Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article South Africa. Page 1 of 1 Article Ireland. Page 1 of 1 Article THE NEW MASONIC HALL AT SIDMOUTH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Provincial Meetings.
undoubtedly one of the most responsible and important it was in the power of the Prov . Grand Master to bestow , for much of the smoothness of the working of the ceremony at the meetings of Prov . Grand Lodge depended upon the skill and knowledge of the P . G . D . C , and he knew the brethren would all agree that a more efficient officer could not be found in the province than Bro . Gill , and all in that
lodge felt a peculiar gratification in the knowledge that Bro . Gill had been selected as the bearer of that honour to their lodge . He ( Bro . Haddon ) was also very pleased that it fell to his lot to ask the acceptance by Bro . Gill of a handsome breast jewel in gold , subscribed for by the brethren of his lodge as a small token of their appreciation of his zeal for Masonry , and also of his generosity ancl willing
helpfulness to the lodge at all times ; he could speak with confidence on the matter , for he had worked side by side vvith Bro . Gill from the very commencement of the working of the lodge , and at no time in its history had there been any occasion when Bro . Gill was not first and foremost in any and everything which would promote its welfare , and in affixing that jewel to his breast he trusted theG . A . O . T . U .
would grant him health and life that he might wear it for many years—as he vvas sure he always would wear itwith honour to himself , credit to his lodge , and as an emblem of Masonic love to the whole Craft . In response , Bro . Gill said that such a handsome mark of their esteem was so totally unexpected by him that he felt himself quite unable to express his thanks to the brethren
in suitable terms , but he would assure them that whatever he had done in the lodge or for the lodge had been a real pleasure to him , and he could not but be gratified beyond expression to know that the brethren so thoroughly appreciated it . He had received his Provincial Grand collar with exceeding pleasure , because , although he vvas not in any way insensible to the honour it conferred upon himself , he
regarded it more as a distinction bestowed upon the lodge , of which he esteemed it his great privilege to be a member . He could now only thank them , and express the desire that they might continue to work together in that spirit of love and harmony that had characterised the lodge since its consecration . The jewel , which is a very handsome one in gold ,
bore the following inscription on the reverse side : Presented to VV . Bro . John Gill by brethren of Lodge Fidelity and Sincerity , No . 19 G 6 , in high appreciation of his Masonic merits . Nov . Gth , 1 S 90 . " The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts completed the harmony of tlie evening .
WOOLWICH . Nelson Lodge ( No . 700 ) . —The opening meeting of the above powerful lodge since the installation of Bro . S . E . Southgate as VV . M . took place on Wednesday , the lyth inst ., at the Masonic Hall , William-slreet , and vvas remarkable especially for the large number of visitors present , no less than 34 signing the attendance book .
The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , Bros . Martin and Hill were passed , and Bro . Chennels raised , the work being admirably done by the W . M . and his officers . The long and valuable services of Bro . T . Butt , P . M ., as Treasurer—he having held the office for some 11 years—were recognised by the presentation to him of a handsome and costly
Treasurer's jewel , the W . M ., in presenting it , assuring Bro . Butt that the heartiest good wishes and esteem of every member of the lodge accompanied it , and he trusted he might live long to wear it . Bio . Butt , who vvas cheered repeatedly , briefly , but with deep feeling , returned thanks , and then the lodge was closed , and a handsomely served supper by Bro . Rymer vvas partaken of .
Among the other brethren present vvere Bros . VV . Webber , I . P . M . ; Rev . R . Jamblin , M . A ., P . M ., Hon . Chap ., P . P . G . Chap . ; J . Warren , P . M ., Sec ; J . H . Roberts , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Sweeting , P . M . ; J . Naylor , P . M . ; H . King , P . M . ; C Jolly , P . M . ( Hon . ) j J . McColIough , S . VV . j G . F . Taylor , J . VV . ; VV . Lawson , S . D . ; H . Tufnell , J . D . j G . Nichols . I . G . j VV . Bidgood , Org . ; G . H .
Porter , D . C . ; and H . Pammant , Stwd . Among the visitors vvere Bros . J . Aillud , P . M . G 15 , P . P . G . D . C . ; VV . Hewett , W . M . 957 ; J . Bell , W . M . 13 ; G . H . Letton , VV . M . 615 ; C . Watkins , P . M . 615 ; VV . Tailby , P . M . 13 ; T . Hosgood , P . M . 13 ; G . Davis , P . M . 13 ; T . Spalding , P . M . 1 G 43 ; W . Busbridge , S . W . 913 ; G . R . Cashfield , S . W . G 1-5 : A . Knight , S . VV . 1472 J VV . Sanders , J . VV . 013 ; C .
Goodwin , J . VV . G 15 j H . H . Burney , J . W . 169 ; A . Deans , S . D . 13 ; ' } . Palmer , J . Delo , R . Stephenson , VV . Wooster , VV . Turvey , and T . Reeves , ol 1472 ; C . Fewtre , 1457 ; J . Davidson , 13 ; J . Buchannan , 333 ; E . M . Taylor and j . Taylor , ot 913 ; L . Richards , 1901 j J . Marchant , 1 S 15 J J . Jolliffe , C . Howard , J . Skinner , and H . De Gray , of 13 ; and others .
