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United Grand Lodge.
Sydney Hodges , and they are ready to be placed in their respective panels . It is proposed to commence the decoration of the hall soon after the December Quarterly Communication , and the whole of the works , decorative and otherwise , will , there is no doubt , be completed and ready by the date of the Grand Festival in April next .
So far as the actual renovation of the hall is concerned , the Committee have been enabled to keep the cost of the same within the insurance money , but as a matter of course , many items , not of mere restoration , but of necessary and substantial improvements , such as the gallery and its
approaches , the new exits in case of fire , the system of ventilation , the expense incurred for the pictures above the £ 50 insurance on each , & c , cannot come under the above head . The Committee will , therefore , be prepared to submit to the Quarterly Communication , in March next , an exact account of the expenditure thus unavoidably and usefully incurred .
The Committee have finally to report that the rearrangement of the internal fittings of the hall has placed an additional half panel on the proper right of the dais , and over the fire door leading to the banqueting hall , at the present disposal of Grand Lodge ; and the Committee have , therefore , the greatest pleasure in suggesting that this half pannel should be filled with a hall-length life-sized portrait of the M . W . the Pro Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , as a memento of the affection and
respect with which his lordship is regarded by the Craft , and of the able and valuable services which he has rendered to it for many years as Pro Grand Master . ( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , Chairman . Freemasons' Hall , London , Nov . 14 th , 1884 . 11 . APPEALS : —
1 . Appeals of Bro . Joseph E . Duspuch , P . M . of the Royal Victoria Lodge , No . 443 , Nassau , Bahamas , against the refusal of the District Grand Master to hear and determine his complaint against that lodge for improperly excluding him therefrom ; and against a decision of the District Grand Lodge of the Bahamas finding him guilty of contumacious conduct , and certain resolutions of the District Grand Lodge consequent thereon .
2 . Appeal of Bros . Edward Thomas Dover and Alfred George Gleeson , of the Lodge " Victoria in Burma , " No . S 32 , Rangoon , against a decision of the District Grand Master of British Burma , holding that the W . M . of the lodge had not improperly excluded them while a ballot was being taken , and directing them to apologise for charging the W . M . with having acted " willfully and maliciously " in so doing . The papers relating to these appeals will be in the Grand Secretary ' s office till the meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the brethren during office hours .
12 . NOTICE OF MOTION : — By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M . No . 1216 .
That it be referred to the Board of General Purposes to consider and report upon the best means for the prevention of the continued impositions practised upon Metropolitan and Provincial lodges by mendicant Freemasons . Names of Past Masters nominated to serve on the Board of Benevolence : Bros George Pole Britten , P . M . 183 ; Joseph Clever , 171 ; Thomas
Cull , 1446 ; Charles Dairy , 141 ; George P . Gillard , 657 ; Charles K Hogard , 205 ; William Mann , 186 ; Henry McPherson , 890 ; John Noble , P . M . 975 ; Capt . Adolphus Nicols , 1974 ; William H . Ferryman , 3 ; George Read , 511 ; Francis R . Spaull , 1768 ; Edward Francis Storr , 22 ; and Robert J . Taylor , 141 ; of whom twelve are to be elected .
Names of brethren nominated lor election to the offices of Senior and Junior Vice-President of the Board of Benevolence : Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., as Senior Vice President ; Bro . Charles Alexander Cottebrune , P . G . P ., as Junior Vice-President ; and none ' others were nominated . LIST OF LODGES FOR WHICH WARRANTS HAVE BEEN GRANTED BY THE M . W . GRAND MASTER SINCE THE LAST QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION
OF GRAND LODGE ' No . 2065 . —The Cosmopolitan Lodge , Queenscliff , Victoria . 2066 . —The Morning Star Lodge 01 Stawell , Stawell , Victoria . 2067 . —The Prince Leopold Lodge , Gympie , Queensland . 2068 . —The Portsmouth Temperance Lodge , Portsmouth .
