thanked the VV . M . for giving him light , and hoped he would prove a credit to the Craft . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Visitors , "
wished to assure all brethren of the Craft that the Covent Garden Lodge was at all times most pleased to meet them . Bros . H . M . Levy , P . M . iSS , and Churchley , P . M . 615 , P . P . G . S . Kent , duly responded . The W . M . then asked the brethren to drink to "The Health of the Past Masters of the Lodge , " to all of whom
they were so greatly indebted , and especially to Bro . E . Jacobs , P . M ., who had so ably discharged the duties of Treasurer , and to Bro . VV . Bourne , P . M ., who had been the Secretary of the lodge since its foundation ; and to Bro . Simecn Jacobs , who looked after their creature comforts . The toast was received with acclamation , and , in responding ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Edward Jacobs , P . M ., said , while acknowledging the toast on behalf of himself and the brethren named , he could not forget that a P . M . was , owing to his ill-health , absent that night , whom they would all have been glad to have seen amongst them . Bro . W . H . Gulliford , P . M ., was not able to be present ; but he was sure , when they remembered the great interest he had ever taken in the
lodge , they would be glad to wish him such speedy restoration to health as would enable them to meet him again . He might say the same of Bro . Kedgley , P . M ., whose absence , from the same cause , all deplored . In proposing "The Health of the Wardens and Officers of the Lodge" in one toast , the hour being rather advanced , the VV . M . took occasion to advert to trie services of Bro .
G . Reynolds , who was always ready to fulfil the duties of any office he was able to undertake in the lodge , and who in connection with the lodge of instruction had proved himself , as its Secretary , a true and worthy Mason . The pleasures of the evening were enhanced by the vocal efforts of various brethren and the exquisite legerdemain of Bro . Bassett . The proceedings were concluded by the Tyler's toast .
TEMPLE BAR LODGE ( No . 172 S ) . —This lodge met at Anderton's Hotel , on the 20 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . J . VV . C . Bush , VV . M ., assisted by Bro . Buckworth , I . P . M ., Treas . ; Bro . G . S . Recknell , S . W . ; Bro . R . Kimpton , J . VV . ; and the assistant officers of the lodge . There was a fair attendance of lay members , and the visitors were somewhat numerous , considering that this
was not an installation meeting , including Bro . Thomas Fenn , 259 , President of the Board of General Purposes ; Richard Belt ( the Sculptor ) , No . 1 ; it was a somewhat curious coincidence that there was also a Bro . Laws present , of No . 78 ; Andrew McDowall , P . M . 19 C 2 , P . P . G . C . D . ; Byron H . Ridge , P . M . 4 63 , P . P . G . I . G . ; F . J . Oliver , 105 G ; H . G . Brown , 169 ; Samuel G . Homfray ,
6 S 3 ; W . K . Cooper , 105 G ; Charles Girding , 1329 ; Geo . Bury , 4 63 ; C . W . Fox , P . M . 132 C ; W . B . Newby , 463 ; and E . C . Massey . The greatest credit is due to the officers of this lodge for the manner in which the ceremonies are performed , from Bro . Bush , the VV . M ., whose work is admirably unhurried and impressive , down to the assistant officers , whose
deaconing is very good , and who take most careful precautions that no unauthorised person shall enter the lodge . The capabilities of the Master and his officers were well tested on Thursday , as ^ there were three raisings and one initiation , Bros . J . Spurgin , W . Boldero , and H . Oclee being the brethren who were raised to the Third Degree , and Mr . James Humphrey Snow being the candidate
initiated . Ihe work was not concluded until close upon half-past seven . It may be mentioned that before the lodge was closed the VV . M . gave notice of motion to vote a sum of 20 guineas to the Masonic Benevolent Institution to be placed on the list of Bro . Recknell , the present S . W ., on the occasion of his going up as a Steward at the next festival ; and it was explained that it was considered
desirable , on account of Bro . Rccknell ' s connection with the Institution , that the lodge should on this occasion , and as an exception , double its usual contribution to this charity ; and Bro . Buckworth , P . M ., the Treas ., in a few remarks he made on the subject , urged the members of the lodge to do everything in their power under the circumstances , to make Bro . Recknell ' s list an exceptionally heavy one .