The I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of "The VV . M ., " said he felt highly delighted , and must say , as that was their •W . M . ' s first effort in the chair , he had done remarkably well , and he trusted that he would have health and strength to follow up such a splendid success throughout the whole of his year of office . He would not say another word in his favour , but would ask them to show their appreciation by
their hearty reception of the toast . Bro . Southgate said he hardly knew how to thank them , but he thought the I . P . M . had said too much in his favour , for he was himself conscious of several errors in his working of the ritual , errors that he hoped to correct in thc future . He vvas sorry that his year of office had been ushered in by the death of an esteemed brother ( Bro . A .
Sanderson ) , and could assure them that it was the wish of the deceased ' s brother ( Bro . J . Sanderson ) that the singing at the festive board should not be relinquished . He was using that night an unique ivory gavel that had been presented the lodge by Bro . Butt , P . M ., the ivory of which it vvas made being from a tusk procured in the late Stanley
expedition for the relief of Emm Pasha . He concluded by again cordially thanking them . Bros . Warren and Roberts returned thanks for a warm reception of their names as Treasurer and Secretary , and the other loasts were interspersed vvith some excellent singing .
YORK . York Lodge ( No . 236 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge for the election of Master was held in Freemasons' Hall , Duncombe-street , on Monday , the 17 th inst ., when there were present Bros . C . M . Forbes , VV . M . ; T . S . Brogdtn , S . VV . ; E . VV . Purnell , J . W . ; J . Todd , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Foster , P . M ., Sec . ; E . Carter , J . D . ; M . Bryson , I . G . j C Linlcy , D . C . j F . VV . Laughton and
Provincial Meetings.
T . Archey , Stwds . ; J . Hall , Tyler ; A . Buckle , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; J . S . Rymer , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; G . Balmford ,
P . M ., P . P . G . O . ; T . G . Hodgson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; G . Garbutt , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; VV . Draper , P . M . ; S . Border , P . M ., Prov . G . R . ; M . Rooke , P . M ., P . P . CD . ; C . Anderson , F . S . Gramshaw , ] . A . A . Askew , T . J . Russell , H . J . Rudgard , VV . D . ' Rudgard , A . Jones , D . Scoby , T . Rawling , VV . N . Stimpson , J . K . Turner , A . F . King , A . M . White , H . Scott , A . Procter , J . Stead , E .
Houlden , J . Biscomb , T . Smith , H . Churchill , S . J . Crummack , and J . Rotherford . Visitors : Bros . George Lamb , VV . M ., W . ' Brown , P . M ., J . H . Shonksmith , J . W ., VV . H . Coates , P . Pearson , VV . Sykes , F . VV . Halliwell , J . L . Spetch , F . H . Vaughan , VV . T . Beckwith , J . Mears , Jas . Kay , G . A . Chapman , and J . T . Chambers , all of IGIIJ J . E . Wilkinson , VV . M ., C . Garrod , T . Latham , J .
Tomlinson , T . Laveiack , P . A . Hatfield , B . Kilvington , J . W . Dow , J . Booth , R . B . Gray , j . McGee , J . R . " Parkin , and T . Bullock , all of 199 1 j J . E . Jones , S . D ., Lieut .-Col . A . H . Russell , Rev . H . Lowther Clarke , H . L . Swift , S . VV ., and C . E . Wright , Sec , all of 2328 j and others . The lodge having been opened , the business of the election of Master was taken , and Bro . T . S . Brogden ,
S . W ., vvas chosen to fill the office . Bro . J . I odd , P . M ., vvas re-elected Treasurer for the 13 th time in succession . Both these brethren returned thanks for the trust reposed in them . Bro . Hall was re-appointed Tyler . Some other technical business connected with thc furnishing of the lodge was transacted , after which Bro . R . F . Gould , P . M . 2076 , P . G . D ., was introduced into the lodge , being
accompanied by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . M . 1611 , G . S . B . These brethren having taken their seats were saluted , and Bro . Gould then proceeded to deliver a lecture on "The Degrees of Pure and Ancient Freemasonry , " in the course of which he gave a retrogressive sketch of the Craft from the present timeto 1717 , referring tothe Old Regulationsof 1721 , and the repeal of Regulation 13 , the question as the division of the
Degrees , and the reason for the existence of " Masters ' Lodges , " the so-called Degree of Installed Master , and the ceremony of constitution of a lodge , the rise of other Degrees , the Royal Arch ancl its origin , & c , during the delivery of which address the brethren remained in rapt attention , and the " High Degree" brethren felt that they vvere historically nowhere , and that they had been consider ,