2669 . —The Lodge of Prudence , Leeds , Yorks . ( W . D . ) 2070 . —The Lodge of Peace , Uralla , Sydney , N . S . W . 2071 . —The Lodge of Emulation , Sydney , N . S . W . 2072 . —The Zelandia Lodge , Whangaroa , Auckland , N . Z . 2073 . —The Duke of Albany Lodge , Helensville , Auckland , N . Z . 2074 . —The St . Clair Lodge , Landport , Hants .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Salisbury on Wednesday , the 5 th inst ., the receiving lodge being the Lodge Elias de Derham , No . 586 , of that town . The Prov . Grand Master , Lord Methuen , presided , and was supported by a large number of the Wiltshire brethren , amongst whom were Bros . Sir Gabriel Goldney , Bart ., D . P . G . M . ; Lord H . F . Thynne , P . G . W ., G . Supt . ( R . A . ) Wilts ; Rev . C . H . Awdry ,
Prov . G . Chap . ; F . H . Goldney , P . G . Treas . ; T . Ponting , P . G . Reg . ; Henry C . Tombs , P . G . D ., P . G . Sec . ; J . Chandler , P . P . G . S . W ., P . G . D . C ; Dr . Theobald Ringer , P . G . A . D . C . ; H . E . Bishop , P . G . Swd . Br . ; H . Merrick , P . G . Purst . ; William Nott , P . P . G . J . W ., Prov . Charity Sec ; Rev . F . King , P . P . G . S . W . ; R . Stokes , P . P . G . S . W . ; Col . Randle Ford , P . P . G . J . W . ; E . Turner Payne , P . P . G . J . W . ; Rev . G . E . Gardiner , P . P . G . Chap . ; T . S . Futcher , P . P . G . J . D . ; and others .
The roll of the various lodges was called , and duly responded to by representatives from every lodge in the province . The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge at Chippenham , of which a printed copy had been circulated , were taken as read and duly confirmed . The Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . HENRY C . TOMBS , then read the minutes of the Provincial Charity Committee , which had been held that morning , from which it appeared that Bro . John Chandler , P . M . SSS . P . P . G . S . W .,
and P . P . G . D . C ., was willing to represent the province as -Steward at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , which Festival will be presided over by Bro . Sir M . E . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., the P . G . M . of the neighbouring Province of Gloucester . The Committee recommended that Bro . Chandler be adopted as Steward for the province , and that the sum of £ 21 be voted from the Provincial Charity Fund to be placed on his list . —These recommendations were adopted .
The Prov . G . Treasurer , Bro . F . H . GOLDNEY , read an abstract of his accounts , which had been dul y audited , and which , besides the balance on the general and ordinary Charity accounts , showed a balance to the credit of the newly-established Benevolent Fund of £ 79 9 s . 6 d . cash , and £ 178 3 s . 6 d . Consols . —These accounts were duly approved .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
The Prov . G . Registrar , Bro . THOS . PONTING , presented his usual report , showing that the number of members in the province was about 440 , or substantially the same as in the previous year ; but staling that lie was again , as last year , unable to maksacompleie return , owing to the neglect of one lodge—the same which caused the like inconvenience in 1883—10 make its return . —The report was approved .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER , in putting it for adoption , made some remarks as to the lodge in question , which he hoped would have the effect of preventing any recurrence of the neglect complained of . The Secretary to the Provincial Benevolent Fund and Charity Organisation Committee , Bro . WILLIAM NOTT , presented the report of that Committee as follows :
BENEVOLENT FUND . —The whole of the income to the end of the year , 1 SS 2 , has been invested in the sum of £ 178 3 s . 6 d . Consols , and in addition the balance in the Treasurer ' s hands for the current year , will , as no claim as yet has been made on the Fund , be all available for further investment . This is most encouraging , for with the small amount of income available , it would hav ? been impossible to « ive assistance 10 any extent . This funding of the receipts has made an appreciable addition to the annual income , and , should there be no claim for the next two or three years , the I'und will be placed in a most satisfactory position .