After the dinner which followed the closing of the lodge , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and honoured . In responding for " The Grand Officers , " Bro . Fenn said that he felt quite overwhelmed with the more than complimentary way in which the toast to the ^ Prov . Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , present and past , had been proposed by the
VV . M . Leaving the greater part of them to take care of themselves , he would respond more particularly for those present and past Grand Officers , with whom he had for so many years been associated on the Board of General Purposes . It was now 20 years since he first became a member of that Board , and speaking with that experience he could say truly that they were not only willing , but
anxious to give their services and diligence and time for the profit of the Craft . For himself , personally , he thanked the VV . M . for the opportunity Bro . Bush had given him of visiting a lodge at the consecration of which he had the honour to assist . He had not visited it since the consecration and he was pleased to find it now working well and prosperously . Not the less was he pleased to visit it as the
lodge of one of his colleagues on the Board over whom he had the honour to preside . He could not help thinking that the President and members of the Board should always be on good and friendly terms , which were certainly likel y to be promoted by social intercourse of this kind . Possibly the exhibitions of temper , which were too frequently found at vestry and parish meetings might cease ,
if the members met more frequently in social intercourse . In proposing "The Health of the Visitors , " which he did in most genial terms , Bro . Bush coupled the toast with the names of Bros . Ridge , McDowall , and Belt who , responded on behalf of themselves and other visitors present . Bro . Belt , in the course of his reply , said in reference to
the long legal dispute in which he had been engaged , that he owed it to a Freemason of lodge No . 1 , that he had been able to do what he had done . That brother had stood by him in a truly Masonic spirit ; £ 20 , 000 had been lost by that brother in the speaker's troubles . It was an act
he could never forget , and one which he thought it right as he stood there to acknowledge that he owed to a brother Mason . Had it been required , he believed there wer « hundreds who were ready to do the same . Several other toasts were disposed of before the proceedings of a very pleasant meeting were brought to a close .
LONDON RIFLE BRIGADE LODGE ( No . 1962 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 21 st inst . Present : Bros . Walter C Claridge , VV . M . ; H . F . Bing , as S . W . ; A . Haig Brown , J . W . ; A . McDowall , Treas . ; N . Green , P . M . and Sec ; A . H . Sandle , S . D . ; W . J . Tasman , J . VV . ; L . V . Walker , I . G . ;
J . VV . McAlpin , M . C . ; J . C . Tilt , and J . Green , Stwds . ; Lackland , Tyler ; also Bros . Mardell , Henton , Levey , Tazlon , Morris , Cowling , Swinscon , Stein , McNish , Pearce , Wright , Cook , Gregory , Nuding , Kitchingman , Lowe , Hancock , and Rix . Bro . B . P . Jesse , P . M . 1556 , was a visitor . The lodge was opened in the customary manner , and the
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
this testimonial the members of the lodge are desirous of placing on record their sincere appreciation not only of the great talent he displayed in the conduct of all business appertaining to his important office , but also of his great urbanity of manner , gentlemanly bearing , extreme courtesy of conduct , kindness of heart , and intense zeal in promoting every good work which conduced to the general
happiness of the brethren with whom he was associated . And their hope is that he may long be spared to be an honoured member of the lodge to which he has rendered such efficient services . —Signed , on behalf of the lodge , VV R . Williams , W . M . ; John Brown , S . W . ; Geo . Bugler , J . W . ; J . H . Taylor , VV . R . Phillips , Jno . Noble , Sec ; H . O . Hinton , G . H . Wrigglesworth , Geo . F . Crane , E . W .