ably , even if good-naturedly , sat upon . At the conclusion of the address Bro . J . Todd , P . P . G . W ., Treasurer 236 , after a highly complimentary allusion to the interesting and instructive lecture delivered by Bro . Gould , and to his Masonic work and labours , especially with regard to his great " History of Freemasonry , " expressed the gratification it afforded the York brethren to meet face to
face and exchange fraternal greetings with a brother whose name was a household word in Freemasonry , and whose services to the Craft vvere known and appreciated throughout the Masonic world , and concluded by proposing a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Gould for his able lecture . The proposition vvas seconded by Bro . J . S . Rymer , P . P . G . R ., who expressed a wish that Bro . Gould would at
some future day visit York again and give them his opinion on early and media ; val Freemasonry . Bro . T . B . Whytehead , at the invitation of the VV . M . of the York Lodge , also expressed his appreciation of the lecture . The VV . M ., Bro . C M . Forbes , by whose kindness the lecture had been arranged , also expressed his gratification at the result of the gathering , and the resolution of thanks was carried by
acclamation . Bro . Gould , in reply , said that he regarded York as the Mecca of Freemasonry , and vvas proud of being an honorary member of the York , Eboracum , and Albert Victor Lodges , all of which bodies vvere represented that evening by their principal officers . It was one of the largest gatherings of the Craft to which he had lectured , and he would look forward to some future occasion on which he
might come to greet his York brethren again . The lodge vvas then closed , and the members entertained tlieir visitors in the banqueting-room , where the customary toasts were observed and speeches were delivered by Bros . C . M . Forbes , VV . M ., Joseph Todd , J . S . Rymer , S . Border , T . S . Brogden , R . F . Gould , T . B . Whytehead , ancl others , whilst songs and recitations by Bros . J . E .
Wilkinson , J . W . Dow , J . lodd , and others enlivened the proceedings , the pianoforte accompaniments being cleverly conducted by Bro . A . Sample . The installation of Bro . Brogden as VV . M . will take place on Monday , thc 15 th prox ., in Freemasons' Hall ,. Duncombe-street . On Tuesday morning , Bro . R . F . Gould vvas conducted
by Bro . Whytehead through the ruins of St . Mary's Abbey at York , and also to the Freemasons' Hall in St . Saviourgate , with the details of which he was much pleased . Before leaving York for Hull he again visited Freemasons' Hall in Duncombe-place , where he vvas met by Bro . Todd , who showed him the collection of old Constitutions and minutes of the Grand Lodge of All England .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Orpheus Chapter ( No . 1706 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Holborn Restaurant , on Saturday , the 15 th inst ., when there were present Comps . G . Cowell , M . E . Z . j P . H . Waterlow , H . j W . A . Barrett , P . G . O ., as J . ; R . Eve , P . G . T . j G . Cooper , P . Z ., P . A . G . S . ; VV . Ganz , P . Z ., P . G . O . ; Dr . Walmsley Little , H . Buny , II . J . Miller , 11 . R . Rose , and H . Dodd .
Visitors : Comps . Large , Dalzell , and Smith . The chapter having been opened , the installation then tcok place as follows : Comps . P . H . Waterlow , M . E . Z . ; F . VV . Imbert-Tcrry , H . j Little , J . ; R . Eve , Treas .: and G . Cowell , S . E . A handsome P . Z . ' s jewel ( manufactured by Comp . G . Kenning ) vvas presented to Comp , G . Cowell for his services during the past year , and foui
candidates for exaltation were proposed for next meeting . All business being ended , the companions sat down to a banquet provided under the personal supervision of Mr . Hamp , and it is hardly necessary to state that the singing and the musical arrangements , under the direction of Comp . Dr . Walmsley Little , were of thc most charming description ;
Among those who have come to town in connection vvith the meeting of Parliament are Bro . the Duke of Athole , Bro . the Earl of Feversham , the Duke and Duchess of Roxburgh , the Duke and Duchess ot Bedford , Bro . the Marquis and Marchioness of Headfort , and Bro . Lord Arthur Hill , M . P .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
ASHBOURNE . Dove Valley Lodge ( No . 353 ) . —A meeting of this lodge vvas held at the Town Hall , on Monday , the 17 th inst . Present : Bros . VV . H . Tutt , VV . M . ; G . M . Bond , I . P . M . j J . H . Cooke , S . W . ; VV . Davenport , J . W . ; A . M . Wither , S . O . ; J . O . Farmer , J . O . ; Jno . Howell , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., Sec ; H . Brambles , R . of M . j
R . Brown , Tyler ; and others . I he lodge vvas opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . The ballot vvas taken for several brethren , and , being found clear , Bros . Greenslade and Hodgkinson , both Past Masters of No . 456 , being present , vvere duly advanced to the Degree of M . M . by the VV . M .