CHARITY ORGANIZATION . —Since the last meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge there has been no case from this province at either of the elections lor the Masonic Charities , the case of the boy , H . M . Ja'vis , previously adopted as a candidate , having been withdrawn , he having obtained a nomination for another Institution . The votes of this province have , therefore , been applied in supportingcases from the other associated provinces , and , at the same time , reducing the liability of this province .
The Committee has adopted as a candidate for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution the Widow of the late Bro . Charles Feaviour , of the Corsham Lodge—Lodge of Rectitude , 335 , a case which has been most strongly recommended to it as a very deserving one . The provinces now in intimate union with Wiltshire are—Bristol , Gloucester ,
Leicester ; Monmouth , Somerset , the Eastern Division of South Wales and Worcestershire , and the thanks of the province are due to the representatn-es of those provincesmore especially to Bros . Capt . S . G . Homfray , D . P . G . M . Mon . ; R . C . tike , D . P . G . M . Somerset ; M . Tennant , D . P . G . M ., E . D . South Wales ; and R . V . Vassar Smitn , Gloucester , who have attended the Elections this year—for their hearty co-operation with this province .
The votes sent in to your Committee during the past three years have been as follows : — 1 S 82 . 18 S 3 . 1 SS 4 . Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . . . 475 49 S 50 S ., „ ,. „ Girls ... 356 370 417 „ „ Ben . Inst , for Aged Freemasons 235 242 233 „ ,, > , „ Widows . . 153 i ? ' 338 1219 12 S 1 1496
thus showing a marked increase . All the votes in the province ( both those from lodges and private votes ) are now , almost without exception , regularly placed at the disposal of your Committee , thus allowing of the necessary calculations and arrangements being made with a large amount of certainty . The Wiltshire recipients of the Masonic Charities are nearly the same as last year . From the Benevolent Institution , three Widows are still ( as they have been doing for the past eight , six , and two years respectively ) , receiving Annuities of £ 32 each .
in the Masonic Schools there are nine Wiltshire children , as to whom the school authorities report as follows , viz : —
GIRLS' SCHOOL . A . M . C . ( Old Swindon , 355 ) , age 15 , elected 1879 , leaves the School 1885 , "is a good girl and making fair progress ; is in the 2 nd class . " A . L . W . ( New Swindon , 1295 ) , age 15 , elected 1 S 79 , leaves 18 S 5 , " is making more progress , is a good girl , and is now in the 2 nd class . " E . M . G . ( Salisbury , 5 S 6 ) , age 13 , elected 1 S 79 , leaves 1 SS 6 , "is now in the 3 rd class and making more progress ; is a good girl . "
F . J . N . ( Old Swindon , 355 ) , age , 13 , elected 1 SS 0 , leaves 1 SS 7 , "is making good progress . She is in the 2 nd cia ~ s , is a good girl . " G . E . B . ( Old Swindon , 355 ) , age 13 , elected 18 S 0 , leaves 1886 , "is in the 4 th classj still being very slow j is a good girl . " G . M . S . ( Old Swindon , 35 s ) , age 11 , admitted 18 S 2 , leaves 1 SS 9 , * ' has passed the Senior School , where she is in the lowest class , being backward for her age ; is a good B" * ^
- .. _ _ . ...... L . M . S . S . ( Trowbridge , 632 ) , age 12 , admitted 1882 , leaves 1 S 92 , "is making progress , is in the 5 th class , and is a good girl . "
BOYS' SCHOOL , H . V . N . B . S . ( Trowbridge , 632 ) , age 14 , elected 1 S 77 , leaves 1 RS 6 , "in the 3 rd class ( 1 st is the highest ); conduct satisfactory , progress improved , diligence improved . Place in class of 29 boys 24 th , October 1 st , 1884 . " H . R . H . G . I Trowbridge , 632 ) , age 10 , elected 1 SS 3 , leaves 1 S 90 , "in the 5 th class , conduct satisfactory , progress fair , very backward on entering the Institution , diligence fair . Place in class of 30 boys , last .