Clarke , Jas . Garnar , Treas . ; and Edwd . Ayling . "— Bro . Hinton said he was aware that in a document of that kind it was impossible to ex press all they felt . He was responsible for what did appear , and had endeavoured to express as concisely as possible the feelings of the lodge for their Immediate Past Master . It came from his heart , and he hoped that Bro . Graham would long be spared to look
upon the testimonial with satisfaction and pleasure , and that it might be handed down to his children as an honourable heirloom . Bro . Moreton Graham said he was overwhelmed with delight at receiving this mark of the esteem of the brethren . He was thoroughly taken by surprise . He had thought himself amply compensated for the cares of office when the
W . M . presented him with that to guinea jewel ; but when Bro . Hinton rose and presented that testimonial , he was taken aback , not having had the slightest knowledge of it previously . How to thank them all he did not know . He was not egotistical enough to imagine that it was due solely to his own merits ; but as a Lewis , the son ol a Mason who was one of the oldest members of that lodge
he believed that it was in sympathy with his father that they had paid him this very great mark of their esteem . He was proud to think that he was a son of an old member of that lodge . He was proud to think that his father introduced him , together with other sons of his , to that lodge ; and it was still more a proud moment now to see the way in which they marked their appreciation of the father by
presenting the son with two very lasting testimonials . Bro . Hinton had kindly expressed a hope that this testimonial might be handed down as an heirloom to his children ; but as he was a bachelor , that was scarcely likely to be the case . He regretted that his father , who was now nearly 70 , was unable to be present ; he used thoroughly to enjoy the good old days when he was among them , but that when his sons
were there to represent him , he was equally well pleased . When those at home heard how he had been honoured that evening , they would thoroughly appreciate it . His younger sister took a great interest in the lodge , and it was possible for a sister to be very useful in lodge matters , especially in regard to musical arrangements , in which matters his youngest sister had rendered him great assistance . He
could only say for the kind manner in which they had , through Bro . Hinton , expressed their feelings towards him , and for the manner in which they had received him , that he thanked them very heartily indeed , and he would ask Bro . Hinton to be upstanding , and take from him a hearty shake of the hand as a token of the love and esteem that he ( Bro . Moreton Graham ) had for them all .
The toast of " The Visitors" was responded to by Bros . Poppleton , P . P . G . D . C ; Coxhead , P . P . G . S . of W . ; and Rose , P . M . 72 and 1622 . For " The Past Masters , " Bros . Wrigglesworth , Garnar , and Goldring replied . The toast of " The Officers " was answered b y the Senior and Junior Wardens , and several of the assistant
officers . Among the visitors present were Bros . G . Perugin , 1744 ; M . J . Grain , 10 S 4 ; E . Goldring , 1067 ; W . C . Page , P . M . 1475 ; W . C . Smith , 1563 ; T . Coxhead , P . M ., P . P . G . S . ofW . ; C . Gooding , W . S . 1329 ; J . Weatherstone , P . M . 1656 ; VV . Jeffery , 1622 ; W . Hamlyn , P . M . 1622 ; J . M . Kimpster , 723 ; H . Hewbord , S . D . 901 ; J . Roberts ,
P . M . 65 ; John Mason , P . P . G . S . D . ; J . C . Radford , P . M . 1420 ; D . Rose , P . M . 73 ; Edwin Storr , VV . M . 167 ; R . R . Poppleton , P . M . 433 , P . P . G . S . of W . ; W . D . Beckett , VV . M . 780 ; Beaven , 1963 ; E . Grayton , 1656 ; Tiley , 1446 ; J . H . Williams , 360 ; C . Maton , 7 S 0
C . Sims , S 61 ; Cockburn , P . M . 13 S 0 ; E . Roberts , J . D . 1623 ; R . Wall , 1744 ; R . J . Voisey , P . M . 1641 ; T . Covill , 2032 ; J . H . Ford , 2032 ; H . Lambert , 1475 ; G . Wallis , 172 ; H . Bond , 1656 ; J . H . Alexander , 1563 ; L , Hollingsworth , 1567 ; T . J . Smith , 1656 ; F . Grant , 1656 ; T . Pearson ; J . Aldridge , 1032 ; E . Floyd , 902 ; W . Schultz , 172 ; J . Kift , 1791 ; and E . C . Massey .