Apologies were received from Bros . Percy Wallis , P . G . D . England , P . P . S . G . W . ; J . T . Marple , M . O . j R . Beardmore , J . D . j F . Stone , S . D . j A . Stubbs , P . M ., P . P . G . O . j and others . The lodge vvas then closed , the brethren adjourning for refreshment to the Green Man Hotel , where a very pleasant evening vvas spent .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
Mount Calvary Chapter ( No . 3 ) . —This old chapter met at 33 , Golden-square , on the 14 th instant . Among those present vvere Bros . G . Graveley , C . E ., 30 , M . W . S . j Capt . T . C . Walls , P . M . W . S ., Recorder , acting Prelate ; H . J . Lardner , 30 ° , 1 st Gen . ; Major F . J . Stohwasser , 30 ° , 2 nd ben . j G . Greenwood , R . j Capt . Hawkins , Herald ; L . Steele , D . C ; N . Prower , M . A ., A . D . C . ; Dr . 0
E . M . Lott , 30 , Org . ; Roebuck , 31 , P . M . W . S . ; Dr . Collin , 30 , P . M . W . S . ; F . VV . Driver , M . A ., P . M . W . S . ; Major J . E . Anderson , 30 , P . M . W . S . j Dr . Jagielski , C Jackson , F . R . C . S ., VV . Maple , VV . Barkley , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot vvas taken on behalf of Bro . F .
Egbert Roberts , P . M . 917 , and it proving to be unanimous he vvas ably perfected by the M . W . S ., Bro . Dr . Lott ' s symphonies on the organ adding greatly to the impressiveness of the ceremonial . A vote of condolence was passed to 111 . Bro . VV . Paas , P . M . W . S ., Treas ., on the recent loss of his eldest son .
Apologies for non-attendance were received from 111 . Bros Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , 33 ° ; Capt . VV . B . Williamson , J . P ., 3 " ° ; W . Paas , 30 , P . M . W . S . ; F . Curlier , 30 ° , P . M . W . S . j D . Nicol , 30 , P . M . W . S . j E . and P . Bros ! C . VV . Tayleur , M . A ., P . M . W . S . j G . A . Berkeley , P . M . W . S . j Dr . Inglis , Pigache , H . Hills , Andrew Pears , 1 . Lamb-Smith , and others .
The names of two brethren having been proposed for perfection at the next meeting , and a communication from the Supreme Council read , the chapter vvas duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Cafe Royal . The M . W . S . presided most ably , and the pleasures of the proceedings were enhanced by the instrumental and vocal abilities of Bros . Dr . Lott and Egbert Roberts .
South Africa.
South Africa .
ALLIED MASONIC DEGREES . NATAL . Port Natal Council ( No . 14 ) . —This council met at Durban on the ioth ult . under the presidency of Bro . R . 1 . Finnemore . There vvere also present Bros . T . Cook , J . Schulz , M . D ., G . Leask , M . O . Sahlstrom , W . F . Stanton ,
and others . Bros . VV . H . Harris and L . E . S . Torgius , two approved candidates , vvere received and admitted to the Degrees of St . Lawrence the Martyr , Knights of Constantinople , and Red Cross of Babylon . Bro . G . Leask vvas installed as VV . M ., and appointed Bros . W . F . Stanton as S . VV . j VV . H . Harris as J . VV . j T . Cook , Treas . j M . O . Sahlstrom , C . j and L . E . S . Torgius , I . G .
Ireland .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . ENNISKILLEN . Tyrone and Fermanagh Preceptory . — Ihe usual quarterly meeting of this preceptory vvas held in the Town Hall , on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., Sir Knight VV . F . Jones , Eminent Preceptor , presided , assisted by Sir Knight Wm . Purdon , Registrar .
Comps . William Ritchie , R . Stover Holland , and William King-Edwards were installed by the Past Preceptor , Sir Knight O . Ternan , M . D ., assisted by the Eminent Preceptor , Sir Knight W . T . Jones , in amasterly and dignified manner . Ihe election of officers for 1 S 91 was then proceeded with , and the following vvere dul y elected : Sir Knights William Prudon , C . E ., P . J . G . D ., Eminent Preceptor *
, William Teele , J . P ., P . G . S ., Constable j Archibald Anderson , J . P ., P . G . D . of C , Marshal j C . E . R . A . Irvine , I . L . D ., Chaplain j Jos . L . Carson , Captain of Guards ; VV . F . Jones , C . P . S ., P . P ., P . P . S . G . W ., 18 , Treasurerj andO . Ternan , M . D ., P . P ., P . G . S ., 1 S , Secretary .
The general quarterly businesshaving been disposed of , the sir knights retired to a substantial banquet , and the evening was passed with knightly enjoyment . Amongst those present were Sir Knights Col . | ohn G . Irvine , J . P ., P . P ., P . D . G . M ., 18 ° j J . Athill , J . P . ; R . Roulstone , M . D . j Win . Gait , P . P . j and others .
The New Masonic Hall At Sidmouth.