It will thus b < - seen that Wiltshire is receiving a very large amount of benefit from the great Masonic Institutions , a benefit of which the money value may be reckoned at between £ 500 and £ 600 a year at the lowest . The contributions from Wiltshire to these Charities during the past year have been made through the medium of the following STEWARDS FOR THE MASONIC CHARITIES t Bro . Edwin Eyres , Benevolent Institution £ i 57- 8 o „ T . Ponting , G'ds' School 85 11 6 Lodge 632 , Boys' School 10 10 o
Total £ 253 g 6 On the motion of the Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . HENRY C . TOMBS , seconded by the D . P . G . M ., Sir G . GOLDNEY , certain additions'to the Provincial Grand bye-laws were made in consequence of the powers granted by Rule 87 of the new Book of Constitutions , the effect being that to the present list of officers which might be appointed annually by the Prov . Grand Master the following were added—a second Chaplain , a Standard Bearer , an Assistant Secretary , and an Assistant Pursuivant , to take rank according to such Rule 87 .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER addressed the brethren , recapitulating the various occurrences of the past year , and concluding by dwelling upon one which he had with the greatest regret to announce to them , namely , the fact that Bro . Henry C . Tombs had definitely expressed his inability , owing to his many engagements , to undertake the office of Provincial
Grand Secretary again . Bro . Tombs had well and ably filled that office for the past 17 years , and he ( the P . G . M . ) felt sure that every brother in the province would unite with him in the expression of feeling of the great loss which the province had sustained , and in conveying to Bro . Tombs their best wishes on his retirement .
Bro . HENRY C . TOMBS most warmly thanked the Prov . Grand Master and other brethren for their kind expressions towards him , and their appreciation of his services , and expressed his great regret that he felt himself compelled to resign the office which he had held tor so many years with great pleasure to himself , and in which he had always met with so much kindness and courtesy from everyone in the province , and congratulated the province on the great advance which it had made during th 't period . It was afterwards , on the motion of the D . P . G . M ., Sir GABRIEL GOLDNEY , Bart ., seconded by Lord H . F . THYNNE , unanimously resolved :
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United Grand Lodge.
Sydney Hodges , and they are ready to be placed in their respective panels . It is proposed to commence the decoration of the hall soon after the December Quarterly Communication , and the whole of the works , decorative and otherwise , will , there is no doubt , be completed and ready by the date of the Grand Festival in April next .
So far as the actual renovation of the hall is concerned , the Committee have been enabled to keep the cost of the same within the insurance money , but as a matter of course , many items , not of mere restoration , but of necessary and substantial improvements , such as the gallery and its
approaches , the new exits in case of fire , the system of ventilation , the expense incurred for the pictures above the £ 50 insurance on each , & c , cannot come under the above head . The Committee will , therefore , be prepared to submit to the Quarterly Communication , in March next , an exact account of the expenditure thus unavoidably and usefully incurred .
The Committee have finally to report that the rearrangement of the internal fittings of the hall has placed an additional half panel on the proper right of the dais , and over the fire door leading to the banqueting hall , at the present disposal of Grand Lodge ; and the Committee have , therefore , the greatest pleasure in suggesting that this half pannel should be filled with a hall-length life-sized portrait of the M . W . the Pro Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , as a memento of the affection and
respect with which his lordship is regarded by the Craft , and of the able and valuable services which he has rendered to it for many years as Pro Grand Master . ( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , Chairman . Freemasons' Hall , London , Nov . 14 th , 1884 . 11 . APPEALS : —
1 . Appeals of Bro . Joseph E . Duspuch , P . M . of the Royal Victoria Lodge , No . 443 , Nassau , Bahamas , against the refusal of the District Grand Master to hear and determine his complaint against that lodge for improperly excluding him therefrom ; and against a decision of the District Grand Lodge of the Bahamas finding him guilty of contumacious conduct , and certain resolutions of the District Grand Lodge consequent thereon .