SPHINX LODGE ( No . 1329 ) . —This prosperous lodge held its installation meeting at Camberwell , Masonic Hall , on Saturday , the 15 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Andrew Middlemass , W . M ., who , as all outgoing W . M . ' s should , had undertaken to install his successor , Bro . J . J . Brinton , who had been unanimously elected for the ensuing year . Bro . Middlemass is a very efficient
worker and performed his work on Saturday with his usual skill and ability , delivering the addresses to the VV . M ., officers , and brethren in a very impressive manner , and gave great satisfaction to the large number of brethren present . The officers for the current year are Bros . J . J . Brinton , W . M . ; A . Middlemas , I . P . M . ; G . W . Marsden , S . W . ; R . J . Voisey , J . VV . ; P . A . Nairne , D . C ; J . C .
Reynolds , Treas . ; C . Wilson , Sec ; J . Hernaman , b . U . ; S . H . Goldschmidt , J . D . ; D . D . Mercer , I . G . ; H . Forbes , W . S . ; C . Gooding , W . S . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler . The W . M . having invested his officers , there being no further Masonic business , after "Hearty good wishes " from the numerous visitors , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to , the large banqueting
hall and sat down to a very recherche banquet . Alter the usual loyal toasts had been duly honoured , the chairman in proposing " The Health of the Grand Officers , " said that only those who had the privilege of attending Grand Lodge could be aware of the numerous duties which were performed by those officers , and he felt sure they would agree with him that they deserved great credit for the
manner in which they attended to these duties . Bro . Greenwood , P . G . S . B . and P . G . Sec . Surrey , responded , and remarked that he could have wished that such a flourishing lodge as the Sphinx were a few miles further out , that it might be under the jurisdiction of the province u ? was Secretary ; he hoped , however , that he m l ?! J ., a X ? manv opportunities of visiting the lodge again . "The Health of the W . M . " was then proposed and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
heartily responded to by all the brethren . The I . P . M . in proposing the toast remarked that he was sure that in Bro . Brinton they had a Master who would and must do credit to the chair , more especially as he belonged to that great body who enlightened the public with good and sound advice , and also with all the news of the day when they could get it , which even if it were not always correct proved the great inventive power of the profession , and he
concluded by wishing the VV . M . a prosperous year of office . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of Bro . Middlemass , the I . P . M ., " who , he said , had , as Installing Master that evening , shown the brethren what great interest he took in the lodge , and he congratulated him on the manner in which he had carried out the duty devolving on him as Master , and hoped that Bro . Middlemass would long be spared to be amongst them .
Bro . Middlemass thanked the W . M . for his cordial expression of feeling towards himself , and also the brethren for the manner in which they had honoured the toast . He dwelt at some length upon his connection with the Sphinx Lodge , and reminded the brethren of the benefits conferred by their working together for those great aims of the Craft , viz . —charity and education . " The Health of the Visitors " was then proposed by the
W . M ., and responded to by Bros . Wells , P . M . 777 ; Saunders , VV . M . 698 ; Bradley , W . M . 1216 ; Dunn , P . M . 72 ; Payne , W . M . 1669 ; and Bellis , P . M . 1901 , who , on the part of the numerous visitors present , expressed the great gratification it had been to them to be present on that occasion , and for the cordial hospitality extended to them . They congratulated the W . M . in his having been placed in the chair of such a flourishing
lodge . The other toasts proposed from the chair included " The Past Masters , " "The Treasurer and Secretary , " and " The Officers of the Lodge , " which were duly honoured and responded to , and the Tyler's toast brought this agreeable meeting to a close . Not the least enjoyable part of the proceedings was the music with which the intervals between the speeches were
enlivened . The music was under the direction of Bro . Pritchett , P . M . 1622 , and P . G . Org . Herts , who was assisted by Bros . Voisey , W . H . Simons , and T . Wallis . The following were among the visitors present : Bros . C . Greenwood , P . G . S . B . Eng . and P . G . Sec . Surrey ; J . A . Astell , P . M . 58 , P . G . S . ; L . H . Saunders , W . M . 69 S , and P . G . S . Hants and I . of Wight ; C . Dorey , P . M . 176 ; H . Vickery , P . M . 1475 ; W . W . Pritchett , P . G .