The ceremony of opening the new Masonic Hall at Sidmouth vvas performed on the 6 th inst . The building consists of a spacious and handsome room and adjuncts , a reading room and library , used in connection vvith the
Sidmouth Literary Society , and a separate residence for the T yler . The premises are situated in Forestreet , and stand prominently in one of the best parts of the town , and Sidmouth folk , as well as the Freemasons , arc proud of the newly-erected edifice as a
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Provincial Meetings.
undoubtedly one of the most responsible and important it was in the power of the Prov . Grand Master to bestow , for much of the smoothness of the working of the ceremony at the meetings of Prov . Grand Lodge depended upon the skill and knowledge of the P . G . D . C , and he knew the brethren would all agree that a more efficient officer could not be found in the province than Bro . Gill , and all in that
lodge felt a peculiar gratification in the knowledge that Bro . Gill had been selected as the bearer of that honour to their lodge . He ( Bro . Haddon ) was also very pleased that it fell to his lot to ask the acceptance by Bro . Gill of a handsome breast jewel in gold , subscribed for by the brethren of his lodge as a small token of their appreciation of his zeal for Masonry , and also of his generosity ancl willing
helpfulness to the lodge at all times ; he could speak with confidence on the matter , for he had worked side by side vvith Bro . Gill from the very commencement of the working of the lodge , and at no time in its history had there been any occasion when Bro . Gill was not first and foremost in any and everything which would promote its welfare , and in affixing that jewel to his breast he trusted theG . A . O . T . U .
would grant him health and life that he might wear it for many years—as he vvas sure he always would wear itwith honour to himself , credit to his lodge , and as an emblem of Masonic love to the whole Craft . In response , Bro . Gill said that such a handsome mark of their esteem was so totally unexpected by him that he felt himself quite unable to express his thanks to the brethren
in suitable terms , but he would assure them that whatever he had done in the lodge or for the lodge had been a real pleasure to him , and he could not but be gratified beyond expression to know that the brethren so thoroughly appreciated it . He had received his Provincial Grand collar with exceeding pleasure , because , although he vvas not in any way insensible to the honour it conferred upon himself , he
regarded it more as a distinction bestowed upon the lodge , of which he esteemed it his great privilege to be a member . He could now only thank them , and express the desire that they might continue to work together in that spirit of love and harmony that had characterised the lodge since its consecration . The jewel , which is a very handsome one in gold ,
bore the following inscription on the reverse side : Presented to VV . Bro . John Gill by brethren of Lodge Fidelity and Sincerity , No . 19 G 6 , in high appreciation of his Masonic merits . Nov . Gth , 1 S 90 . " The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts completed the harmony of tlie evening .
WOOLWICH . Nelson Lodge ( No . 700 ) . —The opening meeting of the above powerful lodge since the installation of Bro . S . E . Southgate as VV . M . took place on Wednesday , the lyth inst ., at the Masonic Hall , William-slreet , and vvas remarkable especially for the large number of visitors present , no less than 34 signing the attendance book .
The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , Bros . Martin and Hill were passed , and Bro . Chennels raised , the work being admirably done by the W . M . and his officers . The long and valuable services of Bro . T . Butt , P . M ., as Treasurer—he having held the office for some 11 years—were recognised by the presentation to him of a handsome and costly
Treasurer's jewel , the W . M ., in presenting it , assuring Bro . Butt that the heartiest good wishes and esteem of every member of the lodge accompanied it , and he trusted he might live long to wear it . Bio . Butt , who vvas cheered repeatedly , briefly , but with deep feeling , returned thanks , and then the lodge was closed , and a handsomely served supper by Bro . Rymer vvas partaken of .
Among the other brethren present vvere Bros . VV . Webber , I . P . M . ; Rev . R . Jamblin , M . A ., P . M ., Hon . Chap ., P . P . G . Chap . ; J . Warren , P . M ., Sec ; J . H . Roberts , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Sweeting , P . M . ; J . Naylor , P . M . ; H . King , P . M . ; C Jolly , P . M . ( Hon . ) j J . McColIough , S . VV . j G . F . Taylor , J . VV . ; VV . Lawson , S . D . ; H . Tufnell , J . D . j G . Nichols . I . G . j VV . Bidgood , Org . ; G . H .
Porter , D . C . ; and H . Pammant , Stwd . Among the visitors vvere Bros . J . Aillud , P . M . G 15 , P . P . G . D . C . ; VV . Hewett , W . M . 957 ; J . Bell , W . M . 13 ; G . H . Letton , VV . M . 615 ; C . Watkins , P . M . 615 ; VV . Tailby , P . M . 13 ; T . Hosgood , P . M . 13 ; G . Davis , P . M . 13 ; T . Spalding , P . M . 1 G 43 ; W . Busbridge , S . W . 913 ; G . R . Cashfield , S . W . G 1-5 : A . Knight , S . VV . 1472 J VV . Sanders , J . VV . 013 ; C .
Goodwin , J . VV . G 15 j H . H . Burney , J . W . 169 ; A . Deans , S . D . 13 ; ' } . Palmer , J . Delo , R . Stephenson , VV . Wooster , VV . Turvey , and T . Reeves , ol 1472 ; C . Fewtre , 1457 ; J . Davidson , 13 ; J . Buchannan , 333 ; E . M . Taylor and j . Taylor , ot 913 ; L . Richards , 1901 j J . Marchant , 1 S 15 J J . Jolliffe , C . Howard , J . Skinner , and H . De Gray , of 13 ; and others .