2 . Appeal of Bros . Edward Thomas Dover and Alfred George Gleeson , of the Lodge " Victoria in Burma , " No . S 32 , Rangoon , against a decision of the District Grand Master of British Burma , holding that the W . M . of the lodge had not improperly excluded them while a ballot was being taken , and directing them to apologise for charging the W . M . with having acted " willfully and maliciously " in so doing . The papers relating to these appeals will be in the Grand Secretary ' s office till the meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the brethren during office hours .
12 . NOTICE OF MOTION : — By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M . No . 1216 .
That it be referred to the Board of General Purposes to consider and report upon the best means for the prevention of the continued impositions practised upon Metropolitan and Provincial lodges by mendicant Freemasons . Names of Past Masters nominated to serve on the Board of Benevolence : Bros George Pole Britten , P . M . 183 ; Joseph Clever , 171 ; Thomas
Cull , 1446 ; Charles Dairy , 141 ; George P . Gillard , 657 ; Charles K Hogard , 205 ; William Mann , 186 ; Henry McPherson , 890 ; John Noble , P . M . 975 ; Capt . Adolphus Nicols , 1974 ; William H . Ferryman , 3 ; George Read , 511 ; Francis R . Spaull , 1768 ; Edward Francis Storr , 22 ; and Robert J . Taylor , 141 ; of whom twelve are to be elected .
Names of brethren nominated lor election to the offices of Senior and Junior Vice-President of the Board of Benevolence : Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., as Senior Vice President ; Bro . Charles Alexander Cottebrune , P . G . P ., as Junior Vice-President ; and none ' others were nominated . LIST OF LODGES FOR WHICH WARRANTS HAVE BEEN GRANTED BY THE M . W . GRAND MASTER SINCE THE LAST QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION
OF GRAND LODGE ' No . 2065 . —The Cosmopolitan Lodge , Queenscliff , Victoria . 2066 . —The Morning Star Lodge 01 Stawell , Stawell , Victoria . 2067 . —The Prince Leopold Lodge , Gympie , Queensland . 2068 . —The Portsmouth Temperance Lodge , Portsmouth .
2669 . —The Lodge of Prudence , Leeds , Yorks . ( W . D . ) 2070 . —The Lodge of Peace , Uralla , Sydney , N . S . W . 2071 . —The Lodge of Emulation , Sydney , N . S . W . 2072 . —The Zelandia Lodge , Whangaroa , Auckland , N . Z . 2073 . —The Duke of Albany Lodge , Helensville , Auckland , N . Z . 2074 . —The St . Clair Lodge , Landport , Hants .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Salisbury on Wednesday , the 5 th inst ., the receiving lodge being the Lodge Elias de Derham , No . 586 , of that town . The Prov . Grand Master , Lord Methuen , presided , and was supported by a large number of the Wiltshire brethren , amongst whom were Bros . Sir Gabriel Goldney , Bart ., D . P . G . M . ; Lord H . F . Thynne , P . G . W ., G . Supt . ( R . A . ) Wilts ; Rev . C . H . Awdry ,
Prov . G . Chap . ; F . H . Goldney , P . G . Treas . ; T . Ponting , P . G . Reg . ; Henry C . Tombs , P . G . D ., P . G . Sec . ; J . Chandler , P . P . G . S . W ., P . G . D . C ; Dr . Theobald Ringer , P . G . A . D . C . ; H . E . Bishop , P . G . Swd . Br . ; H . Merrick , P . G . Purst . ; William Nott , P . P . G . J . W ., Prov . Charity Sec ; Rev . F . King , P . P . G . S . W . ; R . Stokes , P . P . G . S . W . ; Col . Randle Ford , P . P . G . J . W . ; E . Turner Payne , P . P . G . J . W . ; Rev . G . E . Gardiner , P . P . G . Chap . ; T . S . Futcher , P . P . G . J . D . ; and others .