Org . Herts , P . M . 1475 ; A . J . Bellis , I . P . M . 1901 ; R . J . Vincent , P . M . 196 3 ; A . C Bradley , W . M . 1216 ; T . Grummant , P . M . 1559 ; J . Addington , VV . M . 217 ; F . Dunn , P . M . 72 ; W . Payne , W . M . 1669 ; W . Wells , P . M . 777 ; W . Cowley , P . M . 1559 ; G . Yaxley , P . M . 463 ; H . G . Beale , VV . M . 59 ; C . Butler , S . W . 1196 ; J . F . Haden . W . M . 766 ; J . Hill , J . W . 165 S ; S .
Tomkins , J . W . 1609 ; V . J . Murche , J . W . 1963 ; G . Beneditti , S . W . 1155 ; B . Penney , J . D . 1679 ; W . H . Simons , Org . 19 S 6 ; E . Stinson , 15 ; J . S . Akerman , 1 S 51 ; R . Greenwood , 1641 ; J . Sutton , 1558 ; H . C . Mackin , ¦ S 58 ; J- C . Kellaway , 957 ; O . L . Finch , 1641 ; M . Trewbury , 172 ; T . Wallis , 901 ; A . Stedman , 73 ; VV . A . Allen , 1559 ; H . Ansel ! , 1559 ; G . Pitt , 17 6 ; and W .
Jeffery , 1622 . ¦ ¦¦ COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . — The usual meeting of this progressive lodge was held at " The Criterion , " Piccadilly , on the 11 th inst ., when there were present Bros . G . Coleman , W . M . ; J . Jacobs , S . W . ; W . H . Kedgley , J . W . ; Rev . P . M . Holden , P . M ., Chap . ; Edward Jacobs , P . M ., Treas . ; Wm . Bourne , P . M ., Sec . ; T . A . Dickson , S . D . ; Bowers Solomon , J . D . ; G . Reynolds , acting as I . G . ; S . Jacobs , P . M ., W . S . ; J .
Bassett , D . C , and acting as Asst . W . S . ; R . F . Potter , Tyler ; J . S . Goochard , A . Ralph , S . Isaacs , S . Hewitt , W . Unwin , Frank Gulliford , J . Pant , R . A . Head , W . F . Thorpe , VV . H . Cousins , M . Snow , F . W . Skinner , T . A . Thompson , A . Packham , G . Howard , W . Essex , and T . Wilson . Visitors : Bros . Churchley , P . M . 615 , P . P . G . S . Kent ; VV . Joram , 1580 ; VV . T . Thody , S . W . 15 S 0 ; S . Renaut , D . C . 1623 ; T . Chalton , VV . M . 1259 ; W . J .