The I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of "The VV . M ., " said he felt highly delighted , and must say , as that was their •W . M . ' s first effort in the chair , he had done remarkably well , and he trusted that he would have health and strength to follow up such a splendid success throughout the whole of his year of office . He would not say another word in his favour , but would ask them to show their appreciation by
their hearty reception of the toast . Bro . Southgate said he hardly knew how to thank them , but he thought the I . P . M . had said too much in his favour , for he was himself conscious of several errors in his working of the ritual , errors that he hoped to correct in thc future . He vvas sorry that his year of office had been ushered in by the death of an esteemed brother ( Bro . A .
Sanderson ) , and could assure them that it was the wish of the deceased ' s brother ( Bro . J . Sanderson ) that the singing at the festive board should not be relinquished . He was using that night an unique ivory gavel that had been presented the lodge by Bro . Butt , P . M ., the ivory of which it vvas made being from a tusk procured in the late Stanley
expedition for the relief of Emm Pasha . He concluded by again cordially thanking them . Bros . Warren and Roberts returned thanks for a warm reception of their names as Treasurer and Secretary , and the other loasts were interspersed vvith some excellent singing .
YORK . York Lodge ( No . 236 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge for the election of Master was held in Freemasons' Hall , Duncombe-street , on Monday , the 17 th inst ., when there were present Bros . C . M . Forbes , VV . M . ; T . S . Brogdtn , S . VV . ; E . VV . Purnell , J . W . ; J . Todd , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Foster , P . M ., Sec . ; E . Carter , J . D . ; M . Bryson , I . G . j C Linlcy , D . C . j F . VV . Laughton and
Provincial Meetings.
T . Archey , Stwds . ; J . Hall , Tyler ; A . Buckle , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; J . S . Rymer , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; G . Balmford ,
P . M ., P . P . G . O . ; T . G . Hodgson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; G . Garbutt , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; VV . Draper , P . M . ; S . Border , P . M ., Prov . G . R . ; M . Rooke , P . M ., P . P . CD . ; C . Anderson , F . S . Gramshaw , ] . A . A . Askew , T . J . Russell , H . J . Rudgard , VV . D . ' Rudgard , A . Jones , D . Scoby , T . Rawling , VV . N . Stimpson , J . K . Turner , A . F . King , A . M . White , H . Scott , A . Procter , J . Stead , E .
Houlden , J . Biscomb , T . Smith , H . Churchill , S . J . Crummack , and J . Rotherford . Visitors : Bros . George Lamb , VV . M ., W . ' Brown , P . M ., J . H . Shonksmith , J . W ., VV . H . Coates , P . Pearson , VV . Sykes , F . VV . Halliwell , J . L . Spetch , F . H . Vaughan , VV . T . Beckwith , J . Mears , Jas . Kay , G . A . Chapman , and J . T . Chambers , all of IGIIJ J . E . Wilkinson , VV . M ., C . Garrod , T . Latham , J .
Tomlinson , T . Laveiack , P . A . Hatfield , B . Kilvington , J . W . Dow , J . Booth , R . B . Gray , j . McGee , J . R . " Parkin , and T . Bullock , all of 199 1 j J . E . Jones , S . D ., Lieut .-Col . A . H . Russell , Rev . H . Lowther Clarke , H . L . Swift , S . VV ., and C . E . Wright , Sec , all of 2328 j and others . The lodge having been opened , the business of the election of Master was taken , and Bro . T . S . Brogden ,
S . W ., vvas chosen to fill the office . Bro . J . I odd , P . M ., vvas re-elected Treasurer for the 13 th time in succession . Both these brethren returned thanks for the trust reposed in them . Bro . Hall was re-appointed Tyler . Some other technical business connected with thc furnishing of the lodge was transacted , after which Bro . R . F . Gould , P . M . 2076 , P . G . D ., was introduced into the lodge , being
accompanied by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . M . 1611 , G . S . B . These brethren having taken their seats were saluted , and Bro . Gould then proceeded to deliver a lecture on "The Degrees of Pure and Ancient Freemasonry , " in the course of which he gave a retrogressive sketch of the Craft from the present timeto 1717 , referring tothe Old Regulationsof 1721 , and the repeal of Regulation 13 , the question as the division of the
Degrees , and the reason for the existence of " Masters ' Lodges , " the so-called Degree of Installed Master , and the ceremony of constitution of a lodge , the rise of other Degrees , the Royal Arch ancl its origin , & c , during the delivery of which address the brethren remained in rapt attention , and the " High Degree" brethren felt that they vvere historically nowhere , and that they had been consider ,