The roll of the various lodges was called , and duly responded to by representatives from every lodge in the province . The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge at Chippenham , of which a printed copy had been circulated , were taken as read and duly confirmed . The Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . HENRY C . TOMBS , then read the minutes of the Provincial Charity Committee , which had been held that morning , from which it appeared that Bro . John Chandler , P . M . SSS . P . P . G . S . W .,
and P . P . G . D . C ., was willing to represent the province as -Steward at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , which Festival will be presided over by Bro . Sir M . E . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., the P . G . M . of the neighbouring Province of Gloucester . The Committee recommended that Bro . Chandler be adopted as Steward for the province , and that the sum of £ 21 be voted from the Provincial Charity Fund to be placed on his list . —These recommendations were adopted .
The Prov . G . Treasurer , Bro . F . H . GOLDNEY , read an abstract of his accounts , which had been dul y audited , and which , besides the balance on the general and ordinary Charity accounts , showed a balance to the credit of the newly-established Benevolent Fund of £ 79 9 s . 6 d . cash , and £ 178 3 s . 6 d . Consols . —These accounts were duly approved .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
The Prov . G . Registrar , Bro . THOS . PONTING , presented his usual report , showing that the number of members in the province was about 440 , or substantially the same as in the previous year ; but staling that lie was again , as last year , unable to maksacompleie return , owing to the neglect of one lodge—the same which caused the like inconvenience in 1883—10 make its return . —The report was approved .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER , in putting it for adoption , made some remarks as to the lodge in question , which he hoped would have the effect of preventing any recurrence of the neglect complained of . The Secretary to the Provincial Benevolent Fund and Charity Organisation Committee , Bro . WILLIAM NOTT , presented the report of that Committee as follows :
BENEVOLENT FUND . —The whole of the income to the end of the year , 1 SS 2 , has been invested in the sum of £ 178 3 s . 6 d . Consols , and in addition the balance in the Treasurer ' s hands for the current year , will , as no claim as yet has been made on the Fund , be all available for further investment . This is most encouraging , for with the small amount of income available , it would hav ? been impossible to « ive assistance 10 any extent . This funding of the receipts has made an appreciable addition to the annual income , and , should there be no claim for the next two or three years , the I'und will be placed in a most satisfactory position .
CHARITY ORGANIZATION . —Since the last meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge there has been no case from this province at either of the elections lor the Masonic Charities , the case of the boy , H . M . Ja'vis , previously adopted as a candidate , having been withdrawn , he having obtained a nomination for another Institution . The votes of this province have , therefore , been applied in supportingcases from the other associated provinces , and , at the same time , reducing the liability of this province .
The Committee has adopted as a candidate for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution the Widow of the late Bro . Charles Feaviour , of the Corsham Lodge—Lodge of Rectitude , 335 , a case which has been most strongly recommended to it as a very deserving one . The provinces now in intimate union with Wiltshire are—Bristol , Gloucester ,
Leicester ; Monmouth , Somerset , the Eastern Division of South Wales and Worcestershire , and the thanks of the province are due to the representatn-es of those provincesmore especially to Bros . Capt . S . G . Homfray , D . P . G . M . Mon . ; R . C . tike , D . P . G . M . Somerset ; M . Tennant , D . P . G . M ., E . D . South Wales ; and R . V . Vassar Smitn , Gloucester , who have attended the Elections this year—for their hearty co-operation with this province .
The votes sent in to your Committee during the past three years have been as follows : — 1 S 82 . 18 S 3 . 1 SS 4 . Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . . . 475 49 S 50 S ., „ ,. „ Girls ... 356 370 417 „ „ Ben . Inst , for Aged Freemasons 235 242 233 „ ,, > , „ Widows . . 153 i ? ' 338 1219 12 S 1 1496
thus showing a marked increase . All the votes in the province ( both those from lodges and private votes ) are now , almost without exception , regularly placed at the disposal of your Committee , thus allowing of the necessary calculations and arrangements being made with a large amount of certainty . The Wiltshire recipients of the Masonic Charities are nearly the same as last year . From the Benevolent Institution , three Widows are still ( as they have been doing for the past eight , six , and two years respectively ) , receiving Annuities of £ 32 each .