Hayes , 134 S ; H . M . Levy , P . M . iSS ; and G . Castle , 766 . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed .. The ballot was taken for Mr . Archibald Bryan , proposed by Bro . Frank Gulliford and seconded by Bro . G . H . Reynolds , and the candidate was unanimously admitted and duly initiated in the W . M . ' s usual impressive manner . Bro . Simeon Jacobs , P . M ., nominated a candidate for initiation at the next
meeting . The lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned to the second Tuesday in December . The brethren afterwards assembled at the banquet table in the Victoria Hall , where a most recherche repast was provided by Bro . Beltini , the indefatigable manager of "The Criterion . " The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured with acclamation , and then Bro . Edward J acobs , P . M . and
Treasurer , proposed in glowing terms " The Health of the W . M ., " the first initiate of the lodge , a brother who had taken the liveliest interest in its welfare , and had shown his devotion to the Craft in celebrating his accession to office by becoming a Steward for the Girls' School . In returning thanks , the VV . M . assured the brethren that he owed whatever they might be pleased to commend in him to his steady attendance at the lodge of instruction
connected with the mother lodge , and that he would always make it his duty to take a lively interest in the same . In proposing "The Health of the Initiate , " the W . M . said it was always a pleasure to see an initiate , and he felt sure the lodge had that evening initiated a g-ood brother . The Initiate , in reply , thanked the VV . M . for giving him light , and hoped he would prove a credit to the Craft . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Visitors , "
wished to assure all brethren of the Craft that the Covent Garden Lodge was at all times most pleased to meet them . Bros . H . M . Levy , P . M . iSS , and Churchley , P . M . 615 , P . P . G . S . Kent , duly responded . The W . M . then asked the brethren to drink to "The Health of the Past Masters of the Lodge , " to all of whom
they were so greatly indebted , and especially to Bro . E . Jacobs , P . M ., who had so ably discharged the duties of Treasurer , and to Bro . VV . Bourne , P . M ., who had been the Secretary of the lodge since its foundation ; and to Bro . Simecn Jacobs , who looked after their creature comforts . The toast was received with acclamation , and , in responding ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Edward Jacobs , P . M ., said , while acknowledging the toast on behalf of himself and the brethren named , he could not forget that a P . M . was , owing to his ill-health , absent that night , whom they would all have been glad to have seen amongst them . Bro . W . H . Gulliford , P . M ., was not able to be present ; but he was sure , when they remembered the great interest he had ever taken in the
lodge , they would be glad to wish him such speedy restoration to health as would enable them to meet him again . He might say the same of Bro . Kedgley , P . M ., whose absence , from the same cause , all deplored . In proposing "The Health of the Wardens and Officers of the Lodge" in one toast , the hour being rather advanced , the VV . M . took occasion to advert to trie services of Bro .
G . Reynolds , who was always ready to fulfil the duties of any office he was able to undertake in the lodge , and who in connection with the lodge of instruction had proved himself , as its Secretary , a true and worthy Mason . The pleasures of the evening were enhanced by the vocal efforts of various brethren and the exquisite legerdemain of Bro . Bassett . The proceedings were concluded by the Tyler's toast .
TEMPLE BAR LODGE ( No . 172 S ) . —This lodge met at Anderton's Hotel , on the 20 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . J . VV . C . Bush , VV . M ., assisted by Bro . Buckworth , I . P . M ., Treas . ; Bro . G . S . Recknell , S . W . ; Bro . R . Kimpton , J . VV . ; and the assistant officers of the lodge . There was a fair attendance of lay members , and the visitors were somewhat numerous , considering that this
was not an installation meeting , including Bro . Thomas Fenn , 259 , President of the Board of General Purposes ; Richard Belt ( the Sculptor ) , No . 1 ; it was a somewhat curious coincidence that there was also a Bro . Laws present , of No . 78 ; Andrew McDowall , P . M . 19 C 2 , P . P . G . C . D . ; Byron H . Ridge , P . M . 4 63 , P . P . G . I . G . ; F . J . Oliver , 105 G ; H . G . Brown , 169 ; Samuel G . Homfray ,
6 S 3 ; W . K . Cooper , 105 G ; Charles Girding , 1329 ; Geo . Bury , 4 63 ; C . W . Fox , P . M . 132 C ; W . B . Newby , 463 ; and E . C . Massey . The greatest credit is due to the officers of this lodge for the manner in which the ceremonies are performed , from Bro . Bush , the VV . M ., whose work is admirably unhurried and impressive , down to the assistant officers , whose
deaconing is very good , and who take most careful precautions that no unauthorised person shall enter the lodge . The capabilities of the Master and his officers were well tested on Thursday , as ^ there were three raisings and one initiation , Bros . J . Spurgin , W . Boldero , and H . Oclee being the brethren who were raised to the Third Degree , and Mr . James Humphrey Snow being the candidate
initiated . Ihe work was not concluded until close upon half-past seven . It may be mentioned that before the lodge was closed the VV . M . gave notice of motion to vote a sum of 20 guineas to the Masonic Benevolent Institution to be placed on the list of Bro . Recknell , the present S . W ., on the occasion of his going up as a Steward at the next festival ; and it was explained that it was considered
desirable , on account of Bro . Rccknell ' s connection with the Institution , that the lodge should on this occasion , and as an exception , double its usual contribution to this charity ; and Bro . Buckworth , P . M ., the Treas ., in a few remarks he made on the subject , urged the members of the lodge to do everything in their power under the circumstances , to make Bro . Recknell ' s list an exceptionally heavy one .