ably , even if good-naturedly , sat upon . At the conclusion of the address Bro . J . Todd , P . P . G . W ., Treasurer 236 , after a highly complimentary allusion to the interesting and instructive lecture delivered by Bro . Gould , and to his Masonic work and labours , especially with regard to his great " History of Freemasonry , " expressed the gratification it afforded the York brethren to meet face to
face and exchange fraternal greetings with a brother whose name was a household word in Freemasonry , and whose services to the Craft vvere known and appreciated throughout the Masonic world , and concluded by proposing a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Gould for his able lecture . The proposition vvas seconded by Bro . J . S . Rymer , P . P . G . R ., who expressed a wish that Bro . Gould would at
some future day visit York again and give them his opinion on early and media ; val Freemasonry . Bro . T . B . Whytehead , at the invitation of the VV . M . of the York Lodge , also expressed his appreciation of the lecture . The VV . M ., Bro . C M . Forbes , by whose kindness the lecture had been arranged , also expressed his gratification at the result of the gathering , and the resolution of thanks was carried by
acclamation . Bro . Gould , in reply , said that he regarded York as the Mecca of Freemasonry , and vvas proud of being an honorary member of the York , Eboracum , and Albert Victor Lodges , all of which bodies vvere represented that evening by their principal officers . It was one of the largest gatherings of the Craft to which he had lectured , and he would look forward to some future occasion on which he
might come to greet his York brethren again . The lodge vvas then closed , and the members entertained tlieir visitors in the banqueting-room , where the customary toasts were observed and speeches were delivered by Bros . C . M . Forbes , VV . M ., Joseph Todd , J . S . Rymer , S . Border , T . S . Brogden , R . F . Gould , T . B . Whytehead , ancl others , whilst songs and recitations by Bros . J . E .
Wilkinson , J . W . Dow , J . lodd , and others enlivened the proceedings , the pianoforte accompaniments being cleverly conducted by Bro . A . Sample . The installation of Bro . Brogden as VV . M . will take place on Monday , thc 15 th prox ., in Freemasons' Hall ,. Duncombe-street . On Tuesday morning , Bro . R . F . Gould vvas conducted
by Bro . Whytehead through the ruins of St . Mary's Abbey at York , and also to the Freemasons' Hall in St . Saviourgate , with the details of which he was much pleased . Before leaving York for Hull he again visited Freemasons' Hall in Duncombe-place , where he vvas met by Bro . Todd , who showed him the collection of old Constitutions and minutes of the Grand Lodge of All England .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Orpheus Chapter ( No . 1706 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Holborn Restaurant , on Saturday , the 15 th inst ., when there were present Comps . G . Cowell , M . E . Z . j P . H . Waterlow , H . j W . A . Barrett , P . G . O ., as J . ; R . Eve , P . G . T . j G . Cooper , P . Z ., P . A . G . S . ; VV . Ganz , P . Z ., P . G . O . ; Dr . Walmsley Little , H . Buny , II . J . Miller , 11 . R . Rose , and H . Dodd .
Visitors : Comps . Large , Dalzell , and Smith . The chapter having been opened , the installation then tcok place as follows : Comps . P . H . Waterlow , M . E . Z . ; F . VV . Imbert-Tcrry , H . j Little , J . ; R . Eve , Treas .: and G . Cowell , S . E . A handsome P . Z . ' s jewel ( manufactured by Comp . G . Kenning ) vvas presented to Comp , G . Cowell for his services during the past year , and foui
candidates for exaltation were proposed for next meeting . All business being ended , the companions sat down to a banquet provided under the personal supervision of Mr . Hamp , and it is hardly necessary to state that the singing and the musical arrangements , under the direction of Comp . Dr . Walmsley Little , were of thc most charming description ;
Among those who have come to town in connection vvith the meeting of Parliament are Bro . the Duke of Athole , Bro . the Earl of Feversham , the Duke and Duchess of Roxburgh , the Duke and Duchess ot Bedford , Bro . the Marquis and Marchioness of Headfort , and Bro . Lord Arthur Hill , M . P .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
ASHBOURNE . Dove Valley Lodge ( No . 353 ) . —A meeting of this lodge vvas held at the Town Hall , on Monday , the 17 th inst . Present : Bros . VV . H . Tutt , VV . M . ; G . M . Bond , I . P . M . j J . H . Cooke , S . W . ; VV . Davenport , J . W . ; A . M . Wither , S . O . ; J . O . Farmer , J . O . ; Jno . Howell , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., Sec ; H . Brambles , R . of M . j
R . Brown , Tyler ; and others . I he lodge vvas opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . The ballot vvas taken for several brethren , and , being found clear , Bros . Greenslade and Hodgkinson , both Past Masters of No . 456 , being present , vvere duly advanced to the Degree of M . M . by the VV . M .