in the Masonic Schools there are nine Wiltshire children , as to whom the school authorities report as follows , viz : —
GIRLS' SCHOOL . A . M . C . ( Old Swindon , 355 ) , age 15 , elected 1879 , leaves the School 1885 , "is a good girl and making fair progress ; is in the 2 nd class . " A . L . W . ( New Swindon , 1295 ) , age 15 , elected 1 S 79 , leaves 18 S 5 , " is making more progress , is a good girl , and is now in the 2 nd class . " E . M . G . ( Salisbury , 5 S 6 ) , age 13 , elected 1 S 79 , leaves 1 SS 6 , "is now in the 3 rd class and making more progress ; is a good girl . "
F . J . N . ( Old Swindon , 355 ) , age , 13 , elected 1 SS 0 , leaves 1 SS 7 , "is making good progress . She is in the 2 nd cia ~ s , is a good girl . " G . E . B . ( Old Swindon , 355 ) , age 13 , elected 18 S 0 , leaves 1886 , "is in the 4 th classj still being very slow j is a good girl . " G . M . S . ( Old Swindon , 35 s ) , age 11 , admitted 18 S 2 , leaves 1 SS 9 , * ' has passed the Senior School , where she is in the lowest class , being backward for her age ; is a good B" * ^
- .. _ _ . ...... L . M . S . S . ( Trowbridge , 632 ) , age 12 , admitted 1882 , leaves 1 S 92 , "is making progress , is in the 5 th class , and is a good girl . "
BOYS' SCHOOL , H . V . N . B . S . ( Trowbridge , 632 ) , age 14 , elected 1 S 77 , leaves 1 RS 6 , "in the 3 rd class ( 1 st is the highest ); conduct satisfactory , progress improved , diligence improved . Place in class of 29 boys 24 th , October 1 st , 1884 . " H . R . H . G . I Trowbridge , 632 ) , age 10 , elected 1 SS 3 , leaves 1 S 90 , "in the 5 th class , conduct satisfactory , progress fair , very backward on entering the Institution , diligence fair . Place in class of 30 boys , last .
It will thus b < - seen that Wiltshire is receiving a very large amount of benefit from the great Masonic Institutions , a benefit of which the money value may be reckoned at between £ 500 and £ 600 a year at the lowest . The contributions from Wiltshire to these Charities during the past year have been made through the medium of the following STEWARDS FOR THE MASONIC CHARITIES t Bro . Edwin Eyres , Benevolent Institution £ i 57- 8 o „ T . Ponting , G'ds' School 85 11 6 Lodge 632 , Boys' School 10 10 o
Total £ 253 g 6 On the motion of the Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . HENRY C . TOMBS , seconded by the D . P . G . M ., Sir G . GOLDNEY , certain additions'to the Provincial Grand bye-laws were made in consequence of the powers granted by Rule 87 of the new Book of Constitutions , the effect being that to the present list of officers which might be appointed annually by the Prov . Grand Master the following were added—a second Chaplain , a Standard Bearer , an Assistant Secretary , and an Assistant Pursuivant , to take rank according to such Rule 87 .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER addressed the brethren , recapitulating the various occurrences of the past year , and concluding by dwelling upon one which he had with the greatest regret to announce to them , namely , the fact that Bro . Henry C . Tombs had definitely expressed his inability , owing to his many engagements , to undertake the office of Provincial
Grand Secretary again . Bro . Tombs had well and ably filled that office for the past 17 years , and he ( the P . G . M . ) felt sure that every brother in the province would unite with him in the expression of feeling of the great loss which the province had sustained , and in conveying to Bro . Tombs their best wishes on his retirement .
Bro . HENRY C . TOMBS most warmly thanked the Prov . Grand Master and other brethren for their kind expressions towards him , and their appreciation of his services , and expressed his great regret that he felt himself compelled to resign the office which he had held tor so many years with great pleasure to himself , and in which he had always met with so much kindness and courtesy from everyone in the province , and congratulated the province on the great advance which it had made during th 't period . It was afterwards , on the motion of the D . P . G . M ., Sir GABRIEL GOLDNEY , Bart ., seconded by Lord H . F . THYNNE , unanimously resolved :