After the dinner which followed the closing of the lodge , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and honoured . In responding for " The Grand Officers , " Bro . Fenn said that he felt quite overwhelmed with the more than complimentary way in which the toast to the ^ Prov . Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , present and past , had been proposed by the
VV . M . Leaving the greater part of them to take care of themselves , he would respond more particularly for those present and past Grand Officers , with whom he had for so many years been associated on the Board of General Purposes . It was now 20 years since he first became a member of that Board , and speaking with that experience he could say truly that they were not only willing , but
anxious to give their services and diligence and time for the profit of the Craft . For himself , personally , he thanked the VV . M . for the opportunity Bro . Bush had given him of visiting a lodge at the consecration of which he had the honour to assist . He had not visited it since the consecration and he was pleased to find it now working well and prosperously . Not the less was he pleased to visit it as the
lodge of one of his colleagues on the Board over whom he had the honour to preside . He could not help thinking that the President and members of the Board should always be on good and friendly terms , which were certainly likel y to be promoted by social intercourse of this kind . Possibly the exhibitions of temper , which were too frequently found at vestry and parish meetings might cease ,
if the members met more frequently in social intercourse . In proposing "The Health of the Visitors , " which he did in most genial terms , Bro . Bush coupled the toast with the names of Bros . Ridge , McDowall , and Belt who , responded on behalf of themselves and other visitors present . Bro . Belt , in the course of his reply , said in reference to
the long legal dispute in which he had been engaged , that he owed it to a Freemason of lodge No . 1 , that he had been able to do what he had done . That brother had stood by him in a truly Masonic spirit ; £ 20 , 000 had been lost by that brother in the speaker's troubles . It was an act
he could never forget , and one which he thought it right as he stood there to acknowledge that he owed to a brother Mason . Had it been required , he believed there wer « hundreds who were ready to do the same . Several other toasts were disposed of before the proceedings of a very pleasant meeting were brought to a close .
LONDON RIFLE BRIGADE LODGE ( No . 1962 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 21 st inst . Present : Bros . Walter C Claridge , VV . M . ; H . F . Bing , as S . W . ; A . Haig Brown , J . W . ; A . McDowall , Treas . ; N . Green , P . M . and Sec ; A . H . Sandle , S . D . ; W . J . Tasman , J . VV . ; L . V . Walker , I . G . ;
J . VV . McAlpin , M . C . ; J . C . Tilt , and J . Green , Stwds . ; Lackland , Tyler ; also Bros . Mardell , Henton , Levey , Tazlon , Morris , Cowling , Swinscon , Stein , McNish , Pearce , Wright , Cook , Gregory , Nuding , Kitchingman , Lowe , Hancock , and Rix . Bro . B . P . Jesse , P . M . 1556 , was a visitor . The lodge was opened in the customary manner , and the