Apologies were received from Bros . Percy Wallis , P . G . D . England , P . P . S . G . W . ; J . T . Marple , M . O . j R . Beardmore , J . D . j F . Stone , S . D . j A . Stubbs , P . M ., P . P . G . O . j and others . The lodge vvas then closed , the brethren adjourning for refreshment to the Green Man Hotel , where a very pleasant evening vvas spent .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
Mount Calvary Chapter ( No . 3 ) . —This old chapter met at 33 , Golden-square , on the 14 th instant . Among those present vvere Bros . G . Graveley , C . E ., 30 , M . W . S . j Capt . T . C . Walls , P . M . W . S ., Recorder , acting Prelate ; H . J . Lardner , 30 ° , 1 st Gen . ; Major F . J . Stohwasser , 30 ° , 2 nd ben . j G . Greenwood , R . j Capt . Hawkins , Herald ; L . Steele , D . C ; N . Prower , M . A ., A . D . C . ; Dr . 0
E . M . Lott , 30 , Org . ; Roebuck , 31 , P . M . W . S . ; Dr . Collin , 30 , P . M . W . S . ; F . VV . Driver , M . A ., P . M . W . S . ; Major J . E . Anderson , 30 , P . M . W . S . j Dr . Jagielski , C Jackson , F . R . C . S ., VV . Maple , VV . Barkley , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot vvas taken on behalf of Bro . F .
Egbert Roberts , P . M . 917 , and it proving to be unanimous he vvas ably perfected by the M . W . S ., Bro . Dr . Lott ' s symphonies on the organ adding greatly to the impressiveness of the ceremonial . A vote of condolence was passed to 111 . Bro . VV . Paas , P . M . W . S ., Treas ., on the recent loss of his eldest son .
Apologies for non-attendance were received from 111 . Bros Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , 33 ° ; Capt . VV . B . Williamson , J . P ., 3 " ° ; W . Paas , 30 , P . M . W . S . ; F . Curlier , 30 ° , P . M . W . S . j D . Nicol , 30 , P . M . W . S . j E . and P . Bros ! C . VV . Tayleur , M . A ., P . M . W . S . j G . A . Berkeley , P . M . W . S . j Dr . Inglis , Pigache , H . Hills , Andrew Pears , 1 . Lamb-Smith , and others .
The names of two brethren having been proposed for perfection at the next meeting , and a communication from the Supreme Council read , the chapter vvas duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Cafe Royal . The M . W . S . presided most ably , and the pleasures of the proceedings were enhanced by the instrumental and vocal abilities of Bros . Dr . Lott and Egbert Roberts .
South Africa.
South Africa .
ALLIED MASONIC DEGREES . NATAL . Port Natal Council ( No . 14 ) . —This council met at Durban on the ioth ult . under the presidency of Bro . R . 1 . Finnemore . There vvere also present Bros . T . Cook , J . Schulz , M . D ., G . Leask , M . O . Sahlstrom , W . F . Stanton ,
and others . Bros . VV . H . Harris and L . E . S . Torgius , two approved candidates , vvere received and admitted to the Degrees of St . Lawrence the Martyr , Knights of Constantinople , and Red Cross of Babylon . Bro . G . Leask vvas installed as VV . M ., and appointed Bros . W . F . Stanton as S . VV . j VV . H . Harris as J . VV . j T . Cook , Treas . j M . O . Sahlstrom , C . j and L . E . S . Torgius , I . G .
Ireland .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . ENNISKILLEN . Tyrone and Fermanagh Preceptory . — Ihe usual quarterly meeting of this preceptory vvas held in the Town Hall , on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., Sir Knight VV . F . Jones , Eminent Preceptor , presided , assisted by Sir Knight Wm . Purdon , Registrar .
Comps . William Ritchie , R . Stover Holland , and William King-Edwards were installed by the Past Preceptor , Sir Knight O . Ternan , M . D ., assisted by the Eminent Preceptor , Sir Knight W . T . Jones , in amasterly and dignified manner . Ihe election of officers for 1 S 91 was then proceeded with , and the following vvere dul y elected : Sir Knights William Prudon , C . E ., P . J . G . D ., Eminent Preceptor *
, William Teele , J . P ., P . G . S ., Constable j Archibald Anderson , J . P ., P . G . D . of C , Marshal j C . E . R . A . Irvine , I . L . D ., Chaplain j Jos . L . Carson , Captain of Guards ; VV . F . Jones , C . P . S ., P . P ., P . P . S . G . W ., 18 , Treasurerj andO . Ternan , M . D ., P . P ., P . G . S ., 1 S , Secretary .
The general quarterly businesshaving been disposed of , the sir knights retired to a substantial banquet , and the evening was passed with knightly enjoyment . Amongst those present were Sir Knights Col . | ohn G . Irvine , J . P ., P . P ., P . D . G . M ., 18 ° j J . Athill , J . P . ; R . Roulstone , M . D . j Win . Gait , P . P . j and others .
The New Masonic Hall At Sidmouth.
The ceremony of opening the new Masonic Hall at Sidmouth vvas performed on the 6 th inst . The building consists of a spacious and handsome room and adjuncts , a reading room and library , used in connection vvith the
Sidmouth Literary Society , and a separate residence for the T yler . The premises are situated in Forestreet , and stand prominently in one of the best parts of the town , and Sidmouth folk , as well as the Freemasons , arc proud of the newly-erected edifice